Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva

Join the OYB Scholarship Competition! The Winner will get 3 months of FREE Coaching from Martin:


In this episode, Martin delve's deep into the realms of fat loss and health through the lenses of the keto and carnivore diets. Through a Q&A session with our audience, we explore practical strategies to utilise these dietary approaches for optimal results. From shedding light on the mechanisms behind fat loss to addressing common concerns like reducing cellulite, we provide actionable insights on how to navigate the journey towards a healthier, leaner you. Join us as we uncover the secrets to losing stubborn fat through a combination of smart training and nutrition.


{0:00} An opportunity to get 3 months of Free Coaching from Martin with The OYB 90-day Scholarship 
{1:58} Implementation is Key
{2:38} Carnivore Vs Keto Diet For Fat Loss & Health And How To Use These Diets As Effective Tools
{26:36} Strategies for reducing cellulite and methods for building your physique 
{35:38} Strength Training Properly To Lose Stubborn Belly/Body Fat
{44:33} The Nutrition "Big Rocks" for Health and Losing Stubborn Fat
{47:31} Being Aware of Added Fats/Oils
{49:41} "Mini-Cut" & "Mini-Bulk" For Shifting Stubborn Fat
{54:08} Important Reminder

What is Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva?

Hosted by Transformation Coach and Ex-Pro Physique Competitor- Martin Silva.
Nutrition. Training. Lifestyle. Mindset.
Martin is a true health guru. With a focus on nutrition and the best foods that we can be eating to maintain optimum health.
Find out how Martin's life changed when he put health before aesthetics with a clean diet and more of a balanced lifestyle.
Martin has interviewed some world-renowned guests on his podcast.
If you're looking to level up your body and mindset, this podcast is for you.


What's up, ladies and gents? Welcome to another episode of Optimize Your Body podcast. Doing another solo cast today, and I'm gonna do another q and a. Always get really good feedback off these. And thanks everyone for writing in.


So real quick before we get into it, the scholarship thing, free coaching is gonna be 3 months of free coaching instead of 6 months. Right? I said 6 months last week. It's still there. You can still apply.


There's still time to apply. It's been an overwhelming response of people applying for the scholarship. So what I've done is not only is I'm gonna open it for longer. Right? So you can still apply.


You just gotta click the one link in the show notes beneath this and simply answer this, like, what, like, 2 questions. I'm gonna choose a winner based on why it's important to them, what it'll mean to them to really get into, you know, the best shape they can get into within the next 90 days. So, basically, one lucky winner is gonna get a free 3 months of coaching. You heard it right. Free coaching from me for 3 months, which entails, you know, everything's personalized.


You're gonna get personalized nutrition. You're going to get, you know, customized training programing. You're going to get all the support you need, accountability. You're going to get access to all of our resources and everything. It's it'll literally be life changing.


So don't miss out on it. To be honest, you're a bit silly if you've been thinking about working with me or you'd like to really level up and you're not gonna, you know, at least apply for apply for this. So but that's up to you. Right? Plenty of people have applied, so don't worry about that.


Anyway, ladies and gents, what I'm also gonna offer is 6 partial scholarships. Right? So not only is the winner gonna get free coaching. Right? A full scholarship.


Basically, I'm gonna offer I I can definitely take on 6, partial scholarships. Right? I'm not gonna talk about details there. Right? But long story short, you are still going to get scholarship, but it's going to be a partial scholarship.


Right? So, anyway, let's move on. The link is in the show notes. Right? So let's get into it.


So basically, all the questions I've got here, I've got 4 questions. I'm gonna run through them and try and answer them in as much depth as possible because what I think, ladies and gents, when I do this podcast, especially the q and a when I'm doing it on my own, I always think the audience is thinking what's in it for me? Let's be honest, you're just thinking right what do I get out of this? What can I learn from it? And number one thing, ladies and gentlemen, we need to take away from anything that I do here is what can you implement?


We've got information. We've got more information to us, you know, available to us than any other time in human history. Information is easy to just, like, listen to podcasts. Zach, you know, you're already growth minded if you do an app, by the way. Wanna improve yourself just by listening to podcasts, so congrats.


But implementation is key. So let's go second to the first question. And a lot of detail here. So thanks. Right.


So basically, the first question is I eat carnivore ish mainly meat and fruits, but I'm looking to cut carbs and eat more keto slash carnival for a month because I felt better eating strict carnival when I did that for 6 weeks. My goal is to shred more fat, but I mainly notice my gut health and my digestion and also my overall energy levels are better when I eat strict carnival. How long should I try going carnival slash keto before I reintroduce carbohydrates and other foods? So I love this question because this is actually what I'm doing right now. I'm actually just switching over to eating, carnivore, you know, slash keto for literally 7 days I'm gonna do this for and see how I feel now.


Not to make it too much about me, but it was only last year that I actually started doing carnival strict. You know I eat animal based you can maybe see the carnival code book here behind me or maybe not, the carnival code by Doctor. Paul Saladino was what really pushed me over the line to try it because I was getting issues myself with my guts and skin. And I still do. So this is why.


Well, I mean, it's way better. Right? This is why I've been I haven't gone carnival now since October last year, and I'm actually gonna do that now this week. And my girlfriend is actually doing it for 10 days as well. Right?


The reason she's doing it is to detach from sugar. Right? Because she's been bulking and she's been building some muscle and, you know, she's doing really really well. But she's just overeating sugar. She's just eating for the sake of it and it gets like that sometimes, right, with sugar because, you know, it can become very addictive, those behaviors.


Right? So anyway, so I'm doing this now. So I can give you a bit of an insight into why I do it and how, what my approach is with doing keto slash carnival. But first of all, let me give you some education on this. Right?


So first and foremost, you know, keto is when people say they're eating keto, they're not. Long story short, most people, they say that, oh, I'm gonna go keto. You're not. You're just going low carbs. Right?


Keto is actually really, really hard to do to get yourself into ketosis. You have to eat, you know, get around about 70% of your total calories, 70 to 85% of your total calories coming from fats. Do you know how much fat that is? And the rest protein, by the way. So, like, the remaining 30 15 to 30% would be, protein.


That's a lot of fats. Right? So, basically, you know, and with with there's not a just like strict carnival. Right? There's not a great deal of variance in terms of the foods that, you know, you can really eat on keto depending on the person.


You know, some people couldn't get into ketosis easy than others. Some people have to be some people could eat bloody, you know, an avocado or even some olive oil. Actually, not not olive oil, but I don't know anyone who's eating olive oil and got out of ketosis. But eating avocado, for example, people can can come straight out of ketosis from doing that. So everyone is very much different.


So long story short, you know, that's what keto is. With carnivore, now carnivore is more kind of like a 70 30 generally. So 70% fat, 30% protein. You could even do like 60% fat, 40% protein. Now, you probably think, what the fuck are all these percentages he's talking about?


