Do You Want to Start a Tab?

Leandro of  @TheEducatedBarfly joins us on today's episode. 

Today's episode is two stories about cutting off people at the bar. 

Story One: A groom and his groomsmen go outside for a beer, and the bride has to find her new husband. 

Story Two: On a first date, a couple sits at the bar in front of Leandro and orders a round. Bar is busy, and the man doesn't like how long his second round takes. 

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Creators & Guests

Carl Busch
Riley Taylor
Leandro DiMonriva
Host of the YouTube channel The Educated Barfly

What is Do You Want to Start a Tab??

A podcast sharing hospitality stories that teach a lesson. Don't be a dick. Tip your bartender. And, drink responsibly.

00:00:00:15 - 00:00:01:09
Yep. Ready?

00:00:01:14 - 00:00:17:04
All right, Everyone in the service industry has a story. Crazy customers, wild orders and WTF moments. Do you want to start a tab? The podcast here to bring you those tales from behind the bar. My name is Carl. I have 4000 plus days of bartending experience.

00:00:17:06 - 00:00:20:04
You say calculated just to find out.

00:00:20:06 - 00:00:31:22
Yes. Okay. Well, I mean, it's not that hard. Math is easy. You write 365 times and that's 3003 65, seven or more days at 42 plus days. Boom. Yeah.

00:00:32:00 - 00:00:35:13
In my name was Reilly. I did not a bartender for that long.

00:00:35:15 - 00:00:37:03

00:00:37:05 - 00:00:40:14
I think it was less than 365 days.

00:00:40:16 - 00:01:03:18
So, yes, math on our on our new podcast. Thank you very much. And if you're not familiar with this lovely little podcast, Reilly and I like to read stories off the Internet, usually off Reddit, about bartenders life from the guest point of view or even the bartenders point of view. Read it. Talk about it. Maybe decide who the asshole or the hero was and then decide if the story could have been handled differently from each perspective.

00:01:03:20 - 00:01:16:16
And then we rate the story one through five. One being an average bartender story and five being in a unique situation that you might never hear again or we'd never heard before. Right. And we came close twice. Yeah, that's what she said.

00:01:16:19 - 00:01:17:21
Lincoln Chafee.

00:01:17:23 - 00:01:30:18
Lincoln Chafee. So, yes. And we are privileged today to have a friend, a fellow YouTuber, a fellow bartender on the channel Leandro of the Educated barfly. And I'm not going to try to pronounce your last name.

00:01:30:20 - 00:01:33:03
It's Demian Riva.

00:01:33:05 - 00:01:34:01
Dima Riva.

00:01:34:02 - 00:01:34:15
Hey. Hey.

00:01:34:16 - 00:01:35:14
How are you doing today, buddy?

00:01:35:18 - 00:01:38:15
D d mon riva.

00:01:38:18 - 00:01:40:10
De mon riva.

00:01:40:14 - 00:01:41:03
There you go.

00:01:41:07 - 00:01:43:15
Okay, perfect. I did it.

00:01:43:21 - 00:01:49:03
A lot of the subscriber is like to call me the demon. Riva.

00:01:49:05 - 00:01:51:18
That could be like a secondary channel right here.

00:01:51:20 - 00:01:56:15
Yeah, that's like my daddy, my daddy name. And so.

00:01:56:17 - 00:01:58:15
Speaking of D so you played indie.

00:01:58:17 - 00:02:16:08
You know, I am actually in the middle of a game of Daddy. And for a really long time I didn't actually play. And what the sad story about that is that when I was a little kid, my parents bought me some daddy like, you know, handbooks or whatever. And, you know, like the handbook on sort of how to play or whatever.

00:02:16:10 - 00:02:19:11
And I got really into it, but I had no one to play with.

00:02:19:12 - 00:02:21:17
Right. Cause you definitely need like kind.

00:02:21:17 - 00:02:38:23
Of an outside kid. Yeah, I was growing up and most of my friends were outside kids and nobody wanted to be daddy with me. And so I didn't actually start playing until this past year. And one of my former actually bartenders that worked at vehicles is like a just like a really good dungeon master. And that's the thing.

00:02:39:02 - 00:02:48:18
Sure. It's a lot of fun. A lot of fun. So on Wednesdays when we're all available, we get together on the old Zoom chat and I do a little daddy playing and it's I like it.

00:02:48:20 - 00:03:07:07
It's cool. I've never actually played the game because growing up, my mom is was very Catholic and thought it was, you know, the devil, you know and stuff like that because demons and and everything like that. And we were outside kids, too, growing up for most of it. We were always outside playing sports and stuff like that. But what about you, really?

00:03:07:09 - 00:03:13:10
I've wanted to play for like four years, but I haven't really thought about even finding somebody to play.

00:03:13:11 - 00:03:20:12
Yeah, we personally, I don't have personal friends that play it, but there is a podcast, have you heard of it called The Bartenders.

00:03:20:14 - 00:03:24:23
The bartenders, you know. Yeah, I feel like I should have. And now I'm glad that I.

00:03:24:23 - 00:03:57:08
Have it right. So we interviewed one of their co-hosts, John Mader, and he is actually the beverage manager of TPC Sawgrass and Florida. So he's done two players championships now or golf and whatever. He's really nice guy. He's awesome. He helped open death and co Colorado Denver location so he's one of the hosts of this podcast and the other bartenders are very I don't know big I don't know at the right where I'm saying but they've been friends for many years now.

00:03:57:09 - 00:04:00:15
They play Dungeons and Dragons and they bartend. So anyways.

00:04:00:17 - 00:04:04:03
Sometimes they talk about the Indy, sometimes they talk about bartending, right?

00:04:04:05 - 00:04:05:12
So cool.

00:04:05:14 - 00:04:10:11
Very well. In the YouTube video, I'm like The Insider Hollywood, the indie game that goes on.

00:04:10:13 - 00:04:11:16

00:04:11:17 - 00:04:15:19
That guy Joe, I think is what's his last name, Joe Montagliani or whatever The dude.

00:04:16:00 - 00:04:17:06
Oh, yeah, Magic Mike.

00:04:17:06 - 00:04:17:16
And like.

00:04:17:16 - 00:04:18:11
Oh, okay. Yeah.

00:04:18:12 - 00:04:39:18
Like he was on True Blood for a while. So apparently he's got this game where, like, a bunch of celebrities go in and play and they have like, miniatures and stuff and like, a whole, like a whole thing. But also like, Dad has, like a official YouTube channel actually played and they film it. It's like this crazy kind of tabletop set, right?

00:04:39:20 - 00:04:47:14
I don't know if I could personally watch, like, you know, like a three hour game of other people playing, But I do like to take part.

