The Lucas Skrobot Show

The Global taxes it's citizen out of existence, the dictionary becomes hijacked by propagandist, and the show is changing it's cadence by taking Plato's advice...

Show Notes

The Global taxes it's citizen out of existence, the dictionary becomes hijacked by propagandist, and the show is changing it's cadence by taking Plato's advice...
Time Stamps
   Global Tax for the 21st Century begins  00:00
  Who pays " big bad multinational companies"  00:33
  Stay tuned for announcement at the end...  01:00
  OECD - 140 nations, 136 agree to global tax.  01:10
  What does it mean?  02:01
  Govs Fix Prices for "level playing field"   03:59
   Who will REALLY pay these taxes? Ultimately YOU.  04:54
  VAT in the Middle East Shocked an already struggling economy . . . that was PRE covid  06:21
  Pres. Joe Biden's Statement  08:14
  Gov vs Entrepreneurial /Business mindset  10:15
  Are all taxes bad?  11:01
  Yeah that makes sense  12:13
  Merriam-Webster Dictionary's Definition of Anti-Vaxxer Includes Opposing Vaccine Mandates  12:33
  Dictionary now propaganda tool.  14:52
  Iceland BARS Moderna Vax  15:25
  Biden's Misinformation going against Youtube Policy  16:42
  YouTube Policy and CDC Statements  19:35
  Mandates and Control feeble attempt to stabilize a fragile global economy--is it having an adverse affect?   21:16
   Value for Value  22:06
  Weaver and Loom  23:48
  Plato's Republic  25:37
  Go down . . .  27:41
  Change of Cadence Announcement   28:42
  WhatsApp me at +1-202-922-0220  32:45
  Build your community  34:16

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

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At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

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You pay more taxes.

I pay more taxes.

We all pay more taxes.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot and
you're listening to the Lucas

Skrobot show where we uncover
purpose, pursue truth and own.

The future is episode
264, October 10th, 2021.

Welcome to the show coming to
you from the heart of the middle

east today, we talk about.

Taxes global taxes that are
going to affect everyone.

They say that this is
only going to touch that.

You know, big, bad multinational
corporations that are making more

than 750 million euros dollars a year,
but who will end up footing this bill

who will end up suffering because
of this new and imposed global tax?

Well, it's a 7 billion earthlings
who are just oftentimes trying

to get by in life also on today's
episode, stick around to the end,

especially if you're an avid listener.

Some announcements, uh, towards the
end of this episode, in the Weaver

and loom segment that you for sure
do not want to miss because it

pertains to the next number of weeks
and months back to this global.

Thank you organization for economic
cooperation and development, which

is comprised of 140 countries.

And so far 136 out of this hundred
and 40 countries have agreed

to the global taxation scheme.

So that.

These big multinational
corporations can't avoid taxes.

What would happen up to this point?

It's still to this point because
this bill has not been passed.

There's four countries, including Kenya,
Nigeria, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka that

have not yet joined the agreement,
but it is likely that it's still going

to pass is 90% of the, the globe.

The global economy is behind
this proposition, but what.

The way this applies is for these
massive multinational corporations that

are doing over 868 million us dollars
or 750 million euros in sales a year

will be subject to an additional.

15% tax, not an additional
15%, but a minimum 15% tax.

The way that that works is if you
set up your company in India and

India levies a 10% tax on you, but
you also have roots back in the UK.

Well, the UK is now able
to impose the difference.

They are able, the UK
can take the extra 5%.

India can take their temperature.

And no matter what if you're one of these
massive corporations you're paying 15%

in the past, the way that these, these
tax incentives have worked a great case

in point is a nation like the United
Arab Emirates or Dubai, or even Saudi

Arabia, where they had zero tax for these
multinational corporations, there's a tax

Haven or low tax for such a long time.

So it gave these companies.

Incentive to come and set up business
in their country because they

would be able to have a lower tax
burden to be able to do business.

