Calvary Chapel Bremerton - Sunday Service

What is Calvary Chapel Bremerton - Sunday Service?

Listen to Rick Beaudry, Pastor of Calvary Chapel Bremerton, teach the Word of God cover to cover, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. Be edified and built up in your faith with solid Bible teaching. New episodes on Mondays in the Pacific Standard Timezone.

1st Corinthians chapter 14 verses 6 through 25 would you please stand with me as we read God's Holy Word together 1st Corinthians 14 verses beginning with verse 6 now brethren if I come unto you speaking with tongues what shall I profit you except I speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine and even these things without life giving sound whether pipe or harp except they give a distinction in the sounds how shall it be known what is piped or harp for if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle so likewise ye except ye utter by the tongues words easy to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken for ye shall speak into the air there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without signification therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice I shall be unto him that speak of the barbarian and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me even so ye for as much as you are zealous of spiritual gifts seek that you may excel to the edifying of the church wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret for for if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prays but my understanding is unfruitful what is it then I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the understanding also else when thou shalt bless with the spirit how shall he that occupied the room of the unlearned say amen at thy giving of thanks seeing he understandeth not what thou sayeth for thou verily give us thanks well but the others not edified I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding that my voice I might teach others also than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue brethren be not children understanding how be it in malice be children but an understanding be men in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people and yet for all that will they not hear me sayeth the Lord wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believeth not but prophesying serveth not for them that believeth not but for them which believe if therefore the whole church become together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that thou art mad but if all prophesy and there come in one that believeth not and one unlearned he is convict convinced of all he is judged of all and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face he will worship God and report that God is in you of a truth father thank you for your holy word we pray that you'd make sense of all this Lord that you would teach us that you'd open the scriptures to our understanding help us Lord to do everything decently in an order help us to not go to the left or the right but stay in the middle in a balanced approach Lord entering in desirous of all the gifts that you have for us but Lord exercising them Lord in a decent orderly manner Lord so make us charismatic make us the spirituals Lord let us enter into all that you have but also Lord help us to stay on that straight narrow path no matter how high we jump help us to walk straight when we when we land Lord in Jesus name we pray amen would you please be seated 1st Peter 4 11 if any men speak let them speak as the oracles of God we saw last week in the first five verses speak to edify this morning the second point to speak to educate verses 6 through 19 he says now brethren if I come into you speaking with tongues what shall I profit you except I shall speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine so communication is essential we're wanting to connect with people we need to be able to connect and so if you're in the dark you need a revelation you need light to help you if you're in the dark if you're ignorant which much of the church today is ignorant you need knowledge you need the information if you lack direction you need prophecy you need the foretelling of God's Word if you have knowledge but you don't know how to use it you need doctrine you need instruction you need wisdom so Paul is speaking to Timothy 2 Timothy 2 15 speaking to a young pastor and he says to study to show yourself approved that word approved means you're going through the fire and you're you're able to handle the scripture you have a good working knowledge of the scripture study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth and so there is no excuse for somebody that calls himself to be a pastor to not be a student of God's Word we all start at the beginning we all start you know maybe you get a young pastor I die and you get a brand-new pastor and he starts out and he's brand-new in the scriptures maybe but he still needs to be a man of the scriptures and you patient with him as he continues to study there's no way you should ever let him wimp out and let him get away with not teaching the Bible don't let him introduce a book we're gonna do a book study don't let him get away with it you you know what the job requires you know what this occupation this calling requires from Genesis to Revelation you're gonna expect him to feed the sheep if he feels inadequate get in line we all feel inadequate who is sufficient for these things Paul asked our sufficiency is of Christ so many a nights many a times hours and hours and hours of study to get ready to be able to bring forth a sermon and so no wimping out no wimping out saying well you know I can't teach the book of Revelation because I was never taught it well you shouldn't be in the pulpit then you should go back to school you should spend some time studying before you ever get into the pulpit you know no wimping out nobody can ever get away with saying one-third of the Bible we're not going to teach because after all I didn't study it well it's time to study it get studying study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that need not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth the people need the revelation they need the knowledge they need the prophecy they need the doctrine they need the solid teaching of God's Word and 2nd Timothy 316 tells us what you to bring all scripture all scripture is given by inspiration of God it means the scriptures God breathed God breathed that all scriptures given by inspiration and guess what Freud and Freud and all the different little rudimentary behavioral sciences are not God breathed okay it's constantly changing like the wind and that the study of human nature let me give you a lesson on human nature we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God in me that is my flesh dwells no good thing you're not gonna rehab me by giving me 10 steps or 20 steps or hooking electrodes to my head and shocking me or taking an ice pick and and give me a lobotomy you know you're not you're not gonna you're not gonna change me in that way you're not gonna change me by putting a chip in my head I have a nature a fallen nature that I inherited from Adam and the only solution to that fallen nature is Jesus I need to get to know Jesus and the only way I get to know Jesus is all scriptures given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine so there's my there's the content there's there's what I'm supposed to be studying the 66 books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation I'm gonna get my doctor and I'm gonna get my body of teaching from the Word of God for doctrine for reproof why do I need the Word of God for reproof because we do things that are wrong and I need to be confronted with aberrant behavior wrong behavior wrong attitude so you're gonna reprove me with the Word of God faithful are the wounds of a friend kisses of an enemy or deceitful if you truly love me you're gonna use the scripture to reprove me for for doctor approved for correction so you're gonna correct me for instruction and righteousness that the man of God may be equipped I need to be equipped I need to have the goods I need to have the body of doctrine to be able to determine what's right and what's wrong in the world in which we live may be equipped for every good work so it's the Word of God that's illuminating my heart and mind it's the Word of God that's transforming and changing me and helping me to understand what God's will is for my life in Matthew 1125 Jesus said I thank Thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because Thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent the religious leaders the religious leaders didn't get it they weren't connecting Jesus would teach he'd demonstrate but it just wasn't getting through to these guys and you revealed them unto babes unto the babes the Jesus looked upon the multitudes and he looked with compassion because they were sheep as sheep having no shepherds the shepherds had abandoned them the same way as in Jeremiah's day the religious leaders abandoned the sheep the false prophets were preying upon the sheep fleecing the sheep but not teaching not feeding the sheep and so too in the time of Christ but the babes that the people were were hungry for God's Word and said never a man spake this way they were amazed at the way that Jesus taught the way that Jesus you know brought forth the Word and what was the difference they were willing are you teachable are you do you have a teachable spirit if you're not teachable willingness to learn then you know you're not going to be able to to weather it here at Calvary Bremerton you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna