Arte da Inciampo

Welcome to ‘Stumbling in the Art’, the podcast that invites you to discover contemporary art in the heart of Foligno. Here, the works are not closed in a museum, but live in the open air, among the people, within everyone's reach. Walking around the city, every corner hides a work that invites us to reflect and rediscover the value of historical memory, with an ‘stumbling’ that stimulates our curiosity and awareness, making art an everyday experience.

What is Arte da Inciampo?

Benvenuti ad Arte da Inciampo, un podcast che trasforma l'arte contemporanea in un viaggio emozionante attraverso la città di Foligno. Questo progetto unisce passato e presente, bellezza e memoria, invitandovi a "inciampare" letteralmente in opere d'arte sparse per la città.

Welcome to Arte da Inciampo, a podcast that turns contemporary art into an exciting journey through the city of Foligno. This project combines past and present, beauty and memory, inviting you to literally ‘stumble’ into the works of art scattered around the city.

You will discover how nine outdoor art installations, accompanied by frames with interactive QR codes, offer engaging, accessible and thoughtful experiences. From the historical stories of the stumbling stones to the wonders of contemporary architecture, each episode will guide you through squares, historic buildings and art installations that speak of memory, peace and creativity.
Arte da Inciampo is not just a podcast, but an invitation to experience art in everyday life, to rediscover the bond between the city and its inhabitants, and to reflect on our relationship with beauty and history. Ready to stumble along with us?
Foligno is waiting for you!

Scoprirete come nove installazioni artistiche all'aperto, accompagnate da cornici con QR code interattivi, offrono esperienze coinvolgenti, accessibili e riflessive. Dai racconti storici delle pietre da inciampo alle meraviglie dell'architettura contemporanea, ogni episodio vi guiderà tra piazze, edifici storici e installazioni artistiche che parlano di memoria, pace e creatività.
Arte da Inciampo non è solo un podcast, ma un invito a vivere l’arte nella quotidianità, a riscoprire il legame tra la città e i suoi abitanti, e a riflettere sul nostro rapporto con la bellezza e la storia. Pronti a inciampare con noi?
Foligno vi aspetta!


Hear in Foligno, contemprary art is a life. It's part of the city itself you know. You find it a mong the local people, move in into everyday life. We wana introduce to it by leting you to pose and reflect. Even e feets just for a momento.


At the Any wall need to check for miles to seatheom. There close to ech other, and ech 1 stance on it's home. Infatti you can aprisce etm gradually. Bit by bit. Think of it as a prescription for your doctor, fra tega un momento riflect on what inspired us.


We're moved by stumbling stones. Tose tragic small memorials, scatter the cross citis in Italy and Europeed a commemorate the juish the Porties of World War due. Due. With stambling in the art. Contemporary art becomes a tool for remembering history, ma also for culture al eeling.


We believe the stories were about to share can sport profun reflection. So, let's get start. Ponigno è di only serie in Umbria design to the explorer by by e operson all-Road experience. Museum, charches, the stalk buildings, mountains e even the colfiodito Marshland. Ma da bove all!


Follinio celebrate It's residence deep apriscetion for beauty. All'hi have to do is wonder it streets and talk to the locals. There proud of there history and the un'aspettacted charm of their city. A charm full of contrasts and diversity. Some of it is easy the spot.


Ptsome is cleverly haden. Waiting to be discover just round the corner. Foligno is a new to great contemporanei art. Back in mille novecentosessantasette just as the culturel revolution was gain momentum, the city became the driving force byden extraward could lo spazio dell'immagine, the space of the image. This exebition was a turning point per contemporanei art in Italy.


Ed opend up a dialogue between artists and architects, sparking new ways of thinking about the relationship tra space e image. This blend of art, architecture and design s'omented for Linus histoc roll as a crossroads. Non c'è geografici ma also economici e culturali. Think a bada. The 2 Roman via Flaminia Roads mette in dissity.


A place were tradition and modernity co-esist in harmoni. Just look around you. This fusion is what stumbling in the art is all about. So, let's telf the story of the city through contemporanei art. Wool explore sculturas da shape di urban landscape, Buildings da house art and works da take over historic structures.


Like calamita cosmica, house in the former church of the annunziata, well also see buildings that art themselves works of art, like the libery huses and the church of San Paolo, the message share by this workers of art hard clear, They celebrit the power of memory and the desire for peace. By linking the past with the present. This works incoraggias to rethink our relationship with material positionons. The highlight resilits inspireus to nurture our Dreams and invitas to reflect, surround it by beauty. Craftd by contemporanei artists, housing e qr code.


This schan with your smartphone or tablet. No abs require. And you unlock more about the artwork. There something for everyone. Games, simple content for kids and adots and event theatricle performances.


