A millennial and Gen Z duo serving up hot takes on topics you definitely shouldn’t bring up at the dinner table. From religion and politics to conspiracy theories and societal taboos, nothing is off-limits. Expect bold opinions, thought-provoking debates, and a dash of chaos—because we don’t just stir the pot, we flip the whole table.
Explicit content. Listener discretion is advised.
I'll make it simple. We need her young. We need her hot. We need her now. How old the old bitch has been able to stick around for this long?
MOVIE:That's that's a fucking mystery to me.
BRITT:Welcome to Dinner Party Massacre. I'm Britt.
SONYA:And I'm Sonya.
BRITT:This is the podcast where we bring the conversations you're not supposed to have at the table.
SONYA:From religion to conspiracy theories, no topic is too controversial for us to dig into.
BRITT:So pull up a chair because this dinner party is about to get messy. We're live. Kit. Well, not at all, actually.
SONYA:Oh, okay.
BRITT:Live is a different thing. We're not live.
SONYA:We're recording.
BRITT:Yes. We are yes. We just watched The Substance.
SONYA:We did.
BRITT:I have seen it. Mhmm. You have now seen it.
SONYA:I have now seen it. Thoughts? Fucked up. Yeah. Like, it's weird how far they took it from, like, just like this thing of, like, oh, like, love who you are.
SONYA:Like, you're hot as you are to, like, creating this fucking thing.
BRITT:I don't even know A monster.
SONYA:A monster. Literally. But, yeah, they took it so fucking far. And I was just like, what the fuck is going on at this point?
BRITT:I do wanna do a tiny preface. Today, we are going to be talking about aging. Mhmm. Specifically women. I don't have much to say about men aging because they just get to.
BRITT:But that's kind of what we're gonna be talking about. We're not
SONYA:Well, I mean, the whole movie was based around women aging.
BRITT:Yeah. I just wanna make it clearer to anyone listening that we're not, like, film critics or, like, movie reviewers. Like, this isn't gonna be that kind of review of
SONYA:Like, I'm just a girl that watched a movie and had thoughts.
BRITT:We watched it to talk about this topic, not not to criticize the film. Yeah. So don't take anything we say about the movie too seriously or what we, like, took from it or whatever. That's not really why we're here.
BRITT:But I just I just
SONYA:watched the movie and have thoughts. Exactly. That's it.
BRITT:I just wanted to preface that so people aren't like, actually, they did it for this reason. Like, we don't
SONYA:I don't know.
BRITT:We don't know.
SONYA:I don't know. I didn't watch any background information and I just watched the movie.
BRITT:No. I told you nothing. I've watched a couple interviews about it but I love this movie.
BRITT:Yeah. I had different thoughts about it the first time I watched it. The part where, like, after Sue goes back and does the activator again, and then she, like, passes out. And once her eyes started, like, splitting into a 100 eyes Yeah. I think they should've cut it.
BRITT:Yeah. And that'd been the end of the movie. Yeah. That being said, watching it again, whole new appreciation for, like, the completely wack ass ending.
BRITT:I think it's fun. Horror. Yeah. It's very campy
BRITT:And very, like I don't know. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot more the second time.
BRITT:good. Because the first time through, I was like, what are they doing? Like, they've taken it too far. Blah blah
SONYA:blah. That's kinda what I'm feeling. I'm like, what the fuck was up that monster? Like, that blood spewing scene was too fucking long.
BRITT:Yeah. Too much blood. Too long. Too much screaming. Why are they still in the room?
BRITT:But it's just, like I don't know. I think it fit well having seen it again the second time.
SONYA:That's good. What did interviewers have to say that stuck with you? I
BRITT:didn't watch that much, honestly. I think the main thing I really enjoyed watching was, the director and writer. She watching her talk about it and how, like, the way they filmed it and stuff was really good. Like, the different cameras and stuff that they used, there's, like, a lot of that stuff is really interesting.
SONYA:Like the production of it?
BRITT:Yeah. That kind of stuff is mostly what I ended up watching. And, like
SONYA:Not like, oh, like, they did this for this reason kinda thing? Oh. I don't care. No. You don't give a fuck.
SONYA:I don't care.
BRITT:You don't care about the conspiracy theories? No. No. She did it. I mean, I feel like there's a lot about, like, Hollywood.
BRITT:And there I feel I feel like there's a lot of commentary on, like, Hollywood and celebrity and stuff, which I don't feel at like I have much of a comment on.
SONYA:Yeah. I mean, we're not from Hollywood. So You only know what you see and what you hear, kind of thing. So
BRITT:Dennis Quaid Slade.
BRITT:He was disgusting, but, like, acting wise, that was crazy.
BRITT:Because I was horrified every time he was on screen.
SONYA:Yeah. Like, he definitely portrayed this, like, gross, like, oh, I'm your manager. I say what I want.
BRITT:And I can always do what I want. Dirty. Yeah. Or smoking or eating or, like
SONYA:Or doing, like making gross comments. Yet he was like, I want this perfect clean woman.
BRITT:And ain't that a reflection of reality? Real. He's the grossest, most, like
SONYA:Oldest, crustiest white man. And he's like, yeah. Give me that Dictating
BRITT:the perfect. Yeah.
BRITT:blah blah. And then his, like, his crowd of, stock brokers or whatever.
SONYA:Yeah. Like his
BRITT:Shareholders, whatever he called them. Whatever he called them.
SONYA:They're all just a bunch of old white dudes.
BRITT:Literally, they all look exactly the same.
SONYA:They all look the same.
BRITT:like, oh, they wanted to meet you. K.
SONYA:There's just 7 of the same guy.
BRITT:Yep. But I think sorry. I kicked you. That's fine. I just love the overall like, I could've just told you about this movie and talked about aging and had an episode, but I I really wanted you to see it.
SONYA:Well, I've seen, like, TikToks, like, edits of it and I thought it was cool and I was like, oh my god. What movie is this? But now I've seen it.
BRITT:Now you've seen it. You're welcome.
SONYA:Now I'm like, oh my god. I get the references now.
