Flip the Script with Vic

This week, we're diving deep into the four archetypes of a woman as described in Rebecca Campbell's book, "Rise, Sister, Rise."

Inspired by my transformative experience at the Wild Roots retreat, we'll explore how these archetypes—Crone, Maiden, Mother, and Wise Wild Woman—align with the inner seasons of a woman's cycle.

You'll learn how to embrace the power of your menstrual cycle, overcome societal stigmas, and work with your natural rhythms to thrive in every aspect of life.

Key Takeaways:
🌸 Cycle Awareness - Embrace the cyclical nature of your menstrual cycle to align with your highest self. Recognize that each month provides a unique opportunity for renewal.
🌸 Archetype Integration - Understand and integrate the different female archetypes in your life to harness their strengths and mitigate their shadow sides.
🌸 Practical Tools -  Leverage journal prompts and exercises to move into healed energies and support yourself throughout the month.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

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Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

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IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:02]:
Welcome to flip the script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together we'll unwind all the things you thought you knew and awaken to what's possible when you flip the script and take control of your own life. Are you ready? Let's jump on in. Hello, my loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. It's your girl, Victoria. I am super excited to chat today.

Speaker A [00:00:29]:
I've been sharing a lot about the four womanly archetypes from the book rise, sister, rise by Rebecca Campbell. And you guys have been loving it. I went to a retreat in May called the Wild Roots retreat with these amazing facilitators, Bijuu and Kirsten and Tiffany and Meg. And it was all about rewilding and kind of coming back to that innate part of us that's natural as a woman. And we went over these archetypes, which I had learned before, but it was really nice to go deeper. And so in sharing my passion around them, you guys have really seemed to enjoy them. So I wanted to record an episode that went a little bit deeper on these topics. They're very close to the inner seasons, which you guys hear me talk about a lot.

Speaker A [00:01:21]:
And I have an inner seasons episode that's like episode four of the podcast. God, I recorded that, like, a year ago. So these go hand in hand. So I would say if you want to dive deeper after this episode on the inner seasons, then I would recommend that because the archetypes of a woman also follow the inner seasons. And in your process of rewilding, you are bringing yourself back to that cyclical nature, to that innate flow that every single woman has. Every single month, you have a chance to die and be reborn again. That is the menstrual cycle. You are literally bleeding out once a month, detoxifying the body, but also really tapping into your highest self.

Speaker A [00:02:12]:
If you're in alignment with this cycle of this. Of death and rebirth, essentially, that every woman gets an opportunity to move through every single month. And when I think about that, like, how fucking cool, you know, I don't know about you, but I was taught to, like, shame my period and that it was a bad thing and that you were gonna have all of these PM's symptoms. And, you know, I thankfully have never had a really bad period, but I feel like ever since I began working with my menstrual cycles and I did a rite of the womb, gosh, a while ago now, where I cleared and cleansed that space of all of the trauma and negative energy that we carry as women in our womb spaces, and instead was like, come back to your divine nature. Come back to your creative, intuitive nature. Let this be a place of birth and of life. And it's really changed the game for me in terms of connection to myself and to my own energy and my energy fluctuations throughout the month. But also, I feel like a goddess on my period.

Speaker A [00:03:21]:
Like, I really look forward to that time every single time of the month, because I know it is a time where I'm tapping into my inner crone energy. So that's the. The first archetype that we'll talk about is the crone. And I feel like she is shunned a lot in society. Like, the only iterations you see of the crone are, like, crazy old women in the woods. Like. Like the woman in Hansel and Gretel, right? That's like angry in the woods casting spells, like wanting to eat little children. And that's a little bit of the crone energy.

Speaker A [00:03:57]:
Yes, but not entirely. You know, when you're really in touch with that energy, it is really a very cool time for you to tap into your intuition and unlock that potent power of healing and of wisdom and of really, like, this all knowing aspect of yourself. But when you're in that shadow, you know, that's when you are the hermit. That's when you are crazy or lonely or bitter or jaded. And, holy cow, I'm moving energies. I'm talking. And I feel like that's how the crone is portrayed a lot in society, is the shadow version of the crone. So can we, when we're on our periods, reclaim the powerful side of that, right, that you are really stepping into your truth and your power once a month? And that's actually what I've told my four year old son when he asks.

