Perfect Mode

Get ready to supercharge your self-talk and unlock your full potential with JClay and Troy Washington on this week's episode of 'Perfect Mode'. Don't miss out on the essential tips and strategies for maintaining positive self-talk - your success depends on it! Tune in for a life-changing experience!

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Creators & Guests

JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.
Loretta Sharingroup
Loretta is a certified QHHT past life regression hypnotist and content creator discussing a myriad of spiritual experiences!! Loretta can be found on YouTube: @Loretta_Sharingroup.

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect welcome to perfect where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, a spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real, so let's be perfect.


Everything. Anything. Anything. Anything. Perfect.


Everything. Anything. Anything. Anything. Perfect.


Everything. Anything. Anything. Perfect. Perfect.


Perfect. Perfect. Yeah.


Yeah. Happy Sunday. Yeah. Yeah. Sunday.


Another beautiful Sunday. As you can see, Troy is out of there. Just for the day. We had special guest host Loretta sharing group who is joining us on this beautiful Sunday to just share the the perfectness, the perfection of it all, and get into that that positive self talk. Yeah.


Happy Sunday, Loretta.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Happy Sunday. Happy to be here. Hello, everyone. Yeah. Ready to do this.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Let's talk about this maintaining positive self talk.


Yeah. Quick shout out to our Patreons. Click the link in the description, support the show, all of this, and Loretta. So let let let's start off with you. What does maintaining positive self talk to you?


Like when you heard this topic, when you came across it, what went through your mind?

Loretta Sharingroup:

So many things went through my mind with, with this topic, maintaining positive self talk. First of all, my first initial thought was, oh, that sounds like self help stuff. Like, right? Like self help air airy fairy kind of stuff, but maintaining positive self talk is critical y'all, to how we create and manifest. It really is significant.

Loretta Sharingroup:

It's beyond, just the sayings of pay attention to the to the thoughts in your head, pay attention to the thoughts in your head. So, I just thought, man, self talk is how we create our experience.



Loretta Sharingroup:

Oh, it's huge. It's huge. What about you?


Yeah. Like, like self talk. I always, I gotta bring up, I gotta bring up my favorite phrase on earth ever. Watch your thoughts for they become your words. Watch your words for they become your actions.


Actions become habits. Habits become character. Character become destiny. And that positive self talk that self talk period is is the key part in that because your self taught is basically your thoughts, your thoughts to yourself, or the words you may speak to yourself or say to yourself Mhmm. When no one else is listening, when no one else is around, or even even in conversation.


Like right now, I'm having a conversation with you, but I could be having a dialogue with myself at the same time. And it's important to know and recognize what that dialogue is. And if you and if if it serves you or if it doesn't.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yes. Yes. Yes. What you say it, a lot of times. So when you talk about if it serves you or if it doesn't, one of the main indicators of recognizing if a thought serves you is your feelings.

Loretta Sharingroup:

You know, if you feel like if you have a thought and all of a sudden your vibration has dipped, like, it's like, why am I, wait a minute. Why am I all of a sudden stressed out or angry? What did I just think? And now I feel this sadness or frustration or anger. And you and I may differ a little bit on this, Jay, where you say don't run after the thought, but what has worked for me is what did I think unpacking what I think and clearing those belief systems because our thoughts actually prop up from our belief system.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Right? So if we believe that we are bad or if we believe that we are small, then those thoughts will prop out of that belief system. But if we believe that we are, as God created us, if we believe that we are God or fractals of God, then we have thoughts that prop up out of that belief system. So, yeah, it's how you feel. You know, that's one indicator.

Loretta Sharingroup:

That's one indicator of, if a thought does not serve you. What about you?


Thing, though, like what you said, the the reason I say don't chase your thoughts is because a lot of people can't look at it objectively. And it sounds like you are because you're getting to the root of the belief, but it, but I still stand by it. If you're someone who's tied to the thought, like if you, if you believe that thought is so true that you can't get outside of it to even look at to determine its its realness or not. It can it can be a tough thing. It can be a hindrance to you and it can bring you further into that state and it could it could lead you to really believe that thought even longer, and and hold on, like, reaffirm it in a sense.

Loretta Sharingroup:

That is so true. And you're so right. That's why we talk about don't follow those thoughts that that does not serve you. I often use the analogy, Jay, because this is huge for me. I mean, you know, about my experience, how thoughts were a huge part of my awakening journey, what was going on in between these ears.

Loretta Sharingroup:

And so I often use the analogy, if you are driving a vehicle, right. And you have someone on the side of you that's in the passenger side and they're like, why are we going here? You know, you got work to do. You should be at home, responding to emails. You know, why are we going here?

Loretta Sharingroup:

And you have a, a passenger behind you that's saying, you know, the last time we, we went to this place, you know, we got into a car accident or, you know, you didn't know how to get there. That's that that's that doubting voice, but we are in the driver's seat. We drive, we're driving that boat so we can follow the, the those thoughts. We can follow what those passengers say, or we can challenge them and say, nope. We it's today is a new day.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I know what happened last time, but we we're doing it fresh today. So, yeah, you're right. Following, those thoughts, whether or not to do that is is critical.


