Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with the crew and see what is going on!  We look at the winners of TFX and does that mean good things going into the upcoming season. NOBULL and TB12 Merge?!? Another pops for PED use and an announcement on Media at the CrossFit Games.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the new open.

I'm such a bobblehead.

I love it.

I learned how to wiggle the heads.

I'm all into it.

I think that's the first

time Kat's seen it.


What makes it a JCPenney ad?


It's like, I don't even know,

but it's funny.

I mean, the statement's funny,

but I just don't understand it.

You ever seen a JCPenney ad?

No, I don't think so.

Floating heads.


I was just,

I think I was proud of myself

that I was able to pull it all off, man.

It's awesome.

Up the game a little bit.

Got some modern music jamming in there.


Oh, okay.

Got it.

See, you don't even know, Charlie.

You was wrong.

Have you seen?

It still does.

No way.

It's not the softer side of Sears,

I can tell you that.

Could JCPenney sponsor us?

I mean, we're a bunch of masters.

You want to wear clothes

that your grandma would wear, sure.

They could send us a catalog,

and then we could order our gear.

Did you just say a catalog?

I said a catalog.

I forget.


Oh, my God.

Love it.

So here we are.

What's going on, everyone?

What's up?

We have the full house.

January is almost over.


I know.


It went so fast.


I'll close my door.

I got to go see my kid this weekend.


Oh, good.

Went over to Pittsburgh.

Saw our new house.


It's really nice.

It was just renovated.

So like everything inside is

like brand new, new fixtures,

new faucets.

So did you stay there at her house?

We did.

What is that like?

I can't imagine.


Being a guest at your kid's house.


So I will tell you,

they tried very hard to

make it like as comfortable as possible.

So in their office,

they have a futon and that

was my sleeping spot.



It was like balancing on a two by four.

um but yeah they you know

they fed us they really

tried to like be adults

yeah which was um really

cool but the only bad thing

is I was telling amy

yesterday it just rained

all weekend so we just kind

of stuck in the house um I

can't wait to go back where

we can like go downtown and

do different things and

But the funny thing is,

my daughter's boyfriend,

they moved to a very nice

neighborhood called Swickley.

It's where a lot of the Steelers live.

And my daughter's boyfriend said,

we have the cheapest house

in the nicest neighborhood.

That's all right.

We're in the nicest neighborhood.

I can't wait until my kid's

that age and then I'm going

to just go to the house and

throw clothes on the ground.

go in the fridge and just

get stuff take whatever

charger you want take every

charger in the house three

of them for no reason yeah

yeah it's funny cory moved

out and all of a sudden we

we can keep chargers for

more than a month or two

right in the right place

yeah anything else exciting with you guys

I think one of my kids, well,

one of my kids is permanently home.

I mean, temporarily permanently home,

but the other one is, uh,

I think coming home already for what?

I don't know.

Her roommate has a car.

And so whenever her roommate comes home,

she's just like, okay,

I should just come home.

Oh, like for the weekend or yeah.


Just sort of revisit.


My guy started classes last week.



All right.

So his, his, uh, what do they call it?

His gap semester is over.


Got it.

Back at school.


He's already spent about

$400 on young LA gear,

workout gear instead of

groceries or whatever else

his student loans are

supposed to be paying for.

But I am, this is my new approach.

I'm proud of you.

I know you can do it.

You got this and that's it.


Not gonna nag about what

he's spending his money on.

I'm also not going to give

him money when all that money runs out.

There you go.

That's where I'm at.

I'm all for spending your own money, but.


And if,

and if my ex-husband can be on the

same page with that,

we should hopefully be

creating a responsible

human being here in the next few months.

So fingers crossed.

That's all you can hope for.


They'll figure it out.


I mean,

you put seven grand in somebody's

in a kid's bank account and

they don't know what to do with it.


I mean,

I guess I would spend some of it too,

but we'll see stressful.


being an adult is stressful.

And that transition is even

more stressful.

There's this new following

and she talks about emerging adulthood.

