Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024 / Josh created gross ramen, Heinz created gross ketchup, it’s a Toaster Strudel update!, Chantel has old eyes, the sock foot blues, Josh hasn’t seen a lot of movies, Chantel is still hip with the kid slang, Josh has an awkward tan line, and who is the sweaty meatball man of Josh's dreams?

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It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. It's Tuesday, July 2nd. Today on the show, Josh created gross ramen. Heinz created gross ketchup.

It's a Toaster Strudel update. I have old eyes, the sock foot blues. Josh hasn't seen a lot of movies. I'm still hip with the kids slang. Josh has an awkward tan line, and who is the sweaty meatball man of Josh's dreams?

Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Wake up, Classy 90 7.

It'd be Josh and Chantel. Is it Pirate Day? No. It's not. That's clear in September.

Oh. No. Today is national I forgot day. Oh, that's every day for me. What'd you forget?

Everything. Aw. How many times have you forgotten a birthday or an anniversary? I don't forget those. K.

It's things like, oh, I forgot I was gonna make a doctor's appointment today. Oh, I forgot that I was gonna go to the store. Stuff like that. Well, whether it's a missed appointment or an overlooked special day, I forgot day encourages everybody to reach out, apologize, and rectify those forgetful moments. Oh, I forgot.

When did you when have you forgotten a birthday or anniversary? When's my birthday? Sometime. It's May. May what?

The second. Good job, Josh. When's our anniversary? It's coming up, actually. July 23rd.

Good job, Josh. You did it. I'm okay with those. I don't have a problem with those. I what I like is that, social media and the calendar that we share reminds me of a lot of stuff that I would have been like, oh, yeah.

That's today. It is, made in the USA day, which Sure. Born in the USA. Yeah. Exploring quality, supporting local craftsmanship, and embracing American made excellence for a sustainable and authentic shopping experience.

It's made in the USA day. Yeah. America. Yeah. World UFO Day.

We have made in the USA and UFO Day? For the world. World UFO Day. World UFO Day. Because, you know, they don't just, show up in America, in the weird parts of the America.

It is also special recreation for the disabled day, which is cool. It is, Wildland Firefighter Day. There's a team of people that are incredibly essential. Yeah. It is World Tutors Day.

It is, National Transplant Week. Kidneys, hearts. K. You get that whole week. Yeah.

Awesome. Yeah. It's also twins, triplets, and more week. It's great British pea week. Twins, triplets, and more.

Mhmm. So many things. It's bean month. Did you say pee? Yeah.

As in the, The vegetable? Vegetable. Yeah. Bean month. I just like little snap peas?

Yep. But did you hear it's bean month? No. Yes. Also, lasagna awareness month.

Are you aware of lasagna? Me too. Yep. Me too. He loves lasagna.

It's your favorite. It is good. Anyway, that's Those are the days. That's alright. So, you know, hey.

Have some beans and peas. It's bean bun. You're talking about the ramen that comes in the little styrofoam cup, not the, like, brick of noodles. Correct. Yeah.

So cup noodles. Cup noodles. Yeah? They've got a new flavor out. It's called s'mores.

No. I don't do the sweet things mixed with the savory things. This is And, also, ramen noodles, are not really, anything but bouillon and a noodle. So with a couple of freeze dried vegetables that I, like There you go. Dump out.

Nobody eats those freeze dried vegetables. There's a company that makes just the toppings for those, but they make them out of, like, real vegetables, not like 400 year old carrots and wrinkled peas. The s'mores ramen is a blend of decadent chocolate, marshmallow, and graham cracker flavors with a smoky note. No. I taste a smoky note.

No. Who says that? No 1. They suggest topping it with crushed up graham crackers and mini marshmallows, of course. And they say it's perfect for anyone who wants to satisfy that need for s'mores.

No. And no campfire necessary. What's the broth? I don't know. At the smoky note.

No. Okay. It sounds like you know what you could do is What? Instead of the you'd have to do this on you couldn't do this in the cup of noodles because the bouillon's already mixed in. You'd have to do this with the brick of noodles.

This is so gross. What? I can't believe this idea came into my head. What? You take a hot chocolate packet.

Oh. And and you boil the water, put your noodles in, and then instead of adding in the little bouillon sauce packet, you add in Your hot cocoa. Cocoa packet. But then it would also already have those little dehydrated marshmallows in it. Fair.

So then you could dump that in there. This is so gross. This is disgusting. And then, yeah. Sure.

Then you can top it with crumbled graham crackers and little chocolate chips or whatever, and you would get the same thing with the s'mores. You should try it. It's disgusting. You don't know it's disgusting until you try it. That's a Josh Tielor creation, and it's grossing me out.

I had a whole book in college about ramen recipes. Yes. You did. And my favorite was the egg drop ramen, where you would boil you would cook the the noodles and stuff, but then you would drop a a raw egg in there like like egg drop soup. Like a, well, ramen has egg in it.

Real ramen. Well, yeah. Sure. Like, when you do the hard boiled egg or whatever. But this, you would do in the water.

So it was like egg drop soup. So it'd get all, you know Poaching or whatever? Well, it gets all, like, all the it's runny. You like, the egg white goes rear, you know, and boils out. Anyway, it's it was pretty good.

There was another 1 that had hot dogs in it. It. Ew, gross. No. It was good.

Ew. I'd rather eat the s'mores ramen than the hot dog ramen. No. Because the hot dog, savory. Ramen, savory goes well together.

No. It's when you start mixing the sweet and the savory that things get odd. No. Yes? I like sweet and savory together, but hot dogs are not good in anything.

They were really good floating around. Just little chips. Floating around. Oh, that's worse. Stop.

What? They were they were you chop them up. Yeah. That's gross. Stop saying You never had them in mac and cheese as a kid?

Nope. Hot dogs and mac and cheese? I gotta make you hot dogs with mac and cheese. I won't eat it. Why?

