Everything surrounding us is made of energy including our thoughts and emotions. Starting at a young age, we experience life events, traumas and situations/people that cause us stress. This leads us to feel heavy, low vibrational emotions such as anger, guilt, shame, jealousy, etc. Overtime, they become stuck in our body and may eventually manifest into physical pain. 

In this episode of the Shoemaker Lab, we meet Katie, owner of Energy Healing With Katie, located in St. Alban's Circle in Newtown Square.  She shares what it's like to experience the emotional, physical, and mental recharging of a Reiki session, as well as her spiritual life coaching services.


The official podcast of Shoemaker Films. Every week we share content related to digital marketing, video production, and brand building; and frequently meet with local creatives, entrepreneurs, and business owners for in-depth conversations. Get to know local heavy hitters and influencers in the Greater Philadelphia region while picking up some tactical advice and tips on starting and running a business, being productive, creating content, and everything in between.

Dane Shoemaker:

This is the Shoemaker Films podcast. I'm here with Katie with Energy Healing with Katie in Newtown Square. How are you doing today?


I'm doing great. Thanks for coming.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Absolutely. This is a amazing space you have here.


Thank you.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Really excited to learn a little bit more about you and your business and, you know, what you have to offer to people, in the area.


Absolutely. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

So tell me tell me a little bit about your practice and and what you do here.


Okay. So I opened Energy Healing with Katie, in the summer of 2023, and I started this practice because I was going through such a hard time in my life, different struggles that I have been working through for the past couple years. And that's another podcast for a different day. We're not gonna go into that.

Dane Shoemaker:



But, I just know how much Reiki has helped me throughout my whole journey.

Dane Shoemaker:



And I wanted to open the space for people to come to feel a sense of peace, a sense of relaxation when they walk in the doors. I just want them to feel, you know, like they can come to an escape, right, away from the daily stresses in life. So, that's why I I opened the space. But I have been doing Reiki for, 4 years now.

Dane Shoemaker:



So I first started. I had no idea what to expect when I first got my Reiki session. My girlfriend was telling me about it, and I was a little bit you know, I had the doubts coming in, but I just went for it Yeah. Started it. And, I was amazed by the benefit of how I felt afterwards.


It was just, an incredible experience that I knew I had to learn more about it. So during the time where I had Reiki, I was a school teacher. So, you know, I finished out that my last year of teaching. I had my son and I decided to stay at home with him to be a full time mom. So during that transition period, that's where I started to really focus in on getting my certification for Reiki.


I'm certified in level 1, level 2, and then my master cert. And then the following spring, I started practicing Reiki. I

Dane Shoemaker:



Had a space in my house. I made the front room a little Reiki Reiki room area, and I would just do friends and family. And then, one day when I was visiting my acupuncturist, a good friend of mine, I was telling her, you know, I got certified in Reiki, I'm just doing it out of my house right now. And she said, I have space available in here in my office if you wanna come and practice Reiki. And I was so excited to take that next step.


So so I did, and I just I loved it. So and then that's what kind of brought me here to opening up my own place.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's amazing.


Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. So your your friend actually did Reiki on you or


so when I had When

Dane Shoemaker:

you first your first session.


My first session.

Dane Shoemaker:

Introduced to it.


Yes. My first session, I had no idea what to expect. My friend told me about reiki. She told me about it and then that's when I went and had my first session, not knowing anything about it.

Dane Shoemaker:



But afterwards, I felt like I just had a massage and she never even put her hands on my body. Wow. So it felt, yeah, really relaxing, and I I just needed to know more.

Dane Shoemaker:

Is that experience typical, you think, of a lot of people that that have Yes.


Their 1st session? So after the session, the clients would you know, after they get off the table, usually, they're very relaxed. They're very just they feel like a weight has lifted off of their shoulders. Like, I can see a difference from when they first come into me and we discuss about, you know, the Reiki and what's going on with them. And then after the session, it's like night and day the difference that they feel.


And that's what makes my job so rewarding, just seeing that Yeah. For them.

Dane Shoemaker:

So I don't really know much about Reiki. What are you know, I know it's like a Japanese



Dane Shoemaker:

Process. Like, tell me a little bit about how much you know about the history, like, and and and what what the experience is like, the actual process of


Of course. Of course. So reiki, originated in Japan in the early 1900. And the word Reiki itself means life force energy. So this life force energy flows through all living things.


