Modeling Success

"Lazy Talent vs. Great Talent: Unveiling the Power of the Interview Process"

In the dynamic world of brand activations, the impact of talent can make or break an event's success. The podcast delves into the crucial distinction between lazy and exceptional talent, showcasing how a brand ambassador's dedication can elevate brand image and create lasting audience memories. By exploring the interview process, listeners gain insights into how agencies like Connections Consulting & Marketing Solutions (CCMS) and Talent Booking Experts (TBE) identify and nurture great talent, ensuring seamless activations. From call-to-action job postings that reveal initiative, to meticulous attention to application details, and proactive communication skills, this episode unlocks the keys to selecting talent that truly shines. Discover how investing in the interview process redefines the caliber of brand representation and ensures meaningful engagement. Contact CCMS/TBE to explore their commitment to talent selection that drives activations to unparalleled heights.

What is Modeling Success?

Modeling Success is created to bridge the gap between talent and brand. Putting everything out on the table, addressing current situations and hot unspoken topics that are happening in the industry that need to change. We will address topics such as the models and brand's point of view on industry topics. As well as discussing success in the industry, what it is to be a model and what agencies and brands are looking for when seeking talent. Just because you get paid for pictures does not make you a model. A model is "a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate". A model is someone or something one aspires to become, someone who works their butt off and is someone people can look up to. This podcast is here to assist Talent in learning pride and true tactics for success in the industry.

I, Rian Donatelli, will use my 25+ years experience within this industry to discuss all these topics and more through conversions and panels with other people in the industry from talent to brand executives to the venues and establishments that we are operating in. We are going to find some hard truths that need to be heard on all fronts.

Speaker 1:

Well, welcome back to modeling success. I'm your host, Ryan Donatelli. And today, we might we might make some heads roll, but we've gotta talk about it. And we are going to cover a lazy talent versus great talent and realizing the power of the interview process. In the realm of brand activations, the difference between lazy talent and great talent can make or break the success of an event.

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And a brand ambassador who embodies dedication and enthusiasm and attention to detail can elevate your brand's image and create memorable experiences for your audience. And then on the other hand, a BA with a lackluster approach that may lead to missed opportunities, subpar engagement, just simply checking boxes and being, you know, breathing is completely different, and the key lies in distinguishing between these two types of talent prior to bookings. This is where the interview process that's managed by agencies plays a pivotal role. And every day, I hear from brand ambassadors, I've never had to meet anyone at an agency before. This is so cool, or wow.

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I've never had to meet anyone at an agency before. And these are the people out there representing your brands. So, again, super important to vet your agencies, find out what they do do to recruit and hire talent and how they go about training them and what their training process is like. But we will get into that next week on vetting your agencies and why it's so important. And today, we're going to discuss and identify the difference between the two and how it's so impactful.

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I think that 70% of everyone coming through talent booking experts in the application process is simply not even moved to step 2 of the application process or hired due to the lack of ability to just simply follow direction. And the reason we ask these steps is to wean out the lazy, 1st and foremost. That's why I have a 7 step application process is, you know, the most effort anyone will put in to work is to get the job. Especially when times are tough, they are in need of money, they are truly wanting a job, and they have that drive and passion, that is the strongest work ethic they will have is in getting the job. So keeping the job will not maybe reflect as much of that effort in, you know, usual circumstances.

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And I'm not judging. I'm just simply saying in the 23 years I've been doing this, this is what I see. So I do call out certain elements in the onboard process, in the application process, in even speaking to people that want an internal career, advancement, management. I asked them to do simple things like, hey. Would you mind sending email me a testimonial?

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I asked them to email. If they text me, they didn't follow direction. So these are elements that are very easy to follow, very basic callouts just to see how well the attention to detail is there and the follow through. So this does identify your behavior. So BAs, if you're listening, pay attention to that detail.

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Make sure that your resume reflects the job you're applying for. Consider a cover letter to discuss the actual role. Yes. I I hear you. Cover letters might be so outdated in yesterday, but doesn't it separate you from the competition that you took the time?

