Clydesdale Media Podcast

Friday Night Lights  TV Show or Movie???

Any new shows?

Health update? 

Hailey Rolfe
 Why Team with Jamie?
 What pressures did you feel competing as a team and how did they change your outlook for future competitiveness
 Do you feel you missed out on anything?
 Teen/Mentor program introduced by Teen pit fitness ranch

Teens getting the full games kit?? (Maybe save this-need to do some more research)

Open announcements- shred shed for week 2, does this defeat the purpose of using an affiliate and involving the community?
Is prvn open yet/what kind of community do they have?
.3 announced Arielle and Tia
Remember when Annie's Team versed the regular affiliate team. Why not more of that? Why not include teens/masters/adaptive? 

Dave sucked into Games programming

Justin leaks a movement, do we think athletes are told?

Invictus- Chandlers Team announced (chandler/al Chama, devyn, Lauren fisher) how does this stack up to Noah's Team?

February media poll rankings. 

Heat 1 bracket challenge - Fill out live (I will print out one for each of us) 

Kelly baker out for this season (trying to get pregnant) - Ever since I met her, she is a zig when other zag

24.1 clue - mushroom

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to Thursday Night

CrossFit Talk on Clydesdale Media.

My name is Scott Switzer.

I'm the Clydesdale.

She is Jamie Latimer, athlete, superstar,

battle of the ages star on YouTube now,

all that stuff.

What is going on?

How are you?

I'm good.

Megan, listening while you work out.


Love to hear it.

I hope you get a good sweat on.

Yeah, I'm good.

It's been a

Good week.

Good week of training.

Things feel good.

I feel like volume was down a little bit,

so I'm not as achy as normal.

Yeah, it's been going good.

Good week for me.

How about you?

Lots of stuff going on this week.

But you know who I should

reach out to is Holly.


I actually was thinking

about her yesterday.

We've got the Open coming up.

We're going to have...

some matchups.

We're going to have some

stuff be really cool.

If she could put together

some cool little graphics

for us on the open,

just talking out loud in

case you might hear through the, Nick,

Nick, the man, what zombie?

So Nick, can I tell you how great Nick is?


Let's bring in our special host tonight,

Haley Rolfe.

Bam, there she is.


Hey, how are you doing?

We're good.

How are you?


Good to finally meet you.

Yeah, nice to meet you too.

So we're live on the air.


Yes, we are.

So I need to finish the

story and then we're going

to jump into you.




so Nick wad zombie reached out to me

and said, Hey, are you sleeping well?

And I, and I wasn't until last night.

And so he's like, I got a gift for you.

And he is sending me a sleep

apnea machine for me to try out,

to see if it'll help me sleep.

That's awesome.

like it's so many videos

teaching me how to use it

all the stuff um like there

are there's no better dude

in the crossfit space than

what zombie agreed I i

didn't need more proof that

he's awesome but that that

is awesome idea

So quick health update is I

don't know a lot from like

the round table.

I did call the cardiologist today.

I'm still in AFib.

We are looking to get out of AFib.

And the nurse said I should

know by tomorrow morning

when the next step is.

It's probably going to be

early next week that they

are going to shock my heart

to try to get it back into rhythm.

And then once that happens,

we should know more.

But they want me to know

this information before I

get to my family doctor at

one o'clock tomorrow.

So hopefully that's a

guarantee that I will know

it before going to my

family doctor at one o'clock.

But if that's the case,

I will get the reconversion.

What a weird term for this.


into hopefully back into a

regular rhythm and back to

100% back to my goals.


With that,

we welcome in three-time

CrossFit team games competitor,

Haley Rolfe,

who is the new star of a new

show on our channel versus

for the ages or something like that.

I think it's a working title.

So cool to have you with us.

How are you doing?


How are you guys?

Good as can be expected.

I didn't see you today.

So how did you, what did,

what'd you do today?


I went to class and did homework all day,

so nothing super exciting, but, um,

how do you get it done?

We have spring break starts tomorrow,

so I'm just trying to get

everything done so I can go

home after we train.


What's it like being on campus at least?

Yeah, no, at least a 40 minute walk.

That's perfect.


Scott wants to know what

it's like being a freshman.

Oh, okay.

I didn't hear that.

It's good.

It's definitely different.


it's a whole new world.

I feel like I'm used to my

little bubble because I

came from a school with like 96,

like people in my graduating class.

So now walking past like so many strangers,

it's like, Whoa, you know, like,

I'm just a little bubble

and all these people's lives.

But I like it.

It's super fun.

It's super fun to be around

like a bunch of teenagers and like,

classes class, you know, nothing great,

but gotta get through it.

So do you have a major yet?

That we're in the works.

So I'm thinking something

like medical field,

maybe like a chiropractor.

I changed my mind every week.

So like it's an ongoing just thought.

I think I broke the record

for majors in college.

So really?

Yeah, I was all over the map.

Good for you.

It took 15 years to graduate.

Please don't do that.

I'll try.

I don't do that.

I can't afford to do that.


So the reason we have you on

here is you are actually

going to go team this season with Ms.

Latimer and Azariah Price,

who his mom runs the teen

piece of our channel.

So that's really cool.

And I don't know your fourth.

I've met him, I think, but I just,

I don't know his name.








So what, what's up with this team?


you made a post not that long ago about

when you finished, um, the teen division,

you were done with CrossFit

and then all of a sudden

you go to MSU and you meet

Jamie and now you're on a team.


So, okay.

So I finished the games 2023

and all summer,

like it was such a balance

between like hanging out with friends,

doing all the senior stuff,

but also like training to

be like super competitive at the games.

So it's like a balance I've

had all through high school

and a ton of like,

it felt like a lot of responsibilities.

And I was always racing around.

And it was my only like identity.

I felt like like I go to

class and I was always a CrossFit girl.

I was the rib girl.

I walked down the halls and it was like,

how much you bench?

And that stuff was like cool.

But then I also got tiring.

So like coming into college, I was like,

I just kind of want a clean

slate and to not have to

worry about that stuff.

And honestly, like right away,

I got the like nickname in

our dorm of Muscle Mommy.

So like that lasted long.

But also,

I just wanted to live a normal

freshman college, do what I want,

have no responsibilities.

And I ran and still fitness,

but it just wasn't consistent.

And I realized how boring it gets.

so quickly it was like okay

I came back from like

winter break and was

hanging out with my mom and

I was like dude I just like

really miss crossfit like

you know like I just want

to get back to the gym have

the fun environment and

it's always like a

community it doesn't matter

what gym you step into I

feel like you always run

yourself into community and

so like I just I was

looking around in the area

I think I went I dropped

into east lansing crossfit twice

and then dropped into Redemption.

Like the first class I was at Redemption,

I was like, okay,

this is the gym I want to

be at just because it had

such a fun vibe and met Jamie right away.