find a place that is more conducive to whatever it is you're looking for but when we come through that door there we're coming here because we're a teaching church a Bible teaching church that's why we're here it's no surprise been doing it for almost 30 years and it's becoming more and more rare as time goes on but I'm so thankful that there's still a few people here that want to know God's Word it's a blessing for me to be able to have somebody to you know to teach God's Word to study God's Word and to teach I have no visions of grandeur this church is never going to grow in the way that I teach never going to happen because the people don't want it there's an apostasy of falling away from the truth taking place and so I'm I'm I'm not going to knock on doors in Kitsap County and ask people with a survey of what they want in the church not going to happen that's what Rick Warren did close to 30 years ago he knocked on doors and what he found is people want small little tiny you know very little amount of the word and they want lots of music and they want to feel good about themselves so what he did is he took Protestantism and caused it to focus on Catholicism to get the Protestant Church the apostate fall away falling away Protestant Church which Martin Luther is based upon doctrine the just shall live by faith but no we're going to change it back to works and so he he coined a phrase it's deeds not creeds creeds is teaching so he wanted to get the churches away from teaching and focus more on a social gospel of doing good deeds and Bill Hybels before him would preach sermonettes for Christianettes and their their emphasis was upon the seekers get the seekers in well that's not the objective we preach to the unbeliever we preach the gospel but we're to go and make disciples of all nations which means there to be students the pastor is to teach the Word of God to educate to educate the body of Christ so when years ago when the mayor of Bremerton were downtown he says well what you know what what is your church like what's it like and I says well it would be like a high school or a college class people coming to learn the Word of God and we teach you know every night of the week back then and Wednesdays in the Old Testament and and Sunday morning Sunday night you know in the New Testament and new believers classes on Monday nights and ladies classes men's classes and always the content is the Word of God going through the Word of God and then outreach concerts and outreach efforts to the unbelievers and prophecy conference and marriage marriage retreats and stuff to strengthen the marriages and all we we try to cover it all but everything was based upon the teaching of the Word of God even if we have a let let's say the craze right now is pickleball pickleball you guys want to learn how to pickleball or softball we're going to have a Christian softball league before we get out there and pitch the ball or do anything with the ball we're gonna have a little Bible study we're gonna bring the Word of God and you're gonna be able to get a bunch of guys and normally don't like the Word of God but if Calvary Bremerton's doing a pickleball we're gonna open the pickle jar we're gonna eat some pickles right we're gonna we're gonna eat the Word of God doesn't have to be an hour long but a little devotional little time of getting into the word to focus and maybe a little bit of the gospel if we know that we've got some unbelievers there and that God's using the hook he's using debate as pickleball to get them there we want to share the good news of Jesus Christ invite guys to church and all church leagues and and of course Calvary Bremerton to smoke all the other churches we'd be the best at it right because we're competitive right we get the trophies get the t-shirt but you gotta be teachable when I was in school you know grade school high school and all that I was teachable to a point because it was imposed upon me I had to and then there's certain certain studies certain classes that get a hold of you and you're curious and and you want to learn more but when I became a Christian holy moly something something really changed in me a voracious appetite began to develop and wanting to know Jesus it wasn't just facts knowing about the Bible knowing about Jesus but getting to know Jesus that desire within me teachable spirit that I'd go to church and pastor Chuck is my teacher would take me through the scriptures and just the way that I began to grow and get to know him and I quoted for you last week second Peter chapter 1 I'm gonna do it this morning because a lot of times people today they'll say that the Bible is inadequate all scripture is given by inspiration of God it is profitable for document for proof for correction for instruction righteous that the man of God may be equipped thoroughly furnished for every good work and yet people say well wait a minute who wrote the Bible men wrote the Bible notes it's God bringing they recorded they wrote down what what the Holy Spirit was imposing or transmit transmitting to them inspiring them and and as it's written down then we trans we translate into other languages and we have the Word of God and it's not the Word of minutes it's the Word of God you have to have a confidence in the infallibility the inerrancy of God's Word that you can base your life upon and so when when I was in school of ministry for instance I had a teacher that came in there was a psychiatrist and he began to undermine the confidence that that we as Christians were gonna have in the Word of God and he began to try and impose upon us that there's new studies and new things that we're learning you know and in part of this was a born-again lesbians and they were having problems in their communication and what would you guys do if you had a woman that called you and said I'd like you to meet with my partner we're having trouble in our marriage we're having trouble in our relationship well what is a problem in communication and then I raised my hand and I say well doc the problem is not communication the problem is they need to be born again and then all the guys turned around there's 24 guys at that time they turned around laughed at me mocked me by the end of the second year he was gone and there was only 13 students to graduate after after that pretty basic pretty basic the problem isn't communication number one that relationships not a godly relationship they need to be born again they need to come to repentance real simple real simple for me but this guy was bringing it along as it's new information this is new we got new insights no that's nothing new about that just as old as as sin as sin as sin as sin you're not gonna change marriage marriage is God's idea I don't care if it's Obama says you got it wrong no marriage is what God says one man one woman one lifetime the two coming together as one so we don't need to be confused about gender or marriage or any of these things that the Lord lays out so 1st Peter 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 3 verse 2 grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God of our Lord Jesus Christ of our Lord of Jesus our Lord according as his divine power notice has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue so I'm able to say doc there's no inadequacy here we got everything we need for life and godliness right here in the Word of God the Creator of the universe has instructed us that you're gonna have everything you need if you purpose to get to know my son through the study of his Word everything will be there he's given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us unto glory and virtue whereby are given unto us exceedingly great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature remember how we started out talking about where a fallen nature what's the solution you need a new nature if any man be in crisis a new creation the old things about those lesbians need a new heart as we sang creating me a clean heart Oh God they're just like an adulterer a fornicator a thief or a liar we need a new nature we need to be Nicodemus you must be born again there's the solution having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust and so don't ever ever ever let anybody try to convince you that the Word of God's inadequate that these guys are smarter now than Jesus pastor Chuck tells the story of a guy that said well you know we've got more information than Jesus now and pastor Chuck hung the phone up I can't talk to anybody that's got smarter than Jesus you know and so you try your best but um and what's funny about about the whole psychiatry thing that the church has brought in they bring psychiatry into the church the self-help the feel-good therapeutic messages it's always changing the Word of God doesn't change change is not the problems are the same the solutions are the same throughout all of history you're a sinner in need of a Savior you're filled with pride God's gonna humble you it's not your communication it's your selfishness and the Word of God is God transforms and changes us we're able to be transformed a metamorphosis change of the image of Christ when when it was codependency you know they ran with that when it was self-esteem they ran with that when it was a depression based upon poor serotonin you know levels there's no test for serotonin diabetes there's a test no test for serotonin is subjective and now years later after fighting that and so many people leave in the church because I saw it undermining my relationship with Jesus I saw it undermining the joy of the Lord which is our strength I want people to know that depression discouragement is normal this idea that you're always going to be up is a fallacy