Yeah. And shout shout out to Betty. Greetings from Brooklyn. Loretta sharing group. Yes.


Betty. Yeah. So so something similar to self talk that I've been exploring just in my own mind this this week in particular is the question of why. And and and I'll get to why that's significant. Okay?


Because usually if something happens to someone painful, something that they don't want, their first instinct is to find out why it happened. Why did this happen? Like, you know, this happened because of this, because of that. And but we don't realize that the the because if you break it down is because, like, we are being the cause. We are embodying the cause.


So whatever we set as that cause will be. And so, like, I I like to tell people, don't look for a cause. Just Yeah. It is what it is. You know?


Everything is cause and effect. So without the cause, the effect can't be there, you know. And so that got me thinking because you know why and because go hand in hand is the question why needed. Because if you think about it like you, but this okay. In in the terms of self talk by asking why you're giving up being the cause.


You're saying I'm giving up my power to something outside of myself to to dictate what this means instead of me just saying, oh, this this happened for good measure. Oh, this happened for my highest good. This happened for that. I want to know your your thoughts on that in terms of

Loretta Sharingroup:

I love that. I love that. I love that. I've heard you say that before. Be the cause.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I love that because we are the cause. Right? So, no. I I love that. It made me think of something that recently has happened, y'all, this past week.

Loretta Sharingroup:

So I'm making I'm making dinner for the kids, already tired, and I and and there was an ingredient. I was making mashed potatoes, and there was an ingredient that I didn't have, which that I was for. I'm like, I you know, because I I hate having to go to the grocery store. So, anyway, I had potatoes on the eye boiling. And so I told the kids, you know, watch these potatoes.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I'm just gonna run real quick, get this, come back. Got back. The the the pot had been caught on fire, you know, dealing with 2 teenagers. They ain't different. So, I could smell it before I even got there, and the the potatoes were ruined.

Loretta Sharingroup:

And at first, it was just like, oh, you know what I'm saying? But then I, I, I thought it was like, you know what? Those potatoes kind of smelled a little bit funny. Like I was already side eyeing the potatoes, even though they were organic. And, and so I told the kids, first of all, I apologize to them for being frustrated because I was like, but, but then I told them, I said, you know what?

Loretta Sharingroup:

I choose to believe that that happened because those potatoes weren't right.



Loretta Sharingroup:

Because I believe that everything that happens happens for a reason. And I and there was a few other potatoes that I had not cut, and I was like, smell these. And it's and then my daughter was like, it's it's smell kinda sweet a little bit. Just weird.



Loretta Sharingroup:

And I was like, you know what? I choose to believe that that's why that happened. There is no loss. So when you talk about that, I I I recognize that that I was a part of that experience because I was already kinda looking at the potatoes funny. So I I created that's that that experience.

Loretta Sharingroup:

And so, yeah, choosing to believe, and that goes to anything like you go to the store and the person is rude or whatever. It's like, I choose to believe that she was just in need of love in that moment. You know, being able to decide what we wish to believe in any moment. And instead of saying why or why me, just being a creator and a manifestor of that moment.


Yeah. And, and, and, and I love that too, just because you can be like it. This this is a world of beliefs. Like, we see through our eyes of belief. And what we associate with kids a lot is make believe, but we get to play make believe at every moment, but we don't want to.


We wanna give it up. We wanna give it up to Google. What does Google say about this? Somebody else to say, they say that this is always like this. I've had a conversation recently with someone that in my mind, I was trying to give them every opportunity to have that positive self talk.


They just they just wouldn't take it. It was like, nah. It's still gonna be bad because I had this before. It's like, well, maybe this time it may be different. You know, it it you'll be you'll be in good spirits.


It's worked out for a reason. Now I already know I'm a beat, so I'm a be hurt and all of this. And no matter what I try, he just he tore it down. So I I I stopped trying because, again, I don't want him to reaffirm that in himself. Like, if I had not brought that up, maybe he wouldn't have, you know, started reaffirming going down that line.


So it's it's important to notice that on both sides to like giving and receiving. Are you fostering a place that allows others to to maintain that negative self talk around you?

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. I mean, I often think of that when somebody is resistant. Right? So whatever you're saying, I do think that's critical, Jay, backing off and allowing them to be in the space that they're in, especially if they don't respond to, you know, to the suggestions, because you're right. They could just dig their heels in the sand in that resistance and make it stronger, than ever before.


Yeah. So so again, like, that's why I say even in the realm of it, we shouldn't argue. I mean, I I argue because it is fun, but we shouldn't argue because we allow people to affirm something

Loretta Sharingroup:



Stronger in themselves that they might might not like. And I wanna read real quick what Betty has said. Every time I miss the train, I always choose to believe that my energy and presence was needed on the train platform a little longer.



Loretta Sharingroup:

I love that, Betty. I love that. I love that. Yeah.


