The Lucas Skrobot Show

You can always trust someone who strikes back with terror if you disagree, criticize, or insult.

Show Notes

Time Stamps:
Totalitarians are always right! 00:00
Intro 06:04
Exiting the meta-rat race 06:21
Yeah that makes sense - Praise of oppression and violence. 18:29
Value for value 30:27
Weaver and Loom - Warren Buffett 31:38
How to get more value 35:49

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?

At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

Ultimately connecting back to why it matters to your world, and how to order our lives and society to own the future.

Join Lucas Skrobot and follow the show on your favorite podcasts app today to understand the world, discern the truth, own the future.

The one sure sign that you can trust
someone or an ideology of leader

or religion or an organization
is that if they don't allow you

to criticize them or agree with.

Take for instance, communism,
Marxism, and the USSR, a completely

trustworthy government organization,
worldview that disappeared hundreds.

Well, this is your millions of peoples
and killed end up killing hundreds

of millions of people in the dead
of night by sending them to the

gulags, but a bold and commendable
step to follow what you believe.

To the very fullness.

They were a true warrior class, a brave
group of people who followed orders

because they knew that if they didn't
follow those orders, they would wind up

in the same gulags, torture, chambers,
and dead, or think your toxic boss.

Or significant other, you walk around that
person on eggshells because heaven forbid

you were point out a blind spot because
it would come right back at you with

blame fury and maybe evil firing or worse
public berating and passive aggression.

You can be sure that you can trust
this person and you should respect

them for being so manipulative.

This is a praise worthy.

That is really missing from society today.

Someone willing to commit an act of
violence and abuse in order to defend

what they believe unprecedented.

This is a sign that that person or
worldview is to be praised and right.

Righteous and trusted.

And this isn't just in recent history.

Take this Spanish inquisition.

It was one of the most upright
institutions of the Catholic church

in the 14 hundreds and venting the
most revolutionary torture devices

to strike terror in the hearts of
anyone who might dare speak out

against the terror and dark practices.

The inquisition, thereby proving that the
inquisition was righteous, just true and

a completely trustworthy organization.

In fact, if you find a person or
belief system that is willing to accept

criticism examined its blind spots or
criticized its own shortcoming refuses

to return insults with violence.

You should run for sure.

That level of meekness self-control
and humility is a sign that that

person or ideology won't last, it's
a sign that, that belief system

isn't really worth fighting for.

It is weak on trustworthy.


If someone isn't willing to commit the
most heinous crimes to defend their

deviance, then what do they really have?

Take for instance, the
one and only will Smith.

He wasn't going to let Chris rock
humiliate his wife who humiliated him on

the Oscars show that no one was watching.

So he took action and responded with
violence, standing up for what he believes

or a couple of years ago that fight
between Habib and Connor went Habib and

his Motley gain assaulted Connor and
Connor's co-workers or co-conspirators.

Because of Connor's truly vile comments
and insults Khabib violence proves that

Habib has the moral high ground, a praise
worthy metaphysical worldview, proving

that the morals of his life are standards
that we should all strive to live by.

I mean, if you really believe in
something, if you really believe

it, and someone insults your.

Someone disagrees in a F uh,
fronts, what you believe.

I'm not sure you really believe it unless
you respond with the emotional maturity

and restraint of a mother bear and heat
separated from her Cubs or science.

Don't question.

The science before when science
was a weak and frail study, it

allowed itself to be questioned.

In fact, the whole idea of
science was to question itself.

No more, a new era has come and
we can finally trust the science.

And if we dare use science to question
science, we will quickly find out that

you will be silenced named, called
canceled, be called anti-science science

phobic, and this level of totalitarian and
authoritarian control by the high priests

of science backed by the power of the,
uh, Is proof that we should accept and

never questioned with the high priests
of science command us to believe, or

remember BLM, who can't account for tens
of millions of dollars that they raised.

Remember how they burned down billions
of dollars of small businesses and loaded

major stores across America, assaulted
people eating at restaurants because they

refuse to say that black lives matter.

And how they called anyone racist if
they weren't racist against white people.

Yes, indeed.

This level of mastery of
propaganda programming in terror

is the very proof that BLM is
about love, peace and tolerance.

In short, you can trust totalitarian
organizations, ideologies, and

worldviews and authoritarian.

