The Embarrassing Diary

Do you engage with road rage fights and stay angry for the rest of the day? Have you given permission to your inner child to be seen? In this episode we are all on board to explore some hard spoken truths about the world within us! Join us in this insightful conversation with Django Draaisma.


🎵Music credit: (Prod. by Johnathon M. Horner / @beatmekanik) licensed under CC BY 4.0

What is The Embarrassing Diary?

A comforting escape for those feeling exhausted or facing life's challenges. Through personal stories and insightful discussions, we dive into a range of relatable topics with the intention to laugh and heal together.

New year new me, or should I say old me?

Welcome to this messy, messy diary.

Is this the time to make
new year's resolutions?

For me, it will be to grow this
community even further across the world.

But I think this is already happening.

As our podcast has been listened
to officially by 25 countries.

I hope you had some reasonable
new year resolutions.

But if you didn't, don't
go too hard on yourself.

. And this is actually what we're going
to discuss today on the importance

of self-love and self-compassion
with a dear friend of mine.

We started this conversation
with the topic of road rage.

So you will hear us
talking a lot about it.

Why do we want to win
so badly, a stupid race?

What's happening to our
inner child at that moment.

And how can we listen to our
emotions and to our bodies?

My guest today has a passion for coaching.

And cultivating self-awareness
in himself and others.

In fact, he has an academic
background in mathematics.

Financial economics.

And coaching credentials and has been
a huge fan of the show since day one.

Ladies and gentlemen Django.

Zoe: Welcome Django to the
best podcast of the year.

I wanted to ask you actually, how did
you decide to come to the podcast today?

Well, actually, I watched
most of your episodes already.

And, , the thing that really struck me
is that everyone had a different message.

So there were people who had
things about, , society about.

Their passion, changing the world.


, and what I thought was most
interesting is that they also

talk about the underlying emotions.

, . Um, and I really liked that because
it's, even there's a difference

in the message that they have it.

Still connects us all as human beings.

And I like that.

And well, I'm very passionate also

, about the topic of personal
development and also about emotions

and intuition, and over the
years, I came to understand that.

It's also more than that , and that you
can feel a lot of things and you can

learn to feel a lot of things also in
your body., and that you can understand

what, what these emotions are and
act on them in a way that fits you.

In authentically.

. Nice.

And did you experience any road rage?

coming here all the way?

Zoe: Through?

I was really aware of that.

I was like, maybe we
would talk about that.

I was like, okay, how am I driving today?

You know?

it's, it's an example, right?

The day on the road and, , all of a
sudden then someone's like clinging

to your bumper and he's like,
they're like driving like crazy.

Overtaking to write . And
something happens and, and.

Sometimes I see that.

And I'm like, , It's it's strange, right?

Um, but if you really think about
it, is that really the case?

And do you think that emotion manifests?

It comes to us a little bit.

Like our inner child comes
out to the surface and wants

to take over., I think that.

At times like that the inner child is
not really being seen most of the time.

That's a bit of the issue.

, we forget that.

We actually have, , an inner
child and they have something.

Within that needs some,
maybe something else.

For me, for instance, I feel.


I feel fear, and anger.

Um, I also, , was bullied at a
school playground, . And , I see

myself that it it's the same feeling.


Back then.


So I feel cornered.

I felt cornered cornered back then that
I wasn't able to do anything about that.

And I feel the same way right now.

And it's three gearing as well.




So subconsciously I'm going to fight.

So I'm like, okay.

, I'm getting angry and then
I'm driving like a maniac to.

. And the problem is now there are
two people on the road doing this.

. And they can take the
lives of other people too.


. That also has a rippling
effect on the rest.

And the rational thing would
also be for me, of course, the.

Problem's gone, you would say?

Then I can just like a drive
on, but that's not what happens.

That energy is still within me.

Emotions work the same way.

. This is a very, very simple topic.

But you can experience
everywhere at work, , energy.

It's it.

It goes within a person
and it's stuck there.

It stays there.

And especially in the workplace.

We can talk.

Yeah, definitely.

Because I feel like you can
have it with your colleagues.

You can have it with your boss.

And it's so hard to shake it off,
especially when you feeling undervalued.

Under appreciated, right?

Yeah, definitely.



And it's the same thing as a different
situation, but it's the same thing with

the, , underlying emotions as well.

So, , usually we.

Have a problem at work.

We're like, okay, this is doesn't,
isn't working, but we do it anyway.

, and, , maybe you decide I'm okay.

I want another job.

I go somewhere else.

And then the same thing happens again.

And then you were like, okay, maybe
it's not boss X, but it's boss.

I, or it's maybe a different coworker
or a senior or some something else.

But the energy is similar.

So how can someone essentially you,
you're talking about, uh, the emotions

manifesting through your body.

So essentially your body's
talking to you about.


How can you, I know it's a maybe,
maybe very obvious question, but

how can you listen to your body?


It's it's, it's not a very
obvious question to too many

at, it took me years to do that.

Um, And, but the answer's really
simple and sounds really cliche.

You have to practice with that.

If you feel something, or if you think
you feel something, . That causes

you stress or are you fearful or
you're angry, then start by looking

inward in your body and scanning.

Is there something, I
feel something at all.

It doesn't matter what.

You don't, you don't judge it,
what it is or what isn't there.

