The Adventures of Bud & Herb

Hey there everybody! Bud and I just can't thank you all enough for your support of the fungcast! Many of you have been sharing your theories about the Cinderwood Walker in our very special Bud & Herb channel on Discord. It is just such a delight to hear from listeners and this week we received another message from our #1 fan, Mr. Nigel Festergutt! 

If you haven't yet, please give us a follow and leave a review on your fungcasting app of choice, and like Mr. Festergutt here, feel free to submit any questions or comments through the Mycelium Network! Dear Pickle is waiting on standby at the MycoWave to record incoming messages. (Our order for a VoiceMush is on backorder from MyComm. Their warehouse must be hopping with all the rush to order MycoWaves!)

Happy snacking!

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Creators & Guests

Anna Fitzgerald
Evan Bivins
Seth McKay

What is The Adventures of Bud & Herb?

The Adventures of Bud & Herb is a new podcast from The Pocket Dimension. One part immersive audio drama and one part Dungeons & Dragons game where the dice tell the story and anything can happen. Follow along as best friends Bud and Herb hunt a cryptid that terrorizes their sleepy little town of Mystra’s Glen.

Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #2

Dear B&H,

Releaved to find out Big Stank Feet didn’t stank ya to def!
But soundz like it got that little Theo guy instead.

He’s a gross kid though right? Hopefully he already stanks and is unaffected by the Walker stanky stank. I know I woulda been as uh kid. Uncle Grundle once chunked me into tha river and I learned how ta swim and bathe in the same day!

Eneewayz, I wonder who tha scoundrel is that’s in cahoots with CinderStank.
My gold is on Dougie - NEVER TRUST BROTHERS.
My brother Boggsie once miremucked me into poisonin half the clutch. Fortunately, only a handful was kilt, but the Clutch Mother was NOT pleazed.

Ennewayz eneewayz, if Theo survives maybe chunk him in tha river for a nice bath.

Love you!
Nigel “Most #1” Festergutt