Clydesdale Media Podcast

The Crew gets together to talk about their week, and the CrossFit Games as it approaches.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale Media Roundtable,

where we are coming to you

half an hour early so Amy

can watch women's gymnastics.

It's kind of a big deal.


What slays me is I stream everything,

so the concept of a start

time doesn't matter to me anymore.


I just go back and

yes yeah I just I here's

what my worry is I don't

want to like be scrolling

and miss like like I want

to watch it live happening

you know yeah but in okay

yeah but in this case we're

not going to be like two

hours later right right

yeah right so so we're

talking like 15 minutes

which you probably wouldn't

get a spoiler in that 15 minutes.

I don't know.


I tend to scroll and watch TV at the

same time.

It's not healthy.

I don't agree with this habit,

but it is something that's, you know,

I stopped doing that.

Like I need to be like two years ago.


And I'm really enjoying what

I watch now much more.


It makes most sense.

And I think it actually

ruins people's attention spans overall,

but I think my attention span is ruined,

which is why I do it.

So, so chicken and egg.


But can we review this?

I'm out here walking around.

Looks like I'm seeing in four, you know,

like 4D.

I'm seeing high def.

High def.

It's amazing.

So last week you were all dilated,

you and Snoop.


All dilated up.

And then two days later they

threw you into surgery.

I had surgery and then I

came home like it was like

my eyes were super irritable,

like right afterwards.

And you're supposed to nap.

And I just.

Wow, that's that's tough for Amy.


But I did have a hard time

probably because I was just amped up,

you know, about it.

Basically, I wake up Friday morning.

I can see.

No glasses, no contacts.

I went to my follow-up

appointment yesterday.

20-20 vision.

Just like that.

Went from thick,

thick glasses to no glasses.


It's amazing.

My eyes still look a little

bit funny because I'm still

recovering and I can't wear

eye makeup yet until this week, so

You know,

not that that's ever different

for me on this podcast.

I mean, you, you have dress up days,

but they're not like every day.



I save them.

And because also I don't

want to spend a lot of time, um,

making myself get ready like, like that,

because, um,

I feel like there's so much

that there are things I can

do my day versus doing all that.

So yeah,

like scroll and watch TV at the

same time.

I mean, that is part of it.


So I know we were going to show something,

but before we get to that.


So, you know,

they brought suits to Netflix

and like the popularity

just went like through the roof.


Like it ran for nine seasons.

Nobody cared about it on the

USA network comes to

Netflix and becomes like

this highly rated show.



I had avoided it for a very long time.

It's good.

Julie and I watched the

first two episodes last night.

It's so good.

I am so hooked.


I didn't know it was about like,

like I would have never guessed.

It's about this kid that

just is like a super genius.


Who was a drug dealer and is

given an opportunity like

that totally changed my

mind in the first five minutes.



That's good.

And Megan Markle does awesome in it.


She's kind of like the

ribbon that holds the whole

show together.

The whole show together.

The whole show.

Meghan Markle and the whole show.

Don't clip that.

But the dynamic between Harvey and Lewis,

I think are their names.



That dynamic is crazy.

It is.

It's crazy.

And it ebbs and flows in so

many different ways.

as the seasons progress.

We really,

really enjoyed it and now we're hooked.

So good for something to get

us till the fall season.

And I think that's going to be it.


I just,

I'm writing something down to bring up.


And I knew, I knew that you had done that,

watched it and binged it

when it first came to Netflix.

So yeah.


I'm so glad.

Hey, before you get to Corey's thing,

how was your weekend?

I mean, let's go to back to your Corey,

but yeah,


so went to Pennsylvania to celebrate my

daughter's 23rd birthday.


Um, and it was nice.

We just, we played board games.

That's what my family does.

Um, and I smoked ribs for her and, uh,

and my mom made a,

it's like a German cucumber potato dish,

uh, and, and all that.

And we, we had a really good time.


really good time.

And then, uh, drove back Sunday.

I've been on the road every

weekend for three weeks.

I am ready to do nothing

this weekend before that.

I head to Fort worth.


So I'm not like, gosh,

I know I shouldn't say this

on a CrossFit podcast,

but like there's part of me

that is super excited to

see the new venue and all

the stuff that's going on there.

And another part, like, man,

I probably could just cover

this from home.


But you're gone.

And part of that is,

and I think what Corey's referencing is,

I am really jazzed about

the Masters CrossFit Games.

Like, that's what I'm so into.

And I've been trying to

schedule as many of those

athletes to highlight them

before that happens.

Interviews is like the

hardest thing to do with what we do.


