Skiersmindset Talk by Nina Gigele

Skiersmindset Talk with Ivica Kostelic
Ivica Kostelic discusses his skiing season, the concept of freedom, and the challenges in alpine skiing. He also shares insights on the importance of skiing and the upcoming projects related to his movie 'Freedom'.

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► Produced by Nina Gigele 

Skiing is a lifelong investment that offers numerous possibilities and benefits.
Freedom in skiing is about being in the present moment and making choices without external influence.
The challenges in alpine skiing include the stagnation of interest, the drainage of young talent, and the need for long-term strategic decisions.
Ivica Kostelic's movie 'Freedom' aims to explore the concept of freedom in skiing across different cultures and perspectives.
The mindset behind skiing connects people worldwide and offers a unique experience of freedom and privilege.

Sound Bites
"Freedom has its cost, and there are some things that you have to sacrifice for it."
"Freedom is something super valuable, and you should not wait for it. You should take the moment and enjoy this huge value that we have."
"Skiing is almost like music. If you learn it, it pays off for the rest of your life."

00:00 Introduction and Skiing Season Overview
02:56 The Concept of Freedom in Skiing
05:58 Challenges and Opportunities in Alpine Skiing
10:59 Ivica Kostelic's Movie Project 'Freedom'

Winter turned in early this season. Join our Skiersmindset Podcast to listen to inspiring skiing-related athletes and business leaders. 

I am Nina Gigele, Skier from the Arlberg. I can't wait to get in touch with you. 

What is Skiersmindset Talk by Nina Gigele?

Welcome to the Skiersmindset Podcast with Nina Gigele, where I dive into the exhilarating world of skiing and beyond. I'm your host, Nina Gigele, and I'm thrilled to take you on a journey that transcends the slopes. This podcast explores the fascinating intersection of athleticism, mental fortitude, and personal growth.

Join us as we delve into the minds of top athletes, uncovering their secrets to maintaining peak performance and pushing the boundaries of their physical capabilities. We'll explore skiers' unique mental challenges, from conquering fear and embracing uncertainty to harnessing the power of resilience in the face of setbacks.

But Skiersmindset Talk is more than just a sports podcast. We'll also explore how the lessons learned on the mountain can be applied to various aspects of life, from business and leadership to navigating the pressures of daily work life. Discover how the principles of mental and physical fitness cultivated in skiing can be harnessed to enhance your overall well-being and success.

Through insightful interviews, thought-provoking discussions, and actionable advice, we'll uncover the secrets to unlocking your full potential on and off the slopes. So whether you're a seasoned skier, a business professional seeking inspiration, or someone looking to enhance their mental strength, Skiersmindset Talk empowers you with the tools you need to conquer challenges and lead a more fulfilling life.

Get ready to explore the exhilarating world of skiing and harness the skier's mindset for success in all areas of your life. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Nina Gigele:

Hi. I'm Nina Giele and this is gear's mindset talk. I'm here to interview and talk with athletes, pros, mental coaches, entrepreneurs, and many more who relate to skiing. Together, we want to prove our mindset in skiing and also in business life. Hello to another Skiers Mindset talk, this time with the famous Iryssa Kostelich.

Nina Gigele:

He has been one of my, dream athletes and role models when I was, like, young, racing and skiing, and I'm so glad to have you here. How are you, Iritza?

Ivica Kostelic:

Hi. Nice to see you.

Nina Gigele:

Good to see you too. Are you doing good?

Ivica Kostelic:

Yeah. Doing perfect.

Nina Gigele:

Nice. Cool.

Ivica Kostelic:

I'm involved working on a farm.

Nina Gigele:

That's amazing. That's so cool. Ericha, tell us a little bit, about your skiing season. I mean, you are now a free rider, and I'm really curious on how it was how was the season?

Ivica Kostelic:

Well, I'm wouldn't go so far to call myself a free rider. Yeah. I was I was free riding a lot this this season, especially since I have a nice cooperation with, Overtoun, And this is a very nice free riding spot. And I started to work on a film project, in around all the power. The the movie is called Freedom.

Ivica Kostelic:

It involves, free riding, and, actually, I am interested about what free riders think about freedom, what is freedom, and so on. Otherwise than that, yeah, I've been, trying to catch as much powder as I could. I was in, Alaska end of March, beginning of April for 3 weeks. Wow. And, yeah, had some good time over there as well.

