Immerse: Bible Reading Experience - Daily Bible In A Year

Welcome to Immerse: Kingdoms!

Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel–Kings Immerse: Kingdoms is the third of six volumes in Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience. Kingdoms presents a new and unique journey through the story of Israel from the time of its conquest of Canaan (Joshua) through its struggle to settle the land (Judges, Ruth) and the establishment of Israel’s kingdom, which ends in a forced exile (Samuel–Kings). The nation of Israel, commissioned to be God’s light to the nations, falls to division and then foreign conquest for rejecting God’s rule.

The Immerse Bible Series is the proud winner of the prestigious Bible of the Year award from the ECPA Christian Book Awards. Immerse: The Reading Bible is specially crafted for a distraction-free listening and reading experience, helping you dive in and get immersed in Scripture. You’ll have a great experience using Immerse by yourself. But for an even richer experience, try reading with friends.

Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience is an invitation to a different kind of community interaction with the Bible. Less like a Bible study, more like a book club.

– 8 or 16-week Bible listening plans take you through a large section of the Bible like the New Testament or the Torah
– Meet once a week for a free-flowing discussion about the text
– Wrestle with questions and celebrate ‘aha!’ moments together

Nothing impacts spiritual growth more than spending time in Scripture. Immerse removes many of the barriers that make Bible reading difficult and invites communities to become transformed together through the power of God’s word.

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What is Immerse: Bible Reading Experience - Daily Bible In A Year?

Take a breath, find your place, and read deeply. Discover the joy of reading God’s word.

This daily Bible podcast will take you through the Bible in a year following the Immerse Bible Reading Experience. So grab your family and small group and go through the Bible in a year together with Immerse. Each of the 6 volumes is available online or at your favorite Christian bookstore.

Ethan: Welcome to Immerse: the
daily bible reading experience.

Day 100 and 76

again, the Israelites did
evil in the Lord's sight.

They served the images of Baal
at Terre and the gods of Arum,

Seden, Moab, Amon, and Philistia.

They abandoned the Lord and
no longer served him at all.

So the Lord burned with anger against
Israel and he turned them over to

the Philistines and the Ammonites
who began to oppress them that year.

For 18 years, they oppressed
all the Israelites east of the

Jordan River and the land of
the Amorites that is in Gilead.

The Ammonites also crossed to the
west side of the Jordan and attacked

Judah, Benjamin, and Efraim.

The Israelites were in great distress.

Finally, they cried out to the Lord for
help saying, we have sinned against you

because we have abandoned you as our
God and have served the images of Baal.

The Lord replied, did I not rescue
you from the Egyptians, the Amorites,

the Ammonites, the Philistines, the
Ians, the Amalekites and the Manites.

When they oppressed you, you cried
out to me for help and I rescued you.

Yet you have abandoned me and served other
gods, so I will not rescue you anymore.

Go and cry out to the
gods you have chosen.

Let them rescue you in
your hour of distress.

But the Israelites pleaded with
the Lord and said, we have sinned.

Punish us as you see fit.

Only rescue us today from our enemies.

Then the Israelites put aside their
foreign gods and serve the Lord,

and he was grieved by their misery.

At that time, the armies of Ammon
had gathered for war and were

camped in Gilead and the people of
Israel assembled and camped at mpa.

The leaders of Gilead said to
each other, whoever attacks the

Ammonites first will become ruler
over all the people of Gilead.

Now, Jeff, the of Gilead
was a great warrior.

He was the son of Gilead, but
his mother was a prostitute.

Gilead's wife also had several
sons, and when these half-brothers

grew up, they chased Jeff.

The off the land.

You will not get any of
our father's inheritance.

They said, for you are
the son of a prostitute.

So Jeff, the fled from his brothers
and lived in the land of Tob.

Soon he had a band of
worthless rebels following him.

At about this time, the Ammonites
began their war against Israel.

When the Ammonites attacked, the
elders of Gilead sent for Jha

in the land of Tob, the elders
said, come and be our commander.

Help us fight the Ammonites.

But Jha said to them, aren't
you the ones who hated me and

drove me from my father's house?

Why do you come to me now
when you're in trouble?

Because we need you.

The elders replied, if you lead us in
battle against the Ammonites, we will make

you ruler over all the people of Gilead.

Jeff thus said to the elders,
let me get this straight.

If I come with you and if the Lord gives
me victory over the Ammonites, will you

really make me ruler over all the people?

The Lord is our witness.

The elders replied.

We promised to do whatever you say.

So Jeff thou went with the elders of
Gilead and the people made him their

ruler and commander of the army.

At Misbah and the presence of the Lord.

Jha repeated what he
had said to the elders.

Then Jha sent messengers to the
king of Amon, asking, why have you

come out to fight against my land?

The king of Amon answered JHAs messengers.

When the Israelites came out of
Egypt, they stole my land from

the Arnon River to the Jak River
and all the way to the Jordan.

Now then give back the land peaceably.

Jha sent this message
back to the Amite King.

This is what Jha says.

Israel did not steal any land from Moab
or Amon when the people of Israel arrived

at Kadish on their journey from Egypt.

After crossing the Red Sea, they sent
messengers to the King of Edem, asking

for permission to pass through his
land, but their request was denied.

