The Unqualified Culinary Critics

Victoria reveals more about her background and food experiences.

Show Notes

Victoria reveals more about her background and food experiences. 

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The Unqualified Culinary Critics is a podcast that centers around young adults discussing food and culture.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hello, we're the unqualified culinary critics a podcast centered around food and cultural experiences. We want to not only share our own perspectives, but hope that these stories connect in some way to each one of you as well. And on

Unknown Speaker 0:13
today's episode, we have a new host that I'd like to introduce to you. She will be joining the unqualified culinary critics and her name is Victoria and today she is going to talk to us about her upbringing and her life. So take it away.

Unknown Speaker 0:30
All right, hello, everybody. Victoria, like Ciara told y'all. So I am a first gen Mexican American. So I grew up eating Mexican food. My mom was a stay at home mom, so she would cook all the time, you know, so I never really grew up like eating fast foods or anything like that. Like the first time I ever had in and out. I was probably 16. Like, yeah, if anything she Yeah, my mom would always cook so we'd always have that. And yeah, we just my mom, like I just I don't know how to cook. So I just would eat whatever my mom would make, you know, the traditional Mexican dishes like bussola tamale is more or less PPN. Like all that sort of stuff. I'm not really a picky eater, either. So I tend to eat whatever. I'm the type of person who like I will literally try anything once. And then from there, if I like it, I'll keep eating it. And if not, I will never touch it again. And like for the most part, I like I said, I'll eat just about anything. The only thing is that as I've gotten older, I have unfortunately become lactose intolerant. So there's certain dairy foods that I can't eat anymore. I was also a victim of COVID. So it really really the only reason I'm mentioning this is because it has really messed up my sense of taste and smell even two years after I got it. I can't eat red meat anymore. Like whether it's beef pork. I never really ate pork to begin with anyway, like my mom always cooked like very healthy foods. So she would rarely make dishes with pork. It was mostly just chicken and beef. But yeah, but because of COVID I can't eat like beef or pork anymore. It literally tastes like raw, putrid, rotten meat. Like it tastes so bad. So that's I guess that's what I like the foods that I don't like I can't eat hamburgers anymore. Just some foods that I avoid would be like anything with red meat. I can still eat chicken because it's pretty bland, you know, chicken. But yeah, and like growing up my mom, she took a lot of like health classes or like healthy food, how to cook healthy food and that sort of stuff. So even with some of our traditional Mexican dishes, she will still try and make them healthier. So she might not use like pork fat instead, she'll use like some sort of substitute. Like I said she never really cooked pork anyway. And yeah, we just my mom tries to be healthy. So we have always like it with everything. We always eat vegetables even with rice. Um, yeah, I guess that's basically like the basics of my food taste.

Unknown Speaker 3:03
So you said that you don't really cook don't really know how do you ever want to learn? Or is it just something that it's not really what you want to do?

Unknown Speaker 3:14
I want to will I know I am a really bad cook. Like I literally am the type of person to burn water. Like that's just how bad I am. I have I mean, I know how to do basic stuff like how to fry an egg how to like make rice. The thing is that because of COVID it has messed up my tastebuds so badly that like even if I do try to cook I'm like, does this even taste right? Because most things don't taste like they should anymore. Like they tastes kind of off. And I've just like I've gotten to the point where I'm just used to things not tasting right? But it's like so I'll still eat it even though I'm like, Oh, this doesn't taste like it should but if I try and make food for other people, they're gonna be like what, you know, like, what, what is this? Like, that's why like, I'm also kind of scared to cook now because I don't know if it has enough salt. I don't know if it has enough like, if it tastes right or not. I have noticed though, like, the longer it's been like, the more my taste buds kind of come back but they're like very, very slowly coming back. Like they're like tomatoes for like the last two years have been tasting like dirt to me, but recently they've been tasting a lot better like they've been tasting a little more normal. So it's like my taste buds are coming back but it's very slow and very frustrating. So it makes it hard to cook because it's like I don't know if what I'm cooking is good or not because it doesn't taste normal to me.

Unknown Speaker 4:31
Are there any things that you cannot taste at all? Um, or just what else tastes different?

