
In this episode, let's dive into the art and science of shelf management and planograms. Get ready to transform your shelves from cluttered to captivating! 

What is Survive?

This podcast is for convenience store sales associates looking to promote to assistant managers as well as for new assistant managers. This can be a tough role when you just get thrown into position. I will prepare you to survive in this role.

Mastering the Shelf: A Guide to Planograms and Shelf Management for C-Store Success
Howdy folks. Mike Hernandez here. Welcome Assistant Managers to this edition of Survive from C-Store Center. Let's face it: those convenience store shelves aren't just furniture – they're the battleground where sales are won and lost. A messy shelf is a missed opportunity; a well-organized shelf is like ringing a cash register. So, in this episode, let's dive into the art and science of shelf management and planograms. Get ready to transform your shelves from cluttered to captivating!
Shelf Management: The Backbone of Success
Consider shelf management as the invisible hand that guides customers' eyes and wallets! Here's why it's crucial:
• Inventory Control: A well-managed shelf makes stock-taking a breeze. You'll know exactly what's on hand, what needs restocking, and what might be gathering dust.
You've probably all been there: inventory day rolls around, and you're faced with mismatched products. It takes forever to count everything, and discrepancies pop up left and right.
Here's a real-life example: You have a shelf overflowing with energy drinks. Different flavors are mixed, some cans are hidden behind others, and there might even be a couple of expired ones lurking in the back.
Trying to count that mess accurately is a recipe for frustration.
On the other hand, imagine a shelf where all the energy drinks are neatly organized by flavor, with clear facing and proper spacing. A quick scan tells you exactly how many of each kind you have in stock. No more scrambling, no more guesswork. That's the power of good shelf management – it saves you time, reduces stress, and ensures you have the right products to keep those sales ringing up.
• Customer Experience: Shoppers want to find what they need quickly. Organized shelves make it easy, leading to happy customers and repeat business.
We've all seen it happen: a flustered customer frantically searching the shelves for a specific item. Maybe they're running late and need a pack of gum, or they're craving their favorite chips. When shelves are messy and disorganized, it can feel like hunting for a needle in a haystack.
Here's a common scenario: Imagine a customer looking for a particular bottled water brand. The water section is a jumbled mess, with different sizes and brands stacked haphazardly. The customer spends several minutes searching, their frustration growing with each moment. Finally, they might give up entirely and head to the competitor.
Consider this: that same customer walks into your store and sees a neatly organized water section. All the bottles face forward, with different brands and sizes separated. The customer spots their desired brand within seconds and grabs it happily. This small win creates a positive experience, making them more likely to return to your store.
Remember, a well-organized shelf is a silent salesperson, guiding customers to the products they need and keeping them happy.
• Sales Power: Strategic shelf placement can boost impulse buys and highlight high-profit items. It's like a silent salesperson!
Now, let's talk about the real magic of strategic shelf placement: boosting sales! We all know convenience stores thrive on impulse buys. A customer might come in for a coffee, but that strategically placed candy bar by the register catches their eye, and suddenly, they're walking out with both.
Here's an example from the real world: Imagine you have a shelf dedicated to chips and snacks. The best-selling chips are proper at eye level, but a new, slightly higher-priced gourmet popcorn brand is tucked away on the bottom shelf. Most customers won't see it so that those sales will be minimal.
What if you moved that gourmet popcorn to eye level next to the popular chips?
Suddenly, customers become aware of it.
The attractive packaging might pique their interest, and they might decide to give it a try. This strategic placement can lead to increased sales of that higher-profit item. Remember, a well-organized shelf with strategic placement is a silent salesperson, constantly reminding customers of all the delicious possibilities at their fingertips!
Planograms: Your Shelf Blueprint
A planogram is like a treasure map for your shelves. It's a detailed diagram showing where every product should go. Here's how it helps:
• Consistency: Planograms keep your shelves looking sharp across all shifts and locations.
Planograms are kind of like blueprints for your shelves. They ensure a consistent look across the store, no matter which Assistant Manager is on duty or which location you're working at. This consistency might seem minor, but it has a significant impact.