And this would greatly help
and built the economy of many

nations, including Ireland.

Ireland has been using this.

It's this scheme.

And I don't mean scheme in a negative
way, but had been using this scheme for

a long time to be able to help build
up their economy by giving tax breaks,

to, to organizations, to corporations
so that they come and set up their

headquarters in Ireland, which then brings
jobs, which brings white collar jobs.

Blue collar jobs helps the economy
grow in those cities, in that nation.

But now.

The governments have banded together
and they have essentially created

a fixed pricing schema, which.

A slew of corporations banded together
and said, Hey, we're going to fix the

prices just so that everyone has to pay
the same amount so that we can just ensure

that all of the customers it's, it's an
equal competition, equal playing field.

That the powers that be are
saying, well, no, this isn't really

a price fixing or tax fixing.

It's making sure that everyone
actually has a level playing field.

It's the same difference.

The only difference is that somehow
the global elected officials have

decided that this is a good idea, even
though it is going to impact people

like you and me, and this is how it's
going to impact people like you and me.

When these global corporations turn a
profit, what happens with that money?

That money goes back into the country.

That money goes out to their investors or
goes out to other people on their board

or employees and they get taxed there.

So people, the dollar is getting taxed
one way or another, but what these big

corporations do, which is, has enabled us.

To talk right now, the fact that you're
listening to this is evidence that

these evil, multinational corporations
who are just out to destroy the world

have totally destroyed your life by
the fact that you are listening to this

most likely on a handheld device that
20, 30 years ago would have called.

Millions and millions and
millions of dollars, billions

and billions of billions to make.

We didn't even have the technology,
but because of the ability for

corporations to reinvest profits
into their companies, we have been

able to develop amazing technology
that has improved all of our lives.

But when that those profits are
not able to be reinvested into the.

And they're not making the profits that
they need to stay alive, which right now,

in COVID times, we all know that countries
are, are struggling to stay afloat.

Even here, here in the middle east,
when VAT tax was initially introduced

just a number of years ago, the number
of companies that shut down or left

citing that tax across the region.

Enormous shocking amounts of people
left during that time, as things were

already slowing down pre COVID days, and
now a new unions, more of ex-pats have

left these companies because there are
these, these nations and have gone back

to their home countries because there's
just not the business to be able to

keep these economies as they have been.

But now when these massive corporations
are getting an additional tax where

they can't find these tax havens who
is going to pay for it well, sooner or

later, it will cause prices to inflate.

We will end up playing,
paying those prices.

It will cause everything in the
world to inflate because no longer

can these corporations find a
place where they have a attacks.

It actually kills competition.

It actually kills small nations abilities.

Do you have an advantage over big
booming economies like the United States?

So this is, this is just
a bad deal all around.

Of course, the, the, the globalists
that be are loving, our loving.

Because it means that.

They are able to have one step
closer to total global control.

Uh, president Joe Biden said,
in regards to this, he made a

statement, a written statement.

He said, today's agreement shows how
the American leadership and diplomacy

is advancing the economic interests.

America's working families for decades,
American workers and taxpayers have

paid the price for tax systems that
has rewarded multinational corporations

for shipping jobs and profits overseas.

This race to the bottom has it
just harmed American workers,

but it puts many of our allies at
competitive disadvantages as well.

In other words, we don't
like the global competition.

So we are going to do
away with the competition.

We are going to do a way with people
having a competitive advantage because

we're going to make it illegal for
them to have a competitive advantage.

Now we're going to say, Nope.

If you're going to take your business
elsewhere, you still will owe us taxes.

The globe is truly becoming
a borderless borderless.

Of course, this is great for the build
back better agenda, which the whole

world is going to go through this
global reset and build back better.

And we're going to make sure that
everyone pays their fair share.

It's funny, we don't.

When we talk about paying their fair
share, why don't we just establish a

flat income tax 10% or a flat sales tax,
rather than having all of these systems

where the, the, the one 10th of 1%.

