Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional

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Dr Wendy Jackson is the Head of the Avondale Seminary, a senior lecturer in Theology and a commissioned pastor. 

What is Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional?

Imagine a thriving Adventist movement in the South Pacific. Do images or stories come quickly to mind? This podcast recounts important events, stories and memories from Adventists throughout the South Pacific. These mission stories from our past are proof that the Adventist movement is alive and thriving. Listen to these podcasts and step out to join these pioneering Adventists with Jesus on His mission of making disciple-makers in the South Pacific.

Griffith Jones glanced around his ship. It was a glorious morning and he looked with satisfaction at the gleaming brass work and the recently cleaned deck. But then his eyes were drawn to a crumbled piece of paper lying on the otherwise spotless deck. He picked it up, intending to throw it overboard. But as he did so, his eyes were drawn to the writing on the page. The paper was a fragment from Present Truth magazine, and its message made an impact. So much so, that Griffith immediately determined to follow the truth he had read.1

Griffith loved his career as a merchant seaman, but eventually determined that he could not continue in that role while following the truth. He exchanged his life at sea for a career sharing the news which had changed his own life. In fact, Griffith’s encounter with the Adventist message would ultimately lead him to not only to embrace Adventism but to spend almost 30 years as a missionary in Asia and the South Pacific.

Although Griffith thought his time at sea was behind him, God had a plan for his life that would make use of this experience. When the Australasian Union Conference commissioned a ship for mission use in Melanesia, Jones was made its captain. Describing its launch CH Pretyman noted: “Providence has ordained that Pastor Jones, prior to his becoming a missionary, had been a master mariner; thus, what might have been our greatest difficulty–securing of a master for the vessel–was provided for at the outset.”2

God can use the experience and gifts that we have for his service. For Griffith, this included his knowledge of the seas. For Moses, this included the humble staff he used to look after his sheep. Take a moment to think about the experience, skills, or possessions God has given to you. Are you willing to allow God to use what he has placed in your hands?

Verse of the day:
“Then the LORD said to him, ‘What is that in your hand?’ ‘A staff,’ he replied” Exodus 4:2 (NIV).