So question to you. How did you, like, did you have a process of getting inside your head to monitor your self talk? Are you still in the process of doing it, or is it you know what I mean? Like

Loretta Sharingroup:

You know, as we know, monitoring self talk is a constant thing. You know what's critical, Jay? This is what's critical, is presence. How many times do we marinate on our thoughts and have these thought and are deep in thought and not even recognizing that we're thinking these things. So the key, I always say, is is presence.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yes. Being the observer of the thoughts. Not judging them, but recognizing, like stepping back a little bit and recognizing, oh, I mean, I've been marinating on this for the past 10, 15 minutes, and it is not good.


You know?

Loretta Sharingroup:

Shifting from being so invested in this illusion to being the observer. I think I think if we are able to do that, we can then not be emotionally impacted to whatever we're thinking thinking and then actually challenge. I always tell my daughter, challenge your thoughts. I I always tell her how my ego has said things, and I'm like, you've lost credibility. You've lost credibility.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Be quiet. Sit down. You know, challenge your thoughts. Yeah. And so yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

No. I think presence is is huge with that.


Yeah. And shout out to Andona. She said present moment awareness is essential.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Shout out, Absolutely. That's it right there.


Right. So so let let let's speak about presence real quick. So, about presence, because you because you mentioned about, like, getting caught in that rabbit hole, going down a thought for 15 minutes. Like, you fully vested. You probably see things.


You know what you would do in this situation. I wish somebody would do this because I'm I'm gonna do this. Like, would would presence be changing the thought of that or just coming out of the thought altogether and realizing, oh, I'm not even in this moment. Let me get back to this real moment.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I think presence starts with recognizing the thought. See, a lot of us, right, a lot of people, like, I know with me, I used to believe that I was my thoughts, and I believe that if you think a thing, it was true. I never challenged my thoughts. And so, I think the beginning of presence, because, of course, there's layers to this thing. The beginning of presence is recognizing the thought and not just following it and believing it and acting on it, recognizing.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Okay. And then when you recognize it, assess. Does this serve? Is this higher or lower? Does this serve me?

Loretta Sharingroup:

Do I get feedback? Another thing, another layer is that internal guidance. We're constantly given feedback from what we think constantly, and we assess it the wrong way if we're not taught on this. And I real briefly, if we think and I've used this example before. If we think a thought that I used to think, I am alone.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I am alone. I'm just by myself, and then you have a bad feeling after that thought. We think that we feel bad because the thought is true, but actually our internal guidance is telling us no, no, no, my love. You are on the wrong track. You are thinking in error.

Loretta Sharingroup:

You are not alone. You are not alone. You have many beings around you who love you, and so just reassessing the, the feedback that we get from our thoughts. We've been understanding them wrong. If you have a bad feeling, your thought was an error.

Loretta Sharingroup:

If you have a bad feeling, your thought was an error.


I I love that. And I I wanna touch back to something you said about you used to think that you were your thoughts. I did too. A lot of people do. A lot.


Yeah. A lot of people still do. And the the interesting thing is about that is, yeah, once we have to we have to let go of that belief. Because when someone comes to us with an alternative thought, we sometimes want to battle them or fight them. And the only reason is because we think that they're destroying our world.


Because if the thought that they presented to us is true, this means everything that we built our life on is not what does that leave us. Right? It goes so deep that we think our world is destroyed. We think it's the worst thing ever, when in reality is not. But it's hard to see that when you've you've Yes.


Built this monument to your beliefs in such a way that everything is ingratiated with it. Yes. So it's very interesting. And Betty said, oh, love this about the loneliness example. Amazing redirect.



Loretta Sharingroup:

Thank you, Betty. I love what you say it. I I'm a take it a step further in in recognizing that which we are. Right? When so because we many of us believe that we're our thoughts.

Loretta Sharingroup:

And so I often say we are the consciousness that enables a thought to even exist. And I had to tell myself that many times when I was trying to get up out of the the the dirt and the and the grime and of ego. Right? I am the consciousness that allows a thing called a thought to exist. We think our thoughts are so powerful, and they are energies.

Loretta Sharingroup:

They are powerful energies, but we are more expansive than a thought. We don't have to just follow what the thought is. We can challenge and redirect and and understand that if it were not for my consciousness, there wouldn't be a thing called the thought tapping back into the vastness of that which we are.


Yeah. Yeah. I I love that. I I've been I've been trying 2 things when it comes to this, these thoughts we don't wanna think. So one is trying to, you know, you it's trying to correct it or try to switch what you want.


But then, you know, but you also wanna go deeper into why why do I believe this? But I found that in certain moments, it's easier to just let the thought go. Like, because you you might be in the heart of something that you wanna do and you get this conflicting thought that's like, you can't do this. This is not right or something. But, you know, in your soul is right for you to do.