What percentages? I like to say this because, you know, firstly, generally, you do need to be having a certain amount of fat to actually get your body to start using ketones as energy as a primary energy source. In other words, being in ketosis. But also, you know, when you're eating carnivore, you actually have to, you know, you have to be having a certain amount of protein first and foremost. And you still have to be having a certain amount of fats, to be fueling your body for energy.


Right? Because where are you gonna get your energy form? Right? You know, fats and essential nutrients. And that is, you know, the primary source of energy generally, for humans because in fats is where you're gonna get most of your calories.


Right? And there's essential nutrients in fats that you really, really need. So, anyway, moving forward. So remember, carbohydrates, you can live without. Right?


You can survive without. I'm not gonna say that's optimal for most people to simply not, and I'll get to that. But, you know, you can't if you if you had deficiencies with certain types of amino acids, in other words, proteins and certain types of fatty acids that you get from, you know, meats and mainly animal sources. Saturated fats too, not just, you know, monounsaturated fats. You know, I'm talking about fats in general you would end up with nasty deficiencies and essentially you would hate to say it you die a slow painful death right just give people sorry to be grim, but just to give people an idea of how important, you know, those that's what they call essential nutrients, right?


Essential proteins and fats. So anyway, to kind of get to this question, I wanna kind of give you a bit more of, you know, context first and a bit more education around this because it looks different for everyone. But, you know, this person said how long before I reintroduce carbs? So let me give you an example of what I'm doing now. Right?


So I, like I said, haven't done carnivore since October last year. Now just so you know how I eat is an an a lot of people perform while doing this. I have a lot of clients doing this as well. You know, I'll eat mainly pro pro I'll just eat protein and fats in the daytime. Very low carbs.


The only carbohydrates I'll have is coming from, like, an avocado. So I'll have my meats. Even when I'm eating just my normal pattern of eating, I'll have that. I'll sometimes have dark chocolate, tell a lie. Not now, obviously, because I'm eating, you know, you know, carnival, keto.


I don't even wanna label it that I'm just eating. I'm just basically, you know, cutting down on carbs. Now let's just call it carnival keto, right, for argument's sake. So I'll normally do that. Sometimes I have a bit of dark chocolate, but it's high fat mainly.


Right. 85%, 90%. I actually have dark chocolate. But for the first meal, so for the day, I have one big meal. I have my meat, my eggs, my avocado, maybe some olive oil, maybe some dark chocolate for that first meal.


By the way, that's really calorie dense going back to what I said earlier. You know, most of the calories we get are gonna come from fats. There's 9 calories, in a gram of fat whereas only 4 calories in a gram of carbs and only 4 calories in a gram of protein. Actually, only 7 calories in a gram of alcohol, believe it or not. So I'll eat that.


That'll fill me up all day because I'm having high protein loads of meats. I'm having, like, you know, sometimes up to a kilo of meat with that first meal. Right? And getting most of my meat in that first meal and then obviously all the fats from the meat, the eggs as well, and then obviously avocado and everything else. Right?


So I'm full most of the day and then what's generally probably happened, I haven't tracked this. I haven't used a continuous glucose monitor or anything like that to track this. But what's generally gonna be happening is my body is probably dipping in and out, of ketosis. Maybe, maybe not. But either way, I'm not spiking my blood sugar level much throughout the daytime and giving myself a crunch in energy.


I'm having sustained energy from the protein and fats. Right? And then in the evenings, I'll have I'll usually I'll have my carbs in the evenings. And right now, obviously from yesterday, which which I'll talk about, but generally I'll have you know white rice. I'll have my fruits like banana and berries are my go to normally.


A bit of honey and some coconut yogurt generally in the evenings. Right? And I'll I'll have a little bit of meat as well before that. I'll probably have a small amount of meat then, like, you know, 400 grams of meat. That's a small amount for me.


And then I'll have, you know, like I say, the rice and and everything else. So that's kinda like how I do it. I'll backload my carbs in the evening. Then what what happens then? I mentioned this last time, but, obviously, you know, serotonin, release more serotonin when you eat carbohydrates generally, feel more relaxed, whatever whatever is going on there.


It does sometimes give me a better sleep when I have carbs. And even that being said, like I said last time, metabolic flexibility is key. So, you know, now switching back to that, I know switching back to, you know, carnival, like you would when you're changing up your training, for example. I know now I'll get a good response from it. I know what happens is my gut health improves, and I get better sleep.


Right? And I'll have more sustained energy. I'll I have to get used to being I'll have to start making friends with hunger again. And I say this to clients. And my goal, by the way, is not to drop fat at all.


I don't even think about losing fat or, you know, I do think about building muscle to be honest. Right? Because I enjoy defeat, you know, I I enjoy eating a lot, first and foremost, and I enjoy lifting weights. So that's great, but I never really think about fat loss anymore. But as a side effect of me doing this, I'll naturally drop fat simply because I'll simply because I'll be in a little bit of a calorie deficit because I've cut out those extra, you know, calories from carbs essentially, and, probably about 700 calories of coconut yogurt that I have in the evenings.


So, naturally, I'll lose fat as a side effect. Although, that's not my main goal. But all this to say, you know, what you're gonna look at is how long should you take before you reintroduce them? Really, you should see how you feel. And this this is why, you know, you're probably gonna hate me saying this, but there's so much variance from person to person.


Right? And, you know, when you look into let's say this person wants to lose a bit of fat. I would say this is a good thing to do because when you're going back to what I said, you're not gonna feel hungry when you're having, you know, mainly if as long as you have an adequate protein, and you're having enough fat. This is a problem. See, when people, they, go into a calorie deficit and cut calories or they switch over to, like, keto or carnival, they they don't actually have enough fats.


So they still fall into the trap of, like, having lean meats like chicken breasts, maybe adding a bit of avocado here and there, but not having enough essential fats from, like, grass fed beef, for example, or even salmon getting your omega free soup food. Like, obviously, good quality, not farm the farm that they'd be like but even wild fish nowadays is hit and mess with the plastics in the ocean. But even so, obviously, omega threes, you're gonna get from, you know, salmon or mackerel mainly. But to be honest, you know, that I'm not gonna go into the composition of omega threes. I don't eat any salmon, or take any omega threes.


You know, people will kinda debate that. I did take them for a little bit. Have my bloods done recently. My bloods are absolutely bang on. So, yeah.


Anyway, moving on before I waffle too much on this. What you wanna do is see how you feel. Your goal is to lose fats. Allow that to be the side effect see how your gut and energy is and this is exactly what I'm going to do now. You'll likely notice because what you notice with carbohydrates is obviously you are consuming other stuff when you consume a carbohydrate.


Right? Depending on the types that you're eating, you are gonna be consuming plants when you're eating carbohydrates. Right? That's where you're gonna get generally, you know, even if it's fruits, it could be rice, it could be potatoes, all coming from plants which do have defense chemicals in them. And even if you don't wanna call them defense chemicals or toxins, whatever, it's gonna have certain compounds in them which could be problematic.


And this is likely why we get the immune issues. Right? Eighty percent of the immune system is located in the guts. Gut, ladies and gents. Right?