BRITT:I just it it says so much about, like, the obsession with
SONYA:And, like, wanting to look young and hot.
BRITT:Yeah. But, like, Bitch was already hot. Objectively
SONYA:She literally was already hot.
BRITT:And I don't wanna say even, like, hot for 50. Like, she was just hot.
SONYA:Yeah. Like, people were so in love with it. People were so fans with her. Like Yeah. She was still on TV actively up until the point that they fired her that day.
BRITT:For no reason other than it was her birthday. Yeah. And she turned 50. God forbid.
SONYA:Literally. And then all of a sudden, she's like, oh, I'm ugly. I'm disgusting. Like, no one loves me. Like, I'll never look like my younger self.
SONYA:No shit. Yeah. You were
BRITT:a child.
SONYA:You were a child. It's fine.
BRITT:I've always been, like, I don't know, less afraid of aging, I feel like, than the people around me. Like, I have friends and stuff. I'm mid thirties now.
SONYA:Mhmm. Scary.
BRITT:I know. But it's not. Like, I always thought it would be and it's not. And I've, like, I've started getting gray hairs in the last couple years.
SONYA:Have you?
SONYA:Oh my god. Hold on.
BRITT:See if you can see any. They're usually back here.
SONYA:I can't see them.
BRITT:I'll send you a picture someday. Okay. But, like, when I'm blow drying my hair, I see them, like, if I'm putting my hair up and stuff. And I was like, aren't I supposed to be, like, upset or something? But I love them.
SONYA:Yeah. Thank
BRITT:you. I think you're so cute. And I'm like, oh, another one.
SONYA:No. Add it to my collection.
BRITT:Like, maybe once they start taking over, I'll feel differently. But, like,
SONYA:I don't know. I can't even see them.
BRITT:No. But, like, I don't know. It wasn't, like, a scary thing.
SONYA:It was just kinda like, oh, I'm aging. No shade.
BRITT:Cool because the alternative is dying. Honestly, you can't just be young forever. That's not how it works.
SONYA:I wouldn't wanna be young forever.
BRITT:I didn't wanna be young when I was. Literally. That was not my best years. Thank you.
SONYA:No. Thank you so much. People that are like, oh, I would totally relive high school. We are not in the same boat.
BRITT:I can't relate to you at all.
SONYA:No. I would not relive that.
BRITT:One more thing I thought of while I we were watching that that I wanted to point out. I almost made a note because I was afraid I was gonna forget. It reminded me, sort of, of parents who put their kids in beauty pageants and, like, live vicariously through them.
BRITT:Because there was a lot of, like, Elizabeth projecting, like, living her life through Sue, which was kind of the point.
SONYA:Yeah. Like, she got fired so she could go and do this and then put Sue back in that position. Yeah. But then it was like
BRITT:It just reminds me of, like, old southern moms.
SONYA:Yeah. They're like, I'm gonna put my daughter in this page, and she's gonna be the prettiest girl for the past.
BRITT:Young, and now she needs to be so pretty.
SONYA:Yeah. It's like or it's like, oh, I never got the chance as a girl when my mama was broke, so I'm gonna do the best thing for my daughter.
BRITT:Yeah. That's the vibe it gave me.
SONYA:But it's like, I know make the most of
BRITT:your youth by being the prettiest.
SONYA:Yeah. Fuck off. Like, how would I go splash around some mud? Obviously, yeah. If you wanna be pretty and you, like, have hold on.
BRITT:Being pretty Hold on.
SONYA:Definitely has its, like, privileges and, like, feeling pretty, like, feeling attractive. Yeah. It's gonna be wonderful. Yeah. It's wonderful.
SONYA:It's great. Yeah. I would know so much about it. But it's like that doesn't
BRITT:She said humbly.
SONYA:But it doesn't make up your whole character and your whole life. Like, it shouldn't be a reflection of who you are based on how you look. No. No. No.
SONYA:Okay. Podcast over. Thanks for coming.
BRITT:Another thing, Elizabeth was fine. Yeah. She could've been going on dates. It didn't have to be with Fred.
MOVIE:Fred. Fred from 10th grade homeroom.
BRITT:But he was very sweet.
BRITT:But, like He
SONYA:cared about where she was and what she was doing.
BRITT:She had friends. She had, like, people who cared about her or whatever. Yeah.
SONYA:She had a housekeeper.
BRITT:But instead, she became, like, so wrapped up and obsessed with this, like, younger her. Mhmm. She stopped existing.
BRITT:And she literally went from, like, totally gorgeous and successful and great, and then suddenly, she's just old, can't fucking do anything, falling apart because she was so focused on her youth.
SONYA:Well, and, like, I definitely notice it more, like, each scene. Like, she was just more tired and she looked more deformed, I guess, is the best way to put it. But, like, every scene, she was just losing her fucking mind because all she cared about was being pretty.
BRITT:And I feel like that's, like, real. Right? I know. Like, I've I've definitely gone, like, periods of time where, like, I had really bad acne for a couple years.
BRITT:Probably more than a couple. But, like, I still have scarring and shit. It's fine. Yeah. It's fine.
BRITT:But it was, like, my late high school years. Mhmm. And I there was, like, months at a time that I would do nothing. Yeah. I didn't go to parties.
BRITT:I didn't, like, leave my house. Yeah. And I just, like, sat at home and waited to be pretty before I could fucking go outside again.
SONYA:Right? Well, it's like I remember, like, being in high school and thinking because, like, a lot of my friends were, like, double zeros. Like, I had, like, teensy tiny friends. I'm like, that's not their fault. Like, they're just itsy bitsy women.
SONYA:And I'm like, yeah. Go you, girl. Yeah. Love the skinny bitches. Yeah.
SONYA:But, like, as someone that wasn't, like, an extra small, I was, like, a small. So I was like, oh my god. I'm so fat. Like, the
BRITT:way I was exactly the same in high school.
SONYA:Right. I was like, oh my god. All my friends are, like, a double x s, and I'm just like a small, so I'm fat.