And then it was like the

first Saturday I could make it to,

I went and I got partnered

up with Jamie because I don't know,

we just got partnered up together.

And then she looks at me

like five seconds before we

start this workout.

She's like,

do you want to go team this year?

And I'm like, sure.

And then we just start working out.

So right after I was like,

I don't even know if this

is a thing until like the

next time I came in and trained with her,

but it was really funny.

So when you made that

statement in your head,

were you done for good or

just until you kind of like

got through some of college?

Um, I really didn't know.

I made that statement as I

don't want to be a competitive, like,

CrossFit athlete anymore.

I'll still come in and do an hour class.

But I didn't want that to, like,

consume me.

I didn't want to have to watch what I eat,

go to bed at a certain time, stretch.


all that stuff gets consuming after a

while if you let it.

And I was at the point where

I let it get consuming.

So, like, I just wanted a clean break.

And then...

It didn't surprise anyone that I was back,

but I just needed that for

myself to make the decision to be back.

How long did it take you to

get back into working out

and feeling like yourself again?

Or are you still in that process?

Um, I feel pretty much back to myself.

Like, sure,

there's things that aren't at

full capacity like they

were when I was training in August.

But, like, that happens every year,

I feel like, with an off-season.

Um, but, like...

over Christmas break was

when I kind of started just

doing classes again.

And I was like slowly feeling like myself.

And then once I like

committed and like training

with Jamie and Jim, it's like, Oh,

it's back.

You know,

like it's so fun to just go

through it out and enjoy

being around people that

enjoy the same thing you do.

You know, I have to say something.

This is the angle your phone is at.

You look like Kaylee Cuoco.

Yeah, a little bit.


I don't know what that is.

Have you ever seen Big Bang Theory?


When we're done, Google her.

You look just like her at this angle.



I hope that's a good one.

She's very pretty.

I think you'll be happy.


Haley is stunning in person.

I don't think you really

look like Haley Cuoco,

but I can see it from this angle.

I like, if you saw her in the gym,

I don't know that you'd say that.

Um, I've seen other pictures of her,

not like Haley Cuoco.

Um, very attractive, but this,

this is like a spitting image.

Yes, it does.

You do.

That's funny.

So, so back on topic, um,

You know, we,

we've talked a lot about like

Mal and Haley and having to

take a step back.


Do you understand where

they're coming from coming

out of the division as

competitive as you are?

they were way better than me

coming out of the division

but I do 100% understand

where they're at because

they jumped right into it

all over again and like I

just think there's

something too about like I

started tracking my macros

when I was 14 like when I

think about food I think of

like specific nutrients I

think like Hayley Adams has

talked openly about her

eating disorder and I think

you could see that as just

such a young teenager

putting that much emphasis

on it so like I think

Like I can totally see where they're at,

where it gets super

consuming and it's like,

and they had a ton of pressure too.

So I, I a hundred percent see their angle.

Do you feel you missed

anything in high school?

You know, it's funny,

because I would say yes and no.

I feel like I always wanted

to be a part of the party

scene and just hang out,

be a normal teenager.

And my 2022 season,

I totally cut myself out of

it as a junior.

And I think I really struggled with that,

because it took the fun of

my life out of it.

So then I honestly watched

my fitness get worse.

I just didn't have as much

emphasis and priority on it.

So I think, like, my 2023 season,

I just implemented it.

I tell people this.

I live two separate lives.

Like, I would go to the gym,

and I'd do four hours of fitness.

Then I'd turn it off.

I'd go do student section games,

go hang out with my friends,

eat Mexican after, like, do all the, like,

teenager things.

And I think that just, like,

made my season so much better.

And it just, like, yeah,

it was a lot better.

So I think, in a sense,

I'd say at times I felt

like I missed out.

But, like, looking back on it,

I got to do everything I wanted to do.

That's great.

Because I think you only

have one shot at being a kid.


Go ahead.


we talked about a little about the

games and the other teens

there and stuff and how a

majority of them are homeschooled.

And you weren't.

And we know that like Emma

Lawson wasn't either.

And a lot of people,

when they talk about the teens,

like Emma Lawson seems to

have a pretty good head on

her shoulders and still

experienced teen life and

school activities life.

And so you got that and you

seem to be happy with the

way your career progressed.


I played volleyball and

softball throughout high school.

And honestly, as I got fitter,

you could just watch the

athletic performance go with it.

But I was a total normal person.

I took off basketball season

because that was open and

all the qualifiers.

And the coaches would get annoyed with me,

but at the end of the day,

that's whatever.

So yeah, I'd say 100%.

I recommend everyone to play

sports and go to school.

I think that's super important.

So you did play other sports.


Right in that Rich Froning camp.


I loved it.

It was fun.

It's team sports, and you never, like,

we have, like, CrossFit team,

but you're never going to

get that stuff back unless

you go collegiate.

So it was one of those things just, like,

taking an opportunity when

I can get it kind of thing.

So big in the news this week

was that the Pitt,

Pit Fitness Ranch has

developed a mentor program

between elite individual

athletes and all the

qualifiers for the CrossFit

Games in the teen division this year.

What do you think about that as a concept?

Okay, so I honestly saw it,

but I don't totally understand it.

So they're mentoring each workout.

No, it's a six-week mentorship program.

Six or 12-week.

Can't remember.

We don't want to talk about

specifics in their program

because I think there are

and Stephanie's probably

going to hit me for this, but, um, there,

I think there are a few

flaws in their program.


but I like the concept of having an

elite athlete be a mentor

in like how to balance life.

Like as Pat Vellner being a

mentor who has someone who

has signed up to be one, you know,

he has a, he has a chiropractic practice.

He has a family, he has a son,

like all that stuff.

What do you think of it as a concept of,

if you had someone to reach

out to and just talk to, uh, when,

when you're going through things,

I think it's really cool.

I think if I was in their shoes, like 14,

15 year old me would be terrified.


but I think it's a really cool concept.

I think stuff does a lot for

the teenage community.

Um, I also think like, this is just a,


I did see effects my first

ever competition and in the

bathroom my mom was like

talking to Daniel Brandon

and Daniel Brandon was like

don't ever give up high

school sports and I

honestly think that was a

comment to me that I took

to heart and was like you

know what that's a really

good point and that's from

someone who is really elite

at our sport so I think

having those voices to be

like you're right where you

should be or like you have

a lot of time or just even

like offering the hand I don't know

Am I back?

There we go.

Paige Powers was a teenage athlete.

That's a perfect person.

So I think it's awesome.

I think Steph's doing a good

job with that.


I think it's a great concept that

would be great in the offseason.

when everybody has time to kind of talk.

And right now it's kind of

scheduled June to mid-August,

which doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I think their concept is, hey,

let's mentor these kids as

they're getting to the

games from games athletes

and what they can expect.

I think it's more important

as a mentor about life and

not just the games.

And that can happen in the off season.

