The Truth In Love podcast will present God's timeless truth through the lens of His amazing love. We will do this not only through stories of people who have experienced His peace, love, strength, and wisdom through tough circumstances, but also by endeavoring to give the Bible’s answer to life’s great questions, like: Who is God, what's my purpose, who am I, how can I know God, what is heaven and hell, what is truth, and why is the Bible's truth better than my own version of truth? These are legitimate questions folks ask, and we as Christians should have the answers! God has a magnificent plan for every person. We are thrilled to be part of discovering and sharing what His Word reveals to bring hope, peace and great love into the hearts of all humanity. Join us every Tuesday morning at 5:00 a.m. CST for The Truth in Love podcast, with your host Kimberly Faith
Welcome to the Truth in Love podcast with your host, Kimberly Faith. We seek to present God's timeless truth through the lens of his remarkable love. Welcome back to the Truth in Love podcast. And today, I have my very, very dear friend with me, Joy Hinkle. I kinda like your last name.
Kimberly Faith:It kinda reminds me of, like, Twinkle Twinkle.
Joy Hinkle:Okay. That's good.
Kimberly Faith:And we're in our, our last, podcast of the gifts of Christmas series, and, of course, it's Christmas Eve. Right. And we, saved, I don't wanna say we saved the best for last, but I think we we saved something that's so near and dear to our hearts for Christmas Eve. Right. And that is our fostering by faith boutique.
Kimberly Faith:And, man, Joy, what a journey it's been. Wow. Only God. Only God. Over the years?
Kimberly Faith:We'll start
Joy Hinkle:our 5th year? I think that's right.
Kimberly Faith:I, you know, I guess I should have looked at that before I started this podcast, but, you know, they can look it up on the website.
Joy Hinkle:Yeah. There you go.
Kimberly Faith:So what we wanna do, today is, that the primary thing we wanna do is I want you to share stories, about some of the kiddos that have come up and shopped because I I don't know. In the years we've been doing this, the the the thing that has been the most precious to me is to hear those stories. You get to interact with these kids. Right. And, you know, as far as far as I'm concerned, you're the best job, but that's I'm I'm glad that God gave that job.
Kimberly Faith:I can't stop too. Yeah. And so I I just wanna kinda open up my my explaining to everybody what the Fostering by Faith boutique is and how it started. So Fostering by Faith is a boutique in tiny little Houston, Missouri Mhmm. Where foster children and we don't limit it to this area.
Kimberly Faith:We have we serve the 25th, circuit, but then there are kids who come from northeast, south, and west. Mhmm. We don't turn anybody away that's your lost child. Right. And we let them shop in our very exclusive boutique
Joy Hinkle:Yes. For free. For free.
Kimberly Faith:And, the stories that, you're gonna tell today are are just they're always so amazing. So I I'm not gonna get into that, but this was a the brainchild behind this was, my my friend and and colleague, in the practice of law, Laura Krebs, and I were, sitting on the back deck one night, and she mentioned because she's the guardian ad litem for the 25th Circuit. Yeah. And she mentioned that there's nothing in Houston, Missouri for foster children, right, to support them. And so, I'm, you know, out of my complete naivete, said, well, let's just start something.
Kimberly Faith:Okay. No idea what was good that that meant. And, but that that was from the Lord. And we just took a leap of faith. We had no I I had no idea what that even meant.
Kimberly Faith:And for about the first I don't remember how long it was till you came onboard. It may have been the 1st year. I just got a group of my friends together and we turned my old office into this little store and did the best we could with having people come in and shop and finding volunteers. And then, it was fairly small, maybe 1,000,000. 800 square feet.
Kimberly Faith:Yeah. And then, the Lord laid it on my heart to, he had been laying on my heart to convert the 2,000 square feet of empty rock construction on the top of my law practice and to the boutique, but I never had the I never had the green light on that until you walked in the door. And, I'll never forget when I got the call from one of my team members at my law office saying you won't believe what just happened. This lady, Joy Hinkle, walked in and she wants to volunteer and you have no idea how amazing she is.
Joy Hinkle:Oh,
Kimberly Faith:I know. And I was like, this because we didn't really know how to take it to the next level cause I couldn't be here all the time. I have 2 offices, I was going on between them. Right. And and no there was nobody to just help and and take charge.
Kimberly Faith:So how did you come to walk in my door?
Joy Hinkle:Well, I had been praying. Lord, first off, I'm retired.
Kimberly Faith:Supposed to be. Wait. What does that mean?
Joy Hinkle:Yeah. Okay. Anyway, I've been praying. Lord, I I wanna do something beneficial. I wanna do something that can help.
Joy Hinkle:And I had and and send me someone. You know? Send me somewhere. And so I had several people make different, requests, you know, and and said, oh, you should go help here and help there.
Kimberly Faith:Because let me just say, well, you won't say it yourself, but for those of y'all who don't know Joy, she is an extraordinarily talented woman. Like, artistic doesn't even that's not even a good enough adjective to use. It's it's artistic on a level that is so far beyond what I could ever imagine. So her services, her skills, her talents, and I'm I'm speaking in 3rd person. No.
