Plenty with Kate Northrup

Can spirituality really bring you wealth and abundance?

In today’s episode, I sat with Relaxed Money Alum Tonya Melendez, who is not just a spiritual advisor but a true money maven. She shares her captivating story of transformation. Inspired by my Relaxed Money program, Tonya revolutionized her approach to money, combining somatic practices, money dates, and even aromatherapy.

As a result, she wasn’t just able to take her daughter on a dream trip to Egypt, but it also propelled her career to new heights, attracting a celebrity-level 1-1 client and an opportunity to collaborate with one of the most well known brands in the astrology space.

Her story is a testament to how intertwining the spiritual with financial management can lead to both prosperity and deep personal satisfaction. Tonya digs into the somatic aspects of money handling and offers insights into how leveraging feminine qualities of receptivity can birth a life of affluence.

Tune in for an episode that's both enlightening and practical.

“What's different now in my relationship with money is profound. Having distinct accounts for checking, savings, and business—this might seem like a small step, but for me, it represented a giant leap towards financial clarity and empowerment." - Tonya Melendez

Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you.

In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you.

Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!

What is Plenty with Kate Northrup?

What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure.

You can.

When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more.

And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best.

As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed.

Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.

Kate Northrup:

Welcome to Plenty. Today, I have a relaxed money student feature with the gorgeous, the amazing, Tanya Melendez. So Tanya is a spiritual adviser, and she found this work at the perfect moment in her life. And since integrating healing her relationship with money, She has attracted the most incredible business opportunities that when she told me about them, they kinda blew my mind. And she also just was able to take her and her daughter on the trip of a lifetime.

Kate Northrup:

I can't wait for you to hear her whole story and all the healing she's done, so enjoy the episode. Welcome to Plenti. I'm your host, Kate Northrup, and together, we are going on a journey to help you have an incredible relationship with money, time, and energy, and to have abundance on every possible level. Every week, we're gonna dive in with experts and insights to help you unlock a life of plenty. Let's go fill our cups.

Voice Over:

Please note that the opinions and perspectives of the guests on the Plenty podcast are not necessarily reflective of the opinions and perspectives of Kate Northrop or anyone who works within the Kate Northrop brand.

Kate Northrup:

Hello, Tanya. Thank you for being here today.

Tonya Melendez:

Thank you so much for inviting me, beloved Kate. I'm so grateful.

Kate Northrup:

I'm so happy to connect. So I'm curious. Do you remember how you first heard about relaxed money or the workshop we were doing leading up to it?

Tonya Melendez:

Oh, yeah. So I loved you and your sparkly outfit. You were doing I think it was like a 4 day or 5 day sprint of some sort. And I have been following you for years, Kate. I have the money story.

Tonya Melendez:

I followed even your mom, you know, and so I you've always been in my sphere. And so when I saw you in that beautiful outfit, you know, you were shining and talking about money. And I was like, wait wait a minute. This is something new. I've never heard this, you know, this happiness and joy that she's carrying around with talking about money so I was intrigued and I signed up for the the workshops I don't remember if it was a challenge or what it was but I did it and having that feminine soft energy that went with the money practices was mind blowing.

Tonya Melendez:

It was actually life affirming and life changing for me. So it really just taught me another way of looking at and having a relationship with money.

Kate Northrup:


Tonya Melendez:

So that's what got me. That was what got me really.

Kate Northrup:

I love that. So do you remember what specifically so that was in fall of 2020 2. Yeah. Fall of 2022. So what was happening in your life or in your business at that time where it felt like engaging in that workshop was a worthwhile use of your time?

Kate Northrup:

Like, why was that the right time for you to find the work?

Tonya Melendez:

Oh, so it's a good question. It was because you spoke so much about embodying it and that that abundance and prosperity are feminine principles. And that was, again, such a just a huge reminder and where I was in my business was still trying to, you know, I'm a manifesting generator in human design. So I was I'm a multi passionate and coming up with all these things. But what I recognize is I wasn't embodying the feminine principle, the feminine principles of prosperity and abundance.