00:04:47:19 - 00:04:49:10
Sure. And I don't know. And people.

00:04:49:16 - 00:04:49:19

00:04:49:23 - 00:04:57:23
Yeah, people watch people play video games. And I don't understand that at all, you know, which I'm not saying is a bad thing. I just that for me, you will watch what they want.

00:04:57:23 - 00:05:02:05
Each playing video games is kind of a bad you.

00:05:02:07 - 00:05:04:10
We I don't because I would just waste my.

00:05:04:14 - 00:05:05:02
I guess.

00:05:05:02 - 00:05:24:18
I would just waste my fucking time playing video games and not creating content for people. So it's one of the other now, both for me. All right, so we are next port, next portion. Our next segment is What Are We Drinking? And Riley and I, it's noon where we're drinking, so it's perfectly fine. Acceptable in this world is we're drinking corn and oil.

00:05:24:23 - 00:05:37:01
You're not familiar with that cocktail. It is aged rum with a love of Lanham and Bitters and I've seen some recipes. So I have to ask you this, too. Do you put lime juice in your corner oils or.

00:05:37:01 - 00:05:54:03
No Corn and oil is not a drink that I make very often or have made very often. Right? We made it like three times in my life. Mm hmm. But I do enjoy corn oil with lime juice because I think that you need to have that acid.

00:05:54:07 - 00:05:54:18
I agree.

00:05:54:18 - 00:05:59:00
This gets too strong, too sweet, too bitter.

00:05:59:02 - 00:06:04:17
I agree. This is the first time I've used lime juice and I kind of like it. So it's just a little too much for you right now.

00:06:04:19 - 00:06:08:06
It's good. Good. This wasn't what I expecting.

00:06:08:08 - 00:06:10:17
Yeah. Yeah. So. Yeah.

00:06:10:18 - 00:06:13:23
And it doesn't like it, but she doesn't know.

00:06:14:00 - 00:06:14:22
I know. She'll say.

00:06:14:22 - 00:06:16:06
Well, at least say.

00:06:16:08 - 00:06:17:23
I don't know. What were you expecting.

00:06:18:01 - 00:06:22:09
I, I don't sweeter. I don't know. Yeah.

00:06:22:11 - 00:06:26:16
Okay. It's different. Yeah. It was easy to be honest.

00:06:26:16 - 00:06:34:13
I was surprised that it didn't have Campari in it because it has just like a slight reddish hue. And I think it's probably from this lamp behind it. But.

00:06:34:15 - 00:06:38:12
Well, that's because I think the bitters and with the aged rum, because I use the plantation five.

00:06:38:12 - 00:06:41:08
You're right. But I it was just not you.

00:06:41:08 - 00:06:45:07
Also do did you also do what, Ramses.

00:06:45:07 - 00:06:48:07
I just used one because I think if I.

00:06:48:10 - 00:06:49:12
Just. The plantation five.

00:06:49:13 - 00:07:08:17
Yeah. If I remember right the smugglers coke just if I remember correctly there, just say to use two ounces of an h rum not like a mixture so Right. I could be wrong. So and ah I know it's early in California right now. It's ten in the morning. Are we drinking anything. Poppy. Yeah, I get that.

00:07:08:20 - 00:07:11:07
That's. I need some of that.

00:07:11:09 - 00:07:16:23
Right. Do you. Okay, so how do you drink your coffee? Black or a little sugar? Low cream.

00:07:17:01 - 00:07:32:20
I'm in a drink in a bunch of different ways. I do drink black coffee quite a bit, but I also like a little sugared coffee. And then people are like, Well, then you don't like drinking coffee, You like having sugar in it. And it's like, well, name one thing that tastes like coffee with sugar in it, and then you'd be right, but if nothing else tastes like it.

00:07:32:20 - 00:07:42:07
So I don't know. I like to do a little Oatmilk Sure, a little and a little and a little sugar, maybe like little One lump. One lump.

00:07:42:09 - 00:07:44:23
Right. Yeah, I get that. Yes. And I'm, you know.

00:07:45:04 - 00:07:47:11
I'm actually drinking one with oat milk and sugar.

00:07:47:14 - 00:07:48:11
There you go. Yeah.

00:07:48:13 - 00:08:00:23
My my thing is, how do you drink your coffee? However you're going to give it to me, right? I don't really care for you. Do have coffee. I want it. Do you have it in a drip? I'll take the ABC.

00:08:01:01 - 00:08:05:19
Yeah, that's like a means to an end of all. You're like, I don't care. Yeah.

00:08:05:20 - 00:08:09:23
I like it all the ways. I don't care how it is. I will drink it.

00:08:10:01 - 00:08:35:06
Yeah. Cool. All right, well, we're going to get started with a story number one here. And this is in the I want to lose my place here. What's this is just under the ask Reddit subreddit, and the thread started as bartenders of what is your best cut of story and this was started ten years ago. So people just keep adding their stories to this thread.

00:08:35:11 - 00:08:57:09
And I found this one that was kind of, I'll, I'll just go read it. So it was posted ten years ago from not Nicholas. Okay, I bartend weddings in a hotel ballroom in a smaller rural town. One particular wedding, the groom and the groomsmen went out to the parking lot to shotgun beers that they were stashed in the groom's truck.

00:08:57:11 - 00:09:21:16
The wedding party had already cash in four kegs by 9:30 p.m., and the father of the bride, who was paying for it, declined buying any more. All of the groomsmen came back and went back into the reception slash dance. The bride storms out of the parking lot when she sees everyone, but her new hubby returned, then comes back in red in the face, makeup smeared and bawling her eyes out and screams at her bridesmaids, Go get her out of the truck.

00:09:21:19 - 00:09:37:18
Bridesmaids go and drag out another bridesmaids into the hotel bathrooms and help her get back into her dress properly. Grooms strolls up to the bar and orders a shot of Jack while tucking in the shirt. We close the bar at that exact moment, so.

00:09:37:20 - 00:09:38:15

00:09:38:17 - 00:10:00:18
Yeah, I can say out of the many years I bartended at a wedding, I've never even seen or thought something like this could happen with a writer groom. It's pretty crazy. That's bad. Yeah. Have you ever in your bartending journey, have have you only bartended at bars? Leandro, or have you done catering?

00:10:00:21 - 00:10:21:18
No, not at all. I, i, I mean, I, I got hired to do a lot of offsite events. Uh huh. That's for brands. Vengeance. I barge. I started my career in a nightclub, which is not really a far right, but, you know, there is a bar in there. But it's but it's not like a bar. So I've done a lot of styles of bartending.

