Becoming Multidimensional

There is a growing body of research that supports scientific evidence for reincarnation. In this episode we discuss some very compelling cases, particularly highlighting the case of Om Seti, a British woman who remembered a fascinating tale of being an ancient Egyptian priestess. We talk about some of the clues that you may have had that could have given or may give information about your past lives.

What is Becoming Multidimensional?

Join hosts Eliza and Christine in a journey of understanding and expanding into our greater multidimensional nature. Learn why expanding into this multidimensional awareness can let the light in and free your mind and body of old programs and patterns that no longer serve you. This is a blend of esoteric, mystical and scientific conversations. Stories and guests that will delight your imagination!

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:00)
Hello and welcome back to Becoming Multidimensional. It's Eliza here with, and we have such an interesting, such a fun topic for you today. I think this one's gonna be a fan favorite. Today we are talking about a case or in this case, cases for reincarnation.

christine (00:06)

We are going to talk about my personal favorite case of reincarnation, this particular case. I read the story about this woman maybe 10, 15 years ago, and I have been pretty much obsessed with her story ever since. So I'm so excited to get to share it with you. I can't believe that this particular story is not an HBO miniseries somehow.

Like it is shocking to me that this hasn't been, there's documentaries about her that are very, not very well known, but the fact that some larger production company hasn't done something yet, I'm quite sure they will. It's such an incredible story. So that story we're gonna hold on for a minute and we're gonna, I have a couple other stories that I think are really compelling about the case for reincarnation. I think everyone knows someone who has a belief that,

in reincarnation somehow. You may not personally believe it or not pushing you to believe it, but it's certainly something that many people believe in. If you grew up in the East, if you were Buddhist, most Buddhist sects have this belief, this expectation of the afterlife and this expectation of the afterlife. They see it as part of your soul's development, your soul's journey back to oneness, back to source, to nirvana.

that we go through all of these lives to essentially merge back in with the one, with the source of all things. That's...

Eliza Aaron Cohen (01:55)
It's also a Kabbalistic belief. So I studied reincarnation through the lens of Kabbalah. So there's just so many different cultures across the world that hold this belief or some aspect of this belief. We're also gonna dive into some signs that you may or may not think of a lot of times occurring in childhood that are actually more like signals for past lives.

And when viewed under the, I'm going to say the correct lens can really give you a window into maybe some of your own past lives. So it's going to be a great episode today. And we're really excited to dive into the history, the science, the personal stories so that you can, you know, just think about this topic more and really sit with what resonates and where you stand, where you fall on this sort of reincarnation spectrum.

christine (02:54)
Okay, so Eliza, I did not know that reincarnation was in the Kabbalah. Could you give a little more information about that? Because I've never heard that.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (03:03)
Yeah, so it's just, it's a basic tenant of Kabbalah. So coupled with your Kabbalistic astrology, we can kind of have windows into some of that soul journey that you may have taken from past lives, how that's relevant in this life. So it's just, it's really a basic tenant. And I remember when I started studying Kabbalah and I've always been really drawn into Kabbalah, even as a child, it was not something that I was.

raised around, but I always felt this pull. And then when I was a young adult, I really started taking courses and studying with teachers. And I had personally had a reincarnation belief separate that I had cultivated outside of Kabbalah. And I was thrilled to learn that that's actually just a central tenant of Kabbalah is the reincarnation process.

christine (03:53)
Okay, you just said two words that I've never heard before. Astrologic Kabbalah, Kabbalistic, what? I had no idea astrology was part of the Kabbalah. Okay, you've got to talk about that now. my God.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (04:04)
So, kabbalistic astrology sometimes is in alignment with your like Western astrology, but sometimes it's not. We really need to get a specialist in here because there are some amazing, astrologers who are so much more educated than I am. But basically your sign, your, your kabbalistic sign may or may not be your, like your sun sign.

For me it is, but it's really funny. I have this one teacher who I'm a Leo, like I'm Leo Sun, Leo Moon, I'm all Leo. And I have this amazing teacher in New York City, a Kabbalah teacher. And every time I see him, he goes, you're a Virgo. He's like, you're a Virgo, you're not a Leo. And I get offended by this because there's no shade to Virgos. One of my best friends is a Virgo, but I'm a Leo.

christine (04:37)
Let's go.

I'm sorry.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (04:54)
But he insisted that I had my capitalistic astrology done because he was convinced that if I got this done, it would actually show that I was a Virgo and not a Leo. And in the capitalistic astrology, I'm very close to the cusp. Whereas in our, I don't know if it's Western or whatever our astrology is, I'm very much in the middle of Leo. And...

But yeah, so your astrology, and then I forget, I think in my last life, they were telling me I was either an Aries or a Libra, and my correction in this life has to do with my astrology in my last lifetime. So a lot of times your soul journey is really connected into your Kabbalistic astrology and why you would have chosen to be born under a certain sign. So it's very interesting. There are some incredible,

incredible teachers out there and so we'll really need to get one of them on. They might come on and tell you guys that I've now kind of butchered the explanation, but this is my personal understanding through my study and I've, you know, you can study Kabbalah for thousands of lifetimes and still really just scratch the surface. And I'm sure that I have studied Kabbalah in hundreds of lifetimes and I'm still just scratching the surface, but I love it.

christine (06:08)
Okay, so I have to, I love this so much and now I'm gonna have to have my own, you're gonna have to find me a Kabbalistic astrologer because I'm gonna have to look at this. But my, go ahead.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (06:18)
I was gonna say I have a book that I gave to another friend that's an amazing book on the Kabbalistic understanding of astrology and the soul's journey of reincarnation. And I'm gonna have to find the book. Of course, I can't even remember the name because there's a couple great Kabbalistic books that I've read over the years, but I'm gonna get you the book. Because you can do your own astrology via the book. So it's amazing.

