Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with Adrian Bozman to see where CrossFit is going into the 2024 season.  What aspect will he have in Age Group programming? What does the future look like? How does programming change moving inside in Texas? and so much more
Photo Cred: @crossfitcoachcat

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody

welcome to the cloud cell

media podcast my name is

scott switzer I have my

co-host amy radowski with

me and we are privileged to

have with us adrian bosman

the man the myth the legend

oh man I don't know if I'm

deserving of a myth myth

status at this point but I

appreciate it thank you

well one of the one of the

questions I had for you off the top

People have been talking about this,

that in some form or another,

it'd be cool to bring back

Roe versus Boz.


I know that you may not be able to do

that because of what you do now,

but in some form or fashion,

it gave people a realistic

view of an open announcement.

I mean, I'm all about it.

I love Rory McKernan.

You know, he's a good friend of mine.

We've been friends forever.

And yeah, that would be a lot of fun.

Even if it was just

something that was kind of unofficial,

those were always good times.

You know,

we do have the custom leaderboard

function and I have created

that in the past.

So maybe we can, you know,

just get one of those going

and people can look in on it.

But if I'm perfectly honest about it, dude,

he's fit right now.

I think it might not go so well for me,

but that's okay.

That's not the point, right?


you moved away from California where

you got to hang out with

all your buddies at the gym.

Now you're in Nashville kind

of doing it on your own.

That brings me to like,

what are you doing today to stay fit?

It's a good question.

I would say that the last

year or two have not been

at the highest peak of

fitness for me personally,

but that's all right.

You ebb and flow with such things.

I do a lot of jujitsu these days,

if I'm honest.

That's my three, four days a week routine.

Then I had been catch as

catch can with CrossFit,

but come the new year,

I started getting a little

bit more dedicated that way.

And so right now,

I'm trying to get two lifting sessions,

two kind of more

traditional CrossFit sessions,

and then jujitsu on top of that.

So that's what I've been

doing since January.


that'll put me in a decent

enough position when the

Open rolls around that I can do okay.

But you will be doing the Open?

Oh, yeah, of course.

I do it every year.

And how many years of the

Open is this for you?

Every one?

Every one, yes.

So this will be 14th year.



I have a an offbeat question

I know you're a vinyl

collector those are my

favorite kind you're a

vinyl collector you're now

living in Nashville the

music capital of the world

does it make collecting

vinyl harder or easier being there

It's a dangerous tightrope

to walk right by my house.

There's a really cool place

called Vinyl Tap,

which hopefully that

tickles a few people out there.

I think it's pretty great.

But they are a used record

store slash music venue

slash kind of local pub.

And that place is very dangerous,

as you can imagine,

because it's within walking

distance of my house.

So I got to remember I have

a mortgage to pay.

when I get around places

like that so it you know

I've been pretty good

lately um but yeah it's uh

I would say on net it's um

it makes it easier because

there's so much happening

here there's a lot of cool

record stores and frankly

like every second person

you meet is doing something

musically which is really

cool and so I like to

support people that I know

directly like that whenever

I can so that that's always fun

It seems like a nice place

where you can go and

connect with other people

with those similar

interests outside of CrossFit as well.

Yeah, for sure.

Dude, Corey, you know Vinyl Tap?

Oh, no, he's just saying Post 11.

I get it.

Yeah, Grimeys.

Grimeys is a good one, too.

Not a taxidermy deer, says Adrian.

No, that's not the one I wanted.

You don't want to answer that question?


could you be Petra Wood and Helen today?

Can we get a very random showdown?

Would I beat Pat Sherwood and Helen today?



Cause he's like nine weeks

post hip replacement.

So yes, I would beat him today,

but that's not a really a

reflection on Pat's fitness

so much as like,

he's had a major reconstructive surgery.

That's been, you know,

a decade or two in the making.

Um, at Sherwood at his normal,

I would not want that heat.

He's a good runner.

That he is.

Amy, I know you got something for,

for Boz.


let's just say somebody

who's been coaching

CrossFit around CrossFit

maybe 10 years or so was

thinking about going for

their level three.

What advice would you give

them to pass or to down that pursuit?

Take your time.

I think that for something like that,

especially if you've been

in the game a long time,

everybody does this where

they start to build up a

certain level of kind of

tacit knowledge where they say things,

they do things,

they have certain practices

that they're kind of

automatic at this point and

they don't really think about them.

And for a lot of us,

that means that you can't

really articulate them if

you were to be asked why

you engaged in something.

And by contrast,

I think if you have

somebody who's like really

a little bit fresher and

still kind of has that

first wave of enthusiasm,

they're the people that, in my experience,

tend to be able to answer

questions like that a

little more readily because

it's top of mind and it

hasn't become just kind of

absorbed and automatic.

So for the crew that's been

around a little longer,

I think you need to take

your time and go back to

the drawing board.

Not necessarily with what you're doing,

but just can you explain it

as well as maybe you did in the past?

Have you thought it through recently?

And not only just because I

think that's the right

thing to do to pass the test,

but honestly, I mean,

it might shake some things

loose that you've kind of

ingrained that maybe

they're not serving as well anymore.


But yeah,

I think that's the thing is to

take your time and just

kind of reevaluate, like,

can I still talk about these things, um,

as well as maybe I could in the past?

And, uh,

am I still thinking about them

with the same kind of granularity?


So my last question in this

kind of intro part is,

and it kind of goes back to

row versus pause.

You're in a unique situation

in CrossFit where.

the sport is growing.

We want it to grow.

And, um,

but yet everybody wants you to pay

homage to the past.

So how do you balance the

two or are you still trying

to figure that out?

I mean,

I think it's an experiment every year,


I think there's enough

framework and enough

expectation that people

kind of know what they're getting,

even when there's season changes,

et cetera.