00:10:21:18 - 00:10:38:18
I don't I'm not sure if I've ever done a wedding. I've helped people write batch recipe like bash recipes for their own weddings, or people will reach out to me sometime and be like, We're having a wedding and this is the thing. Can you help out? Right, Help them out. But I don't think I've actually ever bartended a wedding.

00:10:38:22 - 00:10:42:01
And the entire thing about partying. Where are we swearing on this?

00:10:42:04 - 00:10:43:08

00:10:43:10 - 00:10:45:10
Okay, people get shit house.

00:10:45:12 - 00:10:45:19

00:10:45:21 - 00:10:52:11
The whole point. The whole point of suffering through somebody's wedding is that you get to get shithouse right after all the boring stuff, Right?

00:10:52:11 - 00:11:04:14
Right. Yeah. But I've never even. And I've never been have all the years partying. I don't know. I've never heard a story like this where the groom cheats on his brand new wife with one of the bridesmaids.

00:11:04:16 - 00:11:05:13
Or with anybody.

00:11:05:13 - 00:11:06:11
With anyone.

00:11:06:13 - 00:11:11:22
That's. That's. That's a bold move. I One is a bold one.

00:11:11:22 - 00:11:21:02
Is this like a cut off? Like they just like they were just like, all right, we're shutting the bar down. You're cut off because, like, what's over intoxicated or is is just an asshole?

00:11:21:05 - 00:11:23:22
Probably both. I don't know. It's hard. I mean.

00:11:24:00 - 00:11:32:05
I mean, I guess the father of the bride who was paying for everything, everybody off because they had cash in the four kegs by 930.

00:11:32:05 - 00:11:41:16
Yeah, but like then, like what do you do as a bar, Right. Like, you see the bride just, you know, crying and bawling because now she knows her brand new husband just cheated on her in the parking lot. Right.

00:11:41:17 - 00:11:45:09
And he was with somebody who was supposed to be her friend, right.

00:11:45:11 - 00:11:47:04
Because right.

00:11:47:09 - 00:11:48:15
I mean, the bride's family.

00:11:48:15 - 00:11:49:13
Knows, right?

00:11:49:13 - 00:11:50:18
Yeah, everyone knows that.

00:11:50:19 - 00:11:58:18
Right? Because Bridesmaids are her friends or his family, like his sisters. I've seen that. So that wouldn't be the bridesmaid, Right. Hopefully.

00:11:58:20 - 00:12:04:06
I wonder, too, like, well, technically, you can get this annulled, right? Because they probably consummate the marriage.

00:12:04:07 - 00:12:06:17
So absolutely. That is that.

00:12:06:17 - 00:12:16:00
Is you hope that she she got it annulled and it wasn't like, okay, it was a slip. Let's continue this marriage or it's not going to end well for her.

00:12:16:01 - 00:12:16:09

00:12:16:10 - 00:12:23:15
Or depending depending, she should go through the divorce and take half of it. Shit.

00:12:23:16 - 00:12:24:08

00:12:24:10 - 00:12:33:21
Like I'm not I'm not that kind of person. Like, I don't I don't like that messy shit. But like, this is this is messy enough, but that would push me to that edge.

00:12:33:23 - 00:12:48:11
I wonder what kind of type of red flags there were before all of this, Right? Like, is this was this a marriage? I probably shouldn't have got married. And they just kind of went through it because pressure from family or. You know what I'm saying? I'm I'm just guessing. I'm not saying any of this is true. But like.

00:12:48:12 - 00:12:48:21

00:12:49:01 - 00:12:54:12
There should have been something saying like, I mean, this is really hardcore. This is something you don't see or hear about.

00:12:54:12 - 00:13:00:19
So I don't know the writer of this read it like, here is this because I need so much more information, right?

00:13:00:19 - 00:13:01:20
That's that's what makes.

00:13:01:20 - 00:13:19:17
These stories interesting. Such a bold move like is that was this guy falling down drunk and just didn't know what he was doing or does he have a history of cheating? I got to know these things because it's such a crazy story. Like who in their right mind. Right. Mhm. Is that much of a moron.

00:13:19:20 - 00:13:42:13
Right. I'm kind of reading some of the comments right now because he's responding to people because there is a shit ton of comments on this one. Let's see, some guy was just saying was he being a douche bag. How could you be that drunk already Nicholas or not? Nicholas goes. It was truly unbelievable to watch it unfold. Felt like a movie and it was almost like the bride expected to find him with said bridesmaid out there.

00:13:42:13 - 00:13:44:17
Like she just knew it was going to happen.

00:13:44:17 - 00:13:47:15
So why did you go through with it?

00:13:47:17 - 00:13:51:16
Yeah, apparently it's not the only thing that takes 10 seconds of.

00:13:51:16 - 00:13:53:15
Time that this may happen.

00:13:53:17 - 00:13:54:13
Hey, yo.

00:13:54:15 - 00:14:04:02
Yeah. She walked out there purposely knowing that he was probably cheating with this bridesmaid. Why the hell would you have that person be your bridesmaid?

00:14:04:04 - 00:14:06:21
Why would you go through with the wedding? Right?

00:14:06:23 - 00:14:08:12
Yeah, because this is.

00:14:08:14 - 00:14:16:05
You're losing the money either way. Whether the whether the wedding ends in divorce or whether you lose your deposits.

00:14:16:07 - 00:14:16:18
I don't know.

00:14:16:18 - 00:14:18:03
It's. That's insane.

00:14:18:08 - 00:14:24:17
Unless. Unless. Let's flip this. Maybe she likes to be cuckolded.

00:14:24:19 - 00:14:25:21

00:14:25:23 - 00:14:29:14
This been crying her mascara streaking down her face.

00:14:29:16 - 00:14:32:06
Maybe she didn't think it was going to happen on her wedding day.

00:14:32:08 - 00:14:35:05
Like the next day? Yeah, like in the morning, maybe.

00:14:35:06 - 00:14:40:07
I mean, is it is it a thing that people like to be cuckolded? I feel like this is just like a porn, you know?

00:14:40:07 - 00:14:42:11
That absolutely is a fetish.

00:14:42:13 - 00:14:44:05
Okay, What is that? What do you mean?

00:14:44:07 - 00:14:47:14
To find your significant other with somebody else. Okay.

00:14:47:17 - 00:14:50:19
Cheating like you are a couple. Yeah. Yeah. It's like I've.

00:14:50:19 - 00:14:56:00
Been cuckolded by David Lindsay-Hogg in No. Yes. Stupid love.

00:14:56:00 - 00:15:09:18
To be clear, cuckold is someone who is cheated on. But like a cuckold is someone not only who has been cheated on by their significant other, but the significant other like lets them know that they're doing.