Speaker A [00:05:01]:
He's like, mommy, why are you bleeding? And I'm like, it's because I'm a powerful goddess. And my husband now even has started to say that, like, when I'm on my period, it's when I'm most powerful. And I think that's a beautiful reframe that all of us should have. That is such a beautiful power that is exuding between our legs once a month. And we can do so much with that energy if we are working with it instead of trying to fight against it. And so you will come to find for your own menstrual cycle. Do you need to deeply rest that inner winter is what's associated with this time, and that is a time of rest and introspection and being inward. I have found that I like a little bit of movement during my period that that actually really helps me feel better in my body.

Speaker A [00:05:51]:
But as you begin to know your cycles and know yourself, you can begin to give your body what it needs, and you will naturally start to see during that time that you want to move inward, right? And so can you maybe even begin to create your schedule in a way that allows you to not have to do anything when you're on your period with, you know, like, maybe you don't plan work, travel, maybe you don't, you know, have any big projects on the docket. And I get that you can't always control that in this patriarchal society, but if you can and you can start planning your month that way, you're really going to be supporting yourself in a whole new way. And so after your period, you move into the maiden. And so this energy is young and it's enthusiastic and it's strong and it's independent. And, you know, she sees the potential in everything. Just like your inner spring, right? So this is associated with spring and planting those seeds of the future and of all of the possibilities of what could happen moving forward. And it's that energy of childlike wonder, right? But the shadow side of that is you can have a tendency to over commit or you get overexcited because you don't want to miss out on something or you start a bunch of projects, but you lack the drive to finish it. And you can be very impressionable and lack confidence and have too many ideas.

Speaker A [00:07:22]:
And, you know, as I was learning about these archetypes a little bit deeper, this one surprised me because I was like, wow, I have some wounded, mated energy that I'm not even realizing that, like those moments in spring where I am ungrounded and I'm like, oh, my God, I have so many ideas and I don't know where to start and what I want to do. And, you know, knowing that about myself, I have a lot of air in my birth chart as well. And so, and the maiden is associated with the element of air. Knowing that, right? It's like, okay, how can I support myself in my inner spring? Can I do some grounding breath work during this time to help me bring those ideas down from the heavens and ground them into my body before I'm trying to move forward on them? Can I support myself by journaling, by writing down all of these things that are in my head, that are taking up space that get, getting them out on paper allows me to relax and then begin to put the pieces together of like, oh, okay, this is the order in which I need to do things. Or, hey, these are seeds that I'm planting, but I'm saving for later because that's another not downfall of made an energy. But, like, sometimes when I'm personally in that energy, I get a lot of downloads and I get a lot of information. And then it can be analysis paralysis because you're like, okay, but what do I go do first? And so taking the time to write it down in a list of, like, these are seeds. These are things for the future that I want to anchor in, but I'm not going to take action on right now.

Speaker A [00:08:59]:
And then you have buds, right? Maybe seeds that were planted the last cycle that you want to begin taking action on that you want to begin, like, tilling the soil for that you want to begin really, like, watering, right. And then you have other buds that are open and blooming, and it's time to be in them and in the magic of that energy. And so once you start to see that, like, everything, it has its certain phase, right. That it doesn't all have to be done right now you're beginning to heal that maiden energy, because the maiden feels like it's gonna be gone, right. That she's gonna miss out on this opportunity. But if you can be in the healed energy of the maiden, you realize that there's more than enough to go around for everyone. And that you will never miss something that is meant for you and that it will never pass you by and that you will always. Yeah.