So if you're gonna get, an autoimmune response and you're gonna notice your gut inflammation, you know what your digestion is, or, you know, your stool is hit and miss, your digestion is kinda like off. I was getting gut pain last week. I can't even tell you. So, anyway, I'm going to do that and just see how I feel now doing that this week. I know I'll notice my energy.


I have more sustained energy yesterday already the 1st day I did it, where I just cut the carbs out and had, you know, protein and fats. Normally, I'll go strict carnival. What I'm doing now is I'm going kinda like, kano, kiwi, kiwi ish. Sorry. Kano, kiwi ish, where I'm having, you know, avocado, basically.


That's the only plant I'm having. And maybe a little bit of olive oil I'll have if I feel like I'm lagging on energy or I'm really hungry. And that's it. Another thing I really want to touch on with you doing this right is people got to be really mindful when you cut down on carbs. You have got to make sure that you don't get dehydrated and get a sodium of, deficiency.


So when you're not having electrolytes or enough sodium you need to have more sodium basically and especially electrolytes when you are cutting down on carbs because number 1, it's very easy to get dehydrated. Think about it. Right? When you cut carbohydrate carbohydrates turn into water. So, you know, 1 gram of carbs can turn up to up, you know, turn into, you know, 2 to 3 grams of water.


So if you cut them out, then obviously, you're gonna be having less water in the body. But not only that, you're you need more sodium to be able it's not about, like, drinking enough water. That's really important, of course. It's about how much water you absorb in. Right?


So when you drink water, you know, via a process called osmosis, it's gonna, you know, absorb into the tissues, the water and the cells. But in order for you to actually get that absorption and have the tissues absorb and hydrate you, you need to be having adequate sodium. Right? And why I said electrolytes is because salts, in other words, salt the shit out your meals, you you know, if you're eating whole foods regardless of high or low carbs, you should be adding salty meals. Anyway, I use Richmond red salt.


And that's really good quality because even, like, pink and Malayan salt has a bunch of microplastics, and now they found. So, yeah, you wanna be making sure you're doing that. Otherwise, you're gonna end up dehydrated. You can get cramps. You can get headaches and all that kind of stuff when you're having low carbohydrates.


So what I've done is I salt the shit out of my meals anyway. But when you have electrolytes, in other words, a little bit of magnesium and potassium combined with the sodium, then, it helps with the absorption of the sodium, which then helps with the absorption of the water. So I'm not actually sponsored, but I should be because I've called them out enough times. Probably will have to get an affiliate thing going with these. L m n t, it's spelled.


Right? L m n t, but they call they they pronounce it element, l m n t. Right? That's what I take, and, normally, I'll take, like, one of them a day when I'm training. I'll have it in the morning, when I'm training to help me hydrate in the mornings.


Because, again it's about the it's about getting the water into the tissues not just into the body. But generally I'll just have one a day. Sometimes I'll have a second one because they do these chocolate caramel ones. It's just salt. I like the taste of it.


I have it with hot water in the evening sometimes. I just love the taste of it. A lot of people will think it tastes salty, but for me it tastes super sweet because they add stevia. So that's gonna come down to how much processed food you eat in terms of whether whether you like the taste of them. But, yeah, that's what I take.


So make sure you're having electrolytes ideally. Worst case scenario, you're having, I would say a gram at least or a 1000 milligrams of salt with your water in the mornings is essential if you're not having electrolytes, especially if you're low carbs, particularly if you're low carbs, salt the shit out your meals. And but, yeah, ideally, I would say electrolytes be a little bit better, but you can get away with it normally just by adding more salt to your diet. Right? So, yeah, that's that's pretty much it for you in terms of, like, when you want to reintroduce carbs, see how you feel.


You know, obviously, it's guessing when you're not doing blood work and stuff meticulously, but I don't do blood work to be honest when I dip in and out of these things. I get my bloods done every 3 months, but I don't do it just when I'm doing carnival and stuff like that. I mean, you can do to to see where you're at, but just go by how you feel. Right? If you feel like, you know, things to pay attention to anyway, right, is, you know, sleep.


Is your sleep having a negative impact? Because that can definitely happen when you're cutting carbs for a long time. Are you are you noticing your performance and strength dipping in the gym, like, drastically? It will drop a little bit when you go into a deficit anyway, but you notice in that you just got no energy in the gym. You're getting crashes in the daytime.


You know, your gut health, well, generally, you got you got probably will be better anyway when you're having low carbs. But notice, you know, those kind of things really and and even your weight. Right? If you notice that you drop in weights at a fast rate, that's not always a good thing either. Right?


So sometimes you wanna bump, bump your calories up, bump some carbs in just to reboot your metabolism from a curveball. So that's gonna come down to to personal preference. I would see how you feel generally, you know, doing a month. Like, aim for 7 days first. That's what I'm doing to see how I feel.


I might just do a week, to be honest. That's my plan is just do a week to 7 to 10 days anyway. But, you know, you you might wanna do 7 days and then see how you feel. If you feel good 30 days, fantastic. If you still feel I feel absolutely awesome after 30 days, then why not keep going?


You know, I know some people that cycle it for 2 to 3 months at a time, and they feel absolutely amazing. I know one guy, you know, doctor Benazidi, shout him out, had him on the podcast. You know, he was doing his bloods, and his bloods just kept looking good good good good good right up to, like, 3 months. And then I think his testosterone levels dropped a little bit, and and then he started reintroducing carbs. So, yeah, I would just like to see how you feel, more than anything and kinda take it from there.


But just remember, the most important things are, ladies and gents, when you're when you're doing these things, when you're switching over to, like, you know, not everyone is in a place where they can do it, where they can just, like, be restrictive. Because essentially, that's what you're doing. Yes. You get an most of the essential nutrients. You need all of them actually when you're having, carnival, you're doing it properly and keto.


But having all the essential nutrients you need doesn't mean that it's optimal. That's that doesn't mean optimal just because you're getting, you know, most of the stuff you need. That's that's not what that means. Optimal is generally adding in some carbohydrates, varying your food sources a little bit more, providing your gut health is good. That's the most important thing.


If you start varying your food sources and you notice that, you know, you're not shitting, sorry to be crude, or you're shitting everywhere, or you were just noticing that you're getting gut distress like I do then you gotta fix that. Right? So, yeah. So couple of fundamentals I want you to focus on. If anyone is gonna take this approach.


Right? And there's a disclaimer here. Right? I'm not prescribing anyone try this. You gotta be very careful with these things.


Most people are not in a place to do these things, to be honest, if I'm if I'm quite, frank with you. My girlfriend and I are really high level with our relationship with food. And basically, this is what you wanna look at. Right? My girlfriend and I, Right?


I'm gonna give you an example. Now there's four levels of competence as most people know. Right? Look at it as like driving a car. Right?


When you drive in a car, when you first start driving a car, you know, you're thinking about everything. You're all over the place. You have to think about, well, in the UK, we do manual driving, right. In America, I know you do automatic. You're thinking about everything.