Yeah, no, I think I,

I agree with what you're saying too.

So it's purely just like how

on how games training is supposed to go.

Is that kind of the avenue

they're taking it?

It's written like almost coaching,

which I can't imagine it being,

but I think,

I think what the idea just

from talking to Steph in the past is that

to let the teens know what

it's going to be like to be

at this big event at the

end of the year and what

you can expect and,

and those types of things,

but it wasn't written up very well.


I feel like, I feel like honestly, overall,

me and Jamie talked about this a lot.

This master's in teenage

season is a very much

figure things out growth

here because I think

everything's super new.

And so I,

I'm just going to see how it

folds out and see how those

avenues work and go from there.

I feel like it's a learning year.

Yeah, I'm really worried.

I think we'll see what happens.

I actually have confidence

that the teams will go off

without a hitch that that

crew has been doing this

for years and nothing

really changes for them for

the master side.

It's like meeting the

expectations of the masters

who it's going to,

it's just going to be a difficult road.

Yeah, I agree.


because those are also all the people

that are coming out of the individuals.

So they have,

they have all of those expectations.




And, and yeah,

just as simple as the kit of the uniform.

Like, I think that's gonna,

if that doesn't hit,

you're going to have problems and gosh,

I'll tell you that last

time I finals workout,

I was always thinking about the clothes.

It was just like, this is for the clothes,

you know?

So you've been three times.

What's your favorite part of the kit?

Oh, everything.

It's like you, you do a whole fashion show,

you know, and you try everything on.

It's amazing.

It's Christmas.


Did you do the pick with all the stuff or.

Oh yeah.

Every year.


That's so cool.


so Jamie has in here in the notes teams

getting a full game skit.

Do we want to talk about that or no?

I don't, I don't know for certain yet,

but I mean,

it seems to be maybe the case

that teams may have go rock

as 13 may have go rock as their sponsor.

Yeah, honestly,

I feel like all that stuff

still is waiting to be announced.

I have no idea.



If they get it, great for the kids.


Do I want Masters to get it too?


But the more people that get it,

the better.

I think personally,

I know Masters have a lot more people,

but I think if you're going

to give it to one side,

you have to give it to the other.

That's just my thoughts on it.

I wish that was the case.



It's going to be masters

just starting off on the

wrong foot because we

didn't even know where it was at.

So like,

it's hard to get a sponsor when

you don't even know the location.


Like it's, it's just going to be there.

They're behind the eight

ball to begin with and now

have to do all this stuff to catch up.

And well,

we're going to move into the news

of the week, Haley,

and we'd love to have you stay.

If you want to talk about it,

if you need to have to study,

we understand that too.

I actually, like,

I have laundry in the dryer,

and if I don't go get it,

I think someone's going to take it.

So I might have to give up on this one.

Been there, done that.

But thank you so much for

jumping on and giving your perspective.

Yeah, thanks for having me.

Have a great rest of your night.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Bye, guys.


See, she can leave.

Why can't you leave?



It's easy.

yeah because because I like

started the show so I feel

like if I leave it'll shut

the whole show down okay I

do leave studio now so um

we we skipped a couple things at the top

I was watching a barbell

spin last night and the

thing I got out of there, um,

blind leaderboard was which

was better Friday night lights,

the TV show or Friday night lights,

the movie.

Oh, I have not watched the TV show.


I know.


So that's what I need to watch.

What next?

Is that what you're telling me?

I loved the movie.

One of the greatest TV shows ever.

So that's my answer.


There's no way it's one of those.

Ken, no.

She is not related to Emily.



Kyle's from the UK and Haley's from



Maybe way, way, way back.

Possibly somewhere.

All right, fine.

I'll have to binge the TV show.

Like, you'll know if you,

if you like it as well in

the first season.



Like watch the first couple episodes.

If you're sucked in, you'll be sucked in.

If not, then it's not for you.

Fair enough.


but your choice is the TV show over TV

show for sure.


And the movie is great.

So like LDY two, seven, four, two.


I'll give it a shot.


I thought the kids were great actors and,

It's where Michael B. Jordan

got his start.

It's where... Now,

he doesn't come in until season four-ish,


Oh, okay.

But, yeah.

It's great.

Great acting from all perspectives.

Yeah, Tim Riggins is kind of...

He's one of the main characters,

and he's a mess at the

beginning of this thing.

So following him through the show is very,

very electric to me.

Is Tim Riggins the character's name?


Who plays him?

Tyler Kitsch.


He's been in a bunch of flops.


He was in Lone Survivor as Michael Murphy.


So he played Murph.

It's Taylor Kitsch.

Taylor Kitsch.




Megan didn't like the movie or the TV


I liked the movie, so.

I liked the movie.

I thought it was very good.

The TV show went above and beyond for me.

So there.

That's my feelings.

All right.

I'll check it out.

You said any new shows?

Is that what... Any binging?


No, I haven't started anything new.

I wondered if you did while

you were... Are you still at home?

I'm assuming.


but I can't stay awake for more than

an hour watching TV these days.


More Legos, less TV.

More Legos, less TV.


A lot of YouTube,

a lot of... And like Megan said,

I'm still watching Friends.

That's my like... When I'm

having trouble breathing,

I put Friends on to relax me.

Because it gets my mind off

of hearing my breath and just...

And I've seen the episode so

many times that I, I don't even need to,


I did the bad batch for star Wars fans.

What's that?

I think it's a new,

I think it's a new show on Disney.

Andrew can correct me if I'm wrong.


But I'm not,

I wasn't a Star Wars guy growing up.

Like I was, I was an Indiana Jones guy.

That, that was my, we had a,

we had a theater.

I grew up in a very small town.

We had a theater that just

had one screen and it had a

double feature.

And so the same movie might

be there for like a year.

But the second feature would flip.

So if you want to see the other movie.

So I saw like Raiders of the

Lost Ark 12 times at the theater.

And that just became my jam.

I did see an update that

Reacher is already in like


So it should come out before

the end of the year.

I saw that as well.

I saw him.

I saw him on Jimmy Fallon.


Talking about him busting

the car burglar and going

into reacher mode.


Him and his wife were out

for it on a date.

And they saw somebody with

their legs hanging out of a car window.

And his wife's like,

what's that guy doing?

And he goes, oh my gosh,

I think he's stealing.

from that car.

And his wife goes, you're not going to do.

And he goes, but I got to like,

he's robbing them.

And so he runs the guy down

and I guess throws him into

a wall and on top of them

until authorities get there.

Holy cow.

He chased him down for like

a few blocks before that.

mean he's lucky he wasn't

like they had a gun or a

knife and like that's

that's risky yeah so

Patrick Clark asks which

movie was better Friday

Night Lights or Varsity

Blues and that's a tough

one I mean for like

for like strength of a movie in it,

like on its face,

Friday night lights was a better movie.

Farsi blues was really entertaining.


