Plenty with Kate Northrup

Are you tired of feeling uncomfortable with sales and wish there was a way to sell with ease and integrity?

Today, I share how to sell from a place of authority and authenticity without the need for convincing. I dive into the mindset shifts required to make sales a joyous and fun experience and emphasize the importance of believing wholeheartedly in your product or service.

In this episode, I share actionable tips on how to align your messaging with your customer needs and overcome objections by integrating them into your marketing strategy. Don’t miss this week’s episode for practical tips to elevate your sales game and build lasting client relationships.

“When you turn the spotlight and put your 100% focus on the other person, it is a magical way to relax.” – Kate Northrup

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What is Plenty with Kate Northrup?

What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure.

You can.

When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more.

And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best.

As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed.

Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.

Kate Northrup:

Most people who are get squirmy about sales have way too much the spotlight on themselves. And as soon as they put the spotlight on the other person and focus on what are these person's dreams? What is the problem that I can help them solve? How can I be of service here? They are suddenly totally focused on the other person.

Kate Northrup:

They are no longer thinking about themselves. They are no longer worrying about saying the right things or worrying about what are they gonna think of me or worrying about, oh, god, I really need this sale. Like, when you turn the spotlight and put your a 100% focus on the other person, it is a magical way to relax. When we are in sales, we really wanna focus on being interested instead of interesting.

Kate Northrup:

Welcome to Plenty. I'm your host Kate Northrup and together, we are going on a journey to help you have an incredible relationship with money, time, and energy, and to have abundance on every possible level. Every week, we're gonna dive in with experts and insights to help you unlock a life of plenty. Let's go fill our cups.

Voice Over:

Please note that the opinions and perspectives of the guests on the Plenty podcast are not necessarily reflective of the opinions and perspectives of Kate Northrop or anyone who works within the Kate Northrup brand.

Kate Northrup:

Let's talk about sales. Let's talk about selling. If you get any squirmy wormies, if you feel any kind of way about selling other than, woo hoo, love it, so fun, so necessary, the best, then this episode is for you. And if you wanna get better at sales and make your sales process easier, and maybe make it so that people are buying your stuff without you ever feeling like you have to sell, today is your day. This is your episode.

Kate Northrup:

So there's a few precursors that I wanna share that help you to create an experience that feels really natural, really authentic, and really magnetic in the sales process. Number 1, I wanna say that selling is an act of service as long as you really believe in what you're offering and you really know that it helps people. So as long as you're selling something that you believe in, that you've checked out, that you either created from an authentic place, that you're in integrity with it, or you're selling something of someone else's that you have done your background work to know that it aligns with your values, sales should be a joy. And if there's anything, any, like, gremlins in your field around what you're selling, if there's a part of you that doesn't believe in it in any way, shape, or form, that's gonna show up as static in the sales field, and you need to clean that up. So if anything came to mind as I was talking, any place where you don't believe in what you're selling, you need to go clean that up, because no amount of sales skills is going to help you to overcome a lack of integrity, where you have any static in the field around not believing in what it is that you're selling.

Kate Northrup:

Sales becomes really easy when you fully believe in what you're selling. And also when you know that it is going to have a positive impact on people who are buying it. When it comes from that place, sales becomes a real experience of matching somebody's needs, wants, or or problems, challenges, opportunities, dreams, desires with something that you have to offer them. Now if you have something that you're selling and you have described it in your messaging in a way that makes it clear to your ideal customer that what you have is going to solve a problem that they are, a, aware that they have, and b, are motivated to solve, you are not really going to have to do much selling at all. For example, our daughter asked for a fish for Christmas.

Kate Northrup:

So we, Santa, brought her a fish for Christmas. And, well, actually, Santa didn't. Santa ran out of fish at the North Pole. And so Santa brought her a fish tank for Christmas with a note that said your parents are going to take you to the aquarium store to buy and you get to pick out your fish. Great.

Kate Northrup:

So we show up at the at the fish store in January to buy this fish via Santa. And at the aquarium store, we walked in, and we were like, great. So we wanna fish. Our 8 year old is gonna pick it out. What is the most low maintenance, best starter fish you could recommend?

Kate Northrup:

We were very easily met by the fish owner. It turns out this particular aquarium store is the oldest in Miami. She's been, it's been multiple generations, it's like kind of a cool family story, which is a side note. But anyway, she did not need to sell us a fish. She simply was meeting a need that we already had.