BRITT:My best friend in high school is very small. Yeah. Always has been smaller than me, but, like, her frame is smaller. Like, her
SONYA:shoulder narrower. Smaller.
BRITT:God, the way I compared myself to her in high school.
SONYA:Literally. But
BRITT:then I look back on photos, I'm like,
SONYA:I was literally just gonna say that. Like, I look back on photos and I'm like, bae, you were fine. You needed to eat actually.
BRITT:Like, no. You were skinny.
SONYA:You were malnourished, babe.
BRITT:That's insane. Like
SONYA:because I look back and I'm like, damn. Body was tea, but, like Yeah. Why the fuck did I hate it?
BRITT:Like Literally.
SONYA:Yeah. So I'm I definitely think, like, incorporating, like, confidence. Like, don't get me wrong. I'm very confident in myself. But, like, everyone has, like, their little insecurities and whatnot.
SONYA:Yeah. So but I definitely think, like, women should stop stressing about, like, oh my god. I'm not a double size zero waist and whatnot.
BRITT:I'm not the things around me that I think are pretty.
SONYA:Right. Like, I'm not, like, Kylie Jenner.
BRITT:Flowers are pretty and sunsets are also pretty. They're like completely different things, but they're both very pretty.
BRITT:Like, the flowers don't have to wanna look like a sunset. Yeah. Just be the pretty you are.
SONYA:Yeah. Exactly. I don't know.
BRITT:Is there anything else like, anything more you wanted to say about the movie specifically? Or like anything it was saying? I really loved how in the end, when she was like literally the monster Mhmm. Was when she seemed the most comfortable. And she was, like, curling her little hair and she was like, it's me.
BRITT:Like, I'm Sue in the mirror. And she was just, like, not obsessing and comparing and judging. She was just, like, getting ready as she was.
SONYA:I think it's because, like, they became one again. Because it was like, oh, like, Sue's, like, wanting to create this better version of herself, but then Elizabeth was literally on the back as part of the monster, which is supposed to be Sue, but now they're both part of this. Now they're one again.
BRITT:She even said that in the in the microphone at the end. She was like,
SONYA:oh, it's me.
BRITT:It's me.
SONYA:I'm Sue.
BRITT:I'm Elizabeth. Yeah. It's it's us. Yeah. We're here.
SONYA:Yeah. It's just me. Mhmm.
BRITT:Which is so sad.
SONYA:It's so sad. Like, it took
BRITT:like but she did it to herself.
SONYA:I know. Which is the fucked up part because it's like you know what you're getting into, and the guy was very much like you're one with this person.
MOVIE:The one and only thing not to forget. You are one. You can't escape from yourself.
BRITT:I will say he should have made it clear that they could stop at any time Yeah. Before it had gone too far.
SONYA:Yeah. Like, it should have been like, oh, you're 1. You can stop at any time.
SONYA:But still, like, she did have that, like, breakdown at the beginning where she, like, threw it out and then she, like, dug it back out of the trash. And she's like, fuck this. I wanna be hot and young again.
BRITT:That's crazy.
BRITT:Yeah. Like, a strange substance you know nothing about. And she was literally willing to inject it into herself, not even knowing where it came from.
SONYA:Right. From some sketchy ass allergies.
BRITT:How many people do you think would actually do that? So many.
SONYA:Probably. So many celebrities probably fucking do that. Well, celebrities do that with Botox.
BRITT:I mean, at least you kind of know what's in it.
SONYA:You kind of know what's in it.
BRITT:But also, like, society pushes it. Hollywood pushes it. Like, I don't know how many actresses actresses? Actresses I have loved, like, growing up. I'm, like, watching movies, and now they're all, like, mom characters.
BRITT:They're all instantly moms. And I'm like How?
SONYA:Because they're not hot anymore. Yeah. So they're just like, oh, you're old? Can you just get a little filler? Then just make me the mom?
SONYA:Just be like the mom. Like, maybe get, like, a little filler here and there. But yeah. Just be like the mom.
BRITT:I don't know. You, like, lose all your all the meaningful roles.
BRITT:Which I guess isn't necessarily true because Demi Moore just did this movie. Yeah. But that was very intentional, I assume.
SONYA:Yeah. Well, I don't know. I just think even, like, child actresses, like, a lot of them, like, go through Botox and all of a sudden because, like, Hollywood pushes for it. And then they're like, okay. I'll get this Botox.
SONYA:And then Hollywood's like, oh, you got too much. But so what if someone gets a little Botox after, like, 30, 40, 20?
BRITT:I have this thing where I don't overly care what people do with their lives.
SONYA:I don't care. It's not my body. I don't give a fuck. It
BRITT:doesn't affect me. My body.
SONYA:My choice. Your body. Your choice. Surely.
BRITT:But people, Hollywood, Internet, men, they all seem to think they, like, have a right
BRITT:To people's attractiveness. Mhmm. If if that makes sense. Like
BRITT:It's like, oh, you were really pretty in this movie.
BRITT:Therefore, you must You
SONYA:must stay that great.
BRITT:Exist in stasis Yeah. And never change. Yeah. Never get older. Never, you know
SONYA:Yeah. Never go through anything that changes your appearance. Like, don't change that eye shadow look. Keep that same mascara you've used. Yeah.
BRITT:And then you're still gonna age. And then you'll get hate for that.
SONYA:Yeah. And it's like there's no winning. Mm-mm. I just remember working in the job that I worked before I worked the job that we met at. And it was male dominant, of course.
BRITT:Aren't they all?
SONYA:Anyways, and we got on the topic of, like, Botox and fillers and implants and whatnot. And I was very much like, if she wants to get fillers, if she wants to get Botox, if she wants to get boob implants, fucking let the girl. Like, what's your what does it have
BRITT:to do with you?
SONYA:And I was like, and even if the guy wants to get whatever implants he wants to get, whatever, like, he can do it. I can think it's the hideous thing in the world, and that's not my fucking choice.
BRITT:I wonder if there's a crossover between, like, transphobic people and people who have a problem with people getting, like, plastic surgery.