Who are building these corporations
who are investing their resources

and taking risk are paying the
majority of the taxes all ready?

Oh, this is, it's just insane.

At the end of the day, at the
end of the day, it's you and.

Who will end up carrying these
tax loads in these tax burdens?

Because once the money gets sucked into
the governments, we, we all know how

most governments across the world are
run very inefficiently because they're

not run from an entrepreneurial mindset.

There are some nations out there
who do operate with a different

mindset of how can we, how can
we run our, our government?

With more of an entrepreneurial
spirit, but oftentimes the way that

a budget works within a government
is if you spend all of your budget,

then you will get more budget.

But if you don't spend all of
your budget, you will get less.

Whereas in a corporation, in a
company it's quite the opposite.

If you can get the job done without
spending all that money and you

can show a profit, we're going to
reward you for your good stewardship.

Now I'm I don't think that tax
should be totally outlawed taxes

are good when there's taxation with
representation and you're, you're

paying for, for a unified government
to help things in society, like build.

Like make sure that there's a legal
system put in place, like building up

a military to defend your borders, to
defend your land, to, to ensure that

there is a legal system so that when
there is reason to go to court, you

know, that you have a justice system that
you will be working in, operating in.

That's not corrupt where there's not
grease money, that's going every, which.

There's good reason for taxes.

There is not, I don't have an argument
to say there should be zero taxes.

There should be tax, but this,
this will not, this will definitely

not have a positive effect.

On the lives that it's supposedly
is designed to help make sense

in a post-truth society society,
where we have exchanged truth for

lies and reasons for post reason,
for post ponder and irrationality.

The absurd finally makes sense.

And w what is the greatest thing?

About living in a post-modern era
post-modern world is that you can

change the definition of words to mean
whatever you feel like it whenever you

feel like it, as long as it fits your
political agenda, that is if you're the

one that's in charge of the dictionary.

Well, the Miriam Webster dictionary is in
charge of the dictionary and they found.

Quite convenient to change the
definition of what an anti-vaxxer

is previously an anti-vaxxer.

It was someone who was
against all vaccines period.

Now I know a lot of people who
sit in that anti-vaxxer camp

and I have spent a lot of time.

Debating and arguing, or mostly actually
trying to avoid debates and arguments

around the, the anti-vax, uh, arguments
because we've accentuate all of our kids.

They're vaccinated.

I love vaccinations.

They are awesome.


However, what I don't love
mandatory vaccinations.

People being told that if.

Do not get a shot.

You are barred from society.

You are going to lose your job.

You're not able to work in the government
United built to work in the military.

You're not able to enter a story.

You need to have your medical papers on
you at all times in order to go anywhere.

This is the mandates that are happening.

And right now in society,
ironically enough, most of the

voices that I have listened to.

R a against the mandating of vaccines.

They have been vaccinated.

Many people are listened to
they've gotten the vaccine.

They said, yeah, I'm vaccinated.

I'm vaccinated too.

And then they go on to say how they are
against mandates of vaccines, because it's

a complete overstep of personal freedoms.


And government into the personal
sphere and the medical sphere and the

whole thing has become politicized.

Well, now the dictionary of course,
language has become politicized as well.

They've changed the official definition in
the Miriam Webster dictionary to, to this.

It is now a person who opposes.

The use of vaccines or regulations
mandating vaccinations.

So now if you oppose a mandate, regulating
vaccinations, you're opposing a mandate.

You're not anti mandate.

Now you're anti VAX.

Well, one of the biggest,
apparently anti-vax nations.

Now, I guess we have those.

If a nation is opposing.

This is what it means.

If a nation decides to oppose the
regulation or mandates of a vaccine

like Croatia they're now anti-vax
they're now anti-vax so Iceland

must also be anti-vax because they
have suspended Medina vaccinations

for all age groups, all age groups.