I won't eat it. Because I'm not 7 years old. Hot dogs and Mac is awesome. Stop talking about hot dogs. Why?

This is gross. Hot dogs are great. No. They're not. No.

Hot dogs are the best. Are you gonna try this s'mores ramen or not? No. Okay. Then I guess we're done talking about ramen.

There is a well, hold on. Let me start by saying this. What aside from pickles and, like, hard ingredients, what kind of What does what's a hard ingredient? Like, What kind of sauce do you put on your burgers? Mustard.

K. Mayonnaise. K. Sometimes a barbecue Okay. I guess.

Okay. I if it comes with ketchup, I won't be totally grossed out, but I never add ketchup on my own. Okay. If I order something and they're like, yeah, it's got ketchup on it. Like like a Wendy's burger.

Okay. It comes with ketchup. Yes. Fine. A Freddy's burger doesn't.

It comes with mustard. Great. Okay. That's you know what I'm saying? Like, I'm not gonna be all nitpicky about the the little condiments that come on an order, a burger I order.

But when I make it, I'd never add ketchup. Let me tell you about a new sauce from Heinz. It's called every sauce. Uh-oh. It's a limited edition.

And as the name suggests, it includes every sauce in the same bottle. So It's the sauce to rule them all. Let me tell you, somebody at the factory sauces. No. Somebody at the factory made a mistake, and marketing said Go with it.

We gotta figure out how to how to fix this, so we're gonna sell it. It's just somebody put the wrong ingredients into 1 of the vats, and they and that's why it's a limited run because it was a mistake. Okay. Let me tell you. What's in it?

All of the things. Smokey bacon ketchup Yeah. Pickle ketchup Ugh. Curry ketchup No. Garlic and caramelized onion mayonnaise.

What color is this sauce? It's like a brownish No. Like a beige. Gross. Truffle mayo No.

Mayo must No. Which I think is mayo and mustard. Okay. I originally thought somebody made a mistake. I mean, they've made a mistake.

Let's be clear. This is a mistake. Did you know these are all sauces that you can purchase individually from Heinz. Here's here's here's what's happened. What?

No one's buying them. I think They have a surplus of ingredients. There it is. And so they said, we need we're not gonna do all these ketchup anymore. Rid of this.

We gotta get rid of this stuff. And somebody in marketing came to the rescue and said, what if we just, put them all in there? Did you ever take the cup and, go to the drinking fountain as a kid and just go and hit everyone? It's the same, but with ketchup. Some of these sound good that I didn't even know existed.

Because the base is ketchup. Yep. Base is ketchup, and the base is mayo. Right? Which makes fry sauce.

Yes. And then they have all those other ingredients are powder form. You haven't even let me finish all the other ingredients. They're all powders. Mayo mustard.

Right? A mayo racha, which is sriracha and mayo. Which is a powder. Sassy sauce, which I don't even what that is. A chip sauce, sweet chili No.

Smoky baconades Right. Aioli, garlic Yeah. And burger. Yeah. Burger.

Burger sauce. Burger. Burger sauce. That's what it says. Alright.

All of those things are seasonings that they add to ketchup or mayonnaise. K. They start with fry sauce. They go add a bunch of ketchup in there, add a bunch of mayonnaise in there, stir it up. Good.

Now bring over the vats of gross powder and dump it in. And they went and then they got this hint of smoke. I feel A smoky note. Like, instead of having all these jars of condiments in your house, you could just have 1 with all of them. It's easier.

Or Just have 1. Maybe maybe I could join their marketing team and come up with an idea where they give you the base, which is ketchup or mayonnaise or or a mix of fry sauce. And then it comes with little packets of the powders, and that way you can grab a bowl and you can you can make a little bit of your own, mix. Like, oh, I would today, I wanna try the mustard 1. Okay.

You stir in the little little seasoning packet, and then you got that 1 on your burger. Do you see? I no. Solutions. Explain it again.

And then you could sell different flavored packets to people of the seasonings. They have they already have these things in jars that they're already selling. Yeah. I don't want that. I just want the base, and then I wanna add the seasonings myself.

Do you kinda wanna try all of this? Negative. I do. I don't wanna buy a jar of it because I don't want a whole jar of it, but I wanna try all these 14 sauces in 1. No.

Not in 1. It is all in 1. No. I don't wanna try that. But I do.

Well, go get a bottle. We went to Boston Yep. And we took a train from Boston to Salem. Do you remember that? Yep.

Well, thanks to some excited and organized people in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, the MBTA, has decorated 5 of its trains with giant googly eyes. I think this is hilarious. I do too. Back in April, there was a small group of local residents.

They held a rally and a march on Boston Common, and their entire mission was to convince the MBTA to put googly eyes on its trains. That's all they wanted. Let's march for googly eyes. What do we want? Googly eyes.

When do we want them? Now like that. That's what they did. It worked. The MBTA found a safe way to install googly eyes on some trains as a way to bring moments of joy Yeah.

To our riders' daily commute. I think it's hilarious. I also think it's hilarious. Next, they're gonna do noses. You think?

Yeah. I I didn't hear anything about that, but here's what I do know. Ariel Locke, who's 1 of the founding members of the group that they call themselves googly eyes on the MBTA. It should workshop that. They're thrilled that the group accomplished their mission.

From the beginning, we were very, very straightforward with it. We only have 1 demand, and it's to get eyes on the trains. That we're we're not stretching ourselves beyond our limits. We've got 1 goal. And they And that's googly eyes, and they got well, on some of them.

Not every train yet because now the mission has to move the goalposts a little bit. They gotta go, okay. We got we got, like, 5 trains. What what's next? Eyelashes.

More more trains. Noses. And then once we're done with trains, then what? Buses. And then we get it on the buses, and then what?

Airplanes. Airplanes. You're gonna put googly eyes on airplanes? Yeah. No.

