The Man Warrior King Podcast

In this episode, Matt peels back the curtain on real life. And how everyone, you included, is meant to do great things. No one is any more gifted or any more equipped than any other. The main difference is how you see yourself. Do you see yourself as a Mighty Man? Or do you see yourself as less than? Listen in.

If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.

Creators & Guests

Matt Hallock
Founder of Man Warrior King and author of The DNA of a Man

What is The Man Warrior King Podcast?

You want to live a life on fire and on mission.

You want to be filled with such conviction and drive that you stop caring about what ANYone thinks.

You want to face each day alive, authentic, and fully present in every moment: with your wife, kids, on the street, at the gym, at work.

You want to bring yourSELF to the table, and to stop bringing the watered-down, nice, what everyone wants version of you.

You want that self to be a man who is burning in passion for Jesus, unafraid to bring his kingdom to anyone in your path, no matter the cost.

You want to love the one in front of you without fear, without needing love back, and without reserve.

You want to experience God for real, to not just believe, but to KNOW that he’s got you and that he’ll show up on your behalf. That he’ll show up THROUGH you.

You want to get to the end of your race and say, “Yep…I gave it everything. Jesus, you know I’m all in.”

...And you want to know just how to get there.

Welcome to Man Warrior King. Congratulations. You are among the violent taking the kingdom by force. You are among the chosen, answering the call to rise above your self. You are in the forge being stripped down and strengthened—and you WILL rise stronger, solid, unshakeable.

You are a man. You are a warrior. You are a king.

Well, good morning and welcome to another episode of the Man Warrior King podcast. I'm your host, Matt Halleck. I'm the founder of the Man Warrior King movement. I'm the author of the book, The DNA of a Man that has now been read by thousands of men and whose lives have been changed. I hear time and time again that men who pick it up, read it twice, maybe even 3 times, highlight it, underline it, whatever. I hear a lot that they're saying like, man, it's not a question of what I decided to underline. It's more a question

of what was left without any kind of markings. So thank you all who have purchased the book and read it and left fantastic reviews about it. It really, it really means a lot to me. I'll tell you something, I never, I never would have guessed that that's the kind of reception that would have happened from my book. And I want to actually pull back some of the curtain today in the podcast episode and give you an opportunity to see what the process is like for me. And I want to also though apply it to you. And

I wanna give you some valuable truths that are going to change your life, not just listen about mine. All right, can we do that? Are we good on that? We agree? Okay. So I wanna talk about my process in conjunction with the mighty men of David. And I know that the mighty men topic is 1 that is might be arguably tired among Christian men's circles because, you know, let's face it, those guys are just basically begging to be the subject of men's Bible studies, right? So I understand that, but what I wanna point out to you

today, I hope will be something fresh, is something that you can take and be like, man, I got 1 more piece of this puzzle as to why I keep living smaller than I want to. I wanna help you take off the constraints that keep you stuck in bound and in shackles. Because Jesus never intended for you to be stuck small, bound. He said, he wants you to be free. He wants you to live life unleashed, unlimited, and on fire, winning at every step of the way. And you say, well, that's not realistic. That's not how the

world works. It's not all about winning. Sometimes it's about the character we build when we lose and it's about becoming more like him. Yes, it is about the character that we build. It is about becoming more like him. But he, but he, he tells us in scripture that he wants us to win, always. Not just every once in a while, always. He leads us always in triumphal procession. It's in 1 of the Corinthians. So I wanna help you win in the actual, practical life circumstances that are in your way, getting you down whatever it may be.

Right, so this book, The DNA of a Man, I, when I wrote that, It was actually, I'll tell you what, it was not a glorious process. And here's why I'm telling you all of this. Because when you see somebody else who has done something like written a book or produced a podcast or spoken on a stage, or spoken on a stage. What happens in your mind is that you create a false reality about that person. I do it too, and I think it happens accidentally, almost automatically. We begin to view that person in such a way

where we think to ourselves, that's not me. I can never do that. I'm not equipped like he is. I don't have the abilities or the skills or whatever it may be. I am just little me. And it's not in the cards for me to think bigger or to be able to do something great epic legendary with my life and then we have theology that comes along and says yeah you're right You are not meant to do anything great, epic, or legendary. You are simply meant to give your life to Jesus and to do your best to