and so I take you to Psalm 42 why art thou cast down on my soul why art thou disquieted within me David's talking to himself you ever talked to yourself how many voices are talking back careful there careful hope thou in God he gives the solution get your eyes off yourself if you're looking within you're going to get depressed if you're looking at the soap operas and comparing yourself you're going to get discouraged and depressed but if you focus upon Jesus and just focus on falling more in love with him and getting to know him pretty soon the fruit of the Spirit is joy and love and peace the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 so what happens what's the dynamic when I come to church and I get my eyes off myself and I begin to worship hook me up to something hook me up to something and look at the brainwaves and the chemistry the chemicals that come into my gut rather than bitterness and anger and dejected there's something clicking there's something changing in me where I'm getting my eyes off myself now I'm worshiping the true living God my focus is upon him there's there's some chemistry taking place we agree we agree to a certain degree there's chemistry in the brain good and evil good good and bad as a man thinketh in his heart so is he what you're thinking what are you thinking on what are you meditating on what are you allowing into your you know your ears your eyes in Psalm 1 it says blessed oh how happy is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law does he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree that's planted by the rivers that bring forth its fruit and in a season at least shall not wither whatsoever he do it shall prosper takes time doesn't have an overnight God's concerned in changing you from within like that tree the the life the vine and where the branches and the fruit emanates but the ungodly are not so but are like the chaff which the wind drives away don't settle for a impotent Jesus don't settle for an impotent Christianity that doesn't have the power to transform and change you and to change your marriage don't settle for the rudimentary philosophies of this world as Paul writing to the Church of Colossae always changing then they move in a direction where all right these pharmaceuticals aren't working we can't we can't hold you together we're gonna have to give you more and more and then what then they admit they admit recently all these years of fighting this they admit recently I did nothing for serotonin levels there's a lie let me tell you something I went on a cruise one time a pastor's cruise and I went to a meeting in Seattle with pastors and I brought this topic to him it'd be like bringing in kovat right now they don't want to talk about it and what I discovered was the pastors and the pastors wives were all on the psychotropic drugs boy were they mad at me really difficult really hard to find somebody that would let that go so my question is what difference is that then you smoke in your weed or drink in your alcohol to be able to cope with life if Jesus is inadequate if the life of the Spirit's inadequate let's just pack it up and get get out of here let's go do something else but he's more than adequate isn't he it's been so hard to watch the dummy and down it's been so hard to watch the apostasy the falling away from the truth when I know that I know that I know what he's done for me what he's done for my family what he's done to so many people throughout history and what he continues to want to do through the gospel Paul said I'm not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes to the Jew first and also to the Gentile for therein is the righteousness of God revealed where within the gospel you want to be right with God respond to the gospel and it's not a 20 percenter and then you need 80 percent help from the world is 100% he's the only one that can transform and change you from within if you have a physiological problem that's different get the broken arm fixed but behavioral can't measure the behavioral they don't have the means they don't know why some of us are prone to depression or discouragement and such and others you know maybe it's maybe it's you need more sunshine maybe you need to move to California maybe maybe you need to move somewhere where you have the greater amount of sunshine to help you you know get through these winters here it is it's ominous it's difficult it can be real difficult but all I know is that body soul and spirit if I do what I can with my body with exercise and eating right soul is the mind the will the emotions if it was what I'm allowing into my life with the Word of God and my spirit and no matter how difficult it is to live here for some others no problem at all you're ready to start the fire going again you like the rain well others of us we endure but we're not going to wimp out we're not going to quit we're not going to leave our post and it's in those dark times those difficult times that our roots grow deeper into Jesus because we depend and rely upon him even greater extent life's easy for me when I'm riding my bike along the beach what do I need to draw near to Jesus but when life gets tough when life's difficult I mean I I need to draw closer I need to draw near this isn't a picnic this isn't a game it's difficult doing the church here for 30 years in Kitsap County there's a lot of dying to self my outward man's perishing but my inward man's being renewed day by day that's a work of God's Spirit Proverbs 16 16 says how much better it is to get wisdom than gold and to get understanding rather than to be chosen than to be chosen than silver the psalmist 119 11 he says thy word have I hid in my heart that it might not sin against thee in our home Jesus is the head of our home every decision that we make every thought is taken captive to the obedience of Christ if I disobey Jesus Kathy he'll call me on it she does not have to submit to me we both are in submission to Jesus we learn right and wrong by being in fellowship with Jesus our life is built upon him he's the rock he's the foundation of our life and it's been tested with storm after storm after storm but we just draw closer the devil uses it to drive us away from the Lord but the Lord uses it to draw us ever closer in his jealous love for us he's more than enough he's more than adequate nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus verse 7 and even things without life-giving sound whether pipe or harp except they give a distinction in sounds how shall it be known what is piped or harp so music has notes anybody can play a guitar I can strum the guitar I can beat on some drums I can blow a trumpet I can blow the shofar but for some it's just noise all your hearings noise because I don't hit the right notes because I don't know how to play I don't have a musical ear so can anyone here can anyone understand me as I'm beating on the drums or blowing the trumpet he says verse 8 for if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle Amos 3 6 says shall a trumpet be blown in the city and the people not be afraid so a message in the music we need a message in the music we need the trumpet to do reveille you know we need the trumpet to get people up the soldiers up in the morning we need a trumpet to sound the alarm the emergency broadcast system to let everybody know we're under attack it doesn't have to be mushy it doesn't have to be you know inarticulate there there needs to be a sound that's known that means this communicating and in our Christian music in our worship music there needs to be a message in the music and it doesn't always have to be a song a love song for your girlfriend it can be a love song directed toward Jesus it can include the cross the song can include the blood the song can include suffering and his faithfulness and his comfort themes within the scripture themes within the Bible that many want to gloss over and they just want the warm fuzzies rather than a depth of communication a depth of understanding of of weeping before the Lord in memory of the cross and in knowing his love for us so likewise ye except ye utter by by the tongue where it's easy to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken for you shall speak into the air so keep it simple preach Christ connect kiss keep it simple stupid speak things that people can understand Paul says in 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 3 he says but I fear less by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted for the simplicity that is in Christ that the false prophets would bring a different Jesus they bring a different spirit that they bring a different gospel and Paul saying I've espoused you to one husband even Christ that I can present you as a chase version unto Christ I don't want you to be seduced by the wicked one by the false prophets they get you off kilter that presented different Jesus that's why I've told you over and over and over again something I learned from Walter Martin 30 years ago more than 30 years ago one of the ways the Colts the number one way the Colts are identified as a coal is they preach a different Jesus even when you go to Israel and there's a guide there a Jewish guide he can present Jesus as the Son of God but not God and that's a you gotta catch that and the knock at the door in the beginning was the word the word was with God the word was a God in their Bible you gotta catch that the present a different Jesus so you've got to know John 1 as the deity of Christ is proven in John 1 and you've got to confront them with it you've got to take them over to Colossians 1 and again prove the deity of Christ in Colossians 1 you take him to Hebrews chapter 1 and again you prove the