It's that, that time between, you know,

high school and like true,

true independence and how

parents are supposed to, you know,

how parents could choose to

navigate through that.

And, you know,

there are some people that are just like,

you're 18, cut the cord, you're done.

See you later.


That's not me.

And, uh,

Yeah, we're in this transition stage.

Yeah, it's so hard, Judy.


Judy says letting go and letting

things be is hard.

It's not hard for Elsa.

You're right.

She just lets it go.

Let it go.



Charlie, you're the best.

So Andrew Sten made a

comment that there's not

much going on in the CrossFit world.

Yeah, not really.

But all of a sudden, bam, today,

we get a little bit of news.

Some yesterday.

We have a drug suspension,

four-year suspension,

for Valentina Rangel.

My question to this is,

she was tested at semifinals at Copa Sur.

That is almost a year ago.


Um, why is it just happening now?

Now I know it didn't have

any effect on the rest of the season,

but we've almost finished

the off season before it's announced.

So maybe do you think that

the person knew or the athlete knew,

but just didn't come out

with it or did who came out

and said that the suspension happened?

So the barbell spin broke it.

I don't know who announced it.


Maybe there was a very long, um,

appeals process.

Maybe she was, you know,

test collecting cattle to

test meat or do something

testing supplements.

Well, from my understanding,

when I interviewed Blue City,

when they went through that,

there's a very strict

timeline that you have to

get all that done.

And if you don't have it

done by that timeline, you cannot,

it's not admissible.


Well, I mean,

maybe CrossFit took their time getting,

answering back.

I don't know.

Maybe since the season's starting,

they're just letting everybody know.

They're reminding everybody.

Here's why she's not here.

You warned.

These are example.

These are example.


I guess that's possible.

It's funny because Hiller

did a video just showing

like before and after pics

from 2018 to 2023.

Of course.



Don't really need a test.


Put the list down on what

she got busted for.

Charlie needs to know what's

on his shopping list.

Also, where can he purchase this?

Part of Portugal.

That's going to go in my shopping cart.

I think it was the same old thing.

I didn't read the article, unfortunately.

I read the comments on Instagram.

That's about all, as far as I got.

Yeah, so...

But whatever she was taking

worked when you look at the

before and after pictures

because she went from like

small gymnast look to complete monster.



that's disappointing for that

situation to happen.

And how is she going to move forward?

Well, she can move forward for four years.


Well, right.

Maybe powerlifting?

new sport or maybe pickleball.

Who knows?

I mean,

I would love to be a ripped up

pickleball player.

Just firing that thing at people.

Have any of us tried pickleball yet?


You've been doing it.


Don't get caught in the ideas.

A court.

It's a driveway court.

Oh, nice.

I was thinking about turning

my gym into a court during the middle,

in the middle of the day.

Yeah, for sure.

You can put that next to

your pole vault pit.

Yeah, my pole vault pit, exactly.

I'm going to the national

championships this year for pickleball,


I haven't started yet, but it's happening.

I believe in you.

I believe in you.

If I don't pull a hamstring,

I'll be there.

So the reason why I'm not an

Olympic pole vaulter right now,

you realize,

is that I pulled both my

hamstrings in my second lesson.

That's the only reason.

sure you tune into the

pickleball podcast that

cat's having on thursdays

right uh your guy corey

filling you in charlie he

knows corey looks like he's

pretty ripped up in that

picture oh yeah he knew

that pretty quickly huh

charlie you getting ready

what's the street value are

you getting ready for your

uh charlie versus corey

Oh, I stay ready.

I don't have to get ready.


I'll make sure we're, cause I mean,

the open's just right around the corner.


I just registered and I did

the judge's course.

Did you love the judge's course?

It was way better.

I still had to,

I still don't understand

that toes to bar picture.

How are you supposed to know

that her feet are not touching the bar?

I agree.

Like they're touching the bar.

I thought I was like,

that's the only thing I got wrong.


Oh, and one of the questions,

when they ask you to pick

two things that could be improved,

I sort of just picked one

and then hit submit.

I forgot to read the question.

I do that a lot.


