The Spartan Orientation Station

As we get ready to welcome new Spartans to MSU, the New Student Orientation (or NSO) office is excited to talk about this summer’s orientation process! Throughout the summer, students can engage in a variety of different virtual programming before our in-person fall welcome program. Here to talk about the student orientation process are three NSO Program Coordinators, Maddie Sewick, Raven Baugh, and Jared Stratz.

For more information on Transitions and Transfer Student Success (which houses NSO), find us on Instagram @msu_nso, Facebook MSU New Student Orientation, or email us at 

What is The Spartan Orientation Station?

Nervous about starting at Michigan State? Worried about your class schedule, living away from home, or where to even start? The Spartan Orientation Station (SOS) is a podcast hosted by New Student Orientation staff and was created by students for students. This podcast will launch twice a week throughout the summer, and each episode will feature a unique interview with campus departments discussing their services, common misconceptions, and fun Spartan engagement opportunities. When you need help at Michigan State, it is okay to signal SOS! Don’t worry – MSU is there for you.


You're listening to the Spartan Orientation Station on Impact 89 f n, the podcast by students or students. Now, this week's episode.

Myles McGee:

Welcome back to the Spartan Orientation Station. As we get ready to welcome new students to MSU, the new student orientation office is excited to talk about this summer's orientation process. Throughout the summer, students can engage in a variety of different virtual programming before our in person fall welcome program. My name is Myles McGee. I use hehim pronouns, and I'm a student coordinator in the NSO office.

Myles McGee:

I'm currently a rising 4th year majoring in business management.

Cordelia Rutter:

And I am Cordelia Rutter. I use she/her pronouns. I am also a rising 4th year studying psychology. And I'm also a student coordinator in the NSO office. Here to talk about the orientation process are 3 NSO program coordinators, Maddie Sewick, Raven Baugh, and Jared Stratz.

Cordelia Rutter:

Thanks for joining us. Can you introduce yourself and your role with the NSO office?

Jared Stratz:

My name is Jared Stratz. I use he, him, his pronouns, and I am a program coordinator within the transitions and transfer student success unit, TTSS for short, and work specifically with new student orientation programming.

Raven Baugh:

Hello, everyone. My name is Raven Baugh. I use she/her pronouns, and I am also a program coordinator in TTSS, and I specifically work with families and supporters.

Madison Sewick:

And hi, everyone. My name is Maddie Sewick. I use she/her pronouns, and I am a program coordinator with NSO, And I specifically work with both student programming and our student staff.

Myles McGee:

Okay. So what are the NSO checkpoints? How many are there? Can you give a summary of each one?

Madison Sewick:

Absolutely. So there are 5 NSO checkpoints, that students will complete throughout the summer, and then some components for families and supporters that I'm sure Raven will touch on as well. So checkpoint 1 consists of our, like, getting started, getting ready related tasks, and so that includes things like placement exams, so our math and language placement assessments exist for students to complete. Math is required for all incoming students, so all incoming students should be sure to take the math placement assessment, before they have their academic advising appointments. Foreign language is available for students who are going to be taking a foreign language while they're at MSU and who want to test out of really that initial class.

Madison Sewick:

So fits, into your degree pathway, maybe you're majoring or minoring in it and have taken some previous, foreign language classes, you are welcome to take that placement assessment. In addition, we have our access and technology survey that students can complete, and that really just gives us information on how to best serve them both virtually and in person, in terms of his of accessibility. Checkpoint 2 actually just opened on May 1st, and that is our d two l module. Students can find this by going to, and that module really just has an introduction to Michigan State University. It has all sorts of resources that students can learn about, as well as some tips to prepare for advising and a place to change their major at the very end.

Madison Sewick:

So if students applied with a psychology major and have since decided that maybe they wanna go, the engineering route, there's an option for them to make that change in the d two l module before advising. Once students complete that module, and you should complete it by June 7th, our checkpoint 3 begins and that is our advising and enrollment component. So students will meet with their academic adviser. Their adviser will reach out to them after they complete that d two l module to schedule their appointment and any next steps, and then they will have that advising appointment, either a virtual, in person, group, or individual. It really depends on what works best for the student and what the college offers, and they'll be able to select their classes for the fall semester.

