The Man Warrior King Podcast

Want to know what the Lord is speaking to men of his church RIGHT NOW? This is it. Do not abandon your purpose. Don't let the care of the world sneak in and steal your focus and your determination to be and do who and what called has specifically designed you for. Go. Run. Don't hold back.

Show Notes

Want to know what the Lord is speaking to men of his church RIGHT NOW? This is it. Do not abandon your purpose. Don't let the care of the world sneak in and steal your focus and your determination to be and do who and what called has specifically designed you for. Go. Run. Don't hold back.

If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

Visit the Man Warrior King store for additional resources and trainings:
  • Man:Conqueror - Your guide to building confidence, the kingdom way.
  • Husband:Rebuilt - How to stop pushing your wife away and start attracting her again.
  • Take Back Your Marriage - Overthrow the myths that the church has accidentally passed on to us men that have kept us spinning our wheels in building a fiery, passionate, fulfilling marriage.

Creators & Guests

Matt Hallock
Founder of Man Warrior King and author of The DNA of a Man

What is The Man Warrior King Podcast?

You want to live a life on fire and on mission.

You want to be filled with such conviction and drive that you stop caring about what ANYone thinks.

You want to face each day alive, authentic, and fully present in every moment: with your wife, kids, on the street, at the gym, at work.

You want to bring yourSELF to the table, and to stop bringing the watered-down, nice, what everyone wants version of you.

You want that self to be a man who is burning in passion for Jesus, unafraid to bring his kingdom to anyone in your path, no matter the cost.

You want to love the one in front of you without fear, without needing love back, and without reserve.

You want to experience God for real, to not just believe, but to KNOW that he’s got you and that he’ll show up on your behalf. That he’ll show up THROUGH you.

You want to get to the end of your race and say, “Yep…I gave it everything. Jesus, you know I’m all in.”

...And you want to know just how to get there.

Welcome to Man Warrior King. Congratulations. You are among the violent taking the kingdom by force. You are among the chosen, answering the call to rise above your self. You are in the forge being stripped down and strengthened—and you WILL rise stronger, solid, unshakeable.

You are a man. You are a warrior. You are a king.