Tonya Melendez:

And so I said, you know what? Let me do that. And just the name alone, relaxed money. Hello. I mean, who doesn't want relaxed money instead of stressed out and chaotic and anxious and all the different because even in that 4 day experience, I had already was doing some repatterning.

Tonya Melendez:

And so I I really just have to thank you for that, beloved, for showing me what I needed to see, especially as a black woman. You know, we're not taught this. We're not ex in fact, we're excluded from financial conversations altogether because we've been conditioned to be in struggle mode. And the somatics that you brought and introduced, again, life changing because I had never even known. I didn't know how my belly would clutch.

Tonya Melendez:

I didn't know how that tenseness would come in until you said, this is what happens. And then I was, oh my gosh. And now I'm regretting the fact that I didn't sign up again for the refresher. But yeah. Thank you.

Tonya Melendez:

Next round, I promise I will because it it I I need that some more. You know? That's a constant practice, and I do remember it every single day. So thank you. Thank you.

Tonya Melendez:

Thank you.

Kate Northrup:

You're so welcome. And it is a constant practice, and I'm so glad you said that because I never wanna paint the false illusion that this is, like, one and done. Right? I mean, I'm forever on the money healing journey. And the patterns that live in our bodies, not only from our own lived experience but also our collective experience and then also ancestral, they took, like, a really long time to get patterned in our DNA.

Kate Northrup:

So it makes sense that it's an ongoing process, and I love that you spoke to that, that you're engaged in it daily because it is a repatterning, and it's a long term unraveling. And yet, you also said simultaneously that the effects can be felt quickly. So it's both. Absolutely.

Tonya Melendez:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And and that's one of the things I think, especially for women of color, we have to allow ourselves to get the repatterning instead of thinking we can figure it out and especially because we do carry that generational and ancestral energy through our bodies with the money, especially.

Tonya Melendez:

And so, again, that's why I was just so, like, I must do this, at least for myself and the collective sisterhood of women who need to hear this information. Because, of course, I've incorporated into what I do and and what I share.

Kate Northrup:

So thank you. Glad, and I'm excited to hear about that. Mhmm. Now at the moment that the workshop was over and it was time that the relax money doors opened, did you have any hesitations? Did you have any kind of feeling of resistance or wondering, oh, is this gonna be right for me for any reason?

Kate Northrup:

And if so, what were those hesitations?

Tonya Melendez:

Well, the money, of course, are gonna talk about that. Yeah. The investment. And I was like, how am I gonna figure this out? And spirit was just reminded me that you wouldn't have been given this opportunity if you weren't gonna be able to take, you know, take care of it.

Tonya Melendez:

And luckily, at that time, I, again, was at a place where I could. And so I just said, show me the way, show me the money, you know, provide the experience. And and and it it it happened, you know, again, because I made a direct and conscious, you know, decision and request to the universe. I want this. I need this.

Tonya Melendez:

You brought this to me, so let's do this. You know? But the resistance was real. You know? It's a big investment.

Tonya Melendez:

And it's I mean, it's not that big of an investment, but it is. At the same time. It's an investment of time, energy and money. Yes. And again, but the the return on investment has been life changing.

Tonya Melendez:

As I said, it's it's and I can't wait to share with you in some of the ways that it really truly adds.

Kate Northrup:

Well, let's get into that. What are some of those tangible, you know, both the visible and the invisible results that you've experienced now? You know, you're about 18 months out from that first well, really a year out from finishing that first round. So, yeah, tell me more. What what's different now?

Tonya Melendez:

So what's different now is I do have a different relationship with money. I have a checking checking, savings, and business account, which I had not had before. So I wanna thank you for that as well. And removing that veil of fear around it. You know?

Tonya Melendez:

And then having those money dates, talking to my money. Actually, I have an alarm set at 625 that says I love money and money loves me every morning. You know? And so it is, again, just and even when I'm in that sleepy state, it's that reminding that it is a relationship. And so just recently, I met one of the pioneers, one of the black pioneers in, consulting, this.

Tonya Melendez:

He's really a living legend and, of wealth and wealth management, and so I'm gonna be serving as his spiritual adviser. And so to be able to know that I attracted that level of, I mean, of greatness. Like, truly this I I wish I could share his name, but, you know, this level of greatness, like, the universe literally said, this is what you're ready for. And I'm, like, still, like, wow, I'm ready for this. And then working with my beloved sisters, the astrotwins as their head coach in their certification, program, the be your own astrologer.