00:15:09:23 - 00:15:10:22

00:15:11:00 - 00:15:11:16
That's a.

00:15:11:16 - 00:15:12:20
Couple. Gotcha.

00:15:12:22 - 00:15:22:12
Someone who's not like, strong enough to like, not have their wife or husband or whatever cheat on them. And then also the wife or husband are blatant about the cheating.

00:15:22:15 - 00:15:23:02

00:15:23:04 - 00:15:29:12
Okay, now that makes sense. I'm the I'm the least educated person in this podcast right now.

00:15:29:12 - 00:15:34:20
So I was just referencing Crazy Stupid love. So. Right.

00:15:34:20 - 00:15:37:09
Well, I know, but it just because it's in a movie doesn't I.

00:15:37:09 - 00:15:41:21
Guarantee you're more you're more educated, at least formally anyway.

00:15:42:01 - 00:15:53:21
We can have an educational when these things come. When we come the next time we come to L.A., we can rally and have a rally. And Maria Maria's like, have like a Jeopardy! So question where I see.

00:15:54:00 - 00:15:58:01
Oh, like a like a who is like a Billy Madison.

00:15:58:01 - 00:15:59:01
And Jeffrey. Yeah.

00:15:59:03 - 00:15:59:10

00:15:59:13 - 00:16:02:11
Billy This is the most. Yeah, right.

00:16:02:13 - 00:16:06:23
Oh, man. Not going to be related to the competition.

00:16:07:01 - 00:16:08:08
I can see Maria's in the.

00:16:08:10 - 00:16:09:05
Decathlon in.

00:16:09:05 - 00:16:12:22
The suit with little cards and rally. Just going over.

00:16:13:00 - 00:16:15:12
Do that. We should do that as a livestream.

00:16:15:15 - 00:16:17:14
Oh, that would be really fun.

00:16:17:14 - 00:16:18:14
That is a.

00:16:18:16 - 00:16:19:19
Really fun cocktail.

00:16:19:23 - 00:16:21:05
And it would be just as fun.

00:16:21:05 - 00:16:22:02
Oh, absolutely.

00:16:22:06 - 00:16:23:16
Have to tell.

00:16:23:21 - 00:16:31:08
We have, like Riley host Marius can make up the question right? And and then we can, we can test our wits against each other.

00:16:31:08 - 00:16:32:20

00:16:32:22 - 00:16:34:15
Free for I totally do that.

00:16:34:16 - 00:16:50:08
Absolutely. And then the winner challenge is another YouTuber tell YouTuber and we just you know, he's like, you know, like on Mortal Kombat, you know how you start the bottom. You have to work your way up the tower. This makes you you're the champion of champions or whatever. Yes.

00:16:50:08 - 00:16:51:16
Okay, exactly.

00:16:51:18 - 00:17:05:09
So there we go. There's some new content idea for us. All right. So back to this story of sex and alcohol. But yeah, I don't know this. I've never heard anything like this before.

00:17:05:11 - 00:17:10:08
Whatever. I know it happens. But like with the groom in a bridesmaid.

00:17:10:11 - 00:17:13:16
He's probably been he's been eyeing her for like two years.

00:17:13:18 - 00:17:15:21
They've been banging for sure.

00:17:15:23 - 00:17:17:15
Yeah, you're probably right. This not.

00:17:17:17 - 00:17:21:04
Person? Yeah, 100%. They think they can get away with it at the wedding.

00:17:21:05 - 00:17:22:00

00:17:22:02 - 00:17:24:21
Oh, let me go get this beer that's in my truck real quick.

00:17:24:23 - 00:17:29:18
You're going to hurt. What's that I ever heard about? It was like Adam Sandler, right?

00:17:29:20 - 00:17:30:15

00:17:30:17 - 00:17:43:09
Oh, yeah. Wedding singer. Yeah. What we. I draw on, on a scale of 1 to 5 one being an average bartender story five being ludicrous and extreme. What? You write this story.

00:17:43:10 - 00:17:47:23
Okay, like as far as a story and how often it happens.

00:17:48:01 - 00:17:50:11
A story that you've hurt like.

00:17:50:13 - 00:17:57:09
Like on a scale of 1 to 5, how shocked are you by this information? And like, how likely do you think it would be to happen again?

00:17:57:11 - 00:18:16:16
I'm super shocked by it. But at the same time, I feel like in my time behind like, you know, in my like, you know, 13 or 14 years behind the bar, I have seen some crazy, crazy, crazy shit, right? I've seen really crazy shit, especially in L.A. and especially like coming from a nightclub, right? A lot of crazy shit.

00:18:16:18 - 00:18:43:11
Like, really just crazy shit. That being said, I would rate this at the top level of crazy shit that you. Because for the most part, you don't see crazy shit. It's just over the years you've seen it. You see it enough that you can kind of comply. I definitely have really entertaining and very crazy cut off stories and then also just shit that I've seen in the fucking bar that I was just like, I cannot believe that I just witnessed that.

00:18:43:13 - 00:18:47:06
But I would put it at the top end of that. There's a this is a crazy story.

00:18:47:12 - 00:18:50:21
What would you like to give it a numerical value please, for us.

00:18:50:23 - 00:18:51:18
On a scale of one.

00:18:51:18 - 00:18:52:20
Between one and ten.

00:18:52:20 - 00:18:53:03

00:18:53:04 - 00:18:54:19

00:18:54:21 - 00:18:57:09
Five being the high end, four and a half or more.

00:18:57:10 - 00:18:59:06
Now I would agree with that number.

00:18:59:08 - 00:18:59:19
That's a high.

00:18:59:21 - 00:19:16:21
That's my number two. It's just it's just it's just so ludicrous. It's literally like, is the ink fucking even dry on the marriage license? You know what I'm saying? Like, like, did they just literally get out of the ceremony and like, well it's after 9 p.m. so that Yeah, it's, it's so fresh.

00:19:17:03 - 00:19:21:00
And dry, right. Yeah. Like the party's still going right the day as well.

00:19:21:00 - 00:19:39:16
If they even signed it yet because like at the weddings that I've been to like, you know, it's true. Where like the people that, that are getting married don't have as much money and they're just kind of like making the small ceremony. It's like they go aside with the officiant. So I actually officiated my brother's wedding. We like the side too.

00:19:39:21 - 00:19:41:13
So yeah, that's what we did too.

00:19:41:17 - 00:19:45:01
That happens afterward anyway. So you don't even know if they signed it.

00:19:45:01 - 00:19:49:11
Yet, right? Maybe she got lucky and they didn't sign that fucker yet. Maybe. Maybe you.