And if I don't want to like

the serious take on it,

like varsity blues is a

much more relaxing watch.

And I, yeah, but,

and the football playing is

better in front of the lights.


James Van Der Beek did not

look like a quarterback in Marcy Blues.




I might give the nod to Friday Night


So Friday Night Lights was more authentic.

Marcy Blues is probably more entertaining.



All right.

We're going to move into

open announcement talk.


All right.

All right.


I know it's been debated on some

other shows.

I haven't caught them.

But like Jeffrey Birchfield

brought it up in some chats.

A lot of us have been discussing this.

Like Shred Shed gets week two.

Proven now gets week three.

And I know Proven's an affiliate,

so that's maybe a different story.

But I'm not even aware if

they're fully open to the public yet.

Maybe this is like a grand

opening type thing.

And that's cool, I guess.

But the Shred Shed to me getting week two,

I feel like,

and this goes along with like

everything that I have to

talk about with open announcements,

with the people participating.

locations I just feel like

we are missing the

community aspect which is

supposed to be what we're

pushing right now right

yeah that's what I thought um I think

I'm even like,

I'm even with you on the

proven a bit because I know

like Amy's friends.

So Amy co-host from the round table,

they went to Nashville.

They did drop in at proven.

So you can drop in.

It is an affiliate, but it's not like it.

It's just opening.

Like include some people.

who've just earned it maybe

maybe that's what I feel

like there's affiliates out

there that have earned the

opportunity to host an

event right so this

So this is another point

that I wanted to make, like maybe again,

maybe the open needs to

matter in some fashion.

Like I really enjoyed when

Annie's team went against

the team that the other

team that was hosting it.

And so you got like a

perspective of like just a

general public.

I mean, they were good too.

Don't get me wrong,

but they were not a games team per se.

So you got like this regular

athletes versus games athletes, but like,

why not maybe like,

say like the top three

registrations are going to

get the open announcement or top three.

And I don't know, it could be budget wise.

So maybe you say top three us or whatever,

whatever caveat you need to make on it.

There'd have to be a lot of

caveats because of logistics space.

Can it host, but like this isn't new.

So yeah, I think it's wrong,

but like I went to 20, 22, two,

And that was a rogue.


Rogue's an affiliate,

but it is not open to the public.

But it is,

it is like saying thank you to

your partners.


Like, so I get it from a business sense,

but it doesn't,

it doesn't jive with the community talk.

Like you said.


patrick I i would be

surprised if if they're

charging and I don't know

maybe there is some kind of

fee exchange but like if I

got to be a host gym I

would not that's bringing

so much attention to my gym

that it that like I can't

even imagine being or any

of my members being mad and

be like we need money back

for these two days that

you're shut down for this

like that's crazy

if anything it's just

railing everyone in the

community around like I i

can't imagine that's a

costume so I will say this

when when it was at rogue

like crossfit players got

tickets to hand out to their members

then the first so many got

the tickets that's how I

got my ticket I didn't get

it through like a thing or

or anything like that um I

got it through crossfit

polaris because crossfit

handed out tickets to

affiliates around columbus

to bring their people down

to watch the open

announcement yeah and so I

don't know if that's going

to happen at the shred shed

there's no way it's it's

his house like there's going to be

20 people there.

I think you're missing the entire... No.

The entire point of the open announcement.

Proven you could hand out

tickets to Nashville

affiliates to come in.



And then, okay, then I'm okay with it,


You're getting a lot of people involved.

You know?

Yeah, but... Okay,

but this still goes back

to... So one of my bigger points is...

You have chosen,

we now know point three is Tia and Ariel.

So now we have basically your, like,

top three finishers over

the last couple years.

That's who is getting to compete.

And Colton.


Why are we constantly,

we already know that Tia

gets 90% of the coverage

when it gets to semis in the games.

And so does Jeff and so does whoever,

I mean,

I guess Jeff doesn't get a ton of


But you already highlight

Justin and these athletes

who are your top five in

the world throughout the whole season.


is that who we continually need to

put the spotlight on?

Is that the only people that

can rally people to watch these?

I can't imagine it is.

Maybe you get one or two of

them for one of the announcements,

but there's other people

that you could bring in to

hype up all these divisions.

Why is a teen or a master or

an adaptive not at any of

these announcements?

That part...

That part I don't understand.

And if they're not going to do it,

then why isn't Legends

doing like a Friday Night

Lights or The Pit doing a

Friday Night Lights where

you're highlighting your

teens or your masters?


Let's be honest.

CrossFit's a business.

Patrick's saying it a ton in the comments.

They are down on money.

They need to hype this up as

much as possible, right?

You need to get viewers on

these open announcements.

So you need to have the best

of the best from a business perspective.

Does that get me pumped up?


But does it get the general

population of the CrossFit

world pumped up?


does it though I like I'm

not lying like when I got

to see those open

announcements that featured

even like rory and baz or

the three I loved those

like see your regular and I

feel like most of the

community loved those they

loved seeing a regular joe

schmo hit the workout and then what

Like doing more than just

the top two in the world,

I think is extremely

important if they're trying

to push CrossFit to the masses.

You cannot keep showing just

Tia all the time.

That's not even a realistic viewpoint.

It's a story this year.


There's going to be plenty of coverage.

It's a story that possibly

gets eyeballs on what's going to happen.

And you know doggone well

it's mom versus mom.

They've already got the banners made up.

Who's the fittest mom?

It's going to be all that

stuff with Ariel and her.

That's the storyline they're

going to go with.

Get a regular mom.



I mean,

if that's what you're trying to push,

that even moms can do this, cool.

Get one of the moms from

somewhere in Nashville to

show up and do it as well.

I'm not against that.

I'm not against having...

When we had Boz on here,

the one thing I said to him is,

I miss Roe versus Boz.

It gave...

Joe average, an idea of what to expect.

When I see Tia do a workout,

that's not even realistic for me.


Roe versus Boz probably

isn't realistic for me either,

but at least it's in my

sight that I can understand it.


So I agree with you.

I think,

and it doesn't have to be Roe and Boz,

two people that just,

but have some name

recognition in the space.

I think is important.


I'm not saying they

shouldn't have a

representative from the elites.

I just don't think every

week needs to include only

your top five in the world.

Like there's more people do

it and we just don't know yet.

They're not announcing that aspect.

A lot of what's been out there was leaked.

Like the locations of these

things were dug up by the barbell spin.


Not by, not by a release from CrossFit.

So it'll be interesting to

see what else they put on with it.

Because I do think you have

to have Castro versus Dawn.

That would be freaking awesome.

That would be funny.

Like that would get eyeballs.

But something like that, right?


Rich versus the world.

I mean, right.

And Taylor's doing... And Ken says,

why can't they just do

their own thing like Taylor

versus the world?

Well, that only gets shared so far.

Who's promoting that?