Unknown Speaker 4:39
Well, it's not that things don't have a taste is that they don't taste like they should like I'm trying to like I said tomatoes tastes like dirt for for a while eggs were tasting really bad too. Like I couldn't eat eggs but that's like another taste but that like has come back where like eggs are fine now. Yeah, it's just so many like weird things to like bleach smells like fake, like, you know, like those fake like, those artificial like cherry flavors type of stuff is not like that. So it's just like really weird like taste buds and smell going on right here right now.

Unknown Speaker 5:15
And you mentioned you are lactose intolerant? Yes. Does that affect a lot of what you eat? Or do you put like substitutes in there?

Unknown Speaker 5:24
So with that, like, I do not drink milk, because that's like the thing that affects me the most. It's weird. It's like levels to it because it's like, I'm fine with like yogurt and cheese. As long as it's not too much cheese. And then ice cream and milk will take me out. So when it comes to that sort of stuff, I'll like like milk. I don't drink it. I will use substitutes. Like I for the most part. I use oat milk, but like I said, in another episode, like I feel like oat milk always like overpowers everything. So I've been trying to find like different alternatives. Because like, I really I like I love matcha lattes, like anything. Matcha that's like much is always good. Yeah. And like, I hate how, like, I'll go and get a substitute, like I'll put in, like oat milk instead. And I can't even taste the matcha and you know much is a powerful tastes so yeah, I'll drink like oat milk, almond milk. I try not to drink almond milk that much just because like I know it's not very, like environmentally friendly. Because almonds take up like a lot of water. Yeah. Yeah. So I try not to drink that. But like, I feel like it's the most neutral tasting alternative that I've tried. Soy milk. I don't really drink soy milk. But yeah,

Unknown Speaker 6:38
it's good, but it's sweet. Yeah, so it I would be like, picky on what I mix it with.

Unknown Speaker 6:44
Yeah, I want to try different alternatives I saw I don't know if they have it here or not. But I saw that in Europe. They're doing like pistachio milk now, I think I've heard about Yeah, and I'm like, I want to try that. I love stashes make milk out of anything. Yeah. Coconut milk, coconut milk, something else out. Like I'll drink a lot of two.

Unknown Speaker 7:02
Yeah. Then you favorite kind of milk alternative?

Unknown Speaker 7:06
Um, maybe brands?

Unknown Speaker 7:08
I can't think we honestly like we just buy what basically everything at Costco. So it's all like the Kirkland Villa brands. Okay. Yeah. So it's like those types of brands for like everything. Would almond milk be your favorite? Honestly, I think coconut milk. Yeah, because I actually I really like coconut. So. Yeah, I know. You said you didn't like it, but I don't.

Unknown Speaker 7:28
But it depends because to me, it's an extremely like strong taste. So if I eat it with ice, like with eat ice cream with coconut milk, I can't even taste ice cream anymore. It's awkward. And I

Unknown Speaker 7:42
see I don't I can't taste it like that. And I don't know if it's like the COVID taste buds or, like my rice because even before I had COVID Like I was fine with it. I think it's just because I like coconut.

Unknown Speaker 7:53
Is there a particular dish that your mom cooked? That's your favorite?

Unknown Speaker 7:56
Yes. I love she makes um thought about the arrows so they're like basically like these rice patties that she makes in like a stew and they're so good like, I love them because they're like chewy but also like they're just so good and like for my birthday one year I asked her to make them and I remember in the family group chat she like sent a picture she's like this is what the birthday girl wanted. Like my theists were roasting me for that because they're like it's such a simple dish but I'm like it's so good and I really love that and then I love her like albondigas too so a lot of places are a lot of people in Mexico will make albondigas using beef and I did not know that was a thing until I was like a little until I was like a teenager because my mom always made them with chicken like growing up she always like I said like my mom tries to cook healthier social make. She'll substitute chicken with a lot of like different beefs when it's supposed to be beef or pork or something like that and like the other one the guys were one of those where I didn't know that there's like other options like people use V for those I was in shock which I really shouldn't have been because they're literally just meat balls so but yeah and like I also grew up going back and forth between living here and in Mexico so like it's really different like going to other countries and tasting their foods because their ingredients like you can make the exact same dish but it'll like tastes so much different like especially over there with dairy so my my Thiele had a cow's when we were when I was living in Mexico and we were literally just go over to his house and like get like a cup with like the chocolate powder. And he'd be like, give us milk straight from the odor.

Unknown Speaker 9:33
That's insane. Yeah. Also, I think in America, too. We don't have a lot of the restrictions on things that go in our foods. Yeah, that a lot of other countries do.