Because it takes...

probably a minimum of five

back and forth to get the time,

get the time zone,

all that kind of stuff.


And then to fit it into my work schedule,

podcast schedule,

and all the other interviews I've set up,

it just takes a lot of time.

But that's why I sent out a

mass notice and said, hey,

if you're interested,

let's get you booked now.

And so we have about 20

shows between now and

before I leave for the games.


it sounds real relaxing to get prepped.

I don't doing the interviews

is a piece of cake.


That is fun for me.


Scheduling is the hard part.


And I think what Corey is

asking about Brandon and

without a last name,

there are a lot of

Brandon's in the CrossFit

world is one that I have

scheduled for next week or this week.

And he had some questions

about some stuff.

So got it.


But before we dive into it,

and please check those out.

There's a lot of cool stories.

If you haven't seen the first two,

Ryan Retke, 45 to 49-year-old division,

one fear factor in 2003,

rebuilt diesel engines to

run on vegetable oil just

as something to do and see

if he could do it.

And, like,

just really fascinating stories.

And Allison Stahl competed

at the semifinals last year

pregnant and is now going to the games.

She's eight months

postpartum right now and is

going to the games.

So as we set the Masters

aside for a tad bit,

this was posted recently by Fluffy Duck.

And I just am going to play

this for your enjoyment and

we'll react to that.


If you've not seen this,

Fluffy Duck just posted this.

Turn on the volume.

This guy.

Bert Kreischer.

Get in there.

So there's like five dudes

that are the goats of CrossFit.



It's Rich Froning.


Matt Groening or something.

Matt Schaefer.

Matt something.


And Josh Bridges.

And Josh Bridges.


Top five CrossFit Games athletes.


Nothing like great publicity

for your athletes.

Matt Groening,

isn't he the guy who made The Simpsons?

Oh, that sounds right.


Matt something could be anybody.


Matt Schaefer.

There probably is a lot of

Matt Schaefer's out there.

Isn't that the brother of Paul Schaefer,

the band leader for David Letterman?

No, maybe.

I don't know.

I was just joking.


I don't know.

I was like, I don't know.

That's crazy.

And then Josh Bridges,

which if you've not seen

Bert Kreischer work out in

Josh Bridges garage, pretty hilarious.


I do follow their show there.

I think their show is pretty fun.

I love Tom Segura.

I've seen him live and,

Um, would love to see Bert live sometime,

but that's pretty funny

because they used to be

these and they talk about, they're like,

we used to be these fat

slobs and then they've,

they've found fitness.

And so now they joke and they're like, if,

if you've never heard our podcast before,

you'd think we're a fitness

podcast now because that's

all they talk about is their workouts.

Have you watched the, uh,

Josh Bridges video of Kreischer?



Let's say, yeah,

they may be doing some fitness.



Not at a level that we're

used to watching.

No, but they talk about it like they do.



And I can't say anything about Tom Segura,

but the only athletic thing

I ever saw him do was tear

like both ACLs trying to

dunk a basketball.



Which I think the video is

out on social media

somewhere and it's gross.

It's very gross.

I don't.



But fun thing,

I'm pretty sure Tom Segura's

dad used to be an Olympic weightlifter,

not like necessarily in the Olympics,

but just as a hobby or

strength and conditioning.

Corey Leonard, I've seen Segura live too.

Dude is hilarious.

He really is.


here's something pop culture and

related to CrossFit.

Did you see here?

Sound effect, by the way, we're upping,

we're upping our, uh,

you don't even have to do

that on the computer.

I'll just do it here.


did you see your boy Tyson from the

bears talking about what workout he did?

CrossFit that he was

grinding his face off in the off season.


That's the direct quote.

It was grinding my face off

this off season.

And he did a mile of burpee broad jumps.

And then he's told everybody the time.

One hour and seven minutes.

I think one hour, four minutes.





Like, you know,

those reporters have no

concept of even what that is.

But like, do the math on that.

And like, how many burpees is that?

Is that like a thousand burpees?


I mean,

let's say you can... It all depends

on your broad jump, right?


It all depends on your broad jump.

Right, but I'm thinking, say,

average five feet.


I mean, that's four times around a track.

Five feet would be, what, 1.6 meters.

A mile is... 1,600 meters.

1,600 meters.

So yeah, it'd be about a thousand.


So then here, follow-up question.

Would you rather do a

thousand burpees or one

mile burpee broad jump?

Uh, Ooh.

I get the difference, right?

Like at least you're

breaking up the burpees

with the broad jump.


But a thousand burpees straight,

they both would suck.

There's no good option here.