You know,

you have a good sense of what the

athletes are going to be

required to do and when.

But it is tricky, you know,

because you can't go back.

And I feel like everybody's

kind of victim of this at

some point where, like sooner or later,

all of us,

we kind of have nostalgia

for a time that maybe never

really existed.

You take a look back and you

kind of idealize it.

But for those of us that lived through it,

you're like, yeah,

there were some amazing times there,

but it was not perfect.

There was some awesome

things that we developed on

the fly that we experimented with.

It worked out well.

But man,

there were plenty of things that

didn't go to plan that

weren't really good

successes that we had to

learn the hard way from too.

So I think for anybody who's

kind of opining for the past,

like you have to take that

good with the bad.

It was not just sunshine and

roses from start to finish.

So I'm rambling a little bit,

but I think it is trying to

find that tightrope of like, hey, man,

it should be classic CrossFit.

It should be classic to the

roots of what we know this thing to do.

But we have to...

know where we are I mean

it's 2024 things have moved

past 2012. uh we're just

not there anymore no matter

how how much somebody might

wish it to be um speaking

of tightrope will we see

one no okay I can I can I

can uh I can absolutely put

that one out there no slack

lines this year no time

we're not going that old

school for those of you

that you know pour over the

old journals looking for

things that we haven't done

yet that are referenced

there no slack rope this year

I love how you said that.

At least in the open, you know.

Yeah, okay.

The open, yeah, sure.

Quarterfinals, no promises.

All bets are off at the quarterfinals.

Yeah, I'm glad you said that because...

I want nothing more than

this sport to grow and move forward.

And I feel like there's this

tug pulling us back.

And in order to grow,

we have to reach a new audience.

So if we keep speaking to

the audience we already have,

we're not going to move

forward in that way.

And so I'm glad that you put it that way,

that the past wasn't perfect.


And, you know,

we were all complaining in

2013 and 14 just as much as we are today.

Maybe about some different things.



So talking about a big change,

we're moving to Fort Worth, Texas.



which is a massive change.

Tickets went on sale today.

If you didn't get yours,

they were moving fast last I checked.

So make sure you get out

there and get your tickets.

How does having the CrossFit

Games be 90% indoors affect

the way you're going to

program and tell the story

throughout this year?


I don't want to put a percentage on it,

but you're right.

I mean,

we are going to highlight that venue.

It's an amazing venue.

It's the nicest venue that

the CrossFit Games have

ever been hosted by, bar none.

It was built in 2019.

So, you know,

that gives you just kind of a

sense of the modernness of it.

And, you know,

one of the things that is unique about it,

number one,

the competition floor is huge.

So that gives us a lot of utility.

But there's also a lot of

technical things in the

back end that the broadcast

team doesn't have to worry

about because the venue is so new.

They can basically plug in and show up.

And so that'll give us some

more opportunities on how

we present the games,

which is kind of nice.

So to answer your question

about programming,

um you know really it's just

trying to maximize that

competition floor that we

do have um and then when we

do go off-site you know for

some of the things that may

occur we just have to be

really conscientious about

when we're doing that and

what effect that's going to

have on the athletes I

think that's everybody's

top of mind right we get

reminded regularly that uh

hey it's hot in texas like

oh we hadn't noticed we had no idea

yeah exactly um and you know

so obviously there's a

responsibility on our part

that we're not putting

athletes in a position

where it's just like

unreasonable to compete

under the conditions they

find themselves in um and

you know we're looking at

ways that we can do that

creatively but yeah the big

the big one is that

competition floor I mean it

is awesome it's a it's a

huge canvas with a lot of options


I talked to Heather at MFC and she

was saying the plug and

play atmosphere or the plug

and play ability,

it just is game changing.

And it's nothing they've

ever had before as you

CrossFit going into a

location and it'll save a

week's worth of time.

Yeah, I mean,

the prospects are really exciting to us.

And again,

it's one of those things where

it's kind of strange to

talk about with an audience that,

you know,

they may never have been

involved with a big event.

And it's difficult to kind

of wrap your head around

what actually goes into

something like that and how

many people it takes to

pull off and the coordination around it.

And so when some of those things are


sometimes people may not notice

that initially because

they're just watching the

competition and enjoying it

as they always have without

maybe as much knowledge as

to how much of a difference

it really made for the team

that has to run it.

So hopefully it translates both ways.

I really hope and I think it will.

that we can do some pretty

spectacular things in there

that we probably wouldn't

have been able to do elsewhere.

And it's also easier for the

team to pull that off.

So in my opinion,

that's what we're all

driving at is kind of this win-win.

So I have a big question

because you told me on a previous podcast,

riding your bike between

the venues was your way of

clearing your mind.

You don't have multiple venues now.

Oh, I hadn't thought about that, Scott.

You're stressing me out now.

So we should figure something out.

Yeah, maybe.

No, no.

The whole point is that you

have to travel.

The echo bike's not going to do it.


I think I'm going to have to figure

something out there.

Maybe it'll just be like a

hot lap around the parking lot.

You know,

just like a fake travel somewhere.

I don't know.

I got to put some thought into that.


is a venue big enough you can just

ride it through the venue?

It could be.


maybe not when it's in full swing and

everybody's running around.

Whip through Vendor Village real quick.

Dave and I could do races

around the parking lot.

There you go.

Charge admission.

Make some more money.

Yeah, perfect.



that'd be your rovers boss

right there I i more

confident that I'd be able

to hang with roe on a bike

so maybe that's a maybe

that's an option I don't

know he's there mayhem all

they do is bike now right

yeah but you know he's old

and banged up and he's got

a little little mileage on

him so um my next question is

You had to, you know,

moving to a place where Dave,

and I use the 90% as Dave's

comment from his week overview, right?

To an indoor venue.