Good afternoon and welcome to another episode of the man warrior king podcast. I'm your host, Matt Hallock. I'm the founder of man warrior king.
I'm the author of the DNA of a man. And it has been a long time since we've done a podcast episode and that is changing.
I was praying to the Lord and asking him what he wanted his men to hear today. I was asking, what is it that they are needing?
What is it that you are needing in your life right now? Because what I believe is that the gospel that the kingdom, that the activity of Jesus and the holy spirit in our lives is not just for the spiritual benefit of ourselves someday in heaven.
It's not just to make us holy and moral beings. It's not just to let us go to church, the power of the gospel, the power of the kingdom, the power of the spirit, seeing Jesus at work alive in our lives.
It is meant to reach in and completely transform our physical, natural practical lives. So I wanted to hear from the Lord what he has on his heart for his men, something that would change their day, something that would change your day.
And what I heard from him was that was that we are not taking seriously, our God-given identity. And that can mean either a lot to someone or like nothing to someone who was like, what the heck does that mean?
How is that helpful? I believe that every single one of us has a very intentional design because God has very intentional desires for us.
He has a unique purpose that each of us are meant to fulfill. Is it a guarantee that we will do that?
Absolutely not. If you think that you were going to fulfill your God's purpose for your life automatically on autopilot, you are sadly mistaken.
See what sometimes happens is we have this stinking, poisonous mindset that says that whatever happens in our life it's God's will God is offering everything that's going on for some higher purpose.
That man, it's a good thing. He's in charge because he's so good and beautiful. So even though everything is all ugly and terrible down here, he knows what he's doing.
And then the end, we're going to see this beautiful tapestry that was woven. Even though some parts of it looked more ugly than others.
I have a problem with that Because you can't convince me that it was God's master plan and intentional design, that you would be a passive man for a large portion of your life, that your marriage would be suffering, that your wife would be crying herself to sleep because she's so alone.
You're telling me that God's offering that. You're telling me that God authors, when men walk out and leave their families, that God authors, when men die and little children lose their dad.
You're telling me that God authors the slavery that goes on in the world today, that he authors the human trafficking that he offers the sex industry and the porn industry.
You're telling me that he authors all of these things. I don't want your faith. So many of us who are listening to this episode, probably don't think all of those things that I just said, but we still think the same theology about our own personal lives.
Whatever's going on in it. God's in control. He knows what he's doing. He's got this and we become passive and inert.
We've stopped taking action. And then we sit on our butts day after day after, day after day. And we think, well, I'm not really sure what God's purpose for my life is.
I know it's to love Jesus and to tell other people about him. Good. Yeah. Excellent. But there's more, that's like the entry level.
That's like the minimum buy-in that everybody's issued automatically when you come into the kingdom. Okay. Now here your purpose. No, Jesus be known by him.
Tell others about him, but we don't stay there at the entry gate. There's an entire kingdom, an entire territory. That's waiting for you to go take dominion over.
So don't stay at entry level when you're called to be a king and as a king, under the headship of the king, you have a unique purpose, a unique destiny, a unique design, that it is your responsibility to find out and to fulfill.
Does that mean that you're alone in this? Absolutely not. The holy spirit partners with us. He reveals all things to us.
And when we seek his face, we will find his face. When we ask the Lord, God, what is it that you have for me to do?
He will answer you. I just watched while he answered many men immediately two days ago, for some, he didn't answer immediately, but he will in the coming days, But you need this gentlemen.
You need God to show you who you are meant to be in the world. Because if you're not being that, then what are you even doing?
Surviving, struggling to get by building an empire that will crumble when you die. It says in one of the Corinthians, if I'm not mistaken that everybody, all of us, the work of our hands, we are building something.
And in the end, it's going to be tested by fire. And so what we build is either made out of wood, hay and stubble or gold, is it gold, silver, and precious jewels or something like that.
Not everything that you are doing in your life is going to is passed the test at the end. Does it mean that you're going to be saved?
It says so. Yes, those. So some will be saved even if they're fire, but I want the stuff that I put my hand to in this life now to last into the next life, to survive the fire of God's judgment and to be found, to be pure, to be gold, to be precious jewels, to be something of value.
And if you want to know what's going to last, and then it's time for you to seek God and ask him, what is my purpose?
Who am I in this earth? And I'm talking more than just a son, more than just a king. Who are you uniquely?
What is your destiny right now? Some of you might in the wrong job. Some of you might be in the wrong the right job, but with the wrong perspective, with the wrong heart, the wrong goals For some of you may have nothing to do with your job.