Shale we begin, let's start della Repubblica. The city's Maine Square, home to the Cathedral, City Hall and Palazzo Trinci. There are for artworks right here. Perfect for exploit the historyc cenner through New eyes. What he woating for?


Let's divrite in. In this square, ones non as piazza grande. There's un artwork that tells the story of the begining of St. Frances's jeurney. It's here in Foligno, venen and important trading Hub, that Frances sold his horse and his finest fabrarics to restore the Little Church of San Damiano, nera Assisi.


The Peace wash commission by di Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno and design by architer architectors di natural gesture of St. Frances's Hands, offering fabbri, invitingos to reflect on simplicity, humility, at how much value we place on material positions. From here, let's follow the ancient via dei mercanti, nowvia Gramsci. Which stars right at piazza della repubblica. Just uno hun hun humet his piazza Don Minsoni.


A square that didn't always exest. This space was once home to palazzo rodati, destroid d'uning at airrate in marcia of '94. Fuori. In thislocation, but past and preset meat stand the first work of art by artist Ivan Teimer. The Memori of Human plane, locali non as la fontana delle tartarughe, Turlefeld.


This peace is attribute to the Victums of the bombing and to all cu sacrifised there lives for peace. It's a reminder of humani resilience and the importance of remembrits. The artwork offre several lairs of meaning. Stunning, travertine, our glass, simbolizzes the passege of time. Like the water that flow over it.


Pot also the persistence of memory, atked in stone and bronze, dispte the years. Slowly moving through this timeline are grece turtles, embodiing resilience and longeverity. At the base of the fattanm, the himscription, ognuno costruisce la vittoria della pace. Everyone builds the victure of peace, invites reflection. Surunningd is a freeze, illustrading some of the citysmmos point historical avents.


This include the Sacrifice of Colomba Antonietti during the defense of Roma in dieci:nove, the execution of pardesant francociti by fascists, the tragic fait of the tutti I family under nazzi brutality, the catastrofica bombing of mille novecentonovantatré da devesterere parte the city e the Earthquake of mille novecentonovantasette. Celebrite every June and zeptemmer. On the upperfluoor the building whisets Decretive Heart, a seriees of Fresh god Rooms. This feature biblical Stories, su Cus Abraham and Hacker, episots from the old and New Testaments and mitological sinds, come Aurora Chacing away the Night, simbolized by in old or the tail of orfies. Other rooms drah inspiration from Deliver.


The quintana itself is reenacment of historiche turnament dating back to seicentotrentanove. Tennax, rappresentiing the citys districts, computes for the


palio by spiaring 3 rings, hain on the arm of the stature of mars.


Hitch 1 the creestininsize. In is more than just a prize. It's a genuwin work of art. Over the years, Rinnound artist su Jaz Salvatore Fiume, Pietro Annigoni, Domenico Purificato, Remo Brindisi, Ugo Onespolo e Nicola Samurì. Have aelevared the giostra della quintana into 1 of Italy's rare control event to boost a Unique Collection of contemporanei art, Thanks to the Palios, theve designd.


This works will soon take center Stage in an impastable exbition. Broth to life, using coating at technology. Now, let's make are way back to piazza della Repubblica and hat down the Aposiet street, via Cavour. Witch leads to piazza Pierre Marini, named after follilinus Celebrited architect. Here, you fin'a notther Masterpiece by Ivan Teimer, Herculies.


Thisquare, like many others, has it on storyd atel. It was what's the side of the Apollo Theater, which was destroid d'intraing World World War II Bombings. In it's place, Iventhjmer honers the legacy of Foligno's great neoclassical architect, Pied Madini. Fames for designing Melans, teatro dalla scala and collaboraating with Van Vitelli on the Magnificent Royal Palace of Caserta. With Herculis.


Tymer presenta I powerful symbol of Perseverance and tenacity, blending met and historical memory. Whats again, he connecs the distant past, reasten history and the present, inviting as to reflect on how culture and creative help shape Cyfic awareness. Andher syet another incredibile work of art nearbye. Coast the now fames piazza della repubblica, divina matrice, bysauro cardinale. Il fined in the coriard Between palazzo Trinci and the central library.


Divina Matrice, dislocated in at place of historical and coltura signififiquent, un'area da plaid a key roll in uno a the most importd culturel revolution of the fiftinth century. This peace, interacts with palazzo Trinci. Who's frescould interiors tellf the story of the city's history and it's piveral role in spread umanistic thought. Visiting this artwork issure of be ourwarding experience. E pesi omaggio to 1 a Folignogno's greatest cultral achievements, the First Printed Edition of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.