So the easy thing to do, like, you could try to fight the thought and try to change it and reverse it and make it be the opposite. But I found just completely letting it go, like thinking another thought or thinking no thoughts. It instantly changes your mood. It's so easy to navigate. Yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

That's so true. And you just gave me chills. You just gave me chills when you said that. So okay. Yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I'm about to get I'm about to get personal. So when I so lately on my YouTube channel, I have been practicing talking to the camera. And what I have observed y'all, you know, instead of having a guest, it's very easy when I have a guest on and in the ear on and I, and I kinda, you know, engage with them, but when I go on and I talk directly to the camera, it is the toughest thing y'all. And so one of the layers of, resistance that I have is that thought, the as a it's the ego thought. Like, don't nobody wanna hear this.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Don't everybody know this. Don't nobody don't nobody wanna hear this, or are you getting too personal? I mean, I just get these thoughts, and so I and I I like you. I have to just get to a point where it's like, you know what, let me just do it. Let me just do it.

Loretta Sharingroup:

And just, I'm not even trying to unpack where that came from or what, you know, whatever, just releasing and let net go and doing it anyway. And every time that I've done it, I've been so very pleased with that. Something that I, that I recognize y'all this just like, oh my gosh, this is just like fighting through these. But I, I, I do think that the more I do it, the easier it gets.


Yeah. And it's true. Like, like sometimes just acting is the best thing. So this is the thing about thoughts, right? We give them way more power than they are worth.


They really have no power. Their power is to make us believe in them. So if they can make us believe in it, then again, we're empowering them, not the


other way


around. And so if we can remember that thoughts really have no power, like, it it it's really no point in thinking. And I know how that sound like, what do you mean there's no point in thinking? It's really no point in thinking.


Like, when you


can Yeah. When you can get to that space where you're tapped into your higher self, you're tapped into the love of the situation. Like, that's all all you need. Everything you need is right there in front of you. And, yeah, it's like like, thoughts aren't aren't that worth it in a sense in in my, opinion.


And and let me read what, and Donna said real quick.




Honoring the fact that there is no right or wrong, just allow the thought to be what it is as it is. Simply recognize it, get present, and respond from the higher perspective you are able to hold in that moment. Ego always wants to adjust and assess, but the heart knows there is always an opportunity to respond from the highest vibration of love.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yes. Yeah. I love that. And it is about the heart. It's about the heart.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. That that's the mind to follow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


So this brings up a question. I kinda went on this thread before, but I didn't follow it through, like, in the same way we think with our mind, we can feel with our heart, but like, what does that look like? You know what I mean? Like

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. I live in that space. I live in the feeling center. I do. I live in that space, and sometimes it's challenging, but it is it is the the the heart.

Loretta Sharingroup:

It is like what Andona said, love, the love consciousness. It will guide you in the right direction. Yeah. And and I often I even think about, when we get feedback from our guides, the that feedback will feel good. Right?

Loretta Sharingroup:

If it doesn't feel good, it is not it is not from spirit. It's from ego. This is huge for me because I stay in my head job. This right here is a huge thing that I pay attention to a lot. What about you, Jay?

Loretta Sharingroup:

What does that mean, the mind of the heart? What does that mean for you?


Right. And it's and that's something that I'm trying to explore. So, like, so for instance, I'm I'm the the the power of my thoughts are losing power in a sense. Like, it's like, and that I can think any thought I want. Like, somebody may say something, and if if it doesn't resonate with me, disregard it.


But it works both ways. Even if it's something, like, positive about me or something, it's almost like, I could accept it or not. But I but I'm trying to explore what it means to really be in that heart center to instead of thinking thoughts to feel. But it's not it's not feelings. Like like love is deeper than a feeling.


So I don't wanna put it in the same category, but it but it is different. It's like, okay, how can I how can I see this through the eyes of love in a sense? In a sense. That's cool. But, it's yeah.


It's it's just it's just something to think about it, but not even think about it. That that's the trick. And I don't even know how to answer that, which is what I'm happy to explore to hopefully have an answer at a at a better time, if that makes

Loretta Sharingroup:

sense. I think love expresses itself in so many different ways. It can be a feeling. For me, it's a like, it's even like, meditation is like, this feels so good. Like, I could stay here all day long.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Right? But love is action as well. Love is a powerful force. You know, we are love. We were created by love.

Loretta Sharingroup:

So I feel like there's so many layers of love, right, to be expressed. But that is that is something to continue to unpack and experience.


So so it sounds like then with self talk, if we could even invite love into that self talk love into those thoughts, it changes everything. Like, is this is this a loving thought? We could ask ourselves that


if it


is a loving thought, keep keep thinking it. If it's not, it may be time to let it go. But also, we could look into the into the why it's not a loving thought. But again, asking that why is that is that trick? Do you want to give up that power of asking why?


But but I guess you're asking yourself. So you you you're answering it yourself. So Yeah. Make the difference.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. Sometimes asking why, can be empowering. It's the intention. So, like, with the potatoes, at first, I was like, why did this happen? I'm already tired.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I didn't cut these potatoes. You know?


I asked y'all for one thing.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Right. Right. Exactly. But then it was like, why? Like, why did this happen?

Loretta Sharingroup:

Well, you, you didn't have confidence in them potatoes. So I do think it can be an empowering thing to like, to unpack it within yourself. Why did I manifest this? Was this just an an outward expression of what I was already feeling? Because we are that powerful.

Loretta Sharingroup:

We are that powerful, y'all. We really are.