They're saying we don't trust Madrona.

Does this mean that, oh my goodness.


Of all places they are
being just horrible.

Anti-vaxxers is that no, because,
because they look at data and they

said, Hmm, I don't think we trust
this maternal vaccine right now.

We need to, we need to get a
little bit more, some more answers

to figure out what's going on.

When, when AstraZeneca was paused
across Europe, does that mean Europe?

Was it in that point of time?

Anti-vax because they didn't want
to accept that particular vaccine.

Well, president.

President Joe Biden chimed in on this,
uh, this last week, remarking on the

progress, the great progress that
America has made when it comes to their

vaccinations and the things that he's
doing, and the reasons why he is pushing

vaccine mandates mandates across the
land of the free and the home of the

brave here is president Joe Biden.

I still had more than a quarter of the
people in the United States were eligible

for vaccinations, but didn't get the shot.

And we know there is no other way
to beat the pandemic than to get the

vast majority of Americans vaccinated.

It's as simple as that, no other.

He said there's no other
way to beat the pandemic.

If you remember a few episodes ago,
we played a clip from professor, sir.

Andrews polars.

Who's the director of the
Oxford vaccination group.


Huxford AstraZeneca director.

Talk about being pro vaccination.

This is what he had to
say a few episodes ago.

I think we are in a situation
here with this current marriage.

At where herd immunity is not a
possibility because it's still in

facts, uh, vaccinated individuals.

Um, and I suspect that, uh, the
virus will throw out next is a, is a

veteran, which is perhaps even veteran
transmitting in vaccinated populations.

This is, this is from someone
who who's helping develop these

vaccines, but yet here is the, the
president of the United States.

With fake news misinformation saying
that, oh man, we know that the only way

that this will stop is if everyone gets
vaccinated, even though the experts are

saying we are not going to reach herd
immunity, period, it is, it's not going

to happen with this because it is like
the flu in that, in that it is continuing.

Coming up with new and new strains and
variants, just like a flu shot from

two years ago is not going to help
you with beating the flu this year.

Well, president Joe Biden goes on.

We're making sure healthcare workers
are vaccinated because if you seek

care at a healthcare facility, you
should have a certainty that the people

providing that care are protected
from COVID and cannot spread it to

you and can not spread it from you.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, this
ladies and gentlemen is a direct

violation of YouTube policies.

Is it.

Again, we just read that a lot of the
policies, the new YouTube misinformation

policies to do build a safer world for
you w on from the, this is a quote from

the YouTube website on their policy
that you cannot make any claims that

any medication or vaccination is a
guaranteed prevention method for COVID-19.

So claims that any medication.

Or any vaccination is a guaranteed
prevention method for COVID-19

is a violation of YouTube policy.

And yet again, here is Mr.


We're making sure healthcare workers
are vaccinated because if you seek

care at a healthcare facility, you
should have a certainty that the people

providing that care are protected from
COVID and cannot spread it to you.

We have a certainty that they're protected
from COVID and can not spread it from you.

I mean, I guess we should just, we need
to take out, take down the white house.

You know, flag their account
and take it down because this

is clearly miss information.

Even the CDC, this is
quote from the CDC website.

Quote, if you are fully vaccinated and
become infected with the Delta variant

comma, you can spread the virus to others.

This is the CDC website.

In for mation ladies and gentlemen,
the point, the point of all of this

is that these mandates, these mandates
and this push to control everything in

the midst of a time where everything
is out of control in the midst of the

time where economies are repressed.

We are where we're teetering
between whether a global inflation,

which we are seeing currently,
or will that turn as everything.

The house of cards collapses on itself
into a global depression, which will

be very difficult to get out of.

And yet here are governments continuing
to raise taxes and to push for a.

Further and further control
over our every day lives.

So this show is brought to
you by listeners like you.

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To the show as you listen, don't go away.

We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and Liam segments.