BRITT:Because it's like, no. No. I own your appearance. I want you to look this way.
BRITT:Like, how dare you?
BRITT:How about how other people wanna look is none of your business
BRITT:In any case.
SONYA:And a lot of the comments that the men would make is like, oh no. Like, the boobs feel weird or they look weird or it it doesn't look natural. Someone else. And I'm like, who cares?
BRITT:Did she ask you to touch them?
SONYA:Oh, that's what I was thinking. I was like, why are you touching all these women's boobs with implants? Like
SONYA:You've never like, so what if you don't like the feeling of it? Then find out a woman that doesn't have implants.
BRITT:Literally. You're allowed to have a preference.
BRITT:You can be like, I just don't like the way they feel.
SONYA:Yeah. Cool. Bye. And she can get offended by that. Sure.
SONYA:But, like, at the end of the day, you saved both of you guys.
BRITT:You're obviously not compatible, so who cares? Yeah. But men men so operate on this, like, like, how many, like, gay gayphobic. How many homophobic guys have you heard So gayphobic. That are like oh, maybe you haven't heard as many because your younger generation maybe isn't so bad.
BRITT:They immediately assume I can't hang out with a gay guy because I'm not gay. He wasn't propositioning you.
BRITT:Like, someone existing isn't a proposition to you.
SONYA:I think I told you the story of how I was, like, talking to a guy once and then he, like, introduced me to his friend that he met at the gym. And then we all went out one night on, like at, like, to the nightclub or whatever. And me and his friend are talking, and we're both talking about our types in men because he's bi and I'm bi. Yeah. But the guy I was talking to didn't know that.
SONYA:So then we're talking about our types. And the guy I'm talking to over here then he goes, what the fuck? He likes dudes? And I'm like, yeah. I like dudes.
SONYA:Like, what's up with that? Yeah.
BRITT:What do you mean?
SONYA:And then seeing him later at the gym, and he was like, oh, look. I'm worried he's gonna hit on me or he's gonna, like, isolate me alone. And I'm like
BRITT:You're worried you're gonna get treated how women get treated?
SONYA:Food for thought. Because, like, I was like, I feel so safe with gay men Mhmm. Because that's the whole thing that, like, men don't hate gay men. They hate femininity. Mhmm.
SONYA:And it's so insane to me how, like, instant the switch up was from, like, oh, like, he's just one of the bros to being, like, oh, he's gonna isolate me in his room and he's gonna rape me.
BRITT:That's crazy.
SONYA:Just because he's gay?
BRITT:That's crazy behavior. Right. Like, I It's like why suddenly you're a victim Right. To this man? Like, this man,
SONYA:he was like even like even the guy was like, no. Like, you're not my type. Like, don't worry. Like, you're good. And then they get offended
BRITT:by that. Yeah. What do
SONYA:you mean?
BRITT:What do
SONYA:you mean I'm not your type?
BRITT:What do you mean you wouldn't fuck me?
SONYA:Yeah. It's like, do you want me to, like, rape you by real? Like, I'm not
BRITT:Would that make you feel better?
SONYA:What do you mean? That boost your ego a little bit? Like but he was like, no. Like, you're not my type. Plus, you're talking to a girl.
SONYA:Like, I wouldn't I'm not into that shit. Like, like and he was like, I don't know. I don't know what your cape and I was like, what the fuck? Like, what do you wanna know?
BRITT:That's insane behavior. Right.
SONYA:He was so fucking weird. I'm so glad I ghosted him. Bye. Bye. Bye.
SONYA:Left him in a different city.
SONYA:But y'all know that. I don't know. This isn't really what we're talking about anymore. But we went off
BRITT:the rails a little bit. But that's okay. I don't know. I guess I thought we'd have more to say about the subject but it's kinda I just age. You know?
BRITT:It's not that deep. Just age. It's fine.
SONYA:I saw this thing and it was like, my generation is supposed to live past a 100. And I'm like, please for god's sake, no. I can't do this shit any longer. I was like, I thought we were tapping out at, like, like, 70 guys. Like, what do you mean over a 100?
BRITT:I'm done now.
SONYA:Like, what are you bitches can't move after 70. Why would I wanna
BRITT:live there? Can, but
SONYA:Some. That's those that keep up with their mobility every day and then have a trust fund and a 4 o k or 4 o k. Hello?
BRITT:401 k?
BRITT:4 o k. We're Canadian.
SONYA:Yeah. Sorry. But, like, I don't yeah. I don't wanna live that long. Nobody looks good that long.
BRITT:and I'm Here's a question.
SONYA:Okay. Do
BRITT:you think youth equals happiness?
SONYA:No. Because trust me, girl, I'm not.
BRITT:Everybody sit down.
SONYA:No. No. Let me think about it.
BRITT:No. Like, I wasn't happier when I was younger.
SONYA:No. I was fucking miserable.
BRITT:I was confused and scared and mad at everything. I'm a I'm a full decade older than you. Nope. More.
SONYA:Decade and a half.
BRITT:Decade and a half.
SONYA:That's crazy.
BRITT:I'm way happier now.
SONYA:Well, like, I see, like, videos of, like, everyone, like, in their twenties being like, I have no money. Like, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm stuck in school. I live with my parents or I don't live with my parents. And I'm, like, stuck with this, like, toxic partner because I don't know how to communicate because I'm 20 years old.
SONYA:Mhmm. And it's like, yeah. Why the fuck are these from the best years of my life? When? I'm broke.
SONYA:I don't have a career. I live with my parents. Like, what do you mean?
BRITT:Relationship sucks because no one knows how to talk to anybody.
SONYA:Yeah. Like, what do you mean these are the best years of my life? Where? Maybe if I was living in the eighties, seventies?
BRITT:Oh my god.
SONYA:Sure. I'd be probably fucking flourishing right now. Like, a down payment for a house is like 40 k.
BRITT:That's insane.
SONYA:A down payment Yeah. Is fucking insane.
BRITT:Youth is beautiful.
