Advent with the Angels

I am the Angel of Miracles and I like to delight you with magic and wonders.

You see wonders in nature - and although they are very powerful, the miracles you see between people are maybe the most magnificient. 

Do you remember the magic of a baby smiling -of an eye contact made with a stranger and the laughter if people are on the same wavelength ?
I specialize also in the miracle of finding a lost animal or person. How wonderful to be reunited with your loved ones !
You see, your prayers reach me.

I can also assist you with miracle healings, especially when everyone else has given up.

By calling upon my name, you show the universe that you believe in the power of prayer and in the openings in the universe where new paths open and new things become possible.

New ideas and inventions also belong to my field. As soon as you connect with me, all things are possible. It takes some getting used to, this magic. Just know that you can have it at your fingertips any time you wish.

My magic can also dissolve any blockages you have to achieve your desires. Just watch how the obstacles disappear and you can move freely again towards your wishes and goals.

How can I assist you ? What miracles do you wish to experience in your life ?

Consider it done - Expect a miracle.

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

12 December

Archangel Raziel

I am the Angel of Miracles and I like to delight you with magic and wonders.

You see wonders in nature - and although they are very powerful, the miracles you see between people are maybe the most magnificient.

Do you remember the magic of a baby smiling -of an eye contact made with a stranger and the laughter if people are on the same wavelength ?
I specialize also in the miracle of finding a lost animal or person. How wonderful to be reunited with your loved ones !
You see, your prayers reach me.

I can also assist you with miracle healings, especially when everyone else has given up.

By calling upon my name, you show the universe that you believe in the power of prayer and in the openings in the universe where new paths open and new things become possible.

New ideas and inventions also belong to my field. As soon as you connect with me, all things are possible. It takes some getting used to, this magic. Just know that you can have it at your fingertips any time you wish.

My magic can also dissolve any blockages you have to achieve your desires. Just watch how the obstacles disappear and you can move freely again towards your wishes and goals.

How can I assist you ? What miracles do you wish to experience in your life ?

Consider it done - Expect a miracle.