Who's putting that content out there?

I mean...

We're trying to show a

different viewpoint and

it's not getting thousands of views.

We've only done two episodes.

We're just getting started.


I mean,

usually that stuff you know if it's

going to take off or not.



think we're going to expand

that too I think we're

going to try some different

things through the open

hopefully which I want to

talk to you about after

we're done tonight yeah

yeah um but yeah I'd love

to do that something

through the open to show

some different age group

stuff yeah I mean we work

with with the pit to get a teen

to go head to head with you,

something like that.

Yeah, that'd be cool.

So, um,

I think the area we're missing

really big is you don't get

to see the adaptive scaled version.


I think that is one that we

have never seen.

And I would love to see, um,

what's going on with that.

Ken, we will get there.

That's at the bottom of the list.

Hold, hold.


I would like to see the numbers on

fronings when mayhem, I,

I know they did it last year,

two years ago.


and they would always bring in a

foundations athlete, a scaled athlete,

a regular athlete in the elite.

So it was like a regular RX

athlete and then one of the elites.

And I think Victoria Campos

was in one of the weeks, um,

that Charlie Curran was in

one of the weeks, uh,

And that was great.

I would actually like to see

the numbers on that

compared to maybe some of

their other stuff.

That would be,

I feel like if they could

delve into that and share

that with CrossFit and be like,

this was getting so many hits.

People wanted to see these other levels.

Mayhem gets,

they don't need CrossFit to get hits.

I know, but if that gets more than like,


I'd be curious if it gets more than

the open announcement views.

You know, like,

is it on par with the open

announcement views?

Like, that's like, hey,

your open announcement

views are only going to get so far.

If you could include something like this,

you would get even more.

Or does it get more than

like their regular Mayhem

Monday or whatever?

Like, how much bigger is it?

Or is it not a hit?

Is it less than Mayhem

Monday normal episode?

I don't know.

That's what I'd be curious

on the metrics there.

Yeah, theirs is more of a tips and tricks.


Sort of.

I mean, yeah,

that's how they open the video.

They talk about tips.

Then they show the whole

workout with those four athletes going.

And then I think they finish up with, like,

mobility tips.

or whatever to go into it.

So tell me start at or

someone would come on and

give you some extra.

Yeah, Patrick, you're probably right.

CrossFit didn't communicate

that they weren't a part of the open.

And again,

a lot of what we know has been leaked.

Maybe there are plans that

we just don't know yet.


No, I'm just giving benefit.

How are they not a part of the open?

They've told those people

that they specifically are

a part of the open.

They don't get their own thing.

They don't like they've told

them you need to follow the

season until this point.

And then they could create their own.

He's saying they could

create their own open

announcements and do

something with their demographic.

I mean, you need, then you need.

CrossFit's the only one with

the announcement.

You'd have to just like, yeah.

So that's where they're at a

big disadvantage is the

announcement is made,

but they don't control that.



I don't know.


since we're talking about open

announcements, the clue for 24.1.

Oh, you're jumping all the way to that.


because we're talking about the open.

I'm just trying to.


what about you have Justin leaks a



I was going to do that after the



All right.

You're going to show the toast?

Show the clue.


Let me pull it up.


So here is the big clue for 24.1.

I'm sure we all know what

the workout is now.

It's going to be something

that gives you foot fungus.

Okay, interesting take.

So those of you just listening,

it's a mushroom if you haven't seen it.

And it's not a real mushroom, right?

There are no real mushrooms

that are that red.

Apparently it's a real mushroom.

What do you mean?


It's like a, I don't know,

someone put what it is,

a fly agaric or something like that.

the actual genus name of it or whatever.

Um, I,

so I feel like this moves us into

separate talking.

Um, like,

so Dave has said that there's

going to be no tape needed for the open.

Did you watch the affiliate

town hall today?

I did not.



So great.

I like,

they've already said there wouldn't

really be floor plans per se, just like,

don't be dumb and set up the equipment.

So we kind of knew that,

but like no tape needed at all.

I like right out the bat,

there's not going to be shuttles.

There's not going to be handstand walk.

There's not going to be wall walks.

There's not going to be

handstand pushups unless

there's some kind of weird,

something else that they do there,

I suppose.

But if you are not,

Putting tape on the ground

and having any specific

start and finish point, hand placement.

There's a few things that

are basically off the table for the open,

which some people will be

fairly happy about, I'm sure.

I think a lot of people

wanted no more shuttles.

So we know that.

We know that Home Depot hates that.

Home Depot is rioting.

Their sale of masking tape

in different colors.


Going down this year.

So he's also,

Dave's also stated in other

podcasts that the open was going to be

For one, it would be unique,

this first event,

but that the open would be

more about intensity than

necessarily the skill work.

So it wouldn't be unique in

the movement being high

skill program is how I took that.

And maybe I'm completely wrong on that.

But I think it's going to be

just basic movements that

you have to decide to hurt

on to get the best score in the world.

When Veronica saw this, she said organic.

So she thinks it's going to

be something organic.


you're going to read Blacksmith's quote,


I always love his.

Chandler Smith came in with,

as we all know,

Dave Castro is the very

definition of a fun guy.

Selecting a mushroom is par

for the course for such a person.

But examining the genus

picture delivers us all the

relevant details for ascertaining 24.1.

The fly...

Agaric is native to North

America and is perhaps best

known from its appearances

in the Super Mario series.

While at first glance we'd

think that the linkages end here,

we must go one level deeper

to arrive at the final answer.

Mario is, of course,

the flagship character of Nintendo.

Here's where it gets interesting.

Colors of the fly, a Garrick, Nintendo,

Japan, all red and white.

This clearly points us to

the fact that the workout

will be a marriage between

two complimentary movements.

The company and the

character status as icon

reflect the iconic status

of our two favorite CrossFit movements,

the clean and

and the thruster.

After counting the eight

letters in red and white,

we can obviously see that

24.1 will be eight minutes of clusters.

That's quite the take, huh?

It is.

I love his clues.

His little rants about the clues.

Honestly, not a bad pick.

I could see it going

somewhere in that direction.

And again, how bad do you want to hurt?

And how long do you want to

hold on to that thing for?

How fast are you going to move it?

I think 24.1 is going to be pretty basic.

I do think with the uniqueness,

I do think he's going to

try to go somewhere in the realm of like,

timeframe or setup that we

haven't seen as in like a

death by sequence of some sort.


I still think it could be something

like Telsu with the EMOM

format where you're just

trying to get all those

thrusters done and you have to like,

are you able to do the five

burpees and get any,

or are you doing just

surviving and doing the five burpees?


how long is it going to take you to get

through the thrusters?


But I also could see it

being just like super basic

like row kales and burpee over the rower.

