Clydesdale Media Podcast

24.3 scores have been posted and the 6-time champ does not have a score that matches her incredible reputation.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

24.3 scores are being added

to the leaderboard as we speak,

and something interesting has happened.

The six-time champ posted a

score that is not

indicative of her fitness

or her capacity.

What is going on?

Welcome back to Scott Riffs.

Where has CrossFit missed the mark?

And I want you to listen

closely because she does

something very tricky here

that really pissed me off.

You are not presenting accurate facts.

You are manipulating what

you're presenting to suck

people into your narrative.

CrossFit takes notes or gets

out of the way.

One or the other,

because this train's moving

forward because of people like you.

I'm too much of an alpha at

times to want to conform too much.

And I would rather be all of me.

What's going on, everybody?

We are here for a special

edition of Scott Riffs.

I was looking at the

leaderboard today through

the help of my friend Lex,

who sent me a heads up.

But looking through the leaderboard,

I noticed that One Miss

Tiatumi posted her scores today for 24.3.

So let's go back in the

timeline a little bit.

Right before the open,

she was spotted coaching a

class with a brace on her wrist,

which then she came out and

said that she had suffered

some damage by pushing a stroller a lot,

like a carpal tunnel type thing,

and that just needed some rest,

and she was doing the open.

does the first two weeks of

the open uh nothing nothing

alarming at that point and

then we get to 24.3 she was

supposed to do the open

announcement with ariel

lowen it then comes out

that she is withdrawing

from that announcement uh

and her statement was that

she didn't feel like in the

condition she was with her

wrist she could give the

fans the show that they

deserved for an open announcement

So she was going to sit this one out.

CrossFit pivoted,

brought three other

athletes in to compete against Ariel,

including Sydney Wells, Roman Kronikoff,

and Jay Crouch.

24.3 goes off without a

hitch at Proven

Headquarters with tons of

people in attendance.

Awesome spectacle.

We then get the scores from

what Tia did this weekend.

And she posts a score of

seven rounds with a

three-minute tie break.

meaning she got through the

65 pound thrusters and the

chest of bars fairly quickly,

three minutes, five rounds.

And then she only got two

more rounds after that,

making it less than,

or she was three rounds from finishing,

not reps, but rounds from finishing 24.3.

So my question is,

What's going on?

Is it a fact of, hey,

I don't want to damage this anymore,

and I'm just going to stop and rest.

This is all I need to make top 25%.

Or is something seriously

wrong where she is unable

to complete those movements

currently with the way her

wrist is feeling and is

whatever shape it's in.

Before all the alarm bells sound,

she has 30 days before

quarterfinals to rest up,

to heal the wrist,

and to take on the

quarterfinals at the end of

next month or wherever.

We're 30 days away, whatever that is.

mid April.

So then once she gets to

quarterfinals though, that's when the,

the eye of the needle

shrinks considerably.

And if it's, if it's bothering her,

she's at risk of not

qualifying to semifinals.

There's only 40 spots available, um,

at the,

at the semifinal level and in

North America East,

it is a juggernaut of a semifinal.

There are so many big names.


it is going to be a tough

road to hold even to get

out of that semi-final let

alone and to get into it

and she is really going to

be at a breaking point in

30 days so again she has 30

days to rest recover get

that right but things could

go south really quick if

that is not um if that is

not healed in 30 days

The other thing I want to point out is,

you know, all offseason,

everybody has been

anointing her the next

champion of the CrossFit

Games because she is the six-time champ.

She is the greatest

CrossFitter we've ever seen in the sport.

But sports are sports,

and unpredictable things

happen all the time.

And I made this call out a few,

probably a month ago,

where everybody was

anointing her to be the next champion.

And I said, listen,

it's been two years since

she's been on the competition floor.

She's two years older.

A lot can happen in those two years.

And we don't know how she's

going to perform coming back from that.

Injuries happen.

We're seeing that now.

There's a good shot.

There's a good chance that

she is unable to compete

throughout this year,

and she may not win the CrossFit Games.

And even if she makes it through,

if she's not 100% with that wrist,

and anybody who's been

through injuries...

Once you have an injury,

you compensate with other

things in your body,

and then they tend to go in

the same fashion.

And so we need to be careful

in sports about anointing

people to the champion

before a season even starts.

At the end of this,

I want the best competition

possible at the CrossFit Games.

I don't want her to miss

this year's CrossFit Games

just so I can be right.

But I do think we need to be

more cautious about our

predictions and our

absolute predictions about

who is going to win and who

is not based on past performance.

Every year is a different year.

Things happen.

Unpredictable things happen.

And that's where we are now.

So if you go out and look at

the leaderboard, Tia Toomey,

seven rounds for 24.3.

Did not finish the workout by...

three full rounds so again

there's no video with her

submission so I don't know

why she stopped when she

stopped if it was a um a

decision that was made um

that she stopped at that

point and just get on to

quarterfinals or if it was

something where she just

could not go on any further

So she did complete 14

thrusters and 14 muscle-ups

in that second half,

but was unable to finish

the last three rounds.

With that, I'm going to sign off.

Hope everybody has a great week.

And Tia,

I hope you rest up and you're

ready for quarters,

because sports better when

we have the best

competition available for everybody.

With that, Scott Riffs, out.