Kimberly Faith:That's okay. But are highly sought after by lots of people in this community. So go ahead.
Joy Hinkle:So you Well, thank you. That was very, very nice. And, anyway, I was scrolling through Facebook as I often do, and I came across this same person that you, contacted you. She had shared that they were looking for volunteers, and they had pictures of the first building, and they were painting and putting things together, and and the lord just spoke to me. And he said, this is where I want you.
Joy Hinkle:Oh, wow. He did. He really did. I mean, not where I want you, but in my spirit. He said, okay.
Joy Hinkle:This is where I
Kimberly Faith:want you.
Joy Hinkle:Uh-huh. And I came down and and met, your lady in the office and
Kimberly Faith:It was Julie, wasn't it?
Joy Hinkle:It was yes. It was Julie. Yeah. It was one who talked to me.
Kimberly Faith:And I've known Julie for years. Right. Years. And wonderful. She's a wonderful spirit and just she really wanted to make this an amazing thing for Voxel Kid.
Joy Hinkle:She did. She has a heart for kids always. Yeah. She absolutely does. And that's how the ball got rolling.
Joy Hinkle:I met with Kim. Not really you know, we had to come together on the vision of all of it, not really understanding it all. But then, understanding it all. But then, after I got in a groove of it and got to decorate the 1st store Right. And the Yeah.
Kimberly Faith:You took the 1st store and transformed it into this, like, funky, chic, like Little boutique. Boutique. Yeah. And and you you mentioned you said didn't really know what we were getting into. No.
Kimberly Faith:We didn't. And that's isn't that great that the god doesn't let us know everything?
Joy Hinkle:Didn't need to know. It just all came and worked out, didn't it? So
Kimberly Faith:Well, I think it's better we don't know because I think if we did know sometimes, we
Joy Hinkle:would just be staggered. Well, I think that's it. He he just keeps us on where what we can handle at that time. You know? Sometimes he's just like, this is all you need to know for now.
Kimberly Faith:Right.
Joy Hinkle:But, it's it's been such an amazing journey. I've told Kim before, god has given me an amazing talent, if you will, all these amazing ideas that I come for come up with, and it is truly all him. I couldn't think these things up by myself. So it's all Jesus. And so as, as, you and I just began to visit and talk, you know, about that your vision Right.
Joy Hinkle:And how it came to be, and then I just began to understand more, and then you just kind of turned me loose. You just said, okay, Joy. This is yours. And so, you know, together, you and I really did, you know, with God's help and together, we we have formed this amazing 2,000 square foot Beautiful. Beautiful boutique.
Joy Hinkle:And and let's not forget to mention the volunteers, the guys that came from First Baptist Church.
Kimberly Faith:Well, you know, it's I'm gonna talk about that for just a minute because I mentioned earlier, like, you know, when you walked in the door, it was at and and I met with you and it was like, I recognized that, first of all, a little bit of your talent and your passion and and that it was a calling in your life. It is. Then it was like, God said, okay. Now you can build a nice boutique up above your office. And I was like, okay, God, but this is gonna cost a lot of money and I don't have a lot of money.
Kimberly Faith:And God said, what? I mean, I have these conversations. I follow my gangster conversations with God because I'm like, what? Yo. What are you talking about, God?
Kimberly Faith:I don't have any extra money. He's like, dude, have you forgotten who I am? Yeah. Yeah.
Joy Hinkle:These are my my back
Kimberly Faith:my back deck conversations with God. I'm sure my neighbors never heard me. They probably wants to institutionalize me. But it was like, God said, no. Watch this.
Kimberly Faith:And, so, you know, you found, like, for instance, we had no flooring up there and you found this amazing beautiful wood, like, real wood, tundra wood flooring.
Joy Hinkle:Yes.
Kimberly Faith:And then we found this guy who was willing to to install it for a discount. And we had you mentioned the guys in the First Baptist Church. Right. You know, master carpenter sheetrock people. Yes.
Kimberly Faith:Three men really who showed up and just did amazing first class work. Tirelessly. Yes. And, we had a local company, who I done a a couple of adoptions for the owners. They, they donated things and they're still donating like a new washing machine.
Kimberly Faith:Yes. You know? Yes. Another company donated the paint to to to black the ceiling and and, they they donated that labor excuse me to install. It would have cost $10, it cost $800.
Kimberly Faith:Right. You know? That's right. It was just one thing after another to and, of course, your creativity, you've got if y'all haven't seen on the website,, under the fostering's tab, there are photographs of this amazing space that, has been created by God and and, you know, Joy has been God's first assistant. Yes.
Joy Hinkle:Well, an honor, you know, that part. It really really is. And I can't tell you how many times, Jim would the guy that was working through. Yeah. Jim McNeil would come up to me, and and I would have this idea.
Joy Hinkle:And I would say, Jim, I wanna make these light fixtures out of bicycle wheels. And he scratched his head and he said, okay. Okay. Can you tell me a little bit more about it? And he did above and beyond Yeah.
