The Lucas Skrobot Show

UN Double Talk--elites mobilize Authoritarianism to defeat Authoritarianism . . . and you can sleep better tonight as a DANGEROUS and notorious gang was busted trying to smuggle one of the most sought after goods in Auckland New Zealand . . . KFC

Show Notes

UN Double Talk--elites mobilize Authoritarianism to defeat Authoritarianism . . . and you can sleep better tonight as a DANGEROUS and notorious  gang was busted trying to smuggle one of the most sought after goods in Auckland New Zealand . . . KFC.
   Intro     00:00
   Nature healed as UN was out of session.    01:02
   A new peaceful future?    01:39
   UN leading world into new world order    02:39
   Infrastructure    03:59
   Only the UN can save us!!    06:05
   Global Taxation    07:59
   Infodemic    08:40
   Social Justice    11:24
   Globalist Movement    13:37
   Indo Pacific AKA China.    14:22
   Double Talk - No cold war . . . BUT    17:06
   Global warming is worth overlooking genocide.    17:48
   Is China a friend? Or are we in a cold war?    20:39
   What are the "intense disagreements" with China?-- Uygur people    21:31
   Difference between gov desire and people's desire    23:31
   China Stock Market Crash    25:41
   Will China become the next super power?    28:53
   Chinese Population Collapse    29:56
   Harness new tech to defend against new pandemic    31:15
   Sir Andrew Pollard - Herd Immunity    33:04
   Bomb and Gun won't defend against Covid19?    37:18
   Democratic Authoritarianism    39:43
   Yeah that makes sense    41:13
   KFC bust in New Zealand    41:30
   Value for Value    43:59
   Weaver and Loom    44:44
   Richard Salsman - Precautionary    45:19
   Take this risk . . .    50:34
   Outro    51:24
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The UN talks double-talk as the
ruling elite weaponized authoritarian

democracy to overthrow authoritarianism.

Also, you can sleep better tonight
knowing that a notorious gang was

caught smuggling, one of their highest
selling goods, their most sought after

contraband in Auckland, New Zealand.

Yes, they were caught smuggling.

F C Hey, it's Lucas grow bot and you're
listening to the Lucas scroll bot

show where we uncover purpose, pursue
truth, and own the future it's episode

259, September 22nd, 2021 coming to
you from the heart of the middle east.

The world just gets crazier and crazier.

We're going to hit that KFC
smuggling contraband story

towards the end of the show.

But the headlining today is that the UN
is back after, uh, you know, a pause,

you know, the nature was healing itself.

And I think hopefully the world was
able to heal a little bit in the time

that the UN was not in physical space.

But, uh, the, the ruling elite gathered
and the, the mouthpiece for the globalist

agenda was front and center stage
announcing all the bright and brilliant

plans for the, the new world order.

Of course, here is, uh, the president
of the United States leaders and

gentlemen, president Joe Biden, and the
commitment, my new administration to help

lead the world toward a more peaceful.

Prosperous future for all, for all
people, including, including the

hundreds of thousands that are fleeing
from Afghanistan, their future is

definitely peaceful and prosperous
under the, under the rule of.

The Taliban under the civil war that
is beginning to break out there enough

Gustavo after the, the train of us
allies, not just in Afghanistan, but as

it continues across the region, but enough
about Afghanistan for this episode, we're

actually not focusing on Afghanistan.

In this episode.

We'll be hitting more on China, uh, and
some, some interesting clips from that.


Gets into China specifically.

I want to talk about the UN and even
in this clip, uh, president Biden

is talking of this, you know, this
new order at this new world of peace

and prosperity in, in his speech.

He's talking about how America
is back at the table and we're

gonna work with our allies.

We're going to work with anyone to, to
establish a, a new and safer world for.

And this is really the UN agenda
within the UN of course, on,

on the surface level, but the
words that are said, so, okay.

Yeah, that's what we want,
but what does it mean beneath?

And there was a great article from
the discovery Institute this week,

uh, by a guest Wesley J Smith wrote
this piece and the UN it starts, it

starts, I want to go through a couple
of the points he makes in this piece.

He starts with seeing that the UN is
released a, a long article written by the

UN secretary general, Antonio Gutierrez.

And he writes in this article, the
UN secretary general that there.

And their desire is that the U
N be given power to rebuild the

infrastructures for human existence.

Now, infrastructure is the big buzz
word it's been floating around.