deity of Christ and if they can handle anymore you bring them to Revelation chapter 1 and you prove the deity of Christ you don't give into a different Jesus you don't give into the Jesus of the new global religious system that's coming where we all worship the same God inclusiveness everybody included no we preach the exclusivity of Jesus Christ he's the way the truth and the life no man comes the father but by him why because he is crucified buried raised himself from the dead end of story destroy this temple in three days I'll raise it up Buddha Mohammed Confucius the Pope's all the pretenders none of them can say destroy this temple in three days I'll raise it up and actually do it they could say it but they can't come through no man takes my life from me I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again who can speak like that and back it up only our Jesus and then they come with a different spirit not just a different Jesus but a different spirit the spirit of the age of the age of Antichrist men's love of self men's love of the world the things of the world we're told explicitly don't love the world love not the things of the world love of the world is enmity with God you're an enemy of God if you're in love with this world the little g-god of the world Satan Lucifer is the little g-god of this world the world was promised to Jesus if he bowed down and worship Lucifer Jesus said no way no shortcut I'm going by way of the cross this world's mine by right of creation and Adam forfeited it as our first federal head but I'm the last Adam and I'm gonna go by way of the cross and I'm going to redeem this planet with my blood in a different gospel to Galatians chapter 1 Paul's talked about them being bewitched the Galatians you're so quickly you're bewitched that you believe a different gospel if we if somebody comes along any of our guys or even an angel were to come along the angel Moroni with a different gospel let him be accursed don't follow a false gospel so it's incumbent upon you and I to be taught to learn the first time that I was I encountered a Jehovah's Witness at the door she was she was much stronger than me in the scriptures false scriptures but she was she I didn't know how to respond I didn't I wasn't as it's a brand-new babe in Christ but one thing I did have going for me is I read the gospel of John and when she says in the beginning was the word the word was with God the word was a God boom red flag went up discernment and I said no no that a isn't in my Bible that a isn't in there you put that in there but after that I really couldn't defend much much else but that was enough that was enough right there that was enough so what it did is it compelled me to go back now and to study to show myself to be approved I never ever ever wanted to encounter someone and be in that in that situation again where I didn't have a working knowledge of the scripture so every question everything she brought up I went through and and tried to understand what I believe and why I believe it questions are good that kind of stimulation is good if it compels us to get into the word if you're indifferent you don't care something wrong with you the debate about the rapture you shouldn't believe in the rapture just because I believe in the rapture all these people running around saying there the rapture isn't even in the Bible in the Tim LaHaye series and left behind series and all that you should be a student of the Word of God and be certain I'm 100% certainty that the rapture is a pre-trib rapture promise and when they say hey the word rapture is in the Bible you should be able to say the word Trinity isn't in the Bible and guess what the word Bible isn't in the Bible but in Greek if you can read Greek it's a Greek word harpato in Latin rapturous where in English we get rapture so quit arguing from such an ignorant position the teaching of the rapture covers a lot of different verses the cohesiveness if you will the blessed hope the Millennium you should you should be able to understand what do we mean by a Millennium what do we mean is it the third right that Hitler wanted is Jesus gonna rule and reign for a thousand years is Isaiah 11 a picture of the reverse of the curse and the animals lying down with the children for a thousand years Jesus ruling reigning from Jerusalem what about hell can you explain hell is hell a place where a person is burned up and no more is hell a place where they get a second chance a purgatory maybe little compartment there for him what is hell where the worm dieth not and the fires never quenched the lake of fire a place that was prepared for the devil and the fallen angels not for humanity but if humanity doesn't want Jesus if they don't want heaven if they don't want Jesus then they can go through door number two their choice I think I said it last week I might have said it at the Monday night Bible study but a guy really got my attention when he said if the Lord were to open the doors of hell to let people out they wouldn't leave is that mind-blowing people so hate God that they chose hell because God doesn't predestine or send anybody to hell they go to hell because they reject Jesus they hate Jesus that's mind-boggling that's hard to comprehend so keep it simple connect preach Christ there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them without signification so each language is important each and every language in 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 we're told in the last days that many would depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons different voices different influences therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice I shall be unto him that speaks a barbarian he that speaks shall be a barbarian unto me so it's the bar bar somebody speak to me in Mandarin Chinese I don't know Mandarin Chinese and I speak back to him in English and it's bar bar bar bar we're not understanding each other we can't connect we might try to use sign language we might try to point at things write things nowadays how are they going to have a one-world religious system and a one-world language will it be artificial intelligence can you travel now and speak into your phone and it translates to somebody else in their language the Tower of Babel relived so he's saying here if you're speaking in that way it's not connecting so the arrogance of the Catholic Church early on speaking their masses in Latin Latin was the upper echelon the educated people within the culture Koine Greek was the language of the of the common people and the Bible is written in Koine Greek and so in an English-speaking community to go to church a Catholic Church the arrogant intellectualism of the priests who study Latin to speak only in Latin well what are you connecting with the people in the audience how come you're telling them they don't need to read their Bible that the Pope interprets it for him that will tell you what to do that's a means of control that's keeping the Word of God out of the people's hands so the people couldn't directly hear from God there's one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus you don't have to go through Mary you don't have to go through a priest or a pastor or any religious person you can boldly come before his throne of grace in your time of need he's your Heavenly Father he's your Abba and you come expecting him to give you the Holy Spirit to them that ask keep asking keep seeking keep knocking when you go through a seminary cemetery one of the things they say is it usually takes about two years after you've been in seminary to be used of God because once you come out you're you have that intellectual arrogance you're trying to throw around Greek words and and things that people don't know what you're saying but boy you got theological terms making you sound really really smart well keep it simple stupid connect with the people take the cookies off the top shelf and bring them down where the kids can get Adam right make sure that you're acknowledging that people are various different levels of learning so you've got to have some milk you got to have some veggies some meat carnivores lots of meat keep feeding them right help them to grow and make it understandable take difficult concepts difficult truths and simplify them speak in their own language give illustrations and illustrations a window to the truth Jesus would speak in parables and illustrations to cause the truth to be seen in their own culture and things that they that they everyday occurrences things are well aware of he says verse 12 even so ye for as much as you're zealous of spiritual gifts seek that you may excel to the edifying of the church so build his sheep up by educating them feed them make them the most loved and the best fed sheep in the community not the biggest church the more of the Bible you teach Rick Warren and the church growth movement discovered and they told their pastors this as they come together over 450,000 of them go to pastors dot com to get their sermons for Sunday morning that's why you'll notice these Rick Warren rebranded churches whether they're AOG or Baptist or whatever they are they stay with the similar themes come into the community whatever the recent talking points are could be politics right now I don't know but in any event they get these sermons by going to pastors dot com and what they taught the guys in these church growth seminars is verse by verse teaching is death to a church why because they knocked on the doors and the people said we don't want to study the Word of God it's the people the more of the Bible you teach the smaller your church will be so where am I going to get my marching orders as a pastor from you you