Persuasion Class

Welcome to Persuasion Class: the podcast where we'll dive into the evolution of persuasion in the early days of the English language. We’ll unearth the practical tools of persuasion, arming you to fight towards your own goals.

Coming soon to all your favourite podcast platforms.

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What is Persuasion Class?

Welcome to Persuasion Class, the podcast where we'll dive into the evolution of persuasion in the early days of the English language. We’ll unearth the practical tools of persuasion, arming you to fight towards your own goals.


You, my friend, are being manipulated constantly by everyone. Now before you start freaking out and getting yourself fitted for a tinfoil hat, understand this is happening to all of us. Let's be clear, manipulating is just a scary word for handling, which basically means affecting something. Every time we open our mouths or tap our keyboards or even bat an eyelid at someone, we're trying to steer what they're thinking, feeling, or doing. Sometimes it's just a gentle nudge.


Sometimes it's about as subtle as a sledgehammer blow to the forehead. Sometimes we don't even realize we're doing it, but we are. And so is everyone else. Preachers and teachers, politicians and lawyers, the media, actors, salespeople, and of course, there's a lot of common ground between some of those jobs. Your family, friends, and foes, and everyone in between are playing this game.


Now, the intent behind it might be helpful, or indifferent, or downright evil. So how do we spot this manipulation? How do we defend ourselves when it's working against our best interests? And crucially, how can we harness these persuasive powers communicate most effectively in our personal and professional lives? For most of Western history, rhetoric, that's the art of persuasive speaking, was at the very heart of the education system.


Today, unless you had the privilege of an elite or specialized education or lucked out somewhere along the line with a genuinely incredible teacher, I fear you're probably missing out. Want to start catching up? Well, what does it take to master persuasion? Think Lincoln, Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr, and indeed many of today's real influences, they all tapped into these skills that shape societies and alter the course of history. But here's the twist.


Persuasive technique isn't just for the bigwigs. It can turn anyone into a more compelling, confident, and impactful communicator. Hi, I'm Doctor. Luke Beatty. Welcome to Persuasion Class, the podcast where we'll dive into the evolution of persuasion in the early days of our shared language, the English language, back when folks just like you and me were groping along trying to figure out just how to use it for their advantage.


We'll unearth the practical tools of persuasion, arming you to fight towards your own goals. Look, I know time goes in one direction for us, and you only get so much of it, so the clock is ticking on your ambitions. Your time is precious, so for you to spend it somewhere, you have to get something worthwhile in return. So here's my proposition. I quit my job as department head in higher education so that I could coach ambitious individual clients on communicating for maximum impact.


Now, I want to share these insights with you. These precious gems from the past are still incredibly valuable in today's world. I believe they're worth your time. The question for you is, are you ready to invest some of your time to become a more effective, persuasive communicator? Well, alright then.


Persuasion class is coming soon to all of your favorite podcast platforms. I hope I'll see you there.