Jessie's World

This episode is all about connecting with your inner calling and embracing the many baby steps it will take to achieve your ultimate win. It encourages people to not miss life by focusing too much on end goals, but instead to enjoy the journey and savor it, to see challenges as opportunities, and to see the journey as the reason you even desire the destination. It shifts the mind from tired and daunted to empowered and excited. It is the fuel you need to sustain and enjoy self-mastery and your life's work.
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What is Jessie's World?

Welcome to Jessie's World - a weekly variety show that takes us through Jessie's Wheel of Life including Community, Fun, Health & Wellness, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, and Personal Development. Each segment brings a different flavor, making it interesting and engaging. The host Jessica Lambert aka @jessicavibez keeps it conversational and weaves humor though light and heavier topics. Special guests come from all walks of life and may surprise you. The ultimate goal of the show is to entertain, inspire, uplift, and assist us all (host included) in becoming our best selves. You get new, entertainment, wellness, and inspiration all in one great show.

Segments Include:
Tessy Time (Community) - real talks about current societal issues.
Mrs. Write (Fun) - a freestyle on-air comical writing segment where computer generated prompts are turned into master poems, songs, and short stories right on the spot.
Big Boss Vibez (Career Health) - let's talk all things entrepreneurship and bring our businesses to new heights
Today's Topic (and sometimes - Guest) - This segment covers a variety of topics that are aimed at peeking curiosity, inspiring, motivating, supporting, and most of all assisting listeners in becoming their best selves.
Gods N Goddesses (Health and Wellness) - travel inwards to center yourself. Let's focus on the personal care and wellness items that will help ensure you maximize your quality of life. A peer learning and sharing segment we grow together.
Love, Fam, N Family (Relationships) - let's share stories of human impact and the importance of leading with love.
Quote of the day.

Listener interaction is encouraged. If you have show suggestions or would like to be a guest on our show you can send your request on Instagram @jessicavibez or @jessiesworldxo you may also visit

Episode 28, Jessies World podcast
From Baby Steps to Boss Moves – how to build a life of consistent wins!
Hosted by Jessica Vibez
Intro (Jingle “do do do do do love and light, do do do do do love and light, do do do do do love and light, welcome to Jessie’s World, you’ll feel alright. By Jessica Lambert / Jessica Vibez / Goddess Vibez)
Thanks so much for tuning into episode 28 of Jessie’s World Podcast – where we are dedicated to helping people connect with, nurture, and grow their inner gifts; achieve self-empowerment, and enjoy a life of love, light, and authentic abundance.
If you are upwardly mobile, a go getter, and committed to improving yourself and your life this is the podcast for you. I am your host Jessica Vibez with a Z, bringing you weekly episodes that help accelerate your personal and professional development journey. Be sure to follow me on IG @jessicavibez
“The man who removes the largest mountain begins by carrying away small stones” Chinese Proverb
And also,
“Big things have small beginnings” Promethus
Topic Introduction
Today we are going to explore the complex challenge of personally wanting to have solved all your problems and mastered yourself immediately – aka you want to remove the mountain all at once… and at the same time, wanting to manifest your big dream in it’s entirety right now …without slowing down and taking in that big things have small beginnings and that
“the key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success, but significance – and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning” Oprah
So, if that is the case, if each step has great meaning great significance, than why do we want to fly past those steps and land immediately at destination?
Today, I will propose that it’s the journey, the dash, the baby steps that lead us to our most significant legacy worthy life changing Boss Moves – and I will share with you some key steps to help you enjoy the scenic route while ensuring you are headed firmly to destination ultimate success… buckle up!
(Possible Tessy Time)
BUT FIRST, a quick pit stop at Tessy Time – you didn’t think you would bypass me did you lol.
Okay, listen – this is for all you impatient folks who think the world owes you something, who feels success should just land on your lap, who had a though and visualized it a few times and can’t understand WHY you are not living in the lap of luxury – this is for you WAKE UP
Someone lied to you if they told you life is easy – it is not, until you master it.
And mastering life is a life-long pursuit. The more you master it the easier it gets, but without first dedicating yourselves to a life of leaning and growing personally and professionally then you can look forward to more or the same, and over time…. Worse.
Yea because life does not stay the same – everything changes. It is promised that you will change, the question is do you want to change for the better… because if so that is a deliberate action-oriented pursuit that requires a strong commitment to self. If you are not sure how to keep a commitment to self go back and listen to episode 27 then come back and join us here on episode 28 because this is about DOING not just DREAMING.
