Welcome after after hours with Dr. Sigoloff. This is a place where Dr. Sigoloff can share some of his thoughts and ideas with you. Dr. Sigoloff is a board certified Family Physician and he has been practicing medicine for almost a decade. Dr. Sigoloff is a Doctor of Osteopathy and therefor he has a slightly different approach to medicine. He likes to get to discuss the heart of the issue so that you can be better informed.
82. Question Boldy, Todd Callender
Esq. Todd Callender: [00:00:00] Doctor, it's because at the end of the day, the d o d was behind a genocide, right? The, the single biggest crime ever known to humanity.
Nurse Kelly: Welcome to after Hours with Dr. Sigoloff. For he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave, and Dr. Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time of recording now to Dr. Sigoloff.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you for joining us again. So first I want to stop real quick and thank my Patreon supporters. We have Shell, we have Sam and Angela Sheey. We have Perry and Ty, Kevin, Katie, Joe, pj, Rebecca, Emmy. We have Amanda Bets Nasty. And Jay, thank you so much for all the support you're giving.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I try to get these episodes out early to them earlier in the week than Sunday. So if you're interested in seeing these before they're [00:01:00] released to the public, please consider joining for as little as $1 a month. Or $12 a year, pro-rated per month. Today's guest, we have a very special guest. We've spoken to him before.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: This is Todd Calender. So he's a lawyer. He's been very influential. It's, it's basically his case. That is Robert V. Austin. And that's how I first got involved in all of this, is I was able to communicate with him and talk about my medical exemption that became an affidavit for his case. And I know I watched your, your arguing and I think you did a great job.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I don't know what the results were of that. But it's great to have you on again, and it's a one, it's a pleasure to talk to you every time we get to talk.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah, likewise. Thank you for having me, Dr. Sam. Yeah. You were one of our original Ians and, and then whistleblower. Think you and I have been working on this whole thing together for, I don't know, certainly one year, if not two.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So you had mentioned something just just before we started rolling, that there is a particular, [00:02:00] someone that doesn't seem to have an oath of office on file Now, what are some of those details?
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah. So in our, in our preparation for our lawsuit and as we continued on after that, we created a, a distribution center and a repository for evidence that we had gathered and, and self-help legal documents, which is.
Esq. Todd Callender: What, what happened in the military and the reason why I think that at the end of the day, the, the Congress kind of forced the DOD to stop the shots was self-help, legal documents all stored at a site called VAX choice, VAX choice.com. And that entity actually has paid people who work for it, and they do the research and they help us.
Esq. Todd Callender: Provide evidence to our case exhibits and things of that nature. And one of the researchers really neat lady by the name of Lisa decided that she wanted to figure out more about the whole paradigm and how was any of this legal. And she sent a FOIA request, the Freedom of Information Act, we call it foia.
Esq. Todd Callender: To the [00:03:00] Department of Defense and asked to see two things as it relates to the Secretary of Defense. Number one, his oath of office, and secondarily, his registration under farra the Foreign Agent's Registration Act because she also dug up that he had significant interest in foreign companies that would have some bearing on his job in, in the Department of Defense.
Esq. Todd Callender: So the results came back that the Secretary of Defense, according to the military, there are no records of him taking an oath of office. In fact, there's no records at all. The same goes for Farra registration. None whatsoever. So even though there's some publicity out there showing the secretary taking his oath of office publicly the d o d has zero records of it and they've confirmed that to us.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So, I mean, this is verify, confirmed and, and received through a FOIA request.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah. There's a letter from the Department of Defense. I just sent it to you, read it for yourself. It's on the Department of Defense letterhead. There are many important people [00:04:00] that are copied on this. It it came very late. We were actually gearing up to file a lawsuit because the d o d was so long overdue in providing the response.
Esq. Todd Callender: So I think the day before they, they busted the, the time period that we gave them. They they coughed up the results, which were none.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: To me, that seems like that has huge implications, but, From a legal perspective, what could that mean?
Esq. Todd Callender: Well, yeah, yeah, you're absolutely right. All such people, like the Secretary of Defense, people in decision making authority positions in our government have an obligation to swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution and our republic.
Esq. Todd Callender: And if they don't do it, there's actually a statute on the, on the subject. There you go. The, the net result may be that his position in all things that he's done here two for would be void as a matter of law. That's certainly the position that we're gonna take.[00:05:00]
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wow. That's huge.
Esq. Todd Callender: Huge.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wow. I mean, we have even, you know, E, everyone has an oath of office, whether it be enlisted, an officer or warrant officer. Sure. This is just mind blowing. Even even elected officials have an oath of office.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yes, that's right. Exactly. Which is why there's a statute on this subject. In fact, you know, it's interesting on this, on this note, one may think this is anecdotal, oh, you know, some mistake, but you know, it's not over the last year or so, when just regular Joe.
Esq. Todd Callender: People, Americans that, you know, had an interest in stopping their school boards or their sheriffs, or their governors, city councils, whatever the case was, they were doing bond claims. And part of those bond claims included the request for oath of office. And what we came to find is that attorneys, general district attorneys, [00:06:00] sheriffs I think there might have been one governor.
