Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, September 12th, 2024 / Medical clowns are helping kids, a janitor got a shiny new jeep, Chantel gets the teen nod of approval on her fit, two people sitting on the same side of a booth is weird, Chantel’s dad is Sherlock Holmes, high schoolers are wearing little kid backpacks, so many different kinds of french fries, and Josh really wants to fly on Singapore Airlines. 

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Thursday, September 12th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Medical clowns are helping kids, a janitor got a shiny new jeep, Chantel gets the teen nod of approval on her fit, two people sitting on the same side of a booth is weird, Chantel’s dad is Sherlock Holmes, high schoolers are wearing little kid backpacks, so many different kinds of french fries, and Josh really wants to fly on Singapore Airlines.

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. What day is it? It's Thursday, September 12th. On today's show, medical clowns are helping kids, a janitor got a shiny new Jeep, I get the t nod of approval on my fit. 2 people sitting on the same side of a booth is weird.

My dad is Sherlock Holmes. High schoolers are wearing little kid backpacks, so many different kinds of french fries, and Josh really wants to fly on Singapore Airlines. They have beds instead of chairs. Come on. Thanks for listening.

You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy the show. It's an exciting day today here on Thursday. It is, what, the 12th September?

It is. Yeah. Today is National Video Games Day. Hey. So I figure you probably wanna spend some time playing your video game.

Is that fair? No. You don't wanna celebrate? No. Oh.

Had enough. No. I don't think you have. It's also programmers' day. So these are, you know, the people that help the technological world run.

Video game programmers, software engineers, website coders Cool. Programmers, computer software people. Let's see. It's school picture day. Some of the schools already had school picture But today is national school picture day.

Yeah. What grade did you have the worst school picture in? It was off. 7th. 7th grade for me.

I had a lot of bad picture years. 5th grade. Yeah. Probably 5th grade. 5th grade was my worst.

Hands down. I don't know what was going on with that picture. If that picture never existed ever again in my vision, I'd be fine. Post it? Absolutely not.

Woah, Josh. It's so bad. Today is are you okay day. Are you okay? I'm okay, I think.

But extending genuine care, ensuring well-being, and fostering connections through thoughtful moments of empathy and support are important today. Are you okay, day? You didn't ask me if I was okay. I just assumed. Are you okay?

Don't assume. Well, I was okay. Are you okay? No. I'm tired.

Well, that's I yeah. I know. World Dolphin Day. They're great. Yes.

Kinda mean sometimes. Chocolate milkshake day Oh. And also gym day. Go to the gym. No.

No. No. And police woman day. Hey. Yes.

Good for them. Isn't that great? Yes. That's what's going on. Fantastic.

Yeah. Happy Thursday, September They put time out. They put video game day and gym day on the same day. Yeah. It's brisk.

Why? You can you can you can do both. You go to the gym and play video game. You could do both. You're right.

It's just time. You know? Okay. Alright. Well, get that get that yong going.

Good morning. How much do you love ZZ Top? I mean, I could I could do with or without them. Okay. Is there a band that you love so much that you would go to see every show that they've done?

Wow. That's hard to say. I don't know off the top of my head if there's a band. I'd be like, yeah. I have see this, and I will follow them around and watch every show.

Like, there are bands I've seen multiple times. Yeah. There's, like, you know, a band I've seen 4 or 5 times. Your favorite band, we've seen 4 or 5 times. So I'm thinking, the when they come around, I like to seize the opportunity, but to actually travel around and do the thing and go see them everywhere.

I That's a lot. Yeah. It's a lot. And after your time, sometimes even our favorite bands, they play the same stuff, and it's great. That's true.

Love those songs, but then you're like, they never play the one that I want. Right. They never play this one Or they never play this one? There were people I mean, Deadheads. Right?

The Grateful Dead fans that would travel as a convoy with the band everywhere. Yeah. I just don't have the I got a job to do. So there is an Ohio man who paid a $100 for a lifetime membership to the ZZ Top fan club back in 1984. You paid how much?

$100. Okay. This it was a pretty incredible value, it turns out, because he received because of this, he received a satin tour jacket Wow. Bumper stickers and a signed poster. He still has all of these items that he received back in 1984, but he also gets to go to every show he wants to for free.

It's still happening. He said every time he shows up, there's tickets there. And he always expects there to not be tickets, but he goes, every time I go to see him, there's tickets. I wonder how many other people bought this deal because he's the only guy. Look.

For a $100 I know. That's a steal. I know. He is 61 years old. His name is Mike.

He is 61 years old. He says, as long as I have these benefits and I'm still rocking, I'm still gonna go see him. And he's still rocking. And he ZZ Top just came here not too long ago. Long ago.

Yeah. You're right. If Mike traveled from Ohio to see them here. I don't know. Or if he only goes to see them in his state.

Satin Mike. Satin Mike. Yeah. Leggy Mike. He's got legs.

Oh, I see. He knows how to use them. Alright. Good good job. Thank you.

How do you feel about clowns? I don't know. They're fine. They can exist. I don't necessarily like when they're around.

Like, if there was just a clown in the room right now just trying to be a clown, I'd be like, I don't know why you're here. Well, that would be weird situation for a clown, wouldn't it? Yeah. I don't mind clowns. I know a lot of people get freaked out by clowns.

I'm not afraid of clowns. Yeah. I don't have a fear by any means. Do like to go to spooky houses and and haunted forests and stuff. I like to do that stuff.

There was one that the kids and I went to a couple years ago, and there was a clown in the, like, haunted forest section of it. Yeah. And the kids are a little bit spooked, and I was like, that's clowns. I'm not scared. It's just clowns.

Was one clown who had, like, the best creepy laugh, and I was like, we gotta get out of here. Okay. His laugh was so good. And then because, like, we took off running, Emery and I did, we took off running, and you could still hear his laugh behind us. I don't know if he was chasing us.

That's fantastic. That's a good actor. It was great. Kids, they found that kids leave hospitals faster when there is a clown there to make them laugh. It really is just laughter.

Okay. Clowns have the ability to make kids laugh. You say the clown? Clown. So you're saying that they leave faster because they're trying to get away from the clown?

No. No. No. You're saying that laughter is the best medicine. Yes.

I see. But and clowns for kids, they do silly things. They squirt themselves with their flowers, trip over their big shoes. Okay. Yeah.