christine (06:42)
So Eliza will show we'll come back somehow and link this for anyone else who's interested in looking at their own Kabbalistic astrology, so we'll we'll get that out to you somehow on another podcast that makes me I didn't even think we were gonna go here, which I love so my favorite astrology has been the shamanistic astrology I and so you're talking about how This gives information about your past life what you're working with in this life. So I'll just

I don't know if he even takes clients anymore if you haven't seen him before, but the very finest astrologer that I've ever personally known or worked with, his name is Daniel Gemario. I met him 25 years ago in Ojai, California, and I worked with him specifically for each of my children. And I wanted to understand what they were coming into this life with and what they were here to do. And so I'll just give...

a little information about that. Like why that, if you have a young child, that can be really helpful to have someone who can give you this information. So for example, with, I don't want to give out personal information too much. So I'll talk about myself. So for me personally, I was, my past, my past life is cancer. And he said, look, you were the ultimate,

mother and like everything about you is nurturing, giving, caring, and loving. He said in this life you are born under Scorpio and he said the Scorpio is coming in because it can be a sign of self -interest because the Scorpio is helping you break away from kind of giving everything and he said because where you're rising to is just only your spirituality. This is what your soul is calling to do is your soul is calling to just take this path.

of this beautiful spiritual path. But you need the self -interest to help you break away. And so in many ways, having that information, if I was going to leave and go and do a retreat, which I was really, when my kids were little, I almost never left them. I really would only leave for a weekend if it was some kind of spiritual retreat or something like that. But knowing for me that this was part of what my soul was here to do, sort of gave me permission to take the time, spend the money on.

that self -development because I knew my soul was calling for it. So that's where having that information, that data can be, I think, very helpful, knowing really why you're here and what you're working towards.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (09:23)
Totally, and it actually reminds me of something that I was gonna talk about later, but I feel kind of called to jump into now. And that is with the reincarnation process, we are coming into these lives with, I kind of look at it as like a wheel, right? But we've stopped somewhere along the wheel from these past lives and our need is to almost complete the cycle.

So for you that meant to okay be this amazing giving nurturing mother But then also to develop yourself and give to yourself, right? So that almost closed the wheel where there was a break in this energy where you've given so much to others But you haven't given to yourself and we don't want to look at this through a lens of like judgment or bad or good but So we come into this life right with We pick a sign that signs gonna help us complete this journey

of the soul. And in Kabbalah, we call it your tikkun, which is basically like your correction in your life. And we all come in with a correction. And our way of sort of gauging what that is, is to look at our desire. So for me, because I'll use myself as an example, I believe that from another lifetime, I had a tikkun of motherhood and family. So

my correction would be to come into this lifetime and build a family and be a great mother because in another lifetime, either I was not a great mother, which I can't imagine because I love kids more than anything, or I had this sort of dysfunctional negative family life. And so my soul's desire is to complete that cycle and almost heal that. Right. So that would be my driving force. Our driving force in us is usually what we need to correct in this lifetime.

Now I chose to be born under the sign of Leo, right? And Leos can be quite no shade to Leos. I'm a Leo, I love Leos, but we can be a little bit selfish sometimes. And so I have to find the balance in my own selfishness because if you know me, it's, and I just heard this great podcast where this great astrologer, he was on Shaman Dirk's podcast. He said, Leo's mantra is I will. And if you talk to my mother, she would say,

there was no like disagreeing with Eliza. It's like, this is the way I will. You tell me you can't, I will. So I have to balance that selfishness of like, I will do this with my ultimate desire of my soul, which is to create this balanced harmonious family, right? That might not totally be easy for one to do.

christine (12:08)
I need a tight rope to walk.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (12:09)
But that would be my correction, right? It's to balance these influences from your astrological sign. So for you with Scorpio, and if you look at the signs, they have sort of, I don't want to call them higher and lower frequencies, but we have a more evolved version of every sign and a more kind of what you think of the typical Leo, right? We could be selfish, we could be fiery, we could be reactive, or we can sort of ascend into the evolution of the sign and then.

use it for our power and our, you know, highest light. So you're someone who I always say is a Scorpio, but not, but it's because you are really, to me, a very evolved and very healed Scorpio. So I hope this is all making sense and I hope that this is all relevant information.

christine (12:59)
We were totally not thinking about this was gonna go, but it did. So I love it. And I love, I just learned something, something new myself. So that's so fun. So now we'll get into some of the meat and potatoes of today's podcast. And some, one thing I discovered, I was like, I want to do a little, a little backstory on here. One thing I discovered that I thought was fascinating is the University of Virginia and their department of psychology and their division of personality.

has a whole study of 2 ,700 cases of these children who have past life, previous life memories. And so they have scientists and researchers who will go to these children's homes and they will kind of test them. They will take the information. Like they have a memory of whatever, like they may have the city, they may have the name, they'll look for.

those people in records to see if they can corroborate it. Or it's like, this is just some child's imagination. But there are certain things, there are threads that are really common among a lot of these stories. And one of the common threads is these conversations begin at about like two or three when the child starts being able to talk, that they will start talking about, you know, it was.

They'll talk about their past life like maybe they would talk about I saw Johnny at the park yesterday. It's like there's a bleed over this door between the previous life and the current life seems to still be open. And so they'll talk about, my other mommy and my other daddy, well, it feels very real to them. So another piece with these kids is they will tend to stop talking about it.

about school age, where maybe your ego is starting to develop more, they may become more self -conscious, they may become, and the memories seem to fade, and most often, not always though, I have two cases here that I'm gonna talk about where these memories, the door never closed, the door stayed wide open. Actually no, all three cases the door stayed wide open, are these cases I'm gonna talk about. Usually though, the door kind of closes, they've forgotten about it.