Why? A safety thing. They're gonna fly off. No. Yeah?

You can figure out how to do it. If they can figure out how to put windows in planes, they can figure out how to put googly eyes on planes. Don't tell me that they had windows in the first planes without somebody going, I don't think this is a good idea. Planes, didn't even have a cabin. They were some sticks glued together, on arms, and they were jumping off of barns, if I remember right, from the weird If you remember right.

Jittery black and white videos I've seen of the Wright brothers attempting different flying machines. I'm pretty sure they didn't have windows because they were all outside on a field trying to run fast I'm just saying. And flap their arms. I've seen I've seen movies Uh-huh. Where they try to I've seen movies.

Where they try to figure out how to put windows in spaceships and stuff. Okay. That's totally different. No. It isn't.

You just gotta project manage it and say, how are we gonna put googly eyes on this airplane safely? They'll figure it out. They'll get it. It's good news to get you going. Classy 90 what can we before I finish Yeah.

What around East Idaho can we put googly eyes on? We don't have public transit. Let's figure that out. That's going that's going on the Facebook group. I gotta ask the question.

If you could put googly eyes on anything in East Idaho, what would you put googly eyes on? Everything looks better with googly eyes on it. Everything. Well, think about it. You can answer on Facebook soon.

I have a toaster strudel update. You do? What were you gonna say? I wasn't gonna say anything. Oh, I thought you said something.

No? Oh, but I thought you were. What about your toaster strudel? Okay. We were talking last week or the week before about Toaster Strudels versus Pop Tarts.

Right. Because Pop Tarts' better. Wrong. But then I was trying to remember the last time I had a toaster strudel, and I couldn't remember. It was probably when I lived remember the last time you had a pop tart?

Yeah. Yeah. Because they're better. No. They're just More memorable.

Mm-mm. Wrong. I just forgot that Toaster's turtles existed. K. So we bought some at the store.

Because you were like sure they still made them. Right. I got the strawberry cream cheese flavor. Right. And last night, I went, oh, I have Toaster Strudels.

I'm gonna pop those puppies in the toaster and have myself Toaster Strudel. And I did. And? And it was awesome. Cool.

Here's what I didn't remember that's still true today from 30 years ago, the last time I had 1. You popped them. They're piping hot on the outside. You can barely touch them. They're so hot.

In the middle, frozen. Is that right? Yeah. Now you do you do this in the toaster? Yeah.

I just I didn't know if you microwaved it. I just tried to figure microwave the Well, if you microwave it, it'd be done in the middle, but cold on the outside. Bet you could air fry it. I'm gonna try some air fry. It's still gonna be No.

It isn't. Frozen in it. Alright. Even if I pushed it back down, it just wasn't in there for long enough. I should just push it back down on the toaster and let it go for a little bit longer.

What was what number did you have the toaster set? 3 or 4? Yeah. You should've gone to 5 or 6. No.

Then that would have been burnt. I don't want a burnt toaster strip. What do you think happens when you push it back down? Listen. Listen.

You were your argument was that there wasn't enough icing ever in the pouch. And to a certain point, I used to agree with you because I used to have to use 2 And then you had icing cartridge. You had too many strudels and not enough icing. Then the ratio was all wrong. You're right.

They've fixed that problem. No. And now the icing went clear to the outside edge. I managed to ice my whole toaster strudel. Were you supposed to use 1 packet of frosting on 2?

No. Are you sure? I'm positive. There's that many There's 6 in there. Pastries and 6 things of icing.

Yeah. I knew what I was doing. Pop tart comes already iced. Yeah. Gross.

And it's dry. You have the edges of pop tarts. That's my favorite part. That's nobody's favorite part. I just like to eat the crust and throw away the middle.

Tester strudels, still as good as they were. I like the idea I had, though, because I think you could take 1 of those, warm it up. A strudel? Yeah. And then instead of icing, put a little scoop of, vanilla ice cream on it.

I bet it would be good. A little a la mode. You're not wrong. I bet it's delicious. I think that's what I wanna try.

Okay. A warm, flaky pastry. Do you want it warm in the middle? Yeah. I'm gonna microwave it.

Ew. It's gonna be soggy. I'll toast it after. I'm just gonna make sure it's not frozen in the middle, and then I'm gonna put a scoop of ice cream on top. You're gonna What?

You're gonna microwave it and then toast it? Yeah. That seems like an unnecessary step. Well, the whole thing's unnecessary. It's a it's a strange food.

No. It isn't. How do you feel offended and attacked? How could you? Not my strudel.

I don't know. Update. Still delicious after all these years. I'm gonna try the microwave method next. Guess what I had to download on my phone yesterday.

What is that? A magnifying app. What is that? Oh, that's something you use when you can't see small little numbers or letters. So then you have to get a magnifying glass to magnify the numbers and letters because you're too old to see the little numbers.

Talking about? What do you mean? On your phone? Yeah. Not on my phone.

I was trying to read a piece of paper, and it was little. Like, the numbers that I needed to like, I needed to see the date on a piece of paper, and it was small. K. The type was very small, and I went, I can't. I can't read that.

I am not even kidding you. You know how you do that thing where you look at it and then you kinda, like, adjust your eyes and you blink several times. And you're like, come on. You got this. You can read this.

You can read this date, and you go, you're not that old. You're fine. And then you bring it closer to your face, and, no, that's not working. And then you put it further away, and you're like, no. That's not working either.

So then you blink more times, Like, that's gonna help. And then I finally caved, and I went, I can't I can't read it. I cannot read that date. And so then I had to install I go, what can I use to magnify this date? And then I went, I bet there's an app.

I bet there's a magnifying glass app. Uninstall that app. Why? Okay. I did already because I told a coworker that I had done that.