Unknown Speaker 9:44
Yeah, yeah. And you can like I went to Europe this summer, and it was so crazy like seeing their ingredients list not be as long as ours for like they're like even further junk food. I was just like, what?

Unknown Speaker 9:57
Crazy. Yeah. How do you feel a About, I don't know how many you've been to or like if you have any recommendations or ones that are your favorite but Mexican restaurants here or anywhere else that you may have grown up in the US see,

Unknown Speaker 10:12
it's really like when people ask me this, I never know how to answer because like I said, my mom's like a stay at home mom, she would always cook for us. So if I wanted Mexican food, I just go to your mother. Yeah, it's just there. So um, it's kind of like, I rarely go out to eat Mexican food. Like if I'm gonna go out to eat. I'm not going to eat something that I already have at home, you know? So like, I haven't really been to too many places. But I've went to um, what is it that best tackles a few, like days ago, that place was pretty good. I think that was on Charleston and like Fremont. Something like that. Yeah, that place was good. We get the cassava ureas. That food trucks all the time, though. Like, I feel like the best places here are the food. For Mexican food. It's the food trucks. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 10:56
well, yeah. Because it's not like all that watered down, like random stuff that they market is being like genuine Mexican food. Yeah, it's like,

Unknown Speaker 11:05
you get like the actual, like, people who grew up with it like me. Yeah, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 11:10
that's exactly that's the real stuff. How many you said that you didn't go to in and out until you were like, 16? Yeah. Have you ever tried any other fast food chains? Yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 11:21
um, I mean, my mom would take us to like McDonald's every once in a while. And it was only because we wanted to go play in the like, play ping not because we actually wanted the food. So like, yeah, if I had McDonald's, I've had like, Burger King. I've never had like Carl's Jr. or Jack in the Box, or like, I don't know, like those random like chain restaurants. And like Applebee's, like that sort of stuff. Like I've been to like Olive Garden, like, once. Yeah. So it's like, I don't really I don't really eat out often. Like, it wasn't until I got to college, where I was like actually eating at other places. Like I've had Taco Bell once. And it was in the student union at UNLV. So like, yeah, like, I'm very privileged and very blessed that like, my mom cooks at home, or like, we always have leftovers too. So it's like, even if she doesn't cook like we'll just eat that. And then like, because we're Mexican. And we have very big portions. So we always have a lot of food. So it's like, I don't go out. And like I said, I don't go out unless I'm going to eat something that I can't get at home. Yeah. Like, I'm pretty lucky with that.

Unknown Speaker 12:24
And I honestly, I will say leftovers tastes so good. Yes. Like, I can't help it. People who don't eat leftovers are weird, but I love leftovers. Yeah, like

Unknown Speaker 12:36
they sometimes they taste even better when it's leftover, like leftover menu though, like, I know, there's a lot of mixed reactions about manual though. But like I love manual, though. And then when it's leftover, it's even better so

Unknown Speaker 12:48
well, and home cooked meals too. I don't know why, but they just taste a lot better. Yeah. Especially. Yeah, because I mean, restaurants pump out 10 bowls that stuff a day. So it's probably not Yeah, as carefully, meticulously done. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 13:03
I'm kind of curious to know, have you been to a restaurant here in the valley or anywhere else? And is it kind of come to the same standards as the way your mom would cook it and it's up to you, if you don't want to really answer him? I hope I asked it properly.

Unknown Speaker 13:16
Um, no, that's a very good question. So no, like I've never like, it's not that they're bad. But it's like, you can't compare your mom's cooking. If your mom's a good cook, you can't compare your mom's cooking to anywhere else. My mom's a very good cook. So I was lucky with that too. But it's also because I think so many places here are aren't from like, where my family's from. So my family's from Jalisco. Um, and a lot of I feel like there's a lot of Mexican places here who are from like, the city like Mexico City, and like, just like Budongo or like random places. Um, so like, even though we have the same dishes, like they're going to be so different, so distinct, because it's like a regional thing. Like, even within my family, like my mom, my parents are literally from like, the towns they're, they're from different towns, but they're like two towns away, like they're still in the same region. Still the same states still everything, but the way that like my mom cooks is so different from the way that might the US cook in from like my paternal Theosophic because like, they just use different ingredients, even if it's the exact same food they use different ingredients, different techniques, like it's so interesting. But yeah, and then it also like the fact that my mom like I said, tries to make food healthier and she uses like weird substitutes. Sometimes that comes into play as well. So I feel like the dishes always tastes different just because of that like that alone makes it so much different than like the regular traditional dishes.

