Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, August 1st, 2024 / Chantel’s fun facts, the 6-second kiss, New Jersey smells like rotting fish, armpits that smell like cookies, tragedy turned romantic in a storm shelter, Chantel wants to grow a beard, who’s got the best tan line, sports talk, and what’s with all the passwords?

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Thursday, August 1st. And today on the show, Chantel's got fun facts, a 6 second kiss. New Jersey smells like rotting fish, armpits that smell like cookies, tragedy turned romantic in a storm shelter, Chantel wants to grow a beard. Who's got the best tan line?

Sports talk. And what's with all the passwords? Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast.

Enjoy today's show. Ta ta da. You got it. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel.

It's Thursday. It's the first day of August. Thursday. Thursday. Yes.

National Girlfriends Day today. Hey, girlfriends. Hey. Hey, girl. Day to go, you know, have a little brunch or a little lunch or something with your girlfriends, girlfriend's day, meet up after work, whatever it is.

That sounds lovely. Yeah. Girlfriend's day. Let's see. What's going on, National Pinball Day?

I really like pinball. Are you a pinball wizard? I I As they say. Fancy myself a pinball wizard, but I like to play pinball. I know this about you, and I know that you get kinda lost in a pinball game.

I get lost in most things You do. Because I can throw all my energy into it. Yep. You can focus into one thing and one thing only. Yeah.

And then I get high scores. But I don't I'm not I don't I'm not I don't have any strategy. I just play to play. Just a button masher? That's what I do best.

Yeah. Yep. It is National Woman Astronomers Day. Hey. Yeah.

I think that's cool. It's play ball day. Do a little backyard, little backyard baseball, little wiffle ball. Oh, wiffle ball. Yeah.

It is re Kickball? Kickball count? I don't know. Kinda, maybe. It's along the same lines.

I love kickball. Yes. You do. Respect for parents' day. Aw.

Yeah. About time. Yeah. National minority donor awareness day. These are organ donors, to and from minority groups, which is cool.

Oh. Homemade pie day. Oh my gosh. Today is the best day ever. Yeah.

Yeah. Mountain climbing day. Oh, I see. Colorado day. Hi, neighbor Colorado.

It is National Planner Day, the physical planner books. Oh. Or, you know, up to date apps to set goals. That's fine too. World Wide Web Day.

There's so many things going on. Oh, today is Well, it's the first of a month. It's National Spider Man Day. You didn't even know what I said. No.

I didn't. Today is Tubthumping, I said. Tubthumping? Nope. You're right.

I didn't hear that. It's raspberry cream pie day. It's lung cancer. And raspberry cream pie day. Yeah.

Scout star scarf day. World Scout Scarf Day. Hey. Yeah? You're a scout.

I know. There's a lot going on, and it's a brand new month. So welcome to August. As we enter a new month, we get a new awareness podcast, and I saw it launched this morning. Did you get the notification?

No. I didn't. Oh, shame on you. I know. It is all about wellness this month, which is really cool.

Wellness, not like how you look, but how you feel. Don't compare yourself and your health to others. Wellness is about balance. There's a brand new Riverbend Awareness Project podcast all about wellness this month, and it's published this morning. So if you're looking for something to listen to after this show and after you listen to Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast.

I don't know. Subscribe to the podcast. It's a good one. It's put together by, our group here, and they do a phenomenal job. So, check out the new one.

That's cool. Yeah. It's all about wellness in August. I could use some wellness. Right?

Yeah. We all could. Yeah. Let's be real. Riverbendmediagroup.com.

Check out the podcast. That's where you can find ours. That's where you can find the Riverbend Awareness Project. Happy Thursday. Did you know that Tickle Me Elmo remember Tickle Me Elmo?

Sure. He was almost Tickle Me Taz. You know, the Tasmanian demo? I'm glad that they didn't do that. The company that made it didn't initially have the rights to use Elmo, but then, eventually, they got them.

So they tickle me Elmo. I don't think that Taz would have been as big a hit to tell them. With you. I agree with you. Here's another fun fact.

Oh, fun facts with Chantal. Alright. The Spice Girls didn't come up with their nicknames. You know, Scary Spice, Posh Spice. K.

What are the baby spice. What are the other 2? All Spice? No. That's a UK magazine editor came up with their nicknames because he was too lazy to remember their real names.

That really stuck. I know. I know. The original Polly Pocket Fun facts. We should tell.

The original Polly Pockets were tiny because the creator used a makeup powder compact to make a portable dollhouse for her daughter. And that was the prototype. Yeah. And that it was jeans. Cute.

Great idea. Choking parts. Necessity is the Mother of invention. What they say. That is what they say.

I don't think it was a necessity. You just what do you know? It is. Well, yes, which is what you have becomes a necessity, isn't it? No.

Yeah. No. Yes. Moving along. Alright.

Fun facts with Chantel. Tom Hanks Uh-huh. And Robert Zemeckis, the director of Forrest Gump Okay. Used their own money to shoot a couple of scenes in Forrest Gump because Paramount refused to increase their budget. One of the scenes was Forrest running across the country, Tom Hanks and the director.