When you saw the off-season

events be affected so

tremendously by weather this year, Rogue,


both got torrential downpour.


And you guys with alpaca in two years ago,

totally changed like the,

the feel of the games that year.

Does that give you more

confidence about your test

going into a place that's,

that's environment controlled?

I wouldn't say confidence.

I mean, it definitely, you know, it's,

validating to some degree, I guess,

but I don't want people to

read into that to think

that me personally,

that I feel that's the

direction that CrossFit

competitions need to go.

I don't feel that personally.

I think that that's one of

the coolest things about

the CrossFit competitions

broadly is that there is a

range of ways to approach them.

And I think the unique

elements that some of these

big events bring to the

table is really what makes

them awesome and what draws

people to them.

And yeah,

some of those things bring some

risk of having to change in

the middle of the stream, so to speak.

But that's OK.

So as far as us, yeah,

it is nice to know that you

have that kind of security

with the venue that you've selected.

But honestly,

I hadn't really thought about

it and framed it in those ways that like,

oh, wow,

look at how difficult it was for

these other events.


it's not easy to navigate your

event that way when Mother

Nature has other plans.

But in some broad stroke,

I didn't take that to like, oh, well,

right choice for us to move

to Fort Worth even more so.

Not in those ways.

On the athlete side,

I could see it being one

less thing than that they

would have to kind of worry about, again,

with the readapting to that.

Yeah, it's interesting, though.

You hear both sides of it.

And I think that's true for

most of the decisions that we make.

You have some people that get it.

They love the direction that you're going.

And then you have others

that are skeptical right away.

And that's fine.

But for this one in particular,

we saw that

and continue to see that

where you know people are

happy I think that we're

choosing to have like a

pretty consistent weather

option but on the other

hand it's like well how are

you going to test all the

things that you need to how

are we going to make sure

that we have a complete

picture of the athlete

that's on the top of the

podium and I think that's a

valid question you know we

do have to solve for that

that not everything that

you want to test in a broad

test of fitness is going to

be available in a coliseum setting

And in taking it a step further,

the spectators, in 21 and 22,

you had to evacuate the campground.

That's right.

To get people and take them

into the Align Energy

Center for safety reasons.

Amy and I were in hotels.

The one hotel,

the water came through the window.

It rained so hard that one night.

And then the second year,

like it woke everybody up

in the hotel because of how bad it was.

It's got to be good from a

spectator's point of view,

knowing you're not going to

be sitting in the rain or

being evacuated from a

campground has got to be a

luxury as well.

I would hope so.

I mean,

that's definitely something that

you never want to have happen.

It makes a good story in retrospect,

but at the time,

it's definitely pretty stressful.

And it is wild that one year we came in,

I think it was Sunday morning,

I believe it was 22.

And, you know,

there are people sleeping in the kind of,

you know,

employee areas of the Coliseum

underbelly because there

was nowhere else to go and

they were all evacuated

from the outdoors.

So, yeah, I mean, it's, yes,

I hope it results in a

better experience for everybody.


Going to this new venue, it has a new,

it's going to have a new feel.

Are you excited about the

prospects of what you guys

are going to be able to do

in that environment?

Anytime you have a new frame

on your picture,

you can do some different things.

Yeah, for sure.

I think it's kind of like I

said when we were talking

about the level three where, you know,

you get into a groove of doing something,

you adopt these habits.

Maybe they're great habits to adopt,

but sooner or later you

might stop thinking about

them in such scrutinizing terms.

And I think that's certainly

true for remaining at a

venue for many years.

You know,

like we've been in Madison since

2017 and we know that venue

really well now.

We know how to operate that

venue really well.

But anytime you move to a new location,

you know,

I've been lucky enough now that

we moved from Aromas to

Carson and Carson to Madison,

now Madison to Fort Worth.

And seeing those transitions,

it's like it always makes

you reevaluate what has

become business as usual

and does it need to be business as usual?

And in doing some of that,

you uncover some things that you're like,


why didn't we think about it this way

and approach it like this sooner?

That's really cool.

So not only is the venue, I think,

really going to support the event,

it does put our team in a

position to rethink some

things that they may have

been great and an awesome fit for Madison,

but they might not be the

best fit for Fort Worth.

So how can we make that even better?

And that's fun to me.

It's like a giant puzzle.

you get to kind of

re-examine all the pieces again and say,


does it actually fit together best

this way,

or is there another way that we

can do it?

Well, thinking about your team, you know,

now that Dave's back,

how have things kind of

changed with that?

It's been great.

It's really nice to have

another head that we can

bounce ideas off of.

It's really cool because

there are certain

responsibilities that are

kind of more in my domain,

and obviously he's got his

own responsibilities in his domain.

But every once in a while,

they'll kind of overlap a

little bit and all change.

take something and run with it,

or he'll take something and run with it.

And like,

we had a conversation just the

other day where he's like,

called me up and he's like, Hey,

I'm running with this thing.

Don't do any more work on it.

I want to take the first stab.

I'm like, cool, awesome.

You know?

And other times it'll be the inverse.

Um, and so it's fun.

It's really nice to bounce

ideas off of each other that way.


i mean man dave and I have

had a working relationship

since 2006 and uh you know

dave's a friend of mine um

we get along really well

and we have the type of

relationship where we can

shoot each other really

straight you know there's

not a lot of pulled punches

like if it's a dumb idea

that dave doesn't like he's

going to tell me right away

and same thing like if he's

talking about something I'm

like dude I think there's a

way better way to do this

we're not going to beat

around the bush and we're

going to try to get to that best outcome.

So it's great.

Like I really enjoy.

And I'm actually really

thankful that I get to work

with Dave in that way.

Because I don't, you know,

I got lots of great people

that I work with.

Some of them for a long time,

some of them not so long.

