Advent with the Angels

I am your helper if you would like to forgive and forget. 

Send me into situations where you don’t know how to end a conflict or a situation. Human life bears the possibility of many loose ends. We recommend to let go - and yet we see that you are not given much help to understand how to do so.

Jesus brought the concept of forgiveness into the world, as it is very cleansing and allows a change for new beginnings. 

We can also support you by helping you create new paths for yourself, leaving the past safely behind you.
Do you have a vision for a new development in your life ? Let go anything that binds you to the way things were by simply choosing a new reality. Yes, you can do that, and it’s much easier than you think.

Some people call it jumping timelines, some just call it the power of choice.
I call it creating something out of nothing by going into the void and bringing it forth. Impossible ? No.Difficult ? No. Exciting ? Yes, you bet !

You don’t realize it, but this is actually what you are doing in every given moment, albeit unconsciously. With my help we can use your ability to create reality & apply it consciously.

What is something you would like to create out of nothingness ? In what time frame ?
And why ? Let’s work together to make it happen. All I need from you is to go in 100 %with your conviction that this is possible even if there is no evidence at all to be seen.

Are you in ? Let’s pull this creation out of the void !

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

9 December

Archangel Sandalphon

I am your helper if you would like to forgive and forget.

Send me into situations where you don’t know how to end a conflict or a situation. Human life bears the possibility of many loose ends. We recommend to let go - and yet we see that you are not given much help to understand how to do so.

Jesus brought the concept of forgiveness into the world, as it is very cleansing and allows a change for new beginnings.

We can also support you by helping you create new paths for yourself, leaving the past safely behind you.
Do you have a vision for a new development in your life ? Let go anything that binds you to the way things were by simply choosing a new reality. Yes, you can do that, and it’s much easier than you think.

Some people call it jumping timelines, some just call it the power of choice.
I call it creating something out of nothing by going into the void and bringing it forth. Impossible ? No.Difficult ? No. Exciting ? Yes, you bet !

You don’t realize it, but this is actually what you are doing in every given moment, albeit unconsciously. With my help we can use your ability to create reality & apply it consciously.

What is something you would like to create out of nothingness ? In what time frame ?
And why ? Let’s work together to make it happen. All I need from you is to go in 100 %with your conviction that this is possible even if there is no evidence at all to be seen.

Are you in ? Let’s pull this creation out of the void !