Joy Hinkle:What I had envisioned. He made it come to life. And when we did the palettes on the wall, that was the other thing that he scratched his head and he goes,
Kimberly Faith:Well, what did we have the football team, the high Houston business football team log all those pallets up the stairs?
Joy Hinkle:Pallets up the stairs, and there was, like, 40 or 50 pallets that they logged upstairs, logged down. They brought upstairs, plus they came several times. Remember the flooring? They help move up and Yep. Because you have to understand here, everything that's up there went up the stairs.
Kimberly Faith:Right. And it's and then this this building, the the main floor which houses my office, they're they're 9 foot, 10 foot ceilings. Right. So the the stairs are they're extra stairs, not just a regular 8 foot ceiling building. Right.
Kimberly Faith:And, all the flooring for 2,000 square feet, all the, you know, the toilets, the washing machine, everything. It's just it it has just been the work of God. It has. And and God has brought just the right people. We had a a local, contractor who actually built my building, Jared Spencer.
Kimberly Faith:He came in and helped, and he's still helping. I mean, our basement flooded during the big floods we had in Missouri. And he showed up on a Friday afternoon and fixed the problem Yeah. And was trying to solve the problem. And he's just like, no.
Kimberly Faith:This him and his wife are have been foster parents, and they're just always doing stuff. They are always helping. His wife, Nicole, has helped you.
Joy Hinkle:Oh, yes. And their kids. Right. And their They stay in trim. They clean.
Joy Hinkle:They I mean, you name it. Whatever we needed done, Nicole and the kids Yeah. Would come and help.
Kimberly Faith:It's just it's it's the way I you mentioned earlier that, you know, God this was God's call on your life. Mhmm. And one of the things that God has continually manifested to me is that, Kim, I put you in a place where you can, make opportunities for ministry for other people.
Joy Hinkle:Oh, amen. You know what I'm saying?
Kimberly Faith:And and and, of course, I get so excited. I'm I'm I don't know if I'm as excited as you are, but you're we're pretty close match on excitement level. We are. And that I wanna get my fingers into it and God's constantly peeling my fingers back and saying, no. You need to let other people have the opportunity to minister.
Kimberly Faith:Yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Joy Hinkle:That's good. Yes, I do.
Kimberly Faith:And it's been that way with this boutique, it's been that way with my the music that we write and that we produce, oh my gosh, I can't wait to hear the Christmas song. I mean, yeah, after the podcast I'm gonna let you hear it. Okay. Okay. Great.
Kimberly Faith:By the time this is playing, of course, it will already be released but if you haven't heard, I'm gonna let you hear it. But it's but every aspect, even the law practice, it's like when I have new people, I I try to I turn them loose as as soon as I can and say, what do you think? Yes. What does your creativity tell you?
Joy Hinkle:What does your mind tell you? And and that's you kind of been when I said, Joy, it's yours. Yeah. I see. You have just said Well, I how many times, Kim, have I come in here and bubbling over and talking and all these new ideas and all this stuff and Kim just giggles at me.
Joy Hinkle:She goes, you're you're on it again or something. Well, I think
Kimberly Faith:that that's that is to me watching your creativity and the ideas that God gives you is such a gift Because it's it's like when you come in and say, hey, Kim. I know I've got a million ideas. I was like, good joy. Go for it.
Joy Hinkle:I know she does. She just gives me free reign. You just go for it, girl. When I get a little bit worried about something, she's like, you you just have to remember.
Kimberly Faith:Can you guys stop referring to me, sir? Person's sitting right here, girl.
Joy Hinkle:I know. I did that again, you know. Anyway, you just you just help me and, you know, you you calm me down. You're like, remember who's this is?
Kimberly Faith:Yeah. It belongs to God, 100%. And, you know, it's not like we haven't been down our share of of trials too. I mean, when you're doing anything for the Lord, there's gonna be people who are naysayers, people who attack it, people who who, try to thwart God's word. Mhmm.
Kimberly Faith:And isn't it great that we in every occasion we've been able to say, God, this belongs to you. Right. This you're This is your battle. You defend it. You defend it.
Kimberly Faith:That's right. Because we're not we don't have to.
Joy Hinkle:We don't have to.
Kimberly Faith:That's not our job. Our job is to glorify God and what he's given and put before us. Well, how freeing is that? Right. So freeing.
Joy Hinkle:Right.
Kimberly Faith:And so just this has built been built into such an amazing experience for these kids. Yes. Every volunteer that you've told me about that walks up those stairs and looks around, says, now I'd like to shop here. And you say, I'm sorry.
Joy Hinkle:This is only for foster kids. I do. I've how many times I've said that I'm sorry, but if you can, I had a lady come up and she was walking around picking things up and she began to ask me about pricing? And I said, oh, these things aren't for sale. These are only for our foster children.
Joy Hinkle:And, and that's, you know,
Kimberly Faith:It's a place I'd wanna shop. It is. It's it's it's not a I get I get, I wanna say it's a righteous anger. It's probably not, but when people say, oh, I've heard about your foster closet. I get pretty.