00:19:49:12 - 00:20:13:19
Was. If. If at any point you can consider what she did. What happened to her. Lucky, right. I'm going to go. I'm going to give a little bit higher value. Okay, I'm going to go 4.8. Okay. And here's why. Okay. She didn't smash anything according to the. Sorry. Right. Like she just said it was over like she or she came in, kicked everybody out or whatever, but she didn't smash anything.

00:20:13:19 - 00:20:20:21
Like, I don't know if it was her self-restraint or if she was just that boiling that internally.

00:20:20:23 - 00:20:21:16

00:20:21:18 - 00:20:24:16
But I had a message. So. 4.8.

00:20:24:18 - 00:20:26:15
So because she held restraint. I know.

00:20:26:15 - 00:20:27:21
But we don't know.

00:20:27:23 - 00:20:29:23
Right? We don't know. We only take a right.

00:20:30:00 - 00:20:31:03
Yeah, but you know, but at.

00:20:31:03 - 00:20:34:12
That moment we shut the bar down with no other information, right?

00:20:34:13 - 00:20:39:19
Yeah, but, you know. But you know that if she had smashed some shit, he would have put it in the.

00:20:39:19 - 00:20:40:23
Sorry, Probably.

00:20:41:04 - 00:20:42:22
Because otherwise, why would you be.

00:20:43:00 - 00:20:43:23
Like, I mean.

00:20:43:23 - 00:20:47:00
You're here to tell us. Sorry, put all the good shit in.

00:20:47:01 - 00:20:59:05
Right? Members came in throwing bottles and champagne glasses everywhere. But yeah, and that's what makes it fun because we have two guests, you know, we only hear a portion and one side of the story. There's probably so much other.

00:20:59:07 - 00:20:59:23

00:21:00:01 - 00:21:03:16
Tidbits that we don't get accustomed to, you know? Yeah, but.

00:21:03:16 - 00:21:06:02
It's just lucky that the father did beat.

00:21:06:04 - 00:21:07:14
Yeah, that's true, too.

00:21:07:14 - 00:21:11:10
I don't understand how the father just didn't fuck this dude, right?

00:21:11:10 - 00:21:11:22

00:21:12:03 - 00:21:14:11
Doing that to his daughter on her wedding day is like.

00:21:14:12 - 00:21:16:08
And especially when he's footing the bill.

00:21:16:11 - 00:21:17:22
Something that you come back from.

00:21:18:02 - 00:21:22:00
You know, especially when he foot the bill, at least for the booze.

00:21:22:02 - 00:21:28:03
Right? No. Oh, I know the booze. I mean, I'm sure he foot the bill for everything. That's tradition. If they do a traditional wedding.

00:21:28:04 - 00:21:46:01
Right. I wonder if this is something. Something that you could possibly like the father, right. Paid for. And let's just assume that. Right. This is say that happen could in this marriage got annulled or divorce a week later because of all this. Is there any way you think there's a civil suit where you can sue the the groom now because of all this happening?

00:21:46:01 - 00:21:46:19
Because of.

00:21:46:21 - 00:21:47:07

00:21:47:09 - 00:21:50:06
You know, I wonder this could be like a judge Judy fucking thing.

00:21:50:10 - 00:21:58:06
That's why I sue for damages. Yeah. I feel like with with the divorce proceedings, you might be able to do that.

00:21:58:10 - 00:22:16:05
Yeah. Cool. So that was our first story up today. And if you found that story fun or exciting, leave us a review. We have at the last time I saw it, we have ten reviews on Spotify, five stars, Much love. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I can't do that. Very good. I won't do it again.

00:22:16:07 - 00:22:37:12
And then we have four or five or we have four comma five star reviews on Apple also podcast. So we appreciate the reviews. We have it done. So leave us a review on any podcast platform. We listen to and if you have a story to share, leave it on their subreddit. Do you want to start a tab? Just whatever link in the description or whatever podcast platform you're listening to, just hit it.

00:22:37:13 - 00:22:46:08
Leave us a beautiful story and Riley and I and maybe a lucky guess. We'll read about it, talk about it, and maybe call you an asshole though.

00:22:46:10 - 00:22:49:12
So yeah, Defend the pact. Were you the asshole?

00:22:49:12 - 00:22:50:09
Were you there?

00:22:50:09 - 00:22:59:14
So So now that we're talking about kind of stories, I got, I got a bunch of stories, right? One really, there's one that I don't know if it says more about the perfect.

00:22:59:16 - 00:23:02:12
Perfect. That's what we want.

00:23:02:14 - 00:23:03:10

00:23:03:12 - 00:23:08:21
Sometimes you just need to hear that first story and like, it'll bring memories and make it. Yeah.

00:23:09:01 - 00:23:11:09
Yeah. This is a good therapy session for bartenders.

00:23:11:10 - 00:23:32:02
Now that we have a theme, I sort of know. I mean, I can recall lots of cut off stories and lots of just crazy shit that I saw it in bars and over those years. Right. So my story is a cut off story about coals and, you know, I don't know if this says more about how much of an asshole I am an asshole.

00:23:32:03 - 00:23:53:15
The guy that did what he did was. But I don't suffer. No fools really love it. And it was a Saturday night. It was very, very if you I don't know if you guys, when you guys were in town, you guys went to coals. But it is a very long bar and not very wide. Okay. I was built in 1908, one of the oldest bars in L.A. Everything.

00:23:53:16 - 00:24:20:08
Everything's just like dark wood. There's a bunch of well, there were like a bunch of booths, you know, they they sort of changed the layout over the years. But there were at the time, like a bunch of booths. And at this night it was Saturday night and it was really, really busy. And this was just right at the time when there weren't a ton of places to drink in downtown L.A. So there was just like you, of course, we had varnish, which is like a milk and honey offshoot bar inside coals as like the speakeasy in there.

00:24:20:08 - 00:24:35:01
So it was very popular. And the thing is, is that that place doesn't take any reservations. So you got to go. You got to leave your name with a host, and then they come out and get you and you got to basically wait in calls or something for them to come out and get you. So a lot of times people will come and have a drink.

00:24:35:06 - 00:24:35:18

00:24:35:20 - 00:24:59:18
So it was super, super, super busy this one night. It was like five deep in the bar, which didn't really happen in cocktail bars. And this couple sit down and they luckily get a spot. And the way that it was situated was that there's two wells and then a service. Well, that was kind of around an L-shape. And so the two wells have like, I don't know if you've seen my YouTube channel, you know, like I have a cutting board that's based on how we did things.

00:24:59:18 - 00:25:13:07
Of course we have a cutting board at your station. You have the well underneath and you have your stirrups on one side and you have your bitters and stuff on the other side. And then you have a little bowl of fruit and you have a little bowl right next to you filled with ice with all your garnishes. And that's just kind of how it's set up.