But it's rare that you find

somebody that you can

I don't know,

just kind of be that

unfiltered with to get to

the best result.

I think it's a rarity.

I think that takes a lot of

trust with somebody.

And that takes time to build

that relationship in order

to have that kind of trust.


And the other...

dave has admitted that he

never got to mentor anybody

into kind of what he did do

you feel like that's

happening now like he's

becoming more of a teacher

during these times or are

you still just friends and

shooting it straight that's

a great question uh I without

putting it in those terms, yeah,

I guess some of that has happened.

Some of it's just the nature

of Dave's got a lot of

responsibilities and he can't,

no single person can do it all.

And so some of those

responsibilities that I

inherited and have still

maintained since 2022,

there was kind of questions about like,

well, what do you want to pick back up?

What can you pick back up?

And some of those things

that I've retained, it's like, yeah,

it's nice to have that kind of

I don't know if it's

necessarily directly mentorship,

but that sounding board for

from somebody who's been in

that hot seat for that long.

So yeah,

I guess it is kind of a de facto


One time to go through shit together.



You guys have been through a

lot in 1617 years.

yeah it's crazy to think

about that you know when I

first started crossfit and

it was just like a really

awesome thing that I was

fired up on and that's all

I wanted to do with my time

And they started expanding

the seminar team and asked

if I would intern, which I did.

And eventually, they said, hey,

we're going to pay you to show up.

It blew my mind.

I was like, well, awesome.

I'll be here anyway, but yes.

And so the point I'm trying

to make is I never expected

to have a career in anything, period,

never mind

doing this really crazy

thing called CrossFit.

And so like I do look back

sometimes and it's kind of

mind blowing to me that A,

it's been that long and B, like, you know,

I've managed to stick it out.

Yeah, it's been really great.

Couple quick questions from the audience.

Predictions on open signups this year?


I bet we get 350,000 people.


That's, I think, where we're going to.

That's my hope.

And you can choose to answer this or not.

Do you still talk to Greg?

I don't talk to Greg regularly,

but I did see him at Legends in December.

So that's cool.

He and Sevan showed up,

and so I got to catch up

with him a little bit there.

Yeah, that was great.

I'm trying to think the last

time I talked to him prior to that.

It had been a while.

So, yeah, it was nice to catch up.


So the other person that

came into your life about a

year and a half ago is CEO Don Fall.

And I want to ask just the

overarching question,

what kind of support do you,

cause I've been a very

staunch supporter of Don

since he took over.

Um, I like what he says.

I know that some of it is CEO speak,

but I'd like to like dive

into it and try to figure it out.

And I've been a very staunch

supporter of him.

What kind of support do you get from Don?

Um, this is a great question.

And I would say that number one,

Don was put in a really hard spot,

you know, like I think it's, um, man, I,

I could not imagine coming

into CrossFit in the modern

era and being plunked down and said,

and being told, Hey,

you gotta figure this business out,

you know, like this, uh,

there's a lot going on there.


and he inherited a lot of good things

with that.

And he inherited a lot of things that,

you know,

maybe weren't as smooth as they

could have been.

And so I think to Don's credit,

what he's really tried hard

to do in my eyes is get the

different groups talking to

each other more and

soundboarding off of each other.

Kind of my point about how

important that is between Dave and I,

it's like, yeah,

if you have the seminar

team and they're not

talking to the affiliate team,

that's a real problem.

And so when people have

plans interdepartmentally,

the people inside the

company can't be the last ones to know.

And unfortunately, in the past,

that has been the case.

And so I think he's done a

lot of work to help build

trust within the team that, hey,

we're going to talk about

these things together.

We're going to move forward together.

And in that way,

I think that's very supportive.

because like I said in the

past sometimes it's like

hey you hear something and

the next thing you know

it's out in the open public

and that's the direction

you're moving you're like

wow I didn't work here for

10 years and I didn't know

that that was coming down

the pipe so so I'm going to

try to phrase this in a way

that makes sense but you've

been around since the

beginning well not quite I

I'm like second wave kind of

So this whole thing started with,

with as a barbecue at Dave's ranch.

Oh, we're talking the games.



Um, and through that, as you grew,

there were missteps taken

in the way things were

communicated in the way things were done.

Now we're going through this

wave with Don fall and he's

learning on the fly as well.

And it's almost like a repeat,

in my opinion,

from the early days of the games.

Do you feel that being

inside for both waves?

I'm curious what you mean.

I'm not sure I follow.

It's a repeat from the early days.

In what way?

So I think,

and Don himself has admitted

that communication could

have been better on this

announcement or that announcement.

Sure, yeah.

And it's almost like

Because you almost have to

be ingrained in this

community to understand the

feedback you're going to

get and how instant it is.

And it's almost like he's

going through what you all

went through in the early 2010s.

I see,

meaning he personally may not have

been ready for the kind of

just immediacy the

community brings to the table.

Is that what you're saying?


The criticism,

it bounces back on every announcement.



I guess that's kind of where our

responsibility, our meaning, you know,


all of the other old school people

that are still working for CrossFit,

you know,

people that have been through

these kinds of ups and downs.

You know,

I do think that that's part of

our responsibility

professionally is to let them know,

you know,

when things like this can happen

and what's to be expected.

Because yeah,

you can't be privy to all conversations,

especially if you haven't

been there in the past, right?

So I think that's the give and take.

If he's going to be an effective leader,

back to this theme of trust,

it's like the only way that

you can effectively lead is

if you have people under

you that are willing to

work with you and to help you.

Leadership isn't just a one-way street.

It's not a dictate, right?

And if it is,

it's probably not a very

healthy organization.

Yeah, I just,

I want to get to a place

where we're not cleaning up

messes and we're just moving forward.

And not that they're big messes,

it's just when they happen,

it's just frustrating,

especially when you're

embedded in this community

of people who react.