But at least like for me,

the burpee broad jumps

would be breaking up the burpees,

which I would need.

I would agree.

I would probably pick the

burpee broad jumps just for something.

Even if it took longer, I don't care.


And even if I did a few more burpees,

just because at least it broke it up.


And I think what I like

about if you did it on a track,

I think that would suck

because of heat and all that.

But at least you could have

a visual of your progress.

You know what I mean?


Versus, okay,

you could maybe have some poker.

Or a picture of your lack of progress.



Lynn says that you couldn't

pay me enough to do one

mile of burpee broad jumps.

Corey is going 1,000 burpees, no question.


I mean, I don't know.

1,000 box step-up seems way

easier than 1,000 burpees.

Did you see the video of

Trista Smith demoing Chad?


I didn't.

Let me.

Did you have any,

did you talk about it on Sunday,

what you think the weights

are for the clean ladder?

We did not.

Oh, do you have any thoughts?

I think they did.

They did.

I just,

I was looking for something at the time.


Because when they get into that detail,

I don't really get the concept of it all.



We just want to watch the fitness,

talk about it.

Speaking of watching fitness

while you're pulling this thing up,

I think I've been watching

a lot of the Olympics and

just like everybody else,

when you watch it, you're like,

I could totally do that.

Oh yeah.


There she goes.

so what we did talk about on

sunday night is it appears

that there is a mark on top

of the box that you must

touch both feet on each

side of a line yeah it

looks like a chalk mark up

there that you have to be

and she is the twist of

chad is that you have to

twist on the top of the box

and come down backwards


that's how you're going to get those

calves blown up for sure.


but the fact that it's an over and you

have to tap takes out the

judging of the hip extension.

Oh, yeah.

Good call, Lynn.

That box looks higher.

Trista is not super tall, Lynn.

Yeah, but that looks at least a 24.

They've said it's 20 inches.

Oh, okay.

When they made the announcement.

You're right.

But I just, and maybe it's this angle too.

It looks like it's.


Dave said on one of his

things that he on purposely

did not show the box.

So there has to be markings.

I'm guessing at the top of the box.


But Trista is not tall.


So back to the Olympics.

I know you even have gone to the trials.


I know, I know.

But pretty soon CrossFit's going to,

you know, no, just kidding.

Parts of it are already there.

So back to that.

I know you've gone, you know,

like qualified for the

swimming for the Olympic trials.

But like, do you not watch it and be like,

oh, like,

I just I feel like I have the

urge to go try that or to go do.

I feel like I could do that

on the parallel bars.

There is no freaking way.

But I just I remember as a kid, too,

I'd be like,

I'm going to get some pillows

out and start just flipping

around like these gymnasts.

So, one,

thank you very much for elevating

me to an Olympic trial qualifier.

Oh, sorry.

That never happened.


I did qualify for nationals one year.


Okay, sorry.

But it was not an Olympic trial.


But I will say, when I was a kid, sure,

I tried everything.



And we had like bow and

arrows to try archery and

different stuff like that.

And we would go do all that.

But what this year has done

for me after talking to

Caitlin last Friday and

watching the Olympics is

I've actually researched

I'm going to join a gym with a pool.

I'm going to change my

training up a little bit

going into the fall to see

if I can keep my body healthier.

I'm going to swim two days a week,

CrossFit three days a week.

I think that's great.

To see if I can keep the

body a little more healthy

going in and see how that

works out for a couple months.

So, so yeah.

I love that.

We'll see.

I found like an affordable

gym on Players Parkway.


With a lap pool.



What's their hours?

Like any time?

Like 5 a.m.

to 10 p.m.



So, yeah.

I think that'll be good for me.

And I've got the itch

because of just talking swimming so much.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The key is not to overdo it

the first couple of times

because there's going to be

a lot of muscles that have

not been used in a very long time.

You and Charlie both.



What's Charlie doing?

Just day one of something?


Well, you know,

he went out of town for his birthday.

Well, it wasn't for his birthday.

It was over his birthday.

And he had a wedding to go to.

And he's like, when I get back.

serious and guess what he

did he come to my 615 class

today that I coached no

something to do with his

dog I don't know how that

affects his fitness well I

was sick I have a sick wife

this week oh you do yeah we

got back from Pennsylvania

and she started throwing up she started

And I guess there's a thing

going around like this, very flu-like.

But I'm the only one that didn't catch it.

Okay, that's good.

Corey says,

serious for Charlie or actually serious?

I only know one kind of

serious for Charlie,

and it's serious for Charlie.

Yeah, I don't know actual serious.


I wish he was creeping on the notes

here so he was seeing me

talk all about this because

I'm not afraid to.