And I reached out to a friend of mine because a friend of mine lives in Maryland and I had this memory that she had had a child who was saying some things. So I wanted to see what that was. And she said, yeah, her son, when he started talking, would talk about this family he had. They lived in Maryland about this family in California. He had this family in California. They had a cat and he would often talk about this other family. And they were driving in the car one day and he told her that he died in a car accident.

and she said she got chills all over her body. So that's another piece. A lot of times these children will remember their death. And children at about three or four really don't have the capacity to really have an understanding around death. So that's this piece that is really intriguing, I think, that they will describe dying. And then often they'll even talk about having gone to the light and talking about coming back.

It's like this window into this past experience seems to be not only from that life, but from the dying process, which seems to be a very advanced concept for a three, four -year -old to make up that very advanced kind of topic. Do you have anything to add to that?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (16:41)
It's just, it's very interesting. I shared this with you before we got on.

about sometimes when kids are really young, their interests. Well, and it doesn't always have to stop when they're very young, but a lot of times we have talents or interests coming from past lives. So if you look at these like brilliant musicians and you're kind of like in awe of this incredible talent, my belief is that a lot of those talents come from past lives. There's amazing little boy on Instagram who's like kind of got quite a bit of a following.

christine (17:15)
I know you're going to talk about.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (17:15)
who, yeah, of course, who is like seven years old and he makes couture gowns. And he believes that he was Gucci in his past life. And I believe it too, by the way. But just objectively thinking, I'm going, okay, this incredible talent that he has and this innate understanding of the construction of women's clothing, okay, logically, he couldn't have learned all of this. He's either like, you know, a genius.

or both, or this is actually a gift coming from a past life. So a lot of times these sort of abilities will showcase themselves at a young age. In my case, I remember one of my past lives and in that past life, I was a ballet dancer. Now, if you know me in this lifetime, my dancing skills really should not leave the bar. But when I was two, three years old, my everything was ballet.

All I could talk about was ballet. All I wanted to do was go to ballet. For Halloween, I was a ballerina. I wanted my mom to be a ballerina. I only wanted to wear ballet clothes. And I was obsessed. That's all my whole life was, was ballet, ballet, ballet. Now, right around age five, which is interesting that you bring that up, right around when I went to school, suddenly I was like, I don't care about dancing. I don't really like dancing. I just kinda like the costumes. I don't have any interest in ballet anymore.

So it's really interesting. It was almost like this door was open for me into this love that was coming from this past life. And now, you know, I've seen a lot of this past life so I can tell you she was a dancer. And then once I got to school, it was almost like that door had closed and I was now more of Eliza, which is the sort of mosaic of sparks of my soul that create Eliza rather than that door being open. And

maybe being a little bit confused of what is mine, what was the composition of the soul that was that past life. And so that's something I would say to definitely look out for too. Or if you're thinking about, okay, I want to know what my past lives were, well, what were you interested in as a child? What were you obsessed with? What was like really calling to your spirit? So that's something that I've just loved to share and that I've noticed.

christine (19:37)
Yeah, I love it. And I think at some point we may talk more about that particular past life. It's a really compelling story. Well, I feel also like with these stories, another thing that you can look at is with your own children, with you, sometimes there are dreams, these recurring dreams, these recurring, like recurring dreams can also give these glimpses into your past life. So there is this one,

particular story that I'll share that her mother became very aware that there was something going on through her dreams. So this little girl in Ireland, she was born, she was named Jenny, like, you know, nice little home and no trauma, no nothing like that. And she would wake up as a very young child with sort of night terrors. And kind of hearing the story makes me wonder, you hear about children who have these night terrors.

or let us wake up screaming. And I wonder if that may be glimpses into these past life memories or some of that. I don't know. Something to think about. This particular child would wake up screaming with night terrors. And then when she started being able to talk, she would have these reoccurring dreams about, she said, I was a mom, I left my kids, I died in the hospital. And she would just cry and cry and cry.

The door never closed. She had these very vivid memories. So it started with the dreams, but as the more she was able to talk, the more she was able to share about her story. And it never closed. And she always felt very haunted and very upset with this feeling that she had abandoned and left a lot of children. So when she became a young adult, she had a sense of the town. She was in Ireland.

It wasn't in the town she lived in. So she went to where she thought the town, where she thought it would be. And she walked to this abandoned cottage. She just had this knowing she followed and walked to this abandoned cottage. And from that, she was like, that's where I lived. She knew it. She knew her name was Mary and she knew she had died in a hospital and she knew she had a lot of kids. So she found the records for the house. There was a woman named Mary who had eight children.

and she died in a hospital and all of those children were sent to live in different orphanages. They were split up. So she found every one of those kids and contacted them, like wrote letters, contacted them. And they all, like to this day, there is some kind of, they're very old. So she didn't, it wasn't like she came back 10 years later. She came back when they were in their like, there was eight of them, probably like 60s, 70s. So they were, it was much later. And they were a Catholic family.

So they didn't necessarily believe in reincarnation that's not part of the doctrine of Catholicism. But she had so many compelling memories that only she could know. And they were convinced that it was her. Also, she looked very similar, and she sounded very similar. So her mannerisms were very much the same. She had this very soft, gentle voice. The oldest one,

was the one who was interviewed and what I was watching. And he said, I know it's her. He said, I, you know, he said, and I felt like my life was over when she died. And now having her here and having a relationship has like brought me so much comfort of, you know, of having a relationship with this woman who has this essence of his mother and who she's convinced. And as she, her life is much more peaceful. She's like, all of these kids that I had.

even though they were all split up and put in orphanages, everyone's okay. But for her, she could not really get traction with her life until she knew that these children were okay. Isn't that beautiful?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (23:36)
Such a beautiful story. One thing that it brings up is you talk about how she just had this knowing when she went to her house, right? She just knew this is my house. That's another thing I've seen with past lives is this kind of knowing or this physical resonance. I'll share something very quickly about one of my different past life.