avoid sin and to get to heaven and maybe take a couple others with you. And that's it. And I'm sorry, gentlemen, that's a sad existence. I believe that Jesus, when he saves you, does he get rid of your sin? Yes. Do you get to spend eternity with him? Yes, you do. But when he saves you, he sets you back into your original mission of taking dominion over the earth, of kicking darkness out, of ushering in the kingdom of heaven into the world right now. That means clashing with the kingdom of darkness. That means demons leaving when

you walk in. That means sicknesses leaving when you walk in. That means poverty leaving your life, your family, your lineage. That means setting a new path where your marriage is going to reflect the passion and intimacy of heaven, even though you came from a lineage of completely dysfunctional marriages. Your life is meant to be epic, okay? And so back to this book thing, right? So here I am, I wrote this book, the DNA of a man. It's listed on Amazon. I sell it on my own website You see maybe as you've seen ads running for it

and the perception is that this is something big and beyond me And I'll tell you what it's not when I wrote that book I had I had started all of this by contacting my friends who I knew, sending them text messages, because I had their numbers, because they were friends, and I said, hey, I'm gonna start an email list about men's stuff Do you want to join it? Do you not? And I got a good deal of my friends to say sure yeah I'll take those emails and I don't know, maybe I had about 100 or

so on my list from doing that. And I would put out podcast episodes. I'd have to go back and look at my publishing history. I don't remember how many I had published before I started working on selling the DNA of a man. But I had published a few and I had a handful of listeners from the email list and things like that. And a friend of mine who was on the list and who had been listening to my podcast, he actually referred 1 of his acquaintances to me to work with me. And I had never worked

with anybody in that capacity before. And So when I started working with this gentleman, he was gonna go on a long road trip and I wanted to over deliver. So I wanted to give him something to take with him where he could still be benefiting from what I had to offer while he was on his trip. So I sat and recorded, it was like 8 or 9, different teachings, just all in a row. I mean, it maybe was over the course of a couple of days, but it was just all in there, all coming out of

me. After I did that, That was during a time when I was simultaneously, believe it or not, running a GoFundMe campaign because my body was plummeting in pain and inflammation. And I was facing not being able to work, not being able to pay rent. And I had wrestled with the Lord, like should I do this GoFundMe campaign or not for a few weeks? And I really felt like he was leading me to do it, so I did. That GoFundMe campaign was far more successful than I would have imagined, and I was doing everything I could to

be offering spiritual value while people were donating monetary value through the whole process. And it was hard, it was humbling, but it was also incredible to see what was happening through it. But so that was all going on. And I made these recordings and I don't know, several weeks later I went to Kansas from where we were living at the time in California. I went to Kansas to a clinic there for a few weeks. And it was during that time that I was in a lot of pain, a lot of horrible condition, that I was basically

lying on my back in the hotel room, hardly able to move, putting my 2 books that I've written together. And most of you probably don't know about the other book. It was written for high school students trying to impart into them how to have a conqueror's mindset. Also somewhat in conjunction with taking their college entrance tests and how their mindset, the mental game is important for beating those things. And I plan to actually redo that book to take out the testing stuff and make it more of a youth-oriented conqueror's mindset kind of a thing. Anyway, I

was working on these books in that kind of condition. This is where they came from. I never imagined that there would be the type of effect on men's lives that there has been from me writing that book in that condition. I'm just me. I'm not someone fancy other than the fact that you like, I'm just as incredible as everyone else is. That's like, I'm not downplaying the good inside of me, but I'm not elevating it above yours. I'm telling you that you have everything that I do. And I wanna, I just want it to be known

that this book, The DNA of a Man, it was not a sure thing that it would even be liked. I have been through fire in my body, in my money, in my emotions, in my marriage, And I found a way of conquering. My conquering is not finished. I have not won yet. I have in some things, but my body is still in process. I still have days where I'm not the greatest husband My wife and I are still in process of of entering into true kingdom prosperity. But I began. But I I raised my hand and

said, God, I'll write this book. Do I know how it's gonna even get out there? No, I'll have to figure that out as well. But I did it. And it is not yet swept the entire nation by storm, but I know that it has been read by thousands and I am seeking the Lord for more. I'm not happy, I'm happy, but I'm not going to settle until there's at least a million or more copies read. And there's plenty of other stuff in the vision as well. But I want you to know that I'm just a man

like you. And the mighty men, you look at them, you look at their stories from second Samuel chapter 23, they're also listed out in 1 of the Chronicles. And you can look at them and assume They had something I don't. They killed 300 guys single-handedly, another killed 800 guys single-handedly. They defended fields of lentils and barley. They I mean, Benaiah killed some lion like warriors. Probably Nephilim of some kind half half human half fallen angel, whatever. He killed an Egyptian giant, another Nephilim thing. He jumped into a pit on a snowy day just to kill a

lion. I mean, you read these things, you're like, wow, I don't know that I measure up to these kinds of men. I want to tell you they they don't have anything that you don't. Benaiah for example his name means Yah has built. Yah is short for Yahweh or Jehovah. It means God has built him. His identity was built by God and I would argue that yours is the same. Your identity is that you are built by God. And it says he was a man of valor, a valiant man. But, and that's where you're like, well wait,