She goes, what I usually do is just take a picture of it. Yeah. And then I can pull out my picture, and I went, oh, that's pretty dreamy. You said magnifying app, I thought to myself, what does it do? Use your camera to zoom in?

Is that what it does? No. I didn't. Yeah. Did you use the app?

No. Here it is, the app. I haven't I haven't deleted it yet. What? I'm telling you, all it's gonna do is zoom in.

It's gonna do that. Oh, we need access to your camera. Oh, we need here it is. It's just zoomed in. It says reading PDF documents is easier than ever.

Different. But, also, you can zoom on a PDF on your phone. Okay. I haven't used it. So I was just setting it up.

It's needs access to your camera. We don't have camera permission to take a picture. Please allow us in settings. Don't do that. Uninstall that app I am.

Use your camera like a normal person. That didn't that problem solving technique didn't enter my mind. I was thought I was being smart by installing a magnifying glass app. You don't have to be rude. I'm not being rude.

You're kinda being rude. No. Yes. You're Uninstalled. Good answer.

The second you said magnifying app, I immediately went, you mean the camera on your phone? That was genius. When she when my coworker said that, I went, that is really smart. And then there was another sign that I was very, very old. That you installed an app.

I know. Here's here's the thing. Someone made that app. I know. It probably has ads in it.

There's multiple apps, honestly. When I looked when I looked at the Play Store and I searched magnifying app, there was quite a few, and I went You don't need a magnifying app. You can change the size of everything on your phone to make it big. Well, I know that. Big is your text?

I know that now. What? In your when you're in your text, are you zoomed in? No. Are you sure?

Yeah. Is it this big? Yes. Look. Did you just No.

Did you just change it? No. Do you normally rock it like this? No. No.

No. It's normal. That's like a it's like a 10 point font. I bet you rock it big when you're when no one's looking. You you zoom in on your text messages so you can read them.

You have to scroll for a while to get through 1 message. No. I don't. Okay. I will admit that You changed it.

No. No. I didn't. It's been like this. But there are days when I accidentally make it big, and then I go, oh, it's actually kinda nice.

I heard a story yesterday Yes. And I didn't know what to do with the information, and so I sent you a text because other people have to know this exists. There is a man. I'm not gonna say who this man is or where he works. This man has part of his job where he has to address a large group of people.

And when he does this, he does this wearing only socks. He's fully dressed, but no shoes. He just has sock feet. And I thought, what a strange thing to be addressing a room of people and not have shoes on and just have socks on. And so I sent you a message, and I said, we gotta talk about everyday tasks that you would go through in any part of your day or anything.

If you showed up somewhere just to do a normal thing Yeah. And someone was there working, doing their thing, but only wearing sock feet, what would you do? I feel anything dealing with food. Right. You you roll up to to grab a a drive through, and you see somebody off in the back, sock feet.

Sock feet. You Cooking What? Cooking fries. What's happening? What?

Why is this person in socks? I once knew, a person whose mom made him mow the lawn in his socks because she didn't want his shoes to get dirty. What? That's very unsafe. I know.

That is very unsafe. I know. You could lose toes. I know. But they had to they had to mow the lawn in their socks.

Did they have special lawn mowing socks? They did. I'm trying to remember. Put on your green lawn mowing socks. Get out there.

Why didn't you just have, like, old shoes? That's what I have. John I have lawn mowing shoes. I didn't make their rules in their house. They were white New Balances, but now they're green.

You're such a dad. They are they are not New Balances, but they're an old pair of sneakers. I wonder if this man who is addressing these people in his socks, if that puts people at ease. No. Like, does it does it take kinda be at ease.

I know. But is it more of like a Okay. Like, I'm gonna come down like, you know, if you see somebody speaking to you and they've got, like, a 3 piece suit on, for instance Yeah. And they're sharply dressed, are you gonna feel intimidated? Whereas if this guy rolls up in sock feet, you're like, oh, this let's just be chill.

It's weird. What if Levitt's if you went to the doctor? Okay. And you the doctor comes in, and he's like, hey. How are you doing?

How's things going? Sock feet. Sock feet. And he puts he puts 1 leg over the other. He does, like, normal doctor, like, cross a leg thing.

Like, let's talk about it. And he's got that you can see his toes wiggling in there. And the bottom of his sock is just filthy because he's been walking all over. Or or a weird, like, brown knit sock. Or there's a hole in it.

Yeah. And 1 toe sticking out. What's up with the sock feet thing? Can we not can we not do that? Here's another story.

I know a woman who's on a dating app, and she got a swipe up from a man Yeah. Who had his picture taken wearing socks. Fully dressed, but socks. He doesn't have shoes on. Sock feet?

Just sock feet. Where are shoes? Beside him on the floor. Why aren't they on his feet? I don't know.

I don't like it. I do not like it. I'm not okay with this. I think it's a means of just being, like, chill. I don't think it's intended to gross anybody out.

I think it's just, like How much time? Relaxed I am. You've known me a long time. You've known me we've known each other for well over 20 years. Yes.

You it's rare. How many times do you see me in sock feet? There's so many times that I go, take off your shoes and stay a while. You you don't take off your shoes until it's time to go to bed, usually. Or if if I'm like, oh, I gotta shower.

I I take off my shoes, but then what happens? You shower in your socks. No. I don't shower in my socks. That'd be a weird thing too.

You go to the gym, This guy walks out, and he's got his towel and socks on, wet socks out of the bath. And he's leaving wet footprints everywhere he goes. Swimming pool. So he gets out of the pool. Sock feet.

Weird. Ew. If I saw somebody at the swimming pool in just socks, I would think they had a foot fungus. Yeah. For sure.

Yeah. What if that was, like, a requirement for the lifeguards to wear socks? Gross. Little red ones with the little lifeguard symbol on the side. Lifeguard socks.

I'm not into it. I don't get it. It makes no sense. Put on your shoes. I heard something shocking last night from your mouth.