When's the last day you can register?

The Monday after, so March 1st, 4th,

March 4th.

Right before the first scores are due.

You've got some time.

That wasn't for me.

I was just letting the people know.

He's going to do it tonight.

You know,

we're an informative journalist here.

We're just letting people know.

You're letting people know

they can still sign up.


Open should be interesting

for me this year.

I think I can't remember.

I think the last time I

worked out was when I did

Legs with Brayden.

That was like three Saturdays ago.

So looking good.

Well, we...

put some exclusive content out yesterday,

something about the open.

We talked to Boz and we know

for sure a tightrope will

not be in the open.


Or slackline.

So that is a very exclusive.

He did qualify, though, just the open.

That's the only thing he could confirm.

He could not make promises for quarters.


So you never know.

Chelsea Miller.

So you'll be well rested then, Kat.

I mean,

I usually do my best work when I'm

rested and full of Ben and Jerry's.

So we should be good to go.

Is that what happened to the hamstrings?

Who knows?

Who knows?

Chelsea, I hope that's right.

Andrew Sten coming in with

another one of our topics for the day.

Noble merging with TB12.

And the Brady brand going to

see Tom doing CrossFit sometime?


I wonder if he's going to

keep it a CrossFit brand.

Yeah, no,

I think Noble's going to just shift away.

Yes, 100%.

They just literally had 70%

off of all their CrossFit stuff.

Yeah, they're not interested.

They're getting rid.

They're done.

Well, it was an overstock, they said.



Why all of a sudden sell it at 70%?

It's the price to move.


Ben and Jerry's is a banned substance.

I mean, only the pecan pie flavor.

This is true.


Pecan pie?

Oh my gosh.

It's so good.

Are they doing like

jenny's does with like green

bean and oh no this is just

classic literally and pecan

pie is kind of my favorite

pie ever so oh yeah only

there stands in all flavor

says chelsea charlie wants

to know where he can get

that found it already it's

fine it's right next to

chubby hubby whoa oh no here we go

Corey, pecan pie?

I don't know.

Pecan pie?


Pecan sounds very pretentious to me,

so I was trying to... Says the Cajun,

who I can't understand like

half of what he says.

I don't have that down in Louisiana.

Every time I say pecan pie,

I think of when Harry met

Sally or one of those Meg Ryan things.

She's like, pecan pie.

Yeah, pecan.

Thank you, Judy.


What is it supposed to be?

Yeah, pecan.

I just texted my family.

My family texted about Tom Brady.

All my daughter just said was gross.

I'm not the biggest tom

brady fan yeah and I really

like greg olsen as an

announcer and the fact that

he's getting booted for

brady next year really irks

me we'll see if that still

happens so no no no no no

no bull for me as a pro as a protest

okay well I did just I did

hop on the 70 off train so

I'll be supporting yeah I

didn't realize that thanks

for letting me know I could

use some shorts or

something I thought you

were still waiting on your

um tear stuff so I didn't

want you it's in the mail

you know what I ordered a

pair amy I was going to

tell you about this

yesterday I thought of you

um I ordered a pair of gym shark leggings

Really, I've got them.

They're really comfortable.

I really like them.

They don't,

like the waistband is snug

enough that you don't have

to keep sort of pulling at it.

And there's no seam in the middle.

I like it a lot.



Highly recommend.


It's just their training leggings.

They have like all different

styles and whatnot.

I'll shoot you the link

because some of their

colors are on sale for like 15 bucks.

But yeah, I really like them.

And I'm a guy small.

That helps you order with sizing.

Charlie, I tried the Gymshark jockstrap.

It's comfortable.

Do you let it move?

It'll snug.

It can move around.

I picked it up.

Here's something you guys can relate to.

This is a debate that's

often brought up among

fitness females is your sports bras.

They need to make a decision

about the cups.

Either sew those cups in there.


Your sports bras.

Either sew the cups in there

or completely remove them.

Because I'll tell you what,

washing that stuff is a big

pain in the butt.

And having to, after you wash them,

fix all of them.

Those little cups in there.