I am a big thinker, a dreamer from time.
My dreams are vast and plentiful colorful and exciting …but I have learned that a dream without a plan is an untold and unrealized fairytale that lives and dies in the mind and heart of the dreamer. Don’t let your mind and heart become a burial for your most treasured dreams… put ACTION to what you desire most in life, and put action into getting to know yourself, love yourself, understand yourself, connect with your authentic inner calling and ensure your dreams are actually YOUR dreams and not some expectation put on you by others, some bright idea you saw someone else had…no honey, for you to love your live to the max you need to pull that dream from WITHIN. Nah bother follow fashion love, when you have the blueprint for unreleased authentic brilliance inside of you…THAT should be your focus - mind your business and leave other people’s business alone!
I love Tessy Time because it’s where I give you the real real no sugar all love all fact what you need to know to shake your head, get on board, roll up your sleeves and WIN every day… so you are welcome.
I will give you honey with the rest of the episode but this here is a ginger turmeric lime shot that will clear your system and make was for the magic that is about to ensue… are you ready?
No fairy tales here – this episode is for those who want to put ACTION to their desires and create HABITS that will one step at a time, one small win at a time, bring them to their ultimate victory – I am excited for us – this episode is for winners… deciding you are ready means you already won! Success is a daily pursue, self mastery a daily habit, business development a result of consistent behaviors and the rewards will be more than worth it – I believe in you!
Personal and Professional Development Take
Today we will explore our topic – from Baby Steps to Boss Moves, both personally and professionally at once. We often separate the business and personal development, but sometimes we need to see ourselves as whole beings and how things impact us in our entirety and this is one of those times – I hope you enjoy and learn from this episode, you may need a pen and paper and if studied correctly the steps outlined in this episode should accelerate your success exponentially.
Imagin a baby in a home, mom dad big brother all in the yard, baby on mom’s lap watching, he has just learned to keep his head up enough to watch his dad and brother throwing around a football, running, laughing, playing and he thinks to his baby self “I want to run too” he doesn’t even know the word run…he knows the feeling he sees the feeling of fun of love in action and he wants that… now what would happen if this same baby who has never walked or even stood up yet was to try and wiggle off his mothers lap and into the ground…even if he had the strength to stand…could he get up and run, could he hold a foot ball and throw it … could he enjoy the experience he sees playing out before his eyes – and I think we all know the answer is NO… but WHY? Because we know that a baby must “crawl before he walks, and he must walk before he runs…” so then, why if we know this fundamental truth from the day we came here to this earth, that it takes time to run, do we have an inspired thought and then think WHY am I not running already…honey YOU NEED TO CRAWL first!
Okay, so if you accept that you need to crawl before you can take those initial steps then why is it so hard for us to take our time, to enjoy the wins along the way… we call them small wins – but are they small?
I don’t think so…
I think a baby standing for the first time is a HUGE win. I mean… if they never stood the parents would be very concerned, the doctors would be concerned, even the baby will eventually not be a baby and will be concerned… so this act of standing, this is a really big deal. And we know it’s a big deal… if we take the time to think about it… because when the baby stands – what do we all do… we smile, we cheer, we call our loved ones into the room and say “look, baby is standing wow” we may take a video and send it to our parents, we may even post it on social media why…because it’s a BIG DEAL. We don’t say – well, who cares, I mean it’s just a ‘small win’ it’s not like he ran – that would be absurd and mean…
Have you been being mean and absurd with yourself? With your progress? With your dreams?
Or do you take time to really celebrate ALL your wins. To say look at me shining, look at this new amazing milestone I achieved I am amazing.
The fact that you are invested in a podcast that helps you become your best self means you are already standing – say Look at me shining, look at this amazing milestone I achieved I am amazing.
Marvel at your awesomeness it’s okay.
There is nothing wrong about feeling good about yourself and your accomplishments.
I know growing up you may have heard messages that taught you to play small or to shrink or to dim your light.
I know I did.
At home I used to be told “a child should be heard and not seen” and well, I never agreed with that – nor did I abide by it.
