2X eCommerce Podcast

In this brief episode of the 2X eCommerce podcast, host Kunle Campbell provides an update on the podcast’s schedule and his personal plans. Key highlights include:

- August Break: Kunle will be taking the rest of August off to recharge and spend time with family.
- Importance of Rest: Emphasis on the importance of sleep and mental health.
- Interim Content: Short episodes will be released every three days, featuring key clips from past episodes.
- September Preview: Upcoming focus on Q4 planning, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday strategies.
- New Newsletter: Introduction of the 'Conscious Commerce' newsletter, blending health, mindset, and commerce tips.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to returning in September with renewed energy and valuable insights.


Creators & Guests

Kunle Campbell
Host of the 2X eCommerce Podcast and Co-Founder at OCTILLION

What is 2X eCommerce Podcast?

Hosted by Kunle Campbell, who is an operator of a portfolio of consumer brands, 2X eCommerce is a weekly podcast for ecommerce operators by ecommerce operators. We interview remarkable ecommerce founders and leading enablers of ecommerce growth, with every episode promising to give you at least one growth hypothesis or idea you can test.

Our focus is growing your ecommerce revenues from a cross-functional perspective, be it marketing, your tech stack, operations, finance, or customer experience. We believe that by bringing together insights from a variety of experts, we can help you double the throughput of key ecommerce functions.

2X your eCommerce growth with insights from Kunle and handpicked experts.

Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram: @2XeCommerce

August Update from Kunle


Kunle Campbell: Hello everybody. Welcome to the 2X eCommerce podcast. I'm your host Kunle Campbell, and this is a podcast dedicated to rapid growth in online retail. Every week you tend to get an interview. From me with a guest. essentially helping you figure out how to grow your e commerce businesses. And first of all, I want to say a big thank you for your continued support for tuning in each week, hearing all these interviews.

This podcast is going to be a really short one. I want to. Give you an update as to where we are, and then give you the plans for the rest of the year. The next month is September and that is a run up to, to, to Q4 Black Friday. So I want to talk a little bit about that on this episode and just meet your expectations, right?

First off, I'm taking a break for the rest of August. If you noticed prior I've been posting every two weeks. Typically, this is a weekly podcast. I want to reset and [00:01:00] recharge.

I'm spending a lot of time in my family. I'm based in Europe. Most of Europe is closed. All through August anyway, and I just want to recharge, rejuvenate, and also create a lot of content in the background for you guys. So September is going to be chock full with a lot of value, for you. And I think this reset is very important and moving forward, every August I would tune down.

What I've been doing recently really has been sleeping really well and seeing what the benefits of sleep Is doing my to, to my physiology and just my wellbeing, my mental wellbeing, and my physical wellbeing. So I've been focusing a lot on restoration and I think you should carve out a month in the year to, to do that yourself if you don't already.

Mental health is very important. And also just being able to have flexibility, in general. So yeah I'm taking the rest of this week off but don't tune out just yet because what I'm going to do is I'm going to be introducing short cut out episodes [00:02:00] every three days.

So you'd still benefit from some clips and some points, some key special points in previous episodes, I think resonates deeply with me. And I think will resonate with you. So enjoy these clips over the coming days for the rest of the month, essentially. So what's coming in September, I mentioned earlier, we're going to be deep diving into Q4 planning, Black Friday, Cyber Monday strategies.

I'm working with some collaborators on a piece of content for you guys don't thoroughly cover Q4 Black Friday. So stay tuned with for that there's, they're going to be a lot more episodes in September, October, and I will give you another update towards the end of September to

listeners who are based in the UK, , there's something special for you. Not to say there wouldn't be anything special for the rest of you, but [00:03:00] for everybody else if you don't know yet, I've ramped up the 2x e commerce newsletter, it's called Conscious Commerce, so it's an intersection of health.

mindset and commerce. So just the way I, my, my health protocols, just my approach to health that will hopefully help you set certain protocols. And I've seen anecdotal, just uplifts and I validated with, Proper scientific data. So there's going to be a lot of science into the health without boring.

You'd still be simplistic within the newsletter and in the same newsletter, there's, I'll just take out an anecdote of people who just mindsets, models, mental models, you can adopt to making you a better person. And if you have those two pillars. I think the third pillar of actually growing an e commerce business becomes much easier.

If you help, if you have your health dialed in, never [00:04:00] take your health for granted and you have the right mindset, then commerce will be easier in general. You'd be able to endure downtimes. I need to be able to appreciate your optics, uptime, so yeah, that's what the newsletter it's called conscious commerce and subscribe to it.

It's just subscribe.2xecommerce.com. I'll put it in the show notes of this episode. And I think that's all for this episode. I'm incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. I would suggest take some time off and rest and recharge as well. It's just as important as also, especially given what we have ahead in Q3 and Q4, the rest of Q3 and Q4, there's a lot of hard work.

So I'll see you back in September, much more refreshed, ready to keep pushing forward and yeah have a good one, folks. Thanks for listening. Cheers.

[00:05:00] Mhm.