Speaker A [00:09:54]:
Be favored in that way. So it's a really beautiful energy of new beginnings and possibilities. And, you know, it's, it's also associated, interestingly, with the goddess persephone, which I did not know this, but she is the goddess of, like, she's a contradicting goddess in the sense that she's the goddess of flowers, I believe. I feel like I'm going to get this wrong, but I feel like she is, like, a contradictory goddess. And now, of course, I have to look this up because I'm like, I don't want to tell you guys the wrong thing, but I feel like I was surprised by this because the energy was different than what I expected. And, yeah, okay, so she's the goddess of flowers and is also the queen of hell. Like, how fucking cool is that? To remind you that, like, you don't have to fit into just one mold. Like, you can be both and all of the things at the same time.

Speaker A [00:10:54]:
And that was really empowering for me because I didn't really know much about her, but she pops into my awareness. A lot. Other goddesses that you can work with during this maiden premenstrual time is the goddess Athena or the goddess brigid. And then we move into our mother energy of ovulation. So even if you were not actually a mom yet, you still have this mother archetype and this mother energy. And it's the very fertile part of us that birthed things in the world. So whether it's a business, it's an idea, it is an actual human. It is the loving, nurturing part of ourselves that really brings, like, creation and manifestations into form.

Speaker A [00:11:38]:
And she is associated with summer and fire energy. And it's really the energy of right now, this is like mother creation energy. You know, it's. It's a lot in a good way. And if you're working with it, you're working kind of with that full moon energy. And some of the idols associated with the mother are IsiS Mother Mary, Hathor, Quan Yin, and I share these goddesses just to see if they are part of your awareness or if they spark an interest for you to begin working with them, because they each have such beautiful, individual medicine. I feel like Quan Yin and Mother Mary are this soft, regal mother energy, and Hathor and IsIs are the fierce mother energy, all kinds of mother energy. That's all along the spectrum, right.

Speaker A [00:12:30]:
That you can relate to during this time. And so the shadow side of this, I feel like, is a bit more obvious in that it's that overprotective mother. It's that helicopter mom. It's the one that's, like, smothering and guilt tripping and abandoning. And I feel like you have probably experienced some, if not all of these shadow energies in your own mother at some point. So you can know what I'm talking about, or it can relate to what that feels like. And we're human, right? So it's not about never being in the shadow energy, but it's about bringing awareness to when we are so that we can bring more healed energy, more light, and try and move to the other side of that energy or get to the why. Right? Like, you know, okay, your mom is guilt tripping you about something.

Speaker A [00:13:20]:
Oh, she's just in her wounded mother energy, and there is something happening here where she doesn't feel safe, where she feels like she needs to act out in this way. And can you perhaps get to the bottom of it? Have a conversation together. You know, I think all of this knowledge is just information to help us move through the world a little bit easier and maybe interact with the females around us a little bit easier and a little bit better, because all of us carry healed and wounded sides of these archetypes. And the more that we can begin to identify them, we can realize that a lot of the issues and the strife that we have as women, like, collectively, it's really not even about us. You know, like, that an argument you maybe have with a girlfriend isn't even about you. It's about her being in wounded wild woman energy or her being in wounded crone energy or whatever it is. And then we can begin to see that, like, oh, okay, this isn't even about us. Like, this is something that she's going through.

Speaker A [00:14:23]:
And then it makes it a lot easier, I think, to navigate relationships with other women, because then the cattiness falls away, right? Like, you're not on your defense anymore. Like, your hackles aren't rising because you're like, oh, okay, yeah, yeah. Like, she's not coming at me. Like, she's coming at herself right now, you know? So the last, um, archetype is the coolest, I think. Um, no, they're all beautiful in their own right. But this wise, wild woman archetype, that is in the season of autumn, which traditionally, to me, the season of inner autumn, the week before your period, has not been fun, right? It's the time of your period when you're often associating, like, PM's, being crotchety, wanting chocolate, like, being angry. And I've come to learn that that is actually wounded kind of wild woman energy. That when you're feeling, like, angry, jealous, blunt, impatient, a little bit crazy, you are in the wounded energy of this.