From me? Yeah. What did I say? You said that you had never seen beaches. No.

I've not seen that movie. Shocking. No. Why is that shocking? Because that movie, I loved that movie.

I don't even know who's in it or what it's about. I know. This is where you're gonna tell me what you think you know about it. Oh, really? Yep.

Okay. So in 1988, and it's billed as a comedy musical. It's a musical? But it's also not a comedy. Is it a musical?

I mean, there's music in it. Okay. So I overheard a little bit. Is Barbara Streisand in it? Barbara Streisand is not in it.

It. Oh, no. What was I over here? I don't know. Some other conversation you were having with your friends.

Is in it. K. Do you know Bette Midler? Sure. Sure do.

What do you what do you think it's about? Beaches? Is there is there mermaid stuff in it? No. Oh, no.

Does it take place in a in a seaside town? Yes. Alright. Yes. It does.

Alright. We're off to a good start. Parts of it take place in a seaside town. K. It's where 2 friends meet.

2 friends meet in a seaside town? What are you looking up? What are you looking at? I'm not look I'm looking at a a different thing. Oh, okay.

I'm not looking at plot Okay. Or IMDB or any of that kind of stuff. I'm not cheating. I really have no idea. 2 people meet in a seaside town, and, and there's, there's romance, and there's Sure.

And there's, some sort of turmoil. Something big happens that causes a rift, between the 2 people. Maybe 1 of them is already in a different relationship but went to the seaside shop to grab groceries or something and, and saw someone, they were like, this person is really into beaches just like me, and, the the old lady back at home is not really into the beaches. She's not happy about being seaside. She's kind of a city dweller.

And so, so then he's like, I think I wanna pursue this relationship with the seaside lady, and, and so, they exchange emails. And and, it's Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. No. Wrong. That's You Got Mail.

Yeah. I I really don't. No. It's mostly about friends. It's a story about friends.

Uh-huh. Friends? K? Yeah. It's 2 girls, Barbara Hershey and Bette Midler.

They meet as children vacationing on a on a beach in New Jersey. And it's just them as friends throughout the decades. Cool. No. It is cool.

It is cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Wanna know why I haven't seen beaches?

Because it's about 2 women. It's about 2 women growing up on the beach. There's a lot you could learn about it. Is there? Yeah.

You should watch it. You can What can I learn about it? You could pick up some emotion. I have plenty. I know.

I have plenty. I'm good. What's that mermaid movie, though? Mermaids. Is it called mermaids?

It's called mermaids. Are you talking about the 1 with Cher? Sure. Sure am. I think it's called mermaids.

Didn't they make a new 1 of those? I'm totally wrong. Mermaid movie with Cher. Mermaids. It's called mermaids.

Cool. And there's also splash. That's my top 10. 1 I was thinking of. And Daryl Hannah.

Sure. Do they meet in a seaside shop and exchange emails? No. And then later on, Meg Ryan's riding her bike in the and there's a logging truck accident. It's all the same movie.

Got it all messed up. Classy 90 7. It's Josh and Chantel. Okay. Here's a question for you.

Okay. Is there an actor or an actress that you don't like because of a role they played? I'll go first. Okay. In the early nineties, late eighties I I must have been late eighties.

When I was maybe, like, 10 or 11, the dad from Family Ties K. Do you know who I'm talking about? I don't know his name. Michael Gross is his name. I watch Family Ties all the time with Michael J.

Fox. Loved that show. Right. And then he was in a made for TV movie where he was a bank robber with another guy, and I don't remember the exact like, I don't remember that movie or that story at all, but he was a bad guy in that movie. So you couldn't dissociate?

Never watch Family Ties again because I was like Ew. Robs Banks. Yeah. That guy that guy, fam that's a Family Ties dad. How could he?

Yeah. I I was having troubles trying to think of something, so I pulled up a list really quick of a few different things. Yeah. Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator. Oh.

That's ruined Joaquin Phoenix for some people because they can't see him as anyone other than, the big thumbs down guy, Gladys, which I thought was interesting. Warden Norton from Shawshank Redemption, someone put on here. Oh. I don't know who that actor is, but that's a character you would be stuck with. Yeah.

Especially in a movie like that where it's so heavy and it's so I mean, it's that's a big deal. Somebody said Paul Reiser in aliens. Years later, I saw him trying to do stand up, and I thought that was very weird because he was in aliens. Let's see. I mean, the same could be said if you're going to warden Norton from Shashank.

The same could be said about nurse Cratchit from 1 Fleas Over the 1 Oh, sure. Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Or, Kathy Bates in misery, you'd have a hard time. No. Wait.

Kathy Bates is the best. You can't hate Kathy Bates. She's the best. I'm trying to see who else. Oh, let's see.

Joe Pesci in Goodfellas. Somebody said that guy is crazy. But And that'd be hard to disassociate him from that because Joe Pesci just feels like that's always who Joe Pesci is. So that's an interesting thing. I don't know.

I'd really have to I I guess, like, if if you But that just means that you're a good enough actor, that you can play both parts well. But but now think about, like, actors that had such a huge impact on the movies that they were in that now you have to try and see them as another character, and you can't. Right. Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter. Yeah.

I know. Every time you see him in something, you're like, that's Harry Potter. Right? Robert Pattinson, always Edward from Twilight. Even when he's Batman, you're like, I guess I guess Twilight.

Never be Batman. I'm sorry. He is the Batman. No. He is not the Batman.

Did very good. Like, it was good. But the whole time, I was like, this is a good 1. Right? I'm sorry.

Batman is nobody but Michael Keaton. So Except that it was Val Kilmer, and it was George Clooney, and it was Adam West. And it was It's Michael Keith. Ben Affleck. And a lot of other people.

What about I'm trying to think of some other villains, that you love to Willem Dafoe is a fantastic fantastic villain. But I can't see him as, ever in a good guy role. And everything I see Daniel Day Lewis in Daniel Day Lewis is a bomb. But every time I see him, I see gangs in New York. I don't see anything else.

