Kube Cuddle

Kube Cuddle Trailer Bonus Episode 14 Season 1

Gerhard Lazu

Gerhard LazuGerhard Lazu


In this episode Rich speaks with Gerhard Lazu from Dagger.

Topics include: Gerhard’s podcast called Ship It, designing web sites in the 90s, how he used Kuberenetes before Kubernetes, the Kubernetes Documentary, and lots of chat about CUE and Dagger.

Show Notes

Thanks for all of the support that the podcast is getting on Patreon. If you’d like to help keep the podcast sustainable for only $2 a month, you can get more info here.

Episode transcript
Gerhard’s Twitter
Rich's Twitter
Podcast Twitter


Rich’s appearance on Gerhard’s Ship It! Podcast
The Kubernetes Documentary [part 1] [ [part 2]
Solomon Hykes, Sam Alba, Andrea Luzzardi
The changelog.com GitHub repo
Continuous Delivery
Jez Humble
James Governor
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What is Kube Cuddle?

A podcast about Kubernetes, and the people who build and use it.