00:25:13:07 - 00:25:34:03
And these people got a seat right at my cutting board, like right in front of. And so they ordered around and I gave them their drinks. And then people are ordering. And it's just my policy that like when I'm bartending and it's super busy like that, I make sure that everyone in my periphery gets around before anyone gets a second round.

00:25:34:06 - 00:25:34:23

00:25:35:00 - 00:25:53:19
Everyone's just trying to get their first drink. And it's really frustrating when people come to the bar trying to get your attention and they can't get a drink and then and then they see someone else get their second round. So this couple, I think they were on their first date like they met on the Internet and it was the first time they were going out.

00:25:53:19 - 00:26:12:22
They didn't really know each other very well. I could just tell from the from the body language and the conversation that was that was going on. And so they, like, slurp their drinks down really fast. And then the guy asked me for another drink and I said, okay, you can get another drink, but you got to wait because there's a couple of people that you've been waiting is really, really busy.

00:26:12:22 - 00:26:31:14
So let me just make them their drinks first and I'll come back to you. And so, you know, I can see him getting like, so I'm making drinks and making all these other people drinks. I can see him just getting like, visibly agitated and visibly and just visibly, like, uncomfortable. He starts going, Hey, man, Hey, man, Hey, man.

00:26:31:14 - 00:26:45:19
And I'm like, Listen, man, I know that you need another drink, but I it's just my policy that I get everyone taken care of before anyone moves on to the second round. The people in the back are just, like, struggling for a drink the whole time. And then he was like, okay. And then. And then? Then he started to annoy me.

00:26:45:19 - 00:27:02:04
So I started like extending the time, like not giving him his drink because he was just irritating me. And then the, the date was like, Oh, we should just go. Like, we should just go. And then I was like, No, no, I want to get my not I want to get all that around. Now he's starting to give everybody else a second round.

00:27:02:04 - 00:27:09:18
And we were first and he's like, No, no. And he's getting kind of crazy. So finally he starts clapping his hands.

00:27:09:18 - 00:27:10:21
Oh my God.

00:27:10:23 - 00:27:30:18
And then. And then I just start ignoring him. Because when people start doing that and they start like trying to treat me like I'm the help, I just don't even like, I just. I just. You're not going to get around now. You're not going to get around till I say. And then finally he leans over the bar and he snaps his fingers and I lost it.

00:27:30:23 - 00:27:49:07
So at the other end of the bar, we have a belt that we bring when when we when we when his last call right. So we ring the bell to his last call. So I go, you are fucking cut off. And then I went to the bell and I rang it and I went, This guy's fucking hot off.

00:27:49:07 - 00:28:02:11
And then I was like, Everybody tell him. And then the whole bar when you're fucking cut off. And I was like, And then I was like, Security, get him out. And then I was like, And then I turned to his date and I said, You can stay, That's all.

00:28:02:12 - 00:28:03:12
What do you want to drink?

00:28:03:14 - 00:28:05:11
Yeah, that's awesome.

00:28:05:11 - 00:28:13:13
And then. And then. Yeah, then security removed him and she left very embarrassed and very red faced. And then night. That's like my.

00:28:13:15 - 00:28:16:06
So it sounds like you did her a favor, right?

00:28:16:08 - 00:28:20:13
You brought out his red flags inside, like. Yeah, within a couple of hours of the first date. Yeah.

00:28:20:17 - 00:28:25:01
You put, you put that relationship through the stress test and he failed.

00:28:25:07 - 00:28:26:15
Failed miserably.

00:28:26:17 - 00:28:43:03
Yeah. So possibly. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, in subsequent years, I've asked myself if I had done the right thing, how I, like, really went out of my way to just embarrass him and really put him on the spot and made everybody know that he was in. They had a cut off and he was get kicked out.

00:28:43:06 - 00:29:02:08
But that was after repeated episodes of degrading and humiliating behavior that he subjected you to, like he treated you like, do. Is it okay to embarrass people? Maybe not. But also, is it okay to be an asshole to your servers and your bartenders? No, it's not right.

00:29:02:08 - 00:29:10:14
Like if you did this like, after, like if you just kind of, like, clap one time or, like, annoyed you maybe two or three times, then you went directly to that that might be.

00:29:10:17 - 00:29:18:14
Yeah. Like, did you, did you exacerbate the issue? Yes, you did. But one could argue he deserved it.

00:29:18:16 - 00:29:19:04

00:29:19:06 - 00:29:42:02
Right. I mean, I exacerbated the issue by then. Just starting to ignore it. Right. I think that's what I think that's what triggered triggered him. And so I was like, did I know? I guess like my feeling had been like has been like, did I like, trigger him too much because he was annoying me? And then I started to give everyone else around him their second their second round because he was irritating me.

00:29:42:08 - 00:29:43:11
And I can't.

00:29:43:15 - 00:29:48:14
Do it because I made a bad situation kind of worst that way, or I created a bad situation.

00:29:48:14 - 00:29:53:11
Well, but like, that's a natural consequence if you're an asshole to me, I'm not going to talk to you. Yeah, that's.

00:29:53:13 - 00:30:04:20
But also, like, did you, like, subconsciously know if I'm not going to do this, he's going to react a certain way. So then I get to do this thing that I really want to do, you know, like, like, say, like, did you set him up?

00:30:04:21 - 00:30:23:06
I mean, for failure, I he wasn't planned. I definitely wasn't planned that way. Like, I didn't know how he was going to react and he was pissing me off. And I honestly, this is going to sound really bad, but a lot of times with certain customers, not every customer, but with certain customers, you sort of have to treat them like they're a child.

00:30:23:06 - 00:30:50:15
Like if you act badly, you're going to have a consequence. Absolutely, because people definitely do come into bars with this kind of preconceived notion that they can like throw money around. And that's going to like, do anything for their cause of getting more getting getting like getting more drinks or or getting stronger drinks or something. And I just feel like I never, like, allowed people to sort of buy me that way.

00:30:50:15 - 00:31:09:19
It just wasn't that for me. I'd much rather create a better like a community in the bar than like, you know, let these jerk offs with money, throw around their money, act like jerks, and then like, have that actually work, you know, because I don't think that's important. But I definitely did set him up. Yeah. I mean, it was 100%.

00:31:09:19 - 00:31:13:01
I think that, you know, looking back on it was yeah.

00:31:13:03 - 00:31:15:03
You subconsciously probably did. Yeah.

00:31:15:09 - 00:31:40:01
But honestly though, like having been on rough dates, you did her a favor. So however much of an asshole that you may or may not have been is negated by, hopefully she learned something and then didn't see him again. But yeah, if it were me, I would have been very grateful to you for exposing that. That quick temper.