If you can't criticize that person,
if that person is unwilling to see any

blind spots, that's how you can be sure
that you can follow them even to your.

If you can't criticize a worldview,
then by golly, it must be great.

And it must be the truth.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot and you're
listening to the Lucas Skrobot show

where we uncover purpose for SU
truth and own the future episode 278.

It is April 14th, 2022.

And I have been thinking more.

About exiting the metaphors,
exiting this world of digital

transactions and interactions,

because one, it feels, it feels so
draining to me, it feels so tiring to me.

And it, it feels so fake.

I don't know about you, but over the
past two years, My world has increasingly

pushed forwards mediated relationships.

My world has been pushed more and
more to having engagements online

connections, online meetings,
online mediated by zoom screens.

I mean, right now our relationship
is mean moderate mitigated by.

A half a dozen screens or a dozen
screens in front of me and the podcast

player or video screen in front of you.

This metaverse that we live in,
it lacks a level of substance.

It lacks a level of something real.

And I have been struggling
in so many ways.

With the lack of connection
that I am feeling in the

world around me, everything's
beginning to feel some mediated.

So NetApp and tying it into the intro.

We are actually going to talk about that.

I realize I didn't introduce that.

Well, we're going to talk about this
intro a little later in the show.

Uh, it does tie.

But when we live in a world that is
mediated when we live in a world where

you have to sensor, not even sensor
what you say, but you never know if,

what you say on a, on a platform is
going to cause you to be canceled

where you don't have freedom of speech.

We don't have freedom of expression
where you don't have the ability to

have a conversation without the risk.

Retaliation by a certain group, whatever
that group might be, it grows tiring.

And in this mediated world, everything is
a microtransaction every stroke of your.

Is a transaction of sorts
with another mediated.

Another meta verse.

I had a conversation this week with Dr.

Richard Smith, and we were
talking about, uh, Dr.

Wolf gained Smith's, uh, not related
work and his work on metaphysics.

And this is an episode there'll be Erin
in a few weeks, highly recommended.

I I'm still.

The thoughts and the ideas that we
talked about are so rolling through

my head and really impacting me on
a deeper level, because it's been

something that I've been thinking
about these mediated relationships.

And in this interview, we spoke about the
digital world, the falsified transactional

world, where we paint our best face.

We mediate our personality and who we are.

And we upload little bits and
pieces of ourselves creating

a digital identity, creating a
digital selfie, even this podcast.

This is just a slice of my life
that is comprising of my digital

avatar that lives online, that you
are engaging with my digital avatar.

Not necessarily me as my person, even
though I would love more of that.

I would love to have.

In-person conversations, but all of this,
all of these screens, all of these media

mediated, engagements, or relationships,
social media that we think we're actually

engaging and connecting with people
when really it's leaving us feeling more

and more empty has drawn me to realize.

We need to be Morde to the real
world, to the real society,

flesh and blood around us.

And now this might just be unique to
me as a content creator, as someone who

works in the realm of thoughts and ideas,
I can often tend to isolate myself.

But in this interview that
we were talking with Dr.

Richard Smith, we were talking about the
corporeal world, and this is the world of

that, which we can feel and touch and, and
not just quantitatively, but qualitatively

that peace, justice, kindness, all
these ideas of even breaking your word.

How, how can that be measured, measured.

Those are things of the portal.

Where we have a soul where we have a
spirit, but the metaverse is spiritless

the metaverse and AI is emotionless.

The metaverse is devoid from life.

AI is devoid from actual life.

It's not intelligence.

It is just programming and algorithms.

There's computers have
tried to simulate life.

Scientists have tried to simulate life,
but they have not been able to, we've

only been able to create life from life.

We've not been able to create life
forms on its own by ourselves,

which says that in the, in the,
in the world that we live in.

There is a metaphysical realm.

There is a realm outside of the
physical atoms and photons and

electrons that we can see and measure.

There is a world outside of that.

And that world exists in the actual
natural world that we engage in

of doing things with your hands.

So in the last couple of years, as I
said, I've drawn to these meta engagement.

And had been feeling this lack personally
of real world work, working with my hands,

working with the community around me.

And so I bring that up.

I bring that up because we are
increasingly being pushed as a society

into a better world, into the metaverse
everything being pushed by me.

Bye engagements on social media or
everything is a transaction where

our minds are becoming to be rewired
where our children's minds are being

rewired to really become the fuel and
the engine for these tech companies,

just like in the matrix where we are
plugged into the matrix and we become.