That was an important part of the story. I know. Use their own money. Was it, though? I mean, he just felt like running.

Fun facts, Michelle. That. James Cameron Yeah? Really wanted to make Jurassic Park before Steven Spielberg. K.

He wanted it to be a darker and nastier movie, like scary. He wanted it to make, like, a horror movie. And then Steven Spielberg beat him to the film's rights, and that's the Jurassic Park we have today. And that is fun facts with Chantel. There's this place called the Gottman Institute.

K. I don't know what they study. You could probably look at it. Institute. Dotman Institute.

What about them? They came up with an idea based on how long it takes to trigger the release of oxytocin, which is what they call the love hormone that helps us bond with babies, pets, and each other. Okay. So they say that you're supposed to kiss for 6 seconds to feel a real connection with somebody. That's how long it takes for your oxytocin to be released.

6 6 seconds. 6 whole seconds. A full 6 seconds. And then and that's for it to start to be released or for you to, like, go, alright. I feel, like, good.

Don't know. But also, sloppery dog kisses for 6 seconds? Cool. I don't know about that. The other option is a hug if you feel like you can't be with somebody for that long.

Ew. It was 6 whole seconds. Ew. 6 seconds. They say it takes 20 seconds of hugging to achieve the same level of connectedness that you would get from a specific substantial hug.

20 seconds. Yeah. I one time when Beck was younger, he was probably about 12 years old. Yeah. And he said, mom, did you know that you should hug people for at least 9 seconds?

And then that started a routine of his. Like, he came every day and hasn't had a hug. For years. At least 9 seconds. But for a good solid 6 months, it was like every day, he would come and he would count.

And if I tried to hug him for longer than 9 seconds, he was like, nope. Longer, he was done. Yep. Shorter, he was like, you're not going anywhere. Yeah.

Oh, I never tried to break it short. I see. I was just happy that my son was like, let's have a hug. Right? And he hasn't done that for a while.

So 20 seconds a hug, though, if you wanna get the oxytocin. Yes. 20 seconds of hugging, 6 seconds of kissing. We're gonna we're gonna practice. What if you do both at the same time?

Oh, no. Oxytocin overdose. Too much love. No. Not enough.

You can't have an oxytocin overdose. Are you sure? Let's try. I don't know if that's a good idea. What happens?

You'd just be so happy. You know, oxytocin also reduces your levels of stress. So, ma'am, if you have an oxytocin overload, you'll be still you'll be easy breezy, my guy. He'll be like, so cool. So chill.

Okay. Or did I didn't I don't know if you can the only thing I can come up with when I type in oxytocin overdose, it starts talking about water intoxication and convulsions. So I'm not really into that. No. That's different.

That's something else. Let's try it. I don't want water intoxication. Not that's not what's gonna happen. We're gonna be so super breezy.

It might be a side effect. No, man. It's gonna be just chill. K. 6 seconds a kiss, 20 seconds a hug.

Yep. We'll do it right right now. Right now? Wow. Wow.

Just what's your hurry? I'm gonna find somebody else to No. I'm just worried about water intoxication and convulsions. That's all. Not gonna happen.

I promise. Okay. Alright. You wanna hear about, dogs or cars? Do I ever oh, you're giving me a choice.

Yep. Dogs. Alright. It's a good story. There's a good story about a car that, got stolen 21 years ago and recovered.

That's the car story. Kind of an interesting one. But let me tell you about, the dogs. About a week ago, communities in Northern California were dealing with a dangerous disruptive wildfire. That's still going on.

There's fires all over the place if you haven't noticed. Made the sunrise and sunset really weird colors the past couple of days. Like, dark purple is a weird color to see in the sky. Nonetheless, during this particular wildfire, a family had to make the heartbreaking choice of leaving their home, and they had to do so without their rottweiler dogs. The family was safe, but first responders couldn't access the area where the rottweilers were because of fire.

Well, news of the stranded dogs reached Trevor Skaggs, and he's a member of the Butte County Sheriff Search and Rescue team, and he is an expert helicopter pilot, and he put those skills to use. He went back into the fire zone to rescue the dogs. He safely landed the helicopter, and he ran more than a mile to find the dogs in a pickup truck. They were in the truck. Like, the dogs were In the back of the truck?

Right where they were supposed to be. They were they they I believe they probably did something like that, like, put them in the back the truck so they wouldn't just run away. Okay. And so they were in the in the bed of the truck. Okay.

And so he, sang to the dogs, persuading the mother and then the puppies to trust him. Aw. And he gave the animals water. He fed him a few bites of his granola granola bar and then led them back to the helicopter. He was able to rescue the mother and the 4 puppies.

Everybody's back together, and that happened in the middle of a fire. The real question is, what song did he sing to them to earn their trust? Question. I don't know the answer to that. Love.

My love. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure it was that. We didn't start the fire.