They just do goofy. Nose. They're just goofy. Yeah. Clowns are just goof.

And so that raises spirits and so the kids start feeling better. I get you. So they found that kids hospitalized with pneumonia were able to go home 43 and a half hours in the hospital sooner. Sooner Yeah. Than kids who didn't have a clown there to make them laugh.

Well, get a clown. Or somebody. Like, somebody to make you laugh, but a clown is probably the easiest way to get kids to laugh. That's least common denominator. We need laughs.

Or magician. They are like, well, bring in a lawyer. Yeah. Ew. Yeah.

We need some good laughs. These are called these hospital clowns are called medical clowns, which I come up with a different term maybe. I'm a medical clown. Yeah. We could met some of those guys.

Let's come up with something better. You're a you're a you're a medical clown. They're like, this is how much you owe. And I go, you're a medical clown. What a goop.

Yeah. Come on. James Madison High School is in Virginia. Uh-huh. There's a beloved custodian there named Francis.

Yes. Francis. He got the surprise of a lifetime, Francis did. Francis has become a cherished part of the school community as the custodian sometimes does. Yeah.

I know in our kids' elementary school, the custodian, they all said hi, and they They loved it too. It it was it was like a big deal. When I was a kid, I loved I couldn't tell you his name now, but I loved my custodian when I was in elementary school. I don't remember a single one, and I feel really bad about that. Feel bad about that.

I just don't know that I ever interacted. Rude. I don't know that I had an opportunity to interact. But, all of that aside, Francis has become a cherished part of the school community thanks to his kindness and friendliness. So on his birthday, a group of freshman students, this is again at James Madison High School in Virginia, They wanted to honor Francis for the impact that he's had on their lives.

So the students raised through GoFundMe over $20,000, and they gave Francis a candy red Jeep Wrangler. Uh-huh. Mhmm. Did he need a new car? Was there a need for I I think there would have to be.

Right? When he saw the car, tears of joy streamed down his face, and he said, I don't believe this is happening in my life. He fell to the ground in disbelief, overwhelmed with, gratitude. The students were thrilled that Francis was getting the special gift. Realizing it was well deserved, one of the students says he's more than a custodian.

He's a friend to us. His kindness is contagious, and we said, let's get him a Jeep Wrangler. Aw. And they made it happen. That's cool.

For $20,000? Well, they were able to to raise that $20,000, yeah, and then make it happen tomorrow. Do a little negotiating, or did they buy a lemon? No. It looks like they got a good car.

Okay. Because no. I think that would be awful to buy him a car and then Yeah. I'll look into the Jeep. It's a good looking Jeep.

Here's the thing about real nice. A car that you give somebody, then he then you go I mean, it's a nice gift. I'm not trying to dissuade the the nice gesture. But Sure. Then they're like, k.

You gotta go get it licensed and registered, bud. Well, right. Yeah. Yeah. Here it is.

I mean, you got a little bit of stuff you gotta take care of. But here's the car. Yeah. You gotta do the insurance. You gotta do the stuff.

You got some work to do. Yeah. But, anyway, kinda cool. Yeah. That's great.

That's going on. That's, that's good news to get you going. I came home from work yesterday, and Emery says, you look really cute today, mom. She goes, it kinda looks like you're wearing my clothes. You got good drip today.

And I went, oh. Yeah. That's that's a that's like a That's like the highest form of compliment Yeah. For your teenage daughter to say, you look cute today. You go, oh.

But, also, you look cute because you look like you're wearing clothes I wear. Yeah. Not your style looks good on you. Yeah. My style looks good on you.

She normally says that I have mom drip Yeah. Which is not wrong. I do. I dress like mom. Mom.

I like cardigans because it gets chilly. You're wearing one now. And she makes fun of my cardigans. She'll come around. To a cardigan life?

Cardigans are so nice. Because remember, in the cycle of fashion, flannels Yeah. And then Cardigans. Well, she that's what I was wearing yesterday was not necessarily a flannel, but it was a, yeah, I had that look. It was a more of a plaid than a flannel, which is the same z's.

And, that was just over the top of, like, a T shirt thing? I had a T shirt Yeah. And then a plaid over shirt and then jeans. That's it. That's all I was wearing.

And then she was like, this looks good. Yeah. Yeah. What did you go? Mom.

Because they weren't capris. No. She hates capris. And she hates flip flops. Capris, flip flops, and cardigans.

You should wear that. I should wear that. Like, what do you think? What do you think? What do you think?

Fashion show. And she'll, be really grossed out. She'll lose her mind. Yeah. I have all of those items.

No. I know you do. You just gotta put them together. I am going to put them together. Mega outfit.

Tonight. Alright. On. You know, like, look at this. What do you think?

I'm gonna wear this to work tomorrow. How do you think? And she's gonna go, ugh. Yeah. She's gonna go.

Yeah. But for yesterday, big thumbs up on the winner. Me. Yeah. Yeah.

That's a big deal. Gotten 2 compliments this week from her. Wow. Trip was good yesterday Yes. And the sandwich I made for her was fire.

Look at you go. Killing it as a mom this week. Bro? Bro. You can't even No.

You're right. I can't. Found out our daughter has a new ick or maybe not new, but we've just found out about it. And, we were at dinner last night, and we found out that she thinks it's strange when there is a booth and only 2 people seated at the booth, and they're sitting on the same side. Same side of the booth.

She thinks that's weird. And you and I were sitting on the same side of the booth across from her. She was fine with that, but she was not fine with just 2 people and no one on the other side of the table. And she was like, that's gotta be uncomfortable. How do you even have a conversation?

How do you talk to people? She's like dissecting it like it's weird, and she's like, ugh. And then you, decided to tell her that it's usually me who sits down, side by side with you if we were On a date. On a date or something. Before where I'm like, let's sit across from each other, and you're like, no.

Let's sit side by side. And I I kind of agree with her. It's a little odd to sit side by side. So when you do that, I don't complain because I you do you, but I'm also like, interesting choice. I don't know that I have actively been like, I'm gonna sit next to you when we're it's just you and I.

I'm trying to think of an example of when is the last time that happened. It's been a while, but it's happened before. Feel like, you know, like, our Friday, after work date thing, where we would meet up somewhere and and whatever. I would always sit across from you. No.