Everyone needs infrastructure these days.

And that is a clever way of saying
we are going to overhaul, not just

physical, like actual infrastructure.

Like roads or buildings, bridges,
or of the electrical grid.

It's not just overhauling that, but
it's saying we're going to also package

in with this word infrastructure.

We're going to package in education
and the way that we educate we're

going to package in a new system
of, of wealth distribution.

We're going to package in a new way of
seeing the world we're going to read.

Society itself.

So when you see that word infrastructure,
you can, you can read into what

is actually underneath that.

Or should I say you should pause and
ask what is actually, what is actually

being meant by infrastructure as it's a,
it's a really hot word, lots of letters.

I don't even know.

1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15 letters.

Uh, 15 letter word.

That can mean a whole bunch of things.

You sound really smart when you, when you
rattle it off and you say we're going to

build back better and have infrastructure.

It's like, yes, infrastructure.

What is that?

I don't know, but this is what the
UN's common agenda in this 85 page

report about the future that the
UN wants to build for the world.

And what.

Actually needs, if you've been a long-time
listener of the show, you know, that

I don't have a very favorable view.

If you couldn't tell by the first four
minutes, five minutes of this episode,

I don't have a very favorable view
of the UN for a variety of reasons.

And you'll hear some of the variety
of reasons right here right now.


Saying that we are in an
inflection point in history?

Well, yes we are.

In our biggest shared tests.

Since world war II, humanity faces a
stark and urgent choice breakdown or

breakthrough only the U N can save
us the United nations pres presence.

The United nations presence,
excuse me, is global.

Its membership is universal and its
activity span the breadth of human meat.

Its fundamental values are not
the pres preserved of any region.

Indeed they're are founded every
culture and religion around the world.

Peace, justice, human
dignity, quality tolerance.

And of course solidarity.

Well, the fundamental purposes and
principles of the United nations in

door, the organization must evolve
in response to the changing world

to become more networked inclusive.

If ineffective in this
article, Smith writes it.

This translates to this is a power
grab to give the U N general and

the secretary general in specific.

Over the creation of national and
international public policies.

What this actually means is the UN
secretary general wants to be given

power to write laws and to be given
authority over nations and over

international public spaces, because
they are the one unifying factor that

the one hope for humanity, humanity.

Does he say in this, what does he mean?

What, what is his ideas of the type
of future that he wants to build?

He goes on taxation is one of the
most powerful tools of government.

Your tears, right?

Taxation can also drive sustainability
and just transition as governance

shifts, subsidies from activities
that damage the environment to those.

This is staying in your rigid translation.

We will redistrict.

Income to the developing world and
use global warming as a pretext

to create an international taxing
power to bring the world's economy.

Under our control, a global
tax system is his dream good.

Two years goes on and he goes
after free speech, he writes

now is the time to end the info.

Plaguing our world by defending a common
empirically based consensus around facts,

science in knowledge, the war on science
must end all policy and budget decisions

should be backed by science and expertise.

I am calling for a global
code of conduct that promotes

integrity in public information.


We want to be big brother.

We want to control all the more
modes and forms of communication.

We will be the ones who decides what is
and what isn't fat and the way that we'll

do this, we'll find the scientists that
agree with us and we'll have the sensor.

Decide what is, or isn't fact
and will control the people

who control the information.

And therefore we can say,
well, we're not doing it.

It's the experts that are deciding
this, but we can't pick the experts.

We've hand picked the sources.

We have told you, these are
the books that you can read.

These are the sources that you can't read.

He wants to establish an
information monopoly, and it's

not an exaggeration exaggeration.

He goes, okay.

Himself writing while vigorously
defending the right to freedom

of expression, everywhere.

Notice freedom of expression, not freedom
of speech or freedom of communication.

It's you can express yourself, but
it's not freedom of information.

It's freedom of expression.

We must equally encourage societies
to develop a common empirically-based

consensus on the public goods of facts,
science, and knowledge, a global code

of conduct that protects that promotes
integrity in public information that could

be explored together with states, media
outlets and regulatory bodies facilitated,

facilitated by the United nations.

With recent concerns about
trust and mistrust, linked to

technology and the digital space.

It is awful time to understand better
regulate and manage our digital

commons as global as a global public.


This is where we've been talking
about this for a long time.

This is where they want to drive this.

Of all the public platforms, all the
social media platforms, a control of

what you can and cannot see censorship,
because if you can control the

information, if you can control the
facts, you can control the people.