It's very clunky when you're changing the gears. You know, you're looking at the the the the, you know, you have to consciously look at the rear view mirror and blah blah blah blah. Everything's very clunky. You're thinking about everything. Essentially, unconscious incompetence.


You're ignorant. Before you even drive, right, that's encompass unconscious incompetence. Right? Then when you actually start driving and learning to drive, conscious incompetence kicks in. You get the awareness.


Right? You need to look in my rear view mirror. I need to do this when I do my 3 point turn. Okay? I need to do x, y, and z.


Right? You start becoming aware, but you're still incompetent. Right? You're not you're not competent at driving at that point. Then when you put more work in and practice more, you get conscious competence.


Right? Learning. Okay? You start actually learning. You start getting above that level of awareness where things start slowly becoming a bit more automatic, and everything starts making sense.


Everything starts coming together. Then finally, then you got mastery, right, which is unconscious competence where everything is just automatic. Right? And it's like that with nutrition. You you know, with it with the driving.


It's it's automatic. Right? If you've been driving for x amount of years, you're just driving. It's automatic. You're not thinking too much about it.


Right? But, the same as with nutrition. Right? It's the same kind of phases. My girlfriend and I are at the point now where everything's automatic.


But even so, you know, we can still get sucked into eating carbs for the sake of it. Right? Because let's be honest, when you start eating carbohydrates, you want more of them. Right? Generally.


Right? So, we're at the point now where it's automatic and it just becomes, like, second nature. You're just making decisions without thinking about it with food. Right? It just becomes, like, intuitive.


Like, your body wants to eat those food. I enjoy taste wise everything I eat. And, also, it becomes like an internal thing where your body signals are then in sync because those signals get hijacked when we're eating ultra processed foods, especially if you've been really overweight. You've got to a point where you're eating the wrong types of foods, which then have made you overeat. And those signals have been hijacked.


Those natural signals which tell you you're full, tell you what types of food to eat, and don't mislead you into, justifying eating foods which you don't need and then you end up getting fat. Right? So that they're the kind of different levels. And unless you're at the point where you're at least at the conscious competence level where you've learned a lot and you've you haven't got poor relationship with food or, self sabotage behaviors with food where you're binge eating or, you know, hitting the off button on the weekends or finding yourself losing fats, gaining a bunch of it back and still going on that yo yo diet and cycle. Don't be doing these restrictive diets.


You need to take a different approach. You need to take an approach which is sustainable. You probably need to get some support of some sort to to push you in the right direction or at least at least have someone around you who can, you know, who you can learn from to get you to that level of, like, mastery with what you're doing and needs to be automatic. But yeah. So but if you're at a good level, then that's what you wanna do.


Right? You wanna, really focus on firstly, you shouldn't be in processed foods. If you're gonna do this, you're gonna eat kind of all keto, which you shouldn't be in processed foods, ultra processed foods. Right? You need to be in whole foods at least 90% of the time.


So I would say otherwise, you're going to be fine on losing battle. As soon as you let's say you go, you do a month where you go, carnival, keto, whatever, And then, you start bringing in ultra processed foods again, you're fucked. Excuse the French. But then you're gonna go back to all behaviors because, again, those foods are designed to make us overeat and they're gonna hijack your brain. So if you're eating a bare minimum, I would say 95%, you know, single ingredient foods, bare minimum.


Right? Ideally, 95% or more. So like I said, I mentioned the electrolytes, and also nutrients. I really wanna be, clear about this. I eat beef liver as well.


Right? I love beef liver. I'm having that most days now, to be honest, anyway, with my first meal. But remember, there's unique nutrients. Now, to give you an example how much variance it is from person to person, if we look at doctor Anthony Chaffee, doctor Paul Saladino, I've had them both.


Well, sorry. I haven't had Saladino on yet. I'm trying to. I've had doctor Anthony Chaffee on on mine, and they actually did an interview together where Saladino interviewed him. And what they found was Chaffee doing his blood work, like, he just eats primarily grass fed beef and salt, to my knowledge.


He sometimes rotates and brings in, like, full fat milk. I think he was drinking full fat milk. I'm not sure about eggs, but that's pretty much all he eats. It's mainly just grass fed beef. And all his bloods were bang on.


Everything was was spot on, you know, thyroid function, all that kind of stuff. Whereas, Saladino noticed that if he goes to a carnivore, then his test on his testosterone levels started plummeting. He started getting deficiencies and certain nutrients and everything else. And there's there's unique fit, unique, nutrients that you get from beef liver, for example, such as vitamin k 2. Right, which is a very very important nutrient.


I'm not gonna go into the depths of why all these things are important. I'm just gonna touch on some of the ones that you need. Beef liver, you know, copper and iron. Right? Through through beef liver to get an adequate amounts.


Ideally, you wanna be having some beef liver. Choline, which you can get you can get choline and egg yolks, but I eat plenty of egg yolks. So I get more more than enough choline anyway. But if you're not eating heaps of eggs, I don't know how many. Again, it depends on the person with absorption and everything else.


It's a great source of choline. Now, for example, you know, even doctors doc well, most doctors don't know what they're talking about. Right? But a small select when it comes to nutrition, of course, other stuff they do. When it comes to a small selection, when it comes to, doctors who actually know what they're talking about, they actually tell with nutrition, they actually tell, pregnant women to actually eat, egg yolks because choline is essential for cognitive function and for brain development, especially in kids.


So and but for adults as well. So choline, you get from beef liver, you get that from egg yolks too. And then you got certain B vitamins as well which you get a high dose of fruit beef liver. But it depends on the person. Some people can get away with not eating liver.


But I rather not take my chances personally, and I love the taste of it anyway. So remember, you need to be eating some beef liver. Right? Even if you're having a tiny well, I have a tiny amount each day, like, I don't know, even 50 to a 100 grams, like, a day over the space of, say, a 100 grams a day, or just have, like, 2, 2 or 3, you know, 200 gram hits of beef liver a week. You're gonna get what you need then.


So that's it. If you're not doing that, then you probably to play it safe wanna get a settlement like a beef liver supplement to take. So that's something I really wanted to touch on anyway. Again, I know that was a long winded answer, but I wanted to basically give you all the information that I think will benefit the person who asked this question and the audience, hopefully, that you need if you're gonna if you're gonna try these things. Right?


And just remember, a simple thing I wanna touch on there as well if you're gonna do this, you know, building muscle generally and strength. Generally, carbohydrates are gonna benefit you more, with performance. When it comes to aesthetics and and getting lean, it's a lot easier to do that, and only for a period of time, though. You don't wanna be doing this long term generally when you're doing, you know, low carbohydrates. It is easier to do that.


Like I said, naturally, I'll drop fat now because I just won't eat as much, and I won't be as hungry. So I'll just get leaner. Right? So anyway, next question. That was a long winded answer.


Next question is I'm gonna try and be quick with these. How do I reduce cellulites? I'm 30 years old and my body fat is 22%. And I'm happy with how lean I am. But my cellulite on my bum just under my butt cheeks is horrible.