gonna hold your ties or or leave if I teach too much of the word leverage me gonna take me aside when I'm outside there and tell me hey you you did three sermons that's too much of the word church I'm from I've watched it over 30 years I've watched the dummy and down I've watched people fall more and more in love with the world and less and less with the Word of God I've watched the apostasy the departure from the truth take place so simultaneously there's people in every community who would be what Jim Raquel calls a remnant church that can't find a church that teaches the Bible anymore a remnant church is a smaller group of people in this pocket in this place if I'm in Southern California I could have a much larger church because the foundation has been laid that the Word of God is the foundation and the radio station and all the other pastors helping me would make it dominant in some ways even though Rick Warren was just down the street 25,000 people going at it with his way there's still a bunch of Calvary chapels and Bible teaching churches and the radio stations and such that you still have people being disciples learning the Word of God but here when we first came here we tried to get the CSN the Calvary Satellite Network you know here and we put money in and got the license and waited for it to come up and all and 88.9 and the Calvary chapels used to be on there exclusively and then the Calvary chapels got in a big fight so now there's a few Calvary chapel guys and now it's the Christian Satellite Network and it was it was it was becoming a standard that everything else would be measured by because the people when they hear the Word of God it resonates they know this is what I'm looking for I'm looking for the Word of God and I'm not finding it I can't find the church that teaches it well the Calvary Satellite was helping me and then they blew up and the whole Rick Warren thing came in and the churches went that way and they rebranded and they changed their names and they come with this whole therapeutic feel-good messages it's social justice doing good deeds in the community it's not learning the Word of God it's not teaching prophecy it's not people having a hope of the rapture and the soon return of Jesus Christ very difficult but am I going to change no we're two or more gathered in his name there he is in the midst we were down to less than 10 people at one point we had 86 kids in our Sunday school and I don't know how many adults maybe a couple hundred and we got all the way down to under 10 I asked Kathy this morning when we're driving in I said how do you do it how do you do this I just keep going Rick I just keep going what's that mean that means you humble yourself and you walk by faith every time you're discouraged every time people have a lame excuse you keep going you keep doing what Jesus has told you to do you be faithful there's nothing more important than loving and feeding the sheep not fleecing them you will never hear a sermon here that you hear every week in these churches where they're fleecing people for money and the people love it so they will give the money if the pastor tells them what they want to hear because they have itchy ears the only time we mention money is when as we're going through the Bible we come to the topic of money we want to feed the sheep not fleece them and we're not ashamed of the topic of money because where a man's treasure is there was heart be also Jesus spoke a lot about money he just didn't do it every time he met with people overwhelming him he didn't represent God as being broke and unable to pay his bills one of the earmarks of a false prophet is he'll make merchandise of you you're just a commodity they take marketing classes learn how to market the people rather than feed the people Acts chapter one the former treatise have I made O Theophilus as Luke is writing of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach well Rick Warren we are to do its deeds and its creeds we're to do and we're to teach in first Timothy 3 verse 2 when Paul's given the description of the qualifications for a bishop a bishop is a pastor but a bishop is an overseer of other pastors and then you have pastor in the Ephesians 4 you have elder which is also pastor next 20 these are people that oversee the spiritual needs of the people you have deacons who minister in Acts 6 to the physical needs of the people and the disciples said we're going to give ourselves to the Word of God in prayer so that we can minister to the spiritual needs of the people less we get so busy waiting on the tables and the distribution of the goods and stuff so we've got Philip we've got Stephen we've got other men that can do this deaconing and they're very powerful guys in the word also very powerful Philip the evangelist and Stephen boy Stephen ripped him he ripped all those religious leaders didn't he but the bishop one of the qualifications is apt to teach he should be able to teach the Word of God that's the qualification in first Timothy 411 Paul said to Timothy these things command and teach in Matthew 28 19 the Great Commission not the great omission they're a commission commandment Jesus said go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you and along with you always even the end of the age we're a teaching ministry we have our mandate we have our marching orders to go and teach that's why the church developed schools that's why the church developed in America colleges they were started out as Christian colleges and the churches were the schoolhouse and the first Bible that our US government you know allowed to be printed was more Bibles get the guffy readers and all that later but the children learned to read from the Bible and then what happened in America the people in the 50s the unbelievers in the 50s were more moral than Christians are today the ones in the 50s would know that if a presidential candidate said you got 15 weeks to do your abortion that he's not worth voting for the unbelievers in the 50s knew that adultery was wrong the murders wrong and that murder couched in abortion funded by the US government is not a woman's right of her reproductive rights that's an unbeliever would know that much in the 50s why because the Word of God was in the schools in the 50s the Ten Commandments were in the schools what happened Lyndon Baines Johnson almost lost an election in the 50s as a senator from Texas so he passed a ran a law through that would deceive the church but basically a separation of church and state a 501c3 tax-exempt status you can't talk about government you can't talk about politics you can't talk about the secular world but you'll have a monopoly in your little secret churches and we won't tax you well you're never taxed at that point anyway just by definitions of a church you never had to pay taxes you provided so many services in the community as a church but you got duped and then what came next with that privilege that money in 61 and 63 they removed the Bible and prayer from the schools the sexual revolution exploded in the 60s families all of society rocked and reeling television from the 50s into the 60s began to come into the home of every American changing the way people think started out with Ricky and Lucy sleeping in separate beds with pajamas up to here and then pretty soon you got three's company you're changing gradually changing the way people think as a man thinketh in his heart so is he Amos said there's a famine on the land for the hearing of the word of God you need to hear this there's a famine on the land for the hearing of the word of God you guys are unique very unique I get to teach the Bible because you have a desire to hear the famine in the land is not caused by pastors that don't teach the word the famine in the land is for the hearing of the word of God the people don't want to hear the word so the pastors want to be church incorporated and make it a business and they do their marketing knocking on doors what do the people want they give the people what they want the people cannot Paul tells Timothy they will not endure Puget Sound doctrine sound doctrine means healthy whole something that can make you cause you to grow spiritually they'll strengthen your family in your home in your culture they won't endure sound doctrine but they'll heap to themselves teachers they the people having itching ears so the pastors will compromise because they get good salaries and they get to grow and they seem successful but the people Bill Hybels described the seeker friendly thing as a huge lake it looked big but it's half an inch deep no depth the people didn't learn the word of God and it was a lot of work to keep it going it wasn't a work of God's spirit as a work of marketing the work of the flesh and you gotta keep it going you gotta keep coming up with something new every week you guys know where I'm gonna teach next week I don't need to come up with something new I don't need to go to to figure out what I'm gonna teach next week I'm gonna pick it back up at verse 26 Lord willing we're gonna go through the Bible it's not a work of the flesh it's easy it's simple just study God's Word in Micah chapter 4 verse 2 during the millennium what's the millennium mean it means a thousand year ruling reign of Jesus out of Revelation chapter 20 in the millennium watch this watch what happens many nations shall come and say come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us his way and we will walk in his paths for the law shall go forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem these people are going to come from all over the world to go to Jerusalem to hear Jesus teach. Teach the Word of God. A church alive is worth the drive I guess.