I'm not that, I don't have that in me. That's where we're different, Matt, you don't understand. I don't have valor, I have timidity, I have fear. I have failures. Maybe I've succeeded in work and business and all of that, but in my marriage, I'm not succeeding. I don't have it. I want to remind you that these men started with nothing. They started, it describes them earlier in the book of Samuel, I think 1st Samuel, it describes them as joining up with David at the cave of a doolum. And it says that they were bitter. I think

it says they were bitter in soul. They were in distress and they were in debt. They were drowning in debt and they had no other options. There was nothing, no hope for them. So I wanna remind you, You aren't any less than these men who've done such mighty deeds of valor. They started as low as they could, so I would argue that you can't get lower than them. You can join them at their level, but you can't get lower. I want you to know if there is something that's different, it's what they believed was both possible

and allowable. Because my friend, you and I, we have inherited some thinking that would say it's not allowed for you to aim for an epic life. It's not allowed for you to aim to live legendary. Because it's not about you, it's about you becoming nothing and therefore glorifying Jesus. These mighty men of old didn't have that religious crap. They didn't have this thinking that said when the enemies come and everybody else flees, you need to flee with them because you don't have what it takes to stand and defend that ground in and of yourself. It's not

about you. If God wants to defend the ground, He will, but don't you be presumptuous enough to think that you can do anything about it. They didn't have that. They said, there's a thing that needs to be done and I'll, okay, I'll do it. And you know what, that's what I did with this book. That's what I did with this podcast. That's what I've done with the coaching programs, that's what I've done. Have they been perfect? Not at all. I have a lot of learning to do. I would say that business has not been a natural

thing for me. I had always envisioned myself as just a pure preacher doing ministry and God would take care of the money and He's leading me on a different path and I'm glad He is. But I'm not, I am not the guy who I would have expected to be chosen to build a business like this. But I said, well, I'm going to do it. And you know what? I had been through enough in my life to realize the religious crap thinking had to go. I wasn't going to listen to that anymore. I don't care if people

label me. I don't care if people think that it's not holy to do stuff for money. I don't care if people think that the message I'm preaching is health and wealth gospel heresy. What I know is that the message that many of us have received has kept us sick in poverty and in emotional bankruptcy, just hanging on and waiting for heaven instead of victoriously advancing and bringing more and more of the kingdom to pass in our lives. So it says in 2 Samuel 23, verse 11, next him was Shama the son of Aghi the Herarite. The

Philistines gathered together at Lehi, where there was a plot of ground full of lentils, and the men fled from the Philistines. So the Israelites ran away from the Philistines, but Shama took his stand in the midst of that plot of lentils, and he defended it, and he struck down the Philistines. See, when everyone else is running away, will you look around you and be like, well, I'll do it? Do you believe that there's good in you to look at a problem and say, I'm the solution? Are you willing to be to take that risk? Because you

know what? I know that if you do, you're going to discover that Jesus is already on the battlefield waiting to meet with you once you step into it. Will you go there? Or are you going to continue living under that stinking religious thinking that tells you that it's sinful to think that you could possibly do anything good. I'm asking you to please let go of it. Your marriage needs you to let go of that. Your kids need you to let go of it. The mission that God made you for needs you to let go of it.

You and I should be running unleashed headlong after your dreams, your passions, your mission. Because God wants to give you the desires of your heart. And he's created you for good works that were determined and envisioned before the foundation of the world You are no less than me you are no less than Shama and Benaiah and Eliezer and Joab and Josheb and all these guys. You're no less. We are together. I want you to stop defeating yourself because you think that you don't have what it takes you do You do So take that for what it's

worth a gentleman hey if you need any help learning how to grow into this kind of a warrior learning how to apply the kingdom to your marriage to your mindset to pursuing your mission will you head over to We've got coaching options, we've got offers, courses, everything. Got my book listed there, book is also on Amazon. Get in touch. Let's run this race. Peace.