Unknown Speaker 14:40
It's good to know and then I know we're talking healthy but got a sweet tooth.

Unknown Speaker 14:44
Yes, a big sweet tooth it's so bad. So like my dad also has a very big sweet tooth so growing up like my parents would like often go to like buy na videos, which is where they send sell like Mexican breads or like Latin type of breads like Latin inspired type breads. So yeah, so we would eat like the contrast the porter Ketos. Like all that, like they have like, these breads, it's basically cake. Like now that I think about it, I'm like, it's just like cake. Like it's like a white sponge cake with like pink frosting and sprinkles and I would devour those as a as a kid. I'm like, that's all I want. I don't even care about any of the questions about anything else. Just give me that little piece of cake.

Unknown Speaker 15:26
That sounds so good. Yeah, any homemade desserts? Did your mom ever do desserts or mainly just like cooking?

Unknown Speaker 15:32
Um, so my mom isn't a big Baker, but like, Okay, I don't know what it is about, like, I don't know if any other culture also has this fascination. But like my mom, and like my Thea. So I'm just gonna say Mexicans in general, are obsessed with gelatin, like with jello, and like that sort of stuff. So my mom would make like, like, healthy and I was like gelatin all the time. And like, my mom even took classes on how to do like, I don't know, if you guys have ever seen like those gelatins that are like, they're clear. And then they have like flowers in the middle. My mom took classes on how to make those. So we wouldn't eat those all the time, too.

Unknown Speaker 16:09
That's crazy. Were they flavored? Or was it Okay,

Unknown Speaker 16:12
so they so, um, what they would do is like they had like the clear and that like that one didn't have much flavor. But you have to use like, the gelatin that you use inside to make the flower like because it looks like a 3d flower that's flavored and then once you're done with that, you have to seal it with another gelatin. Otherwise it seeps out so like that gelatin would also be flavored like she'd do like, you know, like blueberry, peach, all those weird flavors. Gelatin flavors. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 16:42
I've never tried that. Do you just eat it by itself? Or do you pair it with something?

Unknown Speaker 16:47
Um, usually it's, we've just pair it with like cake. Sometimes like It's like cake ice cream and gelatin. But usually it's just like cake and gelatin for our like, pastries or desserts. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 17:00
So I was just kind of wondering, are you very adventurous besides eating Mexican food that you grew up eating? Like, do you venture out with trying other cuisines? like Chinese food, Italian, etc? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 17:14
So, um, I love like, FAAH and like ramen so much. Like, I'm literally like, after this, I'm gonna go eat pizza. Like, I'm not even joking. But yeah, so like, I love like, try new things. Like I said, I'll try anything once like, I don't care what it is. I'll try it unless it's pork because I don't like pork to begin with. But But yeah, so I've tried like different cuisines like Japanese, cuisines, Korean, like all that sort of stuff. Like even within the like, Latin community. Like I'll try like, like I love booboo sauce there. Salvadoran like those are so good. Like, we have a dish that's kind of similar. They're called Lego to the ethos. And my mom gets so mad because I always say that poopoo sauce are way better, because they are. And I think we just have to accept that. But yeah, like, like I said, I'll try anything. I love seafood too. So like, that stuff doesn't freak me out, either. I'll try it too. I love sushi.

Unknown Speaker 18:11
Yeah. Is there something like a certain dish that you're craving besides far that you have not tried? I know you. You just said you tried for?