Maybe not that. Who let the dogs out? Yeah. Barking at the dogs will do it. There's a picture of him with, with the mom and a couple of puppies in the helicopter.

It's a pretty cute pretty cute picture. But That's so cool. Yeah. What a cool thing. So way to go.

Trevor Skaggs, Butte County Sheriff search and rescue team, making it happen, for the family and the puppies. Good job. Yep. Good news to get you going on classy 97. There I was at the store trying to find a deodorant.

It's really difficult to find a deodorant that doesn't have aluminum in it. Right. Especially for ladies, especially. Yeah. For men, it's it's pretty easy.

They make everything in an antiperspirant or a deodorant. You just pick the deodorant is the one I choose because I don't like putting aluminum in my pores. I don't either. And for ladies' deodorant, it is tricky to find aluminum free deodorant. It is it's gotten easier, I'll say, because there's a lot of these natural deodorants that are coming out that are aluminum free, which is why they're just a little more pricey.

A lot more pricey. What I noticed the other day at the store was they have this natural deodorant in the scent of girl scout cookies. But why? I don't know. I don't wanna smell like a cookie.

You don't? I mean, there are worse things I could smell like. Like a pile of laundry. A pie like a pile of dirty laundry or a pile of clean laundry? Fresh linen.

Fresh linen smells so nice. I would rather you smelled like cookies than a pile of laundry. I'm not big on the baby powder scents either. Oh, really? Yeah.

I don't like that. You're not a baby. No. I know I'm not a baby. We're trying to smell like a baby.

I just I don't know. Something about my armpits smelling like peanut butter rubs me the wrong way. Butter one of the cookies? The ones that I saw, and they have the girl scout insignia on them. So I So it's a partnership.

So they have the ones that I saw were lemon and peanut butter. Alright. Well, I'm looking right here. And they apparently do a lot more than just the deodorant. And, yes, they do in fact do the Samoa.

Do Or as they call it, coconut caramel. But they they do it in a body wash, the deodorant. They do it in a deodorant and body spray as well. So you can just Interesting. See.

And I feel like the body spray is less offensive to me than the deodorant. For some reason, it I don't know. It sounds so gross rubbing peanut butter smell on my my underarms. Okay. And they did the coconut caramel, which is delicious.

They did the thin mints, which has a little bit of mint and chocolate to it. The peanut butter, as you mentioned, the trefoils, and the lemon. What are the trefoils? Those are the, shortbread. But they don't have the shortbread in all the stuff.

They only have that in the body wash and deodorant. But it seems like the Samoa one, they really went all out. They did all the products in that one. Interesting. Mhmm.

Isn't that interesting? I didn't smell them. I should have smelled them. To see if it smelled like a cookie? I'm sure it does.

Or does the lemon one smell like Pine Sol? Oh, no. I hope not. Mop smelly. Smells like pine.

Oh, you're right. And then a little twist of lemon. So, hopefully, you don't, yeah, don't smell like that. Also, whatever that car, new car smell, I don't get that one either. You don't want that?

No. You don't want me to smell it? Car. New car. You can smell like cookies, though.

That's okay. I'm not mad about that. Okay. I don't even know if you even can even smell my deodorant. Not from here.

What kind do I have? I don't know. I'm too far away. It smells nice. Oh, good for you.

Have you ever been to Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey? No. I don't think so. I've been to New Jersey, but, Jersey City, but not, what'd you say? Little Egg Harbor.

Little Egg Harbor. I don't think so. I don't know if we want to go visit there. Why not? Because residents there have been forced to remain inside their homes as the pungent smell of rotting fish overwhelms the town.

No. That sounds lame. This is thousands of dead fish were floating up into the lagoon, and their carcasses are just stinking up the whole area. A woman that lives there says, it's the worst smell of my entire life. It goes inside the house.

It goes on your clothes. I've burnt every candle I could possibly find, and now I'm onto my infusers. Oh, man. She says you can't get rid of the spell smell. And one guy says that he goes there.

He bought a house there, a summer vacation home in 2019. He said, but you can't every year, this happens. And he goes, why did I buy a house here? I have no idea. It happens every year.

It happens every year, he said. For how long? He said for, like, 2 weeks. So just don't go there during those 2 weeks. Oh.

Take a vacay. Well and he said we bought our house here because we wanted to swim in the waters here. You can't swim. There's thousands of fish dead. There are a lot.

I'm looking at some pictures and video of the amount of fish. It is just heaps and heaps and heaps of fish. It's gross. That is gross. It's, it's caused, they say, by warming water Yes.

And, poor water quality. Yes. So the the fish just die. But how does this happen every year? And why aren't they doing something to improve the water quality first?

And then, you know, temperature is a lot harder to control. But why aren't we doing something about the water quality to help the fish not die off like this every? If I live there, I'd be like, we can't do this for 2 weeks. Fix this problem? The dead fish are also attracting a flocks of seagulls.

I bet. The whole band showed up. And the seagull? Stop. Stop.