Kimberly Faith:No. I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about. If you don't have a closet, we have a boutique. We have a boutique.
Kimberly Faith:I don't know how
Joy Hinkle:many times I've heard you say that. This is not a closet.
Kimberly Faith:I get this Highly offended.
Joy Hinkle:Yeah. It's not a thrift store.
Kimberly Faith:I mean, I'm not gonna take a whip out or anything
Joy Hinkle:like Jesus did this company. Right. That's right. This is and it and it is. It's it's just a great place for kids to feel these foster kids need to feel that they are top notch number 1.
Joy Hinkle:So I'm so glad
Kimberly Faith:you said that. Yes. So I wanna hear some stories and I hope everybody else wants to hear some stories. This is Christmas Eve. We wanna hear stories about these children and how they have been made to feel precious.
Kimberly Faith:Okay. Okay. It's 3
Joy Hinkle:times a joy. I've got a few that I'm gonna share with you, and and and there's this is just a few. There's story after story after story, and I am so honored that I get to be there to witness all of it. Jealous. I know.
Joy Hinkle:I I'm sorry, Kim, but, you know, that's the way it goes. Okay, though. So I'm gonna tell you, about an angry teenager. K. These kids come in lots of times, and they're hurt.
Joy Hinkle:They're confused. They're angry because they've been yanked around, you know, and by no fault of their own usually. Right. And even then, it's really not their fault.
Kimberly Faith:Yeah.
Joy Hinkle:Anyway, we have a teenager walk up the stairs, hands This is a boy or a girl? This is a boy. Okay. His hands are in his pockets. He's brooding.
Joy Hinkle:You can tell he's not happy at all. And so when he first of all, when he gets to the very top of the stairs, he kind of looks around and his eyes get a little bit big, and he still has attitude, you know, because of all of this.
Kimberly Faith:It's probably too good to
Joy Hinkle:be true is what he's thinking. Right. Right. Well, I wonder sometimes. Anyway, yeah, there's gotta be a catch, You know?
Joy Hinkle:Yeah. So, anyway, I talk to him a little bit. He's not very talkative. So I tell him where the you know, I show him around and take him back to their section where they shop, and I showed him all around.
Kimberly Faith:So the store has just just the store has sections by, there's boys and a you know, adult you know, like, as closer to teenage boys. Preteens,
Joy Hinkle:younger boys, like, from 6 to 10. We broke it all down for age groups. We have a preteen, a teen. Okay. So I take him back to the teenage boys section, and then I show him all the other stuff.
Joy Hinkle:And, I said and we have shopping carts. This is the thing they love too. These kids love it. We they get to shop in carts. Anyway, so he goes back, and I kinda leave him alone, and there's some other kids back there too.
Joy Hinkle:We had some other shoppers in. And pretty soon, I hear him talking, and he's saying, this is so cool. I cannot believe this. This is so cool. And then he begins to pick things up and put in his baskets.
Joy Hinkle:And y'all just have to know that through the volunteer the people that give to us financially or they bring in things that are gently used are top notch things.
Kimberly Faith:Right. And I I wanna say a minute about just just a minute about that, Joy, because we do have some people who give us name brand very gently those things, but we don't take just your stuff. Right. It's we have Amazon Amazon wish list. People will just buy everything new.
Kimberly Faith:Mhmm. We have people who just donate cash, because we are a 501 c company. Right. And that is on our website, website, where people can go in and just donate, or you can just mail a check-in Right. Here at at our office.
Kimberly Faith:But it's not we never want this to become a place that is the and I don't that is a a, used clothes. No. Right. We want it to be a new clothes experience. Shoes, jewelry, everything you can imagine a child would get so that they understand this is exclusive for them.
Kimberly Faith:Exactly. Sorry. So go ahead and hit me.
Joy Hinkle:No. That's no. No. I'm glad you brought that up because we do want the I mean, these kids deserve it and we want the best for them. We never wanna feel like them to feel like they're seconds.
Joy Hinkle:Right. So we don't wanna give them seconds.
Kimberly Faith:That's right. You know? So that's a good point. Yeah. They're not seconds.
Kimberly Faith:And so we're not giving to that sight of God. They are. And their community.
Joy Hinkle:And their community. And that's what you, you know, be aware of too. This is community. Right. So he began to shop, put things in his basket, and he was talking to these kids, and pretty soon I heard a little giggle, if I can say giggle for a boy.
Joy Hinkle:And then I heard him laughing, and by the time he got and and what else do y'all need to know too is they come through. They fill up their shopping basket. They come up we have a checkout counter. We bag it up in nice bags. We don't put it in Walmart bags, you know, huge.
Joy Hinkle:They get garbage bags. Or garbage bags. They get nice shopping bags because that makes difference. That's what I want you all to understand. You may be out there saying, well, that's no big deal.