Verse 13 wherefore let him that speak in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret so communicate the praise. Verse 14 for if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prayeth but my understanding is unfruitful it's insulting. Verse 15 what is it then I pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also I will sing with the spirit I will sing with the understanding also to the benefit of others so if we're going to have an open believers meeting where we're going to start to speak with tongues publicly your prayer language is for you he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men not directed toward men but unto God it's your praise unto God but if you're going to bring it publicly then it's still directed praise unto God and we can hear in Acts 2 16 different dialects people hearing the wonderful things of God so we're going to do that publicly if I'm going to speak in my prayer language there needs to be somebody that can interpret so there's edification so that others can hear that hey what what Rick is speaking he's an English speaking person he's speaking in French right now and he doesn't even know what he's saying but I know French I know that angel language the Lord's given me interpretation and now I can have the chance to by course let people know what that praise is unto God that's what Paul's saying don't let it just be everybody going crazy but let there be a point to it that others would benefit verse 16 else when thou shall bless with the Spirit how shall he that occupies the room of the unlearned say amen so how's he gonna agree with you and say so shall it be at thy giving of thanks saying he understands not what you're saying so you need to communicate you need to connect no solo acts nobody's standing there hey look at me you know no preaching to just the choir saying amen so shall it be so we want to make sure that we're connecting it with as many people as we can with the Word of God and this is why in the Protestant churches and many churches this is why we have family services where you can bring your children in here if you want to but what we've tried to do is we try to have a Sunday school class so that the children can learn at their level and the King James Bible's written at an eighth grade level in case you didn't know that just keep reading it till you understand it just keep reading it for thou verily give us thanks well but the other is not edified so neglected they don't know they're not built up that word edify we saw that last week means a construction term to build up so they're neglected in Hosea 4 verse 6 my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge as we said the Catholics wanted to keep the people dummy down easier to control their for their lack of knowledge they're destroyed I think my God verse 18 I speak with tongues more than you know than you all Paul's for the speaking of tongues a lot of the guys today think the cessation is that the gifts of tongues has ceased the gifts have ceased they don't want anybody speaking of if you have a prayer language if you sing or in a different language don't bury it use it in your personal time with the Lord he's pro tongues he says I I speak more in tongues than all of you he says yet in the church so he's differentiating when he's on his own as prayer time yet in the church I'd rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice I might teach others also than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue how many have been to church services when you were a Pentecostal and a big large amount of the service was the exercising of people speaking in tongues was it week after week after week did the pastor ever have a chance to teach anybody and go through the word very difficult and yet dreams and visions and I think and I think and I think and YouTube profits they're everywhere people having dreams and visions it's a con Jonathan I think yet in the church I'd rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice I might teach others also than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue so near my eight verse eight now somebody in our church fellowship years ago the real sweet man and his family they took this next section of scripture in Nehemiah chapter 8 and they printed it out for me and they matted it and they put it in a behind a glass on a frame and had it in my office and it was a real blessing that they understood the function that God has given me within the body Paul describes our function as pastors and acts 20 you know for the space of three years I cease not night and day to give you the full counsel of God but in Nehemiah there was a famine on the land for the Word of God they spent 70 years in Babylon and so Nehemiah is the governor there as he's was the cupbearer for Artaxerxes and on March 14 445 BC the command went forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem and so Nehemiah gets to go and rebuild the walls and then Ezra the priest gets to go and begin to work on the temple the rebuilding of the temple where there came a point in time in chapter 8 that they broke out the Word of God how much of the Word of God do you think those in captivity heard while in Babylon not a whole lot so they read in the book in the law of God notice distinctly not just a random distinctly and gave the sense and cause them to understand the reading so the priest is reading it but he's but he's trying to make it clear that they're grasping they're grasping what's being said in Nehemiah which is the Tirashotah which means he's the governor and Ezra the priest the scribe and the Levites that taught the people said unto all the people this day is holy unto the Lord your God more not nor weep for all the people wept when they heard the words of the law now I've seen a lot of you fall asleep when I'm teaching I've seen you smile and I know that you love Jesus and I know that you love his word because you show back up so every now and then people will show up and there might be a whole back row of a family a new family and afterwards people say oh look there's a family there in a family there all look right and I'll say let's see if they come back next week the week after because my gift is always thinning them out but I'm not gonna let I'm never ever ever going to let the numbers of people or their expectations or whatever if it's not a biblical expectation they're not going to be able to to influence me not to watering down the Word of God this type of teaching outlined here is called expository or exegetical which means it's explanatory it's interpretive it's like a expositional good writer rather than a speaker but a writer a journalist will do an expositional writing maybe in college you had to do this where you have to provide the facts inductive means you're taking the text expositionally from the text you're not imposing an eisegesis it's an exegesis you're exegeting the text taking from the text and open and explaining from the text and you can use support material which is the Bible where the Bible sometimes says things more than once and you bring in the support material from other verses that's cross-referencing I do a lot of that and you can take key words and you can look at the Hebrew this is what this word means and this is what this Greek word means and very important that that we that we understand words that we understand grammar that we look clearly where a thought begins and a thought you know ends or contrast or comparison and that's a called inductive Bible study today you have to define the word love because love is used in so many different ways I mean you get more grace from people when you sin then if you challenge somebody in their sin if you challenge somebody and you say that lesbianism is not a marriage as I said earlier in that example people will go away saying you're a hater you're a loving I'm sorry you're misinterpreting the word love love is not winning Obama by lighting up the White House with a rainbow when you arbitrarily change the definition of marriage when we voted on it twice and stipulated it's between a man and a woman which has been the case for over five thousand years so who are you to come along and change the definition of marriage or the definition of male female son or daughter who do you think you are Mr. Big Shot so we have to we have to hold to what words mean what the truth mean we have to bring the facts and let the facts be such that it exposes their lies and that's what they hate that's why they're moving forward the globalists for censorship they don't like you being a fact-checker a real fact-checker