You touched on something. You said you didn't have confidence in those potatoes. And a lot of times you hear people say it all the time. I knew it. I knew that was gonna happen.


So they didn't have confidence in whatever was supposed to happen. They had confidence in what they believe that they knew. Yeah. And so a lot of times when things go wrong, it's because we simply had confidence in the other way and not that, which is a why in itself, which is like, wow. So so it's it's almost like whatever you do, the most important thing first is to get in alignment with it, and and and having confidence that it actually is, before moving forward.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I love that. I love that being in the alignment of it. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely.

Loretta Sharingroup:

And every action that is done in fear, right, the result will be in that light vibration.



Loretta Sharingroup:

So you're right. Absolutely. I love that. I love that.


And to to to switch gears a little, because I know we're talking about the self talk of it all, as in terms of what we let in, I mean, in terms of what we give to ourselves. But it's a lot of times what we allow around us, like the music we listen to the television shows, we watch, the people that are around us who who we give credibility to their thoughts without even questioning them ourselves. Mhmm. How important to you is that is the environment and the collective thoughts and the thoughts you have access to, and even that you let your kids have access to?

Loretta Sharingroup:

I love that. I'm sorry. I have to up on the south, y'all. I gotta I gotta put some some voice to it. That's no.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I love that. It's critical. It's critical. You know, we talk a lot about conditioning. Right?

Loretta Sharingroup:

And what you actually have a quote on your, website, Jay, about what we consume. Right, and that's not just food and drink. What we consume, social media, what we read, what we believe, what we expose ourselves to, and I read something in Conversations with God that I've never forgotten, and this is Neale Donald Walsch. Y'all Conversations with God is a powerful trilogies, 3 different books. Yeah, yeah, you have it, Jane.

Loretta Sharingroup:

So God was talking to Neil, and he was saying whatever the higher thought is, So he was saying most people follow the collective. They follow the thought forms and thought speech and actions of the collective. Other people are more likely to go their own direction, what the whatever the collective is thinking. He said always go with the higher thought. Right?

Loretta Sharingroup:

If the collective belief system of the collective is higher than yours, then you go with that. But a lot of times, our belief systems are higher than that of the collective, and then you go with that. Don't always follow. Be selective about what you consume. I was, at the park yesterday walking, and my neighbor joined me.

Loretta Sharingroup:

She was like, you wanna walk together? And I'm like, okay. You know? So, so she we walked together, and she wanted to go into politics, into the the Trump thing. And and and and she asked me, you know, I don't know if I said, I said, you know what?

Loretta Sharingroup:

The vibration is just not it's just not high enough. Like, why ruin our time with the trees? Let's go and touch this tree. And she was like, you know what? You're right.

Loretta Sharingroup:

So it's like right now, the collective is is consumed about, division and polarity, but it's like, you know what? Let's go with the higher. Let's not contaminate the present moment with with the things that just honestly don't matter.



Loretta Sharingroup:

Let's let's stay right here. And so now I I I love that. It's critical to to just not be followers y'all. Yeah.


I I love that because you showed her another way, which she probably didn't think was possible. Yeah. Often when you get to people, when you get to stand stills in conversation, you look for something that you believe that they can identify with too. And so she figured, oh, let's talk politics. But you doing that, like, it set her on a new path where she's like, yeah, I don't have to talk about it.


Why would I I'm happy right now. You know, I let that go.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. Yeah. Why would we ruin this time? And I start touching trees. Like, come on.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Let's touch some trees. I don't feel nothing right now, but one day I will.


I'm joking. I'm joking.


Yeah. And that is is true. Like, it it is a positive high vibration to nature. And even even with with, like, when you're a kid and you used to play outside, you weren't trying to have deep conversations like that. Like, it's just like,

Loretta Sharingroup:

no. Friday.


That's what grown ups do. That's what boring grown ups do.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yes. Yeah. Yes. Play was so critical. That's all we cared about



Loretta Sharingroup:

Was playtime. You're right. We didn't sit down and and unpack stuff and what, you know, what the grown, what the grown ups doing, like, yeah, we, you right. Returning to that childlike space.



Loretta Sharingroup:



So, so check this out. This is kind


of random, but it was random when it happened. So before this, when I was in the shower, the song popped in my head. They smile in your face all the time. They wanna take your place, the backstabbers. So when when I heard that, I was like, is that's interesting because it depends on how you look at it.


Right? Like, if you list if you're looking with love, if somebody smiles in your face, and they wanna take your place out, like, I was just thinking about that. Like, I feel like I'm in a good place to be. Like, if others want to come in this space of how I experience, I really think the world would be a better place. And but someone who's not looking at that with love, they think that it's a they're taking something away from them, that there's some kind of backstabber and it and it's negative.


And I said it to say that since that's in song form, a lot of people probably took that as gospel in a sense, like, yeah, that's true. They they wanna they you can't trust them. They just trying to be me. They just trying to be where I'm at. They copying off of me.


But the reality is like, they you are they're our student of you. You know what I mean? And and they they like what they they like how you live your life, and they wanna kinda mimic it in a way just to have that positivity, but we don't always see it like that. And so it's it's just a it's just interesting dynamic that it came from that random song that popped in my head.