Real pain in the butt.

I bet you any woman on here

make a comment.

How can Scott and I relate to this?

This is true.

I yank them out as soon as I get them.

Or you wear them once with

the cups and then you know

as soon as they go in the

laundry you're like in the trash.

Because you'll never get

them back correctly.

It's a real pain.

Didn't even know they came with cups.

Well, they do.


The sham is up.

Now you know.

This is going to create

This is the truth.

People be knowing.

Catfishing at the gym.

See how y'all do?


All right.


this experience happened last weekend.


One of our friends won the female side.

So I'm going to pull up the

leaderboard real quick.

So on the men's side,

William Leahy with the win.

Traven Benton took second, Ben Wise,

and then

friend of the show matt

brady friend of the show

arturo torres friend of the

show tanner balazs um so

it's fun to see people that

we've had on the show uh do

well at uh the fittest

experience I think this is

huge for bill lahey uh he

won by almost 100 points he

is the dude that kept

getting disqualified in

qualifiers uh because he

can't follow directions and

the fact that he went to a

live in-person competition

and dominated was really good for him


Maybe he needs an assistant.

And then on the women's side,

Sydney McElishan with the win.

Abigail Domet, second.

A little bit closer on the

women's side here.


Much closer.

And then Cody Vitito.

She is... We had her on and

talked about...

What is it?

Cereal milk lattes.

Samantha Pugh's been on.

Taylor Patterson's been on.

So it was fun looking at the

leaderboard and seeing

people that we featured

during our semi-final

series do very well at the

Fittest Experience.

I think that's good for Sydney, too.

Good for her confidence

going into the next season.

Where is she training now?



But she's with the same coach,

Jarrett Smith.

He moved to Proven as well.

Got it.

So they both moved to Nashville.


The fittest experience is very different.

It's a very unique competition.

I like to call it the

three-ring circus because

there's like three floors

with stuff going on all the time.

And they call them pads.

Pad one, pad two, pad three.

Just an interesting way to name them.

Jeremy Teal is still putting that on,


Jeremy and his crew?

That is correct.


And it's like the oldest

CrossFit competition on a

major scale in the country.


Probably in the world.


So there's that.

Jay Birch says 16 years.

They've been doing the competition.



Well-oiled machine.



William Leahy is part of the

Southland group,

which Corey Leonard is a part of.

Rudy Berger is a part of.

It's William Luckett.

Brandon Luckett.

Brandon Luckett.

His kind of little camp.

It's not really like a

coaching training camp.

It's just a hangout for a

bunch of athletes from that area.

Scott Tetlow is a part of it.

I think Shelby Neal went to the last camp.

How did Charlie get his invite?

I don't know.

Got to ask your boy, Corey.

Speaking of camps, Amy,

when are we going to Power

Monkey Fitness Camp?

Because that is where you're

going to get your muscle up.

hundred percent okay well

let's find out when it when

it is there's usually one

in like may and one in

october we should

absolutely plan okay to

have someone fund it for us

because it's really

expensive they will pay us

to come there I will go

yeah we should do a

gofundme for us to go to

so corey I need you to get

the people's champ here uh

personal invite and he he

did confirm yeah shelby

neal was there last time

alexis johnson the time

before both coming this

weekend remind me what's

this weekend this is this

is southland camp oh the

southland camp okay yeah

there you go charlie all

right sign up and show up

get up and shut up now you

just got to get lisa's approval

but he's first got to take

his ice his cold plunge ice

bath I get nobody's

approval okay I hear you

amy now that you've had

your cold plunge for it is

it the brand cold plunge no

that's not okay what is it

amazon okay can you give us

a full review in terms of like

How easy is it to clean, maintain?

What what do you wish had you upgraded?

You know, if you had a different unit,

what would you wish it had?

Because I'm curious.

So I have to clean it

because it froze all the way through.

So I did not clean it.

But what I had started to do

was like I left the water

in there for a week, drained it.

recycled the water, but then it froze.

So I just kind of stuck with that,

except for the little hole

that I made with the hammer

so that I could at least

fit in there for part of it.