And like literally no standards.

kind of like rich did one

year like he was like get

just get over the rower I

don't care how you get over

the rower I we're not

judging that just get over

the rower and so sure you

can step over the rower and

it is super inclusive you

aren't going to win that

way I guarantee it so the

people who want to win are

going to have to hurt and

are going to have to jump

them all um but it makes it

where we're not judging the

in between of the movement like

get down, get over,

you choose how fast you want to go.

Um, and I,

it almost takes like the need

for a scaled out of the workout,

which I think kind of is

usually the case of a 0.1.

So my thought was the repeat of,

I think it's 14 for the deadlift box.

14, three, 14, three.

And I just did it.


With the descending reps of

the deadlift and the ascending weight.

So as you go up the mushroom, it shrinks,


So less reps, but it gets heavier.

And then back then,

the standard for the box

jump was get on top of the box,

get off the box, however you wish.


Um, no.

So step ups, hop ups,

whatever you wanted to do, you could do.


it was one of my favorite open workouts



and so maybe I'm just being more hopeful,

uh, than anything.

Um, that's the open where I,

that's the event where I

beat Bob Harper from the

biggest loser by one rep.


And that made my day.


made my lifetime how about

that um and I'd never

pulled whatever it was I

got to 325 I was still kind

of at the beginning of my

crossfit comeback and my

back was and so I'd never

pulled that much before and

I did it for like 12 reps

or something thanks yeah it was a

I think something like that.

Um, the other one,

my first ever open workout

was the burpees and

snatches where the snatches light, um,

with a higher rep and got

heavier with lower reps.

And the burpees went down in

number to get there,

but it was burpee to a target.

Um, pretty standard jump up, hit the pole.

then do your snatches no

tape needed for that um

although the snatch is not

a low barrier movement even

at a lightweight yeah I

could totally see box jumps

of some sort or or step up

or get up however you want

I just when you look at

this you think mario or toad or

Getting them up,

banging the thing and

getting the mushroom out.

Um, so I,

I can totally see box jumps being

in week one.

Um, and box jumps,

get your heart rate up the same,

like similar fashion of shuttles.

Um, so I could see totally see box jumps.

I just don't know what to

compare what paired with.


that's probably more time than I

wanted to spend on Castro's

crew clue because we're not gonna,

we're all going to be wrong anyway.

Sometimes we're pretty close.

All right.

I usually do a, I usually do a thing in my,

at my gym where I post on,

on our team page and like they win,

I don't know,

a can of eight or something.

Um, and I feel like I'm like very,

very close every year.

Um, I guess this,

I usually have like the two

movements or something.


so I always have to give it to like

second place because I usually win.


So Justin leaks a movement.

Did you watch that whole interview?

No, I don't think he did.

But I have heard people who

did watch the whole thing

said he was guessing the

whole time at different movements.

So taking out of context,

it appeared that he was

leaking a movement.


If he wouldn't have said we

had to cut this out real quick,

I think there would be no question.

But because he said that and

then they cut it,

Now there's questions.

Now, maybe they do know something.

Because there's a lot of...

Because there's no tape line,

there's been a lot of

discussion that we probably

will still see lunges,

but they'll be in the...

just reverse step lunge

fashion right and so maybe

he had maybe they did know

something maybe he had

heard lunges and that's why

he assumed no chance

they're doing it in the

shred shed because maybe

they were he already knows

there's not really enough

space for multiple people

to do a lunging workout um

but then when they were he

was told and it was in the

shred shed he was like

guess we're not doing

lunges but maybe they are

so it'll be very

interesting to see if we

have in place lunges in week two

Yeah, I totally agree.

It could be a number of

steps where we're not

marking anything off.

Could be eight in place.

Yes, I totally agree.

I actually think we may still see lunging.

I don't disagree.

I think I brought it up on

one of the shows in the

last couple weeks that why

couldn't you just do an in-place lunge?

They suck just as bad as walking.

I think they're worse.

They take longer.




I don't know if there's a

movement that wrecks me as

quickly as lunges.

Just I can squat all day, man.

You go to lunch.

I'm just, just done.

I would prefer to launch.

So new,

another new team announced this week.


This is putting together Chandler,

Joshua El Chama.


Evan Kim.

And Lauren Fisher.


So, man, I feel like, you know,

you got your two returners

from last year's winning team.

And we all know Chandler's no slouch.

And I've been excited with

what I've seen from Lauren

Fisher over this last year.

But I, man,

I think Noah's team with Tola

is got the edge.

Yeah, I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know.

Chandler's so strong.

Chandler can go toe-to-toe with Tola.

I know.

Chandler can go toe-to-toe with Tola.


I don't think they have the

male gymnastic engine equivalent of Noah.


Because, you know,

say what you will about Noah.

Like, that dude is fit.

I think he's got a renewed

purpose with this going team,

and he's going 100% to win it.


I think we're going to see that play out.

Patrick Clark says Tevin Kim

is the best woman of the two teams.

I think he may have a vested

interest in that,

so we'll take that with a grain of salt.

Yeah, I don't.

I think Devin Kim is super fit.

She's been on a team.

She knows how to play the team game.

I think she's a great

addition to the team.

But Mattel Garns is a

two-time games athlete as an individual.

And Lena Richter has been

with team forever and done really well.

Andrew Sten with I'm Not Sold on Tola.

He's been on a few teams now,

and they've really not done

as well as expected.

I don't think you can blame that on Tola.

I don't either.

That's unfair.

It's been people around him that have,

and one of those was Lauren Fisher.

I know.

Going into the 21, 22 games.


I mean, she just was hurt.


If any,

Lauren Fisher looks so good this


She does.


so that gives me a little bit of pause.

Um, she looks so good at rogue, um,

on the first couple of days

till rain kind of messed up

a lot of stuff.


it would have been interesting to see

how that went in like a dry field.

So, but anyway,

it's going to be interesting.

Maybe there is some interest

in the team now that we

have all these kind of

super teams coming together

to kind of see how it all lands.

The spin poll.


New spin poll came out.

I want to say only 18 or 19

of us voted this cycle.

I think it's very reflective.

Some of the men changed,

but you can see the middle

there and the women just

didn't change at all.

I feel like people just


The people that voted just

sent their ballot back in

and maybe with a couple

changes here on the men's

side and didn't look much

into the women's side.

I did get my vote in.

Oh, you did?

I did.

Oh, good.

It didn't show you in the list.

It didn't?


In his post on IG, say that?

It accepted it when I put it in.

Interesting, yeah.

If you look at the post on IG,

it says these are the

people who participated.

And Patrick Clark missed.

Yeah, I mean,

I saw so many missing names

that I immediately was like, oh,

this is kind of not a great


And then you saw...

And I did see Will

Branceter's comment about

whoever picked Lawson needs

to be kicked out of the pool.

I will say I did not pick Lawson to win,


He's got a point.

If you aren't picking Tia to

win... Why is that a point?

Because I feel like Tia's...

I just... I don't think...

We will see.

