News from EWTN Norway

News in the Church | Evening News July 11, 2024

By Pål Johannes Nes

"Welcome to News from the Church, your source for Catholic news and updates from around the world. The news is edited by Pål Johannes Nes, and you're listening to EWTN Norway. This is the Evening News for July 11, 2024. Let's begin."


Creators & Guests

Pål Johannes Nes
Editor in Cheif EWTN Norway

What is News from EWTN Norway?

"News from EWTN Norway" is a podcast featuring the latest Catholic news, produced with AI narration. Episodes cover significant events and updates from the Vatican, stories of sainthood, and other relevant Catholic news. Content is sourced from reputable outlets like the Catholic News Agency and The National Catholic Register. Regular updates ensure listeners stay informed on important developments in the Catholic community.

News in the Church | Evening News July 11, 2024
By Pål Johannes Nes
"Welcome to News from the Church, your source for Catholic news and updates from around the world. The news is edited by Pål Johannes Nes, and you're listening to EWTN Norway. This is the Evening News for July 11, 2024. Let's begin."
News Stories:
Firefighters Quell Blaze at French Cathedral
"Firefighters successfully extinguished a blaze at the historic Cathedral of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Nantes, France. The fire, which broke out in the early hours, caused significant damage to parts of the structure, including the roof and an organ, but was contained before spreading further. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation. The cathedral, which dates back to the 15th century, has been the focus of restoration efforts, and this incident underscores the challenges of preserving such historic sites. Local authorities and the Church have expressed gratitude for the swift response of the firefighters."
Vatican Reveals Details About 1974 Ruling on Alleged 'Lady of All Nations' Apparition
"The Vatican has disclosed new details regarding a 1974 ruling on the alleged apparitions of the 'Lady of All Nations' in Amsterdam. The ruling, which has been a subject of interest and debate among the faithful, raised concerns about the theological content and the messages associated with the apparitions. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith emphasized that the messages lacked supernatural origin. This revelation aims to clarify the Church's position and provide guidance to the faithful regarding the discernment of private revelations and their spiritual significance."
Italy’s Prime Minister Proposes Aid for Women in Financial Straits Who Reject Abortion
"Italy’s Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, has proposed new financial aid for women facing economic hardships who choose to carry their pregnancies to term rather than opting for abortion. This initiative is part of a broader effort to support families and promote life-affirming choices. The proposal includes various forms of assistance, such as housing, healthcare, and financial support, to help women and families in need."
As Marriage Rates Continue to Plunge, How Can the Church Get More People to the Altar?
"With marriage rates continuing to decline, the Church is exploring ways to encourage more couples to consider marriage. Experts suggest that the Church can play a crucial role by offering more robust marriage preparation programs that focus on relationship skills, communication, and conflict resolution. Additionally, creating supportive community environments and addressing contemporary challenges such as financial instability and changing social norms can help. Emphasizing the spiritual and societal benefits of marriage, alongside promoting the sacramental nature of the union, could also inspire more people to take this significant step."
Knights of Columbus to Cover Rupnik Art in DC and Connecticut
"The Knights of Columbus have decided to cover artwork by Father Marko Rupnik in their facilities in Washington D.C. and Connecticut. This decision comes in response to recent controversies surrounding Rupnik. The organization aims to address the concerns of the faithful while respecting the artistic contributions. The covered artworks will remain in place but will be temporarily concealed from public view."
Pope Francis to Witness Miracle of the Snow in Santa Maria Maggiore on August 5
"Pope Francis will participate in the annual celebration of the 'Miracle of the Snow' at the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore on August 5. This tradition commemorates the miraculous snowfall in Rome in 352 AD, which led to the founding of the basilica. The Pope's presence underscores the importance of this event in the liturgical calendar and its significance in Marian devotion."
Kenya’s President Dissolves Cabinet Amid Youth-Led Protests
"Kenya’s President, William Ruto, has dissolved his cabinet in response to ongoing youth-led protests. The protests, driven by economic and social grievances, have highlighted widespread dissatisfaction among the country's youth. The President's decision to dissolve the cabinet is seen as a move to address the protesters' demands and initiate governmental reforms. Church leaders have called for peaceful dialogue and constructive engagement to resolve the issues."
Summer Courses for Christian Education in Erbil Archdiocese
"In the Erbil Archdiocese, summer courses have been launched to promote Christian education among young people. These courses aim to provide theological training, spiritual formation, and community-building activities. The initiative reflects the Church's commitment to nurturing faith and education in regions facing significant challenges, fostering a resilient and well-informed Christian community."
This Year's Benedict XVI Forum in Altotting Opened by Cardinal Koch
"Cardinal Kurt Koch has inaugurated this year's Benedict XVI Forum in Altotting, Germany. The forum focuses on theological discussions and reflections inspired by the works of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. This event brings together scholars, clergy, and laypeople to engage in meaningful dialogue on contemporary theological issues. The forum seeks to deepen the understanding of Benedict XVI's theological contributions and their relevance to today's Church."
Tagespost Chief on the Influence of Saints Compared to a Global Synodal Process
"In a recent commentary, the chief editor of Tagespost argued that the example set by saints has a more profound impact on the Church than global synodal processes. He emphasized that the lives of the saints offer concrete models of holiness and virtue that inspire the faithful. The editor highlighted that the personal sanctity and witness of individual lives have historically led to significant spiritual renewal within the Church. This perspective invites a reflection on how the influence of saints can complement and enhance the outcomes of synodal discussions."
"That brings us to the end of today's episode. Thank you for joining us on News from the Church. Remember to tune in tomorrow for the Morning News, where we'll bring you more updates and stories from the global Catholic community. God bless you all, and may your faith continue to inspire and guide you. This is EWTN Norway, wishing you a peaceful and blessed evening."