Yeah, it can get loud, that's for sure.


Well, let's move on from that.

I want to get to rule changes,

but real quick,

I just noticed in your background,

the alpaca trophy,

and there's two of them.

Did Roman give you both?

I got to say, I mean, what a sweetheart.

Yes, he did.

He won the one this year and

gave it to me on the field, and he said,

I had the other one with me

so that if I won them,

I was going to give them both to you.

I was like, oh, man, what a guy.

So, yeah, it was really sweet, actually.

At the end of the games this year,

a lot of the athletes had

put like – they took his

locker room sign off of the –

the changing, you know,

athlete area and they all

signed it and they got some

of the key staff to sign it as well.

And they presented it to him.

And then, uh, you know,

we had the spirit of the

games award obviously for him.

And then he had those for me

and we kind of like

exchanged signatures on some things.

Like I signed a spirit of

the games and he signed those for me.

So yeah,

it was a pretty cool moment for sure.

Oh, very cool.

so looking at some of the

changes for the season

we've now changed our

quarterfinals right so now

we're the top 25 percent

with that um so do you

think this is going to push

people beyond their limits

are we going to make it a

more doable thing for the group

A little bit of both.

I mean,

there will certainly be some things where,

I mean, look,

I'm like the perfect

candidate for somebody that

can skin of their teeth,

get into the quarterfinals

and knowing what I know and

doing what I do for, you know,

the competition.

you know,

am I going to be able to make it

through each one of those workouts and be,

you know, just cruising,

but just get beat by

somebody who's faster?

No, you know,

there's going to be some

things that are going to be

difficult and challenging for sure.

So what I've really put out

to our team and what's

really important to me that

we're looking at when it

gets to quarterfinals is, okay, you know,

we want everybody to be

able to get to the start

line and begin the race and

even if not everybody gets

to finish the race.

So if you're a

quarterfinalist and you qualify,

you'll be able to start,

you'll be able to get some

work under your belt,

but there's going to be

some instances where, yeah,

only the best are going to

take it all the way.

Before we move on, Wadzomi asks,

is that a hint that we'll

see Alpaca again this year?

You just have to wait and find out.

A three-peat, you never know.

Um, and, uh, Kenneth has a name for it.

The tribe.

I like it.

Um, so with the 25%,

that's a lot more people.

It was announced recently

that you are putting together a,

an online judging team to

help with review.

Can you briefly walk us

through what their responsibility is?

Is it final decision or just

like a sorting group to get

to the main judges?

Yeah, great question.

So this is something that is

not constant every year.

Like we always look at our

review plans and they're

always evolving based on a

number of factors, right?

How many days do we have to

resolve the leaderboard?

How many reviews can we

support within that time?

How many athletes do we have progressing?

How many people do we have available?

There's all sorts of

questions that go into structuring that.

But broadly,

the process for the person

working is relatively

similar year over year.

So if you're just a review

judge that's on that team,

you are not making final

decisions in most cases,

unless it's complete


what you are doing is making notes,

making sure that you are

accurately assessing what's

happening in front of you.

And if you believe that a

penalty needs to be levied,

then that's going to be put

up to the next layer of team lead.

And so then the team leads

will take a look and they'll, you know,

make a determination.

If they still can't make a determination,

then it gets pushed up to

one of our senior staff and

they can take a third look at it.

And regardless of the outcome, you know,

the athlete can always

appeal the decision and all

they have to do is contact

us and let us know.

There's a timeframe that

they have to do that.

And if that happens,

then that'll trigger

another review from a

separate person that has

not already been involved

in those initial reviews.

So all that to say,

I think the misconception,

because things happen,

there's no way for somebody

to have full visibility of

that process because of the

decentralized nature of it.

I think that leads people to

fill in the blanks.

with information that's not

correct sometimes, where it's like,

oh yeah,

I just have some judge firing off

a decision on me and it's

just some faceless person

that I'll never get to contact.

It's like, no,

the process is more involved than that.

And there's going to be

multiple people looking at

your video if a major penalty is levied.

So that's really important

for people to understand.

And also important for

people to understand that appeals process,

we take that really seriously.

And we do make sure that

it's not the same person

that was involved in any

step of that review along

the way that fields your

appeal so that it's a fresh pair of eyes.

They get to see it again in

the light of day.

And it does happen sometimes

where there's a disagreement.

The person that fields the

appeal looks at it and they say,

you know what?

Yeah, I think this judge was incorrect.

I think this was the wrong decision.

And it does get overturned.

So yeah.

Speaking of the judging,

this year's judging course, big fan.

Oh, good.

Thank you.

I thought it was great.

It was very comprehensive,

but it just flowed together

so much smoother than the years prior,

I think.

Yeah, credit to the team on that.

Dave Eubanks was a big

driver of that project this year.

And hats off to the team.

That was a big focus was, hey, you know,

we've heard feedback from

the judges course year over year.

And I think the most

frustrating thing about it

is having to retake some of

those sections again and again.

If you get the wrong question,

that can be pretty infuriating.

So how can we alleviate that?

It sounds like from a lot of

the feedback we've got that

we did a pretty good job

with that this year.

I think so for sure.

And just to finish up the online judging,

it's not just like you sign

up and you do it.

It's an application process.


These are people that have

done it in the past who

have a history of judging.

And so it's not just me and

Amy in there just picking who we like.




Yeah, there's a whole process.

And that's one of the things that, again,

it's a tough part of the

season because of the timing, right?


meaning the team resolving this


we're always at a bit of a

time disadvantage.

because the scores get

submitted the competition's

over everything's kind of

said and done and then it

takes us a long time to

sort through the volume of

video reviews and to do it

correctly meaning yeah it's

not just a judge making

decisions unilaterally and

there are multiple people

in this process yeah it

takes a long time and

that's why we have this uh

you know period where the

competition's over

But we still have that 10, you know,

sometime shorter,

depending on how quickly we

can through things,

period of time where the

results aren't final.