Esq. Todd Callender: Anyway, these, these people had discovered that there, there was a rampant a number. Of people in these kinds of positions who didn't take their oath of office, and, and so theoretically all of their official acts would, would be void as a matter of law. Now, I haven't seen anybody go to trial on this, but I think there are a number of pro se suits that that are taking place along those lines.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's interesting cuz lately I've been hearing of this, and I don't want to get into it too much if you know what I'm talking about, but where people argue and I guess this is a normal court thing as well, where you argue jurisdiction, you say, well, no, I'm, I'm not in your jurisdiction, so you have no rule over me.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wouldn't this be part of that? They have no jurisdiction over me because they never took the oath. That's the prerequisite.
Esq. Todd Callender: Justice disability is the issue you're talking about. And you know, I, I think you just touched on something that, that is really bothersome to me, [00:07:00] actually. So the answer to your question is yes.
Esq. Todd Callender: What standing does this person have to give any orders, including the, the now infamous mandate, the covid mandate and authorization of use of force. But aside from that, you know, doctor, as, as we've been seeking redress in court, And I said, we, the grand, we, meaning a lot of people are doing this. It's really quite frustrating and astounding to me how many of our cases have gotten tossed out on Gia g ability issues saying You have no standing, you're in the wrong court, you're at the wrong time.
Esq. Todd Callender: You don't have damages. That actually happened in our case and Robert V. Austin and we appealed it and then went to the 10th circuit and argued that just on the 18th of November, I didn't even get the first sentence outta my mouth before I was interrupted by one of the judges asking that very issue.
Esq. Todd Callender: Just disability, why are you here? Isn't it true that you filed a lawsuit a day before the actual mandate happened? So they're searching for any reasonable means, [00:08:00] anything, not even reasonable, any means whatsoever, so that they don't hear these cases. The same thing with President Trump and the election cases.
Esq. Todd Callender: The, the courts are turning a deaf ear to us, and it strikes me that every means of redress that we've been seeking, every legal means anyway, we're getting shut down. So you, you make a complaint to the sheriff, they don't want to hear it. They're not gonna open an investigation. The attorney general is just the same.
Esq. Todd Callender: You complain to your legislature, well, they're all handpicked for their jobs anyway, and you hope that you would get some, some day in court in front of the judiciary, and you don't, and you can't. So what precisely are we supposed to do? You know, it's kind of like the, the case here. If, if we file suit and say, look, the Secretary of Defense says everything he's done is void as a matter of law, and the court says, I don't want to hear the case.
Esq. Todd Callender: You know, what, what precisely are we supposed to do about that?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. And one thing that I, this, this idea popped in my head when I was listening to your case and [00:09:00] when I've been sitting in on some of the telephone calls for Coker v Austins, It seems like, well now everybody's case is moot. Right? So it's, it's like if I went to the, to the judge and said, your Honor, the defendant burnt my house to the ground.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And the judge says, well, plaintiff you, you don't have a case cuz you don't have a house. You're right, your Honor. He burnt it to the ground. Yeah. That's why I'm here. But you don't have a house, so it's moot
Esq. Todd Callender: a great analogy. Yeah, that's pretty much what, what happened in our case, what we alleged, and I I hope we proved in our, our pleadings in our briefs is that the military, in our case, created what we call an intentional nutting.
Esq. Todd Callender: They created the circumstances, just as you described, you know, you don't have any standing in this court for a variety of reasons. In, in our particular case, we had a plaintiff. Who did not seek a medical exemption but was granted one. And so that went to the whole standing room while she was given an exemption.
Esq. Todd Callender: Why are you here? And the other one you know, he'd had his disability [00:10:00] rating pending for a long time. He was pulling his regular duty all day, getting, you know, the job done. And, and yet amazingly quickly, he got his disability paperwork through just in time, you know, for our appellate hearing. I mean, luckily he was still in the military on the day we argued, but he was out, you know, a few short days later.
Esq. Todd Callender: So yeah, intentional mooting is a real thing.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And what's interesting is I, around that same timeframe, I was listening to this podcast called Bible Project and I, I think it was an old episode they had, or series where they were talking about Deuteronomy and they're talking about judges in particular and how to judge the law, how to be wise.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Using God's wisdom to judge issues that aren't specifically laid out in, in law. And I feel like, like many in the judicial system, I'm trying to say my words correctly, many in the judicial branch don't seem to be exercising biblical wisdom. They, they seem to say, well, this is the law, this is, this is it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, this [00:11:00] is outside of the that law, but, but we're not gonna. Take the wisdom that comes from knowing this and extrapolate it to you. We're just gonna say, Nope, your case is moot. You have no case because the mandate is gone even though it was illegal from the beginning. That's what bothers me the most is everything has been illegal.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yes. Patently. So not just in one way, many ways illegal and nobody seemed to care, not in our government and I doctor, it's because at the end of the day, the d o d was behind a genocide. The, the single biggest crime ever known to humanity. And you know, one can argue, well, they didn't know any better except for the fact that, you know, they'd been building this technology, these mRNA and adenovirus shots for 20 years, and they knew full well that all of the test animals died.
Esq. Todd Callender: Right. And, and polyethylene glycol is the base components to antifreeze. The ever before had it been injected into humans, there [00:12:00] were tons of papers that said, this is extraordinarily dangerous, and 70% of the world's population is allergic to it. And yet that was the primary ingredient in both Moderna advisors shot.
Esq. Todd Callender: There's no way to look at this other than. As an intentional injur or deadly attack on people, especially when you, you mandate the shots and authorize the use of force. How else could we look at this?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, and when you take him to conjunction, like all of that, plus what you said earlier about the Secretary of Defense not raising his hand and swearing allegiance to this document, it makes you wonder. Right. It really makes you start to ask questions.