That's okay. Also, I have, it forming on my legs now cellulite. Help. Yeah. So what I wanted to talk about first and foremost is, you know, the the self talk.


Right? So this person already said, she said, you know, it's horrible. Right? So again, this is gonna come down to body image and the self talk that's going on in your head. What you're gonna look at is firstly, you know and this is for men and women.


Right? This question. This is gonna benefit both. How you know, if you said that to a friend, for example. Right?


To one of your close friends, if you said to them, it's horrible. The satellite you got on your bum there or on your legs, oof, horrible. Come on. Like, that's gonna cause drama and you you you eventually, you're not gonna have any friends left, right, if you speak like that. Right?


Now don't get me wrong. There is a place to to be straight up with your friends, I think, and say, look. If they ask you, you know, like, if they they're lying to themselves when they're overweight and they're unhealthy, I would 100% call them on that and say, look. You know? You gotta do something about this.


You're overweight. What's going on? You know what I mean? But, you know, when it comes to the way you say things and the self talk, you wouldn't say that to a friend first and foremost. Secondly, you're gonna have a pattern in your brain now where you're using these words and you gotta have a mindset shift.


Right? So what I've done with a few clients who have major body image issues is I would get them to, repacken the way they think about their body. Right? So, you know, rather like it than looking in the mirror, like for example, when you're naked, looking in the mirror and saying to yourself, these legs or this cellulite around my cheeks is horrible. Look at the parts of you, but like some people don't have, like, you know, look at how lucky we are.


Right? We've we've most of us, like, listen to this, hopefully, you know, we we we've got legs. We can walk. You know, we basically are able to go to the gym. We're able to, you know, run half marathon and all that kind of stuff.


And we're very fortunate. Right? We take these things for granted. You know, even just, like, if you if you're able to like, I write this in my journal anyway, you know. Like, I'm I'm so thankful for my for my eyesight, you know, just to be able to see all the beauty in my life.


You know, thank you. And just those simple things. But, you know, looking in the mirror and go, okay. Alright. Okay.


I don't like the same light on my thing. But these legs can squat a 100 k or these legs just leg press a 150 k. But I ran a half marathon or even I just ran a 5 k with these, like, this is awesome. Look how strong I am. And you've got a just a positive affirmations, I guess.


And just it's it's a mindset shift. It's looking at what your body can do rather than your flaws. Now humans are always gonna be wired to look for their flaws, and essentially, like, look at the negative stuff because we're conditioned that way, but that is going to be a mindset issue. So yeah and moving on to but yeah moving on to what you can do to overcome this cellular issue. Right?


First and foremost, just remember that. Right? You've got to, you know, speak to yourself like you would a best friend essentially. Right? Speak to yourself like you would a best friend.


Really powerful thing to remember when you catch yourself using these words. Right? So say, like, you know, it can develop on the thighs, because, you know, this area generally, has more fatty tissue. Right? Especially, you know, generally with females, generally.


Right? But there's a lot of other, you know, factors that can can contribute to this. Right? You know, you've got age, estrogen levels. Right?


So, obviously, the hormone profile of the female, family history, tissue information, increased fatty tissue, you know, caused by weight gain can cause this. You know, loss of collagen, especially as we age, right? We lose collagen. Pore circulation is, is is a very common issue, especially around the legs. Lymphatic, like, issues with, like, lymphatic drainage is is something that can be an issue.


Right? So I don't know anyone who's overcome this by doing sports massage, but I did actually read some research or at least some I don't know what it was a little bit of research, but it was like theory and stuff. That sports massage can actually help, with some cases of cellulite because it can help with the lymphatic drainage because it can be a fluid can build up essentially and cause like fatty deposits. So that can help. But I don't know anyone personally who's who's who's said that has helped.


But let me just give you an example of a client recently. Just last week, actually, she said to me, I actually noticed in the gym. She wasn't looking for it, but she was in the gym, and she noticed that a cellulite, I've been coaching for 6 weeks. She noticed that it was drastically improving, and it is kind of luck of the draw. I've noticed with a lot of females that the cellulite has really improved.


Some females, it didn't improve much. So it is kind of luck of the draw going back to the fact, as I mentioned, their genetics, eastern levels, all that kind of stuff, family history, genetics that is, same thing. So she noticed that and she noticed the cellulite was reducing drastically. So she was kinda lucky. So building muscle and actually filling the skin out will actually help, generally a little bit with cellulite.


But this person, I think, is already training. Oh, she didn't mention she was training, but she's 22% body fat, which by the way, is super lean for a woman. Super lean. And I wanted to say this as well. Like, my girlfriend is Megalene.


If I had to say her body fat percentage, it's probably around about, like, I I shouldn't guess this on air. Right? Because you might listen back to this. You know, what the fuck? No.


But I'm just gonna guess give or take. It's around about 20%. She's Megalene, my girlfriend. Right? And she still has cellulite.


Right? And I didn't even notice it, but she honestly didn't notice it. But she pointed it out, and she's aware of it. And this is even her. Like, she's really proud, really confident of her body, super confident, which is one of the things that really attracts me to her.


But she's had to do a lot of work to get there. And she even looks at that, you know, she's in incredible shape. Right? And she will pick up on that. Look at them.


And also, even when I used to compete back in the day, there used to be females who used to get on stage with even lower body, you know, we're talking getting down to, like, 15% body fat. Right? And that's that's, like, shredded for a woman, and they would still have cellulite. Right? So if you can get super lean and, unfortunately, it won't go for some women.


Right? So it's one of them things of body acceptance, which is why I wanted to touch on that at the start. Body compassion and body acceptance are key. So, yeah, just to give you an example. Right?


But, you know, another thing you can do is build muscle and really focus on the exercise. Let's just say you've got it in the legs and around by the bum with this person, in particular. You know, obviously, hip thrust for the glutes are great. But, you know, more importantly, doing things like step ups, side lunges or any different types of lunges, like a front lunge, reverse. And side lunges, people don't do that's why I said that.


Because I actually have my girlfriend doing them for the first time recently. And the clients I get doing them, people don't do them. So novelty is key. So you want to try different exercise that you haven't done, but compound exercise, not all this fancy bullshit using machines. You want to be doing the free weights, the compound stuff.


So all different types of lunges, you know, whether that's reverse lunge, side lunge, a step up, you know, switch from barbell to dumbbells, when you're doing the lunges as well. You know, obviously, squats vary in your squats, but, obviously, focus on doing a proper barbell squat with a bar on your back. If you can work up to doing that, that's a skill. 8 out of 10 people can't do it properly. But if you can work on your technique and getting good at squatting, that's gonna, you know, hopefully help because it's gonna help you build muscle, of course.


Variant, different different, variations of deadlifts. So whether that's a single leg Romanian deadlift, which is underrated, most people don't do it. Again, novelty. Romanian deadlifts, sumo deadlift from the ground, even trap bar deadlifts. Again, I've just had my girlfriend doing them.