Ivica Kostelic:

So, yeah, enjoying you know, I wouldn't say just free riding, just, you know, touring, staying off piste, and mostly hunting powder.

Nina Gigele:

What is freedom for you?

Ivica Kostelic:

Freedom for me is, I would say possibility of creation and expression without any influence from the side.

Nina Gigele:

What would you call as an influence? Could there be

Ivica Kostelic:

Everything is an influence. I mean, there is, there is, like, intentional and unintentional influence. And, of course, all of the information that we are processing are are influential to us. But let's say Mhmm. Some if you're making a decision or you're you're making a creation, that you're you're doing something, whatever it is, that there is nothing between you and this thing that you're doing that comes from the side.

Ivica Kostelic:

Only only your own, your own drive, so to speak. And, there's almost, I would say, even if you are, involving conscience, it's not complete freedom. So Mhmm. I think, like, skiing is is very similar to free freedom because you are in the present moment and nothing stands be between you and your your action.

Nina Gigele:

Was that the same for you when you were, like, outbound racing and now in free riding? Or do you see there is a difference?

Ivica Kostelic:

Yeah. I mean, when you are skiing, when you are in the action, that's the same feeling. Absolutely. Maybe you're you're you're focused on other goals and, you basically, your the feel is different. Well, if you are competing and not competing, that's one of the big differences.

Ivica Kostelic:

Yeah. It's the same the same thing that you are in in the present and nothing occupies your mind except the action that you are that you're performing.

Nina Gigele:

I feel like, in the free riding, it's a different way of freedom. Right? Because, like you say, skiing is the same, and for sure you have, like, different, like, things from the outside who struggle or you might change your mind, regarding freedom. But in free riding, you have another issue or another challenge, which is just like the nature. It's like avalanches.

Nina Gigele:

It's like the risk you have. There might be something slightly different to freedom. Could that be?

Ivica Kostelic:

Oh, of course. Yeah. Well, now the this is like there are, there are limitations, of course, in anything that you do. Mhmm. And these are these are the limitations that you have to accept.

Ivica Kostelic:

Or, actually, you don't have to accept them either. Yeah. You can you can ride, you can ride even dangerous terrain if you decide to to ride it. I mean, you just have to be aware of the consequences and then accept those consequences. So it's, basically, it's also part of the freedom.

Ivica Kostelic:

If you wanna write, you can write anything. I think

Nina Gigele:

You know?

Ivica Kostelic:

No freedom as as its cost. That's for sure. In anything. The the there are some things that you have to sacrifice for it. But, ultimately, there's probably nothing more valuable than freedom in this world.

Nina Gigele:

I totally agree. How come you you started that? Like, what what's the background of it? How is there anything particular? Or was it like a challenge you you seek by yourself, or how it work?

Ivica Kostelic:

I was skiing during the the lockdown. I was one of the lucky ones that went into the mountains, and I realized that, something has been taken away from us. Something, very, very valuable. And it was a unique situation where, we we have never faced something like this as humans, I suppose, for a very long time. It's just that, like, the possibilities have been taken away from us.

Ivica Kostelic:

And then, and then I saw I met other people in the mountains, mostly people touring and free riding. And, I was I was wondering if if what what are their thoughts about freedom? Do they realize how lucky they are that they're actually consuming the freedom? Are they are aware of of this? And, yeah, that was like, it was basically started during the lockdown.

Ivica Kostelic:

It was just an idea one day. It's like, wow, I'm here enjoying all this, consuming all this joy, and people are locked down between 4 walls. Other people are are locked down. I suppose people have become more aware of of this issue after after the corona crisis. You know?

Ivica Kostelic:

What is what is freedom and, why we we appreciate it so much and so on. And I I think subconsciously, there there has there has been something has moved inside the people. We have we see today after the corona crisis how much more, enthusiasts, nature enthusiasts we have. People are in the mountains. People are hiking, touring, skiing, northeast.

Ivica Kostelic:

So they are I I think, subconsciously, they have learned the lesson, so to speak. The freedom is something super valuable, and you should not wait for it. You should not, you should take the moment and enjoy, this this huge value that we have. And I think people have learned that during the corona crisis. This is actually where the where the idea for the movie came from.