Esq. Todd Callender: Well, I, I, I don't wonder anymore, doctor. In 1994, all of the nations on this planet got together in Cairo and agreed to depopulate the planet to effectively kill 7 billion people.
Esq. Todd Callender: Why? Why would we not take them at their word? And if you were to do this, let, let's assume you're now the person in charge, you're the owner of the planet, and [00:13:00] you wanna get rid of 7 billion people. How would you go about doing that? You know, would you, would you do it through some democratic institution or would you get the military to do it?
Esq. Todd Callender: And if you could do, if you get the military to do it, wouldn't it be really great and convenient if you could work around the issue of all these Americans having guns, right? If everybody's too sick or dead to shoot a gun, what matter is it that they're armed? So when you look at this from a global perspective, and you put yourself in the shoes, if I was the perpetrator of genocide, how would I do it?
Esq. Todd Callender: It all becomes very clear.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's like that idea of the neutron bomb, whether it was actually made or not. It's this, this weapon that kills people and leaves infrastructure. And that's exactly what this does is it kills people and leaves the infrastructure
Esq. Todd Callender: even better. I think, you know, because it doesn't kill everybody at the same time, you'd still have some, you know, useful life in people to, you know, bury bodies are cremate.
Esq. Todd Callender: Or somehow convince, you know, a few extra dollars out of their pocket for some, [00:14:00] you know, last Hope Care in the hospital before they put my dazz or ESI in their veins. Yeah, you're absolutely right. This is a much more clever it's actually genius means of, of killing 7 billion people except for one thing, and that is about half the world didn't go along with the program.
Esq. Todd Callender: That might be a little sticky point.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: This, all of this just makes me so upset that people would, would do this. And you know, as we get further along, more and more truth comes out and it's like people who don't see the truth are in a different reality. It's like they're living in, in a fairytale world when you know, I was, I, I was on a S G T report that the day we're airing this, it'll air that day.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But. Like the guy who's talking who were, we're tearing apart his words as he is talking. It's, it's just mind blowing. Like what reality is this man living in where he, the things he says and, and on the top it has a little moniker of [00:15:00] truth is golden. Well, it is, but he's not saying anything. That's true.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: In fact, it's 180 degrees the wrong way.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah. We are in Bazaro world, aren't we?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Before we got started, also, you were talking about some flu shots. Yeah. And I believe was there a service member that, that was having a problem, not taking it because of the ingredients and then he's in a unique position because of the service he's in.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah. Yeah. This is another issue. So while everybody was, you know, celebrating the, the wind that the DOD is now going to be forced to, to stop the COVID shots It, it's really a small victory in, in some respects, because I know people that were, you know, at the hearing that that gave rise to this bargain that was struck, and that was that nobody was allowed to talk about cancer rates, which are exceeding 10000% increase now.
Esq. Todd Callender: No mention of Nuremberg and, and no ability or mention of holding people accountable. So this genocide has happened [00:16:00] now free of consequence. And, and the d o D doesn't seem to care. We've got service members who are in like yourself. And, and the persecution continues. You know, take the shots, you're out.
Esq. Todd Callender: Military doesn't seem to give a damn that, you know, 25% of our standing army is now going to leave or be kicked out. And then on top of that, the, the d o d just did a step to the left. So, okay. We won't force the covid shots on you, however, our. Are flu shots, those are mandatory and they always have been.
Esq. Todd Callender: So you're gonna have to take the flu shot now. And of course what we've found is that they are also poisonous. They have the same hydrogel in 'em, along with some other really horrible ingredients. And I just sent you a copy of some of them, you know, one of which doctor is fatal if if it's inhaled.
Esq. Todd Callender: So, You know, what, what benefit is it stopping the Covid shots, right? The, the, when, when the military, when the leaders, the owners of this world want 7 billion of us dead. Does it matter if it's a covid [00:17:00] shot or a flu shot? Right? One way or another. That's what's gonna happen. And, and our researcher the same one who's, who's so brilliant and, and found all this stuff out about our Secretary of Defense.
Esq. Todd Callender: You know, it was dug around for weeks and she traced back a lot of these pathogens that we've, we've found, and it's not just in the flu shots, it's in insulin it's in tetanus, toxoid, Gardasil. They all have hydrogel now, which is where these lipid nano particles are, and, and those lipid nano particles contain programming payloads.
Esq. Todd Callender: Of gene sequences and CRISPR ca nine technology where they're actually genetically modifying people through the deletion and insertion of other genes. Anyway, she traced it all back to something that she discovered called the death associated Protein number six. Also, it's known as Dax, D A X X and also Gene 1616.
Esq. Todd Callender: So from that, She, she tracked it to a database [00:18:00] that's maintained by the Department of Energy, whereby that particular death gene, cuz that's what it is, was mutated in a variety of different ways to create other pathogens, thousands and thousands of other pathogens. And then you find out what these pathogens get names and, and included in ingredients in other injectables, I assume.
Esq. Todd Callender: It's not just injectables. I assume it's in food and it's our water and our air and everything else because. And we have evidence of motive, we have evidence that the, the government has actually intended to cause these kinds of bioweapons to be unleashed on us. Right? Way of example, it's the, sorry. NASA Langley research paper talks about the future of warfare in 2025 may talk about micro dust, lipid down particles that will release toxins inside of a target's body.
