The Web Canopy Studio Show

So many people talk about SEO, buying new tools, and adding all kinds of stuff to their websites like calculators and quizzes when they are looking for ways to generate more leads.  

All that stuff is great and can be effective. 

But when it comes to bringing in new leads immediately these additions aren't going to move the needle.

In this episode, John Aikin breaks down how copywriting (done the right way) can help you build a relationship with the people who are viewing your site and get them to take an action. 

This episode is for you if you are looking for effective ways to increase the number of leads your website is bringing in immediately. 


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Get This Free Website Assessment Report Today!

Are you frustrated with your website’s performance? Is it a clearly outdated thorn in your side? Do you wish you could actually use your website as the #1 sales tool for your business and consistently put high-quality leads on your calendar for calls and demos?

If you want a customized action plan for how you can actually achieve all of this, then you need to take our free Website Conversion Assessment at

It only takes roughly 10 minutes of your time. Answer 30 questions on this self-guided assessment, and instantly get your report delivered.

When you fill out this assessment, you will receive a personalized report which includes:

✅  Individual evaluations for how your website performs in each of the 6 key areas of the Website Conversion Framework

✅  Detailed descriptions of the areas you should focus on and why they are critical to your company’s success

✅  A checklist for each area of focus that shows you exactly what you need to do to fix your website in a step-by-step format
Additional resources to help your website perform better

And the best part?

You don't need to hire developers or designers to make these changes! The majority of what we're providing you in this assessment are things that you can address on your own without relying on coding or special tech requests.

Get your free self-guided assessment and see how your website fares today!

What is The Web Canopy Studio Show?

Everyone wants to grow their business, but not everyone has the time or patience to learn all the ins and outs of marketing, sales enablement, and making the most out of a CRM such as HubSpot. Join the Web Canopy Studio team, a HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency, as they chat about various topics all designed to help you grow your B2B business.

In today's episode, we are talking about the biggest copywriting hacks to double your website leads that you could ever ask for. My name is John Aikin, I'm the CEO of Web Canopy Studio, and this is the website conversion show.

A hey, what's up everybody? It has been, it's been a busy weekend over here for the a and household. I've got a lot of kiddos, they're involved in hockey. I feel like I have driven all over the state of Michigan driving my kids from one cold, cold hockey rink to another. But you know what? It's fun. We're having a great time. We're having a great time. So please bear with me. I'm a little bit tired today, a little bit groggy. That's okay. I got these cool funky lights going on. I did the to did the two-One thing for you, I don't know if you can see that or not. I think it's, we're gonna test it out. I think it's gonna work. Okay, so today I'm gonna talk about the biggest misconception around getting people to convert on your website. That I hear constantly.

So many people talk about. So many people talk about seo, they talk about buying tools, they talk about getting all these other things and, and adding all kinds of stuff to their website around like calculators and quizzes and all this fun stuff. And I really, really love those. I think they're awesome. They, but, you know, time and place. I also hear a lot of people talk about we need to increase the seo, we need to increase the traffic. I'm trying to get more leads to my website. So what are the best ways that I can do that? I can guarantee you my friends. It is not about sitting here and thinking, okay, the better keywords I have, the more people are gonna convert right away on my website. It's a hundred percent valuable to have really strong, a really solid content keyword strategy on your website.

But that's not going to bring in leads immediately. It's not, and the time it's gonna take, depending on what your industry is, you might be selling like small, you know, dollar figure trinkets and things like that, and you might end up being able to convert a lot of people right outta the gate. But for most of us, we're dealing with higher end B2B marketing you know, suites of tools and softwares and things like that. And it's not always easy just to get people to take an action on their first glance and engage with you. And the reason is, we have to build a relationship with them. We have to break down barriers with them. We have to get them to trust us, and we have to provide enough value to them that they're gonna want to come back and they're gonna want to engage.

So today I'm gonna walk you through some of the most important things that I want you guys to realize when we're thinking about making our website convert much, much better. This is a copywriting hack that we use all the time. I constantly go through this exercise with other agencies. I go through this exercise with clients when we're trying to talk about the customer journey and building that relationship with them. Because again, it's not always something that we're gonna be able to have this conversion right away. However, we wanna think about this from the starting point of their engagement and not something that we're adding down the road, right? So when we're trying to get more people to convert on our website, and I promise you if we implement this copywriting hack, it will absolutely double your leads. And, and probably it could even go a lot higher than that quite honestly, because if you're not doing this, you're probably not getting a whole lot of leads right now anyway.