Nina Gigele:

Right. Right. You see there are any challenges coming?

Ivica Kostelic:

Well, you know, it's like, this, this theme is, like, huge. You can discuss freedom in a lot of human activities, which are connected to this moment. I find, like, that you are coming into the nature where you are not influenced by, by other people, other people's will. And that you are of free will, and you are connected to this, activity that you're doing. So there's, like, not only skiing, there's a lot more sports that share the same framework.

Ivica Kostelic:

But, of course, the my movies, focused on free riding, and, this is why I would I would really like to involve a lot of people from different points of view. So far, I had, like, athletes, non athletes. And, what is very also important to see what freedom means to in in different cultures. So not only Europeans, you need to look into other cultures as well. What is their picture of of freedom?

Ivica Kostelic:

This is this is a huge theme, and, unfortunately, I will not be able to keep everything in focus in a free writing movie. But this is maybe something for the future. Anyways No. So now I'm I'm happy how it's going. I just need to stay in the free riding frame in a way.

Nina Gigele:

Okay. I have another question. I mean, it's so trendy at the moment that people are turning back into the World Cup. Would you do that? And if yes, how would it be for you?

Ivica Kostelic:

No. I I I wouldn't do that. The thing is that even even if I wanted, like, to come back, my knee is not, ready to raise anymore.

Nina Gigele:


Ivica Kostelic:

So, I'm my body is not ready to do it, and it's not going to be ready. So, this time for me is is past. But, certainly, you know, there are moments when you when you wish that you would race again. But this is, I think, this is common with every athlete.

Nina Gigele:

Yeah. For sure. I agree. What would you change or won the World Cup? Or what would you see, like, that's something I would love to get a positivity outfit?

Nina Gigele:

Or can it just slide different, small things maybe in the start?

Ivica Kostelic:

Or Yeah. You know, this this, issue is very big. I have been addressing, and thinking about this a lot. But trying in my own way to do no point to sign things even when I was racing. But I think, it's just I think it's a loss of time in a way.

Ivica Kostelic:

That's what I learned, unfortunately. You know? And when you're young, you're trying to change everything like young people do. And and I would say my my thoughts were always they always had something strategical in mind, and this is how I look at things. I don't look at things at at the the level of this moment or within this season or so on.

Ivica Kostelic:

It's like the long term decisions and actions are the ones that decide about the face of the sport in a way, and they have, like Mhmm. Deep confidence. And these are the the issues that are the hardest to address. They're always they're never touched mostly because people are afraid to change them. So we always end end up with superficial decisions that, you know, basically don't change the core of the problem and so

Nina Gigele:

on. Mhmm.

Ivica Kostelic:

And, here, the thing is, skiing, a sport has, like, the interest for skiing has been stagnating. I'm talking about competition, not skiing as as a sport as a whole. I'm talking about Alpine skiing World Cup. It has not, so far, it has not continuing to grow as as the, I would say, the whole global thing is growing. Other sports are growing.

Ivica Kostelic:

And I think the Alpine skiing is just turning in circles, in a very, I would say, you know, local kind of local way. We always see the same same nations, same ski resorts, same people turning around. And today, of course, we have this huge marketing, I would say, I don't know how to say this, machine inside FIST who is trying to, you know, promote things and so on. But in essence, nothing nothing. There are no serious, changes.

Ivica Kostelic:

And, I don't know. This this, all of this talk is what I'm telling here is nothing. You know? This is a thing that you have to talk for a very long time. And and then the other thing is that you has you have also one has to also understand how things work inside World Cup.

Ivica Kostelic:

And this is what many people don't understand because they are watching TV and, following races. I would say, for me, the the the biggest problem which nobody addresses in the World Cup is, slow, just drainage of young people going away from the sport into another sports. And, we're not getting in the the big amounts of fresh blood, especially not from nations that are not culturally connected to skiing. And and, then the essence of problem for many years have been this group 30 where, the points or the, I would say, the future was determined by if you're not if you're in top 30 or not top 30. And if you're not top 30, you're not on TV.

Ivica Kostelic:

And then you lose interest. You lose people. Mhmm. And instead of trying to get the young people in, you're pushing the young people out. They choose other sports or or they choose to quit.