Think about it this way: a regular customer walks into your store daily for their afternoon coffee. They know exactly where to find their favorite brand and creamer because the shelves are always stocked according to the planogram. But then, one day, a different employee isn't familiar with the planogram. They might stock the shelves differently, putting the coffee in a different spot. Now, your regular customer is wasting precious time hunting for their usual pick-me-up, their frustration growing with each passing moment.
A consistent shelf layout, following the planogram, keeps things predictable for your customers. They can find what they need quickly and easily, leading to a smoother shopping experience and happier customers. After all, when customers can grab their go-to items without a hassle, they're more likely to return for more! So, the next time you're stocking shelves, remember the power of consistency – it's a key ingredient in keeping your customers happy and your store running smoothly.
• Efficiency: Restocking becomes a snap when everyone knows where things belong.
Restocking shelves can feel like a never-ending game of Tetris, especially during busy shifts. But following planograms can turn that restocking scramble into a smooth operation. Here's why:
Imagine a scenario – you're working the night shift, and the chips aisle looks like a battlefield. Bags are scattered everywhere, some brands are entirely out of stock, and it takes you forever to decipher which ones need refilling. You're exhausted and stressed when you finish restocking, and other tasks pile up.
Now, picture this: you walk into a well-organized chip aisle. The planogram is clear, and each brand has a designated spot.
A quick glance tells you exactly which chips need restocking, and you can grab the right ones from the back efficiently. Restocking becomes a breeze, saving you valuable time and reducing stress. That extra time lets you focus on other tasks, like helping customers or cleaning up spills, making your shift much smoother. So, next time you're restocking, remember that the planogram is your secret weapon for restocking efficiency!
• Visual Appeal: A well-designed planogram can make your shelves pop! Think of it as shelf-merchandising magic.
It's not just about tidying things – a well-designed planogram can elevate your shelves. Think of it as adding some flair to those product displays! A visually appealing shelf draws in customers and makes them want to explore.
Here's where it gets real: imagine walking into a convenience store for a quick snack. The shelves are a hodgepodge of random products without clear organization or visual appeal. It feels overwhelming, and you might be tempted to grab the first thing you see and get out of there.
Now, picture a different store: bright, well-lit shelves organized with care.
Similar products are grouped, creating a sense of flow and order. Featured items have eye-catching displays that pull you in. Suddenly, you find yourself browsing longer than expected, maybe discovering a new snack or being reminded of that favorite soda you forgot about. That's the power of good visual merchandising – it turns your shelves into a captivating shopping experience.
Spacing and Placement: The Visibility Game
• Eye Level is Buy Level: The middle shelves are prime real estate. That's where your most popular or profitable items should shine.
Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of shelf placement, starting with the golden rule: eye level is buy level! The middle shelves are prime real estate, the bullseye where customers' eyes naturally wander. This is where you want to place your biggest sales drivers: the popular candy bars everyone loves, the refreshing drinks that quench a summer thirst, or that new, high-profit protein bar you're trying to promote.
Here's a real-life example: imagine a customer walking in for a quick energy boost. They head straight to the beverage aisle, scanning the shelves for their favorite energy drink. However, the popular brand is on the bottom shelf, hidden behind a few lesser-known options. The customer might miss it entirely and grab something else or walk out empty-handed.
Now, consider this: that same customer enters a store where the popular energy drink occupies center stage on the middle shelf. It's easy to see, brightly colored, and practically begging to be picked up. This prime placement makes the decision a no-brainer for the customer, leading to a quick sale for you. Remember, eye level is buy level! By strategically placing your high-selling or high-profit items in the middle shelves, you're giving them the spotlight they deserve and boosting your sales.
• Group Think: Place similar products together, chips with dips, anyone? This helps shoppers find what they need without a scavenger hunt.
This might seem like common sense, but it can make a difference for your customers. Think of it like creating mini-departments within your aisles. For example, placing chips next to dips is a no-brainer – it makes perfect sense to a customer looking for a quick snack combo.