You got to look at novelty and throwing a curveball for the body going back to what I was saying with nutrition, right? And it's like that anyway for building muscle if you want to maximize results. It doesn't mean you keep chopping and changing exercise all the time, though. You want to stick with the exercise long enough so you get good. So when you go into the gym, rather than looking at it, right, know, I gotta get rid of this cellulite and lose fat.


Okay. How can I maximize results in terms of building muscle? And, how I need to focus on making each exercise a skill. Each exercise is a skill. How can I get better at each movement as opposed to going in there and looking at it like a workout?


Look at it like practice, get better, get stronger, get more efficient at the movements, and that's gonna get you your best bang for your buck will build a muscle. And then hopefully, depending on the person, that will help then with the cellulite. Obviously, fat loss as well can help, but, that's that really. So hope that was helpful. Only got time to answer one more question now to be honest.


Which one do I pick? I think the the the stubborn fat one I've done before, I'm gonna get into this. Let me have a look at this now. So stubborn fat. So we got one question which is on stubborn fat, which I kind of touched on a little bit then.


A guy wanted to lose stubborn body fat, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then the other one is about self sabotage behaviors, which I've kind of I've answered all these before in different ways. Let me see what I can do. Right. So this question is a 40 because you've gone into so much detail.


I don't wanna miss this one. It's taking a piss. 40 2 year old man writes stubborn body fat around the midsection and lower back. I've noticed the fat increase fast over the past 2 to 3 years, since turning 40. Nothing has really changed in my diet and lifestyle.


I lift weights consistently 4 days a week, and I do hit cardio on the bike or treadmill twice just to keep the fat off and stay healthy and fit. I eat good in the weekend. I allow myself some treats with the kids on the weekend. I have 2 kids. I do upper lower split.


So I do my 4 sessions. I do 1 upper body push, 1 upper body pull, and 2 leg sessions. Weights Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, cardio weekend, rest Wednesday. Okay. So I never tried bulking because I'm afraid of gaining fat.


What should I do? So, yeah, I wanna answer this one. So, basically, 1st and foremost, right, in order to lose stubborn fat so with guys, right, this is what happens with guys generally. Right? 1st place you're going to store it is going to be the stomach right around the waist.


2nd place then, if you've gained a fair bit of fat, is gonna be on the lower back. Right? And then the 3rd place then, if your body fat percentage is even higher, is gonna be around the chest. Right? Around the, around the chest.


So, and for women, it's gonna it's gonna be, you know, midsection. It's gonna, like I said earlier, it's gonna be more on the and also the thighs a bit more as well. Right? And even I've noticed, like, with women as well, arms as well a little bit more than guys, generally, like, you know, where the tricep is and stuff. Right?


So this is gonna apply to everyone. So what you're gonna look at, right, with this person in particular, to be specific, is, you know, it sounds like you're really consistent and disciplined with training and everything else. But what you'll want to do I don't know how long you've been doing this type of training. It sounds like it's just your routine. So, what you want to do firstly is you want to, you know, in no particular order, you want to switch up your trains.


Anyone listening to this stubborn fact you want to lose. Right? This is this is what you need to do. Let me just make a little note of this before I forget as well because there's a point I wanna touch on which I haven't made a note of here. You wanna switch up your training.


Right? So for this guy, to be specific, let's say you're you're going to the gym 4 times a week anyway. Rather than doing your, you know because what's happening here, you're doing you're hitting legs twice, which is great. But you're doing upper you're hitting upper body twice, but you're only hitting, you know, you're doing push and pull. So you're probably doing, like, chest you you're probably doing chest, shoulders, and, you know, push would be, for anyone listening, chest, shoulders, triceps.


Right? Pushing movements. And then the pulling is gonna be back, biceps. Right? Basically.


So you're you're only hitting those body parts once. You're doing if that makes sense. You're doing, you know, shoulders, triceps, and, chest once, and you're doing back and biceps once instead of twice or 3 times. So, we want more frequency there first and foremost. So, what I would say is keep doing your 4 there's 2 options.


Right? You could do the 4 sessions that you're already doing. And what I would do is I would do a full body, for example, on a Monday. Then you could do a leg session on a Tuesday. Then you could do, upper, sorry, full body on Thursday and then an upper body on Friday.


But rather than doing push pull for upper body, do the whole of the upper body on both of those days. So do like, you know, 1 or 2 exercise per body part. So for example, you could do bench press, pull ups, shoulder press, bicep curls, tricep extension. Right? So that's 5 exercises for body.


You can do more than that for every upper body part, right, if that makes sense. And then on the other upper body session, you could do a full body again. So you could do incline bench press, cable row, lateral raises for shoulders, and you could do an overhead press as well for shoulders. Shoulders is like a few different parts. And then you could do, you know, cable bicep curls and then cable tricep push down.


Right? So you're doing the whole upper body. And then you're gonna hit every upper body part twice. And also when you're doing the full body then, on a Monday hang on. What did I say that?


Yeah. Monday full body and every body part. But it's it's key that you do a moderate intensity, so you're not hammering every body part. 45 minutes to an hour in total. Right, including, like, mobility, hopefully, you're doing at the start.


Just one exercise per body part, for example. Right? Moderate intensity, not hard, not loads of volume, but spreading the volume out instead of the hammering, you know, you know, hammering your legs, for example, or hammering up a body, you're doing the full body at moderate intensity with one exercise per body part. You do the legs on a Thursday. And then you would do, sorry, full body Thursday and then legs on a Friday.


But again, you're not gonna be sore from doing upper body. You might feel like you've done something, but you're not hammering your body. And what that's gonna do is that means you're gonna hit each body part more often. So you're hitting your legs 3 times. You're not hammering them, but you're hitting legs 3 times because you're doing 2 full bodies, 1 legs.


And you're also hitting up a body 3 times in a week, you're doing it in a smart way where you're not hammering each body part. But it's really, really it's hard to explain on a podcast. It's really important you don't push it too hard because you're gonna impede let's say you do full body on a Monday and you go too hard and you you're really sore on a Tuesday. You're not gonna get the most out of the, the Tuesday session, and your body's gonna prioritize recovery over adapting. Right?


So you it's it you scale back the intensity, basically, and volume and spread it out and be smart with it. Right? So that's why I would say the other option is you could do 3 full body sessions. And then on the days okay. This is really important.


So say you do the 4 weights. Anyone listening, this is gonna help with some fat and results. Right? Let's say you do 4 weights. Instead of doing 2 cardio's, put 1 cardio out.


Keep the 1 cardio in. Right? Just for your fitness and health. And then on that other session, either a add in another weight training session, if you can find time to do that. Actually, better better better yet, just in case you overdo the intensity, add in bands.


So instead of doing 2 cardio, 4 weights, do the 4 weight sessions that I mentioned, but hit the body parts more frequently and do the work, as I said, and then do a band session on the day you do and hit cardio. Do, like, a 15 minute full body band session, say 5 exercises, rubber bands. Check out my YouTube channel. Right? Type in, Martin Silva pump up, and you'll get 3 pump up sessions.


