Know The Difference Minute

Bloomberg is reporting demand for the 14 isn’t as high as expected.

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An issue for Apple?
Welcome to the Know the Difference Minute for Wednesday, September 28th.
Used to be, when a new iPhone was released, it was a major cultural event. Lines around the block. Stores were slammed. Orders rolled in.
Things have changed. Bloomberg is reporting demand for the 14 isn’t as high as expected. Apple told its suppliers to hold back on additional production of new phones.
Now, Apple is still on track to produce 90 million units in the 2nd half of the year. Any company that can sell 90 million of anything is doing something right. But scaling back on the 2nd round of production might provide some clues about consumer sentiment and the hit on monthly budgets from inflation.
Of the new models, the 14 Pro is in highest demand. That’s the one no one can get, it seems.
I’m Dave Spano from Annex Wealth Management. That is your Know the Difference Minute.