Yeah. Get out of here. Go. Alright. I'll see my way out.

So Flocks of seagulls are showing up, you say? Yeah. Uh-huh. And they're wreaking havoc on the town. I bet.

They ran so far away. I wish I had that song ready to go. I'm not. I do not, though. There was a couple in Wisconsin, Sarah and Alex Uh-huh.

And they were trying to have a wedding. Were they were they bride and groom? They were bride and groom. K. Their reception got interrupted by a tornado.

That's a problem. Their venue luckily wasn't hit, but they all had to run and seek shelter in the basement of a nearby venue where a bunch of strangers were having a family reunion were also hiding out in the basement. And so here's the wedding party. Here's the reunion party mingling because of a natural disaster. Yeah.

Alright. And the they weren't able to have their first dance until a guy at the reunion pulled out his guitar and said, hey. What's what's make a request. I'll play. Great.

He ended up playing perfect by Ed Sheeran. Nice. So the couple was able to have their first dance amidst a tornado. That's kind of a fun little story. Yeah.

Right? Yeah. Like, that's, that's kind of a precious little memory. Something unique and fun and different. And good good for that guy for, 1, having a guitar and, 2, knowing how play it.

I know. I'd be like, hey. Listen. I got these 3 chords. You wanna hear a song?

You can dance to it if you want. I can play. I don't No. You can't. Yes.

I can. I can play ice ice cream. Cannot. Yes. I can.

Listen. There's a lot of great things that you can do. Vanilla ice ice ice baby on guitar. I want the fun. I can play the ding ding ding ding ding.

Yes. I can. Yes. I can. Don't don't tell me that I can because I can.

We all know it. Okay. Look. I've heard you attempt it a lot. Yes.

And I've heard varying degrees of that kinda sounds like the right note, but I can't say that I've heard it successfully played. You just haven't been listening You're right. Enough. You're right. I need to tune my ears.

I think so. Yeah. That's the that's the problem. That is it. You're the problem, not me.

Oh, no. People Magazine did a a story about how men with beards may be more stable romantic partners. Well, I got one of those. You do have one of those. Yeah.

Yay for me. Okay. Maybe. What did they find out? They found out that men with beards aren't necessarily looking out for new partners because they have they've been reported to have less mate seeking motivation and more mate retention and skin care motivation.

Got it. My skin care game is on point. It's on fleek. I get it. I don't know if they say that.

No. Nobody says that anymore. It's sad. So but by having a beard, basically, it's saying that, like, hey. He's not, he's not motivated enough to even shave his own face, so he's probably just gonna be hanging out.

Probably, probably a comfortable guy. What they're saying is that beards as opposed to stubble are difficult and time consuming to grow. Oh. And men with full beards may signal their disciplined nature. While maintaining a clean shaven face requires the f effort of frequent facial hair removal.

Correct. This is true. Plus, I look like I'm 10 if I shave my face. I don't like it when you shave. You prefer the beard?

Yeah. Alright. Good. Me too. Because my face is much warmer with a beard on it.

Even do you hate it in the summer, though? Yeah. Because it doesn't get the sun. And so if I shave, then I have this white face. But does it get too warm in the sun in the summer?

No. No. It doesn't? No. Plus, it keeps dust and debris.

Does it? Yeah. Out. Keeps out dust and debris. It's a good it's like a filter.

Well, shoot. Maybe I should grow a beard. I get dust and debris. I don't know. What can I keep out dust and debris?

That's not fair. I just the I would I prefer you without a beard. You haven't seen me with a beard, so how would you ever know? Yeah. I'm imagining it in my head, and I like it better without a beard, it being your face.

But you don't know. You can't imagine. No. I'm imagining, and I don't like it. How about just a mustache?

Nope. How about a Fu Manchu? Nope. How about mutton chops? Nope.

Josh, do you want me to add something? Maybe a couple chin hairs? A goatee? Just a couple? 2 or 3?

Just to keep you entertained? Got them. Got those. To keep your hands busy? The NFL has been releasing the top 100 players of 2024, and these are if I if I'm not mistaken, these are voted on by the players themselves.

According to our son. Yeah. That's the thing. Right? This thing that I just read.

That says it's voted on by the players themselves. Okay. So this is not, like, the layman's person saying, like This is who's best. This is who is best. This is the NFL players voting for each other as who's best.

Got it. They're releasing them in 10 phases. Yeah. So they release, like, 100 through 90. They just released 11 through 20 last night.

So all we have left now is the top 10? The top 10 is all that's left. But let me tell you, Justin Jefferson is you like from the Minnesota Vikings. Yes. Yes.

Number 18. He is number 18. On the list. And that was announced yesterday. And so I sent it to Begg, our son, who's a huge football fan, and I said, number 18?

This is shocking. Like, I he should be much higher than that because he's killer. He's really good. And Beck said, come on now. He missed 7 games last season.

So for him to be a 18 after missing 7 games, that's still pretty good. And I went, alright. That's accurate. Okay. That's a fair assessment then.