He goes on, social justice, racism and
tolerance and discrimination continue

to exist in all societies pause.

And they always will.

Do you know why.

Because wrapped up in the heart of
man is envy is jealousy is hatred.

And, and that is not going to
go away by the UN creating some

loss or our new regulatory body.


There are things that we can do to
alleviate those things, but the answer

and the problem lies within the heart of.

Not a global regulatory body.

He goes on as seen during the
pandemic with the scapegoating

of groups, blamed for the virus.

And as a start, the adoption
of comprehensive laws against

discrimination, including based on race
or ethnicity, age, gender, religion,

disability, sexual orientation,
or gender identity is long over.


If you say a man is a man and a woman
is a woman in a man can not give birth.

Well, that's hate speech.

And that is punishable by law globally.

That is the world that utopia,
dystopia, that he hopes to create

the Smith who wrote this rights.

This is the translation of this.

The new international order will promote
critical race theory, abortion rights,

and the values of the transgender
movement while suppressing dissonance

from the reigning global moral order.

That is, that is the, the goals
and the agendas of the UN from

the senior leadership of the UN.

That is what they want to
push across the globe global.

Critical race theory, abortion
rights, transgendered movement.

It is the globalist movement that
is, is not based Thea election.

It is not a ruling body that is based on
democracy, but it is, uh, it is a power.

By the ruling elite to control societies
and ultimately control you to control the

laws that govern your life to establish
a censorship global censorship so they

can decide what is, and isn't fact.

And now if you say something that
they have deemed is not true or not

fact, well, that's adios to you.

Here is his Biden.

Here is Biden a little more
from his, his speech, which will

transition us into this next segment.

As the United States turns
our focus to the priorities

and the regions of the world.

Like you ended up Pacific that are most
consequential today and tomorrow we'll

do so with our allies and partners
through cooperation and multilateral

institutions like the United.

To amplify our collective strength
and speed our progress toward

dealing with these global challenges.

No, whenever he says Indo-Pacific
really what he means is China.

And we've seen America in recent
days, begin to withdraw even

missile batteries from our allies
in Saudi Arabia, we will drew out of

Afghanistan, leaving high and dry or.

Uh, not just our allies in Afghanistan,
but leaving high and dry allies of the

UK and NATO who they are quite the UK is
definitely not happy with the way that

the withdrawal from Afghanistan happened.

But here he's saying
we're, we're refocused.

We're refocusing on more strategic
problems, bigger looming problems in the

quote unquote Indo-Pacific, which really
means we're focusing on combating China,

which is the whole, uh, Australian UK.

You asked the occas deal where the U S
cut France out of the, the summary deal.

And they decided to give I'm
sure for a hefty cost Australia

nuclear power submarines.

To what do you act as a
bulwark against China?

Well, this is where the double-talk,
as I said in the intro, there

there's so much double-talk going
on just as we went through the

UN saying what they want to do.

And then when you break down what
that actually means in their policy,

in the world that they want to
build, it's a, quite the opposite.

They say that we want, they want to
build freedom by ending the infoDev

by, by doing that, they're there.

They want to create a sensorial, uh,
big brother world where they decide

what is truth, where they decide what
is fact, not just for one country where

they've been democratically voted in,
but for the globe now there's going to

be a number, a large number of nations.

Are currently resisting and will
continue to resist this globalist

push, but the double-talk continues
to play even in, in Biden speeches.

We're going through a couple, a
couple clips from that where he

says, okay, we are building up
and focusing on the Indo-Pacific.

But at the same time, we
actually kind of like China.

Here's another clip, not seeking.

Say it again.

We are not seeking a new cold war.

Or a world divided into rigid blocks,
w we're not seeking a new cold war, but

we're making sure to build up our, our,
our military allies in the Indo-Pacific

to defend against China, AKA, we are
in a new cold war, but he continues.

This is ready to work with any
nation that steps up and pursue

peaceful resolution to share child.

Even if we have intense
disagreement and other areas,

let me break that down for you.

When he says shared challenges, he means
global warming, lots of his speech was

dedicated to global warming again and
again and again and again, saying how

we're all facing a climate weather and
climate is challenging the entire world.

We're all we need to battle climate.

It's not even climate change now.

It's just, we need to battle.

Uh, and, and it's a global issue
that it goes across borders.