We will see when Tia does

the live announcement how she's looking.

I call bullshit.

Then Jeff Adler should be

number one on the men's side.

I did pick Jeff Adler.

I picked Jeff Adler as number one.

I'm just saying,

you can't go on the women's

side and say you have to pick Tia.

It's two years after the fact.

Life has changed.

People have gotten better.

Things can happen.

She didn't win Rogue.

Yeah, that was so soon after.

And she barely lost.

I don't think there's a

chance that anyone can catch her,

but we'll see.

Maybe things have changed.

I voted to win.

I've said it on the show

that my biggest call for

the year is Emma Lawson is

going to shock the world

and beat both Laura and Tia at the games.

You have said that.

I have said that,

but she keeps getting better.

She's 19 years old.

Like her, her PRS are going to be,

we are still in the jumping phase.

I just think Tia is Matt in

that only Tia can beat Tia.

Tia needs to leave the race

for someone else to win.

Rogue didn't test everything.

When it came to grip on a barbell,

or not a barbell, on a rig,

she didn't do well.

she struggled in different

aspects and with a complete

event that wasn't rained out and changed.

I don't,

it's still been a couple of years.

I don't know.

I guess we'll see in the

open announcement how fit she looks.

I think she's,

But to use the logic that

she has to be your number

one pick or you should be

kicked out of the poll.

Well, on the men's side,

we're throwing Roman Krennikoff,

who can't even finish an event.

We're throwing Ricky Garrard up there,

who's been hurt several times.



they should be kicked out of the poll,

in my view.

Jeff Fadler won the damn games last year.

He gets no respect.

It looks closer on the men's side,

at least.


Frazier could have taken a year off

and come back just as dominant.

There's just no, like,

that dude was unbeatable.

You say that, but when you take a year off,

things change.

Priorities change.

It's harder to get back into that grind.

Not for someone like Matt or Tia.

I disagree.

I would like to be surprised.

I think Tia and Matt didn't

do really anything for the sport.

And it's why I don't like

want to keep leaning on

pushing her for the storyline.

Like, I don't think we need to.

So let's move.

Let's move on.

Cause I agree.

They didn't do it.

They haven't done much for the sport.


And I'm glad that I thought

last year's games were the

best because you didn't

know who was going to win

and it was much better.

Who did you have number one

on the men's side?


Who'd you have number one on

the women's side?



I had Jeff and Emma.

One thing that is kind of

been bumping me lately is I

think Saxon Pan checks in

for a comeback year.

So I moved him into my top 10.


that's kind of like the one big surprise.

I have Medeiros up higher

than Krennikoff because I

think Medeiros is going to

have a bounce back here from last year.

Where'd you put Krennikoff?


I had Krennikoff like fifth.


I could see that.

His erratic behavior this

offseason just has me not

confident in what's going on.


And then on the women's side,

I keep bumping Ariel back up.

Do you?


Like I have her at fourth right now.


Ahead of Alex.


The more I see her and knowing Ariel,

like there's some

confidence there that she's never had.

And I'm excited to see how

she competes with

confidence for the first time.

You know what I mean?


I, yeah, I can see that.

She's really coming into her own.

I think she's in a,

she's got her set up going.

She's, she's in her happy place.

She's grooving.


So on, on my list,

I've bumped her up to

fourth ahead of Alex.

I think there's a lot of

pressure on Alex and I just don't know.

I don't know how she's going

to deal with it.

And then, and I,

and I bumped Emma carry up a bit.

But again, I don't know.

I just don't know where to land her.

Yeah, she's such a wild card for me.

When you get into pain cave stuff,

that girl's insane.

But she started the games

off just on a bad foot last

year and had to kind of

come back from that and had

a top 10 finish.


maybe that was a great

learning experience for her.


And they probably won't have

an outdoor event like that.


I don't think they're going to have a

bike ride again.


So, so anyway, I just,

I wish people would have put,

Put more thought into it

because they clearly I mean,

you've got Annie still in

there being pregnant.

You've got Jamie Simmons still in there.

Like I slid those people out.

Sometimes I feel like maybe

it doesn't read my when I

type people in because it

doesn't move it in.

I wish this I wish this was

like a little more interactive.

Like I could like it's

interactive on the right.

You can slide up and down.

But if I type somebody in,

I want them to pop up so I

can put them where I want them.

Does that make sense?


So like there's where I feel like it,

it doesn't go through for me.


My first,

so I was late because I was in

the hospital and I had

bigger fish to fry.


but what I did is everybody who

announced team,

I just like swiped all the

way to the bottom.


Got them out of the list completely.

So I did put a lot of

thought into this and then

it didn't count.

I put it in like on the 15th.

a day late.


I almost feel like that

should have counted,

but maybe he had already

pulled the scores in.

So hopefully next month,

like we'll have gone

through the open and

hopefully everyone gets

their sign on time and we

get some like more thought out responses.

I just, you could tell this was kind of a,

I'm just submitting and moving on.


So I thought that's.

Before we get to the heat one,

Our girl, Kelly Baker, friend of the show.

We followed her all last

season through the ups and

downs of everything has announced.

And I actually have her Instagram up.

So let me share that real

quick that she is not

competing in the 2024 season.

And she did it in this post right here.

After many prayers and

conversations with my people,

I've decided I'm going to

sit this one out.

Emotionally, this was not an easy choice,

but at the same time,

I'm very at peace with my decision.

And this quote tells you

everything you need to know

about Kelly Baker.

Just because you are good at

something does not mean you

have to do it.

We interviewed her years ago.

She was one of the first 30

people we interviewed.

She told us then she was

getting better at CrossFit,

but I want to run a marathon.

I want to see if I can do it.

She would do it.

Then she would do, I want to do this.

I think she has so many wants and

things that she wants to

accomplish in her life,

that CrossFit is just one

little small component of that.

And she is fine moving on to

try to have a family.

And the doctors have told

her the stress of a game season is

would not help her with having a family.

So they made the decision to

sit this one out,

to have a better shot at

conceiving a child and starting a family.

And with that,

I sent her a text this afternoon,

wishing her well,

telling her I will miss her,

but I cannot be mad at her

for wanting to start a family.

It's the coolest thing in the world.

And I'm sending all my love.

And she texted back that big thanks.

And she'll miss everybody too.

But you got to do what you got.

You have to.

I mean,

it's good to hear that she's at

peace with it.

And you're right.

She's got...

she's smart enough to know

that crossfit is a blip of

her life and if starting a

family is important to her

she needs to run with that

and she needs to put her

efforts there I'm excited

for them yeah so the final

thing and then we'll get

out of here for tonight is

heat one has come up not

only can you play on the app

They have some new open

games that basically you just go in,

you pick announcement winners.

Then they have this bracket

that you can play tier by

tier on the app.

But you can't play the whole

bracket unless you print it

out and actually write it all in.

So the Barbell Spin guys did

this live on their show last night.