Kate Northrup:

We had a need for a fish because our 8 year old wanted a fish, and we were motivated to solve that need because we were already in the store. The process then became a process of education and guiding us to our best option. So whatever you are selling, 1st, you gotta clean up any static in which you don't a 100% believe in your offer, or you don't a 100% believe that it's gonna make the lives better of the people who you are selling it to. So that's step number 1. Step number 2 is to make sure that you are describing your product or service, your offer in a way that lets your ideal customer know that you have the solution to their problem, and that it is a problem that you are solving that they are motivated to solve, or that you have the solution to their dream, which is a dream that they are motivated or a transformation that they are motivated to experience.

Kate Northrup:

I was talking to a woman the other day and doing some coaching with her. She has a really cool proprietary process that helps people to do emotional healing and to kind of get out of their own way. And she was describing it to me, and I was like, that's cool. But I'm curious. What specific result do you know without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you could help somebody get with this process?

Kate Northrup:

Because you describing this proprietary emotionally, emotional processing process is not getting me excited about purchasing it because it is nebulous. It is nonspecific, and you're not nailing a specific problem or a specific solution. Now as we got into it a little bit, she was like, oh, this process really helps people who have a resistance around exercise to start exercising. And I was like, yes, that is it. Because people I know and love people who have exercise resistance, they have resistance around moving their bodies.

Kate Northrup:

And her process, if she knows for sure because it did for her, if it can get someone back in touch with their energy to desire inherently to have an intrinsic motivation to move their bodies, that is such a win. And I was like, great, we've got it. You are now solving a clear problem and people who have resistance to movement know they have resistance to movement, and many of them want to solve that problem. So they're motivated to solve that particular problem. So you got to describe the thing you're selling in a way that lets your ideal customer know that you can solve a problem that they are already motivated to solve.

Kate Northrup:

If you do that, you are like 99% of the way to the sale, and largely all you'll need to do is have a website or an email or a short DM that explains to them some of the details, some of the logistics, the pricing, how it's gonna be delivered, the timing, all of that. But it's simple, simple, simple. You likely won't have to do any selling at all. So your messaging can do a lot of the selling for you. You also wanna make sure that your offer, the way you are pack is it packaging and positioning your offer, the thing you're selling, makes it clear what is the transformation you are providing, what is the method in which that transformation is delivered.

Kate Northrup:

Is it 1 on 1 coaching? Is it group coaching? Is it something they're gonna receive in the mail? Is there something that you they need to go pick up at a store? Is it a meal delivery service?

Kate Northrup:

Is it a physical product? Is it, PDF? Is it, like, do they just need to know, like, what is it that they're buying? And then there it needs to have a price and often it needs to have some kind of, incentive built in for them to take action now, whether it's a bonus, whether it's special pricing, whether it's a discount, whether it's a free gift, or whether it is a deadline. So sometimes people need a deadline or some kind of genuine, reason to take action now.

Kate Northrup:

Now that's not always the case. Certainly, when we went to buy the fish, we didn't need a genuine reason to act now. We were in the fish store with our 8 year old delivering on Santa's Christmas present. So, like, that the the urgency was built in. We were gonna take action that day.

Kate Northrup:

We were gonna clearly buy a fish. But sometimes you can add in those extra layers and it makes the sale a lot easier because it gives somebody a reason to take action now. Not from a pressured perspective, just for the record. I am of the school of thought that when someone's on a discovery call, like, I do it's very rare that I do sales calls. I used to do them for my mastermind, and they were always such a joy, and I had, like, an 80% conversion rate of people wanting to join because of the things I was or I've already I've already shared with you.

Kate Northrup:

So it didn't feel like a sales call. It was more of a, like, get to know each other call where I'm exploring if they're a fit, they're exploring if I'm a fit. So it's just a connection call. But I will say that some people will set up a sales call situation where there's some sort of high pressure reason that somebody needs to take action right then, I personally don't love that. It works.

Kate Northrup:

So I just wanna be super clear, like, it works. If you tell someone like, oh, the price is $15,000, but if you say yes right now while we're on the call, you can save $5,000, you might get a higher conversion rate. But I think that any time somebody is that pressured to take action without really an adequate amount of time to think about it or an adequate amount of time to get the information, I don't I don't think it's doing them a service. I also don't think it's doing you a service, but that that's my opinion. You do you.

Kate Northrup:

Okay. So when we are also service oriented, it helps us to most people who are get squirmy about sales have way too much the spotlight on themselves, and as soon as they put the spotlight on the other person and focus on what are these person's dreams, what is this person's problem, not from a, like, what is your problem, but, like, what is the problem that I can help them solve, how can I be of service here, They are suddenly totally focused on the other person? They are no longer thinking about themselves. They are no longer worrying about saying the right things or worrying about what are they gonna think of me or worrying about, oh, God, I really need this sale. Like, when you turn the spotlight and put your a 100% focus on the other person, it is a magical way to relax and really be in a place of sales as service.