SONYA:Depends how young we're talking up here because, like, there's a line.
BRITT:Oh my god. That's a whole other angle
SONYA:That's a whole other angle.
BRITT:Of aging.
BRITT:It's like most of our beauty standards for women
SONYA:come from teenagers.
BRITT:Yeah. Like, big eyes, big, you know
SONYA:Clear skin, soft skin. Yeah. Big eyes.
BRITT:Yeah. Soft flowy hair. Figure.
SONYA:Children. Prepubescent? Yeah. Careless body. Hairless body.
SONYA:You want a child.
BRITT:Yeah. So that's
SONYA:Don't get me wrong. I do think, like, there are beautiful teenagers and, like, teenagers. And, like, yeah. If you're attractive, like,
BRITT:there's teenage boys out there. Good for you.
SONYA:Yeah. Like, go you. And, like, even, like, one
BRITT:of them everyone look like a 16 year old to be considered attractive? No. I would prefer they didn't, in fact.
SONYA:No. Actually, I would preferred them to look like adults. Who would've thunk it? Yeah. That whole phenomenon of men preferring younger women has always grossed me out.
BRITT:We have another topic coming up that's gonna fit that better, so I don't wanna get
SONYA:too far into it. Okay. But I just thought I'd put my little tidbit in there of that.
BRITT:That'll be a upcoming episode Oh
SONYA:my god.
BRITT:Where we talk about, age gaps.
SONYA:Oh, sneak peek. A little lore drop there. What else? What other questions do you have?
BRITT:Let's see. Oh, the whole, like, morning shed thing has started where it's like have you seen this? Where girls are, like, sleeping with
SONYA:their mouth taped? Yeah. And, like, the waist thing and, like, the whole thing. Fuck that.
BRITT:How do you sleep like that? I don't fall.
SONYA:I have 30 minutes every morning to get ready because I stay in bed as long as possible.
BRITT:Literally. And also, like, how are you falling asleep with, like, stuff wrapped around your head and tape on your face?
SONYA:Like, you can only lay like a mummy. Like, that cannot be
BRITT:I'm not gonna be able to sleep. I sleep like a
SONYA:right? Like a disco dancer.
BRITT:Like a fetus starfish.
BRITT:But anyways, so that whole trend was going on. And people are like, oh, I do this, I do this, I do this because I gotta maintain my baby face
BRITT:Or whatever the reason is.
BRITT:And I've seen I started seeing comments over and over of, like, oh, I started using retinol. Blah blah blah. I'm 13. Will this stop, like, wrinkles from happening and stuff? Yeah.
BRITT:Like, what do you mean? Just wrinkle. It's fine. It's from smiling and shit. Yeah.
BRITT:It's okay.
SONYA:Like, I remember when that whole thing was going on when, like, 13, 14 year olds were, like, in Sephora and they were buying all these, like, expensive skin care products and they were racking up their parents' credit cards and
BRITT:they were in a ditch with my friends. Literally. In the dirt.
SONYA:I was blackout drunk in some dad's basement
BRITT:At 14.
SONYA:At 14.
BRITT:Oh my god.
SONYA:Like, what
BRITT:date? Until 15 for that. So
SONYA:Anyways but, like, I don't understand what this obsession is with, like, these $80 fucking lotions. Drunk Elephant was a huge thing for these kids. And I'm like, if you wanna, like, play with your little makeup and you wanna do your little skincare, sure. But don't spend over $300 on this shit.
BRITT:Who's money you're spending?
SONYA:Daddy's money.
BRITT:Because I can barely afford makeup now. Right? And I'm a full grown adult with a job. Tell
MOVIE:me why
SONYA:I go to the drugstore and, like, an eyebrow pencil is, like, $20. At the drugstore?
BRITT:And these girls have, like, drawers.
SONYA:Oh, I know. It's Full
BRITT:of them.
SONYA:I know. Of, like, the same one. Like, I have this, like, highlighter from Charlotte Tilbury. $80.
BRITT:I get Ipsy bags. So I get
SONYA:Oh, cute.
BRITT:Little testers. Cute. The only thing I've really fallen in love with from Ipsy bags is, Tarte Mascara. Yeah. In general.
BRITT:Not a specific one. Yeah. But every time I get, like, a little Tarte Mascara, it's always great.
SONYA:Yeah. You're like, I love this.
BRITT:Yeah. But that's the only brand I've been like, oh, I would spend a little extra money for this.
SONYA:Fair enough.
BRITT:Yeah. And I think I did buy a full size one once. But
SONYA:like, my whole thing with, like, getting my skincare is I'm like, I just don't wanna look like I'm breaking out every single day. That's my
BRITT:whole Which is fair.
SONYA:But, like, I'm not going to look like I'm 16 forever because that's just not attainable. You
BRITT:look a little bit like you're 16 right now.
SONYA:I know. But
BRITT:People told me how young I looked for so long. I think I was, like, into my late twenties, and people were still like, oh my god. You look like a you look 19. Or, like, I got carded everywhere. I was like, this is cute.
SONYA:This is cute. Please stop.
BRITT:It gets old. It gets old really fast.
SONYA:Yeah. Because, like, even when I went to go get, like, a tattoo, they were like, oh, is your daughter old enough? And I'm like, yeah. I'm 19. And they were like, okay.
SONYA:You look 13. I was like, 13's a little.
BRITT:You're like, let's relax.
SONYA:That's yeah. Maybe 17, not 13. Yeah. But, yeah, I wouldn't wanna stay young forever. That fucking would be awful.
SONYA:Well, what would you do to stay young forever, if anything?
SONYA:Nothing? No.
BRITT:No? I'd become a vampire.
SONYA:You don't wanna suck people's blood all the time?
BRITT:No. I do want to.
SONYA:Oh, okay. Like, you want to suck their blood? I mean,
BRITT:I could twilight it. Do, like, deer blood and cougar blood and stuff.