I've always said that I believe that I was my great grandmother. I'm named after my great grandmother. There is certain features of ours that are very similar. I was incredibly close to my grandmother, almost like we just had this really deep connection that she also had with her mother. And I've always joked about it. I was like, yeah, my great grandma. Well, my great grandma lived in Ohio and I was in Ohio with my mom visiting another family member this past year.

And some other family members were driving us around to kind of show us, this is where the family lived and this is like memory lane. And so they decided to drive us around where my great grandmother used to live. And I literally have a headache just thinking about it. I started getting so car sick, like so, so, so car sick. I almost was like nauseous, dizzy, like get me out of this car immediately. And I was looking at my mom like, help, like I'm not well.

I was so bad, I literally made them pull over and I almost threw up. And then we went to that and I just like wanted it to stop. I was like, it was too much for me. The energy was too strong. Later that night, I was thinking about it and spirit had reminded me that there are a couple instances where similar things have happened to me in my life when I was in places that would have been particularly.

Relevant to a past life or maybe it was a little bit difficult. I went through some difficult things in those places And listen, I think my great -grandma had a beautiful life, but for whatever reason Yeah, it was so bad and that's something I've noticed too that you can have a really physical Experience where you've had a past life. It's not always headaches and nausea Sometimes you can really like get like want to cry or feel really emotional in places

And you're kind of like, well, I don't know why I'm feeling so emotional. I don't know why I just feel really at peace here. I don't know why I just am always drawn back to this city and I have no connection to this city, right? I have no family here. I have nothing there. Well, that's all past life.

christine (26:10)
You can go to a place that you've never been and you're like, this feels like home. You feel so comfortable in that place. It feels so familiar to you, even if they're speaking a different language maybe. That's true. So I'm gonna talk about another past life story. This one I think is amazing. So another thing that people will sometimes talk about are birthmarks on children. And...

that birthmarks may indicate an injury from that previous life. So this story has a birthmark component to it. So this story has to do is in Sri Lanka. And these are studied cases and this is why they came on my radar. So there was a little girl who was born in Sri Lanka. And as soon as she started to talk, she started to, she would tell her mother,

they would make something. I want to bring this to my other mother. they would be so much. She was always talking about wanting to bring something to her other family, her other mother, like always, always, always talking about her other family. It was really confusing to her mom, even though they have a belief in reincarnation. So it's not as out of the norm. But still, this little girl didn't, like three, wasn't taught about reincarnation. So.

The older she got, the more she would tell the story of who she was. She would say, I was this little boy. She said the name of the town where she lived. She said we made incense. I would sometimes make it, and then I would sell it. She talked about her family. She talked about how many siblings she had, and was very clear that she died when, well, he was 12, and that he was selling incense, and he...

was going across the street and somehow was hit by a bus and the bus hit his left side and kind of crushed his ribs. The little girl was born with birthmarks on her rib cage on her left -hand side. Very interesting. So the more she talked about it and she was pretty vocal about it, she went into school and told her teacher about this past life.

And the teacher was really interested in the story. And he's like, well, we should look, this is like a lot of information. Let's do a little research. Let's see if we can figure that this is real. So his curiosity was really helpful. So when she was this little girl, she said the name of the town, which was, I don't know, maybe it was a hundred miles away or something. But in Sri Lanka, I get probably don't have cars. That's not easy to just hop on over a hundred miles. So with her father and this teacher, they end up,

going to the town. She tells them exactly how to get there. So they get to the town. She's like, you're going to tell them where to go. you're up next. There's going to be a pond we're going to go past. They get to the house. She's like, it's over here. They take some straight to the house. Then they get out of the car, and they see this man who's in these paddy fields. And she said, that's my brother -in -law. And she's saying my, not still very much me, my first person.

That's my brother -in -law, my sister's husband. So he comes over and greets them and she starts asking questions. Why did you paint the house? It used to be this color. Where's the incense? They had moved where they made the incense. She had all of this knowledge about what the house used to have been. And the little boy died four years before she was born. And...

When she went in and met the whole family, they all absolutely recognized her as this little boy. And the information was undeniable. And they ended up staying in contact through letter writing. But it's a pretty compelling case of reincarnation.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (30:16)
I love that you mentioned birthmarks and injuries because it's actually, I feel like I can relate to every single thing you're sharing. I don't think you know this story, but so I on my right, I don't know if it's my tibia or my fibula or whatever it is, it's on my right leg.

christine (30:35)
You're like...

Eliza Aaron Cohen (30:37)
I had a soccer injury and I basically had a broken leg for two years. We didn't know it. Finally, I got an MRI and I had to have like emergency surgery. And so I have like a pretty gnarly scar on my right leg. Now, don't think about, I didn't think about the scar for, or the injury for years. I had a reading in my early twenties with someone and I remember she was channeling for me and she had not looked at my leg. I was wearing pants.

And she says to me, I see this lifetime, it's coming up where you were a Native American girl on a horse and someone threw a dagger at your right leg. And she describes exactly the spot where my scar is. And she says to me, she's like, this is a very unprocessed life. Like you weren't, you didn't process it. Well, what's kind of interesting is I didn't realize that a lot of people, their scars are not sensitive.

For me my whole life, I couldn't have anyone even touch their finger near my leg scar. Like it was so just like active and fiery. And I just thought that's how everyone experienced scars. Not accurate. Anyway, she's giving me this reading and she brings up this unprocessed lifetime. And she asks me, she's like, is there any, like, do you have anything on your right leg? And I was like, yeah, I have a soccer injury scar.

