The Power Life Coach

Today's episode “Finding Your Life’s Purpose” of The Power Life podcast explores the theme of finding one's life purpose, particularly during midlife. Sabine Schoepke, the host discusses how not knowing one's purpose can trigger a midlife crisis, leading to feelings of panic and existential questioning. 

Initially, Sabine adhered to a practical purpose—meeting financial needs and caring for family. However, about ten years ago, a shift occurred toward seeking a deeper, inner purpose beyond material goals. This led to creating a philanthropic business focused on helping youth transition out of homelessness, inspired by the host's own experience of being homeless.

Over time, Sabine realized that purpose isn't something to be forced or rigidly defined. Instead, it naturally reveals itself when you follow your authentic self and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Purpose is felt more than defined; it aligns with who you are at your core.

Key lessons for “Finding Your Life’s Purpose” include trusting the process of life, listening to your instincts, and allowing your true purpose to emerge without societal pressure. The host emphasizes freeing oneself from distractions, societal norms, and the pressure to define purpose rigidly. Instead, be courageous, explore, and play, allowing life to flow naturally and purpose to reveal itself.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

Welcome to another episode of The Power Life podcast.
Today I want to talk about something I’ve struggled with most of my life. I believe, many of those who are listening have as well.
Today’s topic is Purpose. Your Life’s purpose.
By the time we hit midlife, many of us start to panic. From what I have seen in my own life and from mentoring others, not knowing our purpose is the greatest underlying cause of midlife crisis. All of a sudden, we feel like we are nowhere or not where we thought we would be and we feel like we are running out of time. I don’t know about you, but I’ve asked myself a number of times “What’s this life all about? What’s the point?”
I remember going to business school in my twenties and they told us that the basis for success in life is knowing three things: your purpose, your mission and your vision.
I don’t care to talk about mission and vision today, but they are clearly all connected. Your purpose is the base from which you can easily derive your mission and vision. You know your purpose, the rest is easy.
I can tell you that Purpose was the one I struggled with the most. Actually… I ignored it until about 10 years ago or I made crap up that kind of sounded good. It was always something that was in integrity, but I didn’t really believe it. Because as long as I had to worry about paying my bills and taking care of myself and my kids, honestly that was my purpose. And it is a purpose. No questions about it. But today’s discussion is about a different kind of purpose. It’s about our inner purpose. The purpose that goes beyond materialistic, financial or physical goals. It’s about the purpose that maps out our soul path.
About 10 years ago, when I had covered my financial basic needs, I had this urge to expand my definition of purpose. I wanted to do good in the world. I wanted to give back to people who were struggling. Because I knew first hand what that felt like and so I created my first philanthropic business. Because of my own history – being homeless in Toronto in my early twenties - I started giving back to organizations that were helping youth transition out of homelessness. And it made me happy for a while.
A few years into that, I wanted more. I liked the feeling of having an impact. I never formally sat down and defined my purpose, but I just knew I wanted to feel more of that.
Eventually, I wanted to cut out all the tasks, all the non-fulfilling nonsense that I did not care to do anymore. I sold my business and just focused on changing people’s lives.
It is only recently that I realized that I was following my calling, my soul path and that this is what my purpose is. It surprised me, because it is so different than what I thought it would be. There was no big aha moment. No formal definition. I never had the feeling of ‘’Yay, I arrived. I now know my purpose.” It just kind of snug up on me, while I wasn’t even trying. And I recognized it as a feeling, not by what I was doing.
And heere is what I learned about purpose:
When you look at the definition of purpose, it says “Purpose is the reason for which something exists.” And “Having a purpose in life is one of the most fundamental human needs.” That is true.
But I think we take it way too seriously. People freak out when they don’t know their purpose. And that in return puts way too much pressure on us. Because the reality is: You can’t make it up. It will simply reveal itself to you when you don’t even realize it. So the push and pull of figuring out your purpose, sitting there in front of a blank screen ready to define it, won’t get us anywhere.
I can tell when somebody really knows their purpose and when it’s made up. How? Because when they talk about it, you can tell when it’s forced, because they don’t really believe it either and the energy is missing.
Yet, when somebody really lives their purpose, they lean into it and they are a force of nature. They are excited. They bubble over talking about it. They truly live their purpose and it shows. You ask them one question and they can’t contain themselves. They will go on and on with excitement. It is really beautiful. They are alive.
So what can I tell you, that you can do to live a life of purpose, without forcing it?
The thing is, most of us know when we are on purpose or off. We have a feel for it. We know when we are doing something that we don’t want to do. We can also tell when something that we are doing is on purpose. It feels good. It is our true joy in life. It’s when time flies. When you have nothing to complain about. When you don’t feel like the world owes you anything. When you just do because you love doing it. You innately know when you are being used for a purpose.
It happens when you simply follow the flow of life itself. When you listen to life instead of fighting it and going against it. When you trust your instincts and you have faith in the process.
Our purpose in life, is to be who we authentically are and simply do what reveals itself when we are in that space. The only way we can mess that up, is when we continusly tell yourself that we are wrong or not enough. So basically, when we are fighting it. When we go against ourselves, instead of going with the flow. Instead of being inspired and being ourselves. It’s when we actually recognize ourselves as that force of nature.
The question is: with all the programming and distraction of society, societal norms and social media today, what can we do to nurture this part of ourselves? My advice: Free yourself from all of that. Be courageous and go exploring. Go play. And allow it to be as simple as it is. Be who you are and do what you do. Just follow the flow of life.
Wishing you a beautiful week and enjoy exploring. Until next week, take care.