So who else was in this batch? Oh, no nobody important. I thought you said, Nick Bosa was in there. Nick Bosa is in he's not in the he was up. He's in the he was in the yesterday's batch.

Oh, so he was in the 21 to I think so. Or whatever. Yeah. But I I remembered when he was on the list because I've been getting updates of the list because Beck and I talk football. Right.

And I went, oh, Nick Bosa. Why do I like him? I go, I remember his name, but I can't remember why I like him. And then I saw a picture, and I went, oh, yeah. His arms.

That's why. I like his arms. Because he's ripped. Yes. Yes.

That's that's his that's his thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh.

I don't even know what team he plays for. Isn't he a 49er? No. No. Gross.

Nick Fossa Is a 49er. Is he really? Yeah. He is. Yeah.

Alright. That's alright. He's got some strong arms. No. Right.

Mad about that. Now on this the the 11 through 20 list, there was some good players on this list. Dak Prescott is on there. Okay. Here we go.

Yep. You know that guy. I do. Jalen Hurts, George Kittle, CeeDee Lamb, Josh Allen. So he's We're getting into the top.

Yeah. We're We're in the top brass here. We are. Alright. So I'm curious to know who When does the top ten come out?

I think it comes out today. I think they're releasing them every day. Or is it a couple days? Is it 1 a week? You gotta find out.

You gotta find out when that top ten's coming out. Tell you. If it comes out gonna be number 1? I don't know. Voted on by the players.

You know who you know who I hope it's not? Any one of the Kansas City Chiefs? Because neither of them have been listed yet. Right? No.

So they're gonna be top 10. But you know who else has not been listed, who I hope it is, is Jordan Addison. Okay. You think he's top 10? Bro, he played so good last season.

Alright. So I really hope he's in there. We'll always have to wait and find out. Thanks for the sports talk, Chantel. You're welcome.

Anytime. I just read that 62% of people are overwhelmed by passwords, and I agree with this. And let me tell you why, because this is what happened to me the other day. What happened to you the other day with your passwords? I was trying You were you had such a buildup.

I had nowhere to talk. Did you hear all that? That was fantastic. You were ramped up. I was ramped up.

I'll tell you why I am ramped up because I couldn't remember my password to something important. K. And then they have security questions. Right? Right.

And you usually sometimes will have 3 security questions. The first question security question was, what street did you live on in 3rd grade? And I went, I got this. K. Lived on the same street Right.

My whole childhood. Yeah. I know the name of that street. And then I went, okay. Is it did I write Avenue?

Did I write AAV or Ave? Did I leave Avenue out entirely? Like, I lived on Malta Avenue. Right. But I couldn't remember you know, those are super case sensitive sometimes.

So did I write Are they? The abbreviation of avenue? Did I write out avenue, or did I just put Malta? I feel like you would've just put the one word. I tried all 3.

Neither one worked. Oh. So then I went, okay. New question. New security question.

Second question, what is your oldest sibling's middle name? Alright. I know that. Got this. Got this.

And then I went, oh, I have 2 oldest siblings, technically. Oh, and which one did you use? So I have, like, my oldest sibling, but then I had an oldest sibling who I did not meet who died before I was born. Correct. So then I went, oh, did I did I use So you'd question 3?

Question 3. What was your childhood nickname? Fantastic. Got this. And then I went, oh.

Nope. I bet you you got, like, 6. I was called a lot of nicknames. Right. But which one did I pick?

Moral of the story is I had to recreate a new password because I couldn't remember any of my security question answers. Well, that's and how many attempts did he give you with your with your answer? Quite a few. Oh, but you still couldn't figure them out? I still couldn't figure them out.

Wow. Bummer. Yeah. This password thing is a pit. It's out of control.

It is out of control. Have to have so many? It's wild. Yeah. And then I can't even remember the security question answers for my own security questions.

Yeah. I did see there was a there was a good trend I saw once where someone said, like, you you don't wanna use the same password for everything. Right. But they had found a way where they could use the same password, but then at the end, they would put the name of the site they were using it for. Oh.

So whatever your usual password was plus the word Facebook or That's smart. Instagram or whatever. That way it's a unique password, but it was something you'd still remember and wouldn't necessarily be the same thing. That's just one idea. I don't know if that's even the best idea.

I don't know. I'll tell you what's not a good idea. What? 1234 No. Or the word password.

I heard a good idea that you should use, like, a song lyric because it's something that you'll always remember. Sure. So I did that recently for something, but this particular password that I have for this thing requires me to change it, like, once a month. Oh. It's ridiculous.

Yeah. Those aren't fun. And so then it was like, well, just add, like, a letter or a character after. So I had the song lyric, which was kind of long in and of itself. And then I would add, you know, an exclamation point or I would add a number, and then it became the lyric, you know, a b Plus a bunch of stuff.

Exclamation point. Right. And then I was like, this is out of control. It's way too long. So then I had to when I had to reset it again, I came up with a different path or different song lyric.