Oh, my left foot? Just because my my left foot what? I've not seen my left foot. You haven't? No.

Look. I didn't watch a lot of movies. This is I didn't start watching movies until I was in my twenties. For real. Well, we gotta do some we gotta do some movie watching because there's some good movies out there.

We're gonna start with beaches. I don't think I am. We're gonna start with that. Why? It's a story about friendship.

Josh, you watch Cobra Kai. I have not watched the most recent season, but I watched, like, the first 2. Yes. They're coming out with season 6. Oh, I thought they were coming out with, like, maybe season 4.

No. I'm way behind. I've watched a couple of seasons. Their final season. Yeah.

I don't Probably. I don't care for it. I think it's it's not my favorite. I'm not that's all I'm gonna say. It's just not my thing.

But you really you walked in into the room a couple times when I was watching it and kinda, like, looked, and then you were like, yeah. This is super cheesy, but that's what was great about it. I like the the cheesy fact. The Ralph Macchio is in it. He reprises his role as, what's his name?

What's his name? I can only thank Ralph Motte here. Daniel's son. Daniel. Okay.

Yes. And the guy who plays the bad guy, Johnny. Johnny. Those 2 are original from the first movie. I might have seen 3 seasons now that I think about it.

I looked long enough to see if Elizabeth Shue was in it. Yeah. Saw that she wasn't and said I'm peacing out because I'll only watch it if Elizabeth Shue was in it. She's not, so peaced out. You only watched you're talking like you only walked in long enough to see if she was in it?

Yeah. She's not. At all? At all. No.

I feel like they brought back a lot of previous people. No. She's not in it. At all? At all.

You looked it up? Yes. Are you sure? Yes. Danny LaRusso.

Yeah. That's his name. Okay. So get this. They're coming out with the final season, season 6.

They're doing 2 parts to this. But, also, also, also, they are going to be doing, A Karate Kid sequel film with Ralph Macchio alongside Jackie Chan. I wonder Oh, interesting. Shoe is gonna be in that 1. Well, she's a shoe in.

She'll Elizabeth, she will never be a shoe in. Shoe. Shoe in. What what I mean is that she's got, like, a part in the movie if she wants it, probably. She's probably the shoe in for the role of I got it.

Her. No. I got it. But She was but now she's Elizabeth Shue is never a Shue in. Elizabeth Shue is a front runner always.

I I don't understand the difference. I don't know what you're talking about. Hey. Wanna watch Cobra Kai? No.

Not at all? No. Because Elizabeth Shue isn't in it. Sweep the leg and all that. That's the only 1 that's good.

Just the first 1, and then you have to end. Movie? Yeah. The first movie, and then you have to end. What about the 1 that had, Will Smith's kid in it?

I didn't see that 1. When they remade, it was just called Karate Kid. No. No? Can't do a remake.

No. No. Sorry. You can't. No.

You can't. Okay. Well, they did. Oh, I'm at scouts last night, and, they just returned from a big backpacking weekend. I wasn't able to go because I had work and some other stuff going on.

So, they were talking about how great it was. I'm hearing all the stories about, you know, the adventures and people got, you know, sunburned, and they were talking about how they should have worn different boots or packed more food, less food. Everybody's kinda going through the debrief of the the campout. Mhmm. And then they really got stuck on this.

Like, I I should have brought more bug spray. I should have brought more, sunscreen. You know? Like, my arms burn. My legs are, you know, red.

And I'm and then I said, you guys don't even know. You guys don't even know what my weekend was like. Friday, standing on a mountain out in the sun for a long time. And then Saturday, doing a live broadcast at the, grand opening of Alligator Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, and I I was outside. Uh-huh.

Beautiful beautiful day, Saturday. Getting the sun. I did remember to wear sunscreen on Saturday, but it was too late. And then Sunday trying to go fishing, spending some time outside wearing this same hat. Yeah.

The same hat that happens to be mesh Yeah. On the back half. Yeah. And as a as a bald guy, listen. If you are a haired individual, you might not know that, your your bald head gets tan lines if you're wearing a mesh hat that has the little webbing thing.

So the back of my head kinda looks like a spider web a little bit. It kinda looks every set of like a turtle shell. Yeah. It's it's not good. Look.

It's, It's tanned now. It's got tan lines. It's there's a really big line right where you're at. Yeah. I know.

I don't know what that piece is called, but you definitely have 2 parts of your head. You have a left side and a right side, and there is a white line right down the middle. I don't know how to fix it. You don't. You just let it wash away.

Doesn't wash away. It will, Josh. Tans always wash away. Not wash away. I showed her off in the in the meeting last night.

I said, you guys, look at this. Look at what I look at what I got Friday, Saturday from being outside. You're worried about your your arms and my legs. Look at this. It's my whole head.

Let me see it again. Oh, it's bad. Look at it. Terrible. Have you seen have you seen what it looks like?

I've seen enough from where I stand to know it's bad because the room kinda broke out in laughter a little bit about my weird tanned bald head. So I got that going for me. It's okay, Josh. It looks nice. No.

It does not. It looks nice. It won't be there forever. It'll be there for as long as it's there. It takes as long as it takes.

That's right. So about December, my head should be $1. Let's make a note. Today is July 2nd. We're gonna make a note and see how long it stays there.

I don't think I wear this hat. It's just gonna get worse. Then wear some sunscreen. That's not gonna change the fact that I have an uneven weird tan line on my head for the rest of the summer. I guess you can never take off your hat.

That's what I'm saying. I've segmented tan head. It's weird. Okay. This is some exciting news.

What's up? I've long since stopped trying to figure out what the slang terms are that the kids are using. Oh, you're you've decided to just embrace that you might not be hip with the lingo? No. I've never embraced that.