Joy Hinkle:Well, yeah, it is. So anyway, when he comes up, he puts his stuff out on the checkout counter. I begin to fold it nicely and put it in his bag, and he is smiling from ear to ear by then. And he's talking to me, and he's joking with me because that's the difference we make in these kids' lives. You know?
Joy Hinkle:Do we get to go home with them and be with them? No. But we get to make this much of a difference to show them that we really, really do care.
Kimberly Faith:Well, if
Joy Hinkle:you know, if you think
Kimberly Faith:about to the the difference that people have made in your life and my life, It's, of course, our, you know, our upbringing was a big part of that. Right. But it was also I think about those moments in our in my life when somebody completely who had no obligation to write, gave without any expectation of receiving. Right. And that probably shaped me more than we even we even have.
Joy Hinkle:Yes. Yes. I do know what you mean.
Kimberly Faith:And it reminds me of the the scripture at James 127 where it says pure and undefiled religion before God and the father is to visit orphans and widows in their trouble. Amen. These children are like I mean, they're not orphans, but they are like orphans. They are. Because the people who are supposed to give them the love that she pointed them to the father have failed them.
Kimberly Faith:And for whatever reason
Joy Hinkle:Whatever reason. I'm not
Kimberly Faith:trying to put a blame game here. But then they're in another home, hopefully and most of the foster parents we know are just amazing.
Joy Hinkle:They are. They are.
Kimberly Faith:And and then we get to add to that. We get to add we get to take the burden off of the foster parents. Right. Right. Because they're not they're what do they get?
Kimberly Faith:$300 a year?
Joy Hinkle:Yes. I believe that's right.
Kimberly Faith:And it's and it's nothing for a teenager. No. That's that's one outfit or 2 outfits, you know, in case. Right? Cool clothes.
Kimberly Faith:Right? So we get to do that and so those people in the community, who are supporting this get to be part of pure religion Yes. Which is to love, to show love. What love is God's love is to give when you know you're not gonna get anything in return. It's completely selflessness.
Joy Hinkle:It is. And I think when you were talking about, people that made a difference in your life Mhmm. That would share something with you and didn't expect anything in return, I think that is how God instilled in me a lot about giving. I love to give. Yeah.
Joy Hinkle:You do. I I really, really do. You can ask people from from years ago that you know those seven love languages that they talk about? Uh-huh. Well, mine was a giver.
Joy Hinkle:Yeah. I love to give.
Kimberly Faith:I always have to say joy, but your name is so you. Every time I think about you, I'm not around you. Like, I can be sitting, you know, in my back deck, and I think of you and my face just lights up because I think I just go giggling.
Joy Hinkle:Because that's just how I am.
Kimberly Faith:That's a gift though.
Joy Hinkle:It is a gift. That is my gift. It's just in whatever means God needs me to give and I'm not balling a horn on me. I'm just saying listen to God and see what he wants of you. Does he want you to be a giver?
Kimberly Faith:Right. Right.
Joy Hinkle:You know, then open up to that.
Kimberly Faith:Be a giver. Well, I think that's another reason that God has given you the blessing of being able to interact with his children, you and Dana. Yes. Dana. I wanna forget Dana because Dana is a huge part of this ministry.
Kimberly Faith:She is. She is, she's one of those behind the scenes little bouncing balls. Yes. She was. She reminds me of that scripture in Proverbs, look to the end, thou slugger.
Kimberly Faith:Yeah. You know? Just seems like this little rush around, Dennis. Work work work work work work. Work work never stops.
Joy Hinkle:And then she never stops, and she's always willing. She never says no. She's just always always willing. No. Well, I guess I ought to move along.
Joy Hinkle:Yeah. Tell us another story. Okay. Tell us another story. Okay.
Joy Hinkle:This happened not too very long ago. Had a a family call me that was from Shannon County, which is 50 miles from us. And, they came up with their foster children, and, of course, down in the area, there's nothing like what we do either. Right. So they came out and Salem County is
Kimberly Faith:even more rural, really, in
Joy Hinkle:Texas. Yeah.
Kimberly Faith:Yeah. Yeah.
Joy Hinkle:So, they come in, and I think they had 3 total foster children, I believe. I can't remember for sure. But, anyway, they had one young girl, and they were relatively new placements. They hadn't had them very long. And she, came in and she was kinda looking around, and she was totally overwhelmed.
Joy Hinkle:Truthfully, she was overwhelmed. And I'm like, bless her heart. Well, this foster father came up and told me. He said, you just have to understand she's never been shopping anywhere in
Kimberly Faith:her whole life. How old was she?
Joy Hinkle:14, 15, somewhere in there. She had never been shopping. Wow. And so she really didn't even know what to do. You know?
Joy Hinkle:She didn't really and so, anyway, she shopped around some, but she was picking up a few things, really not a lot. Mhmm. And pretty soon, I said, well, what about shoes? Have you found any shoes you like? Oh, I don't.
Joy Hinkle:And her response was, oh, I don't need any shoes. Well, I looked at her shoes and they were red. Kim shoes. And they were tattered. You know, you could tell they were pretty well worn.
