Strong Opinions Weekly Held

We are going public baby! This is no longer a private podcast hosted on, but a public feed. However, Ripple will still be where the conversation is happening.

I am also introducing a new format. Updates! I have a lot going on and wanted to take a second to give everyone insight on what is happening soon.



What is Strong Opinions Weekly Held?

The watercooler for ideas, opinions, and fun topics as it relates to product, design, and engineering in the world of software...and maybe more. Guess we will find out!

All righty.

This is.

A bit of a different format today.

Uh, this is episode three, I
guess, but as of episode three,

uh, this is no longer going to be
a private podcast on

I'm opening it up to the public.

Uh, but I think is
going to still play a pretty

important role, hopefully in this.

You know, the point of having this podcast
and these opinions and talking about them.

Uh, his two.


I get conversations started with y'all.

So ripple also has like,
Communities for public podcasts.

So I'm going to make, make it over there.

Uh, make sure I link to it
in the description below.

If you want to go check that
out, you absolutely should.

Uh, I'd love to talk to any one of you
who are interested in what I talk about.

Uh, for the past two episodes, they
have been actual, uh, what I would

consider more of like content.

Uh, or opinion style formats.

Uh, but this one is going
to be a update format.

The reason being is I've
got a lot updates, uh, next.

Next week.

I'm not going to be recording.

Uh, at least I don't plan to,
uh, because I will be gone.

Um, More on that in just a little bit.

But we're going to do
an update format today.

This podcast is now public
for you all to listen to.

Uh, but this is episode three.

Of strong opinions,
weakly held let's do it.


Uh, update style podcast today.

There's a lot going on.

I will not be recording next week.

I will be off.

Uh, at a company offsite for the
company that I work for, crunchy data,

I'm a design engineer over there.

We build a managed Postgres service.

Uh, honestly, it's the
best for a lot of reasons.

I'm not going to turn
this into an ad spot.

Uh, unless y'all want to pay me more
crunchy if any of y'all are listening.

Um, but.

Uh, I'm really excited about that.

I didn't get to go to our offsite last
year, uh, because we had our third

kid, um, Davis who is going to be
turning one soon, which is just crazy.

Um, but I missed last year.

So it's been two years since I've
seen a lot of my coworkers in person.

So I'm super pumped about that.

But also part of, uh, the excitement.

Uh, of these updates besides getting
to see my coworkers next week at,

uh, our offsite in DC is that.

I will be having a layover in Dallas
and next Monday in Dallas is the first.

Uh, I guess it's like a pre it's
not the first day of a leprechaun,

but the basketball game between
the larval, uh, fellows in the

terminal shop fellows is happening.

And I'm very excited that
my layover is long enough.

Um, I might've extended to make
sure that I could visit, but a

convenient layover with an extension.

Uh, it means I get to go
to the basketball game.

And who knows, there might be some
more fun updates about that moving

forward, but that's going to be a
real good time to get, to meet a lot

of, uh, what my wife calls, imaginary
friends, uh, that I have that are in

the livable community, even though I'm.

More of a react.

Uh, in JavaScript developer myself.

I don't really do level,
um, deliverable guys.

And girls in that community are awesome.

And I can't wait to spend
some time with them on Monday.

And then head off for the rest of
the week to the crunchy offsite.

Uh, actually think next year I
might even try to do and going

to go to lexicon, which I guess
means I should probably write.

Some terrible before then.

We'll see.

Um, but yeah, that's.

That's going to be a lot of fun.

I love basketball.

Uh, so it's going to be super interesting
to watch them try and play basketball.

I think all of them have not played
basketball in a very, very long time.

Uh, so either way it'll be a good time.

Um, another update.

Uh, with this being public.

Now I'm thinking I'd like
to bring on some guests.

You know, I'm not the only
one with strong opinions.

I think I've mentioned that before.

I wanted to kind of get my feet under me
about this, but, um, I've got some really

good guests in mind that I think will be.

A benefit to the podcast.

Some that, uh, notably
have had strong opinions.

Uh, some about topics that I'm very
familiar with, which will be fun.

Some with I'm sure opinions on topics
I'm not familiar with, but I think that's

the whole point is I get to explore.

Uh, some new concepts and
share them all with y'all.

Hopefully do some.

Interviews in a way that we
all get to learn something new.

Uh, but yeah, guests, I think, are going
to be on the docket moving forward.

If you would like to be a guest.

Uh, hit me up.

I'd love to have you on about
opinions that you have, whether

whether it is software product.

Uh, design-related or if it's just
opinions on, um, it just, anything, if

I find it interesting enough, I'm sure
we can have young, um, The other thing

that I want to kind of talk about.

Which is kind of an update, but
it's kind of more of just like

dropping in a little bit of opinion.

Here is, uh, one of the topics I'm going
to talk about next is shipping in layers.