I also saw in that Trista Smith video,

did you see Pukie hanging

from the ceiling?

I was totally noticing Pukie

in the background.

So Dave said that he needs

to take that down because

he's afraid at some point

that's going to fall.

Oh, okay.

And hurt somebody.

For sure.

We don't want that to happen.

But I'm glad you brought

that up because it reminded

me of something we were

texting about that has been

bothering me all weekend.


Remember I said I rewatched.

Oh, so sorry, Wad Zombie.

I rewatched the Every Second Counts.


And I have some beef,

a lot of beef about it.

15 years later, she's coming in hot.

Well, I had seen it, but then, you know,

kind of like,

I don't know what I was doing.

I think it was just being

excited that Nate took his

level one and like,

just kind of talking about

like old school CrossFit stuff.

And so I was telling him about it.

So I put it on and then we

start watching it and I'm like, uh,

literally none of the

females are featured.


I got a bone to pick with that.

I want to know WTF, Siobhan.


be fair savan was not the

only person doing that one

that was two people okay

well I still have a problem

with it um but yes it's a

hot take yep hot take on a

15 year old movie um can

you tell me who won the

2009 crossfit games

2008 CrossFit Games.

Yes, it was Jason Kalipa,

which they never featured

on until the very end.

Oh, yes, Katie.


That's why I wanted to watch it.

To be like, hey, look,

it's the owner of Rogue

just out there winning the

CrossFit Games.

Is this a riff?

Kind of, Jeff.

It is.


Amy's got a riff.

We did talk about this Sunday a little bit,

and it goes with what you're saying.

Miller did his top 10 based

on social media following.

He does it every year,

and that is his picks for the games.


On social media following.

So whoever has the highest followers,

that's his winners of the games.



So when he was done with it,

he just kind of like an off comment said,

women the women's followers

are way more than the men's

followers should women get

paid more because they

bring more to the table

than the men do which has

been the argument in the

reverse in like the nba um

other sports like soccer

yes because women's yeah

doesn't bring in money yeah

well wasn't but now still

very little compared to

right so but it all came

down to you'd have to see

the viewers of like the

streams um the attendance

at different events but of

the what 18 crossfit games we've had

i think it was 12 of the 12

times the men finished the

crossfit games for the

women finished and two they

finished together so like

at atlanta at the 2020

games like they they both

did it at the same time

yeah but I would be curious it

I, I would think, I don't know,

cause I haven't,

I don't have the data on it.

Maybe Holly could pull up

some data for us on.


I wonder if more women are on social

media, uh, followers,

like if more women follow

on social media than men do.

Well, I don't,

I don't know if we would get

that breakdown.

We would,

I'm just throwing that out there to,

to say maybe there are more

women athletes followed

because there are more.

My guests are not followed by women.

I think both.


I think there's both but I bet you

they have their fair share

of male followers as well.

Speaking of the funniest

thing ever is you know how

like if you are have a

mutual friend with somebody

and then there's a post it

will show you so and so liked this post.

So let's say,

let's say I go and look at

Emily Rolf and she posted something on,

on Instagram and you liked it.

I can see because I'm

friends with you will say

Clydesdale media liked this.


So this is what cracks me up.

Every time Danny Spiegel

posts something and then I

go to coach the class the

next day at the gym, I can say, oh,

I saw all of you guys liked that,

that post that Danny

Spiegel had the other day.


What I will tell you,

just from our perspective,

when I interview a female athlete,

it gets more views than if

I interview a male athlete.

So, Corey's saying,

check out the new story from Spin.

Let me close.

Dave down.

You're talking about the event guide?

Oh, backfill spots for the masters.

That is not in the stories.

Oh, there we go.

Let's see it.

It's actually a post, not a story.

Controversy amidst backfill

process in 35-39 division

of the Masters CrossFit Games.

Jasmine Sheehan originally

declined her invite to

compete at the Masters

CrossFit Games to focus on

going to the CrossFit Games on a team.

But after her team was

disqualified following

Tyler Lee's failed drug test,

she asked CrossFit if a

spot was still available.

That's where things get interesting.

Head to

for the full story and come

back to share how you would

handle this situation if

you were CrossFit.

So interesting.


I wonder what went down there.

So let's go to the spin.

And you can't see it.

I got to stop and reshare.

Here we go.

Two women declined their invite,

Chyna Cho and Jasmine Sheehan.


No more than three athletes

outside of the qualifying

position in any division

will be eligible for a

backfill position due to

athletes declining.

Thus, Allison Stahl tied for 40th.