And it may have more to do with what you do in your free time. When God's speaking to you, I want you to rent out a room in the community center and hold healing services there for the community.
And you're not. In Matthew chapter 13. Jesus gives us the parable of the sower. And you guys know this parable where he's saying is he says that a farmer goes out and sow seeds.
And the seed falls on four different types of soil. Some seeds fell along the path and the birds came and they ate the seeds.
Now there's fell on Rocky ground where they didn't have much soil. And immediately they spring up since they had no depth of soil.
But when the sun rose, they were scorched. And since they had no root, they withered other seeds fell among thorns.
So we have the path where the birds got them. We have the Rocky ground where the sun scorches them. We have the thorny ground where they're just choked out by all the weeds and thorns and whatnot.
And other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain. Some a hundred fold, some 60, some 30. He who has ears.
Let him hear. When I was a child in Sunday school, my well-meaning Sunday school teachers never taught me the depth of this thing.
I always thought that this was about salvation and how basically 25% of the world that hears the gospel would come to know Jesus and the rest of the other 75, the other three types of soil were basically going to reject the gospel and not follow Jesus and go to hell someday.
I don't believe this is accurate. Because when Jesus explains He says that when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, When anyone used the word of the kingdom.
I believe we have many, many saved people who don't understand the word of the kingdom. And I don't want to be one of them.
I believe you can have the gospel of salvation and have very little understanding of the gospel of the kingdom. The seed is the word of the kingdom.
The seed is the word of what does it mean to live in God's kingdom as a man on fire, as a king and priest in the earth, establishing dominion on behalf of our father and kicking out Satan and his demons.
This is the word of the kingdom. And the word of the kingdom includes your identity. Who are you? Who are you to become beyond your nine to five survival beyond you're paying the bills And the soil that I want to highlight that I want for you and me to be careful of, because you want to know why, because I've been this soil lately and I'm sick of it.
The soil that I want to highlight Is the soil that's in the thorns. Jesus says in Matthew 13, verse 22, as for the seed of the kingdom, that was sown among the thorns.
This is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and it proves unfruitful.
Now let's get some misunderstanding out of the way. Immediately. This verse is not saying anybody who is seeking to make money and to make more than enough to get by is this kind of soil succumbing to the deceitfulness of riches and rejecting the seed of the kingdom.
That's not this It's when It's, when you become so consumed with it. Like he says the cares of the world with getting your bills paid, taking care of the mortgage, getting out of debt, getting your house fixed, getting your car fixed, getting a new car advancement solely for the sake of advancement.
When you become consumed with that, and it causes you to neglect the seed of the kingdom, that God is trying to speak over you.
That God is trying to tell you, Matt, this is who you are. Follow me. If you're cares about everything that's going on in your life, that needs your attention and that you should rightly pursue to fix and bring order and design an en and character into what would otherwise be.
Chaos, poverty, unpaid bills, sing. If all of that is moving you to abandon the pursuit that I've put in front of you to do because of who I've made you to be.
Then that's not O K C. Some of you have heard the Lord speak to you that you are meant to be a corporate CEO, but you have rejected him because you think that you're, that that ministry is the more holy calling.
Some of you have heard the Lord speak to you that you need to not be in corporate America. You need to become a public school teacher, but you've rejected it because of what the pay cut might mean.
Some of you have heard the Lord tell you that you aren't supposed to be in ministry, but you have not done a thing about it because you don't think you could do it.
You don't think you're qualified. You think that's just the arrogant. You wanting to be more important than you really are.
And instead, it's the holy spirit in you telling you this is who I've made you to be at. Will you step into it or will you not?
There are some of you who are building businesses, who are entrepreneurs out there, and it's just not working because you're trying to follow all of the right and good and effective strategies, principles, tactics for building and business, for marketing, for sales, for all of that.
And you're not listening to the voice of God, Because even though with your lips, you might say that God has an excellent businessman with your actions.
You show the world that, that you don't believe it. You don't believe that if you let yourself be a supernatural entrepreneur, if you let yourself be a spirit led businessman, if you let yourself conduct business prophetically, hearing from the father and speaking it and acting it into being some of you don't think that that would amount to anything in you'd fail, and God would let you down.
So the cares of the world are actually causing us to neglect our identity. And maybe your identity has nothing to do with your vocation.
Maybe your identity is as a protector and a transformer of your family. And I don't just mean your kids and your wife.
I mean your extended family. I mean your brothers and sisters, your parents, your, your, your aunts and uncles, your cousins.