A shorter one. Yeah. But it's not really that short after all. I just don't know why we have to have so many. Like, there's gotta be a better way.

Right? Like, every single thing we wanna log into, I gotta have 28 different passwords for everything. And then you're gonna make me try and remember my security questions, answers. I don't know. Yeah.

So then I got this security password manager so I could keep track of it like an address book, but then I can't remember the password to that. Yeah. That's how it goes. It's just crazy. We gotta there's gotta be another way.

Emory, for some reason, always takes your side in every in every family matter that she has to pick a side for. She picks your side. I don't know why. There are, like, real silly things that come up, though. Like, these aren't, like, serious issues.

They're not. But the but it's enough that they drive you crazy. Yeah. Because why doesn't she take my side? I'm the better parent.

Wow. Wow. Okay. Maybe it's, maybe it's attitude. Maybe.

Maybe maybe she's, like, got a glimpse of that, whatever that was. Maybe it's just that I try so hard to get both of my children's approval, and they know that. And so then they secretly are like, hey. You're you're trying too hard. You're doing too much.

Yeah. We're gonna side with dad. And maybe that maybe it's not even secret. Maybe they just do it blatantly straight to your face, and you can't handle it. No.

I can't. But it was very obvious to me the other day that she just chooses your side to choose your side no matter if she agrees with you or not. But maybe it's like a cat and mouse thing. Like, she knows that it bugs you, but, like, enough that you're gonna be fine. And so she's like, no.

I'm gonna I'm gonna say shit. That I like whatever dad's side of the argument or whatever situation it is because I know it bugs mom enough, and and it's a fun game. It does bug me. Okay. It does bug me.

So it's a button. She knows how to push a button. Oh, yes. She does. And you and you keep laying it out there.

I know. She you took off your watch the other day, and she goes, woah, dude. That's a sick tan line. And I went, oh, my tan line's better. And I took off my watch.

We put our arms side by side, and I'm not kidding you. It was very evident that my tan line was better than yours. Oh, I disagree. Are you kidding? I have a fantastic tan line.

Mine is so much better than yours. This is so something so stupid to argue about, but mine is so easy. It is? It's so easy to push the button. It's I didn't even have to try.

I just wanna win. That's it. I you can Only against me. Like, it's this weird competitive thing where you're like, no. I have I do this better than Josh.

I have to be on the top of this. No. That is true. I'm not competitive with anyone else other than you. And so every time you bring something up, it's so easy to be like, no.

You clearly lose at this, and you you just tailspin into chaos. I don't know why I have to beat you. Just because you beat me at everything, everything. At what? Video games.

You beat me. Lines. No. Yeah. Not this time.

This time, I won. Clearly, mine is better. Oh. Look at your face. Catch your face.

It's so dumb, but it makes me so angry. Oh. Oh. Is is all you can say? I'm gonna post a picture, and then we're gonna have people vote whose tan line is better.

Mine are Josh's. My watch tan line is real nice. I got real tan arms. Yeah. Me too.

And then I have real white skin underneath my wear my watch. Me too. No. You don't. Yours is all blended.

No. It isn't. Look at it. Even tell you were wearing a watch. Are you kidding me?

Are you kidding? No. I'm pretty serious. I take mine off. You can really see the contrast.

Look. Tan. No way. White. No way.

Bud. Yeah. Bud. There is no white on that arm. Okay.

Nope. Can't see it at all. Are you looking at your arm? Because my arm is clear. Clearly, I've got a tan line.

I know that I've won. I don't even need you to respond. Ask Emery who wins. No. I'm not getting her opinion on anything.

We were driving the other day, you and I, and we encompassed a couple of driving frustrations along our route. Like other people on the road? Yeah. Well, first of all, there's a lot of people that are running red lights. Yeah.

It's it's a lot. It's a lot a lot. A lot, which is a little bit crazy. And I know that when you think like, oh, it's yellow. I can still make it.

Sometimes it's not even yellow anymore. It's totally red when people talk to you. Yep. What I've noticed a lot lately is people will turn into the wrong lane. That happens all the time.

It happens quite frequently. And then what I've noticed too is people will turn into the turning lane way too soon before Yeah. And that causes all kinds of problems. Or if there's a whole line of traffic that are stuck in a straight lane and you have a left turn lane on either side, like, maybe it's a 1 or 2 left turn lane Yeah. People will buzz past multiple intersections in that turning lane to get into that left turn lane past all the people that are waiting.

Yeah. Like, there's an actual place where you're supposed to enter a left turn lane, and it's marked by a gap in the lines. That's when you get into that turning lane. Like, that is the most dangerous thing. Dangerous.

And and there are people, like, even getting in and out of the parking lot here, like, I'll be waiting to turn into the parking lot, and there's 2 lanes I have to cross, and people are, like, waving me through. I'm like, I'm not moving until I can clearly see that both lanes are clear or stopped. So you can keep waving your arm at me, and I appreciate that you're trying to be kind. Yeah. But just keep going about your day driving.