Madison Sewick:

So after checkpoint 3 comes checkpoint 4, and that is our virtual NSO programming that our team is really putting on throughout the summer to help best prepare new students for university, consisting of all sorts of fun virtual programming that students can participate in, such as listening to this podcast. And then checkpoint 5 is our in person fall welcome program that will happen after students move in if they're living on campus, and before the fall semester begins.

Cordelia Rutter:

Okay. So you kind of summarized what checkpoint 1 consists of, but when is it recommended to complete them?

Jared Stratz:

That's a great question. What's great about checkpoint 1 is it helps students, as Maddie was saying, get started with the NSO process. So we recommend that all students start checkpoint 1 as soon as maybe they're hearing from us about this, specifically through our enews, newsletter communications that we're sending out during the summer. All of this information is specifically about checkpoint 1 as well as our other checkpoints are included in that enewsletter. So, the links to the assessments, as Mehdi was talking about, as well as the access and technology survey and even the immunization form that's also included in there too.

Jared Stratz:

All of those are linked in the e-newsletters, and we encourage students to, complete those as soon as possible. It helps equip them with, the things that they might need as they navigate the rest of the checkpoints through NSO.

Myles McGee:

Okay. So what is checkpoint 2's NSO D2L experience like?

Madison Sewick:

Absolutely. So like I said, there's a lot of different components from a lot of different campus partners. So MSU is sort of a big campus, and we have a lot of different resources that students can utilize while they're here. And a lot of those departments have taken the time to put together a video or an infographic or general information about what services they offer to students. So there are a variety of videos about, you know, the the caps counseling and psychiatric services and how students can take advantage of that while they're here, what services are free to them, etcetera.

Madison Sewick:

So as you continue through that d two l module, you will see all sorts of different different campus resources, videos, information, all sorts of good stuff. So, yeah, I would say that's really what the experience is like, and it has a ton of information for new students to look at. But don't worry, you do have access, to that d two l module pass this summer. So even if you're here in the fall and realizing you want to go back and look at some of that information about CAPS, for instance, you still will have access to it in your D2L to go back and do so.

Raven Baugh:

Great. And for families and supporters listening out there, I want to let you all know that the D2L experience breaks down the new dynamic with you and your student, and we have a lot of wonderful resources there and a handout that links to different books, learning about FERPA, and recommended reading and resources for your student. And just remind your student to continue checking their email and also note that the d two l experience, is due by, and we will ask it to be completed by June 7th.

Cordelia Rutter:

How does Checkpoint 3's advising and enrollment process work? When will I hear from my adviser?

Jared Stratz:

That's a great question. I know that's on the top of many students, even families and supporters as they're having conversations about transitioning to MSU. What's great about the process, the checkpoints, is it's all scaffolding content and information. And as what has already been previously mentioned, in the NSO, towards the end, the last module talks a lot about academic advising and enrollment to really help equip students with maybe some questions, or some context to the advising elements that are included in checkpoint 3. So as soon as the student, completes the d two l experience and receives their confirmation email that confirms that they've completed the NSOD twelve experience, that is the mechanism at which their, information is then passed along to the college slash adviser in order to start the check point 3 process.

Jared Stratz:

We do ask that, students are patient, especially as there is some a time frame between the deadline, as Raven had mentioned, with June 7th, but also when college advisers, are reaching out to students and communicating those next steps. So we do appreciate your patience as they're navigating this with a large volume of students. But what's great is that they will send the communication to you via email, to make sure that you understand how the advising appointment system works, how to schedule an advising appointment, the date and times of those appointments, as well as the process of enrolling in the in the courses for the fall. And what's great about the checkpoint 3 is that, we know that this will happen for students between June 10th July 19th. So there is a window of time that the advising and enrollment is occurring.