00:31:40:01 - 00:31:58:14
I mean, I mean, you know, he was clapping at me. It was like I wasn't fine. That's not good behavior. But at the same time, it didn't set me off. It really set me off was when he snapped. Hmm. Like he snapped. Like, come here, boy. Right. That, like, set me off. It's just. And that was like, this guy needs to be, like, put in his place.

00:31:58:16 - 00:32:17:04
But I guess the moral of the story here is, like, first of all, the bartender sees you sit on, wave your hands or yell things or whatever, because they see you. And secondly, don't ever, ever, ever, ever talk down to your bartender, Right? There's just like a few people you don't piss off in life. Your barber, your tax guy, your boyfriend or.

00:32:17:04 - 00:32:20:10
Your bartender, the people who cook your food or significant.

00:32:20:10 - 00:32:25:23
Other to, you know, I'll throw I'll throw them away. Those are the people you really just don't want to piss off in life.

00:32:26:01 - 00:32:46:23
It's also like you set expectations with them, right? Like you already said, they're like, Here's what's going to happen. Unfortunately, you just kind of have to deal with it and be a big boy about it. You know, we're busy. We're busy because I feel the way you do, too. I have some people at the bar that I know they're ready for their second drink, but a couple of just woke walked up or maybe they only been waiting for a minute or two.

00:32:47:04 - 00:33:01:04
I'm going to serve them first because they need to get their drink. And you've already had one. And you can wait just a smidge longer. Right? You know, and I tell I sometimes if I'm if I'm not super busy, I'll like, hey, I'm going to get them first, then I'll get your second round. Okay? And they look okay.

00:33:01:04 - 00:33:21:05
No problem. You know, I've never had anyone be, I guess, verbally aggressive to me about it that I can remember. The only time I've had anyone verbally aggressive to me to where I was definitely an asshole, but they expected it was. We had this private party, the room next door to our bar. So you were in. You were at the hotel bar.

00:33:21:06 - 00:33:44:01
There's a room next to it where you rent out, you know, 180 people up to 180. It was a Christmas party, a holiday party, whatever. And that got done, and it was about 100 of them, or 40 of them walk into my bar and I'm the only bartender already have like 40 people in the bar. So I just doubled the capacity or not capacity, but I double how many guests were in there.

00:33:44:03 - 00:34:03:06
I'm by myself and this woman just assumed I was going to stuff everything I was humanly possibly doing with the guests that were already there, that were my guests to help her out and help them out. And I was doing my normal you know, I basically just made rounds, the bar, right? I just started one and just went around in circles.

00:34:03:08 - 00:34:20:14
So anyways, I was at I was taking one of their friend Co-Worker's Orders, and she just kept yelling at me, Hey, hey, hey. And I'm just like, Man, you need to please be quiet. I'm taking her order. I'll get you know, I got something very important to tell you. Something very important tell you. Go, man. I don't care what you have to tell me right now.

00:34:20:15 - 00:34:41:03
I'll take her order. I'll come to you and then She didn't like that. She stepped kind of into the pass through and just started like, oh, like yanking on my shirt. And I go, Don't fucking touch me. And stop yelling at me. I don't give a shit what you have to say to me right now because I'm with her taking her order and I'll be right fucking with you.

00:34:41:05 - 00:34:43:05
She just look, don't put your hands up.

00:34:43:05 - 00:34:49:23
People know, you know, and don't yell. I'm not your fucking partner and I'm not your child. So do not talk to me that way because you.

00:34:49:23 - 00:34:51:18
Shouldn't talk to anybody that way.

00:34:51:18 - 00:34:54:17
I understand that. But I'm just saying, like.

00:34:54:22 - 00:34:59:08
I'm not going to forgive you for this behavior. Right? You know, I'm not going to brush it off.

00:34:59:08 - 00:35:02:21
I know this is kind of beside the point. Did you ever find out what you wanted to tell you that was?

00:35:02:21 - 00:35:09:06
Yeah, she said some other girls can pay the tab, the bar of the tab. They just open up. That's it. That's it. Some other guy.

00:35:09:06 - 00:35:10:08
Wasn't even that important.

00:35:10:09 - 00:35:10:18

00:35:10:18 - 00:35:13:17
Routine. It wasn't even like a very important right.

00:35:13:17 - 00:35:30:05
And so it was sex is it happens. This happens quite a bit. Not that extreme, but these people who have these private parties, they come over to my bar. They're like, well, they assumed because they spent so much money, you know, in this private party that they get priority when they come to the bar. I work out. I'm like, that's not what happens.

00:35:30:05 - 00:35:43:04
You spend a bunch of money with them. That's a different department. I don't I don't see a dollar being you just spent. You are now starting fresh with me and we're going to start this relationship off with a bang. And unfortunately.

00:35:43:05 - 00:36:00:22
You know, I think that, you know, one of the most annoying things that happens in the bar industry is that like is the idea that if you spend a lot of money then you're in your entitled right special behavior and there's nothing worse than entitled because the thing is, is that it's like this like you spent a bunch of money.

00:36:00:22 - 00:36:16:06
That's great. We're also serving you and giving you a really nice experience. And that doesn't mean that you get to do things that are against policy, right? It doesn't mean that you guys get to do things that are dangerous in the bar. It doesn't mean that you guys get to drink as much as you want. We will still cut you off because guess what?

00:36:16:06 - 00:36:35:23
If I don't cut you off and you go out and crash your car, the cops are going to come to my bar and I'm going to be liable for whoever you kill. Right? So you are going to get cut off. You're not going to do things that are. It's just ridiculous, ridiculous behavior. You're right. It's like it's like But I do think that like, the consumption of alcohol definitely does not agree with everybody.

00:36:35:23 - 00:36:39:11
And they and a lot of people become like children. Yeah. Yeah, they really do.

00:36:39:13 - 00:36:46:21
You And they also think their $20 tip is way more important than my fucking liquor license. You know, like, who cares? I just do it like, no.

00:36:47:01 - 00:36:50:02
Fucking $20 that you can shove in your $20.

00:36:50:04 - 00:37:00:14
Right? Because unless you're unless you're going to hit me, unless you're going to give me ten grand for the legal fees that I'm going to need, plus pay my fines. Yeah. Then we can talk, you know?

00:37:00:16 - 00:37:23:04
All right, so for your story, I am going to rate a 3.2 because, you know, it kind of comes back to how we rate a lot of our stories, right? So it's a little bit less. It's a little bit about all kind of compounds, you know, and pushing you him pushing you, him pushing you. And, you know, you set expectations with him quite a few times and then just I think what sets it off is the whole fucking bar.