So if we can find people who, who,
uh, as he says here, that steps up

and pursue a peaceful resolution.

To share challenges, share challenges
who pursue peaceful resolutions to

share challenges, even if, even if
we have intense disagreement yes.

In other areas.

Well, what are those tents, disagreements,
and who is he talking about?

Again, he's making reference
to China, even Nancy Pelosi.

Just last week said, yes, China does
a whole bunch of horrible things, but

we're going to partner with them because
global warming is a bigger issue.

And so here's this really easy
scapegoat, uh, loophole that

they're they're weaving right now.

Well, if there's bigger problems that
we need to focus on, don't worry about

the millions of weekers that are,
are in concentration camps and the

genocide that is happening against them.

Their bigger issues like global warming.

So we can cozy on up to China.

And again, this is the strange
double-talk that I hear going on.

I even see it with, in his talk
when it is related to Afghanistan.

Pulling out of Afghanistan really
gives a lot of help to China.

It is a great move.

I think for China in Russia, while at
the same time, people are making the

arguments that, uh, president Biden,
one event making arguments that by

America pulling out it then presents
China with its own dangers of terrorism.

This is also seen in this statement in
these clips where he's saying we are

building up the Indo-Pacific, which
is what this whole deal we've even

betrayed France to get these submarines
in this new triad lateral agreement.

It's the same thing that they've
been doing with the quad with Japan,

uh, uh, Australia and India, and
the United States to what be a

bulwark against China's growing.

And there, there trade
dominance in the world.

So it's, it's this really mixed
messaging that it kind of gets a little

confusing of knowing well, which,
which one is which one is it really?

Is it that they are our friend and
our ally and we're going to build

together and everything's groovy or
is we, is it, we are in a cold war.

Going back to the weaker situation,
the intense disagreements.

I want to play this clip from
Gordon Chang, who he was on an

interview called the debate,
which is a production of Newsweek.

And here's him weighing in on, on
China and what's happening there.

And it's important to understand.

President binded says
intense disagreements.

One what he's referring to, and
I want you to ask yourself, is

this an intense disagreement?

Is this something that is big enough
that we shouldn't say well, yeah,

we're just going to go along and
we're going to play peace, even though

these things are going on now, Gordon
Chang is a columnist and author, a

lawyer, and he's widely known for his
book, the coming collapse of China.

On the Wiggers genocide is
defined in article two of the

genocide convention of 1948.

And most people who have looked at this
believe that China has indeed committed

genocide pursuant to that provision.

We know that China has detained
at least 1.1 million, maybe 3.3

million in facilities that meet
the definition of concentration.

We know that people are dying
in those camps because China is

building crematoria next to them.

We know that people are being
tortured in those camps.

We know that there is
institutionalized rape.

We know that there is
forest organ harvesting.

That's the tribunal that was
conducted by sir, Jeffrey.


We also know that there's

That China has been selling weekers
cosmetics and other Turkic minorities

to both foreign and domestic companies.

Um, and basically this is
more than just forced labor.

This is slavery.

This is genocide and
crimes against humanity.

This is the tense disagreement
that the west, not just the west

many nations have with China.

This is the tense disagreement is the.

Organ harvesting to selling weekers
and Kazakhs into slavery to, to

concentration camps to genocide.

Is that, is that just something
that can be glossed over and be

like, yeah, let's, let's move on.

It's okay.

This is just a margin issues.

Well, now when we talk about China,
I want to be, I don't know if careful

so right word, but I want to be.

That there, there really is.

There truly is a difference between
the, the CCP or the CPC, the communist

China communist party, and the people
of China, the everyday person who

wants a, oftentimes a very different
world, a very different scenario,

future society than what the communist.

Wants to push.

And a lot of people who are pro
communism or pro China will attempt to

make these arguments, that communism
and that China was able to pull

an enormous amount of people out
of poverty, more than anyone else.

Saying we need to give
credit where credit's due.

China has done so much for their people.

We can't just say that they're all bad.

Look at all.

The good they have done.

And here is chain again, a counter
argument making a counterpoint to

this argument in terms of poverty.


I agree with you.

Um, but the question is how is that done?

And it was done largely because the
Chinese people forced the communism.

To not stand in their way anymore.

This occurred, um, in 1978, when, um,
people started to see that dunk shall

ping a quote-unquote reformer was taking
over, but Don was actually continuing a

lot of the old communist party tactics
of course have control over the economy.