Again, it's low intensity. You'll understand the concepts if you watch the video rather than me explain it for 10 minutes here. Do that instead on one of the HIIT sessions. So you you stand in the Strem signal and you're speeding your metabolism up. You keep the 1 cardio in.


And then what you could even do then is just add in an extra band session then, just on the on the Wednesday when you have the recovery day, 10 to 15 minute band session, just a light pump up. Right? If you can fit that in, watch what happens. You'll notice your metabolism speed up. You'll likely drop some fat straight away.


Remember that I always talk about this all the time. But, you know, when you're doing cardio, you're automatically burning calories. Sorry. You're you're manually burning calories. Right?


You're doing you're you're burning calories at the time, but you're not getting the elevation. You're not getting the afterburn afterwards. You're not burning calories afterwards. With weights, you're you're getting your body to automatically burn more calories. Your metabolism is elevated after, you know, for up to 2 days after lifting weights.


And, also, your body then is you know, when you build muscle then, obviously, your body has to burn more calories just to keep that muscle on your body. So it's automatically burning more calories by itself. And that's what we wanna really focus on if you wanna lose stubborn body fat and you really wanna, you know, get into the shape of your life aesthetically. Another simple little kind of equation I like to use is imagine you went to the gym, let's say, even this individual. Right?


And the thing is you've probably been doing HIIT cardio for a long time, so your body's adapted. That's all it is. If you do HIIT cardio properly, it's similar to doing scrum training if you cycled it for, like, 3, 4 weeks. Any longer than 3, 4 weeks, just like any other training phase, your body's gonna adapt, and results are gonna diminish. So that's probably what's happened here.


But if you were doing you know, let's say you're going let's just say someone goes to the gym and they do 30 minutes of cardio. Right, or 20 to 30 minutes of HIIT cardio. 30 minutes, let's say. Forget about that. You go to the gym because most people don't do that.


Right? They go to the gym, they do cardio. Let's say you go to the gym and you do, like, let's just say an hour of cardio. Right? You do an hour of cardio.


You're on the treadmill. You're walking or you're doing post training for an hour or mixing it up and doing cardio for an hour versus going to the gym and lifting weights for, like, 45 minutes, I say, you know, you're going to be burning more burning calories when you do cardio for about 5% of your day. Right? Give or take, if you're there for an hour. 5% of your day, roughly.


Whereas when you are, lifting weights, your body's gonna be burning calories for, like, 50% of the day because for, like, especially 12 hours give or take after lifting weights, the the muscle protein synthesis synthesis is at its highest, and your metabolism is gonna be really elevated and burning more calories, right, as it tries to adapt and essentially, recover from the insult you put it through in the chin in the gym. Right? But up to, you know, 1 to 2 days that anabolic signal is gonna be loud. In other words, your metabolism is gonna be elevated. Right?


So, you know, that's where you're gonna look at. You you wanna burn more calories, automatically for longer periods of time rather than just going to the gym and just burning some calories at the time and then going about your day and then, you know, having the afternoon afterwards, if that makes sense with cardio. Right? So really think about that. Right?


And think about what signal am I sending. I want to send a strep signal. I want to send a signal of protein tissue. In other words, building muscle. And I want to get my metabolism to burn more calories to shift some of this stubborn fat.


Right? But obviously, you know, I'm not going to say this is the most important thing because I think training and nutrition are both very, very important because, the training has to be appropriate and it has to be it has to be structured for you for what your goals are. But, you know, obviously, nutrition, you know, a few things that, you know, I noticed this person said, for example, and this is most people can relate to this. You know, I like to have a few tweets with the kids on the weekend, which is great. Right?


The bottom line is you need to have flexibility. You need to enjoy sometimes some of those foods with your kids. Right? I totally get that. My best clients do the same thing.


But what you'll look at is, you know, what's happening. You haven't mentioned about, you know, tracking your food or how many calories you have. And so I'm assuming you're not tracking or you've never tracked or you you have no awareness in terms of how many calories you consume and how protein you have in. And if you don't, then you're guessing, basically. Right?


So what I see some common things I see with people, right, when they're not losing fat or not losing the stubborn fat is they are, grossly under eating protein, especially on weekends. In the week, for example, let's just say I'm just gonna guess with this guy. You know, he's eating, well in a week. So he's structured with his food. He's having maybe adequate protein.


But on the weekends, you know, having a few treats even there and everything else, what you see is people grossly under reproduction on the weekends. And then when we grossly under reproduction, we don't realize when we're having, quote, unquote, treats or foods that we don't cook ourselves or ultra processed foods. What we don't realize is actually we're consuming a lot more calories than what we think. Number 1, for example, if we look at America, for example, they were allowed to be on food labels. They were allowed to be up to 20 to 30% out on food labels.


Just digest that for a second. Obviously, they're always gonna put less calories on the label, of course, to sell more product as well. So let's just say, for argument's sake, even 20%. Well, let's say you're eating some of those foods. Right?


Let's just say even 20% of your diet was was was coming out of packets. Right? 20%. Right? You know, let's say you consume in you know, you think you consume in, like, you know, 1500 calories a day.


Add 20%. Okay. I'm not I'm not doing the maths well here, but you see where I'm going with it. Right? I'm not good at maths.


I do, like, quit with the maths. 20% more. Right? So you you even if you're tracking, right? You're tracking your food.


You think, oh, I'm not having many calories. And then you're having 20 up to 20% more, maybe even 30% more. That adds up to not like the difference between losing fat and not losing fat or even gaining weight and not gaining it. Right? But, yeah.


People grow slowly and they eat protein on the weekends. And then when you're not having, you know, adequate protein, you're naturally replacing those calories with fats and carbs. Fats and carbs generally make us wanna eat more. When you're eating out, there's more oils in those foods, which rack up more calories, and we're eating way more than we think. And I think the average person who doesn't track, they, under they underestimate their calories that they eat by about 50%.


Right? So double the amount of calories people are eating and what they say they're doing. And the average person as well, they say that they, 3 times a day. They're actually eating 8 times a day. They're not they're mindless eating.


A lot of people are just snacking mind. I'm not saying this is you, but you just gotta bear in mind human behavior when you don't have the awareness. You know, you're simply eating more calories than what you think, and you're potentially grossly under eating protein as well. On top of that, which makes you eat more because protein blunts your appetite. So there could be that.


Another big one I wanna touch on here, ladies and gents, is the fats going back to what I said at the start. Oils. Right? It blows my mind that even though, you know, when I onboard clients, I actually have a specific video on this on, like, things like oils and fats to make sure you're being aware of those foods. Because when you're having things like olive oil, for example, people cook their food in olive oil.


Yeah. I have, like, you know, 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil when I cook my food. Yeah. Yeah. But they don't they're not aware of it.


Right? Okay. Bang. 300 calories. Right?


That you're not not aware of. But one day, let's say you did that every day. Right? 1500 calories of this space of a week. You you can see how shit I am on math count.