a truther that you would use the Word of God to expose the lies of of their demonic endeavor in 2nd Timothy 2 verse 2 the things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also so we're supposed to reproduce we're supposed to learn the Word of God and invest in others invest in each other and then you are to take the Word of God that you've learned and invested in your children your family your co-workers you're going to be a good teacher of the Bible if you attend a Bible teaching church Psalm 143 10 says teach me to do thy will for thou art my God the Spirit is good lead me into the land of uprightness if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God speak number one to edify speak secondly to educate thirdly if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God speak to evangelize in verses 20 through 25 verse 20 brethren be not children in understanding how be it malice be children but an understanding be men so don't be immature and and just be a show-off seek a mature understanding of the Word of God of that which is good that which is simple that which is or excuse me that which is evil be simple you don't need to be a know-it-all of all the evil things that are going on hold to the truth be the psalm one man blessed oh how happy is the man who walks not to the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the sea of scornful in contrast but in his law does he meditate day night be that guy verse 21 in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people and yet for all that will they not hear me sayeth the Lord it can be really frustrating trying to get people to hear the truth it can be so incredibly frustrating in the time in which we're living to connect with people with truth because where's the authority you have an opinion I have an opinion Jesus has an opinion that guy's got an opinion everybody's got an opinion how do we know which one's right well I would say Jesus opinions that I'd go with I'd say the Word of God is what I'd go with and so the Lord said you guys won't listen to me I'm trying to speak to you in Hebrew and you won't listen so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use the Assyrians with the ten northern tribes who are positioned in Samaria and in 722 BC I'm gonna cause the Assyrians to defeat you and you guys are going to be hearing a foreign entity a foreign it'd be like if the Chinese defeated us and now all we're hearing is Mandarin they're speaking Chinese they didn't even learn English before they conquered us are you kidding me we gotta we gotta learn Mandarin now if we can survive so he's saying I'm gonna use the foreigners to speak to you you know and in Deuteronomy 28 night 49 a nation whose tongue thou shall not understand now it's interesting this week that the nation of Israel's crossed over into Syria what's that mean well Isaiah 17 one has never been fulfilled where Damascus the oldest city of all antiquity the city that the Apostle Paul was headed toward right with letters the church had spread out to as far as Damascus but Isaiah 17 one says Damascus would be brought to a place of a ruinous heap hasn't happened throughout history could very well be you're going to see Damascus be destroyed very quickly here possibly don't know but if the Israeli foot soldiers are coming into Damascus with their support who knows what might happen but the Assyrians they overthrew the ten northern tribes they were unable to defeat Judea the southern out of Jerusalem God used the Babylonians later in 586 BC to destroy Jerusalem the southern tribe so as an instrument of judgment in Isaiah 28 11 he says with stammering lips and another tongue will I speak to this people the Assyrians God used and they still wouldn't hear they still would not repent the call to repentance now the church the churches the seven churches in Revelation chapter two and three seven times Jesus and given his evaluation of the seven churches which can be telescope throughout history you have the early church the first century second century and it can telescope to today the church of today that's telescoped out there is the church of Laodicea the lukewarm church the church that says I'm rich and increased with goods in need of nothing we're prosperous we're Church Inc.

and where's Jesus he's on the outside of that church in verse 20 of Revelation 3 knocking on the door saying you kicked me out of my church and you have a false sense of security a false sense of being self-satisfied you're lukewarm you make me sick your true condition is you're naked poor blind and miserable you're a miserable church you lack power you lack the power of the Holy Spirit you're insipid but seven times in these two chapters of the Revelation Revelation 2 7 he that has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit say through the churches seven times he that has an ear to hear do you have a spiritual ear to hear do you have an ear that's clued in is God able to communicate to you his truth through the teaching of his word he that has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches I can't make you hear if I stay with the Word of God I have a confidence in this confidence I've had for 30 years that I've been a pastor even before I became a pastor that God's Word does not come back void I know that God's Word is pregnant with power and that God's Word if I use God's Word instead of Freud and Royds if I take God's Word and I put God's Word out there that God's Word sometimes it's gonna land on the soil that's hard-hearted and it just remains on the surface and the bird the devil comes and takes it away nothing I can do about that then there's another kind of soil that's the rocky soil it's where they're really excited it sounds great my best life now and then the sun beats down there's some trials on their life and it withers and dies because it had no root system below the surface there was a rock ledge that didn't allow to grow deep into Christ and the third type of soil when I put the Word of God out there is the weedy soil that cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches riches aren't the problem if riches increase set not your heart on them it's the deceitfulness of riches that takes the place of that uppermost place within our heart where our treasure is there will our heart be also to treasure the Lord but the cares those like deceitfulness riches are weeds that choke off that profession of faith and it doesn't bear fruit the fourth kind of soil so maybe maybe what I'm batting is 250 one out of four which percentage of the people are saved in that parable the seed in the sower is it three of them or is it one of them the one that bears fruit Jesus said you know them by their fruit the good soil some 50 some hundred and so my job is to get the Word of God out there your jobs to get the Word of God out there God's Word doesn't come back void some of them be angry at you want to fight you hate you you know throw you in jail take the Bible away from you if it wasn't true why would they care but it's so true it bothers them but the Word of God is powerful he says verse 22 wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not so a sign for judgment a sign for conviction they should believe but they do not they're not believing but prophesy prophecy serveth not for them that believe it not but for them that believe so the unbelievers becoming believers they're convinced of the truth you remember in John 4 when Jesus had a divine appointment with the woman at the well and he said he had water that she could drink of she'd never thirst again and then he told her to you know bring her husband she's I don't have a husband and he said well you had five husbands you you spoke truthfully and then she went back to her village and said come see a man which told me all things that ever I did is not this the Christ that's what happens when the Word of God's out there when you prophesy speak forth God's Word God's Word speaks to each and every person and they scratch their head going how did he know that we didn't know that it's the Word of God by the Holy Spirit knows that the Holy Spirit knows your need in John 925 the guy that was born blind one thing I know that whereas I was blind now I see verse 23 if therefore the whole church become together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that you're mad it'd be confusing to be chaotic without an interpreter in a public setting but if all prophesy so rather than speaking tongues if you're all prophesying speaking forth the Word of God and there come in one that believeth not or one unlearned he is convinced or convicted