Welcome back to Weaver Numa, part of the
show where we take ancient wisdom and

we weave it in with our every day lives.

I love the image of the Weaver
and the loom it a carpet.

Is filled with many, many, many tiny
knots, just like our lives are filled

with many tiny decisions and all of
those decisions add up together, all

of those whose divine appointments,
divine interventions of happening

to run into someone in the middle of
a, a store and become friends with.

All of these things are just little
knots in our life that build up to make

the tapestry or the carpet of our lives.

And then our lives are just one
little pixel in the history of mankind

and we're all being woven together.

My destiny is locked up in your
destiny and your destiny is

truly locked up in my destiny.

And that's why we need one another.

We need a community to run with and we
need wisdom to be able to discern how

to best live our lives, how to best
navigate the snares and the traps.

And that is eight, the framework
of a loom to have a strict.

And solid loom is straight and
solid framework by which we can

see the world so that we can make
the decisions in our life brightly.

Well, today's quote comes from Plato
from Plato's Republic, and it's

actually the first three words of
Plato's Republic, which is this.

I went down now.

There's a story behind.

When I was in university, I
took a, a philosophy course

and my philosophy teacher.

He was a, he was a true,
it really true philosopher.

He would, he would come to class every
day wearing the same black sweatshirt and

same black sweat pants and white sneakers.

Now it wasn't, you know, he probably had
seven to the same sweatshirt and sweats.

So that everyday he would just
wake up and put on the same outfit.

So he didn't have to make those decisions.

He was thrill.

When you think of a philosophy
professor, he was the, the image

that you probably see in your head.

That's beat.

It's been depicted in all the movies.

Well, in our class, we read Plato's
Republic and Plato's Republic is a.

A story of Play-Doh writing about
justice and mercy, how societies are to

fit together, how do, how do republics
function and, and roll out justice

and rollout, just systems of living.

And it all starts with the,
the hero going down to see.

And I remember the professor asking,
how can we, from the first sentence of

Plato's Republic, understand with the
entire book is about, I was stumped.

I couldn't figure it out.

And he said, it's the first
three words I went down.

Um, us going down out of our ivory
towers, it's us going down into the

cave, into the cave of ourselves, into
the cave of, of our past, into solitude,

into engaging with people around
us, everyday people that we may be.

We don't often engage with to be able to
see the world from a different viewpoint.

It's these things that enables us
to see the world differently and to

understand, listen, to measure how we
ought to live and that's to live and

to walk in humility, to live and to
walk in self-awareness by coming down

from those normal activities to, to a
moment of silence and rest so that we

can begin to see the world around us.


And so that second.

That segues into something I've been
recently thinking about and wrestling

through probably for the last month
I've been doing this show now every week

without, without fail, I guess I've failed
twice, twice in the middle of moving.

I missed a a week show, but every
week for the last three years,

sometimes twice, most, most of
this year it's been twice a week.

Um, at one point it was.

Five times a week doing this show.

And over the last month,
uh, hit some bumps in life.

Some, uh, some moments of sorrow and
grief, and it has caused me to reflect

and to say, I need a moment to go down.

I need a moment.

To go into the cave as there's
there's things that I've been

wanting to develop for the show.

There's things that I've been wanting
to develop in my, in my personal

life, that I need to take a moment
to retreat back from the show so that

I can come and take a step forward,
because oftentimes if we want to take

steps forward in life, we need to take
a step back to do put some things in.

So that we can come out with a fresh
view, fresh ideas, fresh articulation.

So in the last, my goodness in the
last six or seven months, I have just

loved how this show has developed.

I have.

Some of the new things that we have
come out with, uh, especially the, uh,

the, yeah, that makes sense segment.

And some of the more structures
that have been coming into the show,

I've just been loving the show.

When I sit down here to talk
with you twice a week, it is, it

is really the place that I just
feel such a wind in my heart.

And I, I just love this so much, so
I'm not going away, but I am scaling.