Kate Northrup:

And also, I recommend, a tip that I learned from a man who literally his last name is sales, who says to be interest interested instead of interesting. When we are in sales, we really wanna focus on When we are in sales, we really wanna focus on being interested instead of interesting. When you are completely interested in another person, when you're in total curiosity and service to them, you will make them feel like a $1,000,000. And it is very rare that people get someone's full attention and focus on them. And whether or not they end up buying something from you that day or ever, it is a service to simply show up for someone else in that way and put your complete attention and focus on them.

Kate Northrup:

I really, really, really recommend it. And even if, again, even if they do not end up purchasing, you have created a bond with them, You've created an experience where they feel amazing. And remember that quote, people won't remember what you said, they'll remember how you made them feel. And that is true of sales as well because if you turn someone off by desperation, by being sleazy, by being pressury, they will remember how that felt, and I promise you, they probably will not be coming back. But if you make them feel amazing and safe and it is a loving environment, even if it's not the right timing for them right now, they will be back if you actually do in fact have a problem, I mean, have a have a solution to their problem.

Kate Northrup:

So that was thing the next thing. And then the final thing I wanna say is that one of the best ways to overcome objections is to build them into your marketing process. What do I mean by that? Well, when I did wide receiver, my 3 day free money healing and expansion workshop, I was already aware of the, blocks of the objections that people have to taking action to heal their relationship with money. And so I actually wove those objections into the content itself, whether it was through sharing, customer stories and case studies that were examples of people who had that potential objection who, like, were a single mom, had come from a bankruptcy background, had worked a full time job, had, you know, whatever scenario might have been an objection for someone to say this isn't gonna work for me, I worked that into a case study or an example.

Kate Northrup:

For another example is when when people are moving towards transformation, and and taking a different action for themselves, oftentimes, their limiting thoughts and limiting beliefs will come up, and I've talked about this in so many different places, but the reason that happens is because the nervous system is always trying to keep us in the narrow band of reality that we've experienced before. So said another way, the nervous system is trying to keep us where we are. It's trying to keep us where we are because it thinks that keeping us where we are is going to keep us safe because it's always scanning and sorting, and that which is unfamiliar, the nervous system registers as unsafe. So I explained this in the wide receiver event so that as people had limiting thoughts and limiting beliefs come up, they were able to look at those and analyze those and reflect and say like, is this true? Or is this my unconscious bubbling up a thought to keep me small and keep me limited?

Kate Northrup:

And do I want to in fact, act in a new way that's more in alignment with an expanded way of being. So through the practices that I took people through, through the experiences that I took people through and through the content of the entire event, I had in mind the objections and blocks that come up for people, and I wove them in so that people were already ready to buy at the end of the event because I had subtly but intentionally woven through opportunities and experiences for them to essentially overcome their own objections. And so I really recommend, looking at how can I write down the objections that I receive? How can I write down the blocks that I receive? And then work those into the conversation, like, blow them up up front so that at the end of the conversation, somebody feels safer because they already know that I know these are potential stumbling blocks along the way.

Kate Northrup:

I've already addressed them, and so they are going to understand that I am compassionate for where they are. I get where they're coming from, and that can really be helpful. So if you want to do sales from a place of authenticity and in a place where you do not need to convince people. You wanna make sure you a 100% believe in what you're selling. You wanna make sure you a 100% know that it is going to make the life of the person better who you are selling it to.

Kate Northrup:

You wanna make sure that you are in a service orientation and that you are solving a problem that your ideal customer is aware that they have and is motivated to solve. You focus on education, being of service, being curious, being interested instead of interesting, and then do your best to work their objections into your marketing or into somehow the sales process or the sales conversation so that by the time it is time to make a purchasing decision, that person is already there. I hope this has been helpful. Let me know when you have successful sales conversations as a result, and I will see you next time. Thanks for listening to this episode of Plenty.

Kate Northrup:

If you enjoyed it, make sure you subscribe, leave a rating, leave a review. That's one of the best ways that you can ensure to spread the abundance of plenty with others. You can even text it to a friend and tell them to listen in. And if you want even more support to expand your abundance, head over to kate northrup.comforward/breakthroughs, where you can grab my free money breakthrough guide that details the biggest money breakthroughs from some of the top earning women I know, plus a mini lesson accompanying it with my own biggest money breakthroughs and a nervous system healing tool for you to expand your abundance. Again, that's over at katenorthrup.comforward/breakthroughs.

Kate Northrup:

See you next time.