Jared Stratz:

So, again, be patient as you complete the NSOD 2 l course, and wait to hear from advisor. I know this is a super exciting time, to be able to kinda think about your classes and think about the upcoming fall academics. So we're excited to work through that process with you.

Myles McGee:

So you mentioned other virtual engagement experiences over the summer as a part of checkpoint 4. Can you describe what these experiences are and how a student would participate? And what about experiences for families and supporters?

Madison Sewick:

Absolutely. Again, checkpoint 4, 4 different opportunities. So again, checkpoint 4, 4 different opportunities. So the first being our social media pages. We have both Instagram and Facebook, and we are posting there all the time with different content for students and their families and supporters, about MSU, campus life, awesome restaurants to try out in the area, all sorts of fun stuff.

Madison Sewick:

So I encourage folks to check that out. In addition, we have our date with state events. So those are brand new this year, and they're really just virtual synchronous social opportunities that are themed and students can pop into those spaces. They'll be run by our student staff and get to know other students with, like, interests. So for instance, I know we've we've been talking about the themes in our office as, again, our student staff will be running those, and one of them I think we're talking about doing something about athletics.

Madison Sewick:

We've had conversations about doing different, like, club themed ones. So again, the schedule for those will be coming soon, but those are great opportunities to meet some people even before you get to campus. The 3rd is our podcast series. So if you're listening to this, I'm sure that you've found our podcast series, but we have all sorts of episodes that we recorded last summer. They should be up to date and have correct information for this summer as well, and then we'll be releasing some new episodes this summer as well.

Madison Sewick:

And then finally, we have our virtual help room opportunities. So those will be on Wednesdays, and it's a great space for students to pop in, again, on Zoom and have conversations with our student staff about the NSO process. This is an opportunity to ask the questions that maybe maybe you just want a real time response to face to face with another person. Maybe you work 9 to 5, and so our office hours don't work super well for you to be able to call. We have some hours that are outside of a traditional, like, 9 to 5 EST zone situation.

Madison Sewick:

So those are really the 4, virtual opportunities to engage with us out throughout the summer, for new students, but we encourage you to find what works best and, consume the information in that way.

Raven Baugh:

Regarding families and supporters, we also have several amazing opportunities. So as Maddie had touched on, on Facebook, we have our, what I wish they knew series where students talk about what they wish that their family and supporter knew about their experiences, and that will be coming out as we continue on from, May throughout to August. We also have a webinar series as well. So you'll hear from experts on campus, including advising resources, health and wellness, as well as family engagement services, which will be very exciting. So you can learn more about how do you continue this engagement past the orientation experience and with the rest of your students' time at MSU.

Raven Baugh:

We also have the special podcast episodes. So if you keep listening on and you're super excited about this, we have some dedicated family episodes that will be coming out June, July, and August. We also have our our Spartan socials as well, so virtual community events for families and supporters to connect.

Madison Sewick:

If you're looking to connect with us either on Instagram, on Facebook, or just to learn more about our virtual virtual social events. You can check out our website, which is, or you can follow us on Instagram atmsu_ns0, or you can follow us on Facebook, which is MSU New Student Orientation, or you can do all 3.

Cordelia Rutter:

Let's check talk about checkpoint 5, the in person NSO Fall Welcome Program. Can you give us a brief overview of what this looks like?

Jared Stratz:

Absolutely. We are super excited, as we come to a close of the new student orientation experience. We know that, the transition period is never ending. So there's things to learn, things to engage with all the way through the summer and into the the 1st semester and beyond. And this checkpoint 5 really comes to, ahead with talking and engaging students in person, between move in day and the 1st day of the semester.

Jared Stratz:

There's some, interesting items that we're excited to, to release and hype up during the summer. I don't know. Should we, highlight any of those items or leave it as an excitement piece as ecommunications continue on?