Loretta Sharingroup:

That is interesting. It reminds me, Jay, you've I don't know if it's in one of your songs, but you've talked about why would I see others as lower than me? Because it's a lonely place, right?


Yeah. Yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

And you think you're the only one, you know, that's arrived. And so they're lower than you. And, you made the point basically, basically seeing God and everybody there's value in everyone. Right. And you have that camaraderie there's there's resonance.

Loretta Sharingroup:

So yeah, it is a different way to look at that. I remember that that's all. Yeah.


Everybody always says it's lonely at the top. Then why are you going to the top? Why not go someplace where everybody can go and have fun and be on equal positions and stuff? And yeah. Because really, I mean, in reality, we are on equal footing because we get to choose our thoughts, which form our destiny.


We don't always see it like that. And so why not get to a place where we where everyone knows their power? And so no matter what what you choose, there's no harm, no foul. It's like, oh, that's what you wanna experience. It's cool.


It's fine by me.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yes. I love that. I love that. So how do you continue to maintain positive self talk in the face of challenge, Jay? How do you how do you still do that and keep that focus?


So so luckily, shout out to Betty. I was talking to Betty earlier today, and I I realized something that I do that I've done since I was little, and I'm grateful for it. Like, if I get in a situation that's too not busy, but, like, too many things out of the ordinary, that that could make you nervous. Like, I used to think it was nervousness or something that is like, alright, something's about to go down. This is this is bad.


This is bad. That was my thinking back then. I would take a step back where it's like, I can just see everything and I observe everything. And then like some, like, people have even reacted to me in that state. Like, why are you so comfortable doing this?


Like, during this state, like, why are you so calm? But it's only because I had to be or else panic would set in. And so you you spoke on it early on the show Observe. Like like, if you can take that step back, you'll be able to see what's happening or even what you're doing or what you're bringing to this situation so that you can dilute it or or get to a place where you know exactly what your part in it is.


So I would I would say


the same question to you. Like, what do you do to maintain?

Loretta Sharingroup:

Oh, man. That was that was beautiful. I I I think observing, like you said, observing my thoughts and then choosing observing my thoughts and choosing what I'm choose to believe.



Loretta Sharingroup:

This is what I choose to believe. And I have this thing, this quote that I I that healing begins with the belief that we are God. If everyone were convinced that they would not just believe that they knew that they are God, to me, all healing crops out of that. All levels of healing crops out of that. Right?

Loretta Sharingroup:

Because you you stop thinking that you're a victim. You stop thinking that anybody could could damage or harm you. You know that you can heal yourself. Like, all all of that comes from that original thought, that original belief that I am God. And so it's like, yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Recognizing the thought and then choosing the belief system, to go with that. And I, that's it right there.


Yeah. Which we've been doing since since birth. And just haven't realized it. Like, we we we set


that intention,

Loretta Sharingroup:

we set the


cause, and


then we get to experience it. And then we get to experience it. And then we get to experience it. And then we get to experience it.


And then we get to experience it. And then we get to experience it.


And Yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I love that, Jay. You know, one of the other things that I've that I've talked about is I call it the momentum of thinking and feeling. Right? We have a thought. It could be positive or negative or serves us or not.

Loretta Sharingroup:

We follow that thought, so an emotion can result out of that thought. That emotion fuels more thinking, which fuels more emotion, and the next thing you know, you're on a whirlwind of a of a a thought process



Loretta Sharingroup:

That can be constructive or destructive. We are what we're managing y'all as human beings is very layered. I was just talking to somebody about extraterrestrial beings, how they are so interested and how we are wired up because we have these powerful emotions and it's fascinating to them because most extraterrit, they don't have that, that level of, emotional body. Right. And so to see a mother crying or loving her, her baby, they're just fascinated.

Loretta Sharingroup:

It's like, oh my gosh, this is fascinating. But it it is also why they call us courageous because emotions can be positive, powerful energies. Right? And so you have a thought and you have an emotion that follows that thought, which then fuels it more of it. And so that's why it is so critical to state to be present and to to to be the observer like you talked about.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Like, let me let me take scale this back a little bit. You know? Let me look at it from a from a heaven's view instead of I am this body. Let me try to be the observer, because we have a lot to manage as beings in these human carrying these human bodies. Right?

Loretta Sharingroup:

So that's just something else that made me think of that, about that thing, that that thinking feeling thing.


I I will say we we can have a lot to manage when we don't step back and observe. Because because that's what like to at least for me, when I observe and I step back, I release the burden of a lot of things that I was trying to hold on to. Because it's like, oh, if I can see this from this vantage point, why why do I even, why do I wanna sink back into that to to re mold all of this?

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yes. And you said the right word.


I actually remember when I first came to understand the power of our thoughts and how important they were in just shaping things or at least the power that I gave them back then.

Loretta Sharingroup:



I remember at the time I kind of went into seclusion, like I I unfollowed so many people on Facebook because I had the habit still of open to Facebook and I was like, I'm gonna be on here. I can't see all this because I didn't I didn't know how to separate it at the time. Like I thought bad news was just bad news, and this just affects everybody the same way, not realizing again, like, every everything you read is a choice to accept or not. Everything you hear is a choice to accept or not. But I I wasn't I didn't feel I was strong enough at the time.