You sat you sat beside me before at those. I've sat beside you when we're waiting for other people to arrive? No. You're gonna be sitting on the other side. It was just you and I, and you've sat beside me before.

No. It's happened before. Again, I don't it's not a big deal. I but I don't remember a time when it happened. That's not my first choice, but it I don't mind.

It's fine. I also always let you you take the inside of the booth. What if I scoot inside first? That's fine. Do that.

I would like it if you did that. I've no. I don't like sitting on the inside. I know you don't. That's why I take one for the team.

Do you not like sitting inside the booth? No. Because then you have to scoot your way out, and that is awkward. Nobody looks good scooting out of a booth. And then if I have to go to the restroom, then I have to make everybody get out so that I can go to the restroom.

Yeah. It's a I don't like sitting on the inside of the booth, but I take one for the team. Do you think there's a reason that restaurants do the big booths? Like, when they do, like, a like, an 8 person booth or or more, and you get, you know, 4, 5, 6 people on one side and the same on the other side, And that's really awkward because then you're like, I gotta move 3 or 4 people. Get really out of here.

Right. Why do they do that? I don't know. Oh, well, I think the booths save space. No.

Not really. Here's what a booth does. A booth the only thing a booth does that that a chair in Tables doesn't, you have to scoot chairs back to get in and out of them. Yeah. So you have to probably have a little more room for a chair to move back.

Do you see? I see. Where a booth is stationary Right. And you slide in And you can put you can put one wall. Yeah.

You can put booth back to back. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Right. Where chairs, you can't. So that's probably I'm not in the restaurant biz. So I'm I'm not sure their methods.

If only we knew someone who knows a lot about restaurant booths. We do. I know. Your brother-in-law knows a lot about restaurant booths. But that being said, I prefer a chair.

So if we go to a restaurant, they're like, you want a table or a booth? I always would say table, but I never am the first to speak up. Oh, I prefer a this is gonna be really weird. I prefer a booth, but I don't love scooting out of the booth. Why do you prefer the booth?

Protected for some reason. Protected from what? I don't know. Your meal? What are you protected from?

I feel like if I'm in a table, I'm more exposed. To what? I don't know. I don't I don't know. Okay.

I like a booth, and I actually don't mind sitting on the inside until I have to leave. And then I go, ugh, here I go climbing out. You had to we were at a booth the other day, and I put my feet both feet pull you. And you just pulled me out because I can't. You were stuck in the booth.

We shoulda had a table. They didn't have any tables. I know. You didn't even have that option. I know.

But the what I'm saying is we we need to probably have a table instead of a booth, and then, you can find one that backs up to a wall. I'll say, do you have a do you have a table that's got a wall right behind 1 chair? Well, sometimes there's booths and chairs. They do have, like, tables at some restaurants where there's a table, a booth on one side, chairs on the other. So then we both win.

Right. I prefer that. The best the best situation, the best setup would be a table, 2 freestanding chairs, and a booth with open ends so that you're not inside. I see. You can exit the booth.

Floating island booth. Yeah. Mhmm. Well, I think we need to ask the question, booth or table. What's the preference?

So we'll put that I'll put that in the community here in a second. Yeah. Yeah. It's gonna be booth or table. I'm taking table.

Table, but you never get to speak first. I just don't because I'm I it doesn't matter enough to me. And so if somebody wants to go, oh, yeah. We'll have a booth. Fine.

I'll I'm gonna sit down and eat. I don't care. Yeah. I'm gonna sit down and eat. But if I go by myself or whatever, yeah, table.

When have you ever gone by yourself? Like, when I go to, like, eat lunch or whatever, I don't scoot in a booth by myself. I'll go sit at a table. You don't wanna take a whole booth to yourself. Well, they make some of those, like, 2 person booths where they're just small.

Yeah. I'll go sit at a table. Okay. Okay. Good for you.

Yeah. It is good for me. Classy 97 community on Facebook if you wanna chime in booth Booth or table. Table. I need to know who I need to talk to at restaurants since we're on this kick about the lighting because I need more, and I'm not getting it.

You provided your own, so good job. And it's frustrating that I have to do that. Why is it so dim all the time in the restaurant? Because they're trying to keep some kind of cool ambiance, but then they hand you this menu, and it's impossible to read. We went out last night because we had some celebrating to do.

Yeah. And we got some good news, so we went out. And we were the 2 oldest fuddy duddies in that place Apparently. You had to turn on your flashlight to see your menu. It's too dark.

I had to take a picture of the menu so that I could blow it up so knew what you were gonna eat before you walked in. I did, but I was like, maybe I'll try something new. And I went No. You've not. These words are too small.

And it was really because it's dark. It was dark. No. I didn't have a problem with the lighting. My problem was that the words were too small.

It was too dark. I had to hold the menu far away, and then I had to, like, zoom in. I was like, where's my magnifying glass? Feel like we're old fuddy duddies. We really are.

Emery was horrified to be out with 2 old people. She didn't like that I used my flashlight. Like, the when I turned it on, immediately, she was like, no. Stop it. She does not like attention being drawn on herself.

We should have both turned them on and went, made it look like a dance party at our table. She would have been really embarrassed. My dad used to carry a magnifying glass in his pocket. Was he Sherlock Holmes? Well, that's trying to solve the crimes?

Always because he had very bad eyesight. And so he He's looking for clues? He didn't have a smartphone to blow up his words. You see what I'm saying? So he used to have to he would pull out his magnify from his shirt pocket, and he would look at it.

And then he would do Was it a round one with a handle? Yes. That's amazing. I'm on the case. Plus, this was back in the day where you could get you could either take your newspaper or the restaurant would have a newspaper there.

Yeah. And he would sit if and we didn't go out to eat very often. But This sounds like one of those we went to the the smoky breakfast place. Yes. And, and he was gonna order the same thing as he always did, but he just wanted to check it out.

And so he he pulled up that and they've got that big menu that was, like, leather bound with the little metal corners that you have to open, and he's looking at it. Those were well lit places. A breakfast place has good lighting. He he would take the newspaper and get a newspaper from the restaurant, and he would get out his magnifying glass and work on the crossword puzzles. Oh.

That's what he would do. On the on the restaurant's copy of the newspaper? Yeah. Sometimes. Oh, okay.