I want to beat them.


We're going to do it real

quick here and I'm going to

get Jamie nice picks and I

will write them down because I have.

We're probably going to be the same.

We might have one thing different.


the thing about the open is like the

people you think are going to win.

Don't always win.

yeah I hate I kind of hate

this and that like you're

just basically making a

pick because the open it is

very workout dependent for

these people so like if I

if we knew what the work

movements were we'd be have

a much better educated

guest scott showing off

that he has a color printer

very elitist of you scott yeah um

It's from an old business

way back in the day.

And thank God they're still inking it.

All right.

So bracket one is Jeffrey

Adler and Jay Crouch.


I've really liked what I've seen out

of Jay Crouch.

I just, as much as Jeff says,

he's like never peaking too early.

I feel like he's always in shape,

like super in shape already at this time.

So I'm going to go with Jeff.

All right, me, I did the same.

I'm always in Adler's corner.


I've been shoved in that corner,

and I'm staying there until

he lets me down.

All right.

Krennikoff, Fikowski.

I think I'm going to pick Fikowski.



I just would,

I just would like to see him win.

So that's where I'm going to go.

I'm hoping it's something

chipper-y that Brent can

take his mental gymnastics and win it.

So I can't, I have,

so I'm going with Roman.


Ricky Gerard, Dallin Pepper.

I'm going to go with Ricky.



For an open type,

I got to go Ricky as much

as I want to go Dallin.


Um, final bracket, Vellner Yona Koski.

All right.

I'm going Koski.

Ooh, better on the open.

So then we get to the other,

let's finish this side of the bracket.

So Adler,

the second round Adler and

Fikowski for you.


I'm between Adler and Roman and Adler.

Ricky and Vellner.


I'm going to go with Ricky.

I think Ricky might be

better suited for the open.

And then Ricky and Adler.

I'm going to go with Jeff.

All right.

I am going to go

Ricky over Koski and Ricky to win.




Then on the female side,

I wish this would have print landscape.

I guess to do that, uh, Horvat carry.

Man, that is such a tough one.


And this is for, is this for 0.1?



I think I'm going to go with

Carrie because I think it's

going to be so basic that

it's about how bad you want to hurt.

And she will go black.

She'll go dark.


Um, Emma Lawson and Gabby McGowan.

I'm going to take Emma.


I'm the Emma bracket.


Then we have Gazan and Ariel.

Okay, I'll take a Xanx.

I'm betting you're gonna take Ariel.

I am.

Okay, I'll take his answer.

We have something.

Then we have Tia and wrap this.

I'm going to take Tia.

I'm going to take Raptus.

All right.

Look at you.

All right.

So Carrie Lawson.

Oh, man.

I think I want to go with Lawson.

I'm hoping maybe there's

some more skill in two that

gives Lawson the edge.

All right, I'll go carry.

You have Kazan, Tia.


I have Ariel and Raptus.

I am going Ariel.


And then you have Lawson, Tia.

I'm going to go Tia.

Tia to win.



I know.

And I have Carrie and Ariel.

Emma, right?

Who are you picking?

Emma Carrie and Ariel Lowen.


Took Ariel.

Oh, wow.

Didn't Ariel finish like

third in the open last year?

I think she did really good.

And she, yeah.


Yeah, there's facts up here.

I'm not just throwing shit out.


She's, she's,

she's good at open pain cave person.

I'm taking her as far.

And then Ariel,

when that last week of skillset,

I think she finally gets her.

And again,

Ariel was top five in the open

last year for sure.

I think it was third.

Um, so that's why I'm taking her.

So cool.

So we will check this out.

I will see how they score

barbell spin wise so we can

compare and see if we can beat John Young,

Brian spin and Tyler Watkins.

These boys.

So anything else on the docket for you,


I think that was it.

I think we covered it all.


so uh hey if you have not

caught the verses for the

ages um make sure you go

check that out uh it is

haley rolf who joined us at

the beginning of the show

teen athlete three-time

games competitor against

jamie latimer masters

athlete against jim peeper

grand masters athlete

in the 65 plus.

Um, and we've, we're only two weeks in,

we're still tweaking,

we're still modifying and, uh,

and we're going to keep

making it better and better every time.

Thanks Patrick.


Thanks a lot, Patrick.

Uh, with that, uh, we also, I'm trying to,

now that I'm feeling better

and I hope you all can tell

my voice is actually coming back.

Um, I'm not coughing as much.

I'm not types of things.


I'm hoping to get some stuff

rescheduled and some

interviews back on the docket.

And then we'll know more

answers tomorrow as to when

the full fix happens with

my heart and what goes on there.

Um, I think that's it.

We're going to try to do

some stuff for the open.

Uh, Jamie and I will talk after the show.

I'll talk with the other

crew from the round table,

see what we can put

together for open

announcements and maybe

some fun stuff there.

Again, we're trying,

we're going to be at the Arnold.

I'm not sure it's going to be now.

um but the crew will be at

the arnold for sure I'm

getting some interviews um

they may be tape delayed as

opposed to live just to

make it easier and I can

edit those at home but

we'll see how I feel next

week if I feel better um

I'll definitely be there

but we will be at the thick

boy tent or thick boy booth

um apparel check them out uh

doing live interviews if um

if I'm there and I know

jamie's there saturday for

sure um charlie you would

take the camera uh friday

and get some stuff down

there as well ronica's

gonna come with me so um

and ronica may try to grab

some of the like

fighters that are there.

I think there's some kickboxing and she's,

I mean, she came from that world.

So if we can get,

catch some of those interviews,

I think that'd be great.


And what we're going to do

is CrossFit kind of got

canceled at the Arnold this year.


So we're going to reach out

to all the other sports and

get some stuff about what's

going on in those.

So a little bit different,

but we're going to get some

fun action from the Arnold

and a prime location at the

Thick Boy apparel tent.

Yes, it's just two Cs.

Yeah, just two Cs.

So who is Sam?

I'm so Bruce.

I'm so glad you were able to catch a live.


I don't know if you caught my post the

other week.

We had a gentleman drop in

and work out with Jim and I,

and it was Bruce.

Um, and he,

he says he likes these shows and,

but he's rarely on a live.

He was, he's been in here.

Patrick said they're having tag, um,

at the Arnold.

Oh my gosh.

That's awesome.

I know last year,

the big one was slap fighting.

Not want to watch any of that.

So yeah.

So fun stuff.

I'll go.

I'll watch tag with that.

We'll let you guys all go.

Have a great night.

Thank you for tuning in.

We love you guys.

You're you and the audience

are so awesome with that.

We will catch everybody next week.


but probably for sure for the

open announcement and maybe

right into Thursday Night CrossFit Talk.

Who knows?

Yes, Kenneth,

we are the original Thursday

Night CrossFit Talk show.

With that, we'll catch everybody later.

Bye, guys.