SONYA:Yeah. That's doable. I don't
BRITT:know if I would do humans, or I would specifically seek out, like, predators and
SONYA:Like, rapists and shit. Period. Saving the world one rapist is
BRITT:like Dexter vampire. I watched a TikTok. I think I don't know if I made a note of the TikTok's name. But it was kind of what triggered the idea for this episode. But this girl was, like, she was talking about botox and blah blah blah and she's, like, she's aging naturally, specifically, like, in spite of.
SONYA:Oh, yeah.
BRITT:She's like, fuck Botox. Fuck all that. Blah blah blah. She's like, I'm gonna I'm gonna wrinkle. I'm gonna
BRITT:She was like privilege to do so. Yeah. Yeah. I feel kinda that way. I don't
SONYA:know if it's a privilege. I think it's just natural process.
BRITT:Well, it's a privilege in that you're still alive.
SONYA:Yeah. I guess so. Yeah.
BRITT:Like, you could die in a horrible car accident at 16 and be young forever. But, like
SONYA:Aw. Poetic, beautiful. But, yeah, I guess so. Yeah. I don't know.
SONYA:I don't know if I wanna, like, be young forever, but I also don't know if I wanna be really old. Like, tap me out at, like, I
BRITT:think that really old part is just, like it's closer to the end. Like, it's not like the whole middle is pacemakers and shit. Yeah. You know what I mean?
SONYA:I think I wanna just, like, tap out at 50. I think that's good.
BRITT:My mom's, like, 56 or 57 or something. She's still vibing.
SONYA:Yeah. My dad's in his fifties too. I know he's just hanging out. He's like
BRITT:around 70, I'm gonna start being like, what's going on right now?
SONYA:Yeah. Get rid of me, guys. I'm over it. I
BRITT:think I'm gonna start doing drugs.
SONYA:Honestly, I've thought about that.
BRITT:It's like that's when the hallucinogen experimentation's gonna start.
SONYA:Right. Like, if I live this long and, like, having a
BRITT:good time I'm gonna die? Okay.
SONYA:I'm 70.
BRITT:Like I'm gonna ruin my childhood? No. No.
SONYA:It's already gone.
BRITT:I'm gonna lose my job? I'm retired. I'm not because who can afford to retire?
SONYA:But But, like, for real though, like, might as well. If I've lived this long, don't have any serious health problems, fuck it. Why not? Fuck it. Will I have a panic attack?
SONYA:Sure. But I'll be 70.
SONYA:Might just kill me.
BRITT:Okay. Let's recap today's discussion.
BRITT:Okay. What did we learn from the substance? The documentary
SONYA:The Substance. The documentary.
BRITT:The documentary film.
SONYA:I learned that you just need to if you're hot, just fucking accept it. Yeah. Don't try to be, like
BRITT:If you're Demi Moore, you don't need to be Margaret Qualley.
BRITT:Even though Margaret Qualley's beautiful.
SONYA:Yeah. You're aging. Just fucking age. Like, we all age. It's gonna happen.
SONYA:Like, I don't know what this thing is with, like, once you hit, like, legal age. It's like, oh my god. You're so hot until you're, like, 20 4, and then it's like Yeah.
BRITT:That's gross. Why? That's grody.
SONYA:Like, I'm just starting to live life.
BRITT:Your frontal cortex has now become complete. You're hideous to me.
SONYA:Yeah. Literally. They're like, oh my god. Your brain's fully developed? Get the fuck
BRITT:out. Ew. Ew. Ew. You understand consent?
SONYA:Ew. Bye. Like fuck. Yeah. Yeah.
SONYA:I just definitely think it's just like
BRITT:Hyperfixating on trying to stay young or trying to stay looking young.
SONYA:It's ridiculous.
BRITT:You lose it.
SONYA:You lose it
BRITT:on crime. Film. You lose everything.
SONYA:You lose it on life. You lose it on your sanity. You lose it on your perception of yourself as a person. Yeah. It's ridiculous.
BRITT:Just embrace it.
SONYA:Just embrace it.
BRITT:Aging is beautiful. Yep. Demi Moore looks incredible.
SONYA:She was so hot.
BRITT:Was? She still looks like that. She didn't actually turn into a monster.
SONYA:Are you serious?
BRITT:Yep. That was the character Elizabeth Sparkle.
SONYA:I should've guessed.
BRITT:Demi Moore herself is fine.
SONYA:But, like, before she turned into I
BRITT:did say it was a documentary. I understand
SONYA:the confusion. The confusion. No. It really caught me, honestly. I'm sorry.
SONYA:But, like no. But she was, like, very attractive and, like, she knew that too because the company, like, kept her on. But, like, it was literally just And
BRITT:she felt great doing her little, like
BRITT:Workout movies and scantily you know? Like, she knew her body rocked. She was doing a workout show.
SONYA:Yeah. She had a picture of herself in her living room. Like, she knew she was hot.
BRITT:Right? You
SONYA:don't just put a picture of someone ugly.
BRITT:But the most disgusting man in the world says you're 50, you're out, and that's it.
SONYA:Like, be so for real.
BRITT:Be so for real right now. He does not deserve that power.
SONYA:No. That man doesn't wash his hands after he takes a piss. He fucking leaves his
BRITT:dickhead. Any man that says you look old. Yeah. He doesn't wash his hands when he pees.
SONYA:Yep. Any man. I'm just saying. I just know it. I'm a repeat it in my bones.
SONYA:Yeah. But, yeah, I think it's ridiculous that, like, a lot of Hollywood is men making these decisions upon women.
BRITT:Yes. And also Hollywood doesn't just affect, like, women in Hollywood. It affects everybody because we all watch movies and, like, follow celebrities. Yeah. I'm trying to less, like Met Galas and stuff.
BRITT:It feels very Hunger Games to me. I'm like the world's literally on fire, and they're like, look at my gown.
SONYA:Yeah. Literally, there's a genocide happening, and they're like, oh my god. Look at my suit.
BRITT:I'm so pretty.
SONYA:Yeah. I'm so pretty. I'm so hot, and I'm so rich.
BRITT:Yeah. Good for you.
SONYA:Literally, like, that one who was that celebrity that was carrying, like, the ice bag?