Unknown Speaker 18:18
Yeah. Let me think it may take me a second to think of something. You're good. Yeah. Um, I don't know. Like, okay, I'm scared to try this. But I know that like there's like these Japanese dishes where it's like you eat like a live squid or what is it? Like I've seen

Unknown Speaker 18:37

Unknown Speaker 18:38
Yeah. Like, is it? I think it's an octopus or something. And you have to be careful, because it's like, it'll stick to your throat like, I would try that because I love octopus, but I'm like, that's, that's scary. I'm not I'm not gonna do it. But I'm interested. You know,

Unknown Speaker 18:50
what have you eaten that has had octopus? I can ask. Yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 18:55
um, I mean, we like like, we have the cook Baylor's. They come around, which is just like shrimp. Avocado. Like that tomato juice. I don't I forgot what it's called. Like, um, I thought Yeah, that's what it's called. And like it just has a bunch of different like seafood type stuff and has octopus in that so I eat that a lot. Well, I used to I actually became allergic to shrimp. Now that I'm older it's really weird. Like my allergies are weird. Like a delayed allergy. Yeah, yeah. So I can't eat shrimp anymore. And that's literally the only shellfish I'm allergic to now but yeah, and then my mom makes like this. She called it's called like goggle this yet their mottos which is like the seven seas stew and that has octopus in it. It has like octopus, gallop fish like a catfish. Just a bunch of stuff like that. Yeah, I don't shy away from seafood. I know some people don't like it but I am probably going to die from like mercury poison because I eat so much fish.

Unknown Speaker 19:55
Well, I feel like now to fish have become such a huge disk. Question on like the whole fishing thing. So hopefully that gets better. Yeah, but we'll see because our regulations like we talked about really are not doing so hot. Yeah, no. I wonder if there is a place where you can try that like live octopus thing though. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 20:18
it seems like I would never do it because I'm scared to choke. But it's so intriguing to me.

Unknown Speaker 20:24
It does seem a little nerve wracking. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 20:26
I'm like, I'm trying to be adventurous. I don't know if it's that adventurous. To that point. But yeah,

Unknown Speaker 20:32
for I think, especially for maybe like, just people who aren't immersed in that culture. It's such a crazy thing. But who are there like so? What? This is an everyday thing? It's nothing. Yeah, and

Unknown Speaker 20:45
I don't know why. But that was like the first thing that popped into my mind right now is like trying crazy dishes. I just couldn't. I can't think of anything else. I'm like, I'm just so fascinated by that.

Unknown Speaker 20:54
You ever tried? Escar go crepes. No, I

Unknown Speaker 20:56
haven't. That sounds good.

Unknown Speaker 20:58
I would I recommend crepes. Those are good.

Unknown Speaker 21:01
I love crepes. So I'll eat anything.

Unknown Speaker 21:03
Cargo, you know?

Unknown Speaker 21:05
Oh, no, no, they're okay. separate thing. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 21:08
I just wanted to make sure I was like crepes are good, but I don't know about us cars.

Unknown Speaker 21:12
The same way it was. Yeah, I was thinking of.

Unknown Speaker 21:16
Okay, but like, have you tried eschar go? No, I haven't. You know what that is? Yes. Okay, we're not gonna say it here. You look it up people.

Unknown Speaker 21:24

Unknown Speaker 21:25
No, I have it. Yeah. I'm like, I guess there's some like simple things that I still need to try out.

Unknown Speaker 21:31
Yeah. Well, it's like, I've seen people put caviar on like pieces of bread, like low dressing, which is crazy to me fish eggs, you know? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 21:40
Gotta try to see that on TV. And I'm just like, what does that cost though? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 21:45
I know. It's not cheap. Ya know, especially where the fish like what fish you're using? Kind of fishes it sometimes it's a beluga. Okay, which not all so look this up to everybody. But some, some brands don't use like beluga eggs or something which I personally I'm just not going to go for. But yeah, but not just beluga eggs, maybe some other fish eggs too. So like I said, Please do your research before you judge. And I've tried caviar. Not a fan, but I say go for it though.

Unknown Speaker 22:17
Yeah, I definitely want to try it.

Unknown Speaker 22:20
People are so creative with food nowadays. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 22:23
It was so interesting because I went to Barcelona and London this summer. And like obviously they're like Barcelona is like right there right on the coast and London like it's an England and like an island giant island. So like it was really interesting going there and eating there like food because a lot of it is seafood because that's what they have right there. But like the fish tastes so much different than it does here. Just because I felt like it just tasted fresher somehow. Yeah. And it's because like here, I mean, we don't have an ocean Euro. So it's like it's got to be transported. It's like that really does make a difference

Unknown Speaker 22:57
from where yeah, yes. And how long it's been. Yeah, transit.