And throughout our life, the stress of life, you know, whatever we're dealing with can cause blocks within our body. Therefore, making that life force energy not being free flowing throughout our body like it usually should. Right? So that's where Reiki can come in and Reiki can help. So as a Reiki practitioner, I gently hover my hands above the body or some practitioners place their hands on the body and bring through that universal life force energy going throughout the energy centers in the body.


And as that flows through, it just brings the body a sense of balance, to all areas, whether it be physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, just bringing a sense of balance or relaxation and a sense of peace. Wow.

Dane Shoemaker:

Okay. Yeah. Is it is it related at all to, like, acupuncture? Is it kind of in the same, you you know?


Yeah. So I do say it is similar to acupuncture, but without the needles. Right? So we have over a 100 energy centers located throughout our body. And the energy is constantly flowing through us at all times.


So what Reiki does and acupuncture does is it it channels that life force energy and opens up those centers within our body, allowing ourselves to kind of have that flow coming back into our body.

Dane Shoemaker:



Yeah. So what a session looks like is a client will come in and we'll spend about 15 minutes talking beforehand about their goals for the session, any physical pain that's going on with their body, anything they wanna release that feels heavy. So I'll kinda talk a little bit about, you know, what's going on with them personally, and then after we talk about that, I'll bring them back to the massage room, lay them on the table fully clothed. I'll put a light blanket on top of them. I'll walk them through a guided meditation, and then I'll go through, and I'll start at the top of their head and start to channel the energy from the top of their head going all the way down till I get to their feet.


And then at the end, we'll do a closing and bring them back to the office. We can talk about what came up during the session and talk about the steps, you know, to take care of yourself afterwards.

Dane Shoemaker:

Wow. Do a lot of clients do, like, multiple sessions with you?


They do. They do. I have some clients that come in every 2 weeks. I have clients that come in every month or I'll have a client that'll just, you know, every 6 months or just for, you know, a tune up as you would say.

Dane Shoemaker:

Right. Right.


So so it all depends. And that's one of the questions I do get asked a lot is how often should I get Reiki? And I always tell them, just listen to your body. Right? Your body will tell you when you feel like you're ready to get another get another treatment.


It's something that, you know, I can sit here and explain Reiki. You can read about it, but it's really something that you should experience for yourself, right, to get to know the benefits. Because everybody is different, but one general, you know, outcome is they just feel so peaceful and so much lighter afterwards. Is that right? Wow.


Mhmm. It's really cool.

Dane Shoemaker:

So what are what are some, you know, some of the things that reiki can be used for in treatment? Is it is it emotional? You know, is there physical things as well? Like


So reiki can treat people on all levels, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, because think about it as if, you know, think of our body as a drain. Right? So the energy coming through naturally goes through, the water flows through, no blockages. But over time, the different stresses in our life, there's blockages that are kind of being held in our body. Right?

Dane Shoemaker:



Different, situations that we go through, different people. If we're around somebody who has a lot of heaviness and heavy energy, we feel it. Our bodies remember everything that we go through on a cellular level and a subconscious level. Right?

Dane Shoemaker:



So over time, that drain, that pipe becomes clogged and the water becomes, you know, more slow moving. It's not as free flowing as if it really should be. So reiki kind of gets rid of all the gunk of all the old energy of all the stuff that that's stuck. And I truly believe that we have physical pain throughout our body because it's manifests and manifests from the heavy emotions that we deal with and that we carry every day. And over the course of years, we could be picking up on this stuff ever since we were, you know, children.


Right? If we watch somebody get into an argument at school, if we're being corrected for doing something wrong, we our bodies hold on to those feelings that we feel. Guilt, shame, anxiousness, sadness, anger, irritability, whatever it is. There's multiple different heavy emotions that we feel. So getting that energy treatment, clearing out that old stuff Mhmm.


Just makes you feel better on all different levels.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Amazing. Mhmm.

Dane Shoemaker:

So is you know, we talked about the sessions, the one time, you know, then there's multiple sessions when they come to see you. Is this do you see this as more of, like, a mindset shift at all? Is there things that people do at home or on their day to day after they see you that they learn, or is it really more about the


Definitely. Definitely. Yes. It is a mindset, and it's also you know, you have to take care of your body. Right?