I've written an article about it.

I'll drop it.

Uh, in the link in the description
below I'm sure, but I think that

the, I guess you call it, show
notes if it's a podcast, but.

Yeah, there's going to be a link to it.

The reason I want to bring it up.

It's a topic that I'm going to talk about
soon on the podcast, but it's also like,

Relevant to this episode, I think because
as of this episode, I'm going public

with this, which I thought I might do.

But I wasn't sure, like there's so many.

What, how do I do the artwork?

How, like, what's the format going to be?

What do I do?


Should I have guests?

What guests should I have?

Uh, do I want to talk with this one?

Do I want to talk about things
I don't want, you know, just the

general public knowing, uh, turns out.

Um, you have to have a lot more going
on to have things you don't want

general public knowing about than
I do, but, uh, I've signed even,

even in the private podcast, you.

I don't know, I've signed a few NDAs
and documents saying I can't talk about.

Those super interesting things
anyway, so probably couldn't

share them in the privates either.

So hello privates.

Um, I should probably think
of a better way to say that.

Uh, but this is going to
be a public podcast now.

But what deciding to, to make it
private, to start out with helped me

do, was I got over this fear of like,
oh no, everyone's going to see it.

And judge how good it is or
like, I'm going to share it

and anyone can listen to it.

And nobody's going to listen to it.

Or like, uh, as a designer, Uh,
perfectionism or like wanting

things to look really good and
being judged off of how well done

something is, is kind of just.

Always, uh, a flaw in the
DNA, I think for, for us, with

designer, uh, backgrounds, or
just like doing design in general.


What this allowed me to do by doing it.

Private was kind of shipped something that
I like didn't put any pressure on and buy.

Doing that I was able to make a couple
episodes and realize like, Hey, I

actually like this and I've got a bunch
of ideas and I want to keep sharing these.

So why not?

Like share it with.

Out having any barriers
to people listening.

So that's what I'm going to do.

Uh, that's why it's public.

Uh, and you'll find out more about
shipping on layers and like what

that means and why it will help.

With shipping velocity, how it
helps me with my shipping velocity.

Just with.

Work things or fun things.

Um, The it's really kind
of like the critical.

Critical skill.

I'd say.

On, like why I've been so
successful in my career.

Uh, in like the thing that.

Has gotten the most.

Comments and reviews from
coworkers of like, why.

It's been great to work with me, which
sounds like bragging, but it's just

like knowing that's what I'm here
to share is like things that I've

identified that just work better.


Um, opinions to have about
products and software and building.

So that's, I think probably my,
my biggest one, uh, The core.

The core foundation.

The thing that I, I
will, I kind of build my.

My professional brand on if you will.

So that is coming.

Uh, another thing that I would like to do.

Is that.

Um, I want to kind of give updates
on projects that I'm working on.

So like, I can't give too many updates
on like actual work work projects.

I'm sure I will here and there.

Cause I've got some fun
things that we're working on.

At crunchy data that I can't
wait to talk about, but.

In the meantime, I'd like to give
like project updates as well.

Uh, in one of those is at crunchy.

We use remix on the front end and, uh,
go API and I wanted to kind of like dig

into, go and be able to contribute there.

So what I want to build is.

If any of you are familiar with monodrama.

Um, Mano draw is a Mac app
only where you can build.

I should have.

Like got the trick, correct term.

I think it's called ANSI.


Um, It's either a N S I.

Or there's one, that's like a, a S C
like I, um, I'm not sure what you want

it is that I guess will be part of
the project is figuring out which one.

Is which, but I want to build a browser
version of mano draw, which is like

a bit like as a big, it's going to
take like canvas and elements and.

Uh, all sorts of fun, like complicated
browser things, which is what I want

to get better at what I do day to day.

And it's building a product, which I
want to get, uh, more reps in on, uh,

get plenty of reps at crunchy, but.

This is like a very
different type of product.

So I think I'll learn a lot doing it.

Uh, and I just think it'll be fun.

So I want to do more of that.

And so I'm going to probably build that
and share updates here and share updates.

I might even do like some videos on
it as I like learn stuff and do, uh,

explainers on like how I did X or.

Who knows.

I just think it'll be fun.


Doing that.

Uh, that's.

On the docket.

Another one is, uh, something
that I've like worked on a rid

from, um, the deep dive podcast.

Shout this out on his newsletter.

And I got a bunch of people who
were very interested in this.

Um, And I don't, I think
I'm going to change it up.

So it's called the design engineer
apprenticeship, which is like the

longest worst title ever, but.

The idea is that like, I
just want to help designers.

I was designer originally.

And got into engineering and
now I do design and engineering.

And it's just been such like an unlock for
my career and like really my sweet spot.

And I think there's a lot of.

People who that could be their sweet spot.

Um, So I want to like help designers
who are interested in technical things.