Here's a scenario from the real world: imagine a customer is planning a movie night at home. They head to the store to grab snacks, specifically chips and salsa. However, the chips are scattered throughout the snack aisle, with the salsa on a different shelf. The customer is forced to play a mini scavenger hunt, wasting time and potentially getting frustrated.
Now, picture a different layout: the chips and salsa are grouped in a designated "movie night" section. The customer spots everything they need immediately, throws it in their basket, and heads straight to the checkout. This grouping makes shopping a breeze, making customers happy and more likely to return for their next snack adventure. So remember, grouping similar products is like offering a helping hand to your customers. It saves them time, reduces frustration, and leads to a more positive shopping experience.
• Facing Forward: Make sure product labels are facing out. No one has time to play shelf detective!
Keeping products facing forward might seem minor, but it's crucial to shelf management. Consider it this way: customers shouldn't have to play detective to determine their buying.
Imagine you're working the cash register during a busy lunch rush. A customer throws a bag of chips on the counter, but the label is completely turned around. You have no idea what flavor it is, and the line is getting restless. You have to waste time asking the customer, searching for the price, or potentially voiding the sale if the flavor isn't in the system.
It's a frustrating situation for everyone involved.
Now, consider this: every product on the shelf is neatly facing forward, with the label clearly visible. The customer picks up the bag of chips, sees their favorite barbecue flavor, throws it on the counter, and you scan it effortlessly. The transaction is smooth, the line keeps moving, and everyone is happy. Facing products forward is a simple yet powerful way to keep things running efficiently and avoid unnecessary headaches at checkout. So next time you're stocking shelves, remember – a little forward-facing magic can go a long way!
• Space Invaders: Avoid overcrowding or empty spaces. A balanced shelf is visually appealing and easier to shop.
Striking the right balance on the shelf is critical! You don't want to be overrun by
"Space Invader" products – that's where a bunch of items crowd the shelf, making it hard to see anything and grab what you need. On the other hand, empty spaces aren't ideal either. They can make the shelf look bare and uninviting and might lead customers to believe you're out of stock on certain items.
Here's a relatable situation: imagine a customer looking for a specific bottled water brand. The water section is overflowing with different brands and sizes, crammed together so tightly it's hard even to reach the items in the back. The customer gets frustrated, gives up on finding their preferred brand, and might even choose another store altogether.
Now, picture a different scenario: the water section is neatly organized.
There's enough space between each bottle so customers can easily see all the options and grab what they want. The customer quickly spots their favorite brand, grabs a bottle, and heads to the checkout with a smile. A balanced shelf is not just about aesthetics – it makes shopping easier and helps customers quickly find what they're looking for.
So next time you're stocking shelves, aim for the sweet spot: enough product to create a complete and inviting display with enough space for customers to browse and shop comfortably.
Shelf management and planograms might not sound like the most glamorous part of being an Assistant Manager, but trust me, they have a significant impact on your store's bottom line. A well-maintained shelf is functional and can increase sales and customer satisfaction.
Oh, and before I go, here are some questions for you to consider:
• Are you regularly reviewing your shelves? Do they reflect your customers' needs and buying patterns?
• Do you have up-to-date planograms? Are they being followed consistently?
• Could you be doing more to highlight high-profit items or promotions on your shelves?
Remember, a little attention to detail goes a long way in retail. So go out there and conquer those shelves!
I look forward to your insights and questions. I am working on two exciting things I hope to have ready in the next few months. One is a digital newsletter or magazine for store-level employees called C-Store Thrive. I will share more information when the time comes. I will also start a podcast to talk to employees like you who keep the industry going. Let me know if you want to share your story with the industry. Please email your questions and comments to
Thank you for tuning in to another insightful episode of "Survive" from C-Store Center. I hope you enjoyed the valuable information. If you find it useful, please share the podcast with anyone who might benefit. Again, I'm Mike Hernandez. Goodbye, and see you in the next episode!
Survive by C-Store Center is a Sink or Swim Production.