If you go, you know, you're getting one really good booked call a month and you know, you go to five, you just had a considerably higher return on investment in those leads or increase in those leads. So the main thing that we're looking at here is what we call a transformation. And we do this a lot. Like I was saying in workshops, we call it a transformation template. We're taking people from point A, which is where they are right now, and we're getting them to go to point B. And a lot of the times when we're looking at point A to point B, we're talking about where they are now, how they're feeling specifically, okay, where they are now, how they are expressing themselves, the frustrations that they're having maybe a lot of the interior emotions that they're not really sharing, right?

What are the things that they're, they're keeping inside that they don't want to talk about or don't want to Google about their position. They don't want their boss to know that they're super frustrated. And so they're, they're trying to solve this problem. We wanna describe and, and list out as many of those feelings and those emotions and those frustrations that that person is having in point A. And then we always look at the end of the timeline to point B and we wanna write down as many feelings and emotions and, and, and situations that they're in when they get to the point where they want to be. Okay, at the end of this journey, we wanna map what the finish line looks like, and we wanna describe what it is that their life is gonna be like when they get there. You could always go do interviews too, by the way guys.

You could always reach out to your top clients more than likely you have some kind of relationship with them and say, Hey, can we ask you a few questions? Would you mind answering, you know, this survey and, and, and kinda get into the weeds and some of those things. When we get into that kind of stuff, you're now looking at, you're taking somebody from this description of where they are today and you're looking at where they want to be tomorrow, having tomorrow be off into the future, okay? And so now imagine we have this timeline, this visual timeline, and you have today and you have a year from now, three years from now inside of there inside of those, those markers, we have these little tick marks, right? Just like any kind of timeline that you'd see, any kind of line graph. And we have these tick marks and inside of those tick marks, each one of those represents an issue or an obstacle or a hurdle that is in their way to go from point A to point B.

So how do we help them as from our company standpoint, our products, our service, our solutions that we offer? How do we take them from that point A all the way to that point B and break down those barriers little by little? What we're gonna do in that situation is we're gonna think about those from a value proposition standpoint. And if you can start to break down what those are, whether their needs that this person has, that they're trying to solve, whether they're fears, whether they're objections that they have about moving forward with you, whether they're struggles that they have in their own position, and we're gonna essentially map those out, starting with the most important ones is we can get that biggest domino to fall over. All the others will fall really easily ala Russell Brenson and, and his copywriting phenom over there.

And so if we can think about that now we're sitting in the situation where we can start to write out all of the issues, all the struggles, all the pains, all the challenges, challenge as they are actual milestones along the way, right? Ideally, you wanna start to group those together to where you have a handful, four, five, you don't want, you don't want too many. A lot of the times you have several. And they could be categorized together into smaller groups, right? So now that we have those listed, and we'll call them needs, these are needs that people want to fix before they get to, or what they're seeking before they get to you know, the, the finish line and the the end result there. So now if we have those listed, you can now do some qualitative work and think about each of those needs that your, your customer has.

How can we start to break down and provide an answer or a feature to those needs that your product or your service or your company can provide, right? We call these needs and features, okay? And if you look at most websites that we've designed, and if you look at, you know, a lot of, you know, tech websites today have even adopted this kind of model to where we're outlining a need that the customer is seeking. And we're answering that just on the opposite side of the page with a feature that's developed. And in many cases, you can write these out as a very nice scrolling back and forth section, going down the page on a product page, a features page, or a solutions page. But when we think about those from a value proposition standpoint, now, instead of just talking about how great our product is or our service and how awesome we are and all these cool things that we love to celebrate about ourselves, which by the way no one cares about, we can now look at it from a user's perspective or a client's perspective and say, these are all the issues that this person has.

These are all the needs that they are seeking to, to fix this problem or the needs they're seeking in a solution that they're going to to, to be desiring. And so if we know what those needs are, now we're representing the features and how your product or your service actually answers those, okay? That is the number one copywriting hack that I can give you when you're talking about your product or your service. Anything beyond that is going to start to get into the weeds. There's a time and a place, but the fastest way to build a bridge to your customers and what they're actually seeking is to talk about it from their perspective, to understand where they are now, where they want to be, all of the obstacles that stand in their way, and then how you can start to help them little by little or your product helps them little by little.

Break down those barriers one by one. That's it guys. It's all I have today. Hopefully it was helpful. Let us know if you have any questions. Be sure to check out the website conversion assessment at You'll get all of these awesome questions offered to you. You're gonna go through the assessment, answer the questions. There's, I think 30, there's not a ton. It won't take you very long at all based off of your answers. It's gonna provide you a personalized list of all of the different things that you can do to get more outta your website, to turn your website into a conversion machine, to drive traffic to the right pages and so on. So that's it. We'll catch you guys later. Thank you.