Joy Hinkle:And her foster dad whispers to me again and he said her idea of having good shoes is she'll take duct tape and tape these shoes up, and that'll be fine. She'll have fine because everything was fine. No. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Joy Hinkle:Well, needless to say, I've told you this before too that, we filled her card up. She got new shoes. And she still when she left, she still had a look of confusion on her little face because she just didn't understand that there was people out there that were were willing to give, willing to to do what we were doing and plus just to be able to be in there to shop.
Kimberly Faith:She just was, you know, she was just profoundly affected by that. Yes. She was. You know, Joy, this reminds me of a scripture in Psalm 68 verse 56. And I'm gonna cry if I I'm gonna try to have to cry.
Kimberly Faith:I'm gonna read this. But, you know, you're talking about how profoundly she was blessed and she had an awareness of that.
Joy Hinkle:Yeah.
Kimberly Faith:And the Bible says a father of the fatherless, a defender of widows is God in his holy habitation. God sets the solitary in families. He brings out those who are bound into prosperity. Oh, wow. I thought when you were telling a story, I thought about those verses, I thought this is what this little girl was experiencing.
Kimberly Faith:Yes. She was she was abandoned by the people who were supposed to protect her and he took her out of that that loneliness and put her in the family. Yes. And then he took her into some prosperity. Yes.
Kimberly Faith:And, you know, Jesus used always used physical examples in the bible to teach us spiritual lessons. Right. He always used, like, you know, bread to teach us about the bread of life. Right? He he used water to teach us about the Right.
Kimberly Faith:Living water. And and in, you know, in my experience in coming back to Christ, the the things he used, he he met me where I was. Right. We understand physical things. Right.
Kimberly Faith:And when when we can see that those are representative of the greater eternal gifts that God gives, that's what this boutique does. Yes. Because we also give kids age appropriate bibles. We do. We hand out my gospel track, my story, and my testimony and we we try to show them to point them to the real Right.
Kimberly Faith:Source of love and prosperity, spiritual prosperity. And, man, is there not any this is so multifaceted. This this ministry is so amazing. It really, really is. It's a new bridge.
Joy Hinkle:It it is the bridge. It it bridges the gap and and, you know, I've sitting out to pray with these kids several times. You know? Just pray and, you know, ask the Lord to protect. And so
Kimberly Faith:I've not ever had anybody to pray with them.
Joy Hinkle:You know, I I do believe a lot of our foster families are very good Christian people Yeah. And they are bringing them into that fold also.
Kimberly Faith:Right. Well, no. That's true. I I kinda mean somebody just off the street who you know what I'm saying? Right.
Kimberly Faith:Why would you pray for me? Why would you pray with them? Right. You don't even know me. Right.
Kimberly Faith:You know? Right. And that's and here they're experiencing kind of left field, really. Right. Right.
Kimberly Faith:God's love. Right.
Joy Hinkle:So I mean Well, that's what I mean by being so blessed to be a part of this. Yeah. Because I I it has helped my faith grow. It's helped me through some difficult times, you know, just knowing that I'm here with these kids and, you know, seeing them. Let me share one a couple more things that I can help you.
Joy Hinkle:So this is a fine one. Okay. We have these set of twin boys. They're handsome. They're about 15 or 16, I think, and they're just a joy.
Joy Hinkle:They're just, refreshing and fun, but they're bashful all at the same time. So they've been several times, and they love to come here. Because they can come once a month. Once a month. That's right.
Joy Hinkle:Our foster families can come once a month, and I will tell you this, they do not take advantage of that. They are so careful to come when they need things. Right. And, you know, they don't take things they don't but, anyway, that's off the track. These boys, when they come in, and they're they're in a family of with other foster children.
Joy Hinkle:But, anyway, they bound up the steps. I mean, they hit the store, the steps with a jog. Uh-huh. They run up, grab a cart, and roll back to the back, and they're just check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check. Oh.
Joy Hinkle:And, usually, it's they come a little later, and sometimes they will shop for hours. If I don't say, guys, I I gotta go home and take supper. You know? Like or I need to go back because they will sure and they don't take an over abound amount abounding. An abundance?
Joy Hinkle:Thank you. Abundance of things. But they shop and you know, like, when you just go shopping and you wanna look at everything? Right. Well, I don't do that, and you probably don't.
Kimberly Faith:I don't really know. I don't know. W But Yeah.
Joy Hinkle:Some people do, and they'll just look and just shop and look and shop. And then to the icing on the cake is when they check out, now I don't ask for a hug because they don't give hugs.
Kimberly Faith:Oh. I
Joy Hinkle:they come to me and give me a hug and pat me on the back because they're just they're bashful, full. And and I love them. Beyond me they are just the neatest 2 twins, and and they're just I just love them. Yeah. I love all of our foster kids, but, you know, they're just
Kimberly Faith:their self relationship with these twins.
Joy Hinkle:And that was another little fun one. Okay. And here's one about how you know, we told you those were from Shane County. Now we have a family coming from Howell County. Okay.