So I kinda just went to myself so I could at least gather a foundation to, to stand on. Like, you know, like like, again, who am I? I'm not my thoughts. Well, it but if I get to choose my thoughts, what thoughts do I want to be part of me? You know, if I get to choose my feelings, what feelings do I wanna hold?


And once I once I kinda built that foundation and felt I was strong enough to interact with the world again, then that's when some fun and magic happened. And again, it wasn't it wasn't overnight. Like, it wasn't a quick thing where I could stand in the face of whatever and and and be smiling. Like, it it it was a process. It's still a process in some way.


But it does get easier and easier to you and even have to govern your thoughts as much. You still do just because it's like, no, I don't wanna let anything in. But it's it's it's it's it becomes easy and automatic.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I love that. I love when you say it, why would I sink into this? And that, that is how it feels. My teenage daughter, she has, she has this habit of saying, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, mom.

Loretta Sharingroup:

And I'm like, what are you apologizing for? I'm sorry. And I'm like, and she'll say, I'm sorry. I'll say why? Well, you remember when I and I'm like, you know what?

Loretta Sharingroup:

I whatever you said or did, I have forgotten about it. Let's not contaminate the present moment with it. It's gone. It's gone. What you are running to find it, to bring it back here, leave it, leave it alone.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I don't even want to remember what you said or what attitude would you have, you know? And I think about in the Course in Miracles, when it talks about, and I'm gonna get the page number that it says, this is on my refrigerator, but it says the past was made in anger. The past was made in anger. And I've looked at that many times and I'm like, that is so true. A lot of times when we go back, we either get mad or sad.

Loretta Sharingroup:

You know, when we go back, it's not a happy place to be. Yeah. What was made in anger? And so, yeah, when you said, why would I sink into that place and made me think of that?


Yeah. Yeah. It and something that I wanna challenge people to do, is to apologize without calling themselves sorry. Mhmm. And I know it doesn't seem like you're calling yourself sorry when you say I'm sorry, but, no, you are saying not not sorry.


It's it's like you say, yeah. I'm just sorry. Like, no. You're not sorry. Just you can apologize, but never call yourself that because you start to believe it over the years.


And and that's one of the first things we teach kids. Say you're sorry. Like, no. Yeah. No.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yes. You should not say that.


But, yes, go ahead.

Loretta Sharingroup:

That is facts. No. That's facts. That's facts.



Loretta Sharingroup:

So, yeah. Yeah. You're right. I'm a tell her that. I'm a say, Jay said you are not sorry.



Loretta Sharingroup:

not say I am sorry. Right.


You say I apologize. Yeah. I apologize all you want. But

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. Yeah.


I mean and I know that's just switching words, but, again, that's our word has something attached to it in a lot of

Loretta Sharingroup:

times. It's huge. That's huge. What you just said, because the 2 most powerful words is I am right. We are asserting that which we are from our inner universe and we're expressing that out.

Loretta Sharingroup:

So I am, you are not sorry. You are not angry. Right? You are, you are love. Right?

Loretta Sharingroup:

So, no, that's, that's huge. That's huge. I'm gonna let her listen to this podcast.


When you, like, when you start paying attention to the words that not only you use and others use, you can start to see the patterns of, of life. Like, again, we use a lot of conflict words without realizing it. I'm a I'm a kill 2 birds and one stone. Like, if I if I say I I did good on the verse, I killed that verse. I wrecked that verse.


These are type words, And we wonder why we're always, you know, we yeah. We think we have to fight our thoughts. We have to know, like, no, you're fighting. No. Like, yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. It's it's, I you and I have talked about this, the English language. And I don't know if it's just the English language, but a lot of the language is rooted in low vibrational, energies. Right? So many.

Loretta Sharingroup:

So many. And hello. Hail and low. Let's go low. So when I'm present when I'm present enough, and this is an exercise in presence because I think when we came on, I said hello.

Loretta Sharingroup:

But I'm trying to really change from saying hello to hi. And when I say hi to somebody, I actually think high vibration, high vibes, high. And so that's the intention behind my words. So it's like I'm speaking that energy, but it is if we unpack that thing, y'all, with the language. Man.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. Yeah. It is an exercise in presence. Yeah. Yeah.


And because, you know, I I've spoken on here before how I'm I'm learning Spanish. And even in learning Spanish, you kinda see how certain words mean certain things even in English. Like, like like, a question in Spanish is pregunta, which kinda looks like pregnant. So if you think about it, like, yeah, I have a question. It's like, I have this something in me, and the answer is kind of the way to to bring it out.


Adios means go to God, which is kinda cool. Like, we just say bye. What is by me? You know what I mean? Like, we we can say peace, good journey, something.


But but but it does make a difference because like you said, when you say say hi to people, it has a higher vibration. And I will say what's beautiful about the English language is it's almost like a master alchemist language. Like like others lang others wouldn't say I am hungry. They would say I have hunger. It's a big difference.