Esq. Todd Callender: So it is not a question of whether they intended to do it. This has actually happened. And now we have a database showing how many pathogens, how hard it [00:19:00] was that they tried to figure out how to do this, including the, the H I V proteins in the Covid shot stock. They're all there.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: The other night I had this, this theory just kind of fleeting in my head and tell me what you think about it. So it seems like there's some infertility issues that a lot of men and women are having after this shot. Yep. There's a lot of death from heart attack, strokes, cancer, all sorts of issues. Right?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yep. So we're, we're seeing them killing people. Now, the people that survive, many of them are not able to have children. So that, that's this generation, that's the next generation. That's right. But then I'm sure you saw this, but I don't remember the, the name of the company, but they're saying they can grow people.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. In these pods, artificial uteruses, you these little pods. 30,000 in a building at a time. Yeah. It's like, And then if you're feeding them and you're giving them life, are you then owner? Yes. And if the DNA n a that you're taking, which they're [00:20:00] alleging is from these swabs. It do. They own them? Because that was one of your arguments is the, you know, that's right.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If they own your dna, they own your sequence, then they own you.
Esq. Todd Callender: Well, it's are you human? It it, yeah. That's the threshold question. And it, it's not just a, a simple matter of you know, whether or not they own your dna. It, it, there's a step that has to take place prior to that. The, the Sentinel case on this is molecular pathology versus my genetics. It's a 2013 Supreme Court case and what it effectively says, the holding of the case says, use of mRNA. To effectuate gene modification in a
Esq. Todd Callender: genome. Could be people results in that synthetic product, right? But whatever it was that they created is now owned by the patent holders. And so you're right that the synthetic dna, the synthetic organism, now belongs to the patent holders.
Esq. Todd Callender: And you're absolutely right. What that calls into question then, if are these people, because you know, we, we define laws [00:21:00] based on the species, for instance. Cruelty to animals is, is a crime that, that is a separate crime from cruelty to humans. If you look at, for instance, homicide, that's the unlawful taking of a human life.
Esq. Todd Callender: If, if somebody kills a dog, is that homicide, the answer is no. So if somebody kills this new species of, of people again, NASA calls 'em Borg In that same document, homo Borg Genesis, we've heard. So if, if somebody kills one of those people, meaning the the ones that got the shot, at least the mRNA shots, is that in fact the homicide and, and they're very big questions as to whether or not it is, and, and my concern is that it does not.
Esq. Todd Callender: Notably in our case, doctor, I was alleging these very things throughout, going back to August of last year. That these regime modification shots. And as such it created property rights in, in the people that receive them. And that's outlawed by our 13th amendment. That's the anti-slavery provision to our constitution since [00:22:00] 1865.
Esq. Todd Callender: You don't get to own other people. And you know what? Not once throughout this process, the trial court, the pretrial motions, or even in the 10th circuit, and the arguments therein did the doj. Or the do D or the FDA or hhs disagree. Not once did they disagree with that. So you're absolutely right. You go back to the Matrix.
Esq. Todd Callender: You know the movie, the Matrix, that's exactly what we're seeing. We found their patents. Microsoft Corporation actually owns them where they use people for batteries, transmitters, transistors, and amplifiers. And yeah, we have it all. So why would we, you know, why would we think not? In fact, one of the things I can, I can assure you, I've heard complaints that, you know, just because they have patents doesn't mean much.
Esq. Todd Callender: Well, we've actually seen them in use. So for instance, in the third phase clinical trial using the military, it was a study called C 4 5 9 1001. And in that trial, Pfizer [00:23:00] used something called the InTouch E Diary. That's an E P C R device. And what it does is read real time, the bio rhythms, what's happening inside of the people that got the shots, and it's transmitting that data.
Esq. Todd Callender: Through the cell phone circuits to a third party information aggregator in in Israel. The, the laundered data came back cuz there was all kinds of maladies. But, but my point in telling you is that when Noah had already said, we want surveillance on the inside of your body, that technology already exists.
Esq. Todd Callender: It, they already used it in that very study that I just mentioned. So this is not a hypothesis. This is not a theory. I'm telling you what's already happened. We found the patents that describe it. And these people own it. Just as you said, you know. Are, are these people in the pods own in all likelihood?
Esq. Todd Callender: Yes.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wow. I need just a minute to process some of that, if you wanna.
Esq. Todd Callender: And what rights do you have? [00:24:00] Probably none, doctor. Because they haven't been envisioned by the law when I went looking into all of this, you know. But when I finally figured out that there were no informed consent rights being given to the soldiers to, to like yourself is because these weren't investigational new drugs.
Esq. Todd Callender: These were investigational new gene therapy shots. There's a different legal regime for gene therapeutics versus investigational new drugs in, in the case of INDs, That's the FDA that regulates it. In the case of gene therapy, that's hhs and there are different informed consent rights that attach, which are effectively none thanks to Secretary Rumsfield.
Esq. Todd Callender: Back in 2005 when the military started doing gene modification on, on the soldiers. So they've eliminated that, that whole requirement effectively. So anyway, the, the, the point is that in that research, what I found is that there's essentially nothing stopping this. Legally from happening, and it's only [00:25:00] envisioned that at some point.
Esq. Todd Callender: The, the, the people in politics, the people in charge of the government should probably address what rights these people will have. It actually says that in the human augmentation paper where the department of of defense, I'm sorry, it's not the Department of Defense, it's the Ministry of Defense of the UK and Germany arrive at that conclusion.
Esq. Todd Callender: It's on page 69 or so. Maybe we should, maybe we should think about what rights these genetically modified people should have.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah, that's just shocking. And there's no prohibition. There's nothing stopping them. Not in the law anyway.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Did you wanna talk about the N D A A at all?