Is that something you do? Sometimes he would take his own newspaper. Is that a faux pas? I don't know. To do the, communal copies puzzles?

I'm just sitting here waiting for my flapjack stack. Get out my Might as well. Magnifying glass so I can see these words. Find a 7 word for I don't know. I can't really read it.

Hold on. Let me get my Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass. He would put it handle up so that he could grab it, and then That's convenient. So he just that's smart. Yeah.

It's smarter to have handle up because the bulk of it is heavier and would be in the pocket. If you put it handle down, it could fall out. Of his pocket? Yeah. How would it fall out?

Oh, if you lean forward too much? Oh, I see. And if the heavy weight of the optical part of the, mic, my Plus also the magnifying glass would fall out. If it's what did you say? If it's handled down and you have to go and grab it from, like Yeah.

You get fingerprints on it. Yeah. You're gonna I see what you're saying. Dirty it all up. Yeah.

Because, you know, greasy foods. We have so many conveniences with our Yeah. Phones. Don't we? Yes.

So many. Built in magnifier, built in flashlight, making life easier for these old people. 1 Old fucking one nap at a time. Yep. Emery's been taking these quizzes, BuzzFeed quizzes.

K. So it's like, tell us your favorite movie, and we'll tell you what type of french fry is your favorite. Yeah. That's the one that we did yesterday. Yeah.

What was your favorite type of french fry? It was Did they determine No. They didn't determine my favorite kind of french fry. They determined what they believed to be my favorite kind of french fry, and they were wrong. Did they what did you get?

You got crinkle cut. I got crinkle cut. Worse kind of french fry. But it's not bad, but that's the kind of french fry that you get from the grocery store in a frozen bag that you throw in the oven and wish that you had real fries. There's a lot of people that love like, that's my mom's favorite type of french fry.

Crinkle cut? Yeah. She loves that kind of dense. I agree. If I'm gonna have that much potato, I'll have a potato wedge.

Okay. That's fair. Better Agreed. Than a crinkle cut. Totally agree with you.

But it's that same density of potato. Mine said on my test, it said that I would my favorite type of French fry is a shoestring, which is wrong. You like curly fries? I do like curly fries. That's probably my favorite.

Or just a regular straight fry, but they've gotta be crispy. It's gotta be a Which is a shoestring fry. You just like them crispier than more potato. But a shoestring is, like, little. Aren't those those little ones?

Like, the tiny skinny ones? I don't like the skinny skinny skinny ones. Types? I couldn't think of more types of French fries. Yeah.

Yeah. Okay. Here we go. I'm looking at a picture. K.

Okay. Standard cut is, is like the your regular alright. We're gonna have to put these down by kinda by a restaurant. Who does the standard cut? That's more like a Burger King fry.

Burger King kinda does a standard cut fry. Okay. I would say a natural cut fry is gonna be like a McDonald's fry. Okay. So that's a little skinnier than a standard cut.

Right? You feel me? I do. Then you get, like, a steak fry or chips, which is the ones that come with fish and chips Okay. Which is which is kind of between your standard cut and a and a, potato wings.

Hate. I don't hate the steak fry. You don't? No. I feel like they're always a little too soggy.

They have to be, yeah, they have to be a little bit crispier. Yeah. I agree with you there. And then you've got your curly fries, which you love. Curly fries.

They love Here's the thing about the curly fries. I like, you know, the little tight coil ones, the little pigtail looking ones? Yeah. Those are my least favorite. Really?

Yeah. I like the ones that are a bigger loop that I can break some fry off of. Oh, I just I like all curly fry. And then you've got shoestring, which, yeah, is gonna be real small. You're right.

And I don't care for those. It's they're real skinny. Then waffle fries. No. You don't like waffle fries.

Bottom bottom bottom of the list. Waffle fries. Yeah. You don't like that? Nope.

Then you've got crinkle cut No. Which we talked about. Step barely a step by walk on fries. Lunch fries. That's what that's what you those are school lunch fries.

Crinkle cut. And they've been in the oven for 4 seconds. They're like, that'll do. Yeah. Are they limp?

Flash fries. Yeah. There's still a limp Yeah. Pull them out. Yeah.

Let's go. And then you can do this with it. Yep. Yeah. They're rubbery.

They're lobbly. K. Then you get into, like, a sweet potato fry Yes. Which those are not bad. Tater tots, I love tater tots so much.

But my complaint about tater tots is the same as as the crinkle cut. They're never crispy enough for my taste. I like a tater tots, but they never cook them properly. They're never cooked properly. Ever?

When we make them at home, they are. That's what you like. I like them crispier than I make them at home. Well, yeah, I do too. But k.

At home is the best we've had because they're crispy. They're yeah. They're undercooked always. Then you have, what are called cottage fries. I don't know what a cottage fries.

They look they look like, like a pickle. I've never even had one of those. They're kinda round, but they have a wavy in them like a potato chip. Then potato wedges, we talked about. And then, there's some specialty things like, garlic fries, cheese fries, malt vinegar, which is gonna be the stuff you put on your chips with your fish.

Mhmm. And then you have stuff like the potato tornado, which is the potato on a stick that you can get at the fair. Yeah. Let's see. That's pretty much it.

That's pretty much it. That's pretty much it from what I can tell. So out of all of that, curly fries your fave. Yeah. Yep.

Followed by a standard cut, but crispy. A crispy standard cut. Yep. Okay. And then a tater tots.

Tater tots number 1. Crispy. And then I would take waffle fries number 2. Really? Yeah.

That is the bottom of my list. Well and now we know. We drive separately to work, and you have a big truck, and I have a small car. Yes. And from now on, you're going to have to be in front.

Were my lights bright in your rearview mirror? Too bright. Not only in my rearview mirror, but in my side mirror as well. I had to flip my rearview mirror up and also hold my hand on my side mirror so that I you were blinding me like crazy this morning. I didn't care for it.

So I I wanna do a test because I have adjustable headlights. Okay. So I'd like to I'd like to, put the cars in that position again, and see if the adjustment makes that better. Because I don't wanna be the guy who everybody, has behind them that they go, come on, dude. Yeah.

And I don't I like, these are just the lights that are on my truck. I didn't put in fancy, crazy bright lights. They're very bright. You also drive more towards the the lines, and I drive more toward the middle. So your side mirror was real lined up.