The generators to generate
the power of the internet.

It's our user content
that we're putting on.

It's our likes scrolling and liking.

That's driving the advertising sales.

That's keeping these things
alive and it's at the expense.

It's at the expense of
our emotional wellbeing.

It's at the expense of our relationships.

It's at the expense of
fulfillment, real fulfillment in.

Now, clearly I believe in media, I believe
that it's worth taking the time and the

effort and the energy to putting your
life work out there, to engage in society.

And to have those conversations to
communications that take the time to post

something so people can read it and see
it to create the time to create a podcast.

Is it helps you develop your own
language to help you develop your own

thoughts of how you see the world?

Because talking is thinking the
way that we think is through

conversation, the way that we organize
our thoughts is through conference.

Without the freedom and without giving
the time and the space to talk things

through, we will never give time
and space to think things through.

We'll never give ourselves the
ability to know what we think.

And if we never give ourselves the
ability to know what we think, we will

never give ourselves the opportunity.

To know what we actually believe and
to come to some sort of position and

decision on what we believe, because
the freedom of belief is directly

tied to the freedom of speech.

If we have freedom of speech and the
freedom to explore ideas in speech,

we can then organize our thoughts
and our thoughts then are enabled.

To discern what we actually believe.

And this is how it ties in the
whole tie in from this beginning

section to the intro is that the
mediated world is controlling

speech, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.

They are controlling speech.

They're shaping speech and
therefore they're shaping thoughts.

And anyone who decides to go against
the grain is labeled docs canceled.

They lose the ability to enter
into that public forum, which

really isn't a public form.

It's a controlled and mediated environment
that gives us the illusion of how.

A completely public forum,
a completely open forum.

And when we see ideologies being
pushed in the world, that you're

not able to question, you're
not able to disagree with that.

You're not able to criticize that.

You're not able to make fun of that.

You're not able to make light
of if there are ideologies.

Belief systems in the world
that refuse criticism of itself.

One that that's evidence of
a totalitarian, uh, worldview

authoritarian worldview.

If no one is able to take open the
curtains to take a step past the current.

And say, Hey, the inner workings of this
thing, there's a lot of problems with it.

There's a lot of problems with the
inner workings of this worldview,

the inner workings of this policy,
the inner workings of this movement.

There's some major issues.

If you can't do that, if there's not
the freedom to do that, that is a major,

major red flag, incredible red flag.

But instead what we're seeing.

We're seeing people praising.

We're seeing people crazy.

Those who have are of a quote-unquote
warrior class who refuse to be

criticized, who won't let themselves
be insulted, who refused to

have questions posed against it.

Criticisms posed against it without
retaliating in some sort of violence or.

To defend itself.

Those worldviews, those ideologies
are not, are not the ways to life.

They're not the ways to
living a life that is free

in a post-truth society where we've
exchanged the truth for lies and reason

for postmodern irrationality, the absurd.

Finally makes sense.

Well, as I said, uh, I've been sent a
couple videos this week where people

have been praising ideas, organizations,
movements that do not allow any sort

of criticism or insults to me be made.

And this is, uh, I believe it's one it's
dangerous for those to be in the world.

Because when we look at the long history
of when any organization has adopted that.

As I mentioned in the introduction
that the Catholic church or the Spanish

inquisition, where they wouldn't
allow any, any level of criticism or

disagreement, they were called heretics
and people were burned at the stake.

People tortured and tortured chambers
beheaded because you disagreed

with the state religion combo
because you disagreed with that.

And now we're seeing in
the west with scientism.

Always led to destruction of people
can be an isolation of people if

anyone who stands in their way.

But now there is a movement it's
probably always been there, but

there's a resurgence of talk of saying
it is good to not just do eye for

an eye, but if someone insults you
that you need to retaliate tenfold.

You want to be a person who's
respected in this world?

Well, came across a clip by
Muhammad Ali quote, who is from

Palestine, who is from chef Jera,
uh, famous activists for Palestine.

And he was reading recently talking
at the university of Arizona.

And someone secretly recorded his
talk and he's been going around all

these universities getting paid five,
$10,000 to give talks on Palestine.

And this is what Muhammad had to say.

Here's the.

Um, I suspect some apartheid
lovers are here too.

That's fine.

um, a couple of fours.