Start with what there
is, what you can feel.

So if you feel, for instance that
your arms are getting tingly or.

Like there's tension or you feel
that your, your throat is getting dry

um, and after what you can also do.

What is the government?

Does it happen more often?

And then you, you get more associated with
your body because of the fact that you.

, you do that process.

And that's a very,
, important thing to be.

Conscious of the things
that happened in your body.

And the moment that I
have enough consciousness.

About the things that happened in my body.

In my mind.

Then I can notice also a weight.

It's very insightful.

What you're saying.

I notice it with my child who is
a toddler, and we talk a lot about

intense emotions all the time.

For example, something very small.

He doesn't like the food he'll scream.


And it will be a lot of anger.

There's a lot of tension on his emotions.


And we would try to tell
him at the moment it's okay.

You can feel angry.

We're trying to do that because it
takes, it's not good to say this.

Suppress it.


Uh, we're trying to encourage him
to be angry, but to express it.

In a, in a healthy way so
that he can be released.

After that, but it's interesting
because I feel like most of us, we are.

Adults who haven't
overcome their tantrums.


And that that's, I think what I'm
understanding also, from what you're

saying, that those emotions it's like
when we're kids, they get stuck in there.


I don't know how to express them.


And that manifest to a pattern of
behavior that can lead to a better life.

Yeah, definitely.


Of course.

It's also About feeling what that anger.

Has to say.

So why don't you really angry about.

Are you angry about the fact that
you have to do the groceries

again, but that's it, is it
really that what it's about is it.

On the line that things of fear, not
feeling, feeling valued, or feeling

that your, your own needs are not being
seen by a partner or by someone else.

So the emotional part of that.

And, and then the next question is,
how can you give it to yourself?


Th the thing is that.

, usually in society, we're
like, okay, it's about that.

It's about the dishes.

It's about that.

And we say, ah, you always do it
like that and stuff like that.

And usually we also later share,
okay, it's a fine, it's fine.

But then we were stuck
at the superficial level.



Yeah, because it's it, we didn't
say things about being valued.

We didn't say things about what we.

I would like, yeah.

Being heard what we would
like to feel, what we need.


And my I'm an advocate for trying
to understand what that is, because

it's not always clear society.

Doesn't tell us that.

There is a deeper level like that.

But there's so much information in what's
beneath that and the world within you.

And that if you can see what it
is, you can make meaningful changes

and you can also communicate.

Better with a partner or someone
else, . And that goes for you, but

it goes also goes for the other.

For your partner for your colleagues?

For everyone?

It's it's, it's all connected.

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Zoe: And how important.

, for, to, to go through that journey
is the journey to yourself and

to rediscovering who you are.


I think that's the, I
think that's the key.

If you do these, this work on yourself and
you're like, okay, what's beneath there.

What's beneath that.

, then.

Usually you find that.

You're not being very nice to yourself.

. . You've you think you're very judgmental
about the things you're doing.

So you think you can be angry,
so you have to not be angry.

So eventually it will burst
and you will become angry.

And then you are like
internalizing that angry.

Like how can I be so stupid?.

And , it's a cycle.


I always found it hard.

Growing up when I would read the law.

The sentence.

Love yourself.

I never understood.

What does it mean to.




Uh, very lump them.

I didn't know who he is, myself.


And I'm growing up and
going through therapy.

Uh, my therapist said exactly what
you said, like, what do you want?

What do you really need?


Be specific and be honest to yourself.

And the minute that you start
asking this question and start.

Uh, analyzing it.

Um, then you are actually
becoming kind to yourself.

Be yourself because you
listening to yourself.

So there's not the
there's this bitterness.

I think that our shelf.

Is having with ourselves.

Because he's not being listened.



And that comes as a circle with that.



Yeah, because because of that bitterness
and a distinct live within you.

Your behavior changes in that way.

And that creates the circle in the real,
in the, in the material world as well.

So you do things that.

And then you've got stuck in a circle.

And, um, what keen sides do you
hope that our listeners will

take from our conversation today?


, I'd like to invite everyone who's
listening , Usually when we have all

kinds of situations going on at workplace.

, relationships, things like that.

Um, and my message would be
if you feel stuck somewhere,

Don't just look at situation,
but look through the world within

look what's happening within you.

Can you feel things in your body?

, and then try to,

See, what do you need?

If you, ah, Start working on yourself
and you start doing it from that

perspective, then you will also attract
things , , and people that you can, that

can help you with developing it further

So that would be my
invitation to everyone.

I want to really thank
you for being here today.

I feel very honored about, um, having
you here and about our conversation.

I think that it's going to be
important for people out there

too, to reflect and to talk.

Uh, about their inner child to talk
about self-love to discover those.

Those little details within them and
maybe, maybe even try to make this place

a better place as cheesy as it sounds.

Thank you for having me on your show.

I really enjoyed the talking
with you about this subject.

That I feel, uh, very passionate about.

. Thank you so much.


Whether you decide to drive
recklessly or carefully, I

hope you enjoyed this episode.

If you want to be a guest or you
want to suggest a topic to discuss

next, send us an email at the.


diary at gmail.

com and a member from our team will
come back to you shortly and arrest you.

We also have an Instagram
account where you can see all

the latest updates of the show.

and spicy backstage footage.

That is for today, hope you enjoy
your holidays and see you next time!