Unknown Speaker 23:03
Yeah, so it was like interesting eating that and like just it tasted fishier, but not in a bad

Unknown Speaker 23:07
way. Have you been to Hawaii? No, I

Unknown Speaker 23:11
haven't fish there

Unknown Speaker 23:13
is fresh coming because it's you know, Hawaii surrounded by the ocean, the Pacific Ocean so it's fresh to I give that a try as well. Because yeah, different kinds of fish that you don't really see or have had here. Like you can eat salmon but you can't really eat like OPA or I mean, you can get oh no at Costco, but I don't know about oppa like the moon fish. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 23:35
Yeah, I'm sure it's also been like, especially not to judge I love Costco, but it's also a huge corporation. Oh, so it's like, who knows how they actually get that fish. But like in Hawaii, it's probably like straight up the ocean, literally. And then they start making it right there. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 23:52
I recommend the fresher stuff because like I've tried some some fish from Costco, but nothing against Costco, but the fish itself. It's just fishy. And that's just my taste buds don't

Unknown Speaker 24:03
well, and you also could be tasting things way differently because you had COVID too.

Unknown Speaker 24:07
Yeah, well, surprisingly, fish is one of the like, ones that came back. Not normal, but like it's, it's tolerable. It's kind of tasting a little more like fish now. So I'm like, you know, it's a slow it's a slow process, but I'm praying that I get my taste buds completely back someday.

Unknown Speaker 24:26
Is there anything that you have stopped eating because they taste so different now?

Unknown Speaker 24:31
Yeah, me because I can't like read me. I cannot do it. Like, I know. I've talked about it a lot, but it's just that serious. It's really really bad. Like I said, for a while I wasn't eating eggs, either. Tomatoes that's hard to avoid. They're literally in everything. So I'm like, okay, like eating spaghetti. Like it tastes like dirt. But it's okay.

Unknown Speaker 24:50
Yes. Put a bunch of seasoning on it and hope for the best. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 24:54
and it's really weird because one of the ways that like COVID has shifted my tastebuds is that like I didn't really eat spicy Spicy foods before, but like now because of it I'm like I have to like down my food and like Valentina or like in chili flakes or something, because I feel like it's the only way I can have like a normal reaction to food like how I used to. So yeah, so like now I'll eat spicy foods and I used to not really like spicy food before.

Unknown Speaker 25:20
I love spicy. That's crazy. Yeah, just to taste it insane. Yeah, it's,

Unknown Speaker 25:27
I've lived a difficult life these last two years.

Unknown Speaker 25:30
That's crazy to me, because I well, I tested negative on paper, but I'm convinced that I did have a false negative. But it didn't affect my taste buds or sense of smell. But it's like fascinating, because I have another friend who's like everything tasted like I was chewing on pennies.

Unknown Speaker 25:48
Yeah, for a while. Yeah, I had some some foods that also tasted like metallic metal. Yeah, it was really like carrots. Carrots was one of them. Like it tasted like metal. They don't taste like metal anymore. Thank God, but because I love carrots.

Unknown Speaker 26:03
It's just so crazy. Like how your taste buds can change. And then maybe you don't taste something right? Or maybe even at all.

Unknown Speaker 26:10
And then it's weird, because it's like, you know, the older you get your taste buds change, like as you grow. So it's like some of the foods I'm just like, did they really taste this better? Is it like my me getting older? Or like some of the foods, some foods? I'm just like, I don't remember liking this, but it's good. Now that I'm like, I don't know if it's COVID or not.

Unknown Speaker 26:29
Yeah, that's exactly how I was with changing taste buds. Yeah. But I'm

Unknown Speaker 26:35
glad that you're well, we're glad that you're doing better. And we do hope that thank you. Your taste buds will eventually come back. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 26:43
Thank you. I hope so too.

Unknown Speaker 26:45
Yeah. And we just want to welcome you as another host for the unqualified culinary critics. And we're really just happy that you are able to share your upbringing with us, because it's pretty interesting, too. We like to hear everybody's upbringing. And it's just I like to hear to culture, people's choices in what they want to eat and stuff. So maybe I'm not just speaking for myself, but I think I'm speaking for everybody in the podcast group as well. But yeah,

Unknown Speaker 27:11
yeah. Thank you guys so much for inviting me to be on the podcast. I'm super excited, and I hope the listeners will like me.

Unknown Speaker 27:19
This will be the end of the podcast for this episode. So take care. Enjoy yourselves. Stay healthy. Stay safe. We'll talk to you soon.

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