And so I just, I always remembered that and it was always very interesting to me. And so when you talked about birthmarks and kind of physical markings, I can definitely relate to that. And it was, it blew my mind, like that she had, that she had seen this and she had channeled this for me.

christine (32:20)
Well, also it seems okay, so the why that it happens, you know, that you have to go through some kind of physical pain in this life, have this experience, and it almost like begs the question, somehow like working with that energy, are you trying to heal some of the energy from your past life through currently having some of that pain roll over into this life? What are your thoughts on that?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (32:44)
Well, it's interesting too, because I have always been afraid of horses. Now I'm really interested in them, but as a child, I had a lot of friends. My cousins were like champion horseback riders. I had a lot of friends that rode horses. I remember I went to like birthday parties where we would ride horses and pet the horses and I was terrified of horses. Well, in this lifetime, she had seen that I was riding a horse and it's weird that I have this like split feeling about horses where I really like.

crave the freedom of being on a horse and yet they also really scare me. And I feel like it's likely coming from, and I believe, you know, we have infinite lifetimes and our soul is so complex that it's not just like a linear process. But this lifetime definitely comes up for me as perhaps there was a lot of unprocessed energy. And there's some aspect of me right now that is trying to process both the physical injury and also the fear of horses because I had this injury.

And I don't remember if she had said that I had died from these wounds or that it had just been a very traumatic thing. I don't really remember the details beyond that, but I definitely believe that, again, it's that wheel and that loop that we're trying to close. So if there's something that isn't processed, I feel like our soul finds ways to process it and heal it in a very complex and multi -dimensional way.

So this, for whatever reason, maybe my soul said, okay, well, this is the lifetime as Eliza that creates the perfect conditions for her to finish that cycle of energy in a way that it doesn't interfere with the other soul work that she's doing, right? So in this case, right, it was a soccer injury. Relatively, you know, I got out unscathed. I didn't lose my leg, thank God. And...

you know, just cause my scar was tingly and I've had to really do a lot of energy work to make it less sensitive. And now it's a lot less sensitive than it used to be. But I really feel like it closed the loop for me.

christine (34:48)
So just as a side note with the scars, like any scarring you have on your body, so where you have a lot of scarring, the energy flow can be a little bit blocked, right? Because especially if they're big, deep scars. So something that can help get the flow of energy moving better, castor oil. So just rubbing daily castor oil on scars can help with the energy flow so that it's not...

I think would help with that sensitivity because part of that is just the energy around there is still really active and like discordant.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (35:26)
Yeah, that's a great tip.

christine (35:28)
Thank you for sharing that story. That is super, I did not know that story. That is so interesting. And I just, I'm just going to say this really quickly. This is a whole topic, but it just goes to show that like, as we plan our life to come into like this incarnation being like being Eliza in your body right now, all of the people that you are destined to meet, that you have been, all of these experiences that.

So many of things that we think are random or chance or accidents, like that was an accident from playing soccer. But maybe it wasn't just an accident. Maybe it was something you really designed to have happen to be working with this huge multi -dimensional aspect of yourself. So that these things we think, it's bad luck or this thing happened, there's this higher wisdom at play, these higher forces at play that you could almost argue that nothing is by chance or accident, quite honestly.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (36:25)
On that topic, if you look at my life as a whole, so my life, I don't even know if you know this, but my life was really all about soccer until this injury happened when I was, I think like 12, but it really, I think happened when I was like, it started when I was 10. My dad has a theory that I was from this certain game and a cyst formed on my bone that ended up crushing the bone in half. And so.

And I don't feel pain localized. So it was a very strange thing. They thought I had asthma, but I couldn't run. And then finally another injury made me get an MRI and they discovered that I had this broken leg essentially and need to get surgery. Well, my whole life was really about soccer. Soccer was my everything. And then this injury took me out for like half a season or a whole season. I was on crutches for like three months and it really put a pause on my soccer career. And I never really got back.

to where I was. Had I not had this injury, I probably would have gone to college and played soccer. I mean, I'm like kind of patting my back, who knows? But that's really the trajectory at least that I would have probably wanted my life to go was to go on and play in college and then who knows beyond that, right? But so much of my soul's like growth and purpose and just where my soul really needed me was in New York City.

Had I gone on the soccer track, I probably would have gone to a more traditional university. I wouldn't have gone to NYU and my life would have looked completely different. Well, what my soul actually needed was to go to New York and have a lot of experiences that have really been my greatest gift in life. And this injury, I totally believe I had agreed to it ahead of time. And it really shifted the course of my life. Again, we don't know.

if I would have ended up making those sort of college teams or not, but I definitely see where the shift happened. And I believe that it was perfectly planned, that only ourselves could have planned it that way.

christine (38:29)
I mean, it almost sounds like a correction in a way, even though it was an accident, right? An injury, you had to have surgery. A course corrected you towards something different. I love that story. Okay, so this is my favorite, favorite, favorite all time past life story. So again, I'm gonna take you on a little bit of a journey. You're gonna have to buckle up for a minute and to hear the story. If you haven't heard it before, Eliza knows the story a little bit.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (38:38)

christine (38:58)
But this story and the book, I couldn't recommend this book more. I loved it. I wish I had it here to show you the cover, but I gave it away, I'm sure. It's called Omseti. And I want to get, yeah, Omseti's Egypt by Hani Elzani, or Dr. Hani Elzani and Catherine Dees wrote this particular book. There are, I think, two or three books written about her, and she wrote her own books.

on her own. So this is how the story goes. And what I love about this story is there are so many, like the cast of characters in this story is so big. There are, there are so many researchers, Egyptologists that were involved with her throughout her life. And so there's a lot of stories about her. So here goes. This little girl.

was born in London and so date she was born. She was born in 1904. She died in a very holy city called, well, it's a temple, Abydos in 1981. That's her time span of when she lived. She was an only child. She was born to like a middle -class family. Her father was a tailor, mother was a homemaker, and one day when she was three years old.