It's like it's it's, maintenance. Right? So so but you could come in having a horrible day feeling totally off, but getting a treatment just kind of just resets you, centers you, and just allows you to feel that inner peace. And that's the goal. So I have clients that, you know, meditate, that do different practices to kind of center them in.


But just because you don't meditate doesn't mean that you won't benefit from a session. Yeah. Right? So everybody is different in the way that they are healing themselves at home and the way that they're doing their, you know, practices. So

Dane Shoemaker:




Dane Shoemaker:

And how long have you been in this space?


I've been in this space since the summer of 2023.

Dane Shoemaker:

Okay. Yeah. And your when did you start, you know, energy healing with Katie? I guess, what like, I know you're working on your home for a little while.


Well, I started energy healing in 2023. That's when I came to this space. Okay. But prior, I was at the acupuncture office doing that. Yeah.


So sorry if that was a little confusing in the beginning. No. That's right. Yep. So I've been here for almost a year now.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. Now this is a great space. You can just you can when you walk in here, you can kinda feel


Thank you. Thank you.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's very yeah.


Positive. Exactly what I wanted. I wanted people to come in the door and just feel like, I can relax. Right? Even if it's before the session, like, sitting in the waiting area, listening to the music I have, the candles going, just yeah.


Just very warm and welcoming, and that's really what my goal was for opening this space. Yes.

Dane Shoemaker:

Any, challenges coming into this space, starting, you know, starting up your business, like, moving in here, you know, just the the trials of of starting a business. Anything Sure. You wanna share or anything


you wanna overcome? To be honest with you, so when I was looking for an office space, I had no intention of actually finding something right away. My brother is a realtor in West this is the first place I saw and I fell in love with it. I knew I had to be here. My head was telling me otherwise though because I was going through a divorce.


I'm a single mother. So struggling, you know, in that sense, I was like, this is not a good idea, but my heart was literally leading me here. I just knew that there was something here that I needed to follow. So and that, you know, I signed the lease and I was in here within a couple months.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's great. You gotta follow your gut. You know,


you gotta follow your heart. And that's the thing. And and all along, there hasn't been any struggles. Knock on wood. Yeah.


But, you know, the minute I signed my lease, everything just kind of felt right. And that's what like you said, you have to follow your gut, what feels right for you. Mhmm. And it's it's been amazing ever since. And I would never, you know, never look back.


I just I love where I am. Everybody in the community has been so kind and welcoming and so supportive. So

Dane Shoemaker:

Yep. And then you joined Newtown Square Business Association.


I did. Yeah. Yeah. So I joined the business association. There's a lot of events and stuff.


And Yeah. Yeah. It's been good as well.

Dane Shoemaker:

Yeah. So I know I brought up the spiritual coaching. Yes. Anything else you wanna talk about on the Reiki stuff?


I think we're good with the Reiki.

Dane Shoemaker:



Yeah. I just I don't wanna I don't wanna miss anything.

Dane Shoemaker:

So Yeah. Just in terms of, like, what people, you know, the sessions that you offer, so one time sessions, do you are there, like, packages, like, anything like that?


I don't offer any packages. It's just a one time session.

Dane Shoemaker:



But Yeah. Yeah.

Dane Shoemaker:

So, yeah, tell me about the coaching component.


So spiritual life coaching is similar to a life coach coach. Right? So, you know, I'll talk with the client for about an hour, and we talk about, stuff that is needs to come out for them that needs healing. Right? That needs to be addressed, like limiting beliefs that they believe in their own mind, past traumas, past situations, events, whatever it is, the negative patterns that they that they have internally.


Right? So my goal is to help them recognize all of those things that are holding them back from truly finding that inner peace.

Dane Shoemaker:



Right? That that peace that's within us. Because once you have that peace inside, it's like you, you know, you kind of overlook the things that go on around you on the outside world. Right? Like, you're not too focused on that.


It's feeling that sense of peace with within within yourself.