BRITT:Oh my god. I can't remember.
SONYA:I know
BRITT:what you're talking about.
SONYA:But it was, like I forgot who else. But, like, what was what was that for?
SONYA:People could've drank that water. Heavy.
BRITT:We're gonna play a little quick game.
BRITT:I don't know how it's gonna go. It might get cut out. Okay. But before that, I want to ask our listener, I assume we'll have 1, to tell us their thoughts, please. We have a Facebook page.
SONYA:We do. We might
BRITT:get we might I think I'm just gonna we'll make a website. Mhmm. I don't wanna rely on any social media platforms for reaction. But that's where we're at right now.
BRITT:So there's a Facebook group.
BRITT:And I wanna hear, what people think. Are we stupid? Is Botox the best? Is aging for losers? Or are you old yourself and love it?
SONYA:I know, like, a lot of, like, influencers right now are already, like, their lips dissolve. I'm like, the more you know.
BRITT:And most of them look better. Yeah. Because they never just get, like, one round of filler and leave it, which is when it looks great.
SONYA:Yeah. Yeah.
BRITT:But it's, like, addicting.
SONYA:Yeah. Because it's like, oh my god. Like, they look smaller.
BRITT:It looked so good. I have to get
SONYA:Well, they liked it when it was swollen. And then it, like, swells down, and then it's all of a sudden, like, oh, my lips are small again. It's like, no.
BRITT:They're fine.
SONYA:Your lips are fine. I promise you.
BRITT:Okay. We're gonna play a game where I'm gonna say statements about aging, And you are gonna say whether it's true or trash.
SONYA:Okay. Like, overrated, underrated. Yeah.
BRITT:Okay. Well, it's more of a true or false.
SONYA:Oh, okay. So you're lying to me.
BRITT:Truth or trash? Using antiaging products in your twenties will keep you looking young forever.
SONYA:Trash. Because, like, sure. Like, you can start using them and, like, a p I see people all the time that's like, oh my god. Use eye cream in your twenties so you, like, stay young forever. But it's like, if you smile, if you, like, look at the sun too brightly, like, you're gonna fucking age.
SONYA:Sure. That can help slow it down a little bit. But, like, your body
BRITT:then it's, like, certain like, it depends on your skin type and your genetics and
SONYA:literally things that you cannot control.
BRITT:Creams even work?
SONYA:Right? Like like, what's in these creams that's gonna stop my aging?
BRITT:Yeah. Because somebody might use a wrinkle cream and be like, oh, wow. I haven't developed any wrinkles. But maybe they weren't going to.
SONYA:Yeah. Maybe they were just never gonna develop wrinkles in the first place.
BRITT:Yeah. Due to their genetics or skin type or whatever. Like, I don't know. There's
SONYA:it doesn't really make sense to me how it'll stop your aging. And I always see it on, like, marketing too. I'm like, oh my god. It slows down aging, stops aging, especially for women. Like, older women, like like L'Oreal, for example, is, like, mainly targeted towards, like, 40 year old, 50 year old women.
SONYA:And it's always, like, gets rid of wrinkles, stops aging. And I'm like
BRITT:It's the same to me as, whenever I see products that are, like, this will fix your split ends.
SONYA:Yeah. You can't. You have to cut them off.
BRITT:They're split.
SONYA:They are split.
BRITT:You cannot glue them back together. If you do, it's not any healthier.
SONYA:Yeah. Like, you just have dead hair on your head now. Yeah.
BRITT:Like You have to cut them off. Yeah. Split ends will split more. Yeah. They split up the shaft.
BRITT:Yeah. And you'll have bit worse split ends. Just cut them off. Just cut them off, babe. It's fine.
BRITT:Anything saying it's going to cure or fix your split ends
BRITT:It's not going to.
SONYA:It's lying.
BRITT:And I feel the same way about, like, wrinkle stuff.
SONYA:Yeah. It's like your wrinkles are gonna show up regardless if you put that cream on or not.
BRITT:Yeah. Like, you can definitely moisturize your skin and, like, keep it Mhmm. Moist, like Mhmm. Because I I notice when people are more or even myself, like, when I'm more dried out, like, in the winter and shit. Like, I feel like like, lines and stuff in my face are more noticeable
BRITT:Than when I'm, like, making sure to moisturize more often.
SONYA:Is this involving, like, also, like, laser surge or, like, laser and whatnot? Or is this just talking about, like, creams?
BRITT:All of it.
SONYA:Because I think some There's
BRITT:definitely some, like, expensive laser treatments and shit that can work.
SONYA:Yeah. They definitely do work.
BRITT:Still gonna age.
SONYA:Yeah. Like, you're people aren't gonna look at you at, like, 40 after you've done laser. I mean, like, it's a 13 year old right there. Like, you can tell that you've aged.
BRITT:And why do you still wanna look 13? It's crazy.
SONYA:It's weird.
BRITT:Like, I don't know. I wouldn't even wanna forever look 20. Yeah. Because someday, you're gonna be, like, 50
BRITT:Hanging out with other 50 year olds, and you wanna look 20? What do you mean?
SONYA:Yeah. Like, why?
BRITT:Just be normal. Right? Anyway, second one. Gray hair means you're less attractive.
SONYA:I wanted to dye my hair gray. Exactly. So I'm like, I totally disagree.
BRITT:That's trash.
SONYA:But, no. Like, I totally wanted to just dye my whole head gray. And then my stepmom was like, oh my god. That's too much maintenance. And I went, oh, girl.
SONYA:You're right.
BRITT:True though.
SONYA:So I'm like, might as well just let it happen naturally. I feel like it'll happen a lot easier with how my hair color is already too.
BRITT:Number 3. Plastic surgery is a slippery slope. You'll never be satisfied.
SONYA:I don't know. I think
BRITT:it depends on your personality.
SONYA:I also think so because as someone who goes to the gym a lot, that kind of also applies to that. Because you go to the gym and you're like, oh my god. I got these great results. Like, I lost weight. But you're like, but now I want, like, bigger legs or I want a bigger chest.