And I get that that's a

little unsatisfying because you're like,


the competition closed on Sunday or

whenever it was.

And it's now the next

Saturday and we still

haven't gotten final results.

What's the deal?


that's because we're taking the time

to go through it and, you know,

execute that process.

Sarah Cooper asks,

what are the red flags that

would trigger a review?

It depends on, I mean, there's several,

I mean,

there's the video submission

standards that are outlined

in the rule book.

So if those aren't followed, that's,

that's a red flag right out the gate.

You know,

there's obvious ones like not

doing the workout in the

right order or with the

right weights or with the

right rep scheme.

That's obvious stuff right away.

And then the more routine

stuff is just the movement

quality itself.

Are these repetitions being

done to standard?

You know, and if, if there's a,

a problem there,

then that's going to get

flagged and more people are

going to have to take a look.

So I want to move on to semis real quick.

And that is a couple of

things I really like and

one thing I really don't.

So I'm just going to be transparent.

Yeah, cool.

So semis, first of all,

back to the event organizers.

I love that.

These are people that do

this year over year over

year and are really good at what they do.

You have loud and live doing,

and these are just examples,

loud and live doing, uh,

the Carson semifinal.

You have the 12 labor's crew

doing syndicate crown.

Those guys are good at what

they're incredible.



why was that decision made just after

a year doing it?

We're like, we're done.

I mean, it really just comes down to,

you know, we have people that are,

as you pointed out,

they're skillful at what they do.

They've done it in the past.

They've got a track record

of being able to do these

things really well.

And then the reality of the

size of our team and, you know,

semifinals last year being

involved with the larger

semis that we hosted.

It was a big stretch for the team,

you know,

and there was a lot of impact on

that that we're like,

we had to take a hard look and say, okay,

is this something that we

can realistically support

year over year over year?

And getting back to the

thread that we talked about before, like,

do we need to commit to

doing this the same way?

And, you know,

after re-examining it and looking at it,

you know, a bunch of different ways,

that was the best outcome was to,

let's again,

tap into some of these people

that have a proven track

record of throwing great

events and have them run with it.

at the games dawn during a

press conference said,

you guys are really

financially stable during

the open and really

financially stable at the games.

It's the middle stuff.

And that seems where like

the most changes happened.

And so I love that he said that.

And now the actions taken

are matching that up.

But here's the one I don't like.

Yeah, give it to me.

The cuts in North America

and Europe from 60 to 40.

Yeah, fair enough.

I think that that's a fair criticism,

you know,

especially given the competitive depth.

Totally understand that argument.

I can see where people, you know,

they're going to have issue with that.

You know,

one of the things that Dave was

very big on was, OK,

we've got all these different stages.

Each stage is run a little

bit differently.

Even within each stage,

there's discrepancies from

region to region.

It just makes the whole

thing really hard to follow.

as a fan and, you know,

sometimes as an athlete.

And so one of the big

directions that he gave, you know,

at the end of last year was

we need to look at ways

that we can be more

consistent across the board.

You know,

so you know the number of qualifiers,

you know, the number of seats available.

et cetera, et cetera.

That transcends even to,

if we look at the

competition structure for quarterfinals,

the last couple of years

you had one competition

schedule for the teams and

one for the individual groups,

and they all had slight

variations to them.

This year it's like, no,

we're going to run them all

in a similar fashion.

They open on the same day of the week,

they close on the same day of the week.

There's about as routine

execution of that as possible.

And so we're really kind of

stemmed out of those conversations.

It's trying to make things

more consistent.

But I do understand that argument of like,


you have a lot of depth in these

regions and there's

athletes that were on the

bubble that they're not

gonna be there this year.

So I do understand that.


And we,

I mean,

this show really embraces the

semifinal athlete.

So I think that- And bubble athletes,


It really hits us hard that

that will be taken down a bit.

But you're going back to Carson for semis,

which I really dove in both

volunteering and then media

after you left Carson.

So I've never been.

Oh, wow.

So I'm super excited to finally get there.

But I have this question,

are we gonna have

consistent programming

throughout all the semis again?


So the semifinals will all

be the same program.


Now, obviously,

there's going to be venues

that have various footprints,

like the Carson Tennis

Stadium is a little bit of

a different size than, say,

maybe a convention center somewhere else.

So there may be minor

concessions given to each

region so that they can fit

it within the confines of their venue,

but the program will be the same.


Because in my head, I'm like,

how logistically are you going to be?

One, it's outdoor.


it's a different shape than like a

basketball court.

And so how are you going to

be able to pull that off?


And again, it's just looking at, you know,

the floor layouts may

change slightly from region

to region based on their

venue restrictions,

but the program itself is

going to be the same.


Sounds good.

And I'm excited.

That's going to be a blast.


and it's so cool that they're going back,

um, those West coast region athletes,

like that's going to be such a fun event.

I can't wait.

Corey says, in other words,

it'll be regionals.

Exactly, yeah.

That's one of the hidden

most difficult things of

running CrossFit Games season,

in my opinion.

That's always been one of

the hardest things.

Like the games,

you get to the games and

you literally have an army

of people that are willing

to make changes on the fly,

adjust as needed.

It's not to say it always goes perfectly,

but there's a willingness

to adapt and it's only one show.

And so if a change of plan happens,

sometimes people don't even

know because they didn't

know the original plan

until the updated plan was executed.


When you contrast that with

something like semis or regionals, man,

regionals were very,

very difficult to run

because the game was replication.

You've got, you know,

at one point we had like 12

different semi or regional events,

you know,

and we're running different

venues in different countries,

often in different time

zones with different layouts.