I'll never embrace that. I'm still hip. I just don't know about the lingo. I'm still cool, Josh. Alright.

I've always been cool. K. Well, what's up? It's a well known fact that a lot of the clothes in the stores right now are very nineties. I can look at anything that teenager is wearing and go, I wore that in high school.

I remember those. I remember those jeans. I remember that shirt. I remember that brand. All of these nineties clothes are coming back.

Well, what I have to say, Josh, is that I think some of the nineties slang is coming back as well. Such as? Such as Dope. Tubular. No.

Cowabunga, dude. No. That's no. Righteous. Emery was texting a friend last night, and her friend was just asking, what was going on, how her summer was going.

And then Emery, her friend texted her something, and Emery goes, I don't know what that means. I'm gonna have to look it up. And I go, I know what that means. Right? What did you say?

Said, wanna kick it sometime? Yo. We should kick it. Well, let's kick it. Kick it 1 time, boy.

That's that's big. I know. Yeah. I said, Emery, you don't know what that means. I know what that means.

That's straight from my youth. Yeah. Wanna keep it? That's just hanging out. I know.

It's back. Or maybe she wanted her to come play soccer. Now I'm confused. Maybe they maybe they were like, hey. Kickball?

Kickball. I'll play kickball. You wanna you wanna kickball soon? Yeah. But you just you wanna kick it?

No. The ball? Yeah. Yeah. Wanna kick it.

Let's kick it. Oh, I was so excited. That means I've never been my coolness factor has never left. I'm still here. That's what it means.

You're right. Baby. Yeah. You're right. Still hipping with it.

Still cool. You wanna kick it? Yeah. I do. Gnarly.

I know you love this, so I brought it up again. What? This is firework. Fireworks facts. Facts about fireworks.

They have fuses. They do. Different chemicals inside make different colors when they burn. Did you know they were invented in 200 BC by the ancient Chinese? And they were I could've assumed that.

Were roasting dry bamboo, and it exploded and made a cracking sound. Uh-huh. And then this became a staple of their New Year's Eve celebrations, and they called them bamboo bombs. I like that name. And then they used them to ward off evil spirits.

Bamboo bomb. I know. In 18/30, the Fireworks acts. Added colors to the fireworks. K.

They were first they were the first to use colors. They used metal salts Right. Which would emit bright colors when heated up. They still don't know how to create blue fireworks. It's the hardest 1 to create because it's made with copper chloride.

I'm I'm sure that's probably difficult to maintain. Copper chloride? Yeah. Okay. So blue is is a tricky firework color to make.

If I'm seeing blue fireworks on the 4th July Yeah. It's copper chloride that's burning. Yes. How about that? It starts What about that, like, really bright, like, purply blue color you see sometimes, out of fountains that like, there'll be, like, a whole bunch of white fire, and then it'll go, and you'll see that really bright purply blue.

Is that copper chloride? I don't know. Well, then where do you get your facts? Go on. Firework facts.

Firework facts. The largest ever firework display was in the Philippines in 2016. Largest firework display or the largest firework singular? Display. It started at the stroke of midnight and lasted for over an hour.

It was also pouring rain, and they used 810, 000 fireworks. 810, 000? Yes. That's a lot. Did I say 810, 000?

I'm just saying that's a lot. It is a lot. That's what I meant. I just didn't know if I said 810, 000 or if I just said 810. I said 810, 000.

You did. Okay. 810 is not a lot. That's and and if that was stretched out over an hour, you'd get, you know, 60 minutes in there, so you'd have to do some quick math. But you'd get over a 100 shells a minute, which is pretty good.

But 810, 000 is that's a lot. That's a lot of it's a lot of fun. It's a lot. It was actually almost 811, 000. They just couldn't get there.

Well, it was 8, 110, 904. 8, 110, 904? Yeah. Divide that by 60 minutes. You do that.

That's 13, 500 and 15 shells per minute. What? Yeah. I'm gonna divide that by 60 as well, and that is 225 shells a second. That's too many fireworks.

That's a lot of fireworks. Just maybe save some for next year. Okay. Alright. Legal fireworks can only have a maximum of 50 milligrams of pyrotechnic composition.

So What'd you call them? 50 milligrams No. No. Before that. What kind of fireworks?

Legal. Legal. Legal. Legal. What did you think I said?

I know. I was just trying to make sure I heard you. Legal as in, ones you can buy, not ones you make yourself. Is that what the idea? So legal fire fireworks have a maximum of 50 milligrams of pyrotechnic competition.

If it's missing a warning label, it's probably illegal. Uh-oh. Warning. Emits sparks and flames. Like, that's the thing I go, wait a minute.

What does this firework do? Emits sparks. Oh, cool. Let's light it up. I am.

Money. I here's my money. Burn it up. Yeah. I'm gonna emit sparks with my dollar bills.

Did you know? Here's the Firework facts. Yeah. Here's the last firework facts. So Oh, shucks.

Last 1. Go ahead. Americ in America, fireworks are partially legal in 33 states. Partially legal. Okay.

13 states, they are fully legal. Fully illegal? Legal. Okay. Fully legal.

So you can whatever. Okay? Yep. Hawaii, Nevada, and Wyoming, that's where they are totally fully legal. K.

Oh, no. Sorry. In Hawaii, Nevada, and Wyoming, it's up to each individual county Okay. Whether or not fireworks. I mean, we live close to Wyoming, so we know that our place is close to us.

They're like, fireworks. Come by them year round. Yeah. Massachusetts, completely illegal Why? In the whole state.

But why? They hate They they're emitting sparks. They hate it. I'll betcha in Massachusetts, fireworks are lit off. Oh, 100%.

It says they're illegal. That does not mean they don't happen. Well, that's that's where Boston is. But listen. Maybe maybe just maybe.