Then in school when I was a teen I was asked “do you think you are all that…” and I did… but I dare not admit it lol
The smokers say “you think you are better than us because you don’t smoke” and I thought …no, that’s not true, but I do think that you don’t think highly enough of yourself not to smoke…
And even though I resisted this attempt to ‘cut me down to size’ by others around me… I also fed into it … I also said “NOOOO I don’t think I’m all that” and over time that seeps in… words are powerful, denying your greatness will lead to it fading if you are not careful. Own your awesomeness. Shine for all to see, those who shine too will join in and the light will be a blazing ball of awesomeness everywhere you go together – and those who have not taken the time to know and love and invest in self, they will feel threatened, they will retreat and that is okay… maybe when they turn their dimmer up they will rejoin you and shine with you… or at least respect why you were shininging to begin with.
So the first step in creating a life of continuous wins is to shine bring, and not down play your wins when they come.
If every win you have is treated as no big deal, what is the motivation to create more wins?
In order to achieve your huge dream – you need to have a series of smaller wins that, like Lego, stack up to make one monumental dream, or legacy, or world impact. So, with that in mind, you can see that you owe it to your BIG DREAM to create a consistent habit of pursuing, actualizing, and celebrating small dreams along the way.
Step 1 in manifesting your ultimate dream is starting – of if you were a baby that would be standing
Step 2 is taking your first step and CELEBRATING IT because as we already agreed, that’s a BIG deal… that could be listening to this podcast, or joining our Personal and Professional Development community we are launching March 2023 that will help you master yourself and take your business to the next level but will also and most importantly help you adopt a daily mindset that allows success to become a habit and this is where the magic happens
Step 3 keep winning and keep celebrating those wins – see how fun the process can be, why would anyone want to skip the journey it’s like being at Marti Gras in New Orleans but skipping the music, parades, picnics, floats, bars, beads, bands, comradery but saying you got there…yes you got there but what did you experience…NOTHING!
Step 4 – adopt a success lifestyle and a self mastery mindset – when you realize that the fun is in the journey and that it’s who you meet along the way, what you do along the way, seeing challenges and overcoming them, the thrill of every step forward and overcoming any steps back that is truly where the success lies – that’s when you will truly begin being action oriented in how you approach your personal and professional development journey because now you are excited to wake up, now you are ready to go the Mardi Gra and actually celebrate with the people – its’ the party that is the experience you want… not the clean up afterwards… the joy is in the process and the process is a lifestyle.
Step 5 – choose the right calling, if you do not take the time to know yourself and to actually connect with your purpose from within, you will miss all the fun even if you show up. The truth is, if what you are pursuing is not authentic to you – then it will feel like a never ending pile of dishes you have to wash. You wake up you eat more dishes. It’s not fun because it’s not for you. But there is something out there that is for you and you better find it sooner than later because then you will arrive at the party – and I have a shot waiting for you let’s goooo!
Step 6 – sidestep haters – you can refer to our previous podcast episode about sidestepping haters, its’ a real skill. Haters don’t just show up in your life as internet trolls, those ones are easy to ignore. The real dangerous haters show up as family and friends, business partners, people who are supposed to be on your team and want you to win but who unintentionally or intentionally try to bring down your dream. This is another reason why your calling must come from within, because when you do the work that we are doing here, to connect with self, to know self, to love self, to care for and understand self – then you unequivocally know that your calling is truly YOUR CALLING and trust me knowing that will give you a fortitude that will allow you to stand firm in the face of ney sayers.
Whether it’s their own lack of vision, their own fears, or their own envy – people will try and tell you that your dreams are unrealistic, that you should settle for some other half version of who you truly are… FUCK THAT! I don’t swear a lot, it is reserved for rare moments where emphasis is needed and honey, it is needed because you are NOT going to allow anyone to rob you of the gifts God so thoughtfully and intentionally placed inside of your soul to share with the world. In fact, it’s your duty to self and to God that you connect with those gifts, nurture them, manifest them, and share them with the world and anyone trying to discourage or stop you from doing that is a HATER and you need to tune them out and press on – let them know if they have an issue with that they can DM me lol I stand firm on the fact that you deserve to manifest all things that are awesome about and proprietary to you – best believe!
Step 7 – stand in your truth and do it proudly – now that you sidestepped your haters, it’s time to address the most dangerous hater of all… YOURSELF. Those self-defeating messages, even when we walk away from the people who have said them, have a pesky tendency to continue to play in our minds, to morph into sounding like our own voice … and THAT is the residual impact of being in close proximity to haters too long – avoid them when ever you can and then CLEANSE YOUR MIND. Real talk, you need to clean out the negative self talk by pouring positive self talk in – pour so much in the negative is drowned out flushed out gone to never return.