00:37:23:06 - 00:37:23:22

00:37:24:00 - 00:37:40:11
You know, because it seems like a Cheers thing, right. Like, you know, you obviously your a lot of your regulars there that kind of know what that bell stands for you know or you know and they all told me it was cut off so I would have loved to have been there like just in the back. Yeah. If we're on a date and we see this happening, like, oh, beautiful thing to see, right?

00:37:40:13 - 00:37:51:05
I without the bell, it'd have been a 1.2 for me because I've been on that date.

00:37:51:07 - 00:37:52:00
Not with me.

00:37:52:04 - 00:37:56:04
I think that data super common data and.

00:37:56:06 - 00:38:02:22
So but then you add the bell to it and I'm, I'm right up there with you. I'm going to go 2.9.

00:38:02:23 - 00:38:07:12
Okay. Do you have a numerical value for your own story?

00:38:07:14 - 00:38:25:18
Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I'm probably on 2.5. Kind of feel like that's not the craziest thing I've seen. It's not, but it definitely is something that happens quite a bit. I think I turned it into a little bit more of a show, right? I could have done. But being super rare, it's just it's a fun story to tell.

00:38:25:20 - 00:38:31:15
I think people really, really, really like the idea of like someone getting there just.

00:38:31:16 - 00:38:33:09
Absolutely, absolutely.

00:38:33:09 - 00:38:42:15
Fulfills that need for for someone that really, you know, just reaps their reaps what they so immediately like instant karma kind of story.

00:38:42:16 - 00:38:43:03

00:38:43:04 - 00:38:44:14
I don't think it's super rare.

00:38:44:16 - 00:38:48:04
You did something bad. You should feel bad that.

00:38:48:06 - 00:38:54:03
You don't get a reward for being a child, Right. So you don't get your second little drinky drink. Right.

00:38:54:05 - 00:38:56:08
Do you? Do you see how many people a.

00:38:56:08 - 00:39:16:05
Lot of times that story plays out like you're a bartender in a high end spay spot and, you know, like some rich asshole treats you like an asshole and you just have to fucking swallow it. You're going to get fired. Like, that's usually how that happens. It's not so like being able to work in a bar where you actually get to be real is a is a rarity.

00:39:16:05 - 00:39:17:15
And yeah, that's why I told it. Really?

00:39:17:17 - 00:39:34:12
No, I agree. Because that's exactly who I am as a bartender to like, you know, you don't do it all the time, but when you do it, there's so much justification for the why. Yeah, so cool. Awesome, sir. Well, thank you so much. What? You have anything that you would like to plug to our wonderful audience?

00:39:34:14 - 00:39:42:08
Do I have. I'd like to plug. I don't. I don't think so. Just. I don't know. Watch my YouTube channel subscribe. I don't know.

00:39:42:10 - 00:39:43:14
So you got you got the main show.

00:39:43:20 - 00:39:53:19
We're going to bring it back our second channel. Yeah. Which is is actually great because we we've been having to advertise a lot on our main channel to be able to make a living.

00:39:53:23 - 00:39:54:07

00:39:54:12 - 00:40:03:11
Which a lot of people just don't get. Mm hmm. I've been getting a lot of comments like, why are you showing products? It's like, well I show products to keep this shit free for you, right?

00:40:03:13 - 00:40:04:01

00:40:04:01 - 00:40:16:22
I don't have to pay me. The companies can pay me, but, you know, I don't know. I don't know why people don't get like that. That's what you got to do. And not only that, but we say no to so many products like we only plug products that we really actually can get behind.

00:40:16:23 - 00:40:17:19

00:40:17:21 - 00:40:30:20
But free for our other channel is like where we get to just sort of have fun. We don't get we don't have to much advertising on there and we're kind of getting back to doing that, which is guys go go like and subscribe that.

00:40:30:22 - 00:40:50:10
Yeah, we have been featured on that channel report and I like, I like that time when you guys were kind of going to different bars and kind of doing that because it's always interesting to see bars that you will probably maybe never visit, but just to see what towns are doing and and stuff like that. So and then I know like Mary went to Alaska one time and that was kind of cool.

00:40:50:15 - 00:41:00:05
And yeah, it's just kind of like this is cool is a cool secondary. Chuckles It's more than just a cocktail. It's the cocktail community. It seems like, you know, like more you have more, you do a little more freedom there, it seems like.

00:41:00:05 - 00:41:15:02
So yeah, we want to do more like home bars. If we can find them, we're not going to do any more travel content because unfortunately for some reason you just can't make it popular enough to have it be profitable enough to like. Right. Why? The cost.

00:41:15:02 - 00:41:15:16

00:41:15:17 - 00:41:39:06
Takes to make that stuff, you know, like, I mean, like, even like even if like a brand flies us out somewhere and puts us up, we still spend a ton of money on, like, buying spirits, you know, to, like, taste them or, like, eating, traveling around. It's like it's just so expensive to do and it's like there's just not enough interest in, you know, like, I don't know, cocktail traveling stuff to really make it worthwhile.

00:41:39:08 - 00:41:47:02
What we're going to start doing a lot more of, though, which we like to do, is like, I've been hitting up a lot of companies to get products to review.

00:41:47:04 - 00:41:47:10

00:41:47:12 - 00:42:04:21
And just like review different products. And most of the time when we bring in like an ice maker that makes £44 of ice or whatever, that will get a lot of use. And that's been really fun. So I've gotten a lot of different products to make videos about them so that I can test them out to other people.

00:42:04:23 - 00:42:18:18
Yeah, that's yeah, that's something else. Like two other chunks. You kind of do like that, the testing of the ice ins, because ice is definitely kind of taking kind of off in the past couple of years, it seems like it's just like the cooler ice or how do I mass produce a bunch of ice for home bartending? So cool.

00:42:18:18 - 00:42:19:18
Yeah, definitely check that out.

00:42:19:21 - 00:42:22:23
We're not going to ice golden age for sure.

00:42:23:01 - 00:42:25:11
Exactly. Well.

00:42:25:13 - 00:42:27:21
Every company is trying to profit off of it, you know?

00:42:28:01 - 00:42:36:20
Right? These big, huge fucking insulated things that take up half of your freezer. But I didn't say that. I didn't think so. But anyways, remember.

00:42:36:22 - 00:42:51:11
I've actually been testing like a ton of companies. Just sent me all the analog things. So I got one from Winter Smiths, their brand new Phantom thing. Okay, I got one from some Chinese company and a whole bunch of these ice things to test. So we're going to be making a video when it's cool.

00:42:51:13 - 00:42:55:20
And don't forget, don't be a dick. Tip your bartender. Drink responsibly.