Ivica Kostelic:

And, nobody was thinking about this problem. And then all of a sudden, you see that by the end of my career, top 30 group of slalom and g s is full of old people, and young people are not coming up. And the system of top 30 has been around since 1992. And now the damage is so huge that it's, it's hard to to repair it. So and these are the things that need addressing, but, nobody wants to touch.

Ivica Kostelic:

So there there are other things as well. But I have learned that, you know, this, the face is, it's basically a a society where there's no no captain. And there's key associations, and each of them is lobbying for their own interest. You know, the the the direction or strategy of development is always just wandering around. Present interest to another present interest and so on.

Ivica Kostelic:

So there is no no strategy or insight into the future. There's just like they don't know what basically they're doing. They're they're trying to do something which will have, a short term effect, but, nobody is addressing the the really, really important things.

Nina Gigele:

Thanks for sharing. I totally can, like, I find your or I can see your passion about, in general, skiing, and I get that it's a difficult situation within that just one which is just one part. Right? Alpek skiing. I mean, skiing is so much more than, racing red and blue, and I'm so glad that you kinda realized that with your free riding.

Nina Gigele:

Been so much fun talking to you about that free riding sector. Also, when

Ivica Kostelic:

we saw each other in

Nina Gigele:

kids' view, and we have to ski. That's for sure. And I have a question regarding, like, And I have a question regarding, like, if you would, ski again, like, if you would kinda grow up or if you would if there's like like you said before, there are lots of young kids who who stop skiing. What would you advise or give as a young kid that they don't stop skiing? It doesn't need to be in racing in general because I feel that's a very important thing to not stop skiing.

Nina Gigele:


Ivica Kostelic:

Yeah. I mean, you know, skiing is like, almost like music. It if you learn it, it, it pays off for the rest of your life. And, it awards you in many ways, which are just somehow connect to skiing. And I even when I was racing, I loved that maybe even more than competing in the way, you know, that you are on the mountain, that you are privileged human being.

Ivica Kostelic:

Just being out there, being able to to enjoy this feeling of flying on the slopes or just this feeling of, you know, dropping without falling in the in the steep powder runs and, you know, the fresh air. So many things that people all around the world crave, you have at your hand when you are on the mountain. It's a great privilege. And, once when you learn skiing, the skill, then you you have so many possibilities for for the rest of your life. And this is, I think this it's a really great investment.

Ivica Kostelic:

But, of course, it depends. If you want to become a top racer, there are thin certain things that you have to do, at your young age. But like I said, I always say, you know, each one of us chooses their own goals and has the full right to choose their own goals. Not everyone needs to be a top racer, but everyone will enjoy the benefits of the sport of skiing even in the older age.

Nina Gigele:

And you mentioned those possibilities. Can you share some of those? What do you see as a possibility or a chance?

Ivica Kostelic:

Well, you know, skiing is is just huge. It's, skiing as a sport involves so much. Now it's even more developing in in different ways. I see people flying with parab lights on skis, doing all sorts of crazy stuff. You know, the skiing is, just, like, discovering the mountain.

Ivica Kostelic:

It's, it's not when when you are when you're racing, you're focused on, like you said, red and blue. But, there's so much more on the side. Weird. And this, this is for you to choose. The only thing, like you said, you just need to keep keep going, keep skiing.

Ivica Kostelic:

And, once when you have the the skill level, then, of course, it's like in a video game. The new level opens up, the new terrain opens up the new possibilities and so on.

Nina Gigele:

Oh, that's lovely explained like a game. I love that. That's cool. When you like the have been the first time up in the mountain besides taste? Have you been nervous?

Nina Gigele:

Like, have you felt, like, a little bit out of the comfort zone?

Ivica Kostelic:

You know, it's been a long time. I, I have always felt very comfortable on the mountain because I was not born in the mountains. I came into the mountains, and I spent a lot of time there. So from the first moment on, the mountain was a privilege for me. It was not, something that I have taken from for granted.

Ivica Kostelic:

Mhmm. Like, you are from Arlberg. You have the mountains on your doorstep. And I have to make an effort to come into the mountains. And Mhmm.