So now it's melted.

So now I will go through the

recycle process of it.

But I think it's exactly

right on for making sure

it's like the price was

right for seeing if it's

something you'll actually use.

Like if I were to put,

I could definitely upgrade

and put more into it, but

I wouldn't want to do that

unless I thought I would

really be used utilizing it.

So what was the price point on yours?

Like $65.

Oh, wow.


So I think it's a, that's great.

But like if I had, you know,

right now it's been fine to

keep it at the temperature

because of the weather and the winter,

but summer is going to be harder.

So having a chiller with a

pump would be awesome for that.


So yours is just a container.


It's not even, it's like felt.

Do you have a thermometer with it?

Like, did it come with a thermometer?


I just take my little

thermometer out there with

it and stick it in.



Sleeping bag with sticks in it.


So the ideal temp is between

about 40 to 50 degrees.

And if it is between those temps,

then I go four to five minutes.

If it is between 40 and 30,

then I go less time in it.

And are you like upright in

the field position in it?

Is that how that works?

I'm just sitting in it like

this and it comes to your chest.


And then I stick my face in

it at the very end.



So that's how I've been doing it.



So no filter, no pump.



Just, just going, you know, hardcore.

So basically I could get

like a big giant Yeti

cooler and throw some water

and ice in it.

Here's the kicker that

people don't realize.

Well, not all people,

but is they go into the

cold plunge and then they

immediately like go take a

hot shower or do that.

Like that's not the purpose.

You need to let your body

come back to the reg to

regulate its own body temperature and

And yes, I've done the cannonball.

I literally go three, two, one, go.

You cannot question it.

You just have to go.


Did you make a little steps

or a ramp up to the top or

do you have to like put your leg over?

So you do have to like get a leg in first.



Just right in.

So who worked out today?

Not me.

It's Scott's rest day, so we can do this.


It's my rest day.


Charlie worked out.

I saw him.


What'd you do?

I had to go finish deadlifts.

Oh, okay.


I didn't do them yesterday.

We're on a cycle.


We did back squats today.

Five by five.

At 75%.

And then a terrible wad of

10 burpee over dumbbells.


50 foot walking lunge held anywhere.


And then 20 cows on the bike.


Five rounds.



It's kind of amazing though.

I mean, it was quad.

Oh, my quad.

Oh, my quad.

Oh, my quad.

Yeah, that sounds awful.


But we did it, and it's over.

Do we think Sumo Deadlift

High Pool is going to be in

the open this year?

Ooh, maybe.

I saw it.

Is it usually in the judges' course?

I think so.

I don't recall seeing it in

there recently.

So that was horrible to judge.

I know.


Would you have to both hands

at the head at the same

time or getting that weird?


Jeff, I'm going to put it in the comments.

The guy I think is a good

person to follow for some

of these benefits.

So my last thing for the day is you agree.

Thank you.

Yesterday we asked Boz, actually,

Quad Zombie asked Boz if

there were going to be more

media access at the games

this year or less media

access at the games.

I'm wondering if they were

listening because today we

got an email from

from crossfit as a um what

do they call that news

release uh-huh press

release that it is going to

be more limited this year

at the games than in past

years and that just because

you were given an immediate

credential last year does

not mean you are getting one this year

And they do not have a pit.

It is just the front row of

seats on one side of the

arena is where the media can be.

And so we'll have to wait

and see kind of what

happens this year and how

that all kind of breaks out.

I wonder if that's a product

of them sort of revamping

some kind of media presence of their own.

I can't see them investing

money into anything like that anymore.

But it did also say no on field access.


But I can't imagine that

there's going to be zero

media on field access,

which is what I mean.

I'm wondering if they're

going to be contracting some folks.

Well, I mean,

ESPN was contracted to do the games.

So I'm sure ESPN will have

their crew there.


I'm thinking like for

post-production content.

I don't know.



I'm going to say goodbye.





Bye everyone.