Madison Sewick:

You know, I think we can give give a few hints as to what's coming this fall. I mean, we have 2 and a half days full of programming, so I think we can say that much. Last year, we started with a kickoff, and I think that same concept will continue this year. So that's that's one little tidbit.

Jared Stratz:

And there's a lot of things, especially the the full day, the second day of it ex experiences. We we really do wanna help students with campus way finding. So being able to know where different buildings are, know where a variety of different resources may be that they wanna take advantage of. So we do have some programming, some fun programming experiences that will give students the opportunity to navigate to some of those spaces, engage and interact in small groups and connect with their community and their neighborhoods. It's I think it's MSU can seem initially as, like, a very large space.

Jared Stratz:

And with the volume of students, the new students that are coming in and returning students coming back, I think that what's great about the new student orientation experience, especially with checkpoint 5, is we really try to to make it smaller for you. Keep an eye out for additional hype moments, throughout the summer as we, showcase and highlight some of the fun fall welcome experiences that you can

Raven Baugh:

expect. In families and supporters, you are not left out. We are so excited to partner with you during this orientation process. So we have family and supporter orientation in person as well, coinciding with the move in dates, and I won't spoil any of the fun activities and such and such that we have there, but you'll be able to connect with a lot of family supporters and a lot of great resources. So excited to see you later this summer.

Myles McGee:

Can you share some additional helpful tips for new students going to the MSU orientation experience?

Madison Sewick:

Absolutely. We can. I will say, 1st and foremost, keep an eye on that MSU email. I know that that can be a tricky situation, and it can be a hard habit to get into if you're not used to checking an email every day or even just regularly. So I encourage folks to make sure that they're downloading that Outlook app or bookmarking it on their computer or whatever whatever works best for you to be able to check that.

Madison Sewick:

But we are communicating with you, NSO is communicating with you through that MSU email. Other campus departments will, and you don't wanna miss something important. So keep an eye on that email throughout this process and as you start your MSU career as well.

Jared Stratz:

And, doubling down on our a big recommendation is to not only attend the various different virtual and in person programming experiences that happen throughout checkpoints 1 through 5, but actively engage in those spaces. Just learning the MSU way. Right? I mean, it doesn't matter if you're a 1st year student, 1st generational student, or, you know, a transfer student that's coming to MSU. MSU is a new space for everyone.

Jared Stratz:

So being able to, really not only attend the events, and we encourage you to do it. I know, we there's a lot of things happening during the summer in your own personal lives. So, figuring out how to add this to your calendar, bookmark it as Maddie said, or save the date or whatever it might be, just to make sure that you're adhering to the activities and and really getting involved, pushing yourself to get to to expand your horizons and meet new people and engage in in new activities.

Raven Baugh:

And for families out there, just check-in with your student, and definitely stay in touch with our newsletters and other e communications. So really just checking in is that key point to make sure they can stay on track.

Madison Sewick:

One last final thing really quickly. I know a lot of students are calling and emailing our office asking because the checkpoints are numbered, does it mean I have to do 1, then 2, then 3, so on? And my answer to that is, like, mostly. So 123, I would say for the most part, you should do in order. If you do your placement exams after you do your, d two l module, that's okay, as long as they're done before academic advising.

Madison Sewick:

However, you need to complete that d two l module before you do academic advising. Like Jared said, the completion is tied to your advisor reaching out. However, checkpoint 4, you can engage in those activities whenever you would like. If you want to listen to a podcast before you start the d two l, awesome. You are welcome to do so.

Madison Sewick:

If you wanna listen to a podcast or, check out our social media after the fall welcome program, you're welcome to do that as well. But really that checkpoint 4 content, you can you can listen to, you can participate in, even if you haven't completed checkpoints 1, 2, and 3.

Cordelia Rutter:

K. Thank you so much for the amazing information about the NSO checkpoints. Our next episode that you can tune into will be talking about student athletic tickets.


Thank you for listening to this episode of the Spartan Orientation Station on Impact 89 FM. Let us know what you think by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram atmsu_ns0.