Oh, my side mirror was real lined up with your headlights. Yeah. And I went, bro, you gotta either pass me and get in front of me or move to the middle so you're not in that area. I have them I think I have them all the way up right now, and I know they can go down. I don't know if that's better.

But that's what we'll have to look and see. Because I'm not opposed to adjusting them so that I'm not blinding you and or anyone else. Just be in front. That's not the well, I would prefer to be in front of everybody, but that's not always the the way it works. That's not always the way it works.

Love to have no one in front of me and just be able to go, and everybody else can just do their thing behind me. Wouldn't that be lovely? Would be so good. If every road I was on, no one was in front of me and everybody else was just doing their thing behind me, What a glorious drive. Oh, one can only dream.

I was saying a lot of bad things about your lights this morning. Rude, but you didn't say anything to me until now. Because I was saving it, to tell you just now. But you could've you I was saving it. You could've, called me on your on your car phone thing, on your Bluetooth, and said, hey.

You could maybe not blind me. That'd be great. Maybe you could drive in front of me. How about that? Yeah.

Well and, normally, I'd be, like, you know, out of the way. But, you were behind me in the driveway, so you left before me. So, therefore, I was behind me. I know. But, normally, you do even if I am behind you in the driveway, you'll end up passing me and be in front.

Well, today, I was just being nice. You're being kinda slow today. Normally, you're much faster than Just tired. I know. I was so tired this morning that I didn't even turn on my radio until You just sat in silence?

Sat in silence. How very Josh Tielor of you. And just, like, thought about going back to sleep. I was like That's what I do. I like to listen to just the the noise of the day.

That's I normally tune all that out. And I turn my music up loud, and I sing along, and I go, alright. Let's wake up. Let's be perky. Nah.

That's what today. I I I take my time. I'm a little quiet, or I I listen to some news headlines, depending on what I'm doing. And then I get into the studio, and then I'm like, alright. Get things situated.

Now I'm ready to rock. And then we open up the mics, and here we go. It would be interesting. Maybe we should do this one time where I film my car ride. Yeah.

You film your car ride. Yeah. We can totally do that. Merge them together and see what different experiences. Personally are.

You're out there. Yeah. And I'm like, Not today. Today went. Yeah.

You're having you're having a Josh Tielor ride. I was quiet, but also, like, quietly yelling at you. About my bright headlights. Yep. Yeah.

Well Get in front. Go faster. We celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary this July. Yeah. Did you ever thinking back, looking back, did you ever when we were getting close to getting married and walking down that aisle, did you ever feel like you had cold feet?

Like, you didn't wanna go through with it. You just couldn't do it. I'm glad you specified because I was so ready to make a terrible joke about, no. I wear good socks, and I, keep my feet dry. So, no, I have not had cold feet.

That was really the joke I wanted to land, but then you you jumped in with an explanation before I got the chance to make a joke about wool socks. So I'm kinda depressed about it a little bit. You're sad that I couldn't let you make your dumb dad joke. Yeah. A little bit.

I'm not. I was real excited about, about being able to jump in there with the cold feet joke. Well, ruined. Yeah. Sorry.

So as far as, leading up to the wedding, no. I certainly did not feel, like, like, am I making the right decision? No. You Oh. You never for once was like, she's she's a lot.

Maybe I'm Since then May maybe. But cold feet prior to, no. Okay. Maybe I should think about this more. I haven't done enough pondering.

Yeah. Now it's like, boy, did I make the right decision? Not it's not am I making the right decision in the moment? That was a no brainer. I knew I was what I was doing.

But now I'm like, I don't know what I've done. 19 years in, you're like No. Are you kidding me? No. It's great.

Everything's awesome. There is a professional wedding destroyer is his job title. And what he does he's from Spain, and what he does is show up he gets paid by brides and grooms with cold feet. He's paid to show up and object to the wedding ceremony. So when they say if there's anybody who has anything to say, speak now, that that he jumps in and he goes, yeah.

I got something to say about this. What a crazy job he has made for himself. I know. I object. And then but then don't you have to explain yourself, or can you just say I object and then the wedding's off?

Here's what he does. So he his ad says this is his ad. If you have doubts or don't wanna get married and don't know how to refuse, don't worry anymore. I'll object to your wedding. You just need to tell me the time, place, and date.

Wow. He'll show up, and he'll wait until the officiant asks if anyone objects. Then he pretends he's an old boyfriend, and then K. And the bride runs off with him. So she's in on the plan.

So I guess this is mostly for brides who have cold feet. And he's like, I object. Me and Allison have had a flu for years. And she's like, you're right. I love you.

Oh, boy. And they run off. He says, shocker, it doesn't always go well. No. Just think People at the wedding tend to get upset as you would expect, and there's an extra $50 fee for every slap that he receives.

So there's a physical this job is very physically demanding. Yeah. I bet. I wonder it doesn't tell me how how much he charges initially or how many jobs he gets. I don't know if this is, like, a sustainable career.

Okay. Here's the thing. I I was really curious about this. I had to look this up. No.

Asking for objections at a wedding is not required. Really? Really? It is often omitted from modern ceremonies. The tradition of asking for objections has become obsolete due to the ease of accessing legal records.

Most of the legal aspects of a marriage are established when the couple applies for their marriage license long aspects of a marriage are established when the couple applies for their marriage license long before the wedding. Okay. Time out. Time out. Time out.

When we got married I'm trying to think because we, we wrote our we wrote our ceremony Yeah. With the help of our friend who was our officiant. Mhmm. Did he say that? I don't think we said that.

I don't know. I don't think we said that. There there are some different religions and churches and stuff where the officiant will include it as a tradition automatically. So if it was something that you do want to exclude from your ceremony, you would have to make that well known because it is some built into some traditional ceremonies. So you would have to have, you know, somebody Traditions.

Objective. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Traditions.

Anyway, it's not required. I I wasn't sure if that was, like, something that had to be said. Interesting. But I don't I don't think we said that at our wedding. Yeah.

So this guy had no chance of tearing you away from me Dang it. With his paid for lies. What a terrible thing. I know. I wanna know how many times he's been slapped, how many times this has gone over successfully, how many times he's like, I object.

And the husband's like, yeah. Me too. I don't wanna do this. Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, what a what a relief. Yeah. I'm with that guy. Go. You guys enjoy your life.