Joy Hinkle:And that's another Rule. 50 miles from us. Rule. And they do have a couple of places over there, And they went and checked them out, and this boy needed, a particular size blue jean. And what I need to tell you also too, and we talked about this and this was all okay, when children come to us, foster children, and they we don't have what they need.
Joy Hinkle:Right. Like the right size and jeans and their outer jeans or shoes. Or Mhmm. We tell them, we'll go pick that up for you, and then you can come back and get it. Or Right.
Joy Hinkle:We'll make our own shoes.
Kimberly Faith:Donors are really good about, some of them might give us just funds so that we have the flexibility to Right.
Joy Hinkle:Right. Monetary funds. So, this young boy came, and he needed a particular size of jeans, a larger size, that nobody had. And he was taken into one place, and they took him to the back room, and they started digging through black trash bags. And just let me tell you that will never happen at Fostering by Faith
Kimberly Faith:Yes.
Joy Hinkle:Because we love our kids. And
Kimberly Faith:one of our volunteers who's a particularly spicy, our new volunteers, has has basically made it very plain that there will never be and she used an expletive Uh-huh.
Joy Hinkle:In our store. That's right. That's exactly right.
Kimberly Faith:That's it. That's it. Not on her watch. Not on her watch.
Joy Hinkle:It better not be on my watch. On my end of the year. But, anyway, they came and I took down the sizes. You know, actually, I think when they, sent me the message, they asked me if I had those thighs. That's what it was.
Joy Hinkle:Okay. And I didn't, but I went and got them. So when they did come, they were here for them. So, and they shop and they were so appreciative. The boys, the foster mother, she said, you just don't have any idea what this means to us because once again, like you said, they the foster parents don't have lots of extra money.
Kimberly Faith:Most of them don't. Most of them are taking in foster children because they have a heart for that.
Joy Hinkle:That most of them do that.
Kimberly Faith:Like like my parents, if you listen to the podcast last week, you know, they foster over 100 kids. My parents were never wealthy. They always were, you know, considered poverty level, really. I mean, they lived, you know, paycheck to paycheck. Right.
Kimberly Faith:But the Lord laid it on their heart to take this one child and then, bam. You know, they they had a house full. And and, you know, my mom would go grocery shopping. She was not buying steak. She was buying hamburger meat.
Kimberly Faith:And then And so I know from personal firsthand experience that, when you have, the foster most of these foster parents don't have just money laying around to go spoil these children. Yeah. We get to do it.
Joy Hinkle:I know. That's exactly right. We get to spoil these children. I'm telling you. It's wonderful.
Joy Hinkle:And so let me I think there's one more here that I wanted to, share with you.
Kimberly Faith:Okay.
Joy Hinkle:This was kind of a traumatic thing for me, because my heart just broke. We had a teenage girl come in, and she was about to age out. And she had moved to Kansas City, and she had been abducted into sexual trafficking. And when she came back, she called me because when she left, she didn't have she didn't get to bring any of her clothing with her. She had nothing.
Joy Hinkle:And she went to a foster home and, I helped her set herself up again with you know, when they come in and it's that instance, we usually give them what they need. Right. We don't limit them because we we do, like, limit on things they can take out. We have to.
Kimberly Faith:Right. Like, 2 pairs of jeans or whatever. Right.
Joy Hinkle:But with her, we went the extra mile to make sure she had sufficient things. Mhmm. And I got to pray with her, and she told me our story. I didn't ask. You know?
Joy Hinkle:She just shared it with me, and, it was such a traumatic experience for me to listen to and for her to go through. It was horribly traumatic. But I prayed with her and prayed over her, and she left, and and she did tell me that she had help. You know, she was she was seeing a counselor. And and so I just pray for her often.
Joy Hinkle:Because to say every day that wouldn't be true, but often when I think of her, I say a prayer for her that her because since she's aged out. Right. And, but I just pray for her.
Kimberly Faith:And this and that's what this boutique ministry has, it it really does open up a door for a multifaceted opportunity Yes. To show, the love of Christ to the most vulnerable
Joy Hinkle:of the population. Yes. I mean,
Kimberly Faith:we talk about, you know, sending missionaries to, maybe underdeveloped countries. Right. But we have a whole segment of our population We do. That is living as in in that same kind of poverty.
Joy Hinkle:Yes.
Kimberly Faith:And not just physical poverty, but poverty of spirit. Yes. You know, and and we get to, with this boutique, have this great superhighway, really We do. To to just pour out the love of Christ and like you said, pray. I mean, you don't know what kind of seed you planted.
Kimberly Faith:Only God knows that. And your prayers now for her, which never would have happened without this boutique. Right. Right? Because you might have never had the the opportunity to meet her.
Kimberly Faith:Exactly. And all these, like, these the twin boys you're talking about, you know, I'm pretty sure in their little hearts, you know, they they don't just come to shop for clothes, they come to see, auntie Joy,
Joy Hinkle:you know. Oh, I don't know. But they're just amazing.
Kimberly Faith:And they give you probably more than you give them.