The First Printed Edition of the Divine Comedy was created right-here in Foligno in Fuligno in Fuligno, Thanks to Johann Newmeister, a student of Johannes Gutenberg, with the help of evangelista Angelini and the Goldsmith and Engraver, emiliano Orfini, who craftd the movable type for the printing press. Movable type printing transformed the design comedy. Which until van had been manyally rit not by hand into something assessble to much waider audience. It mark the beginning of the polomes journey into mass circulation. Palazzo Orfini huses the printing museum, which preserves the original printing matrises and fitting centri edition.


Silent Wittnessesd the historiche indetoric and evert plased fodigno at the heart of renaissance Culture. Cardinali scultura and the first printed Edition the Divine Comedy both explorer themes of Infinity, human Origins e Destiny. Together. They Delf into the concept of the matrix, the source of all creation, Hands, the title of the work. Bot in Foligno: contemporary at




A un remarkable exemple of Atin centur architecture Designd by Carlo Murena, a student of Luigi Vanvitelli. OR the centuries. This building has had many lives. Left incomplete e became a gran airy, then a military Berex e even a vehicle repair garage. After the '9tin e 'novantaquake, the church was beautiful restored a now hostess temper a now hostess temper a now hostess temperari exsis, conferences and cultual events.


The Real Marvel, Love, Lies within. Gino de Dominic is Perminent Installation, calamita cosmica. This monumental White Scheleten stretches an'astonishing tunifors, the Dominicis's work is steeped in Philosofacal Cosmic and Spiritual Meaning. The Title Calamità Cosmic Manecting suggestis a Manectic Force Connecting Humanity to the Universe. It's a reflection on the mysteres of life and Death as well as Infinity and Eternity.


The Skeleten, with it's comicly long-nose, invites not just profun thought, ma al suo a touch of humour. Watch your step, you mit littley stamble pony. Than thir's CAC, The Italian Center for contemporary art, then thers ciak, The Italian Center for contemporary art, which seeamusty blendus ancin history with coating edge contemporanei art. Nessle between the Medieval Apps of the Church of San Francesco and the Art Nouveau buildings a via del Campanile, Chuck rappresents the commendation of Foligno's dedication to Artistic innovation, a jurney that begin in mille novecentosessanta. Chuck is a hub for some of the most for thinking artistic expressions, making it a vibrante meeting place for scolars, criticas and art entusiasts.


The building itself is a masterpiece. Once a direy and later a post-offest, it now stant as a corrent steel cuboid, defined by cleanst lines. It has no windows and spands 3 floor's, drawing light from a central skylight. Design by the renawind architects Massimiliano Fuxas e Doriana Mandrelli Fuxas. This charch has become I powerful symbol of rebirth for the community of Foligno, which was badly effected by the earthquake.


It stands as a becken of hope and renual, a perfect example of how contemporary architecture can reinterpret sacret spaces, challenging traditional catolic designs walt preserving der symbolic and spiritual depth. The architects have create a space da inspirires reflection, preyer and introspection, through the use of clean geometrici forms and minimal materials. From the outside: the church of San Paolo immediately stanz out. It's ccubic form with it simple and precise edges, coin waze assence of monumentalty and stringth. The Cube It Self ecos the design of early Christian Churces, which offen feature square or centralize plants.


The space is bright and open. Carefuly control natural light filters in, creating in intimit halmost mistical atmosfera da evoks the design. The stark white walls enhance this effect. Empofin the light and sense of serenità. The cross doesn't follow Cathlic tradition.


It's up placed abuld hangs on 1 of the side walls. It's minimalius designs piks to a fath stripd of anessary ornementation, foccing on its essence. The stamble pon the final 2 artworks on our journey. This works, located at header and the Avenue, gui tu to 1 the cityst finest examples of stile liberty or art nouveau architecture. This district, ones home to the citys bulzuazy and welfiest families, stanz as a testamet to Foolignos early tuniet century urben and architecture development.


A time quando the city bekeme il vital economic and commercial hub. Between the late 'milletinte and early twenet centuries stile liberty florished as the damenent architectual style for new resident Building. It's homemark flowing lines and florol decorations can be see throughth this naberhood, in the intrakit rot iron balcanies di arcted windows adorn with Artistic glass and even in the original tiles and embelishments. Every detale is inspired night, featuring fluorol motives and stylised figures that express al lonking for beauty and harmany. This Buildings, design di engineer Felice Sabatini with the elegin and refine decorations, whats meat this naberhood a papular spot for lisurey strones, a citizens came to with mireat charm, ont'll the incress and traffic change the way was experience.


E now, we wereach the end of this fantastical journey. So, what you waiting for? Put on your walking shoes and get ready to stamble pon pon art and beauty. Welcome to Foligno.