I object too. You know when you stay at a hotel and then, before you leave, you go through the room just one last time to make sure you didn't leave anything behind? Yeah. Not everybody does that or does that successfully. We your mom just did not do this successfully.

Know if she did the walk through again. I don't know if that's part of her hotel routine, but, yeah, she was out of town. She, left her tablet in the room, which created a bit of a kerfuffle for her, because she has you know, you put information in there. You have access to your social media, your emails, your banking, like, whatever it is you have in there. So so she had a a lot of work to, like, shut down accounts and stuff.

And then Change passwords. Because she was in Utah, which she doesn't go too often, I happened to be down there, and I said, hey. I'm gonna swing by, because the hotel had found the the tablet. They were like, yeah. We have it.

It's locked up. You can have you know, come come get it. So I went and picked it up and everything. So she was able to get it back, which was really good, but sometimes that's not the case. Right.

The guys over at hotels.com, they they put out their, things that people, leave in the hotel rooms. Lots of things get left behind, especially toiletries. People will bring their own stuff, like, even a bar of soap or whatever, and they're like, am I gonna travel with this? I imagine people probably maybe even buy some of the stuff if they're there for a longer amount of time. Yeah.

Maybe they're gonna be there for a week or something. Or maybe there's a specific brand of thing they like to use, and so they're like, well, I'm just gonna go grab this right quick. But then if you fly, you can only take such a small amount back with you. So maybe they're like, hey. I'm just gonna have to leave this.

So that that was, like, the top of the list where a lot of toiletries phone chargers, huge thing that gets left behind. And how many times do we check-in with the kids every time we go, everybody got your chargers. Like, check every wall outlet. Make sure you got everything you brought. Check look under the bed, which is always a scary thing at a hotel.

Well, they don't usually have hotels don't have an under the bed. It's always just that that box. Solid platform. Yeah. Some of them.

So you can't it's been a long time since I've been in a hotel where they've had an under the bed. But then when we go to an Airbnb, you've got just a bed. Right? So there's that too. A lot of people leave dirty laundry.

Their own dirty laundry? They're like, I don't need this stinking shirt. Literally or figuratively? Yeah. We just left our dirty laundry.

We came to town, and we caught some drama. Yeah. No. We're leaving our dirty laundry here. Physical dirty laundry.

Okay. One hotel reported finding a pet lizard. Ew. Another found a baby chicken. What?

Somebody left behind a car tire. Someone left behind their dentures. Somebody left behind 2 full leg casts, as in I walked out of here with no leg casts today. Somebody has left behind stacks of cash. Somebody left behind a $6,000,000 wristwatch.

Woah. What do you do? So what's the hotel protocol? Do they contact do they attempt to contact the the room renters and say would hope Especially, I wonder if it's, like, a certain value. Like, maybe A phone charger, they're like, too bad.

Right. But if it's, like, over a $100, they're like, we gotta try and make contact with this person. I don't know. I would certainly hope so. I would hope that they are doing stack of cash?

Yeah. Well and they've got those little safes in the room and stuff, and so I'm sure in between I never use those. I don't have anything valuable. Have you seen the videos where, you know, people that don't go to hotels often? There was this, this little older lady who thought it was a microwave, and she ended up locking her food inside the safe.

Oh, no. She's like, it just won't cook my food, and now I can't get it out. And then and then you have no idea what number she put in that thing. I will say that we just recently stayed in an Airbnb with my 75 year old mom, and she had never stayed in an Airbnb before. And she didn't she thought it was weird.

She thought there was cameras everywhere. And I said, what? They're not watching you. Your life isn't that exciting. Right.

And then she, like, was furiously cleaning on the day we were leaving. And I said, mom We pay a cleaning fee. He has strictly instructed us to put a load of laundry in and to leave the sheets on the bed. End of what we have to do. Right.

And she was like, well, I just don't think that's right. I just don't think that's right. Feels like like a bad house guest. And then she asked if we had gotten a bad review, and I went, no. Yeah.

No. We didn't. Cool. We didn't break anything. We didn't destroy anything.

We're all good. We paid for someone to clean it. It's okay. Yeah. They make you pay a cleaning deposit.

I just don't understand. We left it a mess. No. No. We didn't.

No. We didn't. It's like, you know, we had a big party, and there's pizza stuck to the ceiling or something. What are you talking there's all these red cups laying everywhere, and there's pizza stuck to the roof. We had we left it a mess.

You're gonna get a bad review. Oh, no. A bad review. No. Stop.

So there's this thing going around high schools, and I know this for a fact because my daughter is in high school, so I have an insider scoop. Oh, what's the thing going around high school? That high schoolers are wearing little kid backpacks to school. I thought you were gonna say stomach flu. What?

It's a thing going around high school. Oh, stop it. Not flu season. I know. So yeah.

No. Let's let's talk about this little kid backpack thing. Yeah. I saw this video of this kid who got a Buzz Lightyear backpack, for, like, a Christmas present or a birthday present or something. He's very excited about it because he we love Buzz Lightyear, and, and he said, I'm gonna wear this my senior year.

And he was a kid. He was probably in, like, 2nd grade. And he's like, I'm wearing this when I graduate from school. And so now he is a senior this year, and he's wearing his Buzz Lightyear original Buzz Lightyear backpack senior year. It's a huge trend.

It's probably tiny. They're not not that bad. A lot of the a lot of these backpacks aren't necessarily backpacks they had when they were kids. They're just revamped like, they're buying new backpacks That are as a throwback to what they like. So there's, like, Hello Kitty and Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob.

So I wanna know what backpack you would wear. Like, what would be a throwback? You would probably wear Ninja Turtles. That would be yours. A 100%.

Yeah. Or Ghostbusters. Or He Man. Yeah. He Man?

You know. I do. Are Ghostbusters, you said? Yes. Mine would either be Pound Puppies, because I loved Pound Puppies Yeah.

Or Barbie, because I loved Barbie, or Fraggle Rock. Oh, I love Fraggle Rock or Cabbage Patch. Look at you just got so many. I had did I tell you about my show and tell experience with my glow in the dark slimer shirt? And I it was 2nd grade, and we were doing show and tell.