I mean, you all have this family. God's saying, I want you to be the leader and you have no idea how to do that, where that, where to begin.
And it brings up all of this past garbage, all of this emotional muck that you don't even want to begin to have to deal with.
And it's too intimidating. It's too much for you. And you probably weren't even hearing God. Anyway. That's just you being arrogant, thinking that you have anything to offer.
Can you relate to what I'm telling you? And if you can, it's time to step out of that thinking and into the good soil thinking You see this past year, the business and marketing world has been somewhat turned on its head because of some changes that happened with different tech companies and social media networks and how their advertising worked.
And it grinded my marketing to a halt in my, because I want to be honest with you. I am not a marketer.
I am a prophetic man. I am a minister. I am a prophet, am a teacher who is learning business and learning marketing.
And so when things changed my, the growth of man warrior king slowed sales stopped, and I dealt with these thoughts.
I dealt with these thoughts of I can't in right conscience, pursue this right now. If it's, if it's, I need to spend all my time on what will pay And The Lord is showing me right now, Matt, you need to step deeper into who I've called you to be and watch while I bring the increase in the success to your business, Don't go trying to secure yourself to find other means to pay the bills at the cost of what I've called you to do.
Will you respond even in the face of all the thoughts that say that it's arrogant, that it's irresponsible, that God doesn't think at quite so highly.
See, I've heard the Lord speak to me telling me that he wants me to be a prophetic entrepreneur to do business.
According to what I hear from his voice. And in years past, I heard him tell me, I've called you to be a prophet to the nations.
Now I'm not sitting here trying to say that I am this official for office of profit or whatever that, that, you know, you should call me prophet mad or anything like that.
That's not what I'm trying to say in, in any way, by any means. What I am saying is that God gave me a mission.
He's given me a purpose. He's given me an identity. And it is as a man who hears his heart and who speaks it to the world who communicates the transforming gospel of the kingdom to the hearts of men.
So I am somebody who, when I, when I have an idea of what content to put out there, I offer it before the Lord And he changes it or confirms it or denies it or whatever.
And then we go, it doesn't mean that I'm just, I'm just without any choice in the matter. And he's moving my mouth.
It means that I have a fire burning in me, just like it says about Jeremiah, that, that his word, that God's word in him in Jeremiah was like a fire burning inside his bones.
And he couldn't hold it in any longer. Uh, that might've been David. Now I'm getting it confused. Jeremiah says that your word is like a fire.
And this people as the wood, it consumes, it might be David who says that his word was inside him. And it was shut up in his bones and he couldn't hold it in any longer.
Now, I don't remember when that doesn't matter. This is who God has called me to be. And when I get caught up in the marketing and the web design and the sales page design and the funnel building and the software systems to implement and all of that, that's not me operating in my optimal identity.
Do I need to learn these things? Yeah. Am I a believer in self improvement and personal development? 100%. In fact earlier in my life, I wasn't, and I should have been because we need to get our butts in gear.
We need to get our act together. We need to know how to work on ourselves. And we need to know that it's more important to work on ourselves than it is to work on our job.
So I believe in all of this stuff, I don't believe in putting out a half-assed piece of work, just because I'm in ministry, I'm called to teach.
I'm called to be a prophetic voice in the earth. And I don't have to put out a quality product or quality service.
That's garbage. That's not the kingdom. But what I'm saying is that I have allowed my identity and gifting too much to go by the wayside because I've had to focus on the marketing or the tech, and I'm not willing to do that anymore.
I'm not willing to stifle who I'm supposed to be, because I'll tell you what, gentlemen, when you do it in one area, it has a readout in every area of your life.
It makes you walk into Middleby and lack of confidence. It makes you walk in pacivity and apology. It sucks. The vitality and the joy and the drive out of you.
When you're in your home with your family, with your wife and you're communicating now your communication doesn't bring life. It brings heaviness and death because you are rejecting yourself daily stop.
I want to remind you gentlemen, to grab your copy of the DNA of a man. It's at man warrior N a.
The book is life changing. I'm getting reports from men who tell me that it has revolutionized the way they see themselves, the way they see God, the way they see their wives and their marriages.
Make sure you pick up the book coming down the pike. We have a few offers that are going to be opening up to you, gentlemen.
And I'm going to tell you more about it in the coming days. One of them is my one-on-one unshakable man coaching offer that is available to you right now.
The other is the monthly membership, the ranks of a doula or the men in there are going after complete and total life transformation with weekly meetings, a private network building relationship, walking with each other, through the thick and thin.
We've got an exciting group transformation program coming up here in the next couple of weeks. I'm going to tell you more about, but not yet for now.
I want you to grab the book, the DNA of a man. You won't regret it. I love you. Jesus loves you.
Talk to you soon.