Esq. Todd Callender: Well, I think just from the perspective that it, it's a, it's a hollow win. You know, the, the covid shots are, you know, theoretically going to be stopped. It doesn't really mean anything. The other part I'd like to remind your, your audience about it seems to finally be resonating with people, is that [00:26:00] the use of public health as a weapon, This weapon has been moved under the Department of Defense.
Esq. Todd Callender: It's in the National Defense Authorization Act for the last three years and going forward, you will find that public health gets marched away from Health and Human Services to the oversight of defense health agency. Again, if your, if your job was to kill 7 billion people and you used public health as your mechanism to do that to, to take away constitutional rights, as has happened when the public health emergency of international concern was declared everybody's constitutional rights around the world were suspended.
Esq. Todd Callender: Okay, well, how else would you prefer to manage that process of that using that weapon other than the use of your military? And that's exactly what's happened, that public health around the world is being moved as a military function. So they can execute on the deprivation of your rights and the insistence or involuntary introduction of, you know, these experimental shots, these pathogens into your body.
Esq. Todd Callender: And by the way, your, your [00:27:00] arrest, your indefinite detention, right? That's all envisioned. If your folks wanna look it up, look up the law itself. It's in 42 cfr, that stands for code of of Federal Regulations part 70 and 71. It's all there.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: One thing that with this NDA change and the, the remove of the alleged mandate they already committed crimes 10 USC 1107 A, they committed crimes. How do we get the conversation from the pol, the elected? From the elected officials to change, to go from, oh, well, we're not having the mandate anymore to, no, we need to figure out who started this crime and who perpetrated the crime and who allowed this crime to continue.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah. Well, because they all did, you know, this is what I was saying in, in October and early November is the, in the elections, we have to throw all of them out. And I mean, I mean all of them. Cause anybody that was in office, [00:28:00] anybody that was in a decision making position, For the last 20 years or even the last two years, they either were a part of all this, this genocide, or they allowed it to happen.
Esq. Todd Callender: All of the steps it took to make this happen from a legal perspective and from a practical point of view. They had to know, I mean, look as, as simple as the, the procurement part, you know, how was it that the World Bank was financing the, the sale of COVID 19 PCR tests in 2017? The disease wasn't named right until March of 2020.
Esq. Todd Callender: The d o d has all kinds of records and contracts called covid 19. You know, long before it, the, the disease was named that. So we have, we have ample evidence to show that, that people were involved in this and, and that they knew it. So the only way, we're not gonna get a, a political a political solution to this doctor unless we have the ability to fill everybody out.
Esq. Todd Callender: I don't even know if we have that. But the elections are a joke. It's [00:29:00] very clear that there was massive fraud. For the last two elections. It's very clear the courts don't want to hear anything about the fraud. So I'm afraid that we get stuck in a situation where we are not gonna get political redress.
Esq. Todd Callender: We're not gonna get law enforcement redress. Our only hope is to educate enough people that we all opt out of the system, right? The current system is probably beyond repair. We, I think we kind of have to abandon it. And I, and I mean that on a global basis, so we have to start over. There is no government without us, right?
Esq. Todd Callender: Without the governed, they must have the consent of the governed because there's too many of us. It has to be voluntary. So we just opt out. No, we're not gonna do it. And, and you can see the next part is the essential bank, digital currency, right? They will control us through our spending, that what they're talking about is programmable money.
Esq. Todd Callender: So you look at China, if they travel too far from their home, I think five kilometers, their money doesn't work. If, if they bought too much meat in the grocery store, [00:30:00] they, they can't use it for any more meat. That is a, that is being tested in the United States right now. The fed coin in northeast, in the United States, they are going to outlaw cash.
Esq. Todd Callender: They're gonna outlaw, barter. And I think that's why I have 87,000 new armed special agents working for the Treasury Department for the irs. They're gonna take everybody's stuff. And deprive us of the ability to fight back. So I think our, our only hope doctor is to opt out. We, we don't have to go along with the program.
Esq. Todd Callender: We'll form our new parallel society and we can do it peacefully and just, just forget about 'em. Anne Vander Steel, I think you know her, there are 10 million people like her. They, they became state nationals and said, we're not part of the federal system anymore. It's a good start.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And right here it says, and this is starting in the middle of a sentence, but accordingly, all experience have shown that mankind or more are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by [00:31:00] abolishing the forms which they are accustomed. Is right there. We'd rather just suffer through it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We're just gonna keep slogging away. We're just gonna keep getting trampled upon this long train of abuses. Keeps coming right at us. We're not gonna do anything. And I'm, I want it to be very clear that I'm not advocating for revolution. I'm advocating to follow this document because I know CIAs CI counterintelligence is watching this.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I know there's investigators watching this. I, I, I am not. Trying to call for any sort of vigilante justice. I just want actual justice. I wanna follow the documents that I, and all of my peers in the military, except for maybe not all of our leadership, have sworn allegiance to, to defend this document from all enemies.
Esq. Todd Callender: And by the way, doctor th never once did you mention anything like that. You and I have been talking about opting out of the system. That's not a crime, right. Deciding that you aren't going to participate is not a crime. And that's what we're talking about. It's an abandonment of [00:32:00] a, a very failed system. And there's, there is no law against that.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's just that like, I, I opt out of the shots. I opt out of wearing a mask, I opt out of social distancing. I mean, I kind of like the social distance a little bit cuz I don't like, I like my personal space, but, but social distance from family, I'm not, I'm opting out of that, you know.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah, I get that. So how do we, how do we do a better job of it?