Ivica Kostelic:

Kind of, I have to let go of of of somewhere else. And, and then I've spent a lot of time in the mountains really as a child because we would go training usually for in 1 month blocks. And we would either go to Melta Leglac or Hintuks. And we've mostly spent, my my teenage years, I spent in where there was a hotel on 3,000 meters altitude. And I I was once there when I was 16 years old.

Ivica Kostelic:

I spent 46 days without ever going into the valley. Mhmm. So, I spent 46 days on the glacier every day, which involves not only training, but also the the free time.

Nina Gigele:


Ivica Kostelic:

And, you you kind of get friendly with the mountain. So I never felt uncomfortable. No. Absolutely not. Especially because on on the free rides, you get to choose your own line.

Ivica Kostelic:

You get to choose what you want to ski.

Nina Gigele:

You know? Mhmm. Mhmm.

Ivica Kostelic:

Once, like, let's say, when you are racing, you don't have this privilege because the the course is set and, you have to do whatever the challenges before you. You cannot change it. In the end, okay. Maybe you can slow down, but this is not the core of phrasing. So the only thing the only time when I was feeling uncomfortable was basically skiing down the strife.

Nina Gigele:

Can imagine.

Ivica Kostelic:

And, but not, you know, it's like like I said, it's your choice. I'm I'm always I'm trying to be realistic about my goals when when I'm, going free riding. If I see something that is out of my league, that's something that I I don't want to do. I'm like, no, I'm not doing this. You know, of course, there is always, like, if you decide to go free riding for that that really high end level, then you have to accept that at certain points, you will feel uncomfortable.

Ivica Kostelic:

But is normal. I always you always try to push yourself to that limit, and, I do that as as well. But, you know, I would say, you have to adapt to your own goals. Absolutely. So

Nina Gigele:

Nice. Cool.

Ivica Kostelic:

You're you're right. It's more a budding point.

Nina Gigele:

What's the goal of ITA for the upcoming months?

Ivica Kostelic:

No. I'm, I'm going sailing. I'm going to do some sailing this, this summer, and then, spend spend some time in my summer home. And then I'm going to prepare some projects for the next winter.

Nina Gigele:


Ivica Kostelic:

And that's it. And then the winter's coming. I'm go I'm going again back to Overtown to film the rest of the Freedom movie. And then, yeah, I have some other other projects planned for for the end of the the winter season.

Nina Gigele:

Is it like, when can we expect your movie?

Ivica Kostelic:

In the fall of 2025. Cool.

Nina Gigele:

Exciting. Do you you mentioned, like, you wanna go into other cultures. Can you share something about it, or is it secret where you wanna go?

Ivica Kostelic:

Or No. For first of all, I want I wanted to see the difference if there's any difference how, men and women, see freedom. You know? Like, because that's I wanted to have the the female view as well. I I had already some a few of, female writers on the movie.

Ivica Kostelic:

And then I had, my old friend from Japan, Akira Sasaki, he's also in the movie.

Nina Gigele:

They're like, oh.

Ivica Kostelic:

And it was so it was so refreshing to see his view of of the freedom of freedom and, you know

Nina Gigele:


Ivica Kostelic:

was funny to see that his what he was saying was quite different from what Europeans were saying.

Nina Gigele:


Ivica Kostelic:

And it in a way, it was kind of spiritual, what he said, while Europe maybe are addressing more the physical thing. You know?

Nina Gigele:


Ivica Kostelic:

So this is the kind of things that I would like to to address, to to see, to this. That's why we're also filming next season because we wanna do some stuff with North Americans to see, like, what is the if their view is different from the Europe Mhmm. Or or Japanese. So on just to involve, more people. More views.

Nina Gigele:

Wow. Thank you so much. I can't wait to see. That's cool. We should definitely set up another chat because I have some more questions, but I think for now it's good.

Nina Gigele:

And thank you so much for being part of this skills mindset. It's actually about freedom in the one sense. And Good. Yeah. Yeah.

Nina Gigele:

It's about I mean, for me, it's inspiring to what skiing connects, like, all over the world, those people. It's just one sport, but in a various way. And, the mindset behind of it just connects in life in general. And that's very well explained. Thank you so much, Irita.

Ivica Kostelic:

Hey. Thanks for your invitation. It was a pleasure. And, hopefully, see you on the slopes. Yes.