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Hiring managers pay attention to this. So at connections consulting and marketing solutions and Talent Booking Experts, we understand the significance of identifying great talent before they step into the activation stage. So let's dive in into how the interview process can act as a powerful filter, highlighting the characteristics that differentiate the lazy talent from the great talent. So brands, if you're listening and are out there, talent agencies, please pay attention to these crucial steps so it will save you time in the long run that you will get the greatest candidates that are out there in the talent pool that you're choosing from. And these are simple steps and callouts that will help you in the process.

Speaker 1:

So the call to action and job postings, It's a glimpse into the follow through of job posting serve at the first interaction between the agency and the potential BA, obviously. So a well crafted job posting goes beyond listening requirements, and it will include a call to action element that will reveal the brand ambassador's follow through and initiative. So those who go the extra mile to respond to specific questions and tasks within the posting will demonstrate their genuine interest and eagerness to contribute. Okay? Secondly, the application requirements.

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This is a test of attention to detail. The devil is in the details, and this rings true in brand of activation. So specific application requirements such as including a particular phase in the subject line or attaching a unique file act as an initial screening process. So BAs who diligently read and follow instructions well will demonstrate not only this attention to detail, but also a willingness to invest time and effort to secure the opportunity. So put these elements out there to help you and then pay attention, obviously, to the response.

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So proactive communication. This is a prelude to collaboration in the interview process. Communication is a two way street. So great talent actively engages in the process, asking thoughtful questions, seeks clarification, they show a genuine interest in the brand and activation details, their willingness to initiate communication reflects their proactive nature and a trait that often translates to successful on the ground interactions with consumers. Also, those that do background and look into you as a person, if the individual they are interviewing with, if they look you up on LinkedIn, if they Google you, find out unique facts.

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And then also the homework that's done on the agency themselves so they can ask targeted questions, which is super impressive, but also to have them know more about what you do and what they're getting into because they should vet you in return to make sure that it's a good fit. So, next, I would say understanding the impact, You know, laziness in getting the job versus maintaining the job. Laziness is securing a position that can be indicative of a BA's approach to their responsibilities in the field. Those who cut quarters show a lack of commitment during the hiring process are likely to exhibit similar tendencies during activations. And then BAs who diligently navigate the application process, showcase potential to excel, and uphold their commitment once they're representing you as the agency and the brands that you represent.

Speaker 1:

So super valuable things to consider. And then you've got the power of selection and handpicking the great talent. So, again, pay attention to what steps they missed and what they followed and how many people covered every aspect of it. At CCMS and TBE, we believe that interview process serves as an invaluable tool for selecting great talent that aligns with our brand's values and objectives as well as our, you know, company mission and vision. So our commitment to identifying and nurturing exceptional BAs is reflected in our interview process where attention to detail, proactive communication, and genuine enthusiasm is celebrated.

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And we wean out a lot of the lazy without having to waste any time because I've leaned on tech to build a software platform that will call out these items for me, and this will eliminate me spending any time on applicants that I know I would never put in front of my clients. So in the world of activations, choosing between lazy talent and great talent is a decision that directly influences the quality of brand representation, your brand, and your clients' brands. So anyone out there that is seeking an agency that understands the nuances of talent selection, recruitment, contact me. CCMS and TBE is here all day long to represent solid brands that care about, their brand message in the field and consistency and training consistency and all the elements that you all work so hard behind the scenes to create. And then we put this person at ground level right in front of our consumer, and our goal is to create brand awareness, build those relationships, and truly increase sales acting as an extension of your Salesforce.

Speaker 1:

And CCMS and TVE is totally dedicated to helping, brands and talent, you know, match up with what isn't in brand alignment with one another to shine bright, and we do this with our interview process and making sure that our talent represents our brands seamlessly to the best of our ability at every activation. So your brand success is our top priority here at Connections. And if you are interested, definitely, email me. Send me a DM. Contact me online, LinkedIn, all the things, Ryan Donatelli.

Speaker 1:

This has been another episode of modeling success. I thank you for listening in, and we will see you on the other side.