They had stairs in their house. She fell down the stairs. And they, she was unconscious. So they got the doctor, the doctor came over and pronounced her dead. And of course it's their only child. They are like so upset. The doctor is saying, I'm so sorry. I'm going to take her. I'm going to put her on her bed. We're going to come back. I'm going to come back in an hour. I'm going to come back with a nurse to like collect her. and like get her ready.

and bring her death certificate. So the parents are downstairs crying. They're so distraught. And an hour later, the doctor comes back. And he comes back. And as they walk upstairs into the room where she is, they hear this noise. And they walk in. And she's playing in there like nothing's happened. And the dad is like, of course, everyone's so excited. But the dad's like, well, why did you put us through that? Like, that was like the worst thing that's ever happened to us. And the doctor had no explanation. Like,

She like, he tested her heart, like she was dead and she's up playing in her room. The only thing like she didn't seem to have any injuries, no broken bones, nothing. The only thing that was different was she has very strange foreign accent. And so, which is called foreign accent syndrome. I mean, we've talked a little bit about that before. So she has, like they can't even place the foreign accent. It's a super weird foreign accent that she's talking with. And so.

Once that happened, she became obsessed with saying, I wanna go home. I wanna go home. And now she's an only child, parents like pride and joy. And they're like, you are home. This is like, this your home. No, I wanna go home. This isn't my home. You're not my people. And like, you're not my people. And I wanna go home. I wanna go home. So, and then she's little. She's three, three and four. And she's, and they don't like, okay, she's hit her head. She's like,

We don't know what to make. No one knew what to do about this, but she was really insistent, really regularly about, I want to go home. So the family ends up taking this day trip to the British Museum. So they go to the British Museum. And she's whatever, a four -year -old walking around, not looking at art, not super interested. They're going through the exhibits, and they finally get to the Egyptian exhibit at the British Museum.

And she goes crazy. She like drops her mom's hand. She starts racing through the exhibit. She's like trying to kiss the feet of the statues. And her parents are horrified. Like what, what is she doing? What is going on? They're so confused. And she's telling, these are my people. These are my people. These are my people. She did not want to leave. She's like, just leave me here. Go, you go, leave me here. She just wanted to stay with the statues.

and the British Museum.

And so they finally got her out of there. They said, listen, we will come back. We promise you, we will bring you back. But you can't stay here. So they get her home. And that begins this whole true obsession. Everything in her life from this point on is based around Egypt. So a few months later, her dad said, she would love this Egyptian thing. So he brings home a magazine. And it had some features and articles about Egypt.

And so she gets very excited. She's looking through it. And she's, one of the things she had been dreaming is she would have these dreams. And she would wake up talking about these dreams of this place that had these beautiful gardens. It's like, I want to go to my home. It's where the gardens are. She was like, I want to go back to where the gardens and this place. So there's a picture of Abydos. She's like, that's my home. That's my home. But she's really confused because she's like, where are the gardens? Because when you look at pictures of Egypt today, it looks.

just sand and these ruins. I think it looked very different back in the day. I think it was more lush. And so she was really confused looking at these pictures. And then there was a picture of a mummy of Seti the first. And she said, I know him and he's a really good man. So.

Fast forward, I'm gonna try to just not take too long and hit the high notes. When she was pretty young, right after school, she would like go straight to the British Museum. She would just try to get out of class and go to the British Museum. But she just wanted to be with the statues and the artifacts. And there was an Egyptologist who worked there. His name was like CS or something, Budge. And he noticed this little girl.

who would not like would just come and just stay there. And so finally, he said to her, listen, I will he took an interest in her. And she was she was like really inquisitive, really bright. And so he started teaching her kind of some basic hieroglyphics. And he was astounded how quickly she learned. Like this was not tough. Like she just picked it up. Like she she got it so fast. So she also when she was a little girl. she.

I'm going to fast backtrack in a second. She also, when she was a teenager, she joined this theater group. And she would play out the story of ISIS and Osiris. So that was her, these plays she would put on. It was all ancient Egypt. But she also had this period where she would wake up screaming too, aside from just, I want to go home. And she had, there was these nightmares. And then she started talking about being these visitations. That.

the mummy of Seddy the first was coming to her. And she would talk about these like Seddy's coming here, Seddy's with me. Parents thought, we don't know. She kind of went in and out at the time they were called sanatoriums. You were having some real mental struggles and you were sort of committed for a period of time. So as a young adult or late teen, I think she said sort of these visitations.

Maybe started at about 15 or younger. I can't remember. But she wasn't scared of him, but she would just, it was just like, she would wake, she would just have these night terrors also. Anyhow, so she was having this period of, of where psychiatrists were involved and she would have these, you know, stays, but she was really lucid and really cognizant. She just had this, these memories and these stories. And she started waking up.

And this didn't come out until later. She would have this period between sleep and wake where she would channel. And she channeled a 70 page manuscript. Like this information flowed through her and it told the story of this young priestess. And so I forget the name, there was like a being who came through, it was like Horah, or it wasn't Horah, I think it was like.

horror, told her the story that she wrote down. And the story goes like this, is that like 3000 years ago, she was this little girl and her name was like Bent Sharat or something, I can't pronounce it. And when she was three, her mother died, her father was in the military for study the first, and her mother like sold vegetables, her mother died, and he needed to go off to do something and

So he took her to a temple because he, I guess he didn't have family that could take care of her. So he took her to a temple where they would take care of her and they took beautiful care of her. And when she was 12, and it was this temple was I think dedicated to Isis. When she was 12, she was given the choice. You can go out and you can leave and go and like live a life or you can stay here. But if you stay here,

then you have to commit to Isis and be like a temple virgin. And she loved it there. And so she said, no, I'll stay here and I will commit my life to Isis and I'll be a temple virgin. So when she was 14, she in the gardens, Seti the first comes to visit this Pharaoh, sees her and they begin this affair. And she ends up getting pregnant and...

when it became obvious that she was pregnant, one of the priests, no one knew that she was having this affair with a pharaoh. And he would sort of come and go from different places.

that she knew she was going to go to trial. She had committed, like, this was a grievous crime. This was a huge, huge, huge deal. So this was considered a crime against ISIS. And she was like, I knew that she said she knew that she would be killed. And then it would implicate Sedi the first. So she took her own life. And then the story was that when Sedi came and found out she had taken her own life, he was devastated. He never...