I'll worry about me. Right. Because I'm not I'm not gonna trust you. You can't trust the other people. Know what else is happening behind you.

You know your car is stopped, and that's it. And I get you're trying to be kind and let me go, but that's I'm not gonna do it. It's not gonna happen. No. So how do you fix it?

I don't know. I just want people to be safe and remember that there's other people driving with you. Right. And sometimes when you run that red light, that means it's green for other people. So True.

They could be turning right into you as you're running that red light. That's all I'm that's all I'm trying to say. That's all. And when you're trying to get into that turning lane really fast, just remember that there's people that are trying to exit that intersection that you just you know? You know what I'm trying to say.

I know what you're trying to say. Dangerous. Yeah. And, and there's feel like there's been a lot of car accident reports lately, and it's you know, we have a young driver. Well, he's not so young.

But Young enough. Young enough. And then we've got another young person that's gonna be driving soon. And I just I worry about them, and I worry about people. So just be careful, everybody.

Just be careful. That's all. It's simple. Just be careful. Be careful.

I was just influenced You were? By an Instagram post. Yes. What are you buying? Oh, it's a thing called the hair can.

It is a trash can for your hair in the shower. I think I've seen this. Have you? Yeah. And it's made out of, like, silicone, and, and it's supposed to grip the hair.

Yes. Yeah. I've seen this thing. You think it's gonna work? How come it's selling it to you?

Oh, because I'm bald. No. Algorithms algorithms are weird. I don't know why it's selling it me. Okay.

But I've seen it I haven't seen it recently. I've seen it in the past. Okay. This is pretty cool, actually, and I really like this. So if you have a lot of hair, it comes out.

It's mine I feel like mine comes out so much. If I shampoo and condition my hair, like, it's like a wad of hair that comes out. It's gross. Oh. It's gross.

And then I don't know what to do with it, and so I'll usually just stick it on the side of the shower, like, on the tub. I know it is gross. And then when I'm done showering, I'll throw it away. I see. This is cool because you take your hair, you put it into a ball in your hand, and then you place your hand into this Yeah.

When it's like a silicone thing into the hair can, and you pull your hand up and out of the hair can, and your stray hair will get cut in the spikes. They're not spike I mean, saying spikes now. Yeah. No. I agree.

Yeah. Little little silicone, little soft Yeah. Finger things. And they'll just grip your hair so that you can remove it later so it's not stuck to your hand. Like your the way you're currently doing it.

No. I don't. Just throw it away because then you're gonna have this hairy gross thing hanging on the wall. No. Because I'll empty that when I'm done with the shower.

Bet. I bet I will. It's gonna be so gross. No way. This hairy thing on the wall.

No. I'll take care of it. I'll clean it. It'll be nice. Did you already order it?

No. But I need to. I see. I don't know how much it is. It says coming soon, so maybe they don't have it.

Oh, it's like, I told you, I've been influenced by this thing for a while. This is not new. The hair can? I don't know what that's what it's called. But what it's called.

The hair can. I don't know how much it is. I can't find any information on how much it is. I just looked at their website, and it's asking me to put in my information. Yeah.

You're getting had. Oh, I know. Looking at stuff online. They've like, there's a 1000000 different kinds of these things that exist already. And, Yeah.

Be the first to know when it drops. Yeah. Sign in below and get your preorder option. That sounds that sounds like you're you're getting had because I'm looking at one online right now that's already for sale. So it's already a thing.

Like, $25. Oh. Unnecessary. No. What you're doing now is working just fine for free.

I know, but that would be so much better. Why? I feel like I don't wanna spend $25 on it. I agree. So you're right about that.

It's a little out of $5 to $10 item. It is a little out of the price that I wanted to spend, to be sure, but I'm also a cheapskate. So for $25, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. If they lower the price to 10, then, yeah, I might purchase. Okay.

I, I'd be okay with that. I feel like that's a good $10 purchase. That's one of those things where you're like, yeah. I spent $10 on that. Or if I change my mind, you just might see it in the shower.

Yeah. And I'm like, oh, she spent the 25. Yeah. Yeah. Worth it.

Is it? We'll see. What you're doing now is fine. No. But it could be better.

This is cool. Grubhub launched a new program called special delivery. K. And it's just, you know, their typical delivery service, but it's specifically aimed for new moms. Alright.

And they're giving away a $20 coupon to help cover your first meal after having a baby. Oh, that's cool. They're giving out a limited number of these every Wednesday this month. I looked on their link. They're out out of them for this week.

But through the entire month of August, check back on Wednesday if you're a new mom or you know somebody who's gonna be a new mom, they re up them every Wednesday at noon through the month of August. So go get yourself some I think that's awesome. It is cool. I'm trying to see They have a promo video, and it's pretty adorable because it's moms in the hospital enjoying their first meal after delivering their baby, after doing the hard work. They're like, oh, yeah.

Give me that cheeseburger. Or I see this this lady having a cheeseburger. She's very excited about it. This one's eating sushi because you can't have sushi when you're Oh, yeah. Pregnant.