Um, and the Chinese people said,
no, we're just not doing it.

They did it on their own.

They ignored communist party
mandates and the communist party

actually had to follow them.

So I don't think it was the
Chinese communist party that

has alleviated this property.

It's the Chinese people
themselves demanding that

the party get out of the way.

And what we've seen recently, um,
with CGN pings initiatives, um,

$1.3 trillion of value of Chinese
companies have been knocked off in the

space of what seven or eight weeks.

This is an antibusiness
antipoverty alleviation regime.

And that's important to understand
that just in the last week there's been

a huge stock market crash in China.

That is being called to be equivalent
of what America and the west experience

in the world experience in 2008.

And a lot of people are
worried as the stock market is

teetering on a, on a thin line.

Uh, some people are.

That this is just a little, a tiny little
shake, a little foretaste of, of what is

actually to come in the coming months.

Uh, w we'll see what happens.

Everyone has been predicting
the big one, the big crash,

uh, for years and years now.

Uh, so we'll see how soon or far
that comes, but I wanted to focus

here on the fact that what Gordon
was saying is that it was the.

The people of the Chinese people said,
communist government get out of our way.

We want a capitalistic system.

We want capitalism.

We want to have freedom
to run our businesses.

And it reminded me of a story.

When I heard this clip, it
reminded me of a story, the

other, probably the other month.

I was getting, getting some
work done on, on my car.

So I went down to the local garage is
right around the corner from my house.

And it's strung by some Iranian guy,
really nice really kind gentleman.

He helped pick up the car to drive it
to the, to the shop and on the way we

were talking and he was saying, and
I was agreeing how, you know, we're.

In many ways that you said, you
know, your government and my

government, they might fight.

They might hate each other.

But look, here we are.

We're friends, we're talking,
we're laughing, we're having

a great time together.

And that is an important
thing to remember in.

Realize that many times there
are government regimes that have

one agenda, like in Iran where
10% of the population to ruling.

Is is imposing their
will on the other 90%.

And by and large, that 90% of
Iranians who have I've sat with

many of them, they don't want that.

They don't want that reality.

They don't want that society.

The same thing is what we're seeing
right now happening in Afghanistan.


There are many different
tribes across Afghanistan.

Are very happy that the
Taliban are in power.

It would be amiss to say that all the
people of Afghanistan are upset, but

probably a good 80% of the people.

And all of that, I know warranties
are very worried about their

future under the Taliban's rule.

The same thing goes with.

There that there's a differentiation,
a differentiation that needs to take

place between the Chinese people and
the Chinese government when, when we're

looking and discussing these things.

Um, as they're, they're two different
things in my mind now, uh, he

goes on with this one last clip.

This looming question that
many people have is will China

become the next superpower?

Are they already the next superpower?

And we haven't quite realized it yet.

Well, this is Gordon's.

Um, India could very well be the world's
superpower by the middle of the century.


Yes, maybe no, but the point is we
know that China won't be, and we

know for one very simple reason, and
that is that China today, which has a

population of 1.4, 1 billion people,
according to the seventh national

census that was conducted last November.

At the end of this century will
be no more than a billion people.

Even according to China's own
estimates, which overstate

China's demographic potential.

Um, China probably will have a
population of maybe 500 million.

If it's lucky.

In other words, they're going to suffer
the biggest demographic decline in

history in the absence of war or disease.

That is just mind-boggling.

We've we've touched on this before.

Th the population collapsed that
is coming to China that is already

here in China do, and it's brought
on by itself due to the one child

policy, which then they lifted it.

And we've discussed this
a number of episodes back.

They lifted it to two child and now is at
a three child poverty or, uh, uh, limit.

But the policy change hasn't
resulted in a cultural change.

And the birth rate is still going down.

Their population is aging.

They are approaching, uh, a population
collapse and population collapse

also leads to economic collapse.

And then that creates a, that deflationary
cycle or that Depression-era deflationary

cycle really in the population.

It creates this cycle.

That's very, very hard to pull out.

So many experts are saying that it
is not likely that they will become

a superpower because of the fact that
they are facing a population decline.

Well, there is still madness going
on across the globe with vaccines

vaccine mandates, uh, with riots and
protests, especially across, uh, in

Australia and New Zealand and the.

But here is, uh, president Biden,
again at the UN summit, talking

about how we need to harness and
utilize new technology to be able to

combat what is coming in the future.