Look. I know there's a lot of people on on social media complaining about the fireworks and the duration of having to hear them and, you know, weeks of them before and after and etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. The whole the the complaints go on and on and on. Maybe you moved to Massachusetts. There's still gonna be fireworks there.

I bet, man. I betcha. But then at least you would you could you could then say, they are illegal. You could put the crack down. That's right.

Whip down. Put the crack whip down. I don't know what you're talking about. You could crack the whip? Is that it?

That's what I meant to say. You crack that whip, and then I said you could put the crack down. Yeah. I don't know what you're talking about. Either.

Firework fact. This is how my brain works. Welcome to it. It's your would you rather this or that question of the day. It's a 4th July edition.

K. Would you rather have the ability to shoot fireworks from your fingertips That'd be cool. Like, little Roman candles. Yes. Cool.

Or have a hot dog launcher built into your arm. Oh, man. You know how much I would love a hot dog launcher? I know I know you would. Who am I gonna shoot hot dogs at?

Do I have an unlimited supply of hot dogs? Do I have to carry a backpack of hot dogs? I think you have to carry a backpack of hot dogs. Or do they just magically appear in my hot dog launcher? No.

They don't just appear. You're You're gonna have to carry them. You just have the launcher. Can I hire somebody to be my hot dog liaison? You want somebody to be your hot dog caddy?

Yeah. Yeah. My hot dog caddy? Yeah. Yeah.

I feel like that person's name has to have something to do with hot dogs. Such as? I want it to be exotic. But, like Like bratwurst. Like, that's bratwurst, bring me my hot dogs.

Like, I it's gotta be something like that. Frank Futur, bring me my hot dogs. Is that what you're gonna go with? You're going with the hot dog launcher? It's kinda cool.

I don't want that. I want fireworks on my fingers. To be able to use my hands. And you didn't say for how long. Is this all the time?

Do I control when they go off? I feel like the launcher, I've got a little more control off Yeah. Control of. Yeah. You have control with both of them.

You have the ability to shoot the fireworks in 4. No. As long as you want. Do you have to light it and wait for the fuse? No.

How's it work? Just whenever you I have to have a hot dog caddy, but you just get to think fireworks and they shoot out? This seems unfair. I don't like this. You've rigged this for yourself.

No. You were excited about your hot dog caddy. Kinda. But then I thought, well, then I got that grease ball guy following me around with a hot dog bag. I kinda don't want him around all the time.

Oh, no. Sad. Is is that a greaseball? I kinda think he's the little greasy guy. He's carrying around a bag of hot dogs.

He's not gonna be the cleanest guy. He's gonna be about this tall, kinda meatball looking, and he'll have a bag of hot dogs. Where have you where have you gone with this story? What did you see when you looked it up? You didn't see that?

No. No. Just a normal guy. K. Is that what you're going with?

I guess. It's time for your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Okay. You have to follow this explicitly I know. Okay.

Word for word. Okay. Buy a pack of gum k. And chew pieces mindfully throughout the day. Do not swallow them, you strange woman.

I don't swallow all pieces of gum. Just the Easter egg ones. Is it just the Easter egg ones? Yes. For sure.

Guess those aren't even really gum. Yes. They are. Chewing gum increases blood flow to your brain. It boosts memory and keeps you alert.

Okay. But I agree with that, and I do enjoy chewing gum, but I can't because it hurts my jaw. Don't chew so hard. Again, grab a pack of chiclets. Is that gum?

Yeah. But because swallow gumball gum? No. Because it's big. I'll if I get chiclets, I'll You'll swallow.

Swallow that gum because it's little. Well I I am not an adult woman. Buy a pack of gum. Chew pieces mindfully throughout the day as you're better today than yesterday daily challenge. It's supposed to stimulate your blood flow in your brain, boost your memory, keep you alert.

Give it a shot. Don't eat it. Just chew it, then throw it away. Alright. Good challenge.

That's it. That's all I have to say today. Today has been a very interesting show. Yeah. It has.

Let's recap k. Real briefly Alright. About the things that we learned today. K. Here's because this this will all be on the podcast here in just a few minutes.

This this will all be on this will this will all be on the podcast, here in just a little bit. So if you missed any of this and you're like, what? And you wanna go back and check some of it out Okay. You can. If you wanna revisit, maybe.

I didn't add meatball man to the description. Oh. I feel like maybe I should. Maybe I should add sweaty meatball man. Okay.

Here's the things we learned. I apparently created gross ramen. What? Earlier today, I made gross ramen because I put hot dogs in. Yes.

That is true. Said it was gross. Yes. Heinz has created gross ketchup. Heinz has created the everything sauce.

Which is just gross ketchup. Brilliant. It's gross. You gave us a toaster strudel update. Yeah.

Yep. And you still think it's better than a pop tart? Absolutely. You have, terrible vision. Yeah.

And you downloaded a magnifying glass app to try to help Yep. Instead of just using your camera. That's a thing that happened. Yep. We we talked a lot about wearing socks to do normal everyday things that are weird if you just wore socks and not shoes.

It's strange. Yes. We found out I haven't seen a lot of movies, including beaches. Right. But Midler was so disappointed in you.

We we talked about Cobra Kai, and they're they're making more of it. You are hip with the kids' slang. I've always been hip. Wanna kick it. Yes.

And, also, I have a terrifying tan line. All of these things in 1 sweaty meatball man shirt. Look at us. What what a day. Look at us.

What have we look at what we did. K. If you missed any of that and you wanna revisit, download today's episode of the podcast. It'll be everywhere you get podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, everywhere else, in, mere minutes. It'll be just after 10 o'clock.

So enjoy the show later on, you know, if you listen to the podcast. If you listened all this morning, you're welcome. Yeah. That's all I have you're welcome for today's show. Unedited?

This is real radio. This is, this is us. This is, Josh and Chantel. This is And we'll see you tomorrow. Unfiltered.

See you later. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.