True story. That's what I want. Give it to me. So every Wednesday at noon EST, so that's 10 AM, you have to visit this Grubhub special delivery website, and, you can try to claim that $20 reward. Okay.

I get it. It's cool. I think that's great. So new and, new moms, expecting moms can take advantage of the, Grubhub special delivery. That's kind of fun.

It's cool. Yeah. That's a nice little thing. I like it. Good job.

Good marketing, Grubhub. Right? Well done. Get your cheeseburger. Your would you rather this to that question of the day?

Would you rather find a time capsule or find a treasure map? Oh. I think I'd rather find a treasure map. Why? No.

I'd rather find a time capsule. Is it my time capsule? This is your game. I know it is. Oh, a time capsule.

They'd both be pretty cool. I have to say, they'd both be pretty cool. I'd rather find I don't even care. Just let me find 1. Alright.

So here's the deal with finding a time capsule. You find a time capsule. Maybe it says don't open until 2024. You go, hey. How convenient.

Right. I'm gonna open this today. Whether it's your own or somebody else's that you found that was left behind, and you get to open this time capsule. You get that immediate, I found a thing. I get to see what is inside this thing.

Mhmm. You find a time capsule that says don't open. It's another 10 years away. Do you hold on to it for 10 years and wait? You have to.

Those are the rules of time capsule. I couldn't hang on to it. I'd have to open it. I couldn't I couldn't wait. Regardless, you find yourself a treasure map, you're going on an adventure.

Absolutely. You are. And you may or may not find the treasure at the end. I know. That's the tricky part, isn't it?

So it's, yes. I found a time capsule. I can open it today. It's I found a time capsule. I can't open for another 10 years or a treasure map where I may not find anything.

Or you open the time capsule, and there's maybe it's not waterproof, and so everything inside of it is just damaged. That's possible too. Yeah. I like a treasure map. I like the adventure of it.

I think I wanna have that adventure. That's why I'm picking that. Okay. I'm gonna pick that too. I feel like you want the immediacy of I found a time capsule.

I get to open it right now. Yeah. But then I started to question myself going, what if everything inside is garbage or broken or ruined? What else would be inside a time capsule? Garbage.

But old garbage. That's everyone I've ever seen open is old garbage. If it's a time capsule from my own self, then I pick that one. But if it's a time capsule from somebody else, then I'll go treasure map. Okay.

Because I just want my garbage, my junk. My own garbage. Alright. Would you rather this or that with Josh and Chantel? Classy 97.

It's Josh and Chantel. You're better today than yesterday. Daily challenge. It is to find a one sentence mantra. One sentence.

Yep. That speaks to you and then repeat it throughout your day. So I looked up a couple of good ones. Oh. Yesterday, you said tomorrow.

It's a good one. It's from Shia Labeouf. Oh, Shia Labeouf. Yeah. Yesterday, you said tomorrow.

When am I gonna start that thing? Oh, tomorrow. Tomorrow. Yesterday, you said tomorrow. Yeah.

Repeat that over and over. That means today's the day. Right? He's the day. That's a good one.

Yeah. My ego is not my amigo. I think that's hilarious. Next. Is this essential?

Oh, I like that one too. Good question. K? I release that which does not serve me. Yeah.

I've heard that one before. Okay. It feels a little strange. Alright. Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.

Yes. I've heard that before. Okay. Let's see. Do or do not.

There is no try. Yeah. That's a good Yoda. Those are 2. That's a 2 sentencer.

Do or do not, unless there's a comma. Right? Do or do not, comma, there is no try. The harder you work, the luckier you get. Oh, I don't I work hard, I feel.

I don't have a lot of luck. I have I have luck. That's keep going. Keep going? What else?

There's some that are long. Grow up, but always remain young at heart. Oh, I like that one. You like that one? I do.

I'll never go anywhere if I stay put. Okay. I like that one too. Okay. There's some good ones.

I like staying young at heart because will never please everyone, and that's okay. Oh, you're looking at me like I need to know. These are mantras. These are one sentence monstras. Monstras?

What's that? Mantras. Mantras. I don't know. My mouth.

I need a mantra. That's a monster mantra, like a big one. Yeah. Short sentence, but it's a monster mon mantra. Yeah.

You know what I'm saying. I get it. Alright. Find a one sentence mantra that speaks to you and repeat it throughout your day. Mantras are powerful.

They ease your mind and reset you when you feel anxious, it says. K. What was the pleasing one? Oh, now I have to scroll back up. Don't worry about it.

Don't worry about it. Grow up and always remain young at heart. It's fine. It's okay. Live with it.

I lost it. I will never please everyone, and that's okay. Okay. I I like that one. Alright.

There you go. It's your Better Today Than Yesterday Daily Challenge. Have a great rest of your Thursday. You'll take it. Do it for us.

We'll be back tomorrow celebrating your Friday. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yep.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Friday morning, tomorrow, we'll be in the studio. Have a great day.

Bye. We'll see you. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.