Street Level America

What is Street Level America?

Starting a dialogue with Americans of all political parties, liberal and conservative, who want to keep traditional values in America. Who agree that everyone is important. We want to have a frank discussion of the issues and do it by honoring everyone‘s views. That we as Americans need to join together in our efforts going forward in America.

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Speaker 1:

Street level America. I'm Dave Adams. Anyone care to guess how long Joe Biden will last in office? Everybody is throwing him under the bus. George Clooney, filmmaker Michael Moore, the progressive left, their eyes have been opened and they've seen that Joe Biden is not cognitively able to handle the duties of president of the United several years.

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Several years and they finally woken up. That debate which was supposed to put, Joe Biden over the top, so to speak, put him under the bus. And then the George Stephanopoulos interview. Did you catch that? George Stephanopoulos said, yeah, I don't I can't see Joe Biden lasting another 4 years, and then he apologized for that?

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Folks, take a good hard look at the media today at the mainstream media. They're not telling you the story. They're selling you a narrative. And when somebody slips up and says the truth, they have to apologize for the truth. ABC News George Stephanopoulos should be ashamed of themselves, not for telling the truth, but for apologizing for it.

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How soon? How long will Joe Joe Biden last? Will he last the current term? There is 1 train of thought, which I thought sounded reasonable and that is they don't want Kamala Harris to run, but what they can do is if they pull Joe out and invoke the 25th amendment and but Pamela Kamala Harris in for the remainder of his term that gives her an olive branch. That gives her, you know, I'm the first black president, 1st president of color who's a woman.

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And so that gives her something to write home about that gives her her claim to fame. But, Kamala, we don't want you running in 2024 because you will not win. At first, I thought it was going to be Michelle Obama. I don't think so. We're too close to the election and and it's gonna be very interesting to see what's gonna happen.

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Kamala Harris won't be able to win against Donald Trump. Joe Biden won't be able to win against Donald Trump. In fact, Joe Biden may not even last out his term. I think there's a lot of credibility to that story about put Kamala in for the remainder of the term to give her something to take home, so to speak. But don't let her run for 2024.

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So from the democrat bench, which candidate will win? Gavin Newsom? I hope not. Gretchen Widmer? I hope not.

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They they they have a weak bench, a very weak bench. I think that Donald Trump would win against any of them, and it's kind of fun to see the Democrats twist in the wind and the news media twist in the wind. All of a sudden, everybody realizes the emperor has no clothes, but there have been people telling you the emperor was buck naked for a couple of years at least. And now all of a sudden, oh, when did this happen? When did this happen?

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When did Joe Biden lose all of his cognitive abilities? Well, it's been happening. You've just ignored it, But it got so bad, it got to the point where you could not ignore it and now everybody is saving face. It is fun to watch the Democrats and mainstream media twist in the wind and try to figure out how to spin this 1 so they can save face. But you're not stupid.

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The public is not stupid, and they smell a rat, and they realize they've been sold a bill of goods. Is it any wonder public perception of the credibility of the news media is at an all time low? Time to put Trump back in the White House. But it is fun to watch the democrats twist in the wind. I love America and I wish that we could get together and we could work on the nation's problems, but it all seems to be about politics.

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Well, Donald Trump is talking about making America great again and all Joe Biden could talk about when he can find the words is how bad and rotten and convicted Donald Trump is. And all Donald Trump could talk about is make America great again, and he gets in front of an audience like he did in Florida the other night, and the crowd goes wild because Donald Trump is looking for a positive future. He says his best revenge is success, and that is finding a resounding chorus from the American public. They want a future. They want a good future, and they want to make America great again.

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It's time to pull the curtain closed on the Joe Biden administration. I guess the only question is how soon will the credit start to roll? Street Level America. I'm Dave Adams, and that's what I think.