Here is, uh, a continuation
of this, these series of clips

by, uh, president Joe Biden.

Well, we worked together together to save
lives, defeat COVID-19 everywhere and

take the necessary steps for prayers.

For the next pandemic for
there will be another one.

It will be another one, but we fail to
harness the tools at our disposal as a

more virulent, dangerous various take hold
those variants, those, those variants.

I think we're on moon now.

I don't know how many barriers there are
out there, but it's this is the cycle.

They're saying there's, you know,
there's another pandemic coming.

There's another pandemic coming.

But recently I've been seeing articles
saying that likely what's going to

happen is that we are not going to,
and it's probably more than likely.

It is a fact.

We are not going to
rid ourselves of COVID.

COVID zero is not a reality
that we are going to reach.

And the pandemic is really going to
turn into what's called an endemic.

Now an end.

Is a disease that ends
up being with us ongoing.

So the influenza would be an endemic.

The common cold would be an endemic.

And those are things that are
typically seasonal that comes in with.

And there's no vaccine,
there's no cure for it.

That every season there is a new
variant that kind of flows through.

Well, here's this shocking clip by
professor, sir, Andrew polar, who

is the director of, of Oxford, uh,
Zeneca, who is the director of the

vaccine talking just about how.

The vaccines are not going
to cause herd immunity.

Now this is what people have been
saying that it's all about herd

immunity, and that's why they're
trying to get these numbers up.

But here's sir, Andrew polar.

I think we are in a situation here with
this current parent where herd immunity

is not a possibility because it's still
in affects at vaccinated individually.

Um, and I suspect that what, uh, the
virus will throw out next is a, is a

veteran, which is perhaps even veteran
transmitting in vaccinated populations.

And so that's an, even more of a
reason not to be making a vaccine

program around herd immunity.

I don't think there's anything that
UK can do to stop the immersion,

Sunni Arab, like going to happen.

And, uh, if anything, we
need to focus now, not.

Um, what might stop me barons, because
I don't think we have any facility

to control that we need to focus
on thinking about how do we prevent

people dying or going into hospital.

There's a couple things
that I hear him saying.

One he's admitting that vaccinated
people are getting COVID and

can spread it and can get it.

So this isn't, this isn't about creating
a total immunity, but it's hopefully.

Going to, and this is what he's saying,
that hopefully this will result in

people not going to hospital as much
due to these shots, but he's also saying

we need to focus on not just, okay.

We need to create herd immunity
because he's saying, well,

that's not going to happen.

We're going to have another variant
and another variant in another variant.

And we're not going to ever
create that herd immunity.

If I'm understanding
what he's saying, right.

It's not going to be.

So instead of focusing on that, we
need to focus on how to treat the

disease, rather than just creating a,
a vaccine, a vaccine to the disease.

And maybe he is talking about a vaccine,
but what I'm hearing and I would think

would be rational is okay, how can we
treat, get, get a treatment, which there

are treatments, preventative treatments
and vitamin D ivermectin, vitamin C.

These are all things that
have proven themselves.

Probably there's a whole list of other
things on those, you know, there's

so many COVID podcasts out there that
could tell you everything that is

helping would help with preventative.

It's just fascinating that he is
making this point, that this is here

to stay and we're not going to get
this, this magical herd immunity.

We're not going to get to COVID zero.

We have to learn to live with it, and
we have to learn how to keep people

healthy through it and move on with life.

This, this clip goes on.

The last 50 seconds.

And I think this is an enormously
important thing to be thinking about

today because this, during the course of
this week will pay about 65,000 deaths

in the world we have now, um, over 4
billion doses deployed on the vaccines

globally, and that is now enough doses
to prevent it almost all of those.

Did you catch that, but 66,000 deaths
this week globally, then he says we've

distributed 4 billion doses globally,
which should be enough for herd immunity.

And yet the deaths are still continuing,
which means that this herd immunity is

not going to be reality for this disease.

We have to come up with.


And yet here is president Joe Biden.

Another short clip from him at the
UN bombs and bullets cannot defend

against COVID-19 or its future variants.

To fight this pandemic.

We need a collective act of
science and political will.

We need act now to get shots
in arms as fast as possible.

Well, Australia is taking that to heart.

They are acting now to get shots in
arms as fast as possible, whole over

the last number of days, riots have
begun to break out across Australia.

Here's just a short clip.