Tonya Melendez:

That, again, if I was still in that old vibration of victimhood and how and when and what and always thinking about money as far away from me instead of this constant flow. There's no way I could have attracted those opportunities. And and my daughter and I just came back from my lifelong dream trip to Egypt. So we just came

Voice Over:

from a

Tonya Melendez:

trip to Egypt together, and I'm still even processing that. So that's just been in the last the last 3 months. And, again, this is the ramifications. So I don't wanna say ramifications. These are the the blessings the blessings that come from having that raised vibration.

Tonya Melendez:

So, again, thank you. And the somatic work the somatic work is is that evil. And let's not forget about the aromatherapy, oil, the sacred money. So all of that all of that, Kate. So, again, I just thank you so much, sister.

Kate Northrup:

Well, I love this piece around calling in the opportunity to be a spiritual adviser for this incredible pioneer in wealth management. Wow. And also be able to be the head coach with the Astrotrends who have ginormous brand. And and then this trip to Egypt. Like, each one of those things, but, specifically I mean, the Egypt trip, I'm so excited about for you.

Kate Northrup:

That's a trip I wanna take as well someday. But those 2 business opportunities, as somebody, and I know you're somebody who does this too, as somebody who's out there always looking for people to whether it's to hire them, to bring them into our programs, to hire them myself, you know, to for them to be my coach or my adviser or for them to work inside my company. Like, we are always looking for an energetic match and someone who just feels right. And for you to come in as a spiritual adviser to somebody who really has tremendous mastery in the area of money is I know you already said it, but I just want to say it again, that you became an energetic match for that by embarking on healing your relationship with wealth and so he could feel that you are a clear channel. Because he wasn't gonna be attracted to wanna work with someone who was not engaged in their own money healing work.

Kate Northrup:

It just wouldn't feel like an energetic match. That's so cool.

Tonya Melendez:

It it it absolutely is. And, you know, I had I live in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Right? And so, again, the universe had to make all of this work so I could meet this man here, and he's from my hometown of Chicago. And so, again, just like there's no way I could have ever met this person if I wasn't an energetic match.

Tonya Melendez:

And that's exactly even what I told his assistant. I was like, who have I become that I would meet, you know, someone like him and have him in my sphere? And even you, like, just truly, how amazing is that? And even here being on your, yeah, being on your podcast, this is such a amazing treat for me. Like, I I adore you.

Tonya Melendez:

And like I said, I have followed you for many, many years before I ever stepped into the relax money pool with you. So thank you again for your pioneering work.

Kate Northrup:

It's you know, and this work shows up right when we're ready for it. Yeah. So you had mentioned earlier that you have been able to incorporate some of what you learned into your own work as an astrologer, as a spiritual adviser. And I wanna hear more about how it's shifting what you offer. 1st of all, what you do offer and then also how this is, changing either the way you offer it or or what you offer to begin with?

Tonya Melendez:

Oh, yeah. It totally changed where I was seeing myself as just a coach and a counselor and a tarot card reader. And now I see myself truly as a spiritual adviser because that's truly what I do. I advise on and, you know, I pull out all of my tools if necessary when I'm working with people because everyone is different. And so I see it now as, like, this this alchemy as opposed to, oh, I'm a tarot this I'm, you know, doing readings.

Tonya Melendez:

Now I recognize that I had to see myself differently. You know, I had to step into what I call my queen era, you know, and really elevate to that level of who and how I saw myself. And really, it was the somatics As I shared, as a black woman, we carry this energy of struggle. And, you know, that I always say that colonization was complete. You know, it it our minds, our bodies, our spirits, our spirituality, our relationship with money, with food, all of those things.

Tonya Melendez:

And so the somatics around money is so big. And so now I ask people all the time, when is the last time you cried over money? Right? And people get like, oh my god. Like, all the time.