SONYA:And it's like, okay. You get that, but then it's like you just keep pushing for more. Mhmm. And, like, it's not always a bad thing.
SONYA:Like, maybe it's like, oh, like, I also noticed, like, this line under my eye that I don't like, or, oh, I fixed this insecurity that I've had forever and now I'm, like, a lot better.
BRITT:Yeah. But also maybe some woman gets a facelift one time and feels great.
BRITT:And that's it.
SONYA:And then she's like, okay. Great. I love my eye.
BRITT:I fixed the thing. I'm good now. Yeah. That's a iffy one.
SONYA:I yeah. I'm very much, like, thoughtful. Trash.
BRITT:I don't think you'll I don't think you can say.
SONYA:I don't think you can say that, like, everyone that gets plastic surgery ever is gonna be like I think
BRITT:you should be careful Yeah. And mindful about Be mindful. What you're doing. And, like, make sure you leave time between. Yeah.
BRITT:Like, don't just be like, oh, I'm still unhappy and go back Yeah. Like, a week later.
SONYA:Like, it yeah. Like, your face hasn't fucking healed yet. Like, people that especially people that get, like, nose jobs and whatnot, like, their face is, like, fucked for a couple weeks, couple months. Yeah. And the doctor even warned some of that.
BRITT:it set.
SONYA:Yeah. Let your face set. Your nose is gonna look fucked for a bit.
BRITT:Yeah. That was our game.
SONYA:Okay. Fun.
BRITT:That was it. So we watched a movie. We talked about women aging. Yep. The, complications of always wanting to be youthful.
BRITT:Our personal opinion of accept it, accept yourself, age with dignity
SONYA:I think it's definitely and confidence. Yeah. I definitely think it's scary just because of, like, what people have to say and, like, people being like, oh, you have to be young forever. But it's also but yeah. But that's the whole thing.
SONYA:It's like, well, it's gonna happen regardless.
BRITT:Anyone that has any negative opinion about anybody aging or your appearance changing, fuck them. You don't need to listen to them.
SONYA:Literally. Like, what do you want me to do? Just die?
BRITT:Like Yeah. Sorry.
SONYA:Sorry. I guess I'll just go off myself. Like
BRITT:So next Tuesday, we are going to be talking about one of the scariest things that I could possibly think of. I'm not sure how controversial this one's gonna be.
SONYA:I feel like it's gonna be pretty controversial.
BRITT:You think so? Yeah. Okay. So what we're gonna be talking about is, men. Okay.
BRITT:See you Tuesday.
SONYA:Okay. Bye. Okay. Like why is she just leaving her body in the bathroom?
BRITT:I don't know. I was like it has to be a thing where they do it for free and it's like okay you wanna keep doing this? You gotta pay. Yeah.
SONYA:Like a free product kind of thing. That's so weird. Where did
BRITT:they get their money?
SONYA:I don't know. It's gotta be some, like, lab scientist or something. That's a gift.
BRITT:But lab scientists have to be funded. I don't know. I thought it was weird.
SONYA:I mean, I left it just immediately like, this has to be expensive. I'm
BRITT:like, listen. But, like, everything's, like, vacuum sealed and, like,
SONYA:you know? It's, like, tidy and it's, like, has all this expensive equipment.
BRITT:It's not like this one box of, like, haphazard fucking needles
SONYA:and shit. Yeah. You know
BRITT:what I mean?
SONYA:Yeah. Like, I've ran a
BRITT:business. Yeah. You're like, I know it's fucking
SONYA:fucking expensive.
BRITT:You want a bunch of postcards printed that say your refill kit has been delivered? That cost money.
SONYA:Sorry. This is
BRITT:what we call pretty privilege.
SONYA:Is far from It's pretty hot skinny privilege.
BRITT:Hot skinny pot privilege. Yep. Margaret Qualley privilege. You wanted to complain about something, Oliver?
BRITT:Girl will never get a speeding ticket.
SONYA:No. Nobody's vaginas are staying in those suits.
BRITT:No. Nobody's. Nobody's. Not hers. Not hers.
BRITT:Not mine.
SONYA:Yeah. Because all of our belly buttons just open up like portals.
BRITT:I have a comment again, when don't I, to be honest. Let's put ourselves in his position for a second. Your girlfriend.
BRITT:She's like, oh my god, babe. Love you. Yeah. I'll be right there in bed. Blah blah blah.
BRITT:Mhmm. And then she starts, like, horrifically gagging and coughing. Yeah. You go to check on her, and there's blood on the floor outside the bathroom. And then a voice you don't recognize screams at you to get out of the house.
SONYA:I'm calling the
BRITT:cops. Literally? Hello?
SONYA:I wouldn't be like Who's this? Yeah. Like, who the fuck's in there? Like Yeah.
BRITT:Not like he knew she became a monster and got scared and ran.
SONYA:Right. I
BRITT:would assume there was someone hiding in the bathroom. Yeah.
SONYA:I would assume there was someone, like, fucking killing her in the bathroom. Literally. Oh, she's on her period.
BRITT:And cranky. And I'm so scared. Yeah. Like, he was scared enough to run out of the house literally naked. Right.
BRITT:Where's the police? Or an ambulance.
SONYA:Literally run out of the house but call the fucking cops.
BRITT:From the parking lot. I don't care.
SONYA:Yeah. If you've done
BRITT:Like, hey. There's something wrong. My girlfriend blah blah blah. There was blood. Yeah.
BRITT:This is the address.
BRITT:Let's care about women.
SONYA:Just a little bit.
BRITT:Babe, you got your period? Okay. I'll buy.
SONYA:Okay. Bye. You seem fucking cranky. Me when I'm hungover. Did he say eat?
SONYA:I think so. Wow.
BRITT:That's it for this episode of Dinner Party Massacre. So would we be welcome at your dinner party, or have we made too much of a mess? This podcast is produced by Expression North with theme music by Matthias Rock. Links will be available in the episode description. Join us next Tuesday for a new episode, and until then, keep stirring that pot.