You can hear what's going on in the back.

Now, they're now shooting.

You can hear the OMA.

They're now shooting people.

I don't know if this is the shots
in arms that president Joe Biden was

referring to was that this sort of
shots in arms in this other clip, this

clip that we just played by president.

He also says, we need to, you know,
bombs and guns, won't solve this issue.

We need to use science and we need to
use political will in this right here.

It seems to be effective.

The same here's our sciences is the, the,
what we have said is the bottom line.

We're going to mandate Burton Creek.

This mandate not we're paid.

This works.

Take it.

If you want.

If it works and you believe that it
works, you're going to take it instead

of saying we're going to use our
political will and the scenes, the

scenes from what what's happening right
now in Australia, it's just shocking.

It looks like just full on war scenes.

Uh, just unbelievable.

The, the clash.

That we are seeing right now over these
lockdowns and it's, it's just overtly

authoritarian and what president Biden
is doing even in America and, and forcing

on private businesses saying you must,
if you have over a hundred employees, you

must have this mandated that is classic
textbook authoritarian move, but here

is biting again, back to the double-talk
that we're talking about at the U S.

Mutual belong to those who give their
people the ability to breathe free.

Not those who seek to suffocate their
people with an iron hand authoritarianism.

The authoritarianism of the world
may seek to proclaim the end of the

age of democracy, but they're wrong.

The truth is.

The democratic world is everywhere.

The democratic world is everywhere.

Like in Australia, like in America, like
in the UK, like in New Zealand, which

are all behaving quite authoritarian.

Now there's many states in America.

That's not behaving authoritarian
when it comes to this issue.

But when you look at what's happening
in Australia and New Zealand to

democratic nations, it is the.

Of the majority.

And I don't even know if it's a majority.

It's the tyranny of the ruling class that
is imposing this iron fist in democracy.

Democracies are not immune
to authoritarianism.

Here is another little, little
snippet, great little snippet

from the protests down into.

Communities, he's not welcomed.


Democracy will not stand
for, we will not complete.

Communism is not welcome in our democracy.

Well, oh man.

Yeah, that makes sense.

In a post-truth society where we've
exchanged truth for lies and reason for

postmodern irrationality, the absurd.

Makes sense, uh, in New Zealand, oh man.

New Zealand is just had some of
the roughest lockdowns of anywhere.

Just absolutely insane.

But this week, a, an article came out
exposing this new wave of dangerous

criminals, probably organized.

Uh, highly, highly dangerous
smuggling, uh, illicit goods into

Auckland, New Zealand as you're
under eight stage four lockdown.

And over the week, uh, some, some
probably evil, horrible drug Lords

got stopped with a trunk full
of KFC, Kentucky fried chicken.

Two men have been arrested
it's from the guardian.

Two men had been arrested after
the police said they found.

In a car boot full of Kentucky fried
chicken and over a hundred thousand

dollars in cash, they're probably
trying to get their, their cash to

'em cause they're, they're buying KFC
and then delivering it around town.

That's what I would be doing.

The men were arrested after
allegedly trying to flee from the

police near the Auckland border.

Their car was searched and
they found large quantities

of KFC in such an environment.

Fast food can take on the aura
of high, valued and listened to.

Here's here's another crazy line.

Last week, a man was charged by
the police after posting a social

media video of crossing the Auckland
border in search of McDonald's.

Because right now in Oakland,
under the stage four lockdown,

all fast food places are closed.

So people are looking for fast food.

They're going to smuggle themselves.

Out of Oakland to try to find
fast food elsewhere and come back.

But that is breaking the health mandates.

Oh man, this breach of the COVID-19
public health response act can

result in the imprisonment of
up to six months or $4,000 fine.

And I mean, clearly if you have
three buckets of chicken, um,

gallons of, I mean, multiple.

Containers, I don't know of coastline.

Uh, you're probably part of some sort
of, of KFC trafficking organization.

And, uh, for sure you should be locked
up and put away for a long time.

Well, this show is brought
to you by listeners and by

listeners like you just like you.

So I want to start by saying
thank you for being here.

Thank you for listening.

Thousands of people listen to this.

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We don't run ads on the show, but it's
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Very good.

Don't go away.

We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and boom segments.

Welcome back to Weaver Luma, part of the
show where we take ancient wisdom and

we weave it in with our everyday lives.

Own our future.

