Primordial Path

Prana vidya, or the science of the life force, focuses on accessing the dormant energy within the individual and the cosmos. It involves practices designed to awaken prana, raising and storing it, and expanding and distributing it internally, throughout the body, and externally. Prana vidya involves the pranic body, where the chakras and nadis reside. By increasing the store of prana in the body, pranic awareness becomes refined, and the pranic flow is experienced as currents of energy and visualised as particles of light flowing through the nadis. Prana vidya practices involve ajna chakra, which serves as the temporary storehouse and distribution centre for prana.

By using the chakras and nadis to identify and influence energy patterns in the body, individuals can experience prana as pure light, connecting them to the source of life and consciousness and merging with cosmic energy. By practicing prana vidya, a deeper understanding and higher level of consciousness emerge, resulting in a sense of being reborn.

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What is Primordial Path?

Traditional, energetic practises, for anyone, anywhere.

Hello and welcome back! Today I will be chatting about Prana Vidya. Now I have mentioned this ever so briefly in previous episodes, and today I will break it down for you.

So what is Prana Vidya?
Prana vidya, literally translates to 'the science of the life force', and it is primarily focussed on accessing the energy that is dormant in both the individual and in the cosmos.
References to prana vidya can be found as far back as 500 BC and has been known as many different names across different traditions through the ages. Of course, today we will focus on it from the tantric perspective. So as we already know, we have a system of awakening energy using the chakras, which are the energy plexuses, and the nadis, which are the energy channels. We have spoken about both of these a few times times now, so go back and have a listen if you’re not too sure what they are.
Now we also must consider that from a tantric perspective, there are two basic principles of the universe prana shakti and chitta shakti, which can be defined as energy and consciousness. They are separate entities existing in duality, yet they are the opposite poles of the same principle.

The first stage of prana vidya commences with practices designed to awaken prana. The next stage involves practices that raise and store the awakened prana. The more advanced practices facilitate the expansion and distribution of prana internally, throughout the body, and externally, into the surrounding environment. Each progressive stage aims to develop and further refine pranic awareness, sensitivity and control. Each stage must be mastered before moving on to the next and the process in itself could take months or even years.

Tantra works on the principle that expansion of consciousness is specifically brought about by the liberation of energy. Therefore, even if one meditates for a thousand years, if there is no release of energy then the evolution of consciousness is not possible.

So if we look at the science of prana vidya, At the level of the individual, prana is the vital energy flowing within the body to keep every organ alive and active. This individual life force is a part of universal prana, just as individual consciousness is a part of universal consciousness.
Vidya means meditation or knowledge. Thus, prana vidya means knowledge of the life force, mediation on the life force, or realisation of the life force - first at the individual level and eventually at the cosmic level.

Just as the voltage of electricity can be increased, the store of prana in the body can be increased.
Using intense concentration, one-pointed awareness and visualisation, psychic energy is circulated through specific pranic channels in the body. After some time, this generates vast amounts of prana shakti. In fact, prana vidya progressively develops awareness and control over the field of prana to such an extent that it brings about an awakening of great potential which lies dormant within the depths of our being.

So where then does this fit in relation to the koshas or the 5 sheaths. The 5 koshas, as we discussed in the last episode, are: i) annamaya kosha, the physical body il) pranamaya kosha, the pranic body iii) manomaya kosha, the mental body iv) vijnanamaya kosha, the psychic body, and v) anandamaya kosha, the bliss body.
Prana vidya, is concerned with the pranic body, pranamaya kasha, sheath number 2. This is where the chakras and the nadis live. Remembering that the chakras are the energy wheels and the nadis are the energy pathways.
When we begin to expand one's experience of the pranic body subtle sensations such as heat or tingling indicate the presence of prana in different parts or regions of the physical or pranic body. As one becomes more proficient in prana vidya, pranic awareness becomes more and more refined until the pranic flow is experienced as currents of energy and visualized as particles of light flowing through the nadis. When perception becomes completely attuned to the pranic body, a body of light may be seen in which there are thousands of delicate, wire-like structures conducting shakti or energy.

Now before we look closer at the chakras, we must remember that prana vidya is an exceptionally subtle yet powerful practise that requires patience, intense concentration and refined perception.

The generating station for prana is mooladhara; the storage centre is manipura and the distribution centre is ajna.
Generally, prana vidya practices awakens prana from mooladhara chakra. After awakening and raising prana from mooladhara, it is taken to ajna chakra which becomes the temporary storehouse and distribution centre for prana.
Once sufficient energy has been generated and stored in ajna, it is distributed to different parts of the body. Prana can also be extended further afield and directed externally to transform the environment and to heal and uplift others.
Before concluding the practice, it is important to return the awakened energy back to mooladhara, the original source. When we use the chakras, and nadis to identify and influence energy patterns in the body we can also bring about a greater vitality, healing, and shift mental programming or patterns. Through regular practise we can begin to experience prana as pure light connecting us to the source of life and consciousness and eventually merging with the cosmic energy completely!

In prana vidya, pingala nadi is the main nadi used for raising prana, as it represents the more extroverting vital energy within the pranic body. Circulating prana through pingala awakens and expands this solar energy.

Both meditation and Pranayama combined act as stepping stones that lead naturally to the practice of prana vidya, remembering we need the energy release.

Prana vidya practices gradually expand the quantum of prana within the individual. Such expansion occurs both internally and externally. The expansion of individual pranic awareness and capacity is reflected externally through greater levels of influence. In addition, energy blocks are released as prana is moved up and down the nadis. As energy is liberated, it becomes available for distribution, and the organs, muscles, bones, cells and atoms are nourished. More life-giving energy and less tension means the related systems of the body function more efficiently, effectively and harmoniously.
Negative states of mind and emotional tensions are overcome when prana flows freely and in abundance. The psychological state is reflective of the underlying pranic condition, and thus by directing the flow of prana, the mind becomes tranquil and calm. When the mind is steady and still, the ability to concentrate develops and the meditative states of dharana and dhyana are experienced.
Through prana vidya a deeper understanding and higher level of consciousness emerges in relation to prana and life. When this occurs, the entire body-mind is completely revitalised to such an extent that there is a sense of being reborn. Sounds pretty bloody good to me.