Esq. Todd Callender: How do we get people to understand this? I, that's the importance of what it is you're doing. And I, you know, my hope is this doctor, the, the people as you indicated right, the counterintelligence people that are worried about you and they're worried about me. I, I would ask them to take a few minutes and investigate what it is we're saying.
Esq. Todd Callender: Is it true that well, that document says what you say it does. Is it true that the Secretary of Defense didn't take oath of office? I can assure you we have the documents to prove that, or at least prove that the Department of Defense has no record of it. You can look up for yourself how many people are [00:33:00] dying because they, they took the shots.
Esq. Todd Callender: You can look up for yourself. The use of force was authorized to, to push these deadly shots on others. I hope that the people that are watching this will think critically and understand this is about you, this is about your kids too. They're coming for you just like they're coming for us. So get on the right side of this.
Esq. Todd Callender: If you if you wanna survive.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And one thing, you know, I've said this before, but I think it's, it's really important to say again, is if I don't fight a battle that I should fight. And by fighting I don't mean physically violently, I mean legally, and standing my ground if I don't stand my ground where I should. Then there'll be no ground left for my children.
Esq. Todd Callender: Sure. Well that's the plan, right? Well, you, you made mention of it a few minutes ago about sterility rates increasing. You know, I think you're aware, my family bought the intellectual property rights to a needle free mass vaccination [00:34:00] device. And I'm, I got it through the f d A process, that very same company.
Esq. Todd Callender: My sister runs it now, was doing a collaboration with Gabby Bill Gates in Africa testing what Gardasil. And we knew 20 years ago that the non-control, the non-I group of girls that were given the shot went home sterile. Why? Because that's what it was designed to do. And you got all girls of childbearing age in all 50 states.
Esq. Todd Callender: Look it up for yourself. Every state has a statute. It's a mandatory shot. They are purposefully. Giving people sterility compounds. They're sterilizing people. And again, doesn't it make sense if your, if your mission is to depopulate the planet, wouldn't you, wouldn't you stop all unauthorized breeding as they say in the Jurassic part?
Esq. Todd Callender: So yeah, it makes perfect sense. And, and they put those same sterility compounds in these shots, you know, we know that. So we're under attack. Humanity is under attack. Doctor, it, it isn't you or me, it's our [00:35:00] species.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If you look at where fire comes from in the Judeo-Christian, you know, tradition as God kicked Adam and Eve outta the garden, he said, here's fire.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Use it to subdue the earth. If you look at every other mythology, culture, man stole fire from the gods. And that right there is where the difference is. We were given energy to go subdue the earth, and in the mythology or the pagan ideas, fire was stolen and we shouldn't have it. And so with that idea, well, we shouldn't even be on the earth.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I mean, we've been called a cancer by many, Yeah. Of these, you know, green Earth people. Yeah. I believe there was some royalty that said if he could die and come back, he'd come back as a virus. Yes. To kill demand.
Esq. Todd Callender: Well, they're not hiding it. Like I said, 196 countries in territories agreed to kill seven people, 7 billion people in Cairo.
Esq. Todd Callender: It's, it's not like they hid this doc. Yeah. You know, and that's actually the mission I understand from the. The papers that I've read on this, Henry [00:36:00] Kissinger himself wrote such a paper in 1974 that, that they want to genetically modify every plant animal species on this planet for the purpose of spiting God.
Esq. Todd Callender: Right? They, we are their plague. You're absolutely right, and they don't hide that. So I don't know how it is that it's so hard for people to understand this, that you and your children, your progeny are the arey target. They, they want you gone. You damn will better stand up and do something about it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: One thing that I see that will have great benefit when my kids are of age is we will need to have a blood test. And, and you know, I don't like differentiating between people that have had the shot and didn't have the shot. And certainly there will, there'll be plenty of people that that had it, that didn't want it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But I think there will be a desire to have a shot, or I'm sorry, to have a, a test that tells you if someone has been exposed to the lipid nanoparticle. That way you don't begin a relationship with [00:37:00] someone who you can't have children with. And that's a horrible thing to say as a physician, as someone who always wants to give hope, but, but we have to look at reality too.
Esq. Todd Callender: Well, I'll tell you what my concern on that one Dr. Merritt has some information on this, is that the sterility compounds they put in these shots are contagious. So for instance, if you had unprotected sex with a vaccinated person and you have also gotten these very same sterility compounds and, and perhaps would pass those on to others as well.
Esq. Todd Callender: So I think there will be a premium to people who didn't get the shots and who didn't have sexual intercourse or exchange of other bodily fluids. Maybe it's a, a blood transfusion, you know, whatever. There, there will be a premium very clearly for people that, that want to remain human and give birth to human kids.
Esq. Todd Callender: No doubt.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and even if it doesn't change their genes, just the fact that these lipid nano particles are causing sterility, they're causing. [00:38:00] Seem to be causing brain fog seem to be causing all these problems. I mean that That's one part of it. Yes. And there's the other part of the gene, the gene therapy gene changing your genome.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's just Yes.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Can you talk a little about your Five Small Stones Project? I love that name. I.
Esq. Todd Callender: Sure. So the, the whole concept came from our, our case Robert v whereby we filed suit late August and within a day. We were snowed, we were just buried by service members coming to us looking for help. How do I get outta the shots?