Uh, but what I, like, I don't have time.

As of right now, I'd love
to have time to do this.

And maybe like that.

Like it built into this.

I thought that I would just be like,
Hey, like I will take on an apprentice.

Um, like I'm some Jedi over here.

Uh, but like, just like, I
will give you some projects.

We'll work through them together.

And I will help you learn how to code.

I don't think that that's
feasible for me right now.

As mentioned earlier, I have
a soon to be one year old.

A two year old.

Uh, and a five-year-old.

So we were very busy at the king house.

Um, But I do think that there's like a.

Shipping once again, going back
to shipping and layers, I think

there's like a version of this.

That is like a much more basic offering.

Uh, and I think with the.

Frickin buzzword AI.

Um, I do.

I honestly think that there's
like so much that AI can do to

like help supplement an education.

Uh, path.

Uh, I think.

That I can build like a product.

The idea here is that.

You get, I'm thinking it's like a library
of projects because one fundamental belief

and opinion that I will share very soon.

I'm sure as well, is that like,
you have to learn by putting in

reps, like you only learn by.

Uh, through hard work repetition.


So I think the best way to learn
if you're a designer, learning how

to code is to actually build stuff.

Now it could be stuff that you designed,
but that's like an extra layer of work.

And also there's this like, Thing
that I can bring to it, which

is you may be a designer who
wants to design certain things.

Uh, but you don't know what
you might need to design to.

Get a broad.

Uh, brought experience across building.

Different types of code,
like different layouts.

Uh, flex layouts grid layouts.

A different type of like animations
that you can run into different type

of like very technical parts of it.

Like there are buttons.

That do like just button things like open
things on a screen, but they're also like

forms that require like inputs in buttons.

There are like things that are like
forms behind the scenes that you

don't really think of this forms.

There are all sorts of these,
like their lists, their tables.

They're just all sorts of.

Things that, uh, you have to
like, Have a foundation in.

And I think if I just said
like, Hey, here's the steps.

You bring the design and
like, we'll talk through.

Uh, like how to use AI
to learn how to code.

I don't think that's enough.

But I do think that if I came up
with like a library of designs, Uh,

with a like, um, patent pending.

If process for like how to prompt.

Um, AI to help you build it in a way
that is not like, Hey, build this for me.

But it's more like, helped me learn
how to build this because although

I don't think it's like bad for AI
to like build a lot of code per se.

I do think that.

If the whole goal is to
be a design engineer.

You need to understand the medium, like
you need to understand code, uh, you

need to understand HTML elements and
how they, like, what are the right ones?

Because codes doesn't always get like AI.

Doesn't always get it right.

Also like you can get
better results from AI.

If you know the lingo and terminology.

Uh, if you like are trying to use
something from AI and it's doesn't

work like it's 95% off or like
90% off what you want it to do.

Like as a designer, you really like,
that's the beauty of a design engineers.

Like you really notice and
you care about those details.

So AI just doesn't always get it.

If you don't also know how to talk.

The talk so.

That's like something I'm thinking
about, uh, as well, but I think

these are all things that'll be fun
to do in the future fun projects.

Uh, fun things to launch, uh,
Things that I have a specific.

Zone of genius.

That's like a very terrible.

I'm not a genius, but like,
it's like my zone of expertise,

like things that I'm good at.

And I know I'm good at
because I do it every day.

Uh, that I can share with y'all.


Anyway, I think that's all the updates.

That I have for this episode.


Hopefully some more updates coming.

Uh, and I hope to do
like updates like this.

Maybe every other, like maybe.

I'm not going to put a
specific, uh, cadence on it.

I think it's just going to be more of
like a, if I have a lot of updates,

then I'll make an update episode.

Uh, if I don't, then I'll
share a, an opinion episode.

Maybe I'll do like episodes
with both of them who knows.

But if you want to know, like when these
episodes drop now that it's public,

like please subscribe in your podcast.

Player of choice.

Um, but also for like updates on
these like projects, it's not always,

I'll probably have like updates more
frequently than I put out episodes for it.

And I've got a newsletter.

Where I send updates to people who are
interested in the stuff that I'm doing.

I write on my blog.

I do like a little demo
projects that are fun.

If you go over to w, you'll
see it all in like this little.

Timeline on the homepage, but if
you're interested in that, I've

got a newsletter over there.

I'll send a link.

To a signup page.

If you want to get updates about that.

Um, I'd love to have
you on that newsletter.

Uh, getting updates hearing from you.

Like I said, I'll link to,
which is like the community portion of

this, where we can all chat and talk.

Uh, about this episode more.

I think this is going to
be a really good time.

Um, can't wait to bring on guests
because man, it is like so awkward

talking to yourself sometimes.

On here.

Uh, but I'm enjoying it.

I hope you all are too.

Uh, and I'll hear from you soon.

See you next time.