And we've our Destiny's today's quote
is actually a clip that I found from the

Atlas society, which is that libertarian
society, uh, with, uh, by Richard Salzman.

And he is talking about not just having
caution in our lives, but being pre

cautionary, any pre cautionary movement.

There's something called
the precautionary.

Which may be almost no one has heard of,
but I believe me, it's behind the scenes

and it's been an agony, EMEA and growing.

And if I said to you, we should live
our lives with caution, you know, and

not be reckless risk-takers of most
people would say, well, of course not,

some people take more risks than others.

And so it's just, you know,
rational in many contexts to, to

have caution, but the idea of pre.

Which is what the precautionary
principle is, is the idea that we

be, we should be super sensitive
to things that might cause us.

To be cautious.

So it's like one step removed
and it's a whole movement.

And I don't even know
what you would call it.

There's journals of risk assessment.

There's journals, a risk analysis.

They apply these to climate change models.

They apply these to epidemiology.

They apply these to workplace incidents,
but what has happened is they have.

Supercharged the whole idea of taking
risks and they've set up a standard,

which is so platonic and actually so fear
inducing that is causing people to not do

things within the norms of like low risk.

Uh, and that's what's happening,
I think in COVID it isn't just

that there are these problems.

The world health organization, the CDC,
the FDA, the authoritarianism and Biden.

There is also this kind of
philosophic fuel being given to it

by this push again, to say that you
shouldn't just be risk averse, you

should be massively risk averse.

You know, almost to the extent
where you live in a bubble.

And this is an infected, even by the
way, parenting for those of you who know

what helicopter parents are, parents who
try to immunize their children have many

kinds of failure or risk, uh, at all.

I love this clip about being precautionary
and how, when we're overly cautious,

it actually destroys or destroy.

Creative ability.

It destroys if you're an overly cautious
parent that anytime a toy drops,

you're sanitizing it 20 times and
you're making sure your kid is living

in a bubble, just, you know, Yolo.

You only live once you ought to look
out, you better be safe precautionary.

And it's why people, maybe you don't
know this, but people make fun of

other people when they say Stacy.

Yeah, stay safe.

It's like, well, how safe, how
safe are we really going to stay?

Should I, should I just stay my house?

Should I just live, locked
up, live in fear and not risk.

And there's, as he said at the
beginning, there's a difference

between being cautious and not just
being foolish and doing foolish

things that are going to cause harm
and being precautious, which is this.

Before that.

And, and then right now we're being
precautious about being precautious,

where we're having so many levels
because in society, we have boiled

life down to our life that after our,
our physical body, there's nothing

left after that, there's nothing left.

All that we have to hang on to
is our health and our wellbeing.

And if that is the world that we live
in, if that is our worldview, our

paradigm, that all we have to hang
on to is our health and our wellness.

And we are going to live
these lives of trying to self

preserve that self preservation.

That's self preservation will cause us to
shrink back in our cages, into ourselves.

And we will not even
live even though we're.

We won't actually fulfill our purpose
of the reason that we are here on the

earth, because we will be so filled
and flooded with fear as we work to

preserve ourselves rather than to give
of ourselves freely rather than to risk

our lives freely to do something that we
could fail and fail hard at taking true

risks with our lives, where we look for.

We ended up in dire situations.

Those are the people who
succeed in the world.

Those are the people that we look
up to and admire those people who

were not precautious, but they rate,
weighed the risks and they took action.

So do that for your life.

Don't be safe this week.

Go out and take risks.

Go out and take risks within your
community, within your relationships of

pushing the boundaries of, of loving one,
another, pushing the boundaries of serving

other people, pushing the boundaries
of how you dream about what you want

to do with your life, or how you dream
about the vision that you want to lead

your family into take risks this week.

And one way that you can take a
risk is by sharing this episode.

Those friends, those relationships,
those colleagues you can do.

So by texting this, sending them this
podcast, or even just talking about

some of the ideas that we talked about
here on today's show together, and

that will be a risk for you because
then you will be forced to engage

with them along these subjects.

And maybe they're going to disagree
with you and maybe it will be

put in an awkward situation.

That is how we grow.

And that is how we build a strong society
and culture and community around us.

It is brick by brick and you and
I can lead in those societies.

We can lead


Culture, we can lead by
connecting people together.

And it's in the connecting people
together in the joining people together,

there is purpose because purpose
is always found in connection to

someone else and that my friends can
help us and help us own the future.