The Oren Cohen Podcast

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In today's little build-in-public episode, I go over the course material I came up with for my course "The Sensitive Art of Podcast Interviewing"


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What is The Oren Cohen Podcast?

I'm just a dude who likes to talk about nerd stuff and entrepreneurship.

Hello everyone and welcome
back to the Oren Cohen podcast.

Today it's day 25 of the 30 day challenge.

And today I want to talk to you about.

The lessons that I came
up with for my course.

So I'm not going to make this a big deal.

I just want to go over the syllabus
that I came up with for the course.

So here it is.

So the first part of the course, if
you remember, I named the course, the

sensitive art of podcast interviewing.

I am essentially teaching you how to
interview a guest on your podcast.

Because I've done it for a long time and
I learned a few things that could help

you make the process a lot easier and fun.

And get a lot out of the interview.

That you wouldn't otherwise.

The first section of the course
is introduction and logistics.

This is a little section at the beginning.

a module, if you will, where I explain
why this course, why now and why me?

This is one video where I
explain all of those things.

And the other thing that I do in this
section is invite you to a Discord

community where people could essentially.

Talk to each other and me and throw ideas
around and see how they can grow together.

The next section of the course
is the actual course material.

This is where I share my lessons
about how to interview and the first

one is how to plan an interview
and it's easier than you think.

This is where I explain
how to plan an interview.

It's pretty self-explanatory.

Then, the next one is how to
begin a podcast interview session.

This is about.

The conversation that you have with
your guests even before pressing record.

A lot goes into this small amount of time.

And what you do in this
small amount of time will

shine a light about the entire
experience of your podcast.

So that's a really
interesting lesson as well.

I know I'm not objective because
I am creating these lessons.

But I'm pretty proud of myself
for coming up with these lessons.

The next one is the meaning of
being a conversation leader.

This is where I talk to you about
questions that you might have When

the conversation is ongoing, what
you need to know about being a

leader in the conversation to make
sure the questions that you want

answered actually do get answered.

And you don't just go with the flow of the
conversation where the guest takes you.

The next lesson is how to
deal with golden nuggets.

I know it's a pretty vague title, but I
explain at the beginning of this video

that golden nuggets are things that
the guest says that you are like, wait,

I didn't know that about this person.

And once you realized those things,

The same amount of surprise you
have, the listener will also have.

I explain in this video how important
it is to follow up with those

golden nuggets and how to do it.

The next lesson after that is how to
give your guests a good plug opportunity.

As all things in an interview, you are
giving the spotlight to your guests.

But if we're being realistic,
not all listeners will

listen from, start to finish.

Some will jump around.

And, some will just listen from
the beginning until a certain point.

And only your most devout listeners
will listen from start to finish.


Don't have a lot of patience these days.

For those people that actually care
about the conversation that's where

I teach you how to give your guests
a good plug opportunity because once

they listen until a certain point
after that point, they're gone.

They're not going to listen
anymore because they feel like

the conversation is wrapping up.

So that's where I teach you
where to plug and how to do it.

And the next lesson after that is.

How to include your guests community
into your interview which is a

cool little thing that I started
doing in the beginning where I

include the community of my guests.

And a lot of them sent questions.

And, now I do it all the time.

It's pretty amazing when it
works, but not all creators have

communities that they can rely on.

So it's not always going to work,
but if you can make it work,

it's going to be a lot of fun.

The next lesson after that is time
management during an interview.

You have a specific amount of time
to make the conversation happen?

And you need to start and end the
conversation in that timeframe.

In this little lesson,
I teach you how I do it.

And hopefully that informs how you
do it and helps you stay in check.

And Explain what to do when you realize
you're going to go over time and

the conversation has not ended yet.

And the final lesson in the
course material section is the

correct way to end an interview.

Which is an important last segment
and appropriately placed about how to

finish the interview in a way that not
only makes sure that your guest feels

comfortable with the conversation but
also in a way that 99% of the time

promises that it will get shared.

Again, it's not a guarantee but if
you end your interviews in this way

it will be a lot better for you and
the guest that you are interviewing.

And afterwards I have a little module,
which has final words and bonuses.

This is where I say my final words, recap
everything we learned in the course,

and explain what I think you should do.

Next, how do you proceed from here?

And this is also where I'm going to
include a future bonuses Of the course.

And that's basically it
that's the entire course.

I should mention that this is
not a final list of lessons.

I do plan to make changes and also
this course is going to be updated.

It's not final.

I plan to include more bonuses that I
actually got the idea from Chat GPT.

But for now this is the first
draft that I'm working with.

It's a good chunk of work to
actually make these videos and

publish them in the course page
just to make the content appear.

And then I can also give
people better testing access

and they can provide feedback.

Afterwards I can update
the course more and more.

So that's it for this little
build in public episode where I

share my progress with the course.

Thank you again so much
for listening or watching.

If you want to be a part
of my little community.

Then you can find my newsletter in
the description of this episode.

And I'll see you in tomorrow's episode.

Bye for now.