I don't know what that'll mean for

like the behind the scenes stuff.


don't know I think last year

they opened that up and if

you if you've watched any

of it which I know probably

you haven't I'm the only

one that forked over the 20

bucks yeah um there's so

many cameras backstage like

we were told it was just

savan richie and blue buttery bros

And yet when you watch those

behind the scenes,

everybody and their brothers back there,

Wykie from Australia,

the Talking Elite Fitness crew,

Lauren Khalil,

like tons of people are backstage.

And it's got to be like so many people.

I'm wondering if they're

maybe going to cut that way

back this year.

I mean, to poor athletes, I mean,

there's a point where Justin Madera says,

I'm just tired of answering

the same question four times.

Yeah, yeah.

And it's becoming – yeah, I agree.

And it's not so interesting anymore, like,

just as a viewer.

There's got to be something

else we can do.

Well, behind the scenes is just different.


It's not – like,

if you want to – But there shouldn't be –

18 media outlets behind the

scenes then if you're doing

behind the scenes because

then it kind of dilutes you

know that whole

storytelling process

especially if you said if

you get to justin maderos

and he's already asked been

you know been asked five

times the same thing and

then you ask it it's not

going to be cool here is um

here's my beef right

When we're at an event like semifinals,

and we're really good at

getting those people coming

off the floor interviews,

and we're like two questions, 60 seconds,

get in, get out, be done.

There are people in this

space that try to take that

out to five minutes.

And it gives the rest of us

a bad name because the

athlete doesn't want to

come off the floor and

stand there for another five minutes.

They're trying to go cool down.

They're trying to – and know

the situation.

Know what the athlete's

trying to get to and be

respectful of their time.



But I think we've built a

big enough reputation with

the current athletes.

They know we're a quick hitter and done.

But it is frustrating when

you see others in the space

in front of you taking five,

six minutes to interview

someone after an event.


Corey's asking if I think

the behind the scenes is worth 20 bucks.

I think he's agreeing.

I like the behind the scenes.

I wanted to see it.

It picked up after episode

two for me when they

actually get to the competition.

the pre stuff is all stuff

we've done in the past, just hanging out,

talking to athletes.

I didn't get a lot from that,

but once it gets to episode three,

it's really good.

And I looked at it as if I

was going to a good movie,

I'd pay 20 bucks and this

is entertainment and it's

hours of entertainment.

And so it was worth the 20 bucks for me.

And when does this get open

to the public soon?


Right before the open,

right before the open.

And if you want to pay for it,

where do you go to grab it?

You have to go to the Real

Savant podcast and become a

member at the CEO level,

which is 20 bucks a month.

Got it.

And then do you see them?

Are they on YouTube?

You have access to them there?



They also did a mic'd up

thing with Hopper and

Pepper at Guadalupalooza on

their team with Ricky.

um and it was I think it I

think it's going to be

really good um if they can

do that in the future the

weather made it so they

couldn't mic them up during

the rain because you don't

want to strap an electric

device to an athlete in the

middle of the rain um

So I thought that was really cool.

But the coolest part of that

is there was a trail run

that was not covered and

they made a graphic of

heads going down the path.

And you can hear Hopper going like,

got to catch Noah, got to catch Noah.

i passed tola I passed tola

like and those are really

cool things that we didn't

get from that so um I hope

that we get more miked up

athletes in the future

because I think that is

super cool there's a moment

where they forget they're

miked up yeah and at that

moment it just becomes gold

yeah genuine and real

And what I'll say to get the

last thing about the other

cameras in the background,

most of them were just

taking video of like other

people interviewing, you know,

like over the shoulder.

I know what you mean.


So promotion.



But with that,

it's going to be interesting

to see what that means for media.

The other thing is Carson

for the semis this year,

it's going to be in the tennis stadium.

What does that mean?

I've never been, Kat.

You have.

Is there room for media there?

Is she frozen?


She looks frozen.

Or she's reading.

I think she is flat out frozen.

Ellis is back.

All right, guys.

All right.

With that, and I'm all choked up.

With that,

we will see everybody next time

on Glidesdale Media Roundtable.

Bye, guys.