Joy Hinkle:Oh, absolutely they do. Absolutely they do. I love those boys and
Kimberly Faith:And that's that's kind of the, this boutique, you know, I think I thought it was very that the Holy Spirit led me to have this podcast on Christmas Eve Yeah. About this boutique because Jesus came as the most vulnerable among humans, you know, born to a poor family, born as a helpless infant, and he knew, you know, yet he had the mind. He had the the mind of god. You bet. And I think about how we can emulate that in that we have, you know, as adults, we have opportunity opportunity to make ourselves vulnerable, to make our heart vulnerable, to make our pocketbook vulnerable.
Kimberly Faith:Yes. You know? Yes. Because we don't have any vulnerability when God God is our defender. Right.
Kimberly Faith:We really don't. Nobody can take nobody can relieve us of our eternal security and knowing that we are born again. Right? Right. No one can take our salvation from us and, you know, so we can freely down our freely lay down our whole life, our resources, everything for other people.
Kimberly Faith:Yes. And that's what enables us to be a father to the fatherless, bet. Right? You're right. Because God takes our you know, whatever we give him, he multiplies that.
Kimberly Faith:And I I don't know, Joy, I don't know about you, but this foster kids boutique which was birthed in a casual conversation on the back deck over 5 years ago, God has said, oh, you're finally listening. Good. Watch this. Yeah. It's it's amazing.
Kimberly Faith:Is it now? Yes. It's amazing how many lives it's touched, how many people are involved. I mean, the that's the what's the surname for that lady that comes in that is widely known by her real name? Doris Ziffel.
Kimberly Faith:Doris Ziffel. Yeah. We'll we'll say Doris Ziffel. You know, she she came in and and kinda like you came in. She busted in and and, I mean, she is a force.
Kimberly Faith:Oh my. And she's wonderful. Yeah. I know. She really, really is.
Kimberly Faith:And she's just those took the bull by the horn. Right. You know, if she sees a need, she just feels it. And she has understood because it's anything. Because she gets more from what she's doing by giving than she would've ever gotten by hanging on to what she can't take with her.
Kimberly Faith:Right. You know? You bet. And so, you know, if if you all are listening to this today and and we're not here to ask for your money.
Joy Hinkle:We're not
Kimberly Faith:here we don't see, this isn't about us paying for money. This is about us saying, hey, here's an opportunity You bet. For investing in your eternity. You bet. And, and if you feel like the Lord's leading you to do this, wonderful.
Kimberly Faith:This is not actually an opportunity for a to present our ministry for the purpose of raising money. No. It's, hey, we wanna bless you with these stories and we get to do this. Yes. We get to do.
Kimberly Faith:And, the Lord has always sends the right people to invest in in this ministry. He does. And and that's all we need. We don't need a bunch of people. We only need the people like God sends.
Joy Hinkle:That's that's all we need. That's right. You just want people God sends your way. Yeah. You know?
Joy Hinkle:And that's the way with Doris. Yes. She was sent by God and she'll tell you that too.
Kimberly Faith:He's sitting here. Yeah. Otherwise from a different the North the Great North Washington or something like that? I thought are we supposed
Joy Hinkle:to say that? Oh sorry, stretch that. She's from the Northwest.
Kimberly Faith:Well,
Joy Hinkle:I'm so transparent.
Kimberly Faith:Oh my gosh. So so we wanna kinda end by just, encouraging everyone to to know that, you know, we we don't have anything without the Lord. When Jesus taught us to be poor in spirit, he wants us to have the attitude that without him, we are nothing because in him, we are everything. Amen. And this this, boutique is just one of those great visual evidences of God being everything.
Kimberly Faith:And his avenue His avenue. Right?
Joy Hinkle:Of of reaching out to these kids. This is it's not all about the clothes. No. It's about the love and the relationship. And the relationship.
Joy Hinkle:Yeah. And knowing that we really do care about them.
Kimberly Faith:Yes. And it's and it's they they to have that human interaction Yes. Is equally important as the actual physical needs being met And then being able to get, you know, these even children's bibles that churches don't make, to hear the gospel through the testimony tract of just this crazy hippie girl that, you know, came to know Jesus. Right. And I just, wow, Joy.
Kimberly Faith:What a great way to usher in Christmas. Amen. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas. And thank you so much for for coming in and, to the office today and
Joy Hinkle:Glad to.
Kimberly Faith:And, doing this with me.
Joy Hinkle:Sharing with everyone what we're about and how much we love what we get to do.
Kimberly Faith:That's right. Well, this has been, the Truth in Love podcast. We're so glad that you joined us and we just pray that God gives you the most blessed Christmas and celebrated in the love of Jesus Christ. The one who loves us more than we love ourselves and more than we're capable of loving anyone else. So Merry Christmas, everyone.
Kimberly Faith:Merry Christmas. You have been listening to the Truth in Love podcast with your host, Kimberly Faith. To discover more answers to the big questions in life, visit us Hallelujah,
Joy Hinkle:you rescued me.