If you have coffee, you will get shocked.

If you heckle me, you will get shot here.

Is it Arizona state
university being invited to.

And obviously this is, you know,
people say, well, this is a joke.

Clearly it was a joke.

However, it's, it's not really
something that you should joke about.

See if you heckle me, you will get shot.

But this is the, this is the face
of the ideology that if you insult

me, if you heckle me, it's not
just this ideology in activism, but

it's in many different forms of.

That if you are insulted or
heckled or disagreed with, we

will respond with violence.


Because that creates a level of
terror of fear where people don't want

to disagree with that organization
because you never can be sure

what sort of backlash will happen.

This is the definition of
terrorism beyond the, what it's.

Become to be known as today
when we talk about quote-unquote

terrorism, but this is terror.

This doesn't just happen on a
governmental level or massive level.

This can happen in homes.

When, when you around someone that
you're always walking on eggshells with,

you never know if you say something,
if you will get shot, whether that

happens through, uh, an explosion of
verbal abuse or whether that happens

through actual physical abuse.

This is individuals creating a
level of terror in their surrounding

to control their environment.

And when, when you look at what
Mohammed here said, in context,

in context of other things that he
said that previous talk Mohammed

though was asked if palace.

As what would happen to Israelis if
Palestine took all the land citing what

he says in many Palestinian activists
say, which is from the river to the

sea, Palestine will be free, which is
truly a call of ethnic cleansing of

Jews out of Palestine and the keynotes.

Who's being paid tens of thousands
of dollars by these universities

said, quote, I don't care.

I truly sincerely don't give an F

this is, this is the face of
activism, which is I do not have

mercy or compassion on anyone.

All I care about is that I get my way and
I will get my weight, even if that means

that I need to incite violence and incite
fear against those who disagree with me.

If you make fun of me, I'll slap you.

If you insult my beliefs and
criticize my worldview, I will

incite violence against you.

I will pass a spirit of
terror into people because.

If you walk on eggshells, if you're
walking in terror, I will be able to

control the environment and control
the situation because you won't

be a force to be reckoned with.

And no one would dare
call out my blind spots.

My dark spots, my weak spots,
because they would know that they

would have their day of reckoning.

Again, it's not just.

Activism, but we saw this
manifest with will Smith.

When he slapped Chris rock, we saw that
this week when an ump at a softball game

in America, a female got punched by a
mom because the mom didn't like the call.

We saw this with the
hubby versus Conor fight.

We saw this with Charlie Hebdo shootings.

We saw this and have seen it recently.

Silence science, follow
the science don't question.

The science trust, the science.

We witnessed it with BLM it's
pervasive across society.

And this is a quality that some people
have become to praise and glorify as, as

being something that alpha males do that.

This is great because alpha male.

Strong men, a warrior class fights
for what they believe that those who

retaliate with 10 times force when slap
questions or criticized or insulted

is something that we need more of.

And again, it's been through
history, we've seen it with the

Catholic church, disappearing
people in the 14 hundreds, the U S.

Communism China,

Cambodia sending millions to the gulags
and ultimately to brick walls in the back.

We've seen it with Twitter and
Facebook disappearing people off

of media platforms to make sure
that you can't speak the truth.

You can't say.

That eman is a man and woman is a
woman and a man can not become a woman

that is now by Twitter's standards.

Considered hate speech.

Now it's been praised is
abusive men like Andrew Tate.

Who's a Kickbox boxing fighter and
reality TV star from the brother

who got kicked off the show.

Because of beating a woman on the
show, this person is now this is

being praised and celebrated for
openly talking about how to manipulate

women, how to get women, how to
oppress women, how to never apologize.

Even suggesting that women
bear responsibility for being.

He's praising, worldviews and ideologies
that explicitly and explicitly praising

that they're stripping women of their
dignity and that men should have multiple

women that they're able to sleep around
with, because this is the biological

alpha male that men should manifest.

I don't think, I don't think people
should be become beta males who are

passive, like Ahab, who just sock
and don't take action, who don't take

responsibility, who aren't willing
to stand up and be strong, but people

should become like omega males, which is
omega is the last letter of the Greek.

And it'll make a male is someone
who has strength, who has power,

but who has emotional stability and
maturity to restrain their power and

use gentleness rather than crushing
their opposition and omega mail.