Esq. Todd Callender: What can I do? I mean, the phones and the emails. It was, it was absolute insanity. And no matter how much we worked, no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't get to 'em. Also, my law partner Dave Wilson, said, you know, let's just make some templates. And we drafted up some templates for people and we published them on on VAX [00:39:00] Choice.
Esq. Todd Callender: And sure enough, all the service members yourself included a couple hundred thousand like you downloaded forms and, and started sharing and collaborating with each other and filing your own cases. One 30 eights and IG complaints, anderberg notices, exemptions. And papered the holy hell out of the d d and it grounded the DOD to alt.
Esq. Todd Callender: So we, we looked at that and said, wow, you know, we could do this on a, on a broader scale. And so we rolled out the Five Small Stones Initiative, which is a self-help pro se. Website with a bunch of lawyers, doctors nurses, paralegals and pro se litigants all getting together. It's like you know, kind of a marketplace of pro se litigation where there are templates there for people to download and use for themselves.
Esq. Todd Callender: We offer some training videos, some symposiums, opportunity to collaborate and, and advice how to go about do it. And I'm really pleased to see that people are actually doing that. People are downloading FOIA requests. Their own federal or, or state [00:40:00] lawsuits and, and, and fighting for themselves. And I think that's it, doctor.
Esq. Todd Callender: The, the salvation for our species is people standing up and fighting for themselves. Whether they get tossed out from court is almost material. It's the act of standing up and asserting your rights to have your day in court. That counts.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That that's wonderful. I love it cuz it's you, you have made a gym that people can go strengthen their spine and learn how to stand erect.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Oh, that's good. I like that. Make their spine steal. I, I love it.
Esq. Todd Callender: Well, I like that a lot. And by the way, not everybody has to go to court. You know, a lot of those things that we put together. We're administrative. So like our service members that, that filed their IG complaints and Article 1 38, those are administrative complaints.
Esq. Todd Callender: You don't have to go get in front of a judge. It's just, you know, it's like filing a whistleblower action. And people did that, and that means that the other side actually has to respond. The act of causing them to go and respond is by itself a win. [00:41:00] So yes, strengthening the spine, strengthen the brain too.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Because I listened to this rabbi and he had said that in the Hebrew, when Noah got onto the the arc, it said that he entered on the bone of the day, and that's not a time of day that's supposed to symbolize the erectus of the spine and the strength of the spine and how it took strength to go up there, even though he was being ridiculed by everyone around him.
Esq. Todd Callender: How cool. I had not heard that before. Lovely. I'm gonna keep that the, the bone of the day. I'm gonna remember what that means. Otherwise, my dogs are gonna be jealous.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. So it's that. And, and Jordan Peterson talks about this also, that when you lift weights, when you say no, when you do things that you're not used to doing, you change your neurochemistry, you change your biochemistry, you change your whole life.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You express different parts of your DNA that weren't expressed before. Your bones become stronger, your muscles are stronger, your neuroreceptors are stronger, and you are [00:42:00] able to do more.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah, that's for sure. That certainly showed in your case, doc, you've been going hard now. I mean, for a couple of years at least.
Esq. Todd Callender: It's really been quite miraculous and, and fun and inspiring to me. The guy got me
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: started on this by eating meat first. When I stumbled across eating meat only, I was like, I was in a daze and confused and this is about a month or two before covid and I was just like in a cloud. And then I started eating that and I was like, God, you got this.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I'm gonna listen to you every time now. I did pretty good before, but I'm gonna do even better. Yeah. That's cool. Very cool. Is there any pro se arguments that you have or could you, could y'all make some, I don't wanna, you know, Charge you with something that I know you're very, very busy with talking to or going to commanders and holding them personally responsible for, let's say religious accommodation denials, or for commanders or doctors specifically.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I'd really love to see something for doctors to go after them for [00:43:00] denial of medical exemptions. Like let's say the general who's also a doctor who happened to revoke all of the medical exemptions.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah. Well, let's start there. You know, they are also licensed and you can go and make a grievance against their license.
Esq. Todd Callender: So Barry in mind here that the Secretary of Defense's order actually said an authorized an FDA-approved vaccine. There is none in so much that the day that Kati was approved, the marketing was revoked and never once anywhere on any US military installation was any service member offered Koi, meaning the US version.
Esq. Todd Callender: There was some. German made or, or Belgian made version. It was not US compliant that went to a Coast Guard station in Alaska. But for the, the D O D employees, nobody was ever offered anyone because it doesn't exist. It never did exist. So start with your commander and saying, okay, [00:44:00] provide me the, the vial.
Esq. Todd Callender: Show me the ko. It, it doesn't exist. They can't do it, and therefore, How is it that you think you're going to come after me for not following a law? And I would, I would suggest that the, the commanding officer is actually making an illegal order, and I would make a complaint. I would grieve them. I would file my 1 38 against them.
Esq. Todd Callender: The other part is that, you know, lawyers, for example, whether JAG officers have a, have an obligation to uphold the law. Like the officers do the sworn to the constitution. And I think there are lots of different processes by which you have the ability to actually make a grievance, start your paper trail, start your paper fight, and just like the service members, you know, did to stop the d o d for many more.
Esq. Todd Callender: Come around express and use your rights all the time. Just because you're the service doesn't mean you gave up your rights cuz you didn't, you're not owned. Your constitutional rights continue. So use them, [00:45:00] express them, and assert them in all cases.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And you know what? The whole Five Stones project that you have it, you know, this is the devil's advocate in me just asking some questions that I, I'm sure you have the answer for.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, you know I, I can't do that. It's, it's too overwhelming. I'm not a lawyer. I can't do it. Now, sir, aren't there specific benefits to not being a lawyer when you're doing a pro se argument?