Jesus Christ. 21 2,100 2,100 calories over this space of a week extra you're eating. Right? Again, potentially the difference between losing fat and not losing fat or gaining weight and not gaining weight. Right?


So oils such as, you know, your butters, your ghee oils, your olive oils, your coconut oils, hidden oils that you get in food when you eat out. Right? Like, overestimate. That's why I say to clients when you're eating out, you know, if you if you are tracking, some of my clients are, some of them are not, then you need to be, overestimating the food you're eating. Right?


So if you if you if you track in there, you know, you had a food a meal out and it's coming up at, like, you know, I don't know, add 20% calories on top of play it safe because of those oils. Right? So, yeah, you've got to be aware of those oils, like, you know, my really mindful of those things because they can add up. If you're tracking anyone, listen to this. If you are tracking food, like, make sure you're ideally weighing those oils.


Like, literally put the pan when you put in the pan on the thing and you, you know, put the, like, put the pan on the scales and your food weighing scales if you weigh if you if you have them, you know, put the the oil in the pan and see what the weight is on the scale. Some scales don't pick them up. A lot of them do, though. And it might come up to, I don't know, you know, 30 grams or 20 grams in weight. You Be aware of that because, like, 10 grams or maybe 15 grams of olive oil, I think, is about a 100 calories.


So if you're not accounting for those things or at least being aware of those things, you know, and that can be a game changer within itself, just not adding oils to foods. Like, just don't add oils for a bit. Right? And you'll see what happens. You actually probably will lose a little bit of fat potentially.


Right? Because it's like 1,000 of calories generally over the space of a week. So that's a simple one as well. So, yeah, there's one more thing I wanted to say though in terms of stubborn fat, right, and specifically now with stubborn fat is, you know, if, you know, you wanna change up the way you train, I've already given you the answer. What you gotta look at is I have let me give you an example of some clients, right, where they've got to a really good level, and they've built a tremendous amount of muscle.


They've got a great physique. Right? But they're still carrying a stubborn fat. We all have a bit of stubborn fat anyway. But they're really getting frustrated with the excess fat they may be carrying around their stomach.


Right? A little bit of excess fat they're not happy with. So what we're gonna look at is when you get to a point where you built a lot of muscle, you know, you've got to a good level with your understanding with nutrition, you're consistently hitting protein and everything else. What are you gonna look at with your training as well? Mini cuts and mini bulks.


So you have to get to a good level, to be honest, first, in terms of where your metabolism is automatically burning plenty of calories. Like, you gotta get to that point where you built a respectable amount of muscle on your body first anyway before you, number 1, look good aesthetically. Number 2, you can get away way more calories. And number 3, it's actually easier to lose stubborn fat when you, you have more muscle on your body and when you basically have, a good understanding of strength training. So what I would say is mini cuts and mini bulks.


So let's say you got stubborn fat. You know, this person said they're afraid of bulking. Right? In particular. So you you you obviously need the bulk, you know, you need the bulk.


Right? You need the you need when I say bulk, you need to build muscle. That doesn't mean gaining fat. You'll actually lose a bit of fat, and build muscle if you do it right, for a period of time anyway, at least for a good few months minimum. But you wanna, you know, mini cuts and mini bulk.


So, basically, you know, going back to the first question, right? You know, this person now they're cutting out cars, perhaps they'll naturally and they wanna lose fat. Perhaps they'll naturally eat less calories if they're not adding a stupid amount of oils to their foods, of course. Because that's another thing on keto. You know, people add loads of oils and fats, and, they actually get fatter.


Right? Because most of the calories are in fats. You really gotta be aware of that. People always talk about sugar. Well, if you add in fats, it's very easy to get fat, essentially, right, if you're not mindful.


So going back to what I said, naturally, you do do a mini cut. Right? Okay. I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna go carnival for 4 weeks. I'm naturally gonna do that now.


Right? And I'm not. Forget about me. I might only do this for a week, but, you know, I'm gonna basically do 4 weeks of, carnival. So naturally, I'm eating less food.


So I'm gonna, you know, trim a bit of trim a bit of fat. Okay? And, you know, I always with clients, you know, generally, for the average person, 4 weeks of doing the same training phase is the sweet spot. And then we switch the training stimulus and do a different type of training. So what I'll do is I'll coincide it with that.


So, okay, you wanna lose some of body fat body fat? We've built a good amount of muscle. We've got your metabolism. We fixed your metabolism now because ultimately, most people listening to this, you need to fix your metabolism. Right?


Because you've damaged it from yo yo dieting and trying to lose fat gain in the back and everything else. You need to fix your metabolism. It's not always a fact that you can't lose stubborn fat or sorry. You know, the diet doesn't work for me losing stubborn fat. What I'm doing is not working.


No. Actually, you had some success with the diet. So is it actually the diet that you're doing? Or is it just your body's lost the ability to lose weight, to lose fat, or to lose stubborn fat? Right?


You need to fix your metabolism. That's what I actually help people with. So when I got my clients to that level, we fix that, develop their metabolism, spend a good amount of time, you know, building their physique, getting them great results, getting stronger. Then I'll go, okay, mini cut. Let's go.


So, we'll, you know, cut out certain foods, you know, and basically we'll do that for 3, 4 weeks. And we'll coincide that with a specific type of training to make the most of it depending on the client and bang. They'll lose some fat, some stubborn fat. But then we'll put them straight back into for 4 weeks, back into a little, I'll call it like a mini bulk where we bump their calories up. They don't gain fat though.


We just give them enough calories so they can actually build muscle, and recharge the metabolism. And then bang. After another 4 weeks, we can go into a mini cut. So mini bulk and that and that just kinda chips away at the stubborn fat then. But again, it really depends on the person.


It really depends on number 1, what kind of how much of a reservoir fat have you got to lose? And number 2, what have you been doing in the past, you know, in order to, you know, with your training history and everything else. Right? It looks different for everyone, But mini cuts and mini bulks are key for really trimming down, stubborn fat. Anyway, ladies and gents, I did go into depth with a lot of those questions, and I hope that was helpful.


Remember, that was a lot of information. It's not about the information. It's more about, you know, what can you implement? What can you take away from this? Right?


Ask yourself that question. Put it in your notes. But a top, you know, 1 to 3 takeaways, from that. What can I do that can help me improve? Finally, I just wanna remind you.


Right? Don't forget the scholarship. It's in the show notes. If you've listened to this podcast and you're thinking, I wanna get to the next level. I wanna get into the shape of my life in the next 3 months.


I wanna drop this, you know, weight or whatever it is you wanna achieve. Obviously, I can't help everyone, but you fill out that form. It'll take you not long at all. Right? And you're gonna be, you know, in the run ins.


You'll have a chance to win free coaching for 3 months. And also, not only that, 6 people who enter this competition are still going to get partial scholarship. Right? So you're still gonna get scholarship. So, yeah, I mean, don't miss this if you're thinking about getting involved with my program and really, you know, changing your life.


Ultimately, this is gonna be a transformation, with your body and lifestyle. So, anyway, ladies and gents, over and out. Speak soon.