This is all according to this channel manuscript. He never returned to Abydos again after that. So that's this story that she believed was her past life. And she had these like incredible memories of what it meant to like how you worship. Like you shouldn't wear shoes in the temple. Like you should kiss the statue's feet. All of these things that you were supposed to do. Like she remembered hymns and songs and she was very, and then she sort of got kicked out of.

church because she would talk about Egypt and do this compete like, no, you're not welcome back in Sunday school because she was always talking about like some of the songs she likes as it kind of reminded her of some of the hymns that they would sing. But then she would say, well, really, it should be like this. And they're like, no, you are so disruptive. You are not welcome here anymore. I kicked out of church. OK, so she has these memories. She's convinced that she is this reincarnation of this ancient priestess. And.

All she wants to do is go to Abydos. So now she's in her 20s and there's a position that opens up for this Egyptian magazine. And she gets this, it's published in London. She gets this job and she takes this job and ends up meeting this man who's Egyptian. He's a student. And they kind of fall in love. They decide to get married.

And she's so excited because she's like, let's go live in Cairo, where my family is. And they were sort of well off and she couldn't wait. All she wanted to do was move to Egypt. So she never stepped foot out of, she never left Egypt again. She goes to Cairo. She never, ever, ever wants to leave, has no desire to leave. She gets married and very quickly gets pregnant. The marriage only lasted for two years because as she's in Egypt now,

It's even more like the memories are even more coming back. She's and she's really like talks about these. she names her little boy that she has, Setti the first or Setti, which the family didn't love. They're like, why are you naming him after this Pharaoh? Like, that's really weird. She was insistent, like that's his name. So they get divorced, but and she starts having physical visitations from this Pharaoh.

I didn't know this sounds so wild. And all this information was written in her journals. And these journals, so remember the person who wrote this book, Dr. Hany Elzani became a very close friend of hers. He's an archeologist, Egyptologist, became very close friends. She shared these stories with him. She let him read her journals. And the reason you would think, well, this is craziness. So,

I want you to know this piece of it, like the story she's telling, she was able to direct archaeologists, direct Egyptologists to hidden places in Egypt for them to go and dig. Like she is the person who in Abydos, they didn't know there were these gardens. She's like, dig here, you'll find them. And so she ended up when, so she had this knowledge of ancient Egypt, Zahi Hawass, who,

I believe to this day is the head of antiquities for Egypt. I think he wrote the foreword in that book. He talks about her and he said, like, look, I don't know if the story is real or not, but it's sure like a great tale. And he has said, she understood hieroglyphics better than most, which is a big statement coming from the head of antiquities. She just had this natural knowing and ability. So she would tell these Egyptologists.

places to look for certain things. And she had this uncanny, incredible ability to find things in Egypt and tell stories of, like, she understood ancient Egypt, and she would kind of bring to life this ancient Egyptian quality into current archeology as they were studying these hieroglyphs they would discover. So she had left her husband. She went and got, she was the first woman.

who was employed by the Department of Antiquities in Egypt. That's a big deal. And she was not even Egyptian, this British woman. She is now working at the Great Pyramids. She becomes like a drafts person for this other archaeologist, spends many years there, but she has these visitations that she talks about from this pharaoh. And he materializes.

in like human form and they have liaisons and she talks about these experiences that she has with this like this ancient love that never died and he comes to a point when he tells her so he visits her he said okay like now we have to make amends I can still come and visit you but like there can be no more like liaisons between us because now we have to

Now what needs to happen to like right this wrong from this past life is what needs to happen is you are going to like that needs to end between us. We'll meet up again in the next world. But you will have to go back to Abydos and essentially be the caretaker of Abydos. And which she was thrilled with because it's all she ever wanted to do was live in Abydos.

At some point you will go back there and that's going to heal this like this you know insult to ISIS that they committed. I mean a little unfair that she has to do it but we don't know him from his own. So she ends up getting a job in 1952. She gets a job being a drafts person for Abydos.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (55:35)
That is how it always works out.

christine (55:49)
And she goes and she lives essentially in like a mud and straw hut, which she's thrilled with outside of Abydos. And like researchers, scientists flock to her because she has this just incredible knowledge of Egypt. And they ask her opinion, they ask her advice about...

Like where to look for things, what does this mean? Like she was such, which is why there are so many books and stories about her because she became this library of information regarding ancient Egypt. Like no one, even the Egyptians did not have this understanding, these memories, this like knowing this, this intuition that she had about like how to interpret certain things. Like she was just, she was incredible. She'd lived there for 30 years.

Is that right? She's 81, so almost 30 years. And she was the guardian of Abydos. And she ended up being buried there, which is like a really rare privilege. Abydos in ancient Egypt was considered sort of this very holy, sacred place. So to be buried there, that she got permission and they did honor that, was a really big deal. So that is the story of Om Sedi, who in her...

forbidden love with a pharaoh.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (57:12)
What an amazing story. I have to read these books now. I'm so fascinated and just kind of in awe. And so thank you, Christine, for sharing. What a great story.

christine (57:23)
You are welcome. So a few stories that talk about the case for reincarnation, which is such an interesting topic. So there are some other things that, if you're interested in this concept of re - there are other books that I think are interesting to read. We were talking about Dr. Brian Weiss, Same Soul, Many Bodies, is that right? And you read which one?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (57:46)
Many Lives, Many Masters was, so my background was in psychology and actually my childhood therapist told me to read this book. And yeah, so she, my childhood therapist, God bless her, she saved my life, like was my everything. And love her. Like if, if, if by magic she ever listens to this, I love you. Thank you. She, by the way, also, well, I won't actually share that. I'll share that with you all.

christine (57:55)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (58:17)
another great story about her. But she said to me at some point, she was like, you need to read this book, Eliza. And she was like, I really, I recommend that you read this book. So of course, you know, she's one of the few people that I listened to, I got the book, and it completely changed my life. Because it really was a bridge between psych and Western psychology and all of these kind of esoteric concepts and

just some Cliff Notes, Brian Weiss, it was, is, I think he's still alive. He is or was a hugely respected psychiatrist. I believe he's a psychiatrist. He was a psychologist or a psychiatrist. And hugely respected, like worked for all the IVs and the really respected hospitals. I'm butchering it, but anyways, he's very respected.