It's like you can let hunger go when you have it. But if you are hungry, like, you have to you're never satisfied almost. You know what I mean? Like, it it you you're creating a state that you're always wanting more or needing more. So it's this is the interesting thing.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. I I I wonder I wonder if that's intentional. I wonder if that's intentional. But regardless of whether it's intentional or not, if we become intentional about our language, I think you were interviewed by a lady who Betty introduced you to, and and and Donna too. She does the heaven high.


Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

The heaven low. She does


Ambrose. Yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. And then and Eric Taylor talks a lot about language where he just said good morning. You know? We're not mourning anything. Right?

Loretta Sharingroup:

So he says grand rising. You know? Yeah. Just really it it it's a it's if nothing else, it's an exercise in presence because you're so conditioned to say something. And so if you you figure out, am I present enough to to have this conversation and not speak these words?

Loretta Sharingroup:

So, it's really it's really cool.



Loretta Sharingroup:

That's another way to create. Yeah.


It is. I'll say one more thing that I thought about today too in in about this conversation. So, again, you know, I I make music. I try to throw affirmations in there. And one of the things that I always wondered about was, like, the items and the utens.


Like, like, should I make the songs where I am this, I am that? Or should I make it like you get to do that? You are this, you are that. And what I think I've settled on is the you because it allows the listener to to be a part of the blessing. You know what I mean?


So like, not only are you receiving it, but but you get to bless someone else. And when you bless someone, you believe subconsciously, like, oh, I must be blessed to be able to bless someone. Maybe think about that is how easy, like, you know, we might say bless you or something or God bless you or or something, but not realizing to even say that we have the power to bless somebody. We must be full of blessings, full of this goodness, but we don't always recognize it.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I love that. I love it. I love it. I love it. It's this is a communal thing.

Loretta Sharingroup:

This is all about being oneness



Loretta Sharingroup:

And seeing God and others. I always try to talk, not unless I'm referencing a personal story. I always try to talk in the collective like we.



Loretta Sharingroup:

Because it is, you know, we're all on this journey of remembering that which we are, and that's the juicy part. It's remembering, you know, and then so speaking life in yourself and others. It's everybody gets to be the shining star. Everybody gets to experience that God energy within them. Yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

That's that's huge.



Loretta Sharingroup:



So, yeah, we're we're we're getting low on time. Just to recap real quick, it sounds like the 2 main things to to to get into the state of watching your self talk so that you can make it positive or make it what you want from it is 1 observe. To just

Loretta Sharingroup:



take an exercise and presence, like change something up, change how you say a phrase, a common phrase that you would just regurgitate if somebody asked you or somebody said a spell to you and you repeat it back, like, good morning. Good morning. Hi. Hi. Like, check check with your response, check the response that you want, and start practicing it.


And every time you miss out on it, like you said, it's a it's an exercise in presence. Do you have any anything you wanna add to the recap?

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. And then observe, like you said, and, you know, observe your speech, and then choose what you wish to believe. Right? We can we can believe we're victims. We can believe that life is happening to us, but then choosing, I choose.

Loretta Sharingroup:

That was powerful when I told my kids, I choose to believe that those potatoes were not for us. That's why that happened. It was not random. It's not because y'all don't know how to cook. No.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I just but yeah. Yeah. Choosing what you wish to believe.


This could be a stretch real quick. But it might not be. So like, we talked about you don't consume you don't not only consume food, but you consume, you know, words and thoughts and things. When you said choose, that made me think of, like, chewing. And, like, you're you get to choose what you're gonna digest.


Like, it's so Absolutely.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Because I I I don't have a I'm I'm wanting to unpack the words I want. Right? I've often been told saying I want tells the universe. Let's give her more experience of wanting. And so I'll say choose.

Loretta Sharingroup:

No, God. This is what I choose. As God, here's what I choose. So yeah. Yeah.

Loretta Sharingroup:

I love it.


I'm gonna I'm gonna take that. I'm gonna start using that.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. Yeah.


I still say want sometimes, and I don't wanna say want, so I choose. Yeah. Cool.

Loretta Sharingroup:

Yeah. So


any last words before we

Loretta Sharingroup:

I this has been amazing. Again, I love what you do, and this space is so critical. And and this topic can be unpacked in so many different ways. And so thank you for bringing, this topic on. It's it's critical, and I'll definitely relook at this and learn from it.

Loretta Sharingroup:

So thank you for for allowing me to join the show today.


Yeah. Thank you as well. And for everyone watching, you know, Troy is coming back. He he was doing the family vacation thing, and Loretta stepped in for the guest host, and we we truly appreciate you. And yeah.


And and if anyone found this helpful, hit the share button, like, subscribe, all of that. And just remember your perfect creation made by a perfect creator. So you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect mode. See you. If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection?


Welcome to perfect. Welcome to perfect.


Welcome to perfect.


Where there are no excuses, no


Perfect. Everything. Anything. Anything. Anything.


Anything. Anything. Perfect. Everything. Anything.


Anything. Anything. Perfect. Perfect.