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah. Yeah. There, there are. And, and then you don't need a lawyer. Right? The courts weren't created for lawyers.
Esq. Todd Callender: The courts were created for people to solve their grievances peacefully. To avoid shootouts and, and, you know, fights. They're people's courts, they're not, they're not for lawyers. So get that outta your head first and foremost. And, and you're absolutely right. Pro se lit against are provided assistance from the judges as it relates to procedural issues because the first and foremost point of the court, Is to give people an opportunity and a forum to settle their grievances.
Esq. Todd Callender: [00:46:00] So we as lawyers are held to a very high standard in terms of something called the rules of civil procedure. If we don't do things exactly right, judges can kick it out on their own initiative or upon a motion to dismiss. However, when, when a pro se litigant is in front of the the court, the presumption by the judge must be that you get your day in court, irrespective of who's on the other side.
Esq. Todd Callender: And so when there are procedural challenges, the the courts have an obligation to really rule and the light most favorable to you, the light most likely to give you your opportunity to have your day in court for your case to be hurt.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So what you're saying is don't be afraid to go look at these documents to do these things because the judge will help you. It's his obligation duty to help you.
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah, and, and they won't take an active rule in it. What they'll, what they'll do is give you some guidance in their minute orders or just rule in, in your favor.
Esq. Todd Callender: If it's not, you know, if it's not a [00:47:00] meritorious, you know, motion to dismiss, for example but there are clerks there that will help you as well. And our, our five small stones has people on standby, and we'll help people there too. Also, bear in mind, this is not an all or none quotient. You can start small.
Esq. Todd Callender: Start by writing letters, start by filing administrative complaints. You can start by filing what are called inspector general complaints if you work in any government office. Even some companies that, that are agents effectively for the government, you can file inspector general complaints, go to people's regulatory bodies.
Esq. Todd Callender: If, if the hospitals have been, you know, killing one of your loved ones, go to the hospital regulator, fire your administrative complaints. If a doctor's screwing up, you
Esq. Todd Callender: know, go against them and their medical boards, open investigations anywhere you can, especially if your rights are being violated. File a complaint with a E E O C, right?
Esq. Todd Callender: People don't seem to understand that disability, for example, if you're being discriminated against because you're disabled and it's remarkably easy to be, [00:48:00] the E E O C has an obligation to go and investigate that, even where it's a third party, not, not necessarily your employer. Maybe it's a food store maybe it's a, a government agency or maybe it's a school, you know, people have rights and the E E O C is tasked with enforcing those rights. So start there. Start small if you need to.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I also wanna encourage the listener, if you haven't listened to the episode to do with Ben Carlisle, please go back and listen to that. Especially for the civilians, because they can, they have certain legal purview that they have, right? So they, if your employer made you take the shot, he's trying to use that, that angle or that legal argument that if the employer had you take the shot, the employer is responsible for any injuries that have occurred.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And he's arguing those cases in New York. Yeah. And if you don't, beautiful. If you're not in New York, reach out to him and see if he knows a lawyer where you are, cuz he's trying to make a network.
Esq. Todd Callender: That's beautiful. That's absolutely right. In fact, that was one of [00:49:00] the papers that we had on Back's Choice was a a liability assumption agreement that people could download and give to their employer.
Esq. Todd Callender: You know, you want me to take the shot boss? Okay, here, here's the agreement. You sign on here where you're gonna take care of my family and you're gonna pay my disability and everything else if I take this shot. It's a brilliant strategy,
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: and I would argue because they're both under e u a, that you can use that same paper line out shot and put in mask.
Esq. Todd Callender: You bet. Yep. Well, I'm, you know, masks are, are probably both e u a and investigational new medical devices. Right? It's, it's, it's all force. There is no standing, there is no standards to required. It's, it's absolutely a joke.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, sir, I wanna respect your time and I, I greatly appreciate every conversation I get to have with you.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your time. I'll put a link down at the bottom where people can get to the five small stones. Is there any, anything else you wanna leave us with?
Esq. Todd Callender: Yeah, [00:50:00] I, I think it's really important, particularly for your, your audience. I keep, you know, trying to impart the people that this really is about humanity and it, it takes us all coming together, putting aside our differences, whatever those may be.
Esq. Todd Callender: And I understand it's hard when you see people flooding across the border. You know, we we're losing our country, but we gotta get past that because we're not just losing our country folks, we're losing our species. This is an extinction level event, and it's gonna take all of us as humans uniting together to stop this if we're all stuck in, in this mode of us versus them black versus white Americans versus whoever else, you know?
Esq. Todd Callender: Th those are divi divisive tools to make sure that we're all dead. We gotta get over that. Get to know these people. Help 'em if you can, they'll help you. And we've, we've just gotta come together. Humanity has to come together, doctor.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you. God bless. And we'll be praying for you and your family. [00:51:00]
Esq. Todd Callender: Thank you.
Esq. Todd Callender: God bless, doc.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there in due to uniform of the day, the full armor of God, let's all make courage more contagious than fear.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I recently got a new affiliate. It's Harvest Wright and Freeze Dryer. I've been using them since 2016. It's a great way to preserve food for long periods of time. Up to 25 years of stored properly. Please take a look at it. Use the link below. Thank you.