And we're trying to be as,

consistent as possible,

replicating that with different staff,

different volunteers, very,

very challenging thing to do.

And so that's always the

goal is to try to get it to

be as close across the board as you can.

But I think the more mature

approach is like understanding that, yes,

certain venues are going to

have certain limitations.

And that doesn't mean that

we have to try to force it

into the same box.

And the programming can

still remain the same.

It just looks maybe a little

bit different.

It's so funny you talk about

that because my first games

volunteer experience was

very different than regionals, right?

At the games, I was working North Park 17,

Strongman Sphere.

That changed like three

times before we ever took the floor.

And we're back in one of those barns,

like just practicing how to

load the equipment, get it ready.

And then there'd be a change

and we'd have to do it again.

um and you're right there's

just a super team of

volunteers and people all

willing to practice that

and do that on a moment's

notice yeah and again you

know contrast that in the

semifinals regionals um

kind of sphere any decision

like that has such a long

tail you know not only in

executing it on site but

trying to communicate to

the other regions so they can do the same

updating the documentation

so everybody's looking at the same thing.

There's a lot more involved

to try to get that many

people on the same page

across different areas than

it is to have to do it once.

Even if it is on a huge stage,

obviously the games,

doing it once is a different thing.

so we're going to get into

age groups now and Corey

says Scott tell Boz I said

thank you for making

Masters semifinals top 200

again so you're saying

there's a chance yeah right

on Corey go get them um you

did visits to the pit to

Legends um to wheel wad

yeah and I saw Heather at MFC even

What were your takeaways and

what were you trying to

achieve by making those visits,

knowing that they're going

to be split off and running

it for the first time?

Yeah, I mean,

really just wanted to show

some support to those event organizers.

I mean, it's not,

it's a little bit of hubris

to think you're gonna show

up and like help them out.

It's like, they know what they're doing.

That's why we've selected

them as events to take these divisions.

And so really it's like, hey,

if we're onsite and we can

connect the dots on some things,

or if they do wanna talk

and pick our brains about

ways that we approach things,

we were happy to do that.

And in some instances we did.

But really,

it was just about relationship

building and making sure

that they understand that, like, yeah,

we're taking this seriously

and they're really

important partners to us.

And so we're going to show up.

It was as simple as that.

What will your involvement

be with the programming there?

For each one of those events,

they are largely

responsible for their own programming,

but they're going to

soundboard off of us.

And we've already started

that process with a couple of them,

which is really fun.

And, uh,

from the initial conversations we have,

it sounds like it's fun

both ways because you know,

you don't always get to

have people with experience

that love to run events.

Uh, you know,

take a look at your stuff and,

and kind of go back and forth with it.

So, um,

so far it's been a really fun process.

at what point will they pick

up the programming during the season?

Because the Open is their qualifier,

just like it is for the elite athletes.



So if you think about,

Wheelwod's a little bit more unique.

They'll run their secondary

stage after the Open,

and it'll be mostly their program,

almost exclusively.

And then the games, they'll do that too.

We'll soundboard with them.

We'll help them review that

as much or as little as they'd like.

The age groupers for both Legends and Pit,

when we get to the semifinal stage,

so that's still online, that's the 200,

like Corey just mentioned,

that'll be a joint effort.

So the Legends and Pit...

They're going to take the first swing,

and then we'll kind of come

back and forth and craft it with them.

We're going to be doing the review on it,

so we want to make sure

that it's something that's

viable for online

competition and makes sense

in that format.

But they're going to take first swing.

And then, obviously,

when they get to the finals,

it'll be them generating

the program with our kind of overview.

this is my personal plea.

It's been my, my thorn in my side.


you guys do it so well and it makes it

so noticeable at other events.

People should always finish

opposite the chaos.

What do you mean by that?

So if at the end of the lane, I mean,

I like it as a statement,

but illustrate it for us.

Finish line.

right so and I've been

critical of legends and mfc

and and all of that because

a lot of times you can't

tell who's going for chalk

or who just finished yeah

because the chaos the chaos

of the workout is going on

in that same spot as the

finish line got it yeah so

rather than have they

should run down the floor

away from the chaos so you

can see who's finishing when

Well, I love that point.

And hopefully,

that's one of the things

that we can help them with

that's kind of adjacent to programming.

A floor layout, ultimately,

if the test makes a lot of

sense and it's appropriate

holistically when you look

at everything else that's going on,

The way it's laid out

probably shouldn't take

priority over some of these

other important factors,

but there's always ways to

approach things that a

fresh set of eyes can help out with.

Again, to Dave's credit,

I think that's something

he's always been very critical of is,

what's the race?

What does it look like to

try to follow this thing?

And so that's one of the

ways that we can help to

support these groups.

Even if we're not like

changing the program per se,

we can at least filter it

that way and say, okay, well,

what does it look like when

we actually have to spectate it?

How can we make that better,

even if the program isn't

really changing?

So here's the difficult question,

and I know you probably

don't have a lot that you can tell us,

but we don't know the dates

for Pit and Legends.

We don't know the location for Legends,

and I know that probably

wasn't your intent at this point.

Yeah, I mean, it's the... Oh, sorry,

I'll let you finish your question.

No, go ahead.

I'll let you answer that part.

Yeah, I was just going to say, I mean,

that's the large event...

difficulty you know like

securing a venue that makes

sense to the organization

financially that supports

the dates that are you know

reasonable from the last

qualifier uh that your

staff can attend that you

can you know have a good

confidence that you'll have

a volunteer pool available

You know, like,

that's not an easy thing to do.

And it's not a decision

that's that's taken lightly,

at least if you want to do it well.

So again,

it's like it's unsatisfying when

you have these divisions

that don't know exactly

where when their final is going to be.

Yeah, nobody wants that for sure.