Speaker A [00:15:26]:
And the water element is what's associated with the wise, wild woman. And so when you think about it like that, water can take so many forms, right? It can soothe, but then it can also crash into rocks. It can, over time, create new pathways and new grooves. Like, it is all powerful, and it just depends on the energy that is moving that water at the time. And so a wise, wild woman that is in her power, that is, in her truth, is uninhibited. She's journeyed through, like, maidenhood and motherhood, and she knows that she is a medicine woman and a healer, and she uses that magic and that worth to guide her during this time. There is, like, a certain ruthlessness about her, but it's. It's not vindictive.

Speaker A [00:16:11]:
And it's not coming at you in a bad way. It's just showing you all the ways that you are not yet free. You know, I feel like wild women in society trigger a lot of people because they are so free and they are so uninhibited, and they don't give a fuck what you think. Like, they're gonna do what they wanna do. And I think more women need to be in that energy and own it and not be ashamed of it, because as women, we are taught from a young age that that energy is not okay. That that energy makes you a bitch. That that energy is pushing other people away, but it's pushing other people away that can't handle you at your full power, right? Like, at your full potential. Um, and this wise wild woman energy, the.

Speaker A [00:17:03]:
The energy of fall that's happening during this time is truly when you are shedding and you are releasing. And, you know, the. The inner fears or the inner work that's coming up for you during this time is a gift. It's an opportunity for you to look at it and see if you are ready to move through it, if you are ready to let it go, if you're ready to shed it with the lining of your womb over the next week when your period comes. And again, what a beautiful opportunity every single month to be able to examine ourselves, to be able to say, I want to get rid of this, and I want to embody that, and I want to shift and morph and change. Like, you get a week every single month to do that and to really tap into this. This wild, innate, natural part of yourself and see what she wants and what she desires, because I bet it is not some of the trappings of modern society. You know, that week of my period, and actually, I've begun rewilding all parts of my life and my cycle.

Speaker A [00:18:10]:
But I want to spend more time outside. I want to put my feet in the earth. I want to move and be free. And it feels just so empowering to follow that and know that there's a reason for it. So the idols that you can work with during this time are kind of the medicine woman archetype, are Kali, the goddess of destruction, right? The goddess of transformation. And I know she can look a little bit scary with, you know, her, all of her arms carrying those severed heads, but, like, she is so powerful that she says, I'm going to burn down anything that isn't working for you so that you can build it anew. And that kind of transformation is so potent and so powerful. And Artemis is also one for this time.

Speaker A [00:19:01]:
So, you know, I I just think it's so interesting. Like I said, all of these archetypes are from the book rise, sister, rise by Rebecca Campbell. And, you know, all of us as women, we. We carry all four of them. And you can even move through all four archetypes in one day. You know, like, you can go from your Kali energy to your mother Mary energy to your persephone energy all in one day, you know? And you definitely travel through it all in, in one month. So I hope this was helpful. I hope it piqued your interest.

Speaker A [00:19:37]:
I'll keep sharing more on instagram about what this energy looks like, how you can work with it, how you can support yourself. Because as women, we're built differently. We're not built the same as men. We're not meant to live in this 24 hours cycle of go, go, go. We have natural fluctuations where we turn inward and outward over the month. And the more that we can get to know that energy, the more that we can get to know ourselves. So if you are interested in my free inner seasons guidebook and journal, I'm going to leave the link for that in the show notes. It dives deeper into the energy of your menstrual cycle and those inner seasons.

Speaker A [00:20:17]:
It includes journal prompts, and it also includes exercises for you to support yourself during that time of the month so that you are moving more into the healed energy and moving away from the wounded energy. So thanks so much for being here with me, guys. I love you all so much. It is such an honor to just be able to share my heart every week with you guys. And I would love to hear what you guys are interested in. If there are topics that you want me to cover or things that you are curious about, drop me a note on Instagram. I, Margot Neilson, and I'll be right here. I'll see you guys next week.

Speaker A [00:20:54]:
I love you so much. Be good to one another. Chat soon.