Then they asked the king of
Moab for similar permission.

But he wouldn't let them
pass through either.

So the people of real estate in Kadish.

Finally, they went around Edam
and Moab through the wilderness.

They traveled along Moabs Eastern
border and camped on the other side of

the Arnon River, but they never once
crossed the Arnon River into Moab.

For the Arnon was the border of Moab.

Then Israel sent messengers to King Shan
of the Amorites, who ruled from Heshan.

Asking for permission to cross through
his land to get to their destination.

But King Sahan didn't trust
Israel to pass through his land.

Instead, he mobilized his army
at J has and attacked them.

But the Lord, the God of Israel gave
his people victory over King Sahan.

So Israel took control of all the land
of the Amorites who lived in that region,

from the Arnon River to the Jaak River and
from the eastern wilderness to the Jordan.

So you see, it was the Lord, the God
of Israel who took away the land from

the Amorites and gave it to Israel.

Why then should we give it back to you?

You keep whatever your God mosh
gives you, and we will keep

whatever the Lord our God gives us.

Are you any better than beak?

Son of zip war?

King of Moab?

Did he try to make a case
against Israel for disputed land?

Did he go to war against them?

Israel has been living here for 300
years, inhabiting Hesson and its

surrounding settlements all the way
to Aurora and its settlements, and in

all the towns along the Arnon River.

Why have you made no effort
to recover it before now?

Therefore, I have not sinned against you.

Rather, you have wronged
me by attacking me.

Let the Lord who is judge, decide today
which of us is right, Israel or am.


The King of Ammon paid no
attention to Jeff's message.

At that time, the spirit of the
Lord came upon Jha and he went

throughout the land of Gilead and
Manasseh, including Misbah and Gilead.

And from there he led an army against the
Ammonites, and Jha made a vow to the Lord.

He said, if you give me victory over
the Ammonites, I will give to the

Lord whatever comes out of my house
to meet me when I return in triumph.

I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.

So Jeff th led his army against the
Ammonites and the Lord gave him victory.

He crushed the Ammonites, devastating
about 20 towns from Aurora to an area

near Mith and as far away as Abel Keim.

In this way, Israel
defeated the Ammonites.

When Jeff thought returned home to mspa,
his daughter came out to meet him playing

on a tambourine and dancing for joy.

She was his one and only child.

He had no other sons or daughters.

When he saw her, he tore
his clothes in anguish.

Oh, my daughter, he cried out.

You have completely destroyed me.

You've brought disaster on me
for I have made a vow to the

Lord and I cannot take it back.

She said, father, if you have made a
vow to the Lord, you must do to me.

What you have vowed for the Lord
has given you a great victory

over your enemies, the ammonites.

But first, let me do this one thing.

Let me go up in roam in the hills
and weep with my friends for two

months because I will die a virgin.

You may go, Jeff, the said and
he sent her away for two months.

She and her friends went into
the hills and wept because

she would never have children.

When she returned home, her father kept
the vow he had made and she died a virgin.

So it has become a custom in Israel
for young Israelite women to go

away for four days each year to
lament the fate of Jeff's daughter.

Then the people of Eef mobilized an army
and crossed over the Jordan River to Zhan.

They sent this message to Jeff the.

Why didn't you call for us to help
you fight against the Ammonites?

We are going to burn down
your house with you in it.

Jeff though, replied, I summoned
you at the beginning of the

dispute, but you refused to come.

You failed to help us in
our struggle against Amon.

So when I realized you weren't
coming, I risked my life and went

to battle without you, and the Lord
gave me victory over the Ammonites.

So why have you now come to fight me?

The people of Eim responded, you
men of Gilead are nothing more than

fugitives from Eef and Manasses.

So Jeff that gathered all the men of
Gilead and attacked the men of Eef and

defeated them, Jeff, that captured the
shallow crossings of the Jordan River.

And whenever a fugitive from Eef
tried to go back across, the man

of Gilead would challenge him.

Are you a member of the tribe of Efraim?

They would ask.

If the man said, no, I'm not, they
would tell him to say Shibboleth.

If he was from Efraim, he would say, SI.

Because people from Efram cannot
pronounce the word correctly.

Then they would take him and kill
him at the shallow crossings of the

Jordan In all 42,000 Ephraimites
were killed at that time.

Jeff, that judged Israel for six years.

When he died, he was buried
in one of the towns of Gilead.

After Jeff the died.

Ibsen from Bethlehem judged Israel.

He had 30 sons and 30 daughters.

He sent his daughters to marry
a man outside his clan, and he

brought in 30 young women from
outside his clan to marry his sons.

Ibsen judged Israel for seven years.

When he died, he was buried at Bethlehem.

After IBS and died, Elan from the tribe
of Zein judged his real for 10 years.

When he died, he was buried at age.

Elon in Zein.

After EEN died, Aden's son of
Hill from Hon, judged his real.

He had 40 sons and 30 grandsons
who rode on 70 donkeys.

He judged Israel for eight years.

When he died, he was buried
at Puritan in Efraim, in the

hill country of the Amalekites.

This concludes today's
immerse reading experience.

Thank you for joining us.