Use affirmations – I do mine every morning and night
Use gratitude – I do mine every morning and night and spontaneously throughout the day
Call on God – God is real and God really helps
Stay Aware – just take note when you are telling yourself limiting or unkind things, when you are making excuses or getting in your own way. Meditate on it… ask yourself why you did that, what were you thinking and feeling in that moment that caused the negative self talk and what you could do different to be more positive in the future
Step 8 – burn all bridges behind you – one of my favorite stories is about a high ranking army official who brought his men to war on an island. When they arrived on the island the islanders were already armed, assembled, and ready to fight… what the leader did next astonished everyone… he burned all the ships they arrived on… This meant there was no way to flee… no way out – they either won or perished. Since you know that you are committed to becoming your best self, anyone who threatens that should be limited or removed from your life. Since you know you have a business dream, you need to forsake all plan B C or Ds for that dream for your plan A – A for AUTHENTIC as in it came from WITHIN you and thus you can not live WITHOUT it – it is you and you are it and therefore you burn all ships and win or perish – or as 50 said Get Rich or Die Trying, I would say Live Your Calling or Die Trying because there is something more fulfilling that even money, and that is knowing that you are living your authentic purpose on earth – and this is likely why many leaders including Budah may not have been focused on riches, but was always cared for because that is what happens when you align yourself with the universe and its purpose for you… it provide … abundantly and money is not in and of itself a provision but the rich food clothing shelter experiences relationships places people things in life that is where abundance and deep spiritual connections lye.
Weather working on yourself or working on your business small wins stacked up are a powerful powerful thing. Take care of your pennies and your dollars will take care of you – likewise is your investment in self and your calling. Take care of you and nurture your calling and the universe will take care of you.
This is not a sprint – it is a marathon.
The win is in your daily habits .
The wins are in your ongoing commitment to self and to self mastery.
The wins are in your commitment to your business and how you serve others and yes how that then in turn serves and provides for you.
The wins are in the consistent behaviors that move your forward in your journey.
The wins are intensified every time you take the time to truly honor and celebrate your wins – personally and professionally – alone and with your team.
The wins are in avoiding burnout because you absolutely love, and are GRATEFUL for the JOURNEY!

Gods N Goddesses – Meditate on Topic Success with Breathing and Affirmations
Time for Goddess Vibez to take over… for this session of Gods N Goddesses
I am known by a lot of names, Jess, Jessica, Jessica Vibez, Vibez, Goddess Vibez and more – each name representing a state of being, an energy, a position in someone’s heart. Jessie is what my grandma calls me, or my God children… so when I named this podcast Jessie’s World I knew I was inviting my listeners in as family, to sacred parts of me, to parts I only share with those I love most.
Gods N Goddesses allows you to power up, gear up into your highest frequency. That’s what Goddess Vibez means to me – it’s my name for my highest state, when I am bringing the highest frequency of myself to the table, and when I am connecting with myself at the highest level.
What is the highest level you have achieved when connecting with yourself?
During this segment we always do deep breathing.
We do this because deep breathing and relaxation activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which sends a signal to your brain to tell the anxious part that you are safe and no not need to use the fight, flight, or freeze response. It gets more oxygen to the thinking brain, reduces stress, increases calm, stimulates the lymphatic system thus detoxifying the body, improves immunity, increases energy, lowers blood pressure, improves digestion and even helps support correct posture… so when I practice deep breathing with you at the end of the episode, it is may way to loving you and of giving you a wholistic reward for a job well done and for tuning into another episode and showing up for YOU to work on YOU and to improve YOU – I love that, that makes me proud. I am proud of YOU!
Now, it’s time for your reward…
If possible sit or lay down in a comfortable position
I want you to, in your comfortable state, connect with your body.
Feel the weight of your body as you sit or lay.
Feel your natural breath in an out in and out.
I want you to breath through your nose deeply into your belly…
Then exhale though kissing lips
Now place your hand on your belly…and as you breathe deeply in through the nose I want you to feel your belly raise as it fills with air…hold… and release as you feel your belly fall and again in through the nose…
And as you breath I want you to repeat today’s affirmation out loud or in your head.