Haley Murillo, 42nd,

received a backfill in

which both accepted.

But here's where it gets interesting.


But they're in the 40 to

44-year-old division, so not this one.

On June 30th,

Chantel Bouchard received an

email from Becky Harsh,

CrossFit Athlete Communications Banner,

stating that Chantel would

be the next athlete to get

a backfill spot should

another athlete out of the competition.

Harsh then added that the

goal is to have a full

roster and will backfill

any open spots up to two

weeks prior to the competition.

Then yesterday,

Jamie Hygie had declined

her invite due to an injury,

so you would expect

Bouchard to receive the

backfill invite per the

email she received from

CrossFit a month earlier.

However, you would be wrong.

Instead, the backfill went to Sheehan,

despite her already declining her invite.

Yeah, I think that's BS.


I think that's big-time BS.

That really sucks for the other person.

I agree.

I can't believe they did that.

And yet then they wouldn't

bring back Kelly Baker last year.

Like after, I mean,

I know they brought her

back for that one event,

but they didn't bring her

back for the other event.



I don't, Denise Moore says,

I don't think that's ever happened.

Um, yeah, that's pretty crappy.

jeff jay birch I'm sorry but

if she turned down the

invite to go with the team

and then the team was

disqualified too bad so sad

and why was the team

disqualified I'd be curious

they were disqualified

because one of their

athletes tested positive

for popping those gains yeah

Which I had a very

interesting discussion with

Chloe Gavin-David,

who has been a perennial team athlete,

made it individually this year.

But if you didn't see Sasha

Nieves' reaction to her

teammate popping positive,

that she blew her up on social media,

saying that she fought

through injury to get to this point,

and then to have it ripped

away by someone being so

uh insensitive and taking

substances like as it how

do you trust the other

three like your whole

season is based on their

their actions as well as

yours yeah and not just

them but like other others

around them the circle they

keep you know their coaches

and all that yeah that's a

lot to rely on it's basically like


every team she's been on has had to

sit down at the beginning

of the year like,

we are not doing any of this stuff.

And if you're not clean now,

you better be clean.


But she's like,

I would not go on a team

with somebody I did not know very,

very well.




If you have not, it's in Spanish.

So you have to hit the

translate button on Instagram.

What's the last name?

Sasha Nieves.


An individual athlete in the past.


I just couldn't, it went out for a second.

But you have to hit the

translate button and she

does not mince words about how bad.


Her and a teammate had to fight through.

There was a point where

Sasha was in a sling during

the season and fought

through to make it to the

games and put her body at

risk to get the team there

and then to have it ripped

away because of a drug suspension.


Shady aftermath.

So, yeah.

It's an interesting read for sure.


So I know that the women's gym,

Simone Biles is taking the

floor probably as we speak.



Have you paused your, your, no,

I didn't cause I'm going to

go run to my iPad right after this.


Do you stream or do you have cable stream?


can't you just rewind it on the stream?


I mean, maybe, I don't know.




Corey eats a lot of cucumbers, people.

Must be the secret to his success.

There's not much nutritional value to him.

Do you have cable still?

Not me.

I stream.

Let's finish with this.

I saw a social media post

where a guy was saying,

Whoever thought streaming was a good idea.

I have to Google everything

to find out what channel it's on.

Then I get there and I have

to pay an extra three 99 to

rent it off a prime.


Blah, blah, blah.

And then my buddy said, well,

why don't they just get one

streaming service and put

them all together?

And he goes, we had,

it was called capable.

I totally agree.


you need to get some more dark green

veggies in there.

I'm talking broccoli.

I'm talking spinach, kale,

Brussels sprouts, green beans, asparagus.

You need some more dark green veggies.

I have a full-on addiction

to tomatoes right now.

Well, homegrown tomatoes is a real thing.

Also, not a vegetable.

It's a fruit.

Come on.

It's a fruit.

There are seeds inside.

Jay Burch is in a hotel in

Austin watching on cable

and watching us find folks on his phone.

That's so nice.


I'm probably better on the small screen,

Jay Burch.

My eye probably looks better

and not as scary.


It looks like you actually

sit back and not like get

right up to the camera.

Look at that.

You see it?

I can see.

It looks like there's a line

from the surgery.

Yeah, there is.

It'll go away.

But it's there.

It's amazing how technology has changed.

I know.

So with that,

we're going to let you guys go.

Watch the female gymnast hit the floor.

With that, thanks for being here,


We'll be back right before the games,

and we'll get Amy's picks

for her podium next week.

With that,

we'll see everybody next time on

the Clydesdale Media Roundtable.

Bye, guys.