I remember it like it was yesterday, and slimer on the shirt was glow in the dark. And I was so excited to show everybody, and I went, we gotta turn off the lights so you can see it. And I don't think it had enough time to charge. So I had to walk down the aisles of the, of the classroom so everybody could see it up close. You don't get opportunities like that anymore to show stuff off.

No. You guys wanna see my new shirt? Hold on. You gotta see it in the dark. I'll get closer.

Look at that. How old were you? 2nd grade. Okay. Like, I remember it so vividly.

That's a core memory for me. Work show and tell as adults. Look at my cool new glow in the dark slimer shirt. My I have a sad show and tell story. Do you wanna hear it?

I don't know. Debbie Downer, do I? Do I need to get off the line? In kindergarten, we had show and tell, and I was like, I'm taking my favorite Barbie. This is my favorite Barbie.

Was it the one that the dog had gotten? My dog had eaten her hand, but I still loved her. And I took her to school. I was like, I don't care because I love her. This is a lesson in life.

Yeah. They should make a movie about this. I said, I love her, and I'm taking her. And all of the kids were like, what's the matter with their hand? And I went, oh, it doesn't matter because I Don't judge her.

To love her. You need to not judge my beautiful doll who got her hand eaten by a beast. Yeah. Thanks thanks for bringing up a sad show and tell story. Well, you brought it up.

Really. I just was telling you my excitement. I was talking about backpacks, and then you had to bring up show and tell. And Yeah. That's how the conversation went.

I this is you, bud. It's me, bud. This is oh, no. It is me, bud. It's you, bud.

It's me, bud. It's you, bud. Sorry. This is this is where you talk sports. What am I talking about sports?

I don't know. It says football talk. Let's talk some football talk because we've got a fantasy football league, the 4 Tielor household members. Yes. And, I'm up against you this week.

I lost last week. I lost not only to Betk who I was up against, but I had the lowest points of everyone in our whole house, and I'm not gonna let that happen again. So I've readjusted my lineup. I got some pretty good players. I'm looking at our matchup.

Yeah. Our matchup. I projected to win oh, no. We are exactly 50 50 percent win probability, the 2 of us. But you're projected to have one more point than I am.

Yeah. You are projected to have 141. I am projected to have 142.2. That's 1.2 points more. So It doesn't matter until it all plays out.

But, you don't have anybody playing tonight. I do. I've got Tyreek Hill on the Dolphins. I know. It makes me so mad that you have Tyreek Hill because he's so fast.

He's gonna lose so many points. I hope so. I need him to go wild. He did not go wild last week. I need him to go wild this week.

Some complications last week. Yeah. I know. His head wasn't in the game. But, hopefully, he's all good this week.

And, and as we get ready for the return of, football, week 2 tonight, Buffalo Hi. At Miami. Don't think I have anybody playing today. Most of my games are on Sunday. You do have a you have 1 or 2 on Monday, but you've got, mostly a Sunday roster.

So you're gonna be winning for a little while. Don't let that get to your head. I won't because I know how the game works, and I don't throw my garbage all over the lawn like you do as we discussed earlier. Figuratively. I did not literally throw my garbage all over the lawn.

I felt the same. In a fit of anger. It felt like I walked up to a house where the garbage can had been kicked over and a bunch of raccoons had a crazy time. That's how you talk trash. Your trash talking is throwing raccoons everywhere.

Yeah. Well, be prepared for it again because that's what I do best. That's what you know I will always excel at is trash talking. But here's the part that gets really frustrated. See, you start out like this, and then Sunday night, when things aren't going your way, you get real quiet and angry and you go, I just wanted to win one thing, and you get so you get so mad about all the trash you threw on the yard.

No. I don't get mad about the trash I threw on the yard. I get mad about losing. Right. But it wouldn't be so bad if you wouldn't call in the raccoons.

Do you know what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? Mm-mm. I don't. I'm saying maybe just quiet it down a little bit Can't.

And then maybe you won't feel No. So contrasted when it doesn't go your way. No. That's in that's impossible. I can't keep You gotta ride the middle a little bit.

Mm-mm. Can't. I will not. Where is the fun in that? I have a great time.

I will not. Oh, ho There's no ho That's not no. I don't oh, ho There's football games. Football is a foot. Ho ho I've never done it.

Players involved in this game. Let's see how they're doing. That's that's what I do. They're not doing very well. Move about my day.

I can't control the outcome. All I can do is preset a list of players I hope we're gonna do great, and then Yeah. And then I watch what happens. That's what I do too. And then I go I see your players Oh.

No. And then I see your players doing terribly, and I go, oh, that guy didn't want to go all the game. Throw another raccoon. Throw another raccoon. Gonna walk all over your guy.

Bunch of raccoons throwing garbage everywhere. And then you can't wrangle your raccoons. You get too many raccoons running around throwing garbage everywhere. You can't pull your raccoons back to to, like, hey, guys. We need to we need to tone it down.

I don't want to. Things aren't going that great, and now the lawn's covered in trash. And you're like, now I got a mess to clean up, and I feel real bad about it. I don't clean up the mess. I just go, maybe everybody will just ignore the trash.

Just don't talk about the trash. I've seen it. I've heard it. I've smelled it. I see the raccoons.

I've heard them. Well It's a disaster. It's coming back. In a big way. Here we go.

Put the raccoons away. You're gonna lose. Put the raccoon away. I saw this video. I had to send it to you because I was so taken aback by what I saw in this video.

Taken aback? Yeah. I I don't even know. Like this. Dude.

You say old things sometimes. I was taken aback. I was taken aback. I was. And so I immediately sent it to you because it's so cool.

By the way, 30 day streak on our, video. Mhmm. Yep. Get us. Singapore Airlines.

I accidentally deleted TikTok the other day because I needed to make space on my phone. Yeah. And then you were worried about the Streets. Streets. I know.

30 days. So this, this is what they call I don't know where they're flying to, but Singapore Airlines has the craziest thing in their airplanes. They hand you pajamas because you're gonna be sleeping when you fly. Okay. Because you have and the bathroom, you have a private bathroom changing area, that's crazy, and you have a bed in there so you can sleep with, like, a large TV.

And it looked like I don't think that was a mirror on the wall. I think there were 2 beds. And so, like, if you were flying with me, you would have your own bed, your own TV, your own space, and so would I. And I think that's just incredible. I it's unbelievable.