Uh, for the next month to possibly
to the end of the year, I'm

leaving a little open-ended.

I know.

And I personally hate that it, in, in my
decision-making process, I talk to a lot

of different close confidant, mentors
and friends to come to this decision.

And I could S I could feel
in myself a greater fear.

Pausing for a moment, letting go, taking
a break to give myself to reading that

have been needing, to do, wanting to
do, to writing that have been wanting

to do, to developing some, some ideas
further that I haven't had time to.

Um, as most of my creative bandwidth is
eaten up with these shows twice a week.

And so pulling back from that will
give me more creative bandwidth

to plug into some of these areas.

That we'll be able to bring out.

So, uh, the twice a week model right
now that we've been running off of

since the beginning of this year
will be paused for a number of weeks.

Uh, I'm not saying a won't
do an episode at all.

If I'm struck with, with a great story
and something just needs to be said,

um, I'm going to pop back on and share
that with you, but in the meantime,

between now and whenever the, the next,
the next schedule is set into place and.

Keep on rolling with that with like
clockwork, just as we've been doing

the twice a week shows so far this
year, think we've clocked around.

Oh, I think over 70 episodes, uh,
this year, I think 76 episodes,

maybe we've done so far this year,
so we'll continue with regular

programming of course, but between now
and then I would love to hear from.

If you, if you find yourself
at this episode and you're

like, where's the next show?

What's that me a plus
1, 2 0 2 9 2 2 0 2 2 0.

I would love to hear from you.

I'd love to hear some of the things
that you have been loving from the

show hating from the show wishing
you had more of from the show.

More importantly, things that are
happening in your own life, things that

are happening in your own community,
things that you're seeing, taking

place that is causing you, either
concern or great joy, things that

are taking place in your life, that's
causing you to find greater senses

of purpose or feel like hindrances
to finding your purpose or finding.

Your way in life of how, how that you
can own your future, how you can see the

world more clearly and more brightly.

Finally, the way that we all
can grow more as individuals

is by giving away what we have.

So even on this short hiatus,
it's not really a hiatus.

It's not really a stepping back.

It is a going down.

Into the cave to develop things
that I've been needing to develop.

I can bring it back out so that
we can all progress further.

But in this hiatus,
please share these ideas.

You don't even need to share the actual
link to the episode, but share these

ideas with your community around you,
because that will cause you to grow

because as you give things away, You gain
more knowledge and more understanding

and more articulation, and it begins
to build a community around you.

It begins to strengthen those
walls of those communities.

And that is the one thing.

Maybe it's not the one thing that we
can control, but when we look across

society, when we look at these global
taxes in these governments and the

dictionary changing the definition
of words, we, unless you're in those

high places of power, have very
little control over that, but we.

Strike a rhythm and a cadence
of the community around us.

We can create a culture, a cultural
norm within the community around us.

And then if we're living in that micro
ecosystem, then we can be isolated

from many of these toxic, uh, pathogens
that are, are sweeping through the.

And it's truly sweeping through the
globe due to the connectivity that

we all have to the internet and to
these smart devices that make us dumb.

They make us dumb.

One of the things that I am
committing to over this next season.

Breaking up with the 24 hour news cycle
a little bit more and spending more

time reading, more time writing and
having those blocks of time to, to block

out deep work, deep thinking, which
I've been so blessed to be able to do

through the show as it takes hours to
produce each one of these episodes.

Uh, deep work and deep thinking and
reading, but oftentimes it's reading

pointless things like global taxes.

It's just like, ah, Come on man,
but, um, I'm looking forward to, to

getting into some more meaty literature
and books over this next season,

and I encourage you to do the same.

That is all for this episode.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

I look forward to seeing
your name come up in my.

Text messages and WhatsApp
again, plus 1, 2 0 2 9 2 0 2 2 0.

Remember, you are a person that goes
out to pursue truth because when we

pursue truth, we uncover our purpose
and that enables us to own the future.