of all his judged of all so he feels naked he feels exposed how do these people know I was having problems in that area my life how they know that was going on because in Hebrews 412 says the Word of God is living powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword dividing a center of soul and spirit you see the Freud's and the roids they can't really get into the brain they can't get into the soul but the Word of God is a divider a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart a divider of the soul and spirit the Word of God is able to penetrate able to reach these places of persons being to communicate to that person Elon Musk is not going to be able to get there they can't mechanically do this this is a work of God's Spirit so the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than an intuitive sword piercing even dividing the center of soul and spirit of joint marrow and as a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart neither is there any creature that is not manifest in this site but all things are naked and open under the eyes with whom we have to do bank on the Word of God proclaim the Word of God preach the Word of God he says verse 25 and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face he will worship God and report that God is in you of a truth and so the unbeliever becomes a believer he's in a place where the secrets of his heart are revealed and it wasn't because you told the pastor and then the pastor put it into the sermon all right I wouldn't do that no it's the Word of God that reaches within that person's being and there's things that you never told anybody that the Word of God's exposing to you he knows that only God could reveal such things in John 644 Jesus said no man can come to me except the Father which has sent me draw him and I'll raise him up at the last day it is written in the prophets and they shall all they shall be all taught of God you see I'm supposed to just be a conduit you and I are just a conduit if we stay with the Word of God then the Holy Spirit's able to speak through us and people are taught of not Rick Beaudry you're being taught of God it's simply a fourth telling of God's Word it's the Word of God by the Holy Spirit that's teaching you and me so they're taught of God every man therefore that has heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me so you've been taught of God now if I go away from God's word and I say hey I I think this and I had a vision I had a dream and I buy back that's Babel it's just Babel you be a Berean you call me out on it if I ever tell you hey I had a vision and I wrote a book I'm gonna do a seminar based on what what what I'm to believe you I'm not a cult leader I'm not going to try and influence people with dreams and visions that I have because I'm so much more spiritual than you how many people are duped and persuaded and moved in these directions they're having visions of revival in America we're gonna take over America they're telling people what people want to hear a whole lot of disappointed people I'm simply telling you based upon the Word of God that Jesus is coming again I want your hope to be in Him now if you have a dream if you have a vision it's okay to share it but just don't speak in the first person thus saith the Lord allow some time to take place let's see if it happens if it happens now you're gonna be able to say like Peter said on Pentecost this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel you're gonna have scriptural basis to prove that that activity or whatever they were doing or that dreamer that vision that has scriptural authentication or as we look at prophet prophets that foretell that foretell the future they have to be 100% right if they're foretelling the future how many YouTube prophets want their prophecy scrubbed because it didn't happen the way they they said it was gonna let me give you one example the blood red moons how many did the blood red moon thing I mean there's so many of them they come through the church all the time and you notice how I hold back and I have to let the craziness go through and then I say didn't happen the way he said it but he sure sold a lot of books didn't he a lot of books so the unbelievers can be amazed at the way God reveals his heart you've been taught of God you've heard and you've learned Jesus said in John 637 all that the father gives me shall come to me and him that comes to me I will know wise cast out if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God God's mouthpiece Romans 10 13 through 15 whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and how's he gonna call on the Lord if he doesn't believe and how's he gonna believe if he hasn't heard and how's he gonna hear if there isn't a preacher and how's he gonna go preach if he hasn't been sent as a scripture said how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things that's you and me with the word of God our feet are beautiful if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God it's God speaking through you be bold be bold plant your feet and preach the glorious gospel it's the gospel that people need to hear in these last days it's a gospel of peace gospel of love it's glad tidings of good things in a time of such negativity it's the power of God unto salvation it's the gospel as it goes forth that'll transform and change lives don't worry about America God's got that think in terms of each and every person upon this planet one by one the Lord's commissioned you and I to go to those people that he brings in our path with the glorious good news of his love for a world that's perishing how they gonna hear without a preacher and how you gonna preach unless you've been sent and Jesus said go make disciples of all nations teaching them to observe all things I commanded you along with you always even the end the age in a mark he says preach the gospel to every creature preach and teach if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God God to speak through you he's gonna have an angel during the tribulation period give the everlasting gospel over the planet but presently in this dispensation he's counting on you he's counting on me and he doesn't want some priest up there Bogart in the joint you know he wants all of us to be involved that can I say that you guys don't even know what that means let's pray father thank you thank you for the joy and the blessing of being with the body of believers Lord where we all have the confidence in you Lord our sufficiencies of Christ to speak forth the Word of God to preach the glorious good news of your coming kingdom to help educate people concerning prophecy so many people don't know and and Lord you've been teaching us you've been getting us ready and Lord you tell us to be able to give an answer to people of the hope that lies within us so Lord equip and strengthen us continue to give us divine appointments to share the good news of your coming kingdom it's not gloom and doom Lord it's glorious you're coming again and Lord you're where your bride we've got our oil and we're looking we're watching and Lord we want to occupy tell you come we want to share the glorious gospel anointing uses to share the gospel this week Lord use us as your mouthpiece Lord while your heads are bowed and your eyes are closed if there's anybody here this morning you don't know Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior Christianity is a relationship not a religion and you can come into that relationship with him by responding as many has received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God it's incumbent upon you to receive him now he's presented himself he's made himself aware to you he's revealed himself to you by his spirit and now you come trembling in repentance and turning from your sin crying out God be merciful to me a sinner and he hears that prairie here's that cry and he'll respond to that cry he'll wash and cleanse you of your sins he'll come into your heart in life he'll cause you to be made new to be born again anyone here this morning just lift your hand up we want to pray with you anyone this morning father thank you once again for the joy and the blessing of having my name written in the Lamb's Book of Life and knowing that I know that I know that I know as you said it is finished the work is complete and Lord I can enjoy you and the splendor of eternity forever Lord so great a salvation thank you for the relationship you've drawn me into Lord that you're keeping me in that Lord I'll enjoy forever thank you for saving me Lord thank you for saving us in Jesus name we pray amen