Dane Shoemaker:



So the spiritual life coaching session, after we talk for about an hour, I'll bring them back to the massage room and then I'll perform Reiki

Dane Shoemaker:



On them. So I incorporate that with the life coaching session. And the reason why I wanted to get certified in my spiritual life coaching is because oftentimes when I would just do Reiki, clients would wanna talk to me for, you know, more than the 15 minute time span, 20 minutes. They would talk for, you know, close to 45 minutes and that was okay. I just knew that they needed more healing, deeper healing.


And I didn't really know how to go about that. So that's why I got my spiritual life coaching session. This way, they have more time to talk, dive in deep within their healing, and then whatever was talked about and discussed is energetically cleared in the Reiki room on the table.

Dane Shoemaker:

Sounds like a deeper, you


know, connection. Yeah. It is. It is. And that's just the thing.


It's like when we talk about stuff, we bring up, you know, our past and what needs to come out and be healed. But then it's not only that, it's literally taking that energy from talking about it because everything's energy. Right? Our words, our feelings, our thoughts. So it's like taking that energy and literally bringing through that universal life force energy and clearing it out of the body.


So yeah. Yeah. It's been really, really, beneficial for the clients. And with those clients, they do their work. They'll journal at home.


I'll give them, you know, mantras to say at home and just different things to kind of work through. You will get homework when you sign up for the life coaching session. So

Dane Shoemaker:

That's great.


Yeah. Mhmm.

Dane Shoemaker:

What's anything next, you know, coming up? I mean yeah.


So we have I did do a couple, monthly workshops here.

Dane Shoemaker:

Oh, okay.


A really good friend of mine, her name is Stephanie, she plays sambals. So we incorporate, a monthly sound bowl slash reiki workshop. It's about an hour and a half, and simultaneously, I'll perform reiki as the sound bowls are going. Sage is used to clear the energy from the aura from the clients. We do a meditation.


Client set intention. Yeah. So that's that's something that I have done maybe 3 times now, 4 times now. But with the past couple of months being, you know, super busy and chaotic with what I have going on in my personal life and here, we kinda put that on hold. So we're looking to start back up in the summer Oh,

Dane Shoemaker:

that's great.


With the workshops. Yeah. And I I definitely have other ideas flowing. They're just not, you know, set in stone yet. So there's definitely I see so much more coming for the space, though.

Dane Shoemaker:

That's exciting.


Yeah. It is exciting. It is. I can't wait.

Dane Shoemaker:

What, any maybe, like, any advice or anything, like, to anyone maybe thinking about starting a business or anything else that you, you know, you wanna share?


Sure. Just honestly follow your heart. And I know that's easier said than done. I know that there's multiple different aspects to look into when opening up a business. But really just just trusting your gut, like you said.


Following your heart and whatever feels right, just go for it.

Dane Shoemaker:



Right? Take the step. You'll never know unless you try it out. Right? What's the worst thing that can happen?


You fail. Okay. Well, I tried this. This was a lesson. So let me try something else.


Or maybe now is not the right time. So just follow your gut.

Dane Shoemaker:

Love that. Yeah. Love that. Yeah. Cool.

Dane Shoemaker:

Mhmm. Where, where can people find it? Where what do you what's the address here?


So the address here is 13 Saint Alban Circle. I'm on the second floor. It's right above Relax, and next to Bunny Hairs. So right on the circle.

Dane Shoemaker:

Awesome. Yeah. Awesome. And, if they wanna book a session with you, website or they give you a call, what's the best way to


do it? Can text me. I have my number on my website. There there's a link to schedule on my website, energy healing with, and also my emails listed on there. And I have social media, pages listed as well, so you can follow me on there.


Some people message me on Instagram, Facebook, whatever it is. Excellent. Yeah. Instagram, Facebook, whatever it is. Excellent.



Dane Shoemaker:

Well, Katie, really appreciate the opportunity here to get to know you more, learn about your business, learn about Reiki.


Yeah. Reiki.

Dane Shoemaker:

Excuse me. And


No. That's

Dane Shoemaker:

okay. Yeah. Thanks for coming


on. Awesome. Thanks for having me, Dane. Yeah. Nice to meet you.

Dane Shoemaker:

Thanks for listening today. Shoemaker Lab is an original production by Shoemaker Films LLC. If you enjoyed today's content, please consider subscribing on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and wherever you get your content. Follow us on Instagram at shoemaker.films. And if you're a business that's either interested in our video production services or would like to be a guest on the show, get in touch by using the contact form on our website,