But do I want the diligence

to be done so that the

right venue is selected for

the right reasons?


I'd rather that, as imperfect as that is,

that that's not a hasty

decision that's pressured by like, hey,

we need to know immediately.

It's like, no,

let's get to the best outcome first,

and then as soon as we know,

we can announce it.

So I had a talk with one of your coworkers

that said that something

that's exciting them is

that you guys are talking

in blocks of years future

wise as opposed to year to

year so my question about

what's happened with these

dates is are we putting

systems in place so that

we're not dealing with this

year after year

That's the hope.

And that's across the board.

So I think we have to recognize, excuse me,

that the decision to have

these events take on some

of the divisional finals,

it happened pretty quickly.

And we were right before

2024 when everything was

getting finalized.

That's not a lot of time for

an event planning cycle to

secure a venue and to have

all that ready to go.

So yes,

I think now that this is an

established path forward

and we haven't run it yet,

so I'm speculating a little bit.

I think it's going to be a great outcome.

I think it's going to be the

right thing for those divisions.

And so all that being said, yes,

it allows us to be earlier

with all of these types of

decisions in future years.

So I have two good questions

from the crowd.

First one is Wadzombie.

Will there be any changes to

media access for the game

season this year?

Less restrictions, more restrictions?

That's a great question.

I don't have a good answer

yet because we're still

sorting through a lot of that.

So I don't know.

I got to plead the fifth.

Sorry, man.

Clydesdale gets everything.

Everybody else.



Special access for Scott

because he invited me on

and we'll figure the rest

of you guys out later.

Carolyn Prevost.

Hi, Boz.

Hey, what's up?

Just getting on here right now,

wondering if you guys

talked about putting age

group events in adaptive

divisions prior to the

games to showcase it during

commercials or between events.

Yeah, I love that idea.

And no, we hadn't talked about it.

Those event organizers have

looked at dates on both ends of things.

And internally,

we think that either way is

a win for exactly the

reasons that you just mentioned.

It's like if they go earlier

than the individuals and teams, well,


We'll have things to talk

about with those divisions.

And if they go later, well, then great.

They get the entire spotlight.

And we can really hype up

during the games that, hey,

there's more to come.

So either way,

I think it's going to be a good look.


that's all the grilling I have for

you today.

Oh, man, that's it?



What part of the season do

you get most excited for?

Man, that's a good question.

I'd like if I had to pick one,

which that's the question.

The games, for sure.

There's just nothing like it.

And we've been in so many

situations with the games

over the years where it's like, man,

can we even pull this off?

And then we do, and I don't know,

there's something about the

games that's really special.

So if I had to pick one, that's it.

But every stage has its own

really cool aspect to it, in my opinion.

The open is the open.

I love the open.

What's to be said about that?

Just getting that many

people fired up about this

fringe thing I think is so cool.

Quarterfinals is where you

really start to get to see

people separate.

And to me,

that's always fun where you're like, hey,

I do CrossFit and you do CrossFit,

but wait a minute.

maybe you're doing something

a little bit different.

There's levels that start to

emerge at that stage.

And then the semis is just

kind of a continuation of that.

I think the live format

can't be beat in my opinion.

So like getting to that where you're like,

all right,

now we get to see these people

away from their comfortable

training environment,

away from their routine.

How does that play out?

What does it look like when

you get these people all in

the same room competing on

the same floor?

That's really great.

Then culminating in the games is awesome.

So you brought up levels.

So speaking of levels,

are we doing anything with these levels?

We're going to run the same

basic program that we have run.

Meaning, yes,

you'll get a level out of the open.

If you're at that level

where you're moving to the quarters,

you'll be able to refine

your level at quarters.

And we don't have a huge

expansion on that for this season.

But again, we're looking at hopefully...

back to the point about years out,

that this will be something

that we can continue to

slowly evolve over time to the point that

it trickles down into the community,

even with events that maybe

aren't directly tied to us.

Because I do think that

there's a need for local

events to just have a

better handle of who

they're putting these events on for.

I've heard it at the local

level many times where you

have somebody who's like, man,

I was really excited to

compete until so-and-so

showed up and they just

blew everybody out of the water.

And it kind of dampened the effect,

knowing that we're not

really playing the same game.



I think there's lots to be done there

with that system.

We just haven't been able to

prioritize that yet.

Still developing.


That's what Amy used to do all the time.

She'd show up at

competitions and crush everybody,

take all the prize money, all the fit aid,

walk away.

Love it.

Yeah, she's ruthless that way.

Hey, man, somebody's got to do it, right?

That's right.

It's tough winning all the time.

Until they get a better handle on it,

I'm going to keep showing up.


hopefully we get to see Roe vs. Boz

again this year in some form or fashion.

It'd be awesome to see it live again.

Oh, man.

You're giving me all sorts

of anxiety just thinking about that.

Apparently, that's my job this show.

Nobody gets the games.

Roe vs. Boz live.


No, I'll recover.

It'll be all right.


I want to thank you so much for being

on and answering our questions.

I look forward to seeing you

out on the road as we get

through the season this year.

I can't wait to get back to

to get to go to Carson for

the first time ever.

Yeah, absolutely.

Thank you guys for having me.

I really appreciate it and

appreciate what you guys do.

You know, to anybody out there listening,

hopefully you'll see some

of these events and come

say hi if you're there.


Wadzombie said you ignored him last

year at Semis, and he expects more.

I saw that on some,

I can't remember where he

made that comment,

and I don't recall that.

So it was an unintentional snubbing,

if that was the case.

All right.

Well, we'll let you go, Boz.

Have a great time.

Stay away from the vinyl shops,

because I'm already

spending enough money for both of us.

Just a little, just a little bit.

We'll catch everybody next

time on the Clydesdale Media Podcast.

Bye, guys.