As someone who airs for lifts up
loves and defends their wife and

their family not seeks to oppress
it, to never apologize to the.

And the fact that this is something
that's been praised in society on a whole,

whether secular or religious societies.


But this is what's being exalted
and these are ideologies.

These are red flags and ideologies
that should make you stop and say.

Why am I not allowed to ask a question?

Why am I not allowed to criticize?

Why am I not allowed to put out to
point out blind spots or weak spots,

sport or legitimate criticisms without
being then turned and being insulted

or attacked or blocked or canceled?

Why is this why those movements should be.

'cause that those, those all might be
examples of power of people who are

powerful and power is very attractive
to many it's examples of power, but

it's not an example of meekness.

Meekness is power under control
of the sheaving of a sword.

You have the sword, you have the
weapon, but you don't need it.

And meekness is the way of truth,
not retaliation, revenge, violence,

depravity, and silencing those who
disagree with you with threats and terror.

Well, this show is brought to you by
viewers and listeners, just like you.

This is a value for value podcast.

We don't have massive.

Advertisements here on the show, but
instead it's supported by people like

you who give value from the value that
they get back out of the show, whether

it's giving $1 per episode or whether
it's giving $20 a month or a hundred

dollars a month, whatever value that.

We ask that you, if you value the show
and you want to see it grow, that you

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you can do that by visiting Lucas, or through listening

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As you listen, don't go away.

We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver Luma, part of
the show where we take ancient wisdom

and we weave it in with our everyday
lives so that we can own our future.

And we've our Destiny's
today's quote is ancient.

It comes from someone who is
ancient, at least, uh, Warren buffet.

The man, the myth, the legend, he said
only when you combine sound intellect

with emotional discipline, do you
get rational behavior only when you

combine sound intellect with emotional
discipline, do you get rational behavior?

What I love about Warren buffet is
that he said, Do not invest in any

business that you don't understand.

And that's where I feel.

And I think that as we look into
the future and we see that there are

warning signs that there's a coming
recession in the globe inflation at

an all time high and we're looking.

How to apply wisdom to our life, to
own our future, to create the future

that we want to not be passive.

How do we do that one?

We have to be a part of the proportional
world, the world that is physically around

us, not just betting on the, metaverse,
not just betting on technology and then.

Another way that we must move forward
in the times that are coming, whether

it's a global recession or depression
or something else, even in good times,

it is, as you said, meeting both sound
intellect and emotional discipline.

All of it, the examples that we
gave on today's show showed people.

Who are not exercising, emotional
discipline and restraint.

And therefore we're getting irrational
behavior where we see movements

who don't have sound intellect.

And then they're taking that sound
intellect or unsound intellect,

like communism, socialism,
Marxism to its full extent.

And it becomes something
that's very irrational.

It becomes something
that's very destructive.

So as we move forward in our lives,
we need both of those things.

We need the emotional intelligence
intelligence, the emotional

discipline to stay focused, to
stay in meekness and kindness.

To stay, not as someone who is aggressive,
manipulative and controlling casting fear

into the hearts of everyone around us.

But we are someone who brings
gentleness and kindness.

And when we are treated with contempt
and hatred, instead of responding

with revenge to guest feeder,

And the hearts of everyone around us
so that we can control our environment.

Instead we react with gentleness
and emotional discipline, and

likewise, we need to think soundly.

We need to be of a sober mind as
we move into this years ahead, no

matter what comes even today, we need
to have a sound intellect in order

to operate in a rational manner.

In the coming years, because that is
how we will really own our futures.

That is how we will weave our destiny
through wisdom through wisdom and

wisdom is not just knowledge, but
it's knowledge applied in that

application is the emotional discipline.

Well, if you got value out of this and
you want to get more value out of it,

we ask that you share this show with.

Friends and normally best.

I mean, you can share it with someone
who's not your friend, but that

normally that normally comes out
sideways, says passive aggressive.

If you're trying to get a point across
to someone, who's not your friend

by sending them something that they
know that you know, that they're

going to totally disagree with.

So send it to a friend
that would appreciate it.

If you appreciate the show, that's one
way that you can give back to the show.

That is all for today's episode.

Thanks for listening.

I hope that you go out this week in
kindness, meekness and gentleness

that you do not retaliate when you're
insulted or criticized, but that

we grow in meekness and humility.

We grow in emotional discipline
sound intellect that we would walk

and owner futures with rational.