I I don't even know. Like, how much does it cost to fly like this? That's what I wanna know. And where are you going? And it doesn't matter.

I feel like if even if you take it was 4 hours. I think it's a 4 hour flight to from Salt Lake to New York. Even then Yeah. It'd be nice to just nice to have a bed. Somewhere I could lounge, take it So they call it, they call it the suite class, on Singapore Air.

It is a double bed. They also have a business first class where you can choose between a window seat or sitting next to the person you're flying with. You can choose. Oh, ouch. Yeah.

Yeah. But that's because the business class seats, they're like little they're like little cubicles that you sit in, or you can fly with the seats next to each other. Okay. So you can have your own little individual cubicle pod, or you can fly next to someone. But this is crazy.

I mean, if you were flying transcontinental, so if you were flying from the US to Europe Yes. For example, that's a long flight. So something where you'd have you know, I mean, you're on that plane hours. And a bed. Jammers and a bed.

It's like a hotel. What I'm saying is even a flight from Salt Lake to New York, please give me a bed. No kidding. But rather than my feet getting all swollen and falling asleep and stuff and being Yeah. In that small Having to wear one of those dumb old pillow neck pillow things.

Yeah. You love that thing. Just to try to keep your head Yeah. I know. It's awful.

I wanna find out how much it costs to fly Singapore Air Suite It's more than it's more than what we can afford to pay, I bet you. Suites class. Fly sweets. I gotta find out. I gotta find out.

You should've done this before. No. We'll find out here. I'm gonna guess I'm gonna guess $1200 a ticket. You think so?

Yep. 9 to $1200 a ticket. I feel like $900 is still too low. So from the US to, let's see. Let's fly from they fly from Salt Lake to?

The Singapore Air does? Yes. Yeah. And we're waiting. I know.

Waiting. The only place they fly is Brussels. K. So, and then I don't wanna fly economy. I wanna fly they don't fly the sweet class.

They only fly business class. They don't have the bed one. Rats. I know. We'll have to figure out.

You'll never know. I'll figure it out. Would you rather this or that? Would you rather milk a cow or shear a sheep? I'm gonna milk the cow.

Are you? Yeah. Why? Which are you gonna do, and then I'll tell you. I can't decide because I think both sound awful.

I'm not a farmer. I appreciate farmers. I'm not a rancher. I appreciate ranchers. I know I had friends in high school that were farmers, and they would have to wake up very early and milk their cows.

And I've seen videos of people shearing sheep, and neither one of those is my jam. I'd rather eat jam. Alright. I think I'm gonna milk a cow. They've these are awful to me.

Both of these are You awful. You feel like milking the cow is awful? Yes. Yeah. I don't I don't wanna do either of these.

Why? Because I think they sound both of them sound utterly disgusting. Hey. Hey. Hey.

Oh, Let's see which one I prefer. You already said. Yeah. I know. Said you'd milk a cow.

Yes. I would. Okay. Because, there's a lot less physical strain milking a cow. I get to sit on a cute little stool.

I have a little metal bucket. You put your hair up in pigtails? You know it. And then I get to, milk that cow. Get down to business.

Shearing? You have to wrestle that sheep. Yeah. Yeah. That's true.

Like, it's it is a task. You have to hold the thing still between your legs and lift limbs and no. Plus, that wool that they've been wearing around. Matted. That sounds like it's a sheep.

I don't want anything to It's so gross. It's number 1 gross thing. Number 1 gross thing? No. Like, on this list, I can handle milk in a cow.

I don't think I wanna wrestle that filthy wool thing. Woah. Alright. Real quick here. What?

Because I've been doing some more research. Oh, jeez. And, apparently, it's annoying you. You you got a little bit obsessed with the Singapore Air. I wanted to find out where it flies.

I still haven't found out how much it costs, but but it's gonna be a lot. Yeah. And we're probably never gonna do it, so I don't know why you're spending so much time. Saying never. So they fly this particular, Airbus, the a 380 is the one with the suites on it.

Okay. It's a double decker airplane. Woah. And the upper level is all business class, and that's where those suites are. Of course.

But they only have 6 suites per plane, and 4 of those can be connected to make a double occupancy where 2 people who are flying together can have the beds next to each other, so on and so on. I see. Right? Otherwise, they have a divider wall between the 2 beds that keep them separate rooms. Okay.

So they have 6 suites or you can double book and have the connected suite experience. Oh. Right? Mhmm. K.

But they only fly this thing from Singapore to Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London Heathrow, and Sydney, Australia. K. Those are your 4 destinations from Singapore. So you gotta get to Singapore first, and then you can take their little puddle jumper with the beds in it to somewhere like that. Oh, cheap.

This is a cheap experience. That's what I'm saying. You're saying never. I'm saying maybe sometime. Okay.

Not anytime soon. Sure. You got it. But you wanna fly on that thing. That is I do.

I absolutely do. It's a wild ride. Here's what was annoying to me was that I was actually trying to do something over here. I was trying to read and focus on something, and all you kept saying was, I just don't know how much this is. Oh, you can get the the Singapore.

You can get a flight from Singapore. Mhmm. And I was like so I finally had to say, okay. Stop for a minute about the Singapore plane because I've gotta actually do something real over here. Don't you wanna fly on that thing?

I do, Josh. And I have every confidence in the world that you're gonna do the research to find out how it's gonna be possible. Singapore to Delhi. Let's do that one. Yeah.

I'd rather I'd prefer to go out to Australia You would? Myself. Yeah. Alright. I mean, Frankfurt looks nice.

Yeah. I've not How's Frankfurt this time of year? I don't know. I'd rather go in the summer where it's warmer. But Hong Kong?

Yeah. Sure. Or, you know, fly to Singapore and then to London. Okay. I great.

Great. Great. Great. Great. Great.

Great. Alright. Well, I guess I'm never flying in a bed. You are too. No.

Never say never. Nope. You've you've made me feel the never vibes. Oh. I'm never gonna do it.

It's never gonna happen. Oh, gosh. Just pack up my headphones and go home for the day. K. We'll be back tomorrow on your Friday.

Friday? Yeah. Holy smokes. This has been a long week. Has it?

Yes. I feel like it's, like, gone by in a blink of an eye. Well, yes and no. It's been long and short all at the same time. Sort of like that flight from sing see you tomorrow.

Have a good day. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.