Affirmation – Baby to Boss
I am a Boss taking baby steps daily towards the achievement of my goals. I love taking steps. Each step matters. Each step is an intricate piece of the puzzle that is my success journey. Each step is different but equally worthy of celebrating, and every time I take a baby step I am Bossing Up in the best way possible. My consistent steps will make me a leader in what I do. While others bolt and burn out I will steadily savor my steps and enjoy the scenery en route to my destiny. I have connected within. I know my calling. I am sure of myself and while I may face challenges along the way, those are truly opportunities to learn, and grow, the get stronger and better, they are necessary steps to becoming the best in what I do. I welcome challenges, and I believe in my ability to learn more and rise above them all. With each step I take I am transitioning from a baby in what I do – to becoming the ultimate Boss and the journey is sweet, it’s why I signed up, it’s where the lessons and hype and fun are – I love the journey. Haters may try and make me doubt myself, forgive them father, for they know not what they do. God’s divine purpose for me will be fulfilled, I am a fierce warrior dedicated to my calling – and it is this dedication that has me winning every single day. I love my life, I love me!
Continue to breathe in, and out
In and out
How did that feel?
If you need to access these affirmations in the future we will be publishing them on our soon to be released website along with other helpful resources experiences and opportunities.
Call to Action
Today I want you to sit a little longer after this episode is over, continue your deep breathing for 5 more minutes… in through the nose, out through kissing lips – I will feel your kisses on the wind (shout out Nina Cherry) and I will know you are connecting with you and making the universe smile.
I want you then to get up and write down one divine purpose you know lives within you that you have yet to fulfill – don’t answer your phone, don’t scroll social media… write it down now one unfulfilled calling you have been putting off… the write one baby step you will take EVERY DAY that will bring you on a journey of fulfilling that calling.
I believe in you.
You have committed to this entire episode because you are committed entirely to YOU. This proves you have everything you need to make sure you succeed. Your greatness is within you and no one is an expert on you and your gifts like you are – only you have the blueprint to fulfil your unique mission and truly become the Boss of all bosses – you’ve got this and I can’t wait to hear about each and every win along the way.
Promise (What outcome will be achieved when answering call to action)
If you do what I have suggested today, you will see that you go from crawling, to walking, to running and playing football with the amazing people in life who will embrace your gifts and cheer you on.
Greatness is yours waiting for you to strengthen yourself daily so you can fully immerse yourself in the game of lift.
Your highlight reel can not been you on the bench of other’s lives, get up, and get active towards what you know your life is meant to be – start construction on who you know you are meant to be. Don’t worry about the gap from where you are to where you want to be because I promise if you take those baby steps, then each day that gap will close until it no longer exists and you are now setting new goals for deeper callings and new heights – a life of true inner joy and outer achievement awaits…just take the first baby step!
Thank You, Gratitude (and shout-outs)
Thank you so much for tuning in today.
As always I want to give some shout-outs and give thanks before we wrap up.
Today I want to shout out a few folks…
My son Tredel who pushed me begrudgingly to be my best self – he really did give me the confidence to purse my God given calling and the more I do the more I feel at home with myself, the more I find myself randomly smiling, the more my challenges make me curious and the pursuit for answers makes me excited and the more God brings new people and opportunities into my life that further my ability to fulfill my personal mission to spread love, light, and blessed vibez world wide – thank you Tredel I am every grateful for the amazing human you are God really blessed me with you and I love you.
I would also like to shout out my God Daughter Chanelle who is my spirit connection here on earth, we spend endless hours discussing personal development, confiding in each other, and loving each other through life’s challenges. I am so deeply grateful God brought you in my life and I am so honored to be your God mother – you always encourage my development, you listen to the podcast, you give me feedback, and you fuel me to keep going. You mean the world to me and ILOVEYOU all caps no spaces forever.
Finally big shout to my old friend Mores who when I missed an episode send me a gentle reminder that the world is listening and missed episodes go noticed – God bless you sweetheart you are appreciated.
And always thank you to every listener, everyone who follows me on Instagram @JessicaVibez with a Z and to people who have encouraged me to build the community that we will launch soon I am so excited and it’s all your DMs and encouragement that have continued to propel me forward. Thank you to the 23 countries of people listening the 26 states and the Canadian provinces to USA Canada Spain Brazil India Barbados Jamaica South Africa Australia Italy France Ghana Dubai and the many other countries who listen you are appreciated. Perhaps I will give the full shoutout to all 23 next episode.
Outro & Follow / Like / Subscribe
Please remember to like and follow, as well as to share this episode with someone you love – it may change their life for the better.
Thanks for coming out and vibing with me.
You are loved.
You are appreciated.
You are Blessed.
Keep the Blessed Vibez flowing.
Until next episode, I’m Jessica Vibez aka Goddess Vibez spreading love light and Blessed Vibez world wide one amazing person at a time.
Love n light always! One.