Tonya Melendez:

And I'm like, so money really doesn't care about you. It's a piece of paper. And however, you give it so much emotional weight that you are emotionally crying in pain over the a piece of paper. And when people see it that way, they're, like, oh my god, like, you're right. This paper does not care about me at all.

Tonya Melendez:

And so that really starts to shift that, especially for, again, for women. And then also the empowerment piece of recognizing that receptivity and prosperity is a feminine principle. And so many women forget that I was like, you are a giver of life, You are in flow with all that is you are in flow with the moon. Right? And so that empower those empowerment practices and, of course, the somatics that, you know, it have have been really, supportive and support and and really serving my clients and, you know, my communities.

Tonya Melendez:


Kate Northrup:

again And the ripple effect of someone like you who you know, we're all leaders. Right? And you also are a leader as a mother and then working with clients Yes. Who, you know, some of whom are then also out there working with clients. So the ripple effect of you stepping in to this healing work, you know, I'm I'm I'm sure because I remember we've talked about it on the IG live that we did where, you know, it heals 7 generations back and 7 generations forward.

Kate Northrup:

So on behalf of your lineage, you've stepped into this. But then also on behalf of the people that you impact every day, you have made it easier for them to heal their relationship with money just simply by being around you. And that's such a gift to your clients because when you are working with people and we have funny energy around money, that gets communicated. And when we're working with people and we have clean, conscious energy around money, that gets translated. And it makes the whole thing so much easier and so much more inflow.

Kate Northrup:

So, thank you for thank you so much for sharing those things. So if somebody is listening right now and they're considering stepping into either, you know, engaging in the free workshop wide receiver coming up or all the way in for relax money, what would you want them to know? To give yourself a chance. Trust your intuition. Oh, I lost you there.

Kate Northrup:

I heard 2,

Tonya Melendez:

and then it's it's skipped. So can you say 2? Yes. To give themself a chance and to trust their intuition, which is both feminine qualities. You know?

Tonya Melendez:

Listen to your gut. If your gut is saying, I need this, then give yourself a chance. Give yourself a chance to see yourself differently and to have another relationship with money altogether. And and let it be easy. Let it be graceful.

Tonya Melendez:

Don't, you know, don't make it a struggle. You know, we can decide if we're gonna let it be easy or if we're going to do what we've always done. And that's why the somatic work of rewiring and repatterning was so so powerful and so healing because that's really where it's at. And so just for the somatics alone, again, I I I regret not signing up for it this time, but I've I've got a full plate. But I definitely, in the future, will be, you know, rejoining just again for the somatics alone because that was really and even from there, I went to started doing a breath work practice, a really focused, you know, deep breath work practice, all from from that.

Tonya Melendez:

So it really it has had a ripple ripple effect in my personal life as well. Mhmm.

Kate Northrup:

So beautiful. So beautiful. Thank you so much for talking with me today and

Tonya Melendez:

Of course.

Kate Northrup:

Sharing your beauty and your heart and your spirit. And if people wanna connect with you and find out more about what you offer, where should they find you?

Tonya Melendez:

Well, they can find me on my website at and on Instagram, the real Tanya Melendez.

Kate Northrup:

Amazing. Amazing. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being part of this community.

Kate Northrup:

I appreciate you. I appreciate your time and everything you've shared today.

Tonya Melendez:

Thank you so much, Kate. Have a beautiful rest of your day and week. Happy 4th mark.

Kate Northrup:

Thank you. Woo hoo. You made it to the end

Kate Northrup:

of an episode of Plenty.

Kate Northrup:

Don't you feel expanded already? So if you liked this episode, go ahead and leave us a review. Subscribe to the podcast, text a friend and let them know they need to listen in. That helps us spread the word so more people can experience plenty together. And if you wanna ease your path to creating wealth, I created a money breakthrough guide for you where I interviewed over 20 of my high earning women friends, and I asked them what their biggest money breakthrough guide was.

Kate Northrup:

And the responses were so mind blowing and helpful, I knew I needed to pass them along to you. This is the kind of thing that is often only shared behind closed doors, but now you can access it totally for free. So head over to kate northrup.comforward/breakthroughs and get the guide. Again, that's kate northrup.comforward/break throughs. And I'll see you next time for plenty.