And he used hypnosis, which is something that is okayed by Western psychology to help people with phobias. And so he had this patient come in with some phobias and he was using hypnosis, which was pretty typical, but rather than her regressing into a state of being hypnotized and releasing this phobia that she had.

she started describing to him past lives and he was able to corroborate some of her stories. And then he started a practice that regressed thousands of people and they've been able to heal their trauma that was coming from past lives through re -experiencing those past lives from a 5D approach. So that's the Cliff Notes, but everyone should read the book. It changed my life and I've recommended it to hundreds of people over the years.

christine (1:00:07)
Yeah, I don't know if I've read all of them. I know I've read one or two of them. I can't remember. Another interesting place to look is Dolores Cannon. And Dolores Cannon is also using hypnotherapy. Her technique is called quantum hypnosis healing technique. I'm actually currently studying it right now. I'm always like dabbling in something. It's really, really fascinating. I was online watching one of her.

classes last night and what I found really interesting, like with this subject that she was working with, is that, so what happens is you go, like she takes you in, your over soul kind of takes you into the past life that is most important, the highest priority for you that will, I think, bring the most healing. So like you end up being shown that particular past life. And if it sounds really confusing, I've had it done to me, it wasn't quite,

What I expected, I expected when I had it done that I would be totally out and I would be like, my consciousness wouldn't be there and I would just get a recording of whatever I said. That wasn't the case at all. Your conscious mind is still involved, but it's like stepped aside a little bit. And you could almost think, am I making this up? Like that's how I felt when I was doing it. But then at the end, it all makes this past life and I don't wanna, I won't go into this past life that I was shown.

But you you can ask questions in After you see that life then the practitioner will say okay. Why did you why did like over soul? Why did you show this particular life? and then you'll get this information essentially like from your soul as to why that information from that life was shown and You can in that time there can be some healing so this session that I watched last night

The woman had these horrible bladder issues. She would get up like 20 times a night. She had all these physical symptoms. And while she was on the table, the oversole made corrections to help her physical body because some of these issues she was having was related to this past life. And according to, she says that those things held. I can't verify that. I don't know. I'm watching an instructional video about it. But it was.

super intriguing. And so you can, if you find a certified person, have these experiences where you can go into a past life. And there may even be some healing of different ailments through that practice. Although they could never say, we're going to heal this issue. There's no guarantees. And they would never put that in writing. But some interesting things can happen during the sessions.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (1:03:02)
Yeah, I want to sign up for one of your sessions, Christine. I told you this offline.

christine (1:03:06)
Yes, next time I see you, we'll see what happens. That'll be super fun to dive into. So I'd love to wrap it up just with a little bit of the why. Why would you want to explore this idea of past lives? Because some of these things are these like karmic issues that can arise. So for me, when I think about, I may have future lives. And so how am I living?

today to not create karma. I mean, of course you can't help being shot by an arrow in your leg. I mean, that's like, obviously you didn't want that to happen, but you can in your interpersonal experience with the people, how do you stay in right relationship with yourself and other people I think is helpful in not perpetuating that wheel of karma. And that's sort of a whole like other story about like how you would go about not.

adding fuel to those situations of having experiences where you're gonna have to unwind that life in another life. If that makes sense.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (1:04:17)
Definitely. And it just speaks to the multidimensionality of our human experience. If this past life could be affecting me presently in some way, and I could be affecting a future life in some way, it's a system that's all very much inner working for the soul to find oneness and completion. So it's super relevant to our why of why we are talking about all these amazing topics.

christine (1:04:45)
Okay, so that's so interesting what you just said. That just resonated so much of this multidimensionality of, if you think of our lives not as like we begin and end right here, but this line of lines in front of us and behind us and what we're doing right now is affecting that forward motion and the backward motion, right? We're having this effect forward and backwards. So that is like, that,

really feels very like true and right to me that that the decisions we make are not just for here right now it is this this very multi -dimensional multifaceted aspect of choices we make having this much broader reach within our soul's experience so

Eliza Aaron Cohen (1:05:38)
on that note.

christine (1:05:40)
Yes, and on that note, we'll end it up, but it also makes me think I have to add this last little piece in because I just think this is beautiful. So it makes me think about, OK, if we are going to come back to the Earth, if you're going to end up being back here, we want it to be a beautiful planet, right? So what I didn't know is this, is that we've heard about the seven generations principle from Native Americans. It came from the Iroquois Confederacy, written somewhere between 1142 and 1500.

So this Iroquois Confederacy is considered the oldest democracy on earth. I had no idea. I think it's amazing. So based on the Iroquois philosophy that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable future. It is said that a leader needs to make decisions that serve the needs of unborn voices seven generations into the future and help people in the present live with the tensions and conflicts that sometimes arise.

when the needs of future generations are not considered in the present. Leaders in this framework are responsible for keeping future needs firmly in focus and allowing those needs to shape our choices in the present. So I do think this element of being conscious about how we not only have these interpersonal relationships, but what is our relationship with the earth? Because we may be coming back here.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (1:07:01)
Absolutely. I think that that's a beautiful note to end on.

christine (1:07:05)
Thank you for being here. We'll see you next time.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (1:07:07)
We love you. Bye.