Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Thursday the 6th June 2024.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has called on political leaders to lay out their plans for tackling hardship around the country.
With the general election campaign in full swing, tackling hardship has been labelled a “stain on the moral conscience of our nation” as nearly one million people sit just £10 a week away from poverty. This is on top of the millions of people around the country already living in poverty.
According to the JRF, poverty has not fallen for a prolonged period in almost two decades, with May 2024 seeing reports that 7 million households were forced to go without essentials such as showers, toiletries or adequate clothing in the last six months, whilst also going hungry or being forced to skip meals.

A new Council for Net Zero Transport has been established to support the next government to achieve further decarbonisation of transport.
By approaching net zero this way, it is hoped that whoever comes into government in July will be provided with a coherent, consensus-based plan on how future policy can be guided across all tiers of government.
Lord Deben, Chair of the Council, said that “transport is one of the most challenging and complex sectors of the UK economy to decarbonise. It is also responsible for around a quarter of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The Scottish Government has announced that legislation has been published to create a new national qualifications body.
This will come alongside an independent inspectorate of schools, as part of educational reform across Scotland.
Replacing the Scottish Qualifications Authority will be Qualifications Scotland, thanks to the Education (Scotland) Bill. Should the bill be passed, the office